Reacting to your Critical Role hot takes 🔥 | Luboffin

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if there's one thing that fandoms have in common it's that fans have opinions and sometimes those opinions can be a little spicy I asked Critters in my Discord which you should jump into by the way to give me their hot takes about critical role so that I could talk about them and there are some really fun ones in here quite a few of these hot tags are quite spoilery so I guess just keep that in mind all right kicking us off with a bang is essic is not that hot modern kainan is rolling in his grave I watched 99 it was the first campaign that I watched but I was sort of behind catching up and so I think I missed out on a lot of the like massive fandom shipping situation with Caleb and Asic personally I don't find Asic that hot but I think that's because uh I am married to a man but I'm also very attracted to women and so I think I save a lot of my uh fictional crushes for women uh not talking about any woman that has like completely taken over my life right now in Boulder's Gate or what are you talking about I do you you know but seeing firsthand the sort of like shipping dialogue with our discourse with Imogen and Lord now I can only imagine that the shipping discourse around Caleb and Essick would have been wild so yeah Essex is not that hot let me know do you think Essex hot the best thing Molly mock did for the mighty 9 was die I don't know if this is a hot take or if it's just like true brutal but I mean there's no denying that Molly walks death bled to the culmination of campaign 2 like without Molly's death we wouldn't have gotten Lucian and we wouldn't have gotten all of those things I mean maybe we would have but it just feels like Matt took that opportunity and absolutely ran with it and also like we wouldn't have gotten caduceus like I like Molly but caduceus has my whole soul and being and so I could not imagine the mighty Nine without caduceus okay The underdark Arc in campaign one shouldn't be skipped uh this person then goes on to say that there are a lot of really great moments and and guests that you miss if you skip that so if you're not aware of sort of like the discourse around this a lot of people recommend that if you're starting campaign one for the first time that you should skip the first Arc which takes place in the underdog and head straight to the Briarwood Arc which sort of starts around episode like if you really want to start at the beginning of it it's I think it's around 25 episode 25 or so that seems to be fairly consistent advice that I've seen given and the main reason for that is that campaign one uh starts in the middle of the story anyway so if you skip a little bit of the first part of the stream it's not like you're sort of jumping in in the middle where you are but like you're already doing that anyway and also there's a lot of um uncomfortableness and awkwardness with Orion acaba who played Tiberius Stormwind in the first 27 episodes of critical role and so by skipping those first 27 episodes or even if you start a little bit before that you're kind of brushing over a lot of that stuff I will agree though there are some really fantastic moments in that early Arc there are some also some moments that I really don't like I find it really hard to enjoy the enjoy Vox Machina from the very beginning but there are some really fantastic guests like one of my favorite guests is Felicia Day playing Lyra I loved Lyra I thought she was fantastic I've never had a friend before this is so great fridell Wil Wheaton so there is some really really fun moments I think you could probably get away with skipping through parts of the first Arc if you you know are if that does bother you that sort of uh conflict that seems to be happening at the table or that is happening at the table you can kind of skip through or watch some highlights but yeah definitely check out some moments from the first Arc ludinous is actually doing the good and right thing and Bell's Hells are the villains of this story well I don't know if I would call them the villains of the story and I I really don't think lewdness is doing the right thing I don't think the gods should be devoured by some ultrage being that we don't know what it is I just don't feel like that's a great idea even if some of the gods are a little shady or don't necessarily have uh Mortals interests at heart however I will say lewdness is doing the right thing for the story and I think it's fantastic and I love a big bad villain like that so I guess that's where I agree with you the character Dynamics would be better if they all made their characters together rather than in small groups or separately and I am gonna 100 agree with this I think there is a lot of fun to be had in characters and players meeting their characters for the first time at the table it certainly does lead to some really fun moments however I will say it can lead to some party inconsistencies or just a feeling of the party not quite being cohesive and I think a really fantastic example of a really super cohesive and uh well networked party is in exu Calamity and Sam did talk about I think in one of the or in the wrap up for their campaign that it was the first time that he had made a character with the whole group not with just so in critical role they'll sometimes do pairs or threes like they'll do small groups where they make their characters together and you can really tell that they made them all together in exu Calamity and that's what gave us so many juicy inter-party moments and there were still heaps of Secrets like there are still plenty of things to be discovered about the characters but we're of starting on a stronger foot I like seeing that in dimension 20 I believe they often make their characters together I think it could be a really big Improvement if critical role did that more often but obviously they enjoy doing it the way they're doing it so you know that's fine it's their game they can do that I do feel like I want a caveat every opinion I have about Critical with like this is my opinion but of course like I don't care that they do it differently because it's their game okay coming in hot Imogen and lordner should have stayed friends this does feel like a divisive topic some people were absolutely thrilled to see image and Lorna come together and others were disappointed that they didn't maintain a more platonic friendship I definitely think there is a lot of Beauty in in portraying uh very close intimate platonic relationships I think the sort of lines between romance and friendships sometimes are drawn very clearly when I don't always think they need to be like I think you can romance your friends in a platonic way but I also agree with the opinion that it is great to see uh lesbian representation queer representation in the show and I love I love to see that all right next we have campaigns are mostly filler and you can get the plot from YouTube clips okay so as someone who has done uh YouTube clips yes I agree groundbreaking I actually do generally agree that most of the campaign is filler but I want to preface that by saying I don't think filler is like a bad thing or is unentertaining I think some of the most funniest moments in critical role have been filler fish market foreign it is my favorite Terrain maybe I should just excuse myself but there are also like a lot of filler just in terms of waiting for people to decide what they're going to do in combat like adding up damage and things like that like those kinds of things do end up stretching out and eating into a lot of time of the show this might be my hot take but I honestly think critical role could stand to do with like maybe just a Teensy bit of editing which I know is kind of controversial because a lot of people would hate that for critical role but for example Dimension 20 does edit out some of the moments where you know someone is just trying to add their damage up or things like that a lot of podcasts do that as well and I think it does just kind of smooth the flow a little bit I probably would feel a lot more disjointed with critical role because the camera is always on like the cameras don't change whereas in other shows uh the camera is switching back and forth so you can hide over those edits quite easily or of course if you're listening to a podcast then you just like you don't even realize but I think yeah if you do want to kind of catch up on the events of critical role and you don't want to invest hundreds and hundreds of hours into watching four hour long episodes because to be real like that is a lot of time that some people just don't have I think it is okay to just watch some Recaps or some clips uh to get the main kind of story you know everyone enjoys things in a different way keyless and vax after death is so weird don't at me yes well luckily these are Anonymous so nobody is gonna at you directly I will say I think that it is not healthy to be super angry and upset about something 30 years after it happened and I will also say like I haven't lost a significant other I haven't lost a very close family member I mean obviously I've lost like my grandparents but that's kind of expected you know it's a part of life like you know it's not an Unexpected death of a family member so I'm saying this wholeheartedly understanding that I don't know what it's like I haven't been there myself but I think keyless should move on and vax is not helping by just like hanging out as a raven by her window every day like that's not helping what if she met some nice Druid downlin in the in the tavern and then she tries to bring him back and then vax is just hanging out there like there's just none it's not cool I do hope that we get some kind of resolution for these two at some point even if it's just like an acknowledgment of like it's time to move on baby it's been 30 years come on Beth should have left the mighty nine oh this is a hard one because I think this is something that Sam genuinely did struggle with in the campaign of how do I resolve Beth's feelings about wanting to be with her family versus keeping her on an extremely dangerous adventure and I think he actually did a really great job of it and vet is probably my favorite character out of all the critical role characters because I feel like I can relate to her so much not because I'm going on dangerous Adventures but because um as a mother and I think a lot of mothers experiences there's so much pressure from society to be you know what is considered a good mother and that kind of push and pull between wanting to be home with your family and caring for them wanting to go out and explore your passions your interests your career you know and that kind of push and pull between those facets is something that I have just really felt so strongly and so I really related to Beth's story in terms of her struggling with that and feeling like she had changed as a person from the mother that she was and wanting to explore other sides of herself but also staying true and staying you know being a part of her family so personally I really loved seeing that struggle I do think though it would have made perfect sense for Beth to leave and I think the reason that she didn't is just because Sam didn't want to be that guy again you know like he didn't want to do that to us again I think Sam generally is just good at making characters that like have no reason to be with the party Imogen has major main character syndrome and I think this person means that in a negative way main character syndrome being that they're acting like the main character even though they're in a group of people and I think that that is actually true but I don't think it is because Laura is making it so I think Matt is clearly building a whole story based on rhodus which Imogen has a very strong connection to so I think Laura seems to have been trying to take a back seat in terms of that stuff in the campaign along with like Liam it's just like obviously not worked because the the Crux of the story is really tied to Imogen I think it's always such a hard thing when you have a large group in a party about trying to balance all those different roles and those different stories and you know sometimes it is going to feel like one person is the main character um but then eventually that person will probably sit into the background as someone else is going to come forward and the story is going to focus on them I will admit I don't know how that's gonna work as well given the overarching theme that we have for campaign 3. I personally would love to see more of those individual stories I really enjoy enjoyed that in campaign too you have for almost all of the characters we got like an arc and a quest that was related to that person's story and I really like those kind of individual stories so I would love to see a bit more of that rather than kind of like more of a main character we've seen enough of Delilah Delilah is the character that just will not quit I think Delilah is such a fun villain and I am very excited that she is like back in some capacity but I also understand the frustration of like Delilah again you know I think we see that so many different TV shows where you're like this guy again didn't he die no he didn't die it was actually a mythical thing that happened that brought him back oh no he didn't really explode in the building I do hope that she is going to get some kind of end resolution at some point rather than just sort of being this Perpetual bogeyman that's just always coming back all the time hopefully we'll see like a definitive end to Delilah at some point critical role would be improved by on-screen character stats and visuals yes I totally agree with this I would love to see visuals on the screen representing characters Health uh maybe specific magic items what they do maybe certain class features I would love love love that as someone who is uh very easily distracted the more things going on on the screen that can keep my attention the better especially during combat I find combat very very difficult to follow just because my brain turns all of the the sounds that come out [Music] I would love to see some of those things just sort of like displayed there for us but you know I also recognize it's normally a four to five hour long show it's a lot of post-production work to do um especially if you have a short turnaround like it seems like critical has a fit relatively short turnaround which I totally understand but personally yes I would love to see that Bells Hills isn't a good name for the group and Bertrand wasn't important enough to the group to be named after oh ow poor Bertrand I disagree I like Bill's Hills I think it's a fun name I think this campaign has probably been the campaign that has had the most pressure about what name they were going to choose it felt like the mighty nine came along really like naturally and at the time I thought that was a really silly name and now I really love it and whereas I think campaign three there was just like so much pressure and the cast kept referencing too of like oh we need to think of the name we need we need to make sure the name is right so I think that just led to so much anticipation which is inevitably is going to lead to some disappointment for people who didn't like it I will agree that Bertrand didn't seem to have a huge impact on the group but you know he was kind of the Cornerstone that brought them all together so I get that I mean I think trashy it was probably a little bit more fundamental in their group creation but Bertrand will do I liked veteran I was sad when he died there has been more meta gaming in campaign 3 especially in combat to the show's detriment oh you know what I'm gonna come out here and say I disagree with this hot take is this a hot take I don't know do people feel like there's too much meta gaming I actually would like them to met a game a little bit more sometimes especially during combat I don't know I think there is some value to that about really trying to stay in the character in those moments but I also think there's a lot of fun to be had in being tactical and strategic based on like the information that's in front of you like I'll give okay I'll give one example here that really does bother me most of the rules things do not bother me at all because it's like whatever it's a game they can play how they want but I will say the thing that bothers me is when they ask uh the dungeon master can I is he within 60 feet and Matt will respond you don't know and I'm like well we do know like there's a map right there if they got up and counted the squares they would be able to work it out it's we're playing on a map to represent the physical space it would know if it was within 60 feet um so that that's like kind of one concrete example it's okay to like talk and plan a little more I do wish sometimes they would plan in between sessions like it drives me crazy when they spend two hours planning a combat or an encounter and then we get to it and of course like it goes out the window straight away and it's like well you know this could this could have been an email and finally Robbie should have stayed as a permanent party member again is this a hot take or is this just true I totally agree I know that eight players is a lot it's a lot of people to manage Robbie was fantastic though I feel like he was such a great addition to the group he really helped gel the group together I think and I just loved Dorian and I would love to see him back again uh but I do think he would have been absolutely fantastic as a permanent party member he just really fit in so well with everybody and I think the fans loved him and uh you know who knows maybe one day we'll get him as a permanent a party member I think that would be fantastic okay well I hope you've enjoyed this very light-hearted video And discussing some critical real hot takes please give me your hot takes in the comments maybe I can do this again I just want to remind everyone that this is just all in good fun um if you don't agree if you don't if you don't agree with someone's hot take that's okay just like be kind and respectful in your discussions please be nice to each other please that's that's all I'm trying to say if you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe and hit the like button it does really help tell YouTube that my videos are good and therefore we'll show them to more people and if you want to take a little walk down memory lane to some of the most memorable critical role moments uh you can check out a video where I did just that right here bye foreign
Channel: Luboffin
Views: 14,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, Crit role, critrole, criticalrole, bellshells, bells hells, bell's hells, campaign 3, campaign three, c3, season 3, dnd, dungeons and dragons, D&D, breakdown, break down, recap, reaction, deep dive
Id: nCAMP0glxhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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