Reading Kernel Source Code - Analysis of an Exploit

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In the previous video I showcased a proof  of concept root exploit against Serenity OS.   A bit of an obscure operating system. But at  the end of that video I shared a few thoughts   why I think looking into Serenity  OS, and this particular exploit,   is NOT a waste of your time, and I  want to expand on this with this video. To prove a point, I want to give you an example  of how the SerenityOS Kernel and the Linux kernel   relate to each other. And we do that by looking  at Ptrace. Ptrace is a syscall that basically   implements the features for debugging another  process. GDB, the gnu DEBUGGER, OBVIOUSLY uses   ptrace so you can interact with another process.  Specifically you can call ptrace(PT_ATTACH), to   attach a debugger, or tracer, to a process, with  PT_PEEK you can read memory from a target process,   with PT_POKE you can write memory. And with  PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, you can single step in   a process. As I mentioned, it’s the syscall to  implement typical debug features like in GDB. Now   that you know what ptrace does, let’s compare the  PTRACE syscall source code of Linux and Serenity. In the excellent Linux source code browser elixir,  we can search for ptrace and then look out for a   file that looks promising. You could click through  some of the other files, but this one looks most   promising. A /kernel/ptrace.c file. Alright! Now let’s go find the ptrace implementation in   SerenityOS. Just FYI, I’m here on the commit  where the vulnerability was still present.   So code might have changed in the latest version. Here we simply search for “ptrace”.   And it turns out in the folder  Kernel, there is a Ptrace.cpp file.But   there is also a Kernel/Syscalls/ptrace.cpp file.  So let’s look at the latter first. And here we can   find a very short function, sys$ptrace, which  very quickly calls Ptrace::handle_syscall.   When we now checkout the other ptrace.cpp file,  we can actually find that handle function.  So here seems to be the actual  implementation of ptrace. Now let’s compare Linux and SerenityOS. Linux’s implementation starts by checking   if the request parameter is PTRACE_TRACEME, and  SerenityOS ALSO has a check of PT_TRACE_ME…. But….   OMG…. why the heck does SerenityOS have another  underscore here. I think I changed my mind about   Serenity. Literally Unusable. Serenity is garbage. Just kidding. But you can see the code is similar,   but different. On Linux, in this case, it  calls ptrace_trace() and if that doesn’t return   successfully it will call arch_ptrace_attach  instead. Otherwise it will return via this goto.  And this function ptrace_traceme has a check if  we are currently being traced. And Serenity has   that check too. If the current process has  a tracer already attached we return EBusy!  Though it looks like Linux returns EPERM. So  a permission error. And the Linux man page   also says that EPERM might be returned  if the process is already being traced.  So as you can see, slightly different  implementation of the basically same thing.  Now if we look further in the code we see that  in SerenityOS we start to have various checks.   For example it ensures that the requested ptrace  process id is not the ID of the current calling   process. Or it also has the setuid check  to prevent you from tracing a root program.  And here it ensures that the requested process is  already traced. And traced by our calling process.   Meaning that our calling  process called PT_ATTACH before.  And here is the Linux equivalent. Linux  calls this function ptrace_check_attach,   where it checks if the requested child to attach  to is already being traced and if the our current   process is the parent of the tracee. Totally similar.  But let’s go on with the Linux code of the  ptrace syscall. Because we eventually call   an architecture specific ptrace implementation.  When we click on it and look for references,   we see that there is a x86, so intel version,  there is an ARM version and TONS of other   processor architectures. That’s the mess  you have to deal with Linux. Linux supports   so many different architectures, and the lower  level you get, the more architecture specific code   you need to implement. Serenity does not support  different architectures, but that also makes it so   much easier to read for educational purposes. Now let’s look into the Linux x86 version.   Here you can see a big switch case statement  that checks which PTRACE functionality you want.   Pretty much the same way how Serenity  has here a switch case statement.  I mean, I think I showed enough. We  could go on and on comparing their code.  As you can see the code looks different.  The way stuff is implemented is different.   But it’s essentially the SAME FUNCTIONALITY. So, I believe, if you understand  Serenity Operating System INTERNALS,   You WILL also understand Linux internals. Or  at least will understand them much quicker,   because you already can imagine how  something could be implemented. And knowing   “how something could be implemented”  is an extremely powerful skill when   doing hacking or research. That’s why I always  recommend learning to program. Or reading code.  So SerenityOS is not wasted time. SerenityOS is an  amazing learning resource and you can have so much   fun playing and poking around the kernel sources.  And please NEVER think that a “toy project”   is a waste of time. You can grow your skills  MASSIVELY being involved in something like this. And so what do we do now? We look into the  SerenityOS Kernel source code to understand   better the exploit we looked  at in the previous video. So this hxp wisdom2 exploit from the original  challenge author, abused a race condition   where an unprivileged process could actually  modify the code of a setuid binary in memory.   But it’s a race condition, so  to have a successful exploit,   this was only possible within a small window  of time just when the new process was loaded. To understand the root cause of the vulnerability,   we have to look into the Kernel code of the  ptrace and execve syscall. Ptrace was used   to write into the other process’s memory, and  execve was used to load the victim setuid binary. Okay, so you already saw a bit of the ptrace  code before. But let’s look at it again because   last time the purpose was just to compare it to  Linux. NOW we read the code with the purpose to   understand the vulnerability. So when you read  code, you might want to read it differently,   depending on your goal. Sometimes you can ignore  parts if they are irrelevant to your goal.   Anyway. when you start reading here, you might  find something very important near the start of   this function, it checks if the target process  is a setuid process. And if that’s the case the   syscall returns with an access error. This  is interesting because this looks safe! This   looks like it should prevent anybody from using  ptrace to change the memory of a setuid binary.  Mh! So I guess we should check the SECOND   part, how does execve execute a setuid program? Because ptrace had it’s own file, maybe execve   has too, so we can use GitHub’s “Go to File”  feature to search for execve. And we can find   a execve.cpp file in Kernel/syscalls/. Cool! In there we can find a function that has a   similar pattern like the ptrace syscall  function. Here is a sys$execve function.   As I mentioned, I’m reading this code with the  purpose of understanding the vulnerability.   So right now I’m just skimming over the code,  looking for any serious/important function call   related to this. We seem to copy around a lot of  the parameters used for execve. But nothing more.   and at the end we see a call to the function  exec(). Let’s follow that. Here it is!  First we seem to open the program we try to  execute. And then we check if we try to exec   a shell script with a shebang at the start, or  if we have an actual ELF binary. In the case   of our exploit where we executed the setuid  binary passwd, we should be in here. And this   seems to eventually call do_exec(). Follow that  as well. I’m still just skimming the code here,   not really reading it. I’m kinda just looking  out for function calls that could be important   or related to the vulnerability. And all of that  sounds uninteresting. Like, we don’t really care   about the absolute path of the binary, or  the stack size, or if profiling was enabled.  But eventually we can find here a function  load(). With this related error message “do_exec:   Failed to load main program or interpreter”.  So this seems to load the binary to execute.   And that sounds like one of the  important functions we DO care about. Mhmh…. Keep that load function in mind. If we skim more of the code, we see here   that the effective uid and effective group id  is modified. Those variables are prefixed with   m to indicate they are member variables of  the current process object - so the currently   running process that called execve. And now here  we check that the new program is a setuid program,   and we change the effective uid  accordingly. Setting it to root. And that’s it. Do you notice  the vulnerability here?   If not, pause the video and think about  this code for a moment. 3,2,1. Ok. We loaded the new program into memory. And  then afterwards changed the effective uid of   the process. Remember how PTRACE checks  if you are allowed to modify the memory   of a process. It checks the effective uid  to prevent tracing of setuid binaries. But   the new program was already loaded before  the euid was updated. So here is the race   condition. If we can PTRACE and modify the  memory, write malicious shellcode into it,   right after the setuid binary is loaded, but  BEFORE we update the euid, then it would work. Now that we identified a potential vulnerability,   we can think about a strategy to exploit it.  And because it looks like race-condition,   which means it might be unreliable as it has to  happen in this small window. We could try to find   a way to increase the time window. So let’s go  hunting. Basically NOW you want to actually look   at every single code line and function that is  executed in this window - and think about ways   to make the code run slower. Typical targets  are of course things such as loops. If you can   make a loop have more iterations, you will have  a larger time window. And look at this line here.  unveiled_paths.clear(). Unveiled_paths is  also a member variable, so we can check the   Process.h header file to figure out the type.  And it is a vector of UnveiledPaths objects.   And Vector is a standard c++ class and so we can  lookup some information about the clear() method.   And according to this C++ reference, the  complexity is linear to the size. So the amount   of elements in that vector, or list. Complexity  refers to the time complexity. So the clear()   function runs longer, the more elements are in  the list. Which means! We might have found a great   candidate to slow down the race condition window. And do you remember the cliff-hanger from the last   video? remember the tens of thousands of paths  that were unveiled by the exploit code. Now   you know why. We wanted to make the size of this  vector super large, so that the code runs longer. Cool! Now we understood the  vulnerability. What could we do next?  Should we try to find a similar vulnerability?  Maybe there is another race condition.   And actually when I read over this code, I  noticed this here “kill_threads_except_self()”.   As you know, when we call execve, to execute a  setuid binary, our process is of course running.   So our threads are still running. And I thought.  WAIT! “Kill_threads_except_self”. If we kill all   threads after we LOADED the binary, couldn’t we  create a similar exploit? Instead of using ptrace   to overwrite the new loaded code, we just  write the memory from another thread running in   parallel? I got super excited, I thought now I’m  also a cool hacker who can find a kernel exploit.  But my joy was short… I eventually saw the code  right before the load, where it says: “Mark this   thread as the current thread that does exec”. Crap….  But on the other hand I wasn’t sure why this would  prevent other threads from running. I haven’t   looked into the Scheduler code of SerenityOS, so I  don’t know why this should prevent it. So we have   a choice now, how to deal with this uncertainty. First, we can just believe this comment,   OR two, we can try to read the scheduler code,  OR THREE, we could do a small experiment.   Because I’m not super good in reading and  understanding low level code like the scheduler,   AND I wanted to believe I could find a  vulnerability, I decided to do an experiment. Let’s create a hax.cpp program for that, which I  place into the Userland folder. Here is a minimal   main() method, simply printing a string. Btw I  have setup serenityOS development environment   in a Ubuntu VM. To start Serenity and then run my  program, I simply call the ninja or make commands   to build Serenity. And just a moment later a Qemu  window will open, booting Serenity, and give us a   shell. And now we can execute hax. Cool! So. I want to figure out if a  thread can still be scheduled   after the load() of the new binary. And we can  detect that, kind of the same way how the exploit   did it. By simply writing a sentinel value to the  entry point, and then keep checking that value.  So how do we create a thread? I don’t remember,  so I googled “C create thread”, I found a website   which said the function is “pthread_create”,  which I hope Serenity also has. Because I like   copy&pasting code I simply search the Serenity  sources for other Userland programs using it.  And with that code inspiration,  I wrote my own test.  Here it is. And please excuse my ugly code. First I fork into a child and parent. The child   gets the process ID of the parent, attaches  to the parent, changes the entry address to   a sentinel value. And then detaches again.  It’s just there to modify the entry point.   The reason why I have to use Ptrace to change  that memory, instead of just writing it directly,   is that the entry point is mapped READ and EXECUTE  only. And NOT writable. And I can’t call mprotect   on this memory area to change the permissions  and make it writeable, because the mprotect   syscall only works on memory ranges that were  previously mmapped. And not just loaded through   the ELF loader. At least that’s how I understood  the code. Figuring this out was frustrating and   took me hours reading more kernel code…. Urgh…  anyway… “KIDS! Read kernel code. It’s fun.”  ANNNYWAY. The parent then creates a thread  and simply reads the value of the entry   point in a loop. While the main thread of  the parent simply execve’s a setuid binary. Here is how it looks when executing. This is the original value at the   entry point. Then we ptrace from the child  and change it to 0x41414141. And then we   have the thread just reading that value  all the time and we exec in parallel.   If my idea for an attack would work, and the  scheduler would still schedule this thread, then   we might read the new loaded entry point again. And to artificially help my experiment, I added   a few useless loops right into the kernel  code where I expected the race condition.   Of course on a real target kernel this wouldn’t  be the case, but just to confirm that this   race condition could work, we can do that. But no matter how often I execute this test.   Even with an extreme slow-down from my  modified kernel It NEVER works. I did   run into several Page Fault errors. Which  I can’t explain. But the experiment failed.  Though I would still like to understand why  this line works, why this blocks threads from   executing, and so I use a secret OPTION 4, the  cheat code, asking Andreas Kling the developer   directly. WHY does the scheduler  not execute this thread anymore?! <Andreas> So the exec_tid is the thread ID of a thread  in the current process, that is attempting to   perform an exec. And we use that to prevent any  other threads from the same process from getting   scheduled from the kernel, while an exec is in  progress. Because if we were to schedule any other   thread in this process, AFTER we have started  messing with the memory layout of this process,   then that or the other thread will get very  very confused when its code is not where it   supposed to be. So the mechanism is very simple.  When we enter into exec here, we simply assign   the current thread id to m_exec_tid and then  the Scheduler, whenever it is picking which   thread to schedule next, it checks if  the process of the candidate thread   has an exec_tid set, then we will not  schedule any other thread in that process.   EXCEPT, the exec_tid thread. So right  here you can see, we look through the   list of threads that are candidates for  execution, and we skip over any threads   that are not the exec_tid thread in a process,  that has an exec_tid. I hope that makes sense. Oh… ok this was pretty easy. To be honest, I was  kinda scared of reading the scheduler code myself.   That sounded super complex to me. But I think  Andreas just showed again HOW readable serenityOS   kernel code is. I’m a HUUUGE fan of reading  source code to understand systems better.   But the Linux Kernel code can be very complicated.  Especially when you have never done it before.   This c++ code and low-level cpu stuff is not easy  for beginners either, but easier than Linux. And   learning and reading code is always a very slow  progression. So don’t be scared to read code,   and don’t worry if you don’t understand it.  You can always come back to it in a few months,   and maybe you learned enough to give it another  go. Nobody is learning this stuff over a weekend. Anyway, I thought that was interesting.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 93,724
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Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial
Id: oIAP1_NrSbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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