Reading books for 24 hours straight // 24 hour readathon vlog 2020: I read 1000 pages in 24 hours?!

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i love this man with my entire heart oh my god i am so freaking tired i don't even know how many hours we're into the read-a-thon now hey y'all my name is merritt welcome to welcome back to my channel today we are going to be doing a 24-hour readathon reading vlog so i am so excited but also very nervous so i'm actually starting this readathon tomorrow it is currently december 2nd and i wanted to go ahead and film this intro clip so that i do not waste any time tomorrow that i could be spending reading on vlogging and also i'm wearing makeup right now and i thought it would be best to start this video off not looking terrifying so you're welcome so i'm just going to talk you guys through what i'm going to be hopefully reading in the next 24 hours that you guys are going to be watching and i'm very nervous because i have a hefty stack here but i honestly don't know how many books are like acceptable for a 24-hour read-a-thon we're just gonna go go big or go home am i right ladies we're gonna go big hopefully not home and without further ado here's my here's my tbr for this for this vlog you guys are gonna be so proud of me because i'm actually trying to get through my end of year tbr so all of these books on this list are books that i said i needed to get to in my end of the year book tag so first and foremost we're going to talk about the book that i'm currently reading which is scythe can you guys believe it can you believe that i picked this book up and i've started reading it with my eyeballs because i cannot i am currently 212 pages into this book so i am planning on reading some tonight i might get to like page 300 and hopefully i'll be able to finish this tomorrow and then guys you can stop yelling at me you can stop yelling at me because guess what i'm going to do tomorrow guess what i'm going to read daughter of smoke and bone by laini taylor i need like q clapping right now and cheering and kids screaming yay because like i know you guys are so freaking tired of me saying i'm gonna read daughter of smoke and bone i'm gonna read daughter of smoke and bone please yell at me it's read daughter smoke and bone this is a book that i have committed to reading by the end of the year so hopefully this happens if i don't read this by the end of the year literally cancel me like tell me to read this i am taking accountability here you guys and i am going to finally read daughter smoke and bone i just i can't believe it i am so excited also i realized that i didn't tell you guys book summaries for any of these you're welcome i will tell you guys when i actually read them i feel like that's a fair compromise and then the third book that i'm hoping to get to is britt marie was here by frederick bachman because i said that i was going to read his entire backlist by the end of the year so hopefully i'm not a liar and hopefully i can get that done and read this book i feel like i should pick one more book so i think that if i do end up picking up another book it will be the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan because i do actually need to read this for the percy jackson read-along but i feel like i can still vlog about it and make it interesting because i'm not doing a specific video for this so yeah there we go this is our tbr for now i don't know if this is ambitious i don't know if this isn't enough i don't know how people read it for 24 hours straight but we're gonna try it i am going to be sleeping just so we are clear here i need sleep to function so we are going to be doing that but i'll check in with you guys tomorrow when this readathon actually starts also doing this with reagan from mary reads naima from niamh's reads claire from unclearly claire and laura from laura's library card so i will link all their channels down below so you can go check them out they're all wonderful wonderful people and yeah i'm so excited let's just get this party started i'll talk to you guys when the clock starts bye hey guys so it is officially the day of the 24 hour readathon it is about 45 minutes from starting and so i just wanted to update you guys and say that i am a huge liar i did not read any of scythe last night so i just wanted to tell you guys what page i'm on i am on page 212 so my first priority for this readathon is to finish scythe and then i think i'm going to jump into a daughter of smoke and bone and i am just so excited for all the why a fantasy the y dystopian well i'm about halfway and i have not felt how i felt reading a book since divergent like this book is making me feel all the way dystopian feelings and i am loving it i cannot believe that i have not read this book until now i have no words for how good this is like i definitely think this is going to be a five star read for me it might get a four depending on the ending but i am just so freaking stoked that i finally picked this book up because i am loving it so scythe follows this dystopian society sort of it's not really a dystopian it's more of like a utopia if you want to think of it in that terms but it's about this society in the future where death has been eradicated so people don't die of natural causes anymore basically if someone does die they have ways to bring them back to life and so every single death that happens in the society is done by size sites are people that go after like people for random purposes so because like point one percent of people die in this way seis are going to choose people based on that and so that is how they're keeping the human population under control is that they have these sites that go and kill off these people because they won't die naturally and it is just such an interesting concept and something that is kind of terrifying to think about like death has been eradicated and now there's these people that can just come into your home and kill you whenever they want to and i just like i haven't read anything like this before but it still has all those why a dystopian vibes that i am just loving so definitely into this one i am so excited to finish it and i think that the next time i talk to you guys i will probably have finished this book because i'm actually about to go work for two hours but i can read when i'm working i just have to sit at the front desk and so while i'm there i can just read my book and hopefully finish it and i will tell you guys what i think of it then i just wanted to start this vlog because like i said i'm gonna be at the front desk and i won't be able to talk to you guys for the first two hours of this read-a-thon after that i will have reading sprints tonight with mg reagan naima and morgan and i'm so freaking excited because it's just gonna be a blast i love all these girls and we're just gonna have a really fun time hopefully i'll get lots of reading done i am just so freaking excited i hope you guys are excited about this read-a-thon i am nervous because i do not think that i can handle physically reading for 24 hours like i'm gonna get so mentally exhausted and mentally drained but i need to get through my 2020 tbr some way or another and the only way i'm going to get through it is if i lose sleep and if i keep trying to push myself and read all these books i don't want to get into a reading slump so i'm not going to like force myself to read but i'm going to try and limit social media i'm going to try and do as much as i can to set myself up for success let's just read i'll talk to you guys in a little bit once i've made some progress on scythe so it is now 5 45 almost three hours into the 24 hour read-a-thon and i have officially finished my first book scythe by neil schusterman oh my god oh my god i don't know if i can say anything that hasn't already been said about this book but it definitely lives up to the hype i was so worried because of how much people love this book and rave about this book that i wouldn't enjoy it but i am pleased to announce this is getting a glowing five stars for me i just loved the discussion of how would society work if everything that was problematic about it was eradicated government was eradicated death was eradicated people are just healthy and nothing can really end humanity except for people who are destined to end humanity and it was just such an interesting discussion that i loved reading about and how there's still corruption or morality even in a perfect system and i just i loved this book and i absolutely loved citra and rowan rowan can we just give a minute to rowan like a minute of silence for him because i love this man with my entire heart and i don't think i've had such passion towards like a book boyfriend in a long time but oh my god rowan is the most precious and he deserves to be protected at all cost because i'm obsessed with him and i just love his decision-making and his thinking and i just he has a beautiful brain and i am here for it and i am just so excited to continue this series i know that supposedly the rest of the books aren't as good as this first one but what i really did enjoy about this was the world so i am excited to still continue to read about it and there was just so many plot twists and devices that i wasn't expecting like i was so shocked by so many things that happened in this book i was literally gasping when certain things were revealed and it just continued to deliver on those plot twists so it read really really quickly it was super action-packed and i just loved all the characters i loved learning about thunderhead which is sort of like the cloud it's so interesting and i don't typically reach for science fiction or dystopian that was something that i read a lot in middle school and honestly i kind of want to read more of it now because i felt the pure serotonin that i felt when i read divergent for the first time and when i read the hunger games and i just felt how i felt when i was in middle school which is just such a rare feeling for me because in middle school i would constantly be reading books and i would just always be looking for my next read that i would really be consumed by and this just felt like that to me so if you're looking for something that is kind of gonna feel nostalgic but also new to you at the same time i think scythe is the perfect book for that and i know that's a very specific recommendation but that's how i felt reading this book and i just i love this book so so much 5 out of 5 stars i need a minute to just kind of process this book so what i think i'm going to do is edit this video as i am going just give myself a little bit of time to really think about this book before i move on and then i'm going to be reading a daughter of smoke and bone by laini taylor yes you guys it is happening i am stoked about this i don't know what this is about but i absolutely love strange the dreamer by laini taylor and i just know that she has absolutely stunning prose so i'm excited to see what she has to offer with this book so i'll give you guys an update in just a little bit with a book summary once i know more about this story okay so i know that i said i will talk to you guys after i start daughter smoke and bone but i figured now would be a good time to throw in a little b-roll flavor here so i just showered as you can see by my wet hair and my change of clothes you're welcome i showered i'm going to be making some tea show you guys some artsy little clips and then i'll throw in a little dash of the reading sprints montage and we're gonna make this vlog more than just me talking because no one wants that cue the next scene [Music] hi guys so it is now at 10 p.m i believe that this is hour six or seven of the read-a-thon i think it just started the seventh hour i can't do math i'm sorry about it but i am now halfway through daughter smoke and bone and i am feeling disappointed because i guess i had high expectations for this because of how much i enjoyed strange the dreamer and how much i like lenny hiller's writing but i am not really enjoying this i am just trying to breeze through it at this point because i just don't care about it i think that the romance that this book is supposed to be about just got introduced like i thought that this was a fantasy romance and honestly there's not much romance and there's not really that many fantasy elements like there are elements of fantasy but i don't feel connected to this world because i don't feel like it was properly built i'm not really enjoying it i don't care about anyone i don't really care about the plot there's not really a romance that i'm rooting for at least not yet and so i'm just i'm disappointed and i just want to get this book done i actually might switch to the battle of the labyrinth instead because i feel like that's a book that will suck me in and if anything just keep me awake because daughter smoking bone is kind of just putting me to sleep but also i really really just want to finish it and be done with it but also i'm really upset because i have the second book and i don't think at this point i want to pick up the sequel which is just really disappointing so i am gonna go finish it i'll tell you guys a summary when i've actually finished the book because right now i feel like i would struggle to explain it without the context of spoilers because there's not really that much that has happened that i feel like isn't a spoiler if that makes sense so i'm going to try my best to read some more of daughter of smoke and bone and then i'll talk to you guys in just a little bit i'm tired pray for me hey guys so it is almost midnight where i'm at and i have officially finished my second book for this readathon daughter of smoke and bone by laini taylor and essentially just a quick summary of this book it follows a young girl who is kind of like an apprentice an apprentice what did i just say can you tell that the sleep delirium is getting to me i am super delirious but it's about a young girl who kind of serves this apprentice i did it again it's about a girl who is in a presence oh my god i am so freaking tired it's about a girl who does these magical-esque tasks and she one day finds that there are handprints on these doors to this place called elsewhere i believe and it really wasn't about that like i don't even know how to describe the summary too because i feel like the plot was all over the place i am extremely disappointed in this book and i think that i'm going to give it two stars i wanted to like this book and it's not that i actively hate it but i did not really enjoy my time reading it i was wanting it to be over the entire time i skimmed a lot of it if i'm honest with myself and i just didn't care for the characters i didn't care for the world i didn't care for anything about this so this is going to be unhauled and i am not continuing with the second book needless to say i'm very disappointed because i do consider myself a laini taylor fan i really do love her writing i don't think that the writing was strong enough in this book as a standalone to kind of justify my reading as a whole because while i did really enjoy the writing and i think that it is a strong point in this book i don't think that excuses it for everything that it was lacking i just could never visually see the world that we were in i never felt that the world was built in an eloquent way i just couldn't picture anything and that really affected my overall enjoyment of the story there was also a really weird shift like two-thirds into the novel and i was not here for it i was super confused and i didn't know what the heck was happening and the plot twist that was being alluded to the entire time it just wasn't satisfactory to me as a reader because i feel like it was really random and that there was no build up to it except for the fact that there was like oh there's this plot twist coming you guys aren't gonna see it coming well i didn't see it coming because it wasn't laid out correctly in my opinion so i didn't hate this book i think that the writing is really pretty i think that if you're a laini taylor fan you should still give this book a try did i enjoy it no am i going to be continuing this series no i am going to give it a two star slap a two star on it call it a day and move on now as i said it is midnight about to be hour eight of the read-a-thon i have read about 600 pages i want to say and i am going to keep moving forward tonight and start the battle of the labyrinth i think that i'm probably just going to get a few chapters into this one before i call it a night but i am still feeling pretty good i'm still feeling ready to read so hopefully i can get started with this one get a good chunk in and update you guys when i've actually made some progress on it so i'm gonna go read and i'll talk to y'all in just a second hey guys it is like 2 a.m i think i don't even know how many hours we're into the readathon now but i have started my third book which is the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan this is the fourth book in the percy jackson series so if you don't know what percy jackson is about it follows a young boy and his name is percy jackson and percy finds out that he's a half god half human and he goes to a camp called camp half blood and then he goes on a quest and it's really adventurous really fun i am rereading the series for the percy jackson read along and i've said that like an 80 billion videos of mine so i'm so sorry we're almost done we're almost done with this read-along and i am really enjoying this book so far i actually think it might be my favorite that i've read so far out of all the books and i want to continue reading it tonight but i am so freaking tired and so i need to go to bed because i am doing some reading sprints tomorrow at noon with reagan for the yellow team for the disney channel games readathon and so i'm going to try and wake up at like 11 and then i'll try and finish the battle of the labyrinth or make a good dent before the reading sprint and then we're going to read together i am so delirious i'm so tired can you tell i literally don't make any sense i'm so sorry this 24 hour readathon vlog will probably be extremely chaotic because i am extremely tired and so i just wanted to say that i started this book i'm going to bed i'll talk to you guys tomorrow good morning everyone it is now almost 12 pm so it's not really morning but it's morning for me because i woke up about an hour ago i've made a coffee and i've been reading the battle of the labyrinth i'm on page 134 and so i just wanted to check in with you guys really quickly because i'm actually about to hop on some more reading sprints with reagan because we are doing some sprints for the yellow team for the disney channel games readathon i don't think that i'll be able to give you guys a 50 update but i also don't really want to with this one because it's a fourth book in a series and i feel like if i'm this far into the series my opinions aren't going to change much from the 50 to the 100 mark but i will just say that i am really enjoying my time in this book i love percy and annabeth and we're finally getting some more screen time between the two of them and i'm just so excited to see where it's gonna go so loving this loving my time reading it i still think that it has the potential to be my favorite out of the four that i've read so far and now i'm going to go get ready for the reading sprints and make more coffee because i need caffeine if i'm gonna make it through these last few hours [Music] so it is about 5 p.m a few hours after this 24 hour readathon has officially ended i actually recorded this clip earlier and apparently it didn't save love that for me so we're gonna fake it like this hasn't happened before okay so let's just quickly recap my last book that i read i read the battle of the labyrinth and i finished it right before 3 p.m i loved this book i gave it five stars i think this one is my favorite out of the percy jackson series that i've read so far i don't think that the last olympian can top it i think that this book is just the perfect blend between plot and character development and also progressing the story forward without feeling like it's not able to stand on its own i think that a lot of sequels serve just to serve the purpose of pushing the plot forward and this one does do that but it also feels like its own individual novel which i loved it didn't just feel like it was setting up for the final book which it is but it just felt like so much more than that which i absolutely loved there was also some more grover content in here he's a character that i adore so i loved reading more about him i loved seeing percy and annabeth interact in this book and i don't want to go too much more into it in my thoughts because it would get spoilery just because this is the fourth book in a series but i will just say it is fantastic i can't wait to talk about this for the percy jackson read-along now kind of recapping my experience as a whole for these past 24 hours i actually read a thousand and two pages i read half of scythe and then i started and finished both daughters pokemon in the battle of labyrinth so this was a pretty successful 24 hours i will say i did not get to the last book on my tbr marie was here i was planning to start it but i just did two different live shows and we got kind of carried away talking and i didn't want to force myself to read when i wasn't on the live shows so i just didn't get to this one but i am still hoping to squeeze this one in before 2021 ends i might do another 24 hour readathon because i really enjoyed this experience and if i do i will probably prioritize this book so i would say overall this experience was not too bad i got a lot done over a thousand pages and i wasn't reading every single hour of this readathon i did sleep i did talk to my friends and i did get a little bit distracted but i really tried to push away social media and just focus on the books that i wanted to read and i am proud to say that i got a lot done i am so happy because the three books that i read were all on my end of year tbr and i'm really trying to knock that out so i am just super happy that i did this i'm super happy that i did this with a wonderful group of ladies and i just can't wait to do it again so that is all for this video today thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to like this video if you liked it and subscribe to my channel down below if you haven't yet i post book related content twice a week i also have my instagram twitter and my amazon wishlist all down in the description below if you're interested in checking those out and until next time i'll see y'all later bye
Channel: mer reads
Views: 887
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reading books for 24 hours, reading for 24 hours challenge, 24 hour readathon vlog 2020, reading for a whole day, reading for 1 day, 24 hours of reading 2020, 24 hour readathon vlog, reading for 24 hours, 24 hour readathon, i read for 24 hours, only reading for 24 hours, readathon vlog 2020, 24 hour readathon 2020, reading for 24 hours straight, 24 hours of reading, reading challenge, reading 24 hours straight, reading for 24 hours in a row, reading for 24 full hours, booktube
Id: 4pka9lQy3Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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