HOW MANY STEPHEN KING BOOKS CAN I READ IN A DAY?! // spooky 24 hour readathon

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[Music] hey guys is Cara and today I'm very excited and also kind of nervous because I'm gonna be filming a very Halloweeny 24 hour readathon now the last time I did a 24 hour read-a-thon it was like seven months ago back in February when I did a challenge trying to see how many of the Harry Potter books I could read in one day that was actually so much fun so this time I'm challenging myself to see how many of these Stephen King books I can read in a 24 hour period which I feel like will be a very different experience to reading Harry Potter because I could be very traumatized by the end of this 24 hour period but I'm really excited to challenge myself and see how many of them I can get through and hopefully I won't be too like horrified and traumatized by the end of today but it's currently about half past 6:00 on Saturday evening so it's Saturday being 19th of October and I'm actually not gonna be picking up any books until later on so I'm not gonna be starting my 24 hours just yet but I'm about to get some dinner and whilst we're having dinner I thought I might as well get in the spooky mood so we're gonna watch misery which is obviously based on the Stephen King book and that's on earth like so we thought that would be a perfect little thing to get into the spooky season and just get in the mood for this 24 hour read-a-thon so let me sit down and watch that and I'll catch up with you in a little while when I pick up my first book [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys the time is currently 8:28 and I'm about to start the read-a-thon officially so I'm going to be starting at half-past eight on Saturday the 19th of October and then reading as much Stephen King as I possibly can between now and 8:30 on Sunday the 20th of October so obviously I already mentioned we're currently watching misery and I'm just gonna keep letting that play in the background as I read but the book that I'm actually starting with is going to be Pet Sematary because I saw it in the cinemas back in May when the new adaptation came out and I've meaning to read it ever since so this seems like the perfect time to get started with it so as you can see I've got my little spooky reading stations set up behind me I've got my lights and everything and it looks lovely and some scented candles I've also made myself a mocker with some vegan whipped cream on top and I'm ready to get reading [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so miseries literally just finished and oh my god that is such a good film I've obviously seen it before but it's been quite a while and it doesn't never get old because it's so shocking and I just literally couldn't keep my eyes off the screen which granted was not brilliant for my reading progress but nevertheless it was an amazing film to no regrets really I just feel like that one in particular a Stephen King's books and TV adaptations girl is extremely creepy just because most of Stephen King things rely on some kind of like paranormal element whereas that one is completely based in like reality and that for it just becomes even spookier just because it's like it feels a lot more real so it's hard to separate from real life and so it's just super creepy and I definitely want to get around to reading that one soon maybe even in this 24 hour period but for now obviously started on Pet Sematary I'm currently only about 50 pages in because as I said my reading pace was a little bit slower but now that miseries finished I think I'm gonna be able to get a lot more read but um so far I'm definitely enjoying it it's not gotten to anything super creepy yet it's kind of just introducing the family and I'll say it's kind of like moved into this new town and they're just kind of getting used to it they visit to the pet cemetery initially but nothing spooky has happened just yet but I'm definitely enjoying it and hoping to sort of get fully into it now that misery is done alright guys so it is now just after half past ten is just about dear 22 I actually and that means I've been reading for just over two hours now and I've just made it to just over 100 pages through pet cemetery and I have to say in the last 50 pages they like spooky creepy vibes are definitely ramping up because it's kind of delving a little bit more into those like paranormal elements so I'm really excited to keep reading because it's definitely starting to get really creepy and also I'm not sure necessarily if this is just because it's one of the only other Stephen King books that I've read but I'm definitely fighting myself comparing it a little bit to the shining and definitely noticing some similarities which is great because I loved The Shining but I think they do have some similar themes just because they're both obviously like Horrors that center around families and also I feel like they both really play into that I guess like a line between what's real and what's not and kind of likes of testing you as the reader as well as focusing on the main characters kind of struggling to figure out where reality is and not knowing exactly what's going on around them as well as the fact that both books also kind of Memphis leaf focus only like father figure of the family so I'm definitely finding it interesting and I'm really excited to keep reading but I'm actually super tired already because I'm such an old lady I'm already drifting off and I've literally like dropped the book on my lap a couple of times because I've just drifted off to sleep which is obviously just so classic me because I'm just so terrible at staying up late and I've just rushed my teeth which has helped me to wake up me a little bit but I'm also gonna do a little bit of an experiment because I have a feeling that doing headstands or just like flipping myself upside down might help me to feel a little bit more awake because I feel like the blood rush to your head might like you know just like wake you up a little bit so I'm gonna do that now and see if that has any effect but I'm 100 pages in which is pretty good progress for the first couple of hours especially considering that I was watching the movie for the first hour so I'm gonna do that Steve I'm a little bit more awake and then try and get some more reading done [Music] [Applause] [Music] just our three did not go as well as I'd hoped the headstand didn't really do all that much to keep me awake I'm now just over a hundred and fifty pages into Pet Sematary so technically I did read just as much as the other previous two hours because I've read about fifty pages every hour but I can't fully sleep is so frequently so it definitely wasn't reading as quickly as I probably normally would have but I'm definitely more of a morning person than an evening person so I think for the sake of this 24 hour read-a-thon I'm trying to read as much as possible I'm gonna go to bed now and then set myself a really early alarm because I just know that I'll read a lot more in the morning than I will at night so I'm gonna get to sleep try and sort of wake myself up a little bit and then wake up early probably around like six o'clock in the morning and then just get reading straight away [Music] good morning guys so it is now just before 8:30 in the morning which means that I've got 12 hours left of this 24 hour read-a-thon but I've been awake for three hours ish I woke up just after half past five and I've been reading ever since then luckily I'm feeling a lot more awake this morning that I was at like half past 11 last night which is great because I've made quite a bit of progress with Pet Sematary so far this morning and I'm currently on I think page 323 which means that I've got just over 100 pages left to go and I'm enjoying this book so much so far it's really really interesting I'm not sure that I'd necessarily describe it as scary but it is definitely very creepy and unnerving I think the subject matter is definitely more just like off-putting and uncomfortable rather than like super scary and obviously it could still get scarier but it's kind of just that like uncomfortable creepy vibe which I actually found really really interesting so I'm enjoying this one a lot so far and I think the thing that's made me most uncomfortable throughout the whole book is that the book is written from like in just like a present tense narrative style and it's from a narrator that's not involved in the story and so you're just kind of following along with these characters and seeing what happens to them but on two separate occasions now it's kind of like a broken that narrative style and kind of like jumped forward and told you about the fate of a couple of characters and what's gonna happen to them which just in the sort of flow of the narrative style really jumps out as being very weird and it's so unnerving because you know that something's gonna happen but you don't know quite how or when so it just makes it even creepier and yeah I'm really enjoying this book so much because it's just super creepy and interesting it's definitely different to the film because the narrative has kind of gone a different way they were similar up until I guess about a page like 150 or something like that but then it kind of splits off and starts adding in even more on going on a different style which is even more interesting because it means that I can follow along and a different story and see what happens but yeah super excited to carry on reading but for now I'm gonna go grab some breakfast which is kind of spooky image because I've got some Halloween branded - pumpkin spice bagels which sounds so good so I'm gonna go grab one of them and then carry on reading [Music] not gonna lie guys those bagels were a bit of a disappointment they were okay but they were nothing special so yeah maybe don't buy them because they're just average but I finished up with breakfast and I'm now just about to sit down and start reading more of Pet Sematary I've got myself a cup of tea and I'm just going to sit down and hopefully try and bust through the last hundred or so pages of this I'm just get it done so I can move on to my next read so I'm currently about fifty pages from the end of Pet Sematary and again I would just like to point out that this book isn't necessarily scary but it is actually kind of gross like I'm reading a little bit now which obviously I won't go into because I don't want to give any spoilers but obviously like turning my stomach it's very like graphic and the subject matter obviously is very like unnerving and uncomfortable so yeah it's an interesting read I'm not particularly squeamish so I'm not like bothered about it but it is like a very weird skin crawling reading experience which is interesting so yeah but I have 50 pages left to go now so I'm just gonna hopefully finish that in the next like half an hour or so okay guys so it's just after 10:40 in the morning and I finally just finished up reading Pet Sematary I feel like this one has taken me ages to read although it hasn't really I just thing because I obviously slept for a few hours in the middle it feels like it's taken longer than I would have liked but this was a very interesting read it was as I said the main word that comes to mind when I think about it it's just that it's unnerving rather than scary and it's just very uncomfortable and creepy because it obviously deals with a very real subject being quite centered around the theme of grief and I think it does an amazing job of kind of exploring that theme of grief in a really sort of realistic way but blending that in a Stephen King style with a very creepy paranormal element and I guess that that is what makes it such an interesting book because it takes something that people can really relate to and sort of proposes is paranormal possibility and it's really interesting to then think potentially about how you might react if you were faced with that same situation was a really interesting book and I definitely enjoyed it so I'm super glad that I finally got around to picking you up I say I probably give this one a like four out of five stars it wasn't quite a 5 star and probably I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I enjoyed the shining which is so far my favorite Stephen King book but nevertheless it was a really really enjoyable read now the next book I'm picking up is definitely a shorter one so hopefully I'll be able to read that one a lot of it faster and that is the Running Man also by Stephen King obviously but this one was actually published under his like pseudonym Richard back then and back when he used to write under two different names so I'm excited to read this one because it basically sounds like an adult version of The Hunger Games and I'm also quite intrigued just the cause obviously with Pet Sematary I had quite a clear idea about what was gonna be reading because I'd seen the film whereas with this one I've got really no idea of them the fact that it's quite dystopian and hungry games like so I'm excited to pick this one up but before I do that I thought I might do some like fun Halloweeny type activities so I think I'm gonna go downstairs and carve a pumpkin because last weekend I went pumpkin picking and so I've still need to carve one so I'm gonna do that and then probably make a drink and get started on the next book [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's just football 12 p.m. and I'm about 50 pages into the running man so far and this is definitely feeling like a classic dystopian just in the sense that it's got a very much like class focused world system and in this case the like lower-class citizens are definitely being exploited by the high-class citizens for entertainment so in that sense it's kind of feeling similar to me to like things like 1984 and brave new world just because those are also very clear like defined class systems in their dystopian worlds but as I said I'm only about 50 pages in so far so don't really feel like I've had much chance to like fully get to know the main character so I don't entirely know how I feel about it just yet but it is an interesting premise so I'm just about to go and make hot chocolate just because I kind of fancy it and then I'll pick up this and get reading but I don't have all that much time left to do reading now just because it was my brother's 21st birthday yesterday so we're going out for a meal about half-past one so I've not got that much time and so I need to leave [Music] okay guys so I'm in the club with some obviously on the way to my brother's birthday thing but I thought I'd give a quick update on the Running Man because I've now just over a hundred pages in I think the book has like 240 pages all together so I'm a little under halfway but I'm definitely enjoying it the more that I read so this is a very interesting concept it's kind of like obviously I said earlier a Hunger Games expert book but it's a bit around a competition which is very difficult and very violent but if you win you get like a lot of money but I guess it's slightly different to the Hunger Games because I guess there's people I kind of want to pick doubts they don't really have all that emotion choice in this situation the like contestants get to choose to participate in the Running Man which is the competition only it's kind of difficult to say whether they really have that much choice because a lot of people do it out of desperation because they're from such a like sort of lower station in society that that's the only sort of prospect of making any money so it's very interesting to think about like the I think in terms of like although people have an amount of choice isn't really because they're in such unlike unprivileged situation that that's kind of like their last resort so it's a very interesting and I mean I definitely enjoy watching the main character Ben and see you know he's going to say let's look about half a bit left to read which I'll have to catch up with as soon as I'm out of the meal but lasting in the meal I'm actually asking Jay to nip into water stones to pick up another Stephen King book for me but I'm hoping that I'll finish the Rain Man quite quickly when I get home [Music] [Music] so I've literally just got back from the meal I'm it's just turned four o'clock which means that I've got a four and a half hours left in which to read as much Stephen King as possible so obviously I'm gonna be starting with finishing off the other half of the Running Man but whilst I was at the restaurant as I mentioned Jay went to Watts turns and he's picked up two Stephen King books so I'm just gonna be surprised and see which ones he got me so this is the first one okay first up misery which I did ask for is is such a cool like cover I've shown out my woman love that Wow yeah that's another typewriter that's cool I don't know how I'm gonna read this one today just because it is kind of long so we'll see who needs a surprise on have you any guesses no Oh Carrie and that one is quite small yes oh my god and that's another cool cover nice okay cool [Music] so it's just after ten past five and I just finished up for reading the running man I think I mean I'm not giving this one three stars because I did enjoy the book but it was kind of unsatisfying to me just the cause I know some books are like plot driven and other ones are character driven but I found that in this book in particular it was so plot driven I didn't find myself really being all that invested in the main character because I think we kind of got to know Ben a little bit at the beginning of the book and found out his motivations for going into the Running Man but then after that I feel like we don't really get much further development or find out any more about him as a character and so although the book was like interesting and thus of action was really like you know it was intriguing and in made you want to keep reading I didn't find that I was super invested in him as a character which is why it's not like that great of a read just because I would have liked to have been a little bit more invested in him because I thought that would have just made a an even better book however I do find that it was quite an interesting book particularly in terms of what looking at social inequality and also the way that like propaganda can help to solidify that inequality by sort of controlling how people perceive people in classes outside of their own so that was really interesting and I did enjoy the book but it was wasn't quite as good as some of the other books I've read especially comparing it to Pet Sematary which I felt like had a lot better character development but now obviously I've got just over three hours left of this 24 hour read-a-thon so I'm gonna get started on Carrie which I'm really excited about because I feel like this is one of the most iconic Stephen King books slash movie adaptations ever like it's just so well known and I've actually never seen the film which is great because it means I have no major perceptions going in I have a few things that I know of just because it's so like I know some things that are gonna happen just because of how popular it is but I don't know a lot so I'm excited to read this one I'm just going to you light some candles make myself a cup of tea and I think in about 10 minutes Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is on TV which I know isn't anything to do with Stephen King but it does definitely have it there's like dark autumnal vibes because I think the Prisoner of Azkaban is just so aesthetic and just like us so in keeping with this type of yes I'm gonna pop that on and get some reading [Music] [Music] okay so I'm now a hundred pages into carry and it's about half past six which means I've got two hours left at the read-a-thon so I thought I'd just do a quick update even though I'm just gonna keep reading for the rest of the read-a-thon but so far for like a hundred pages into Kerry I'm really really enjoying this one it's a very compelling book because it's just got so much going on obviously you've got this main character of Kerry who is a very like I guess like an outsider in her high school she's obviously a victim of bullying and she's just a very interesting character because she's been brought up in a very bizarre household which means that she is kind of like I guess doomed to failure because she has no idea how to socialize probably I'll have to fit in with everyone in high school which obviously doesn't excuse how everyone treats her but it does make her a very interesting character and one who I definitely sort of sympathize with just because it is such a sad situation but then her mum is a very interesting character as well because she has such like bizarre serious religious beliefs which is just always a very interesting topic because personally I'm not religious at all I do find it interesting to see how religion can be such pay like spectrum from people who are just kind of like believe it and live a normal life and then to people like Kerry's mom in this book who like take it to the extreme and are just completely wild with it so it's a very interesting concept and yeah I'm really enjoying this book super compelling and another thing that's very interesting about it is that it's written in the form of case studies which i think is quite a unique narrative style so it's taking like excerpts from what are supposed to be like journals and textbooks and books written after an event it's obviously gonna happen later in the book so it's really interesting because you're getting lots of different perspectives and it just seem even more intriguing because you know it's leading to a really really important event so I'm really enjoying it and I'm gonna get back to reading now because I need to get this finished in the next couple of hours okay so half a state has officially come and gone which means that my 24 hour read-a-thon is officially over and I'm super happy to say that I managed to finish carry with about 10 minutes to spare which means that I finished a full three Stephen King books in 24 hours and then I also managed to pick up the first like 15 pages of misery just because I had a few minutes to spare and I fancy just getting started with that one and making use of the full 24 hours to read as much Stephen King as possible but starting with Carrie I really did enjoy this one it was an enjoyable read and I found it super compelling which was very useful because obviously I was cutting into the wire and really needed to make sure I finished it in time so it was really helpful that it was such a like action-packed and compelling read and I think the narrative style being sort of in the format of like lots of different journals and interviews and novels and referring back to lots of different perspectives made even more interesting because I always do find books with multiple perspectives to be a lot more gripping just because you get to see things from so many different angles so I really really enjoyed that and just in general I think the book had a very interesting premise and dealt with some really intriguing subjects and I think going back to what I said earlier about Pet Sematary I think it dealt with a very similar theme in the sense that both of them touch on stuff that could happen in real life so whilst in Pet Sematary it was the theme of grief in this one obviously deals with like the way that religion and high school and bullying and those things can affect people but then it's combined with a paranormal element and I think Stephen King does that so well and just makes such gripping storylines because he sort of pulls people in with things that they can relate to you but then just makes it even more interesting because he brings in the paranormal as well that made this book so interesting for me and I just really enjoyed it right from the start to finish I think it's definitely gonna be a four star read as well although I'd probably say this will most slightly less enjoyable than Pet Sematary just because I think Pet Sematary was amazing but both of them were four stars and really really great beads then of course as I mentioned I did pick up misery and got through about 15 pages of that before the end just because having watched the movie yesterday it reminded me how much this was such an interesting story I've seen misery the film like a while ago but I just was reminded of how interesting and creepy that story is which made me really really want to pick up this book so though I didn't quite have time to finish it or even really probably start it in this 24 hour read-a-thon I'll definitely be continuing on the rest of this evening and into tomorrow because it just seems like such a gripping storyline and even in the first like 15 pages it already seems like it's gonna be super super intriguing so yeah I'm really excited to carry on with this one but that means that having finished three and a bit Stephen King books in the last 24 hours I've read a total of nine hundred and sixty-three pages of spooky Stephen King Ness that's such a fun time doing it so I'm really glad I decided to take on this challenge now I'm definitely gonna be continuing on trying to read more Stephen King because I just enjoyed all of these books so much I just think I really enjoy his writing style so if you have any recommendations that are not ones that I've already picked up let me know in the comments below because I'd love to hear more recommendations from other Stephen King fans because I just really want to pick some books up but he's got so many to choose from that it can be kind of tricky to figure out where to begin so definitely leave your recommendations in the comments below and if you've also read the books that I picked up today also leave your comments and sort of thoughts and feelings on them because I'd also just love to chat about them because I have such a fun time reading them all so I hope you've enjoyed seeing all of the books and as I said let me know your comments below and if you've had any similar or different thoughts to me on these books that I picked up thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Ciara Foster
Views: 13,237
Rating: 4.9524617 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour readathon, 24 hour reading vlog, 24 hour readathon vlog, spooky 24 hour readathon, halloween 24 hour readathon, reading ONLY spooky books for 24 hours, Stephen king readathon, Stephen king, Stephen king reading challenge, kingtober, Stephen king reading vlog, how many Stephen king books can I read in one day, how many Stephen king books can I read in 24 hours, readathon reading vlog, reading challenge, booktube, booktuber, horror 24 hour readathon, scary 24 hour readathon
Id: 5MYEUu9n6cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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