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hey guys welcome to another video gen is about to vomit on you guys today we are reacting to Kramer and tier 3 happened to us opening the Christmas gifts that they sent us and I'm just going to tell you guys right now if they happen to react to us reacting to them opening gifts we won't react to them opening to react exception hence today it's fine they're probably just gonna make fun of you the whole time hey guys we look forward subscribe to your channel right now but if you don't here we go wait but if you have a problem with shooing shoe section or the reaction video all right that was part of my body we're gonna watch this video of them watching us open our gifts we didn't know what anything was they're gonna make fun of us the whole time this is a Danish flag or a pizza flag okay alright we're gonna watch and we love you guys thank you so much for getting us those gifts yes thank you okay here we go [Music] we could ever be that I'm sick look I'm sorry I'm just gonna rewind one last time and we're gonna all four of us do enter at the same time to pop real ammo Spanish end opening up to tear opening up their presents so if you want to see that link will be down the description for the millions of links will be down below so many us reacting them reactive people reacting everything in the world will be down there if you reacting to us opening up our presents and this is reacting to them opening this is confusing yeah but check the speed we all agree see that video are you excited for this - yeah yeah I've actually excited yeah because here's the thing after we got the present from pet again I feel like I felt in my heart that we didn't really give them just as good presence as they gave to us we felt it in his heart mostly set them like joking things right yeah and they actually sent us really cool stuff so where we felt kind of embarrassed but we're gonna repress that and not think about it I just enjoy the idea okay yep I'm gonna be listening to it on my iPhone so we need to press play at the same time so yeah I ready okay just hit just hit space okay you can also do that okay - one should put that before you kill someone yeah I agree more scary than you were with the knife are you looking at yourself right now [Music] yeah you really did somebody destroyed [Music] [Music] it's because the world is Denmark yeah but like I love it's the happiest place I think that's a rumor I don't by pieces we have great chocolate here and didn't work yeah but that's actually Swedish chocolate it's actually from Sweden which is language you ever I looked everywhere at the store for this since I got back they don't sell this here American that's why we wanted to send it because it's really good that's how Americans open stopping so if you hear fireworks that's why it's not gunshots we promise probably did needs it if you hear here is probably from you guys watching me I'm really happy they like this at least Oh Mike why do you gotta show it off now I want some of that there's a heart on it and some of them has stars on it oh wait she thought it was for the kid Bobby but we didn't really think that far to give cloud something if we do this ever again definitely give you something that was actually just a funny thing now that I think back on it I have no idea why I picked out so many weird hats yeah he just couldn't stop I told him like we need to get them other stuff honey why hats okay my idea was that we needed to give them something silly like that's what I thought it wasn't our American hats aren't good enough it's wide aware of pick out a hand I'll pick out him I don't remember like a chicken head on stuff like that so in this video I assume they're gonna be wearing a lot of hats just know that that was me okay all the good presses were you probably could but I mean a cat will partner scratch you right she wasn't even joking I like how my presses are so bad Christmas head thing at least she's enjoying the chocolate but there's also your idea so sexy by the bulb anyway let's keep going in here you know my presses are kind of funny I just feel bad because they gave us I mean oh it's the it's the emoji poop I don't have to put laundry you guys gotta see why it would be good in a second that poop was also my idea you guys know the fighting poop emoji I'll take credit for that the next thing is going to be probably I wonder how because Americans probably don't have this she didn't like it I was too scarce Danish thing I don't really like them that much but a lot of Danish it's called Pliska smell oh yeah oh not the Bliss kiss yeah he's gonna try to say it but it's basically like chips like pork chips yeah yeah it's a flag I think it's a pork right I think we have live in America we do I'm pretty sure that's what it is but I've never had one like what is it I don't know like a pork fry and fat come on faster smell but also I'm so sorry led like a string that you like do tricks with am I doing this right I think I'm doing this right now you are you are doing it something new language oh that was from you yeah I thought they were really cute I actually wanted them myself yes yeah they bought me a sir it's my closet no I haven't worn yet Walden for Christmas I kind of want to know now myself the flesh the flesh kiss fear what's good in the earrings but gosh dang it I'll present sock so buddy Roy camp you live like we're not doing another one of these things we're gonna say to some cool stuff okay [Music] so these are like gummy sticks chick man how they're like salary what's so good caution this is poison don't eat every would probably die what okay you ready just list to what Pat asked okay I'm sure he didn't mean it in a weird way do you like my balls let's just move on I love that one that's my favorite hat was kind of like her that's my the nicest a we are right I think it's cool all right so now you have a little picture yeah new house okay thank you so much just moved into a new house to feel something really soft that you my life okay it's also kinda cool too heavy paper from another thirty outside and we were in Connecticut when we were filming it was like 12 degrees it was freezing we're up on a mountain Oh scary I was freaking out is gone because it's really cold in than mine but in Florida it's probably so hot that you can't even wear a scarf down oh yeah you're creating with your body right now you're like it's freezing am i dying here wait you just said it was freezing but he doesn't know what Connecticut is I don't know I'm like Illinois is it warm as it cold I don't know is it even a state still not sure how hard is it in Florida right now guys hello say from Copenhagen Castle which is like a Davis thing why don't you read everyone turn to Copenhagen but Jan apparently there's always room for just one more toe bag in the world in my wardrobe and in my heart that's kind of a cool thing also next year if we send them another person we're gonna get a big nice week you mean I've been checking the mailbox dairy ball one but I didn't really know about the price that all the things could be down in that can you set them is very Danish but this austere Hopps thing is it's basically just a stick of cheese that's kind of like everyone ate it when we were small yeah yeah it's like a blob string cheese big thing I actually really liked it we're not small just don't really like I've never liked them actually but most people do it's just a stick of cheese [Music] okay they're really excited about that I'm happy I thought they would be but I'm just like surprised about how much stuff is it that ya know that little bag thing you mean made something where like it's just like oh yeah everywhere I found this thing online I don't remember I found two things the ladybugs are this is thin you can buy mine it sends 45,000 live ladybugs for someone so we're opening everywhere might become old video holy crap man I'm still trenching a little bit now they're so awesome you know Pat and Jen said that they thought the prices were really cool but when we got the presses from them we started thinking holy crap they really gave us a lot more cool stuff than we gave them yeah so please perish in allow us to send you another 100 no problem because we want to see opening up honestly guys I really loved all the gifts they send us I know they had all kinds of fun stuff from Denmark yeah there's anywhere else everything was so unique so we'll leave everything down below all the videos talking about there's so many over going handle also bring their president them opening our presents them reacting to us opening their presents us reacting to them open it no that's what's going on right no yeah them reacting to us opening their presents and then us reacting to them reacting to us opening our prizes oh go check all of that out we hope you enjoyed this video if you do be sure to leave a like and also don't forget to subscribe to see more videos like these and you guys next time time for you guys to shoe active dad I'm ending the shoe jokes they're gone forever goodbye I love you
Channel: GamingWithJen
Views: 2,715,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamingwithjen, popularmmos, pat and jen, pat, jen, funny, wow, crazy, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, channel, fun, hot, family, friendly, epic, love, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, kid videos, kid friendly, funny videos, best vlogs, funny vlogs, house, home, comedy, prank, cute, girly, react, reaction, couple, real, life, adventure, daily, instagram, facebook, pg, kids, kid, new, reacting, react ception, reactception, surprise, presents, crainer, thea, youtubers, fails, challenge, reactiong to reactions
Id: hd2BYiVDO1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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