Reacting to Other People’s Interior Design Trends That Need To Go in 2023

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hi everyone it's Nick welcome or welcome back to my channel okay in today's video we are going to be talking about other mainstream Publications lists of trends that need to go for 2023 and I'm going to be weighing in on whether I agree with this list on the trends that are leaving us in 2023 or whether I disagree mostly talking about whether I personally like them or whether or not I just think that they are on the way out in terms of their mainstream popularity so that's what we're talking about today I did a similar list a couple weeks ago I'm going to link that at the end of this video of trends that are upcoming and whether I agree or disagree with them from the mainstream media but now we're doing trends that need to go so let's get going okay but before we get to those Trends I need to go let me take a minute and thank today's sponsor which is Helix sleep Helix sleep makes premium mattresses and bedding that are customized to fit your needs and conveniently shipped directly to your door the first thing I did to order my mattress was to take their sleep quiz so that I can get matched with a perfect mattress that fits me and that was the Helix dusk Lux so I'm a stomach sleeper like I would love to say that I'm like a graceful back or side sleeper but no I'm actually like I sleep like I'm skydiving and this mattress is great for me as it has the extra support that you need if you sleep like I do with your Helix sleep mattress you get 100 night sleep trial along with a 10-year warranty so if it makes you nervous to buy something that you haven't tried before you get more than three months to make sure that you love it if you don't they'll pick it up from your house and you'll get a full refund it's free shipping sent directly to your door if you live in the US and it comes rolled up in a really cute box but take it from me make sure you put the mattress on the bed frame before you cut it open once you cut that plastic it's all going to happen really fast so just get prepared go to Nick Lewis for up to 200 off your Helix Sleep mattress plus you also get two free pillows thanks Helix sleep for sponsoring this video and let's get back to those trends that need to go according to these Publications anyway okay so first up we're going to be looking at Insider's list of interior design trends that need to go for 2023 and their first one is Shades of Gray are on the way out so what they're talking about here is the all gray palette the really cool grayed out black and white sort of aesthetic the very neutral cooler gray tone owned neutrals that have been very very popular in years past so agree but I think this is like a really safe pick if you follow my channel you know that like the color palettes that have been trending and what you're going to see in stores is going to lean a lot more warmer right we're getting a lot more beige a lot more grayish kind of warmer beiger tones brown tones things like that chocolate brown milk chocolate dark chocolate any type of chocolate you know that type of thing those things have just been very popular Tans and leathers and just really warmer palettes especially for warmer neutrals like beige so do I agree yes I think that cooler tone Grays have not been or are not as trendy for 2023 but honestly they weren't that trendy in 2021 so I think we're a little behind the times there from Insider but I would overall agree with the sentiment okay next up they say massive lighting fixtures have proved to be impractical they think massive oversized lighting is on the way out I kinda sort of disagree but first I'm going to read this quote from what they had to say I hope we leave massive Lighting in 2022 fixtures keep increasing in size and often do not match the scale of a room a chandelier should not be as big as the dining table beneath it and you should be able to approach the table without feeling like you are going to hit your head on the light fixture so I agree with that paragraph I think that that makes sense obviously if you're going to use an extreme like a lighting fixture being as large as the dining room table yeah that's getting ridiculous I talked about these massive table lamps before in a previous video that they were incredibly impractical and kind of silly I would say that overhead lighting fixtures you can get away with a little bit more because so long as people aren't hitting their heads or whatever you can kind of get away with a little bit more there while table lamps take up a lot more real estate so they're a little bit harder to integrate into a space effectively in my opinion I like a large oversized light I'm not gonna lie I do like them I will admit the ones that they're maybe talking about are a little bit extreme right if you saw my Karen Bond house tour that was one of her tips she says go big on the lighting but she's really specifically talking about the overhead lighting so that you know pendant above the dining room table over top of islands things like that so so long as they're practical I think they're fine when they get to the point of Impractical that's a problem so agree sort of okay next up from Insider is floating shelves will fall out of favor yes I would agree I think open shelving had a moment and I personally have shouted from the rooftops that the lots and lots of open shelving specifically in the kitchen taking away all your uppers and replacing them with floating shelves that is a trend that needs to go it's impractical for most people your stuff's not that nice to display you know the plastic kids cups we've talked about this no one needs to see your Tupperware that's why you hide it behind this genius invention called cupboard doors so you can hide them because all that stuff is ugly and you don't need to display it so I'm a big fan of doors because I think they do a really good job at hiding your ugly things I would say a little bit of open shelving though can be fun a way to sort of sew some personality to show you know display some cookbooks to display some you know Pottery some Ceramics right whatever you've got that's really nice and you actually want to show off that's fun it's just that for most people we don't have very much stuff that fits that criteria you know we don't have that many things that really need to be displayed so I would agree that overwhelming amounts of open shelving that was really trendy is a problem but I would say that a little bit can be fun kind of like the lighting you know if it's right size to the room and even if it's a bit oversized great when it starts to get ridiculous of course that's when we need to will tone things down a little bit so I'm going to overall agree though that the Impractical open shell being needs to stay behind in 2022 stay there please okay next up they say the modern organic Trend will decrease in popularity I actually disagree with this but is this just my personal taste coming through and actually yeah maybe you know what I disagree I actually love this trend I think that the modern organic trend is something that is relatively Timeless I don't know it's hard Timeless is hard you know it's hard it's really hard to peer into that crystal ball I like the idea of people using more natural materials in their home I love that people are investing in quality and I overall think that this is actually a trend that is going to last for sure another year I think it's a bit soon to just kind of call the rip on the modern organic Trend it these these Trends work in cycles and you know some things just that are really stupid like um faux mirrors for example or you know a lot of that stuff that's like really super super trendy for about six minutes that stuff comes and goes Super quickly but I think overall design styles that are good design but they might just really increase in popularity for a bit and then decrease they usually have a little bit of a longer lifespan than a year or whatever which is about how long we've lived in this modern organic design Trend I don't think it's something that is going to go away in 2023 I think you got a little bit of legs still left in that it takes a little bit of time right like the whole boho thing everybody loved boho and it's still a great style I'm not saying it's not a good style but it was a bit overplayed sure and you know it didn't last six months like it was what you know what I mean people don't change out their houses the way they change out their wardrobe so I think it's fair that you know these Styles tend to kick around a bit longer so I still think this is going to be trendy in 2023 well is it going to be trendy in 2026 I don't know but I still think you got some time there so I'm gonna disagree on this one okay next up let's move over to architectural digest good old A.D let's see what they have to say so their first thing on their list is we're getting rid of Blobby everything everywhere okay I agree with this but that's also again maybe my personal taste sort of poking through that I don't really always love the super Blobby Trend if you missed it a lot of things have been going Decor mirrors couches coffee tables everything just sort of looks like a blob and this sort of some of it's really really colorful and really kooky and some of it's a little bit more modern and organic lines and whatever but for the most part we've seen a lot of blobs blobs are fine I guess there's some place for them I think they can be relatively harmless but I see a lot of spaces that look really really cool for a bit you know they're blobs everywhere right we've got the Arches and then we've got the Blobby couch and we've got the Blobby coffee table we've got a Blobby lamp and then we've got like a Blobby mirror and then of course we've got some weird Blobby Decor things just melting off of the wall right like I think that is a little overplayed a little overdone and I don't think it screams Timeless to me and I think I was saying earlier I don't think this one has as much legs This Modern organic does for me because I just don't think it fits most people's style so a little bit of blobs I still think we're gonna see that's cool but I think I I agree with ad that we're going to see that mixed a little bit more in with some cleaner lines personally I just think I've been into some really trendy spaces lately if it's like oh I get it I get what you're doing this is like very very on Trend right now but it doesn't I can't say for sure that that's going to be the case in two or three years you know what I mean I can't say that we're gonna see all the squiggles still here in a couple years so this one feels like I don't think it's going to go away right away I don't think it's like done it could kind of be like modern organic it's got a little bit more legs but it doesn't scream Timeless to me so I'm going to kind of sort of say that I agree I think with ad on this one yeah okay next up they talk about squeaky clean kitchens this is those really minimal kitchens where people don't have anything on the countertops and they're just completely clean and free of all clutter and all everything to be honest and they almost to the point don't even feel functional so I would agree with this I do think that it's not how most people live however it is my personal belief that you should be really intentional with what you put in your kitchen and you choose to display so you know if certain appliances or certain things are not in use then maybe consider putting them away not always like I got my espresso machine back there and I love it and I like to display it because I actually think it looks really cool so for me that's something that I choose to display right so really being intentional with what you choose to display and what you choose not to the problem with this sort of everything looks like a magazine trend is that that's not actually practical because most people actually do use some things in their kitchen fairly regularly and therefore should be displayed or put out for regular use because it is functional to be able just to grab a wooden spoon from a Croc that's right next to the stove top I think that is practical so having that on display makes sense because that's something that can be beautiful but it's also something that you can regularly use and it's actually functional for like real people that actually cook in their kitchens the problem with a lot of this magazine look is that nobody actually lives this way and that's kind of the problem so I would agree that the super squeaky clean kitchens the ones that have absolutely nothing on and look like basically a show home and it looks like a realtor kind of styled it for an open house and it doesn't actually look like anybody's cooked in it that's for Instagram that's not real life and so I agree that I think we're kind of over that so overall I would agree with ad on this one okay next up they claim open floor plans are going away oof spicy I feel like this uh this is an unpopular opinion of mine I know I do think that open concepts are closing off slightly I don't think we're fully going back to the traditional floor plan I've said that before I think that uh people are looking for ways to get the benefits of a traditional or closed floor plan so noise reduction being one of them being able to section off mess so having a separate kitchen that's not open to the living room allows you to cook and things and create mess in the kitchen without necessity impacting sort of your guests or your family or whatever they're in the living room right so there's some sound benefits of people in different rooms that they're not bugging each other as much as maybe they are in an open concept so I do admit that that stuff is an advantage of a traditional floor plan but there's also some great advantages to open concept as well so I think people are considering closing off those walls a little bit especially a new constructions and Renovations and stuff where you can find ways to sort of section off you know sections of the home a little bit more rather than having one big giant open space but I don't think open concept completely is going away because I do think there are significant advantages that really work for a modern lifestyle of people being able to keep an eye on the kids while they're in one room while they're cooking dinner things like that I do think a lot of people are used to the open concept there are some challenges with it which is why we're seeing some rooms getting closed off but I don't think it's going away completely if anything we're going to more of a hybrid open slash closed if that makes sense it doesn't but you know go with it so I would um disagree-ish on this one so next up all white and gloomy grayish Interiors okay so allow me to get technical for a second here this is what bugs me about this one is grayish is sort of a little bit misunderstood so if you don't know what grayish is it used to be called taupe but apparently we renamed it as grayish which is another unfortunate name but whatever grayish is really a mix of gray and beige so you've got gray on one side which there are warmer Grays and there are cooler Grays but a lot of the ones that were really popular several years ago see my previous answer were they kind of had more of a blue undertone to them right they had a blue or even a purple undertone and so that made them quite cool right so really cool gray palette with a lot of whites and blacks and and whatever and that was that was kind of really popular remember the gray wood floors right popular five six seven years ago those are a little bit dated now but anyway that's beside the point those were quite cool and that was sort of a gray sort of aesthetic that was the gray palette that was very popular and was the neutral of choice for many years very cool but very impersonal and unwelcoming so beige is a little bit warmer right and then uh and it's you know got some yellow and orangey undertones to it and that's been very popular for a while so they've now said that grayish is like is boring and cool and unwelcoming and I don't actually agree with that because I actually do think that grayish can be warmer and a little bit more friendly than what we see with typical gray so take something like Stonington Gray from Benjamin Moore that is a very cool gray versus something like Lennox tan which is a very warm beige so something in the middle would be like a Balboa Mist right which is more of a lighter grayish tone I don't think Balboa mist is uh cold and unwelcoming necessarily I think it's got some of the advantages of both so all of this is me being technical for a minute okay so I have an issue with the ad on that one but I do think that they're right that the Kool and and cooler toned grages or even Grays might not be super super popular but I think grayish as a whole actually is sometimes a nice beautiful compromise of the two and I quite like a lot of grayish colors again like Balboa Mist which I think is great so I do think cooler more unwelcoming spaces um are not as trendy and warmer zero spaces tend to be more trendy right now but I do think grayish can be a part of that so I disagree on a technical level but I understand the sentiment does that make sense okay next up they say TV centered living rooms I disagree on this one because I just don't think it's how most people live you know I'm sorry I'm just gonna say it I just don't think that most people are ready to completely ditch their television now I would say maybe this is more what they mean structuring the space less around the television and more around conversation now that people are in each other's homes again and hopefully we're all hanging out together and we've realized the importance of social connection based on the last few years I do think that I hope that people are building their rooms a little bit more around sort of creating a space where people can sort of communicate and chat and build relationships and things like that less around let's just watch Netflix for eight hours while we wait for this pandemic to draw itself out you know what I mean which is how we lived for a while so hopefully that is the trend for the future but I stopped short of saying like let's just get rid of the television so I don't know exactly kind of really which one they're saying there but that's kind of my own personal stance so like I agree and disagree if you're saying get rid of the TV that's just not reality for most people I'm sorry I just don't think it is you might not watch television good for you I like White Lotus you know so uh that's for me oh did you see where I load is you guys I just finished season two anyway that's not why you clicked on the video we don't have to talk about it but like they're just so complex you know and that's Jennifer Coolidge anyway so yeah the reality is that people watch television I'm sorry so yes to the TV being in the room hopefully though space plan is such that people are conversing a little bit more with each other when the TV is not on which is hopefully more often than it was before okay and next up they have Chill on the boucle and I loyal viewers of the channel know that I never bought into the boucle trend it just had a terry cloth towel quality to it for me it just looked like your chair is pilling you know but I get it people wanted texture while still being really neutral because most of the time it was that white boucle there are different colors of boucle but that's the most popular one and then you know it went down the road of getting duped all the time and then pretty soon there's a boucle chair at Walmart for like 150 bucks or something and it was like not even Googling like not even close so there are some impractical issues with boucle as well around like you know it just looks like you're if you have a cat good luck that's just one big giant scratching post to that kitty cat I'm sorry so there are some practical considerations with boucle I never really got it and I think that I agree personally that boucle might be on the way out I I don't know I mean I I think it could still be popular for 2023 I talk to different retailers that work in you know product and marketing and stuff all the time and they still say that they're selling a lot of boucle every time I go in you know I talk to them and I'm like you know how is this selling they say it's still one of our most popular fabric choices so I don't know if it's necessarily going to completely go away in 2023 but I think it probably is going to have another maybe maybe a year or two left in it but um I don't think it's going to be here super super popular forever just because again there's some practical considerations that work for most people that's kind of when I sort of look at Trends I'm also kind of like is this really how I think people really live in their lives because sometimes it's a bit of a Trends become like cool fun toys for rich people and then it never actually really make sense for regular people and eventually those cool rich people get sick of it and then they move on to other things some of these Trends end up looking a bit silly because you know they just came and went flash in the pan because it just isn't reality for how most people live and that's just usually one of my predictions and I just don't think boucle is going to be something that is going to work for most people and so that is why I have long predicted that it is not going to be a fabric that is going to be super popular forever 80 says I'm right but we'll see I don't know I think I might have some legs in it but I think it's getting it'll go away soon okay and finally we have HGTV home of is Joanna green Joanna Gaines still over there or has she moved on to Magnolia or something or which isn't she have her own network now I feel like she's got her own network good for her I say okay super smooth surfaces according to HGTV let's talk about it okay I agree but I also don't think this has been trending for a while it's kind of like the old gray wood floor thing or whatever we talked about from Insider these have not been trending for a while they're really like slick sort of glossy surfaces whether it's people's you know coffee tables or their kitchen tables or whatever I feel like those were maybe seven years ago eight years ago those were really really popular right super plasticky super glossy super smooth surfaces felt very futuristic but it also felt really like cold and impersonal and everything was super shiny and your cupboards were shiny like your kitchen cabinets and everything uh were very glossy and it just felt very unnatural and there was a certain Sheen that really played with the light in strange ways and that's why I think it didn't really make sense so is this trending or is this trend dead for 2023 yeah but it's been dead for years so sure I guess I agree okay next up but they're getting controversial with this one though basic Nursery color schemes so this is a funny one to me because I mentioned this ages ago that I didn't like these either like kids love color and kids is actually kids rooms and babies rooms and stuff they're such a fun way for kids to show their personalities you know which depending on their age they might not even have one but you know as they get older they probably get a little bit more of a personality and they get to like show off their art and they get to like have a little bit of fun and I don't know like call me crazy but this is the one room in the home where a Spider-Man blanket might actually make sense you know like let kids kind of be kids and have their fun they love color and they love their little crafts and they love all those little things and I just think parents are trying to put kids in the box that fits the rest of their own home and I just think sometimes if you are lucky enough for your kid to even have their their own space which not everybody does but if you do then it's like you let that kid kind of have that space for themselves and use their imagination a little bit more I don't know I'm not a child psychologist could you imagine uh I'm not so like I get it but it's like you just just let kids be kids and have their own space and their own imagination there don't you don't have to so carefully integrate and craft the kids room to fit necessarily the rest of the decor and as the rest of the home has become neutral and desaturated of color and we've basically been rotating between black and gray and then oh that was out so that it was all white and then oh now it's all beige and like you know instead of just kind of having an all-neutral rest of the home which seems to be what everybody's rotating through the last several years let this be the one room where you know kids get to show a little bit of Personality there so I would agree with HGTV let the kids have some fun by the way if you love to see like someone making fun of this that does it chef's kiss is official sad beige on Instagram I wore this sweater just for her she does really cool like reels and tick tocks and stuff where she makes fun of sad beige children or what is it she has this series called like sad beige clothes for sad base children I mean it's hilarious so I agree with her and everybody else you know let's just let's let the kids have some color okay let's let them have some color okay next up they've got acrylic accents this is like the ghost chair the plastic chairs everything being that really clear acrylic this was something you know you see a lot in kind of mid-century modern design as you sort of had that technology at the time back when mid-century modern was super popular when you're dealing with kind of the 50s and 60s there and we saw a lot of acrylic being used because it was sort of a new material post-war that was used a lot of mid-century so that is one of the reasons I think it's been popular for several years I've never particularly loved it I find personally it sort of lacks a presence because it's so you know clear that um that's just an issue I hate glass coffee tables glass dining tables for that very same reason I find acrylic Furniture to come across to me as really cheap and even though oftentimes by the way it's not cheap it's oftentimes very very expensive it also usually gets integrated into a very Glam design which is not usually my favorite Touch of Glam can be fun we all like a bit of Sparkle but the overall Glam look I think is something super super dated so to me I don't like this very much and I would agree it's kind of a dead trend for 2023 uh but you know you might love it but it's just not for me or apparently for http I never thought I would say that okay and then finally from HGTV we have caged industrial lights this one hits hard because of course I've got one back there listen I can be self-deprecating that's that's fun and uh yeah I guess maybe agree that objectively it's not the trendiest of things I still love them I want to end with this one because like this is a really good example of it doesn't really matter what I say or anybody else says if you still love it put it in your home it's more important for people to put things in their home that they genuinely love that they have you know maybe hopefully a story attached to it or a memory attached to it they can remember where they bought it or who made it or you know if you can curate a space and be really thoughtful and intentional with what you put in things that really represent you that it's a you know a concept that is kind of you brought to life in your home that you get to invite your friends and family into that's what design is all about to me and I I still love that pendant I bought it when it you know if it was a friend's wedding and we traveled for a friend's wedding and Mike and I were in the wedding party and it was a whole thing and we found this light in a small little shop and we picked it up and I love it is it the trendiest thing probably not anymore do I care no because that's by the way the two biggest comments I got on my channel is I hate the pendant that you have there it's so ugly and dated thanks for that and also the clock which is so controversial some of you love the clock and by the way if you do it's from CV2 but it's discontinued trust me no one's more sad about that than I am could you imagine the affiliate link Revenue I would have made on that where I sold thousands of these clocks people love this clock but C'est La Vie but a lot of you hate it and uh that's cool too like a lot of people are just like you know what super dated is the like big giant clock that you have in your background and I'm like I've got that comment 400 times it's not as that comment's not as clever as you thought it was but yeah some people love it some people hate it I don't care if you love it put it in your home that's kind of the ultimately the lesson here it's always nice to get new ideas from Trends and see what's new and and what's not and that's kind of the point of these videos but in the end you do what you want including industrial cage light fixtures so that's it for me for today guys I hope you really enjoyed this video I'm gonna link here to my video on reaction to Publications and what they say about trends that are coming down the road for 2023 so sort of a flip to this one I did it a couple of weeks ago so go check out that video thank you to all my patrons and I will see you all in the next video thanks a lot bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 538,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _8sOnuGs00A
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Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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