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Skippy toilet has taken over YouTube and today I'm going to find out [Music] why yeah no no oh what yeah I haven't really seen skiy toilet so this is all new to [Music] me okay before we play this second one I have so many questions first off there is a right at the start what are the paintings on the wall that looks like Flamingo okay um also why is there a head in a toilet seriously I don't I don't I don't understand what's happening this has 57 million views hold on I need to read the comments just to see if maybe people know what's going on day one two species coexisting humans and cameramen until one day an unsuspecting cameraman heads into the restroom only to find a talking toilet head the cameraman named it skibbidy toilet due to its obsessive nature to yell out skibbidy this video was supposedly a funny meme but started a war between the two giants wait there's a war what is happening I have no idea if you guys know more about skiy toilet please let me know in the comment section down below maybe I'll figure out more as we watch more episodes okay this is skib toilet 2 so there's two heads [Music] now and then there's a broccoli headed dude H interesting they were in urinals so I don't know if they're technically skippies what okay hold on this one there's a lot going on so first up the thing that I noticed is that obviously there's more skibby toilets they are multiplying and some of them are bigger than others it's not like they're all just like the same head they're all different they're all they're all different shapes and sizes and also I don't know if you guys caught this but there is what appears to be like a military helicopter in the sky that that is cursed this has 74 million views okay in this one there's normal people eating at a restaurant and then ski comes right in you can't eat in peace with skid around wait wait wait hold up was that was that toilet there at the start hold on wait did you guys know hold on wait a second they're all sitting on toilets right their whole bodies are connected to the toilets but you can at least see their whole bodies and then after skipp the original toilet comes in I think they're all like him the guy in the back his head was now in the toilet I think they might be infecting everybody okay maybe maybe that that's it hold wa I want to see the comments on that one just to see if maybe other people know what's happening day four the skibby toilets enter a restaurant and then all of the people become skib toilets for an unknown reason the cause is unknown but they deserved food okay skib toilet number [Music] five okay so this is getting weirder and weirder this is like a Thanos level threat now skib also it's weird because it seems like all of the toilets at the end they're like attacking the camera so just like in the first video it seems like there's a war between some people called like the skibbies which are these toilet people and then there's the cameramen which I guess are the people that are recording the skibbies which is me so that's why I think I'm dying every single [Music] time oh that was like an act of War we just murdered a skibidi es skibbies don't seem very happy about that yo okay so ski toilet number seven this is where the war starts and these are the camera people this is me this is who's been recording the entire [Music] time okay it's starting to make more sense now so there's a battle between the skes and the camera people we don't know why we really don't know why I mean we like they flushed the skippity right but we don't know like where the skippies came from what do the skippies want what do the skippies need what are they after can be killed by flushing them I think anyway uhoh oh the camera Society okay so there's the camera Clan and the skibbies this wait the skibbies have a police force did they used to live together peacefully I guess they had to have right oh my gosh there's skibby Church [Music] all hell skippity [Music] Jesus Oh the camera people came he ate one of the camera people we haven't seen that yet oh wait the camera people are actually pretty good though okay we're about a quarter of the way through and I just want to see the comments again this deserves a Netflix series agreed 100% agree log number 11 a large cameraman Force entered a battle against the skibby toilets unfortunately this group of skibby toilets was particularly large and demolished the cameramen I love how people in the comments are like actively keeping logs of every single day oh okay n dude this is so weird they literally have a devil's skib okay this has to be a skibby shrine they got like their golden toilet that they're all like fraying to nah sorry no escaping today oh no wait we already saw this one okay we're we're on ski toilet number 12 so there's like compilations but we want to skip over those back up boy that's right down the toil let you go whoa oh wait okay so we've seen bigger toilet that dude's got laser vision are you kidding me right now oh yo he's got a big peee gun check that out okay they're getting upgrades this is an all out war and if I know anything about war is that it incentivizes technological Advance they're going to get really strong really quick that was a skiy rock it all right dude this is getting absolutely wild they're getting more cursed too I wonder if there's like a Supreme Overlord with each of them oh what rocket skippity like who's in charge of the skibbies and who's in charge of the camera people okay we're on skib 15 oh yeah dude he's breaking it down with the orange Justice oh oh God haby he was simply a distraction oh what wait I don't know if you guys caught that check it out right at the end of this when he hit the ground hold on we got to go back to 15 I don't know if you guys noticed that but like the entire screen kind of glitched for a second I don't even know if I can pause it at the right spot let's see if I maybe slow it down we could see but like the whole thing glitched yes see look as soon as he falls I guess because we're a camera right and like if you were to throw a camera the whole thing might glitch out comment says bro snuck in a black toilet and thought we wouldn't notice the cameraman needs an Oscar for just chilling while an army of skibbies are chasing skib 16 wait what undercover skib they put a camera inside of the toilet oh they're going to notice that quick [Music] right the skiy language is extremely Advanced as you guys can tell what okay that was a secret laboratory where they were making stuff that should be in stranger things okay that has to be the Supreme toilet Overlord right master of all toilets what is that um um um this is ridiculous ah okay season five was was wild this is the aftermath of the last episode yo they got military toilets okay all right this is getting out of hand very fast who was that giant guy that was a giant foot right okay so we've seen the supreme leader of the toilets this has to be like the super cameraman what okay I'm team cameraman now team cameraman is going to win how do you defeat that thing also wait okay so that's that's like a triple toilet that we've seen a couple times it's almost like a curus skibidi slow clap okay wait what is happening in the comments day 20 the deployment of the giant cameraman was great until the appearance of alpha gmen toilet which used the lasers and a kamakazi toilet to damage him he is now retreating to repair what happens in this one then all right you got the alpha G toilet he literally has a riot shield he came prepared oh there it is the kamakazi ski oh that is creepy every single time one of the camera people dies it's so creepy okay we've watched all of season 6 why are there Seasons to this [Music] oh oh they're looking for the Supreme Overlord where is Alpha toilet kill him oh they definitely found him yo there he is skib toilet number [Music] 22 this really is just an endless war weit they're going to get him they're going to flush Alpha G toilet I never thought I would hear myself say those words okay we found out he can't be flushed that's it's literally impossible to flush him this is getting from a joke to an actual epic war between toilets and cameras log 22 during a massive battle between us and the skiy toilets Gman appeared and was destroying our army a couple of cameramen almost managed to flush him but the handle got stuck while flushing and the two men were killed we lost the battle with high casualties okay so everybody in the comments are team cameraman cuz that's who we are we haven't seen like a toilet POV okay that's cursed that is so cursed that was a five-headed toilet yes Supreme camera how are they finding each other like this oh they're like nah nah we're not messing with that guy oh we got upgrades wow he's got Iron Man level upgrades okay that was season 7 we are officially on season 8 of skiy toilet I need popcorn I need some sort of snack right now this has a better plot than the latest MCU movies Hur man yo oh wait speakers the speak people okay we have alliances let's see what the people said humans skibby toilets cameraman and now speaker greatest movie ever also TVs cuz there's apparently TVs coming bro this guy needs to make a movie this is so good this man woke up one day and thought I'm going to spend the next few months of my life making animations about toilets and cameras fighting I am intrigued now the first couple were very confusing but I understand now I get it this is what the kids are doing these days days and I got to stay young and hip wa okay so they're now using the power of the speaker people they're getting the upgrades and alliances that they need to beat the skibbies at this rate the ski is probably need an upgrade right that's kind of the way it's been going there's like a back and forth wow okay they have John Wick on their team apparently bro bro is killing skibbies okay you're dead now oh what yeah speaker man to the rescue oh you guys are all dead I need an origin story yes yes Supreme Alpha G is back oh no wait a second that's a different guy that's like Alpha speaker man a that was cool okay that was season 8 we're on season 9 already we are moving through this quick is that skibby prison what I think it is skibby prison oh no it was just a skib hideout they're going to murder all the skibbies [Music] gotcha thumbs up what's happening here oh new skib unlocked I need to see the com for this one bro got the meanest slap in the history of skibby I I got to see [Music] this uh-oh yeah speaker ski my dude got Chris Rock he's got that Will Smith strength oh I guess there's celebrating did they win no it's a never ending War what's up with that guy that SK look oh um guys I think the skibbies got upgraded the skippies are crazy they got flash skiy flash ski is loose yo somebody get flash skiy he just destroyed that woman oh you're dead oh gosh okay okay new skib unlocked skiy toilet season 10 I swear there's like three episodes per season whoa scientist skib they got Bruce Banner skib what is that oh I need to see the comments of this one they can make zombie camer people they have parasite skippies okay this just got Next Level good people who want this guy to have a Netflix movie everybody need needs this guy to have a Netflix movie day 30 the mad scientist toilet has been experimenting with new types of toilets a parasite toilet the parasite can control cameraman and speaker man I need to report this to the team asap POV cameraman I me yeah that is a serious threat to the toilet and skibby people or I guess to the camera people and the speaker people yeah check it out oh no they don't even know which one's bad and which one's good okay okay this is about time when the camera people are going to get an upgrade right every time that it seems like one side's going to win the other side gets a crazy upgrade yes speaker man's back oh no no they're going to get him they're going to infect him those are parasite guys right parasite skib oh they can't afford to lose him that's the end of season 10 oh oh oh yo yo yo dude um this is truly the most tragic loss in the war of the skiy toilets and the camera man I mean yeah it it was we are now on I think season 11 of skippity toilet I'm going through this faster than I went through Pokemon when I was 10 all right Alpha G skiy blew up YouTube headquarters oh who's that guy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait since when can toilets be people okay the toilets have too much power we need the Supreme camera leader back now oh they trapped him yes now they can figure out what it is that's infecting them oh they got it good job team okay now they're going to figure out what it is and wait they made a Gra it gun I think that's what that is oh oh it can Target the parasites it's an anti- parasite like Ray Gun it worked yeah let's go oh oh they could use it to get their big guy back it wasn't powerful enough they need that but they need to make it bigger thank you for your sacrifice fellow cameraman it will not be for nothing okay we at least have the technology that we could use to get rid of the parasites okay season 12 of skib toilet we're getting towards the end here yes they made more guns nice oh oh you can kind of tell by their music I didn't even realize yes yes the camera people are taking back over good job good job boys okay they have officially strapped the anti- parasite weapon to a giant truck and they basically turned it into a cannon oh oh yeah let's go yeah dude what's this guy oh they could finally get back their giant speaker good yeah no no last second he blocked it no way no dude I need to see the comments vote for Titan cameraman the anti- skib toilet shop oh my gosh dude okay okay so that's all the things that they've used so far they've used shotguns armies spider cameras that thing is called the anti- skib nuke the Dooms Slayer cameraman day 38 the footage is taken by a cameraman who overlooks a large battle including the now infected Titan speaker man many large toilets and toilet spiders begin to approach the cameraman as a heavy vehicle arrives which has the parasite remover mounted on top of it in an attempt to rescue the greatest weapon of the cameraman it fires upon the Titan however at that moment the strongest of all toilets arrive that being the Gman toilet it blocks the heavy vehicle's beam from the the Titan as it fires a large laser which destroys the vehicle the toilet Army begins to March past the slain cameraman towards the POV I love that people are are documenting every single part of this all right skiy toilet season 13 oh wait a second what this is the first one that we've seen that isn't like a vertical YouTube short oh new character what oh wait it can take over the skibbies yeah no way oh a couple of them have armor for their flushers guess that does kind of make sense is he on their team yeah he is let's go dude the skippies are about to get defeated okay all they need is a giant TV man I guess earlier we did see that comment talking about the TV n we just didn't know what they did at the time yes yes oh I guess this is the same one but just vertical okay we're on skiy 40 I guess we might as well watch them fully vertical now or I guess fully horizontal not vertical I'm dumb staying back yo oh okay so they can block out whatever it is that the TVs are using to take over the skibbies that is overpowered is this the end of the skibbies [Music] they can't do anything oh please tell me they have a giant TV guy now yes they do the skip ities are in trouble oh my gosh it's like the THX movie sound effect it automatically makes them want to flush themselves but we don't know why and I think that's it now also apparently I don't know if you guys caught that but the TV person right there saying something thing in Reverse it actually has a meaning to it so I think he was saying to put on your protective glass so that you don't get infected by the ultimate Alpha TV man the most epic 80in television he's too good too powerful the skies need to flush themselves because they hate movie theaters sound effects they all pull out their own plunger even the police officer he was like nope dude I'm out TV people too op too powerful and then I think that might be the end of season 13 normally every season ends with like an epic battle and this is the introduction of the giant TV man now shortly after this if we look at season 14 let's just read the comments real quick because the comments are like my best most favorite part of this series if we scroll down everybody's like skippity toilet turned it into a movie please I got to be honest just started watching the series and I'm surprised it has such do do dot compelling plot development like there's so much lore within skib toilet like from a first glance it seems like it's really dumb and that like two-year-olds watch it but then you actually start watching it yourself and you realize that like there's there's some good storyline here there's some good character development this guy said I like how the toilets are getting darker and more detailed with each episode and The Operators are also Keeping Up With The Evolution so the actual creators of this are doing a really good job of like making sure that the animations are getting better every single episode so let's check out season 14 I haven't seen these yet I don't think so season 14 and 15 are completely new to me okay so the camera people have been infected so there's parasite skippies but the camera people invented like this this anti- parasite cannon that pretty much makes it so that the parasites like have to get off of whatever they're infecting so it seems like at this point look like the camera people should win but the skippity toilets get upgrades dude that was like a Doc O skibby toilet and then you have the multi- TV Dude the ski figured out because in the last episode they were able to steal the protective eye cover and they now made their own glasses there's a skibby engineer toilet that is inventing things just to protect the skibbies now also Al I've been reading a lot of theories about the TV people because they kind of just like I don't know if you guys noticed that but like they just went into a portal and just s like you know like they just dipped they were like all right yep that didn't work we're not going to die so I've been reading a lot of theories that the TV people are from an alternate reality like they're not even from this like whole universe which is kind of crazy to think you would think that the TV people would want to help more because like they're kind of cousins with the speaker people and also the cameraman and luckily they still have giant TV epic Al Gman who is still powerful but wait a second oh oh he's actually able to kill them wow okay whoa dude they shot him with a rocket okay who is more powerful than giant TV man maybe rocket skib oh he's got upgrades okay this giant TV Dude literally just turned into Iron Man for a second that is impressive that was good that man I do not want to mess with that man plus speaker man's there too them two together are wait wait a second is Speaker man taken over by one of the parasites and that's the end of season 14 dudes I'm actually like really excited to check out season 15 I know that like it might sound like I'm just like kidding but this is good this is actually like quality entertainment okay so season 15 let's check it out whoa dude the episodes also I noticed are getting kind of longer yeah so I don't know if you guys can tell but since there's like that blue particle effect Around Speaker man he's infected by one of the parasites I kind of forgot about that part so he's infected but TV man has his own speaker so like he should be able to fight back oh my God yo yo TV man wins oh Epic Face wait did he just teleport away wait did he go back to his own Dimension you can never tell with the TV people what they're up to the battle rage is on wait what check out that new cameraman that looked like I don't know like an old school camera on top of that cameraman's head giant TV man he's too powerful what is this that race car Tank Vacuum skibidi wait did you guys just see that like there was I don't know what that was on the bottom of it hold on wait let's check that out for a second what is this right there it looked like maybe is that where they were getting no they weren't getting sucked in I think maybe a camera popped out of there which is really weird maybe that's how it sees maybe it's like a remote controlled skibby we've seen that before Oh my God are you actually kidding me and he saved the camera people the camera people were able to escape I don't think we've seen that before we haven't seen camera people escape after they've gone into the belly of a skibidi we also don't know if skibbies even have bellies we're just kind of assuming because I mean they're like mostly toilet Gman Gman skib what no way nah dude n no no I never thought I would see this thing no no no he had him TV speaker man had him no dude come on come on yes he's got this he can end this once in for all no dude there's a speaker guy got stabbed in the face this isn't even fair bro check it out there's another Giant skib and one's coming in is that is that a parasite you have to be joking right now season 15 ends with wait who's that who is that at the end who was that at the end I have no idea let's check out the comments the fact that how much effort this guy has put into this series is just Magnificent the struggle is fierce and intense every time the cameramen and their allies seem to be getting the upper hand this toilets top them somehow both sides are constantly inventing new ways to surpass each other but as someone who watched the entire series it seems either that the cameraman are fighting a losing battle or a bloody constant stalemate it does seem like that it seems like the camera people they they win sometimes but for the most part the skibby toilets always steal the technology of the camera people and they just make it way better like g man's lasers I'm pretty sure they got that from the camera people somebody said the effort he puts in is just outstanding he broke records with this series he really did I before we watch the the last couple of episodes I just want to show you guys like how crazy this channel is now so if we go over here you could see it is an A++ he is getting double the amount of views as I'm pretty sure Mr Beast right now just on the Mr Beast Channel 1.4 billion views in the last 30 days which is absurd that is insane but the ski toilet channel is getting a billion more views every single month they're getting 100 plus million views a day and 200,000 new subscribers they just passed 20 million subscribers look at that jump all from skibby toilet skib toilet literally like made this channel into the best Channel on YouTube but okay so season 15 the finale happened now we are on skibby toilet episode 48 all right let's start it from the very start here so I think that they lost like epic giant G G Man TV Dude Gman skib and a bunch of the other skippies defeated him okay nice nice they have the guns okay it's a good start so far that guy's good John Wick cameraman is good but dude s skippity they have a s skippity bro what how do you beat that cameramen are in trouble I mean yeah it seems like it 16 million views in one day is literally insane is there any like information on what just happened somebody said is anyone going to talk about how the cameraman in the beginning sacrificed his life to take down the helicopter skibby wait did he I feel like they both died I mean yeah I don't know if he sacrificed his life I'm pretty sure he just he just got deleted and then up to right now the date is uh July 18th 2023 skiy toilet episode 49 is the latest skib toilet we must smash like on all skiy episodes all right Gman has has won the battle Gman is too powerful like seriously how are you supposed to beat that oh my God bro SK jump scare skib is going to put me in hospital who is that is that a woman woman TV oh what okay oh oh they have their own parasites it's about time yes I don't know who these new secret TV agents are but they are epic epic ooo TV agents n that's actually sick and wait we can teleport we can just teleport away now are we in the alternate Dimension that dude's hitting the orange justice so hard the legance of camera people lives on let's go dude it says skibby toilets have one question mark I don't think they have better than Netflix series episode 50 is going to be fire no matter how long we have to wait I think he's taking extra long to make it extra epic yeah that does make sense it's been 3 days since episode 50 episode 50 is like a huge milestone but real quick before we do end this off I do want to check out skib toilet 49 in reverse because the TV people did say something but I don't know what let's see in Reverse usually something strange happens so we're looking for any clues possible nothing so far so they're working on something I don't know what sort of Technology hey what did they say I'm sure somebody in the comments figured it out wait I don't know if you guys caught that there was like a little symbol that popped up during that explosion I don't know what it was right there okay maybe that's not as simple actually maybe I'm just like cing as craws okay they did say something earlier I want to just check out the comments bro legit slept on the battlefield oh my go she really came back to bring him back to the war that's actually kind of funny but I don't know what they said readed bro I don't know guys it's the next day and skiy toilet 50 has been released this has been a long awaited episode so let's check it out here we go skiy toilet 50 last episode ended with giant Titan speaker TV man getting destroyed and it seems like the camera people are pretty much going to lose the war the skib toilets I mean bro they have like X-Men level Powers they can breathe fire they have Rockets like wait who was that wait a second somebody's fighting back what camer man is that pretty much all of like the Titan cameramen are are like dead oh oh yes Titan cameraman oh it's been like 20 episodes since he's been here we all thought he was gone no way let's go dude dude check out the hammer he can just shoot Flames from his chest what what G man skippity is in trouble the skippity toilets are finally going to die Titan cameraman has returned no that's actually crazy I did not think we would see Titan cameraman again all the cameraman thumbs up thumbs up boys this first comment says after 27 episodes of disappearance Titan cameraman is finally back yes he is bro feeling sad for the fellow cameraman who died within this journey we were able to get into the 50th episode of the series because of them they are the real heroes can we admire the fact that double toilet plunger was so brave he just got his plunger off and ready to plugge the Skippy toilets yes honestly yeah he's like the ninja cameraman finally the long awaited Titan cameraman is back guys I honestly I can't believe it okay at this point in the skippity toilet series everything is is basically destroyed like Civilization and Mankind are no longer in existence it's the skippies and the camera people which also include the speaker people and the TV people who are like secret agent dudes which you will see at some point hopefully in season 16 but every single time that the camera people are about to win and about to beat Gman skibidi who is the boss of all the skippies that guy right there that has laser vision and he has rocket he's super overpowered but as soon as they're about to beat Gman skippity something bad happens this is like the never ending War oh my gosh dude that gets me every time man these skippies jump scare the crap out of me okay we've seen this before this is tvom tvom is a little bit different than the TV mans that we've seen before she can actually set skippies on fire it's pretty overpowered oh and she can also detach her head and infect skippies which we've never seen that before now if they could get that to go after Gman skibidi then maybe possibly this war could end but honestly with the amount of views that this channel is getting I don't think it's ever going to end there's no reason to okay we're getting teleported I'm I'm pretty sure anyway yeah so the TV people and the TV woman and the men they they all have like this teleportation ability that nothing else has like not even the skippies have the teleportation ability yet yet I have a weird feeling that they're going to get their own teleportation ability at some point okay I don't know if I've seen this oh oh wait no no I did this is Skippy toilet episode 50 just sit back and watch ladies and gentlemen if you haven't already grab a snack come on this is like a movie okay at this point this is when it turns the skibbies are about to take over the cameraman Federation but not today dude Titan cameraman comes out of nowhere we didn't see him for basically like 10 seasons he was under repair and getting some upgrades and it was totally worth it do you see this man this giant camera dude he's basically Megatron he is amazing and he's got this huge Hammer too that is super overpowered I don't even know the extent of his abilities yet and I'm sure most people don't know like the other abilities that he might have like he might have a gravity gun a portal gun he might be able to transform and maybe like disconnect parts of his body kind of like the TV woman can and then at this point it's looking like the camera people are going to come out on top but that was only season 16 so we still have season 17 which I haven't seen all of yet so I'm super excited this is going to be brand new to me I might pause to try to figure out some things but I'm pretty sure this is a POV you are Titan cameraman oh my God this is epic now some people might feel bad for the camera peop or the skippies I honestly don't I feel like they've kind of both asked for this war the skippity toilet started it but the camera people they've been fighting for their lives and I feel like they probably could have tried to this a little bit more peacefully but I'm okay with it because this is epic content you're not going to see anything like that anywhere else on YouTube seriously oh yes he had baby cameraman who is just normalized cameraman oh my gosh dude here we go okay I I haven't seen any of these so I'm super excited are we a cameraman yep we're we're a cameraman oh my God yo it's the plunger dude yes I think we've seen him earlier in this series as like this John Wick character that's able to plunge and like do ninja flips and and he's just really overpowered but he doesn't actually have any like really big upgrades like the Titan cameraman or the Titan speaker man so it's really cool to see that he's bag whoa oh I don't think we've seen that before in the background they have like a security camera Chopper that just dropped in a bunch of troops pretty cool who is that I don't know if we've seen that guy before we've definitely seen the [Music] skippies wa wa wao wao have we seen guns in this series yet I don't think we have I think that's the first time we've seen somebody like actually shoot I don't know if they were bullets or what like we've seen giant lasers we've seen flamethrowers we've seen TV people with like mind control abilities but I don't think we've seen that before huh well so far the camera people have pretty much beaten out the skippies in the last couple of episodes team skippity is winning comment down below if you guys are team skippity or team camera people uh-oh I had a feeling team skib is going to win team skib always comes back with something something super overpowered that is beyond fantastic and it destroys every one of the camera people oh I have a bad feeling for Titan cameraman I don't like where this is going it's almost like in movies when it's too quiet and you're kind of just waiting for something bad to happen that is wild that we are on skib toilet 54 and what's even more crazy is I've watched every single one multiple times I'm addicted oh okay that was I was not expecting that bro oh my gosh oh he put some zest on that dang he meant that what did that skiy do bro my goodness he hit him with the Will Smith special wa nice work oh my god oh it's this guy The Flash tiity no no no no no no no no yes yes tvom tvom actually got the flash gim let's go dudes wait they're actually winning who would have ever thought this oh sorry dude we're starting to get towards the end skiy toilet 55 4 days ago and it has 28 million views all right I think this is a POV we are a camera person kind of all right skippies nice try oh triple headed bathtub skiy nah bro nah low key trash Titan cameraman needs business also I don't know what city they're fighting in maybe it's like New York City Chicago I don't know some random City it is destroyed there's there's no coming back from this there's no way you could repair that City it actually doesn't look that bad considering that there's been 54 episodes of them fighting who is that that's not Gman right no I think that might be whoa skeleton skiy that was like a nuclear waste skiy Titan cameraman so far is Unstoppable I'm waiting for the final battle Titan cameraman versus Gman skibby toilet 56 I saw in the thumbnail something I'm sure you guys saw it too we haven't seen this guy in a while all right so far so good they're slowly taking back the city tank destroyed wait is that the first time I think maybe we've seen like like that iPad thing and it also has their name on it look on the side it says cameraman 1,2 247 so there's been a lot of camera people oh somehow the TV people know what's going to happen in advance I swear every time something bad's about to happen they just disappeared and there it is guys speaker Titan man he's still infected if they can figure out a way to uninfect him they're golden there's nothing that can stop Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man oh dude that's going to be the next battle honestly it's going to be Titan cameraman versus Titan speaker man and I cannot wait to see it what's up guys welcome back to another episode of Jack watches skib [Music] toilet okay skap toilet War rages on the rocket skippies and the helicopter skippies are taking over the world it looks like for a little bit here that the skides are going to make a comeback but no Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man are too powerful it's literally just over team toilet all the way oh no not not team toilet team cameraman I am so dumb sometimes why would I even say that my good friend zyen as you guys know aka the stinky Rood he really loves team toilet so sometimes I get a little bit confused but as you guys can see the cameraman Army is back and since Titan speaker man is destroying the skides all of the speaker man army is coming back out and they're dancing it is amazing look at that look at those beasts boom baby we are back the cameraman Army is taken over okay looks like we have two cameraman spies have we seen them talk to each other oh this is so weird so if I had to guess this little guy is telling Gman that Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man are destroying and that they're taking over and it looks like these skibbies are trying to actually destroy Gman because I guess g man's making all of the wrong decisions but the engineer comes in saves Gman but it looks like Gman is losing his army they're losing faith in the skibbies oh they found them good job boys rest in peace two spy cameraman necessary sacrifice in the skibby army war and it looks like wait they were all watching Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man are taken down Gman I have a feeling the war is coming to a close ladies and gentlemen now I do want to check out one thing it looked like they were talking to each other but the weird thing is there's no captions available so we're not really sure what they're saying right so I wonder if anybody in the comments mentioned anything I like hearing them talk to each other in the skiy language yeah it's really funny because it's the original song but like it seems like they're having a conversation let's appreciate the effort these NPCs put into writing this same comment every episode honestly there's so many people writing the same exact comment kudos to the two photographers who gave their lives to get more information so they can share it with their allies seriously shout out to those two guys they were necessary sacrifices in the war ladies and gentlemen there's a brand new skibby skibby toilet 61 and as you guys already know we're checking it out let's see what it's all about okay here we go we got camera person running away it looks like he's carrying I don't know like some sort of secret thing dude that thing just got roasted hold on wait wait wait I don't know if you guys just caught that hold up hold up hold up okay I want to pause this to try to find as many Secrets as possible if you guys notice anything make sure you guys leave a comment down below but in like a second I don't know if you guys see this there's somebody inside watching now I've seen a lot of skibby lore videos and this could be the secret human that's left we don't know exactly who he is but there's been this like secret person in the skibbidy episodes and he's not a camera person he's not a skibbidy we don't know exactly what he is but just he's right there I feel like we're going to see him later on in the series what else is there wait who is that guy that kind of looks like the uh YouTuber moist critical a little bit I thought this episode was going to have Gman versus Titan cameraman that is Speaker woman we've never seen speak speaker woman before if she's anything like TV woman bro she's going to be insanely powerful oh yeah she already is she can use the power of sound to shoot out knives to propel herself forward okay she's epic that was awesome is she single like I I'm just saying like obviously she has her speaker people but that was amazing that was very impressive what the heck dude like that scene with the explosion was awesome hold on wait I got to see that one more time that right there dude that was like a movie that episode was really cool now to be honest I thought that we would have Gman with the scientist dude versus Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man but it is very cool that we got a brand new skiy and also a brand new uh speaker woman lady I don't know how she's going to play into the skibby toilet versus camera people War that's going on right now but I'm excited to find out okay this is all brand new to me so it seems like obviously the war is Raging on but but ladies and gentlemen in the previous episode that I saw it seemed like the camera Army was winning and the toilets are on the Run oh yes oh my goodness who is this dude that looks like a John Wick speaker man oh okay are we safe so far so good okay maybe not every single time when it seems like the camera Army is going to pull out of this war on top for whatever reason they just come out with some crazy new advancement let's see who is this is this the glitch who is this guy whoa whoa so this guy looks like the glitch toilet that we saw that was on the skibby toilet Army however now they figured out a way to take him over and he's inside of like some sort of like flying drone skibbidy that is epic oh wow oh no bro you're dead oh my goodness what is That Yo they got like an ac130 Skippy and it got deleted oh it got yed yes Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man boys that is the best duo that we've seen so far in the series wow oh it's Gman in the back what is this that looked like a buzs saw oven skibbidy oh yeah finally boys I see why now it could be the final battle of the Skippy toilet series it makes a lot lot of sense boys we're getting down to it Gman keeps evading Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man I honestly think that he's scared or another thing that I think is that maybe he's trying to lure them into a trap he knows that he's not as powerful oh gosh dude it was a suicide bomber Titan cameraman okay he's good he's good my guy's fine upgraded Titan cameraman is chilling oh you guys are all dead so guys yeah I think Gman might be lowering them into a trap now I don't know because we've seen the scientist as well and the scientist might be the smartest just like being in this entire series and I think the scientist honestly might know something and also I don't know if you guys just saw that but in the bottom left it seems like there's the creator of the series which we've seen him a couple times so far in these episodes now I think that it has to do with the Multiverse and there's a universe that has normal people still but let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below there's so much hidden lore in these episodes I definitely missed out on something I need you guys help like just combing through these videos and let me know in the comments just like any piece of lore that I miss oh boys is it time I think it is see guys I was kind of right Gman was leading Titan cameraman and Titan speaker into a final battle they're all leaving Gman no way they left Gman now granted Gman has some seriously powerful upgrades but I can't believe that I honestly think that the scientist was jealous the scientist is more powerful than Gman and he wants to prove it to him right now wow that was a switch up I did not see coming all of the skippies answered to the scientist clearly because they all just left him okay the Titan speaker man should have known you can't flush Gman they've tried it before what they can do is smash him to bits they can just keep smashing and smashing and just send him down into the sewers wow this isn't fair dude oh my God oh my gosh is that it it's Gman was a robot the entire time it's not the real Gman is it no it was a trap it was a trap I knew it no bro bro it was a trap that might not even have been the real Gman okay upgrade to Titan cameraman he he seems okay right thumbs up he's damaged what no no no no no no no no no no no no boys hold on we need to check out the comments oh my gosh the fact that the series went from an Ohio joke to a massive war with comebacks betrayals surprises and it's even over 50 episodes it is it is insane it is insane I definitely agree with Mr stumble here um I wonder if there's any comments about how Titan cameraman he he's he might be gone like that could be it and I know too that a lot of people were saying that um the Creator took a big break like episode 65 came out two weeks ago and then he took like a week and a half break to make skibby toilet 66 which is the longest episode in the entire series and guys we're going to check it out and then we're going to check out the comments but this could be it I don't know if you guys noticed in the description it says the final battle begins so this very well could be the end of skippity toilet as we know it I don't know what I'm going to do with all this free time after ski toilet ends what do I do all of my time has been spent watching skiy toilet okay boys now I do have a couple theories Titan TV man has not been seen in a few episodes actually maybe a lot of episodes so I feel like he's going to have to come back if they they stand a chance at winning all of the speaker people the camera people the TV people and maybe even a different species they're going to have to come together to win this war because it seems like both of the Titans are deleted what's happening oh they're angry they are angry that their Titans got destroyed let's go boys it takes numbers to win a war oh this is Revenge right here boys yes eat that bro the bigger they are the harder they get stabbed let's go what is that we're seeing some camera people that we've never seen before also too where are they trying to get to oh TV woman all the women the women are back let's go okay boys I don't know who that guy is but bro he's got a he's got a giant Gatling gun as a PP what is that also he looks different I don't know if we've seen a skib that had that face before okay he's got his glitched Mech drone suit and guys it seems like some of the main characters in the series are they're going to have to team up all together because they don't have their Titans anymore unless they have Titan TV man which we lowkey we kind of need Titan TV man is that the scientist oh no they said something right there but I I don't know what it was hopefully somebody in the comments translates it come on come on you can make it no no in where are they going that can't be it right there's more interesting so they have some sort of like underground secret society where they can hide out okay that's their own scientist I think we're probably getting analyzed right now for like a glitch or a parasite I guess we passed what's happening over there dudes what is that what just happened who is over there okay that it it has to be Titan TV man right it has to be I just okay I have so many thoughts right now so it looks like the Titans are gone right like that that point right in the start of the episode right at the start it seems like look at that they just sent a picture literally just like being like hey we got both of you most powerful dudes they're just dead like the Trap worked the Gman at the start of the last episode wasn't actually Gman um it was just like a robot Gman in Disguise the scientist is like he is outsmarting the camera army easily like he he's doing everything that he has to do so honestly the only hope right now is either a new Titan or it's going to have to be TV Titan who like I don't even know what happened to him but let's check out some of the comments here uh this is not just a mini movie this is a masterpiece agreed agreed I love how the cameramen go into a blind rage when they think the skibbies killed the Titans I love the camaraderie between the cameramen when they think the skib killed the Titan I think that maybe the Titans are gone I mean they sent this picture definitely Titan cameraman was like thumbs down so it seemed like they were probably going to get attacked because it was just them two in that last episode and they were both really badly beaten up the cameramen have become Furious and the famous allies are all going to have to destroy the skiy toilets it is pretty unexpected and it was an amazing episode um I wonder if there's any like any person that said what the skibbies or sorry what like the camera people were talking about um I don't see anything right now but yeah look at that somebody said we are waiting for episode 67 with Titan TV man who is the last Titan standing that's it uh for anyone that didn't notice I'm pretty sure that the gray suit speaker head was the vet that first took the hand of the cameraman when the speakers joined the war in episode 24 interesting okay so it was the first ever speaker head or speaker man um and let's see anything else rest in peace Titan cameraman and Titan speaker man rest in peace boys press F to pay respects honestly well and I've been seeing a lot of theories that episode 6 or episode 69 might be the final episode of the entire series which honestly like that would be perfect all right so we are uh I think we're invading skibby HQ right now in the latest episodes we saw that uh upgraded Titan t or upgraded Titan cameraman and also um the uh speaker man they probably are destroyed I don't know if they're fully destroyed it seems like they probably are able to be repaired but it's going to take a while before we see them back in Action again now obviously Titan TV man is going to make his reappear somewhere in today's episode we just don't know when we don't know where I mean you guys probably do you guys are on top of this you guys watch this as soon as it comes out also guys if I miss anything make sure you guys leave a comment down below with a time stamp okay so there's a giant buz saw dude oh wo W even though wait what oh my God he just stole the butts off I did not think we were going to see upgraded Titan cameraman and speak man come back that fast dude he just slapped him in the face wow okay this is a lot better than I expected I thought they were down and out for the count after getting destroyed by that fake Gman in one of the previous episodes but it seems like they're fine honestly guys it seems like they're making a push towards skibby HQ but scientist TV or just scientist man scientist skibby man he wanted them to come back I think it's all a part of his plan to take them out once and for all the scientist honestly at this point I think he's too powerful even though we have the ultimate Duo the scientist dude he's insane he's got all the powers in the world and he's got like these new radioactive nuclear cannons that can destroy both speaker man and upgraded uh cameraman oh my gosh dude okay we need these guys to at least do some damage to the scientist honestly they need backup though who is that okay that has to be the glitch right it is it's glitch cameraman but whatever just happened dude it messed up the cameras I don't know if you guys noticed that the entire screen started to mess up like right here you can tell it's starting to mess up with the camera people so they can't operate as they usually do something with like I guess the the frequency and the Audio Waves just messes up their cameras no it's actual deman no way just when they were about to do some serious damage to the scientist no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don't think that he has a lens he's literally just trying to end it no no what's happening no no we're going to lose the both no please please no no no no no no no no no they have him destroying himself oh no they're fighting each other they've been taken over and it's crazy to think because it's the it's the same technology that the TV people originally brought over and the scientists skip it he stole it yes did that do anything nothing literally that did nothing who is it is it him yes is it him yes g man's out bye Gman see you loser yes yes he got upgrades dude he's been gone for like 20 episodes and Now ladies and gentlemen he is back baby let's go yes yes get the scientist out of here boom I got to watch that again do it yes Titan TV man for the win Baby Woo I never thought I'd be this excited about skiy toilet but here we are yes they're back boys he's like hey job's not done boys job is not done Gman is still out huh bro okay wait did I just see that right how many GM's are there because I know in the last episode we saw that Gman wasn't even like real Gman it was like a robot Gman like the Terminator pretty much and that's honestly what's probably going on here there's at least one Gman two GM three probably an entire Army of different levels of Gman and that's it that has to be the final battle and it's honestly kind of scary because cuz even though we have our three Titans two of them are badly injured who's this guy that's that's the founder and who who who whoa whoa who that's not the scientist is it is is that is that a mini version of the scientist right it it it can't be can it be is there a mini version of the scientist where where are we we got to get in there this is skib HQ all right we have our mini bosses we have dark speaker man come on get in here no yes just made it all right he sacrificed himself so that the boys could get in we have our plunger guy and this is it I mean this has to be the end of the war it's up to these guys now it's up to these guys and the Titan cameraman and Titan TV man Titan speaker man to destroy boy skib he once and for all but ladies and gentlemen there was a lot that we just watched right there first off I I honestly I we we didn't miss it but that was crazy so we saw the founder right for like half a second right there and he says look to the left is that was he telling the camera to look to the left to find the scientist is he is the founder of all of the skib toilets is he on the give toilet side or is he on team cameraman like that's the thing where I don't I don't know cuz what does look to the left even mean like it could mean literally from right here just look to the left and then you'll see that the scientist may or may not be still alive I don't know if that's actually the scientist or what because at this point we thought we killed Gman last episode but we clearly didn't there's multiple gmen and then I wonder if there's any like Secrets inside of the actual HQ cuz it doesn't seem like like it like there is this up on the wall which it seems like yeah this is skib toilet headquarters um I don't know exactly what this means if you guys know what this translates to let me know in the comments down below but this is clearly like some sort of uh flag for the skibbies they have Gman on there um which is their figure head but yeah okay so let's go ahead and let's actually look through some of the different comments um somebody commented this is straight up a movie now good job bro really proud of you obviously yeah this is not just a a stupid series anymore like this this is next level stuff this is like a they're going to get a Netflix original level stuff um also in the comments let's see there's really nothing else to look at in the description um somebody said I'm almost certain that the series will end at episode 75 to 80 uh but I'm almost certain that it'll last longer so you see I've never seen that before a lot of people have said that it's going to end very soon or at least like it'll it'll stop for a while at episode 69 because at this point he's making actual movies for episodes like all of episode 67 was about 6 minutes long um and he breaks it up into different parts which is honestly pretty smart um this is kind of a newer video too so I do want to go ahead and go back to the original Channel just to see if maybe the other episodes maybe had some things going on in the comments so this is 17 hours ago uh the description says the Titans unite and Squad of cameramen chasing the scientist so the scientist is back the scientist never fully died there even though it seemed like they they fried the scientist brain he's still alive um the large speaker man deserves all of our respect for his courage and sacrifice I mean agreed agreed he was able to get the boys into the HQ um which we cannot forget but let's see yeah I'm looking for like any extra um any extra little bits of information that people would have commented but I'm not seeing anything right now at least on that latest episode maybe episode 67 which it seems like yeah this is when Titan TV man comes back great job to the Titan TV man he deserves our respect I mean I mean Agreed 100% the fact that the plunger man the Titan cameraman and the Titan speaker man couldn't even defeat him together proves how strong the TV Titan truly is I mean yes I will also say though that like it it helped that they could all group together like Titan speaker man Titan cameraman and Titan TV man all together that's the most power that we've seen like in this series so the fact that he's back is insane and he also have has a Optimus Prime sword and even more screens so I mean he's going to be pretty much Unstoppable at this point so this final battle is going to be absolutely Next Level I just don't know how long we're going to have to wait for it because episode 67 came out over the span of 3 weeks so at that rate episode 68 might take like an entire month to come out but I'm willing to wait for it and I'm sure you guys are too real quick we're going to watch episode 68 check out your guys' comments and then do a secret Deep dive on what we might have missed okay we're starting out strong dude we got got upgraded Titan TV man fighting off the Gman Army now a lot of you guys were commenting that the GM's are actually clones of Gman and that the scientist is like he's using Gman as a figurehead so Gman isn't even really in charge when for like the entire series we thought Gman was in charge but he's not it's really the scientist that's pulling the strings all of these GM look so weird dude and Titan TV man dudes he is insanely powerful look at that he's got multiple TVs going around just frying the brains of the skippies and like I love their little faces it's just so amazing they're so adorable but so deadly at the same time wow dude this is insane look at that he's he's trying to hack in not a chance bro not a chance there's no way they're going to beat upgraded Titan TV man look at that they're holding down one of the GM oh oh God okay okay maybe um maybe chop off his buzs saw arms or something okay maybe don't kill him because they need to take a hostage to what what his arm can teleport bro dude I mean we knew the TV people could teleport but we've never seen them teleport limbs actual limbs what okay you're just dead I don't even know like why would you try that what a dummy what an absolute buffoon okay they're talking to each other we have no idea what they're saying but we're going to find out when we do a deep dive into the secrets and it actually looked like we were going into the TV which was kind of super weird but ladies and gentlemen there was a lot that we just watched and that's only part one keep in mind there is a theory going around that skibby toilet 69 will be the final episode so we're kind of getting towards the end but okay so we saw a lot in that episode we saw upgraded Titan TV man's abilities um which you know he has a lot of different abilities he has portable TVs that he could just launch out he's got lasers um they obviously can fry the Ski's Minds using that like red TV effect ability he also seems to have like some sort of like Iron Man Arc Reactor in his chest that probably is like a laser beam so yeah this guy is powerful we don't know exactly just how powerful but he took down an entire Army of gmans pretty much single-handedly so we're going to say that he's like at least five times stronger than any Gman that we've seen now real quick before we do the Deep dive let's check out your guys comments so let's see this guy said it's a really good idea that TV man can teleport his sword which I agree like that is such an overpowered ability but honestly I feel like it makes sense for upgraded Titan TV man to have some ability that like we've never seen before like only he has that ability no other TV can just teleport like swords or like part of their bodies like normally they're teleporting their entire bodies we've never seen it before where they could teleport part of their body to attack the skippies so that is definitely epic uh yeah this is actually the first episode that we've really seen upgraded Titan TV man's abilities and my gosh guys they are insane let's see this guy actually listed out all of the upgrades so he has extra TVs movable TVs from behind the main TV teleporting limbs flying TVs the orange screen obviously we've seen the purple pink screen the anti- parasite Tech so that he can't be taken over the purple lasers the Cannons and also I mean every single TV is like able to move around and they're all able to like fight on their own which is incredible like we we haven't seen a Titan that overpowered yet I mean upgraded Titan cameraman was very powerful but even he got taken down okay so now we've checked out that guys but we're going to go ahead over to Elite cameraman who does some of the best analysis and like deep Dives on these videos so let's sit back relax and check this out hello everyone Elite cameraman here it was kind of unexpected but episode 68 part one dropped earlier than we thought it would and only a couple hours after the first leak the new episode dropped like a nuke and it was quite the showoff from upgraded Titan TV man yes as I guessed in my leak's video earlier today we saw the new abilities of upgraded Titan TV man actually capable of blood literally clowned on every Gman toilet clone like it wasn't even the other two Titans really have to get some crazy upgrades to get on the king's level I mean honestly yeah like UPG not not even upgraded just like speaker man and upgraded cameraman like they honestly don't stand a chance if they were to battle upgraded Titan TV man like this guy is on his own level at this point I don't even know if there is any toilet that's even half as strong as upgraded Titan TV man but that wasn't all because we got a glimpse of what's awaiting us as well and before we get into it make sure to like this video and as 100,000 sub while you are at it don't forget to subscribe see theak down skips I'm of course not counting multiple part episodes since they have to be connected because it's all in the same episode you see the injured large speaker man trying to hold the door for plunger cameraman to get in but sadly we get to witness the tragic death of the poor large speaker man once again May the speaker man Gods rest his soul he sacrificed we start hearing the Gman clones yapping as usual and it seems like we are the only normal agent in the vicinity at this point I honestly thought we were going to see this episode from Titan cameraman's POV because there was no one left from what we can see but I that would have been pretty cool right after we see the plane Gman toilet shooting his rockets at upgraded Titan TV man but we already know that he is rocket proof so he defends himself pretty easily leading up to him slashing one of the rockets and using his core laser as a blaster instead of a constant laser knocking off the weakest Gman toilet clone right after this he suddenly starts getting attacked from behind yeah so like this guy this upgraded Titan cameraman or upgraded Titan TV man he's he literally took out a Gman like he snapped his fingers and the Gman was gone so I mean this guy he's he's next level and it's the laser Gman toilet clone it also looks like he can aim to a single point with all his lasers at once and normally this should do a lot of damage it probably should do enough damage to kill Speaker if I'm Hest but what we see here is incredible upgraded Titan TV man actually turns his core to the laser yeah he it seems like he has like some sort of force field around his power core so like he's not able to take any rocket damage any laser damage no parasites can get in there like this seems like an indestructible force field around his heart and even though the cores have been weak points for other Titans upgraded Titan TV man uses the energy output from the laser Gman toilet clone to increase his own powers and we can see that that upgraded Titan TV man's monitors getting a little brighter and I guess yeah so kind of similar to how um Thor Powers up Ironman the GM's are powering up the upgraded uh TV man so he literally is absorbing damage and then he could give it back even stronger than it was before yellowish while he is being charged also his purple core effects are merging with the yellow ones that's a crazy power if you ask me forget being able to defend himself against it blood can literally use it for his good now I also do want to see what what were they saying because obviously we know that upgraded Titan TV man went on an absolute Rampage and destroyed everything we saw that he can disconnect his body parts um he could teleport which is insane so we've already seen that but I do want to know if this channel did like a a breakdown of like what they were actually saying plain Gman toilet and fall down with him to kill him but the POV cameraman turns to his left for a second we see the main head monitor using the red beam to literally torture laser Gman toilet Club clown to death and when we look up we see one of the arm monitors using the orange beam to burn one of the helicopter toilets while the other arm is using the purple beam to control the other helicopter toilet and crash it into the other toilet it's insane it's like the Avatar using all four elements together to defeat his enemies okay so we we've seen that let's see what do they say to each other obviously the battle rages on oh wait it looks like we did a little bit of a flashback here we had no idea where they were all this time looks like they probably were spy on the Gman toilet clones I don't know what they are planning but for some reason they don't want the Gman Clone Army to happen from what we can gather it's super we'll get to learn more about them as we go on but right now like it seems like yeah there's like a little Civil War happening in the skidy Army which we didn't really see before this moment like when they attacked one of the Gman clones and at this point too we didn't even realize that the GM's were clones we thought there was one Gman and now we realize that there's like multiple gmen and that the scientist is actually like just controlling Gman it's crazy okay so after they they win this battle right then they start talking but I think it's like at this point after they destroy Gman after we see that he can disconnect his Limbs and stab him in the face with the swordman starts clapping Titan TV man in a normal way just like how speaker woman clapped the glitch plunger cameraman in episode 66 Titan cameraman also gives a thumbs up to Titan TV MA while this is going on and to be honest he is pretty sturdy when you think about what happened he is still standing even after all that I think once he goes through his upgrades while getting fixed he might actually become stronger than Titan TV man's current version it really is a possibility no way after this the POV cameraman looks at the upgraded Titan TV man but we start hearing some scabi noises from the left and while Titan TV man is turning to our left we hear a normal toilet coming towards us from the right side this poor little guy because what the hell is a normal toilet doing here serously what is he get picked up by a large TV man and he smashes the toilet killing him just like that suple can also see so many camera helicopters arriving at the scene to most likely help with the raid here you go listen to it yourself if you don't believe me uh so we figured out what he says and uh yeah he pretty much just says shut the heck up like he's sick and tired of the skibbies after this the POV cameraman points at the large TV man and shows the scabi toilet bunker door if he looks carefully his gloves are all messed up and this might be an indicator for this character later on maybe we'll get to see him once again and that'll be the difference for us recognize him after this the large TV man looks at the door and says not now first we watch in reverse and points at his TV monitor we already knew that man could show what's going on in cameraman povs from episode 60's ending and it seems like we'll be watching what's going on inside starting from part two of episode 68 but here you go listen to the large TV man yourself okay I'm not going to lie I couldn't really understand that but I will believe that okay so next episode we're going to watch what the the group from episode 67 is doing on the inside of skibby HQ and a lot of you guys were commenting as well that the uh like the symbols above the skibby HQ just were basically saying that it was like the skibby headquarters um in like Greek language which was pretty cool but yeah if you guys noticed anything that I missed out on let me know in the comments down below now some of you guys might be wondering Jack uh this is not the skibbidy toilet Channel which you guys would be correct you guys have 99,999 IQ points in your brain this is a channel that I found the other day called No skill clutch and when I originally found it I thought it was skibby toilet right you look at the thumbnails you see the titles and you're like wow this is skibby toilet but it's a different channel so at first I was like this might be a secret Sky toilet Channel and then I actually watched it and I think that it is I don't know if the original Creator is behind these videos but once we check them out I think you guys are probably going to think that maybe he actually is um before we do that I do want to also check out on the original skib toilet Channel if there is another skibbidy because I I don't think that I've seen a new one yet let's see uh oh oh there actually is skippity toilet 62 so after we check out this channel we'll check out skib toilet 62 which it looks like the scientist is about to go like Hulk full rage Super Saiyan mode but first things first we're going to do a deep dive on this channel right here so I think that they do the same thing that the original skibby Creator does which is uh yeah they put them all into Seasons so here goes nothing boys let's see okay currently there's oh oh there it is [Music] huh so it's basically the [Music] same oh this is weird so is this like a different version of Gman I'm I'm confused right because like there's I don't see many toilets oh oh I just got it I literally just got it so the camber people are now the skibbies the cameras are in the toilets and the people that were in the toilets before they're just normal people now oh that's so weird huh so it's the same characters but they kind of just did like an UNO reverse on each other that's so so weird wait wait wait wait wait hold on uh hold on hold on hold on wait in this episode though there's the normal skippies there's the head heads in the toilets they're not camera people I'm very confused if you guys notice anything by the way during today's video leave a comment down below oh this is like POV we are the TV people now oh it's Gman okay so we still have Gman Gman still all sorts of messed up it looks like his face is like a waxing candle but wait oh I don't know if you guys caught that Gman Gman has a hand in this so Gman is no longer a skibby Gman is just like a giant version of of a person which is kind of weird Okay so that was just season one and that was a lot to take in but let's let's check out season two before we do another Deep dive okay it's so weird seeing like normal people here what the yo oh yo what the heck is this is that Titan cameraman as a skiy oh my God that dude just got smoked my man just got clapped what oh God wait which side is the good side now it seems like wait wait guys it seems like the skippies or at least like the the people that were the skippies that are now the actual people they're the good guys and the and the tamber people are the bad guys now this is so strange oh my God it's it's no longer Angel skippity it's just an angel man what are we even watching it's literally like we're in a parallel universe where skibby toilet was made by a completely different person that was speaker man right oh no it's it's also TV man or THX man I'm so confused okay so Titan cameraman is Titan cameraman skib who is this guy wait why is this guy so weird why does he have like Powers as well I'm genuinely confused who I'm supposed to be rooting for comment down below if you're #te camera people or # te skib which I don't even know if there's a difference now seems like the camera people and the TV people and the speaker people they are the skippies at least some of the times but then then there is a camera person there's like a I'm so confused right now I don't know if you guys can tell but I have no idea what the flip is going on okay okay we're going to keep going here there's season 3 all episodes by the way this channel is blowing up from this so I really hope that it's the original Creator they deserve it oh so this is kind of like a spin-off of the original skib series so they're on the lookout for Gman but that like Gman in a toilet they don't Gman doesn't exist in a toilet in this world waa what the what this feels so wrong nah bro what is happening literally how is my man supposed to eat the popcorn he's tied up so wait they're on the same team right now it looks like the people in the back like the skibbies that are no longer skibbies they're just normal people now and the the speaker people which are now the speaker skibbies it's very confusing to keep track of everything but they're on the same team and they're I guess fighting the camera people oh or not I don't know guys I don't know cuz these also look like speaker skibbies dear God holy that is a big man they recruited Ant-Man to the squad he had a bazooka wow wow I don't know if we've seen anything this big yet in the skibby verse okay oh Jesus dude imagine that being the last thing you see before you die oh no who is it is it Gman is Gman good Gman is huge I legit just got goosebumps oh my God I got to watch more I almost like this better than the other ones I I literally can't even lie okay so this one looks like it's going to have uh the the scientist dude [Music] okay this has to be connected somehow right it has to be connected to the original skib series it just has to be there's no way that this isn't made by the original Creator it looks exactly the same oh my God okay so the scientist in this isn't a toilet Gman and the scientist aren't toilets anymore this is so weird Okay so there still is one more episode that came out a day ago and they are getting some crazy views on these but like rightfully so these are awesome okay that dude just got pulled out of a toilet huh okay we've seen him before huge Godzilla Rocket [Music] Man whoa It's Titan speaker skib this doesn't make any sense what is going on right now dudes okay all right all right crazy Theory right now but hear me out these are made by the same people also if we check out the comments we need to check out the comments and the description you'll see that it says it's a Canon event and for those of you guys that don't know what that means Canon means that like it takes place as a part of the original storyline so if it really is a Canon event it's taking place in the same Multiverse which means that they are connected somehow like they're in an alternate universe but it's made by the same guy it like you cannot convince me you cannot tell me you you literally can't that it's not made by the same exact dude that made the original ski toilet that is incredible that this dude is a genius look at this this guy really deserved 1 million Subs yeah like he shot up if we check out his social blade he shot up look at that look at that he shot up insanely look at that dude he started out at 187 subscribers in July by August he had 378,000 and now he already has over 1 million subscribers like we've never seen anything like that those are Mr Beast numbers on a brand new channel I want to check out some of the comments here just to see if like anybody has any theories kind of looks like they're just saying it's a really good video which it is but I want your guys opinions in the comments of like what do you think is going on here is this the original Creator and he made a new channel to be like a Multiverse Channel with different events happening and eventually they're going to meet up like a freaking crossover episode of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon from back when I was 10 years old or is it just like a fan that's making the same sort of animations but anyway so we've seen the secret Channel no skill clutch which I mean yeah the amazing Channel but we do have the latest episode of skiy toilet let's check it out boys here we go okay I'm way more excited for this I mean the other ones are really cool but this is this is the storyline that I know I got to make sure to crank the volume there it is H so at this point in the original Skiby toilet Universe it seems like yeah the camera people are winning Titan cameraman teamed up with Titan speaker man and it just felt like it was Game Over Now The Scientist skib did have some pretty insane Creations yeah look at that dude scientist skibbidy like he got some upgrades some really powerful upgrades okay it seems like if you put the headphones on you're fine but yeah Gman in the science is they are fighting back wow wow and check out this dude like this guy seems like he should be in the other Multiverse they have they have bodies now now I also do have one one final theory for you guys and I'm pretty sure that in this skibby toilet Series in the original series we've seen some instances of real people standing like real people that have arms and legs that they're not they're not skippies they're not camera people they're just normal people and I have a feeling that they might be from this alternate universe of the no skill clutch channel it's a crazy Theory but I'm going to leave you guys with that comment down below your thoughts that was amazing and I cannot wait to follow this Channel and also the original skiy toilet Channel I've been reading your comments in the latest skibby toilet video and a lot of you guys were telling me to check out this channel right here Dom Studio which apparently you guys have been saying has some secret skibby toilet lore and as you guys know I watch everything skibby toilet related so today we're going to be checking out this and also a different Channel called No skill clutch which if you guys are fans of the channel you guys know that we've actually watched their channel before and I personally believe that this channel is made by the original creator of skab toilet this beautiful man right here who I'm pretty sure has the most views in YouTube history other than Mr Beast and it actually looks like there's a couple more skibby toilets so maybe if you guys leave a like on today's video we will check those out in a future video but yeah I think that no skill clutch is actually this guy right here just in Disguise like this is a secret channel so we're going to be checking that out but first thing first we're going to check out Dom Studio who has made their own skibby toilet Multiverse lore which I'm kind of curious like if you guys think this is actually a part of the original series or if it's just so like a fan-made creation but let's check it out so we're probably going to see a lot of the same characters yeah look there's a Titan speaker man Titan cameraman the skibbies are flying around H interesting now since it is the Multiverse I'm kind of curious if something different is going to happen than what we're used to seeing like obviously in the other Multiverse video that we checked out there were actual people walking around whereas in like the regular series there's just the toilets and then there's the camera people along with some of the other like speaker people and TV people so I'm curious if they're going to have some like different characters in this huh oh there it is the First new character there's clockman wait this guy looks awesome he has like a steampunk vibe to him whoa and they have giant hammers as well oh wow that is cool huh and since they're new characters I wonder if they're going to have some special abilities oh my god do they bro my man he just set the timer and exploded wait no he stopped time I thought it was going to be like a sonic wave but no he stopped time literally in its tracks we've never seen anything like that before ladies and gentlemen this is insane I wonder if the original creator of skibby toilet is watching like these fan-made videos that are actually really well done and maybe they'll work together and include some of this stuff in the original because that would be so cool if we actually saw this character in the original skibby toilet okay they are super overpowered that was epic look at this man he's so Dapper looking he's like in a suit okay episode number two of season 1 of skibby toilet Multiverse wow it's so interesting to see all the different things that could happen oh wow okay that's a little bit op honestly if there were actual clock people in the ski toilet series like there's no way that they would ever lose look that they can move around this skippies they don't have to worry about getting shot and but it does seem like it only lasts for a certain amount of time So eventually they're going to run out of time where they have like Time Frozen and then they have to be ready wa dude the skiy toilets kind of seem the same but I don't know what that was I don't know what that clock man just did but it kind of looked like he just pooped everywhere what is that how he's communicating what bro what just happened oh that was so Random oh wow okay so it seems like the main characters in this series are the clock people it's the clock people versus the skippies what is that oh oh oh okay it just turned back the clock bro these guys are like Doctor Strange whoa dude oh my gosh by the way if you guys notice any secret Easter eggs in this leave a comment down below with a timestamp because there's usually some secrets in these videos that I am just too stupid and I miss huh okay there's still the camera people right the security camera people and who is that what this is really confusing dude wait I don't know if you guys just saw that look at that look at that there's like a like a little camera or maybe it's TV woman down there but she looks extra Kawaii and she has like this giant Scythe huh my man you do not look well wao what is That Yo that was sick there's Titan clock dude sick Bro okay I don't know about you guys but I mean the original series is really cool but some of these fan-made animations they're amazing I wish that they could all team up together and combine all of the characters in The Multiverse and they could all meet up just like the Avengers in endgame wow wow so his Blaster freezes time but only the thing that he hits everything else still keeps going waa and what did that do oh wa it can turn it can turn him wow he has his own parasite gun so we can change the team of the skib Holy Smokes this guy is op there's nothing that could beat that thing right not even Gman he could just shoot Gman in the face with the time stopper and there's nothing he can do okay this is g man's number two this is scientist guy oh there's Gman Gman man I don't know what you're going to do zman's on the Run wow wow what this has to be the most overpowered Titan that we've seen he is he is basically one V2 Gman and the scientist I've never seen anything like this wow oh he wait why don't they want to end this right now whoa what how did he just teleport he has every ability seriously what is that a magnet skib wow that was a lot to break down but first things first before we do we need to check out the latest episode which was released yesterday skiy toilet Multiverse number five let's see so we just watched Titan watch man Titan clock dude destroy Gman the scientist dude and basically the entire Army of skibbies he has every Power ever he can teleport he can stop time what is going on with this guy though like the Box watch clock dude I don't really know any good names for these guys who is that I don't know what POV this is but he had some crazy gravity gun huh oh no that's not good whoa what's up with these magnets oh the magnets they're super effective against the clock people they could shut down their clocks there's always something with the skibbies wa wait wait wait a second wait a second wait a second all of the magnets might mess up Titan watch dude oh he's got some good yes yes he's got his own skiy Army because he took over their minds using the mind control thing very cool I'm honestly surprised at how good that fan animation was all right guys let me know what you thought about that in the comment section down below this was created by Dom Studio who did such a great job with that that was epic I mean yeah he had his own style too which I really liked but let's go check out the no skill clutch Multiverse animations we're going to check out season 4 first and then the latest episodes so yeah just like I said earlier I think this is made by the original Creator like the style is exactly the same but it's so weird because there's actual people in this so if this is actually made by the original creator that means that eventually this universe and the original skib Universe they're going to they're going to intersect at some point and then we're going to see the actual normal people like there's a normal Gman in this universe we're going to see him and then the Gman skib and I don't know what team they're all on like it's so confusing see look like in this there's cameras inside of toilets there's people there's look at that TVs inside of toilets there's TV ities like what team are we on right now I don't know who to root for anymore it was so simple in season 1 I just knew that toilets were bad cameras were good and that's all that my brain could handle like that thing what even is that that is a speaker skibby Titan a Titan speaker skibby it's so difficult to track anymore somebody needs to make like a giant family tree of all the different multivers of skib toilet just so that my tiny peanut braid can keep track of this oh my God like what the skies in this universe are so overpowered oh my goodness I don't know if like the people are still the skibbies anymore they're still singing skibbidy huh comment down below who whose team you think is the good team and whose team you think is the bad team in this one I think that the skippies like the actual things in the toilet are good like the camera people they're not even people anymore just the camera skibbies they're on the good side and Gman g man's clearly evil right let's see what this is all about there a toilet graveyard yard this is so scary I don't like where this is headed oh oh no it's one of the parasites what what Hold Up Guys we've seen that before and I'm pretty sure it's in the original skippity whole series we've seen skibbies that have bodies and this might be where it came from I'm starting to think that in this Multiverse there's there's a portal to the original skibbidy series that we've watched so many episodes of at this point but I think that is everything if you guys have any theories or if you noticed anything that I missed leave a comment down below we are going to be checking out some fan-made skibby toilet animations from Dom Studio who has been raking in views lately in the last 30 days they have gotten close to 300 million views that is like Mr Beast level boys and it's all from their fan-made skiy toilet animation So today we're going to be checking out skiy toilet Multiverse episodes 6 7 8 and N which honestly are some of the best ones yet if you guys enjoyed by the way make sure you guys leave a like on today's video with your left pinky finger nail do it but here we go episode number six is first oh wow dude that was a wait wait oh hold on right at the start first off there is a ginormous Buzz Saw skibby toilet that is like face first in the concrete and there's like a speaker person going over with some like weird looking tablet device that maybe they could use to like take over the skibby I don't really know let's see what else do we have um this guy looks sick by the way like the clock tower Titan cameraman yeah some of the skippies and some of the camera people in this animation are just Next Level what does that say the TSM is back on to the headquarter subject is injured but able to fight he is safe now and I'm guessing that's yeah Titan speaker man okay interesting this guy is sweet by the way the animations in this they're a little bit different than like the original ski toilet series but I don't know guys I kind of like this a little bit better I hate to say it I don't want to be that guy but I like this what's happening now oh okay so in this one I guess Titan cameraman right he's he got taken over by the parasites but dude the clock tower Titan he's able to basically slow down time to nothing is not fair like how are they ever going to lose all right my guy's going in he's got his Titan camera Hammer he's got his Titan camera guns oh yeah dude oh yes the Buss they're working they're chopping off all of the extra weapons that this guy has holy smoking macaroni noodles bro this is epic look at that rap scallion he's getting destroyed finish him oh whoa he pulled out his electric cord oh my gosh wait what was that that was the parasite but in order to stop Titan cameraman he wait he can reverse time oh my goodness so is he going to let him live what why would you do that no he sacrificed himself no boy boys no no no no no no no they're going to take him over don't let it happen yes come on get out of there he needs repairs now no oh my goodness holy nuts they're going in they're going to take him over that might be it for Titan Clock Tower wow wow boys and that is episode 6 but that's not all we're checking out today but holy smokes that was epic that was cool let's check out some of the comments I I don't I don't understand I'm guessing they're saying that it's necessary that this is a Netflix series which I think it is uh this person says your skibby toilet series is getting better and better and has a lot more depth I'm looking forward to the next episodes of the series I mean me too I don't know like what you guys think but leave a comment down below like with your thoughts and opinions but this series I don't know what it is about it it just like seems like a lot better than the original Skiby toilet maybe not better but just like the animation seems a little bit more polished um and some of the skibbies and some of the like the camera people like the clock tower are just so creative um okay so let's go ahead and we're going to uh check out skib toilet Multiverse number seven so this is after obviously the clock tower died but Titan speaker man has been fully repaired so he's back Get Wrecked nub yo yo they're breaking it down okay they're hitting the orange Justice right now let's see okay booah boys booah message sending what is the message who are we trying to get in contact with what they really need is like some other Titan now because I mean Titan cameraman is still taking over but here's like the the Avengers of the camera Universe like they have all of these different CL people and I guess they're building a brand new guy their powers are so cool but it's not working oh weird oh was that TV woman or oh clock woman hello Miss cloman a poor little guy he just wanted a hug okay maybe clock woman can figure this out I mean yeah usually for whatever reason the women in this series are more powerful and she kind of gives me like a doctor strange vibe oh wow wow she's the most powerful one yet she might be cooler than the scientist skib okay oh welcome so what's so cool about this guy interesting interesting Titan has been captured okay so this was all happening right as the Titan Clock Tower was getting captured he looks angry boys he looks like he is ready for Revenge so in that episode we got a brand new clock and let's see what he does now this is episode number eight episode 9 which we'll watch next I think has like some brand new tower as well some brand new clock tower oh oh oh oh [Laughter] oh he is not playing around and he's going to reverse the clock he's just going to keep doing it over and over and over again until he talks oh my God this is this is torture this is so cruel and I love it okay you better talk okay he's definitely talking right now he's he's writing down maybe the location of something oh they got that information and oh they burned him they burned the entire room but they got the information there's a cuckoo clock skibby toilet base's location okay multi- TV man what is what is he going to do oh who whoa whoa okay he has a an attack drone who who what is this what the fireworks skiy what in the name of what is happening wow oh it's one of the drill guys so the drill guys are the parasites of this Multiverse skibby World whoa no no no no no no no no come on be a good guy be one of our guys finally please saying don't shoot it's it is our guys we have our own drill camera people yes a new species has been unlocked boys and is that a Titan I really hope they have a Titan on board get ready for your next mission mission type rescue and it looks like everybody got the same message we're going on a rescue mission boys with our brand new screwdriver skies and okay so that was episode number eight let's check out some of the comments on this one secret agent Elite cameraman got me um let's see only biggest fan of can like this comment okay let's see uh deeply admire the level of dedication and meticulousness that you bring to each one of your videos which I mean they do they they really like spend a lot of time it seems um I love this new team and the chief clock ma'am is really really cool I'm waiting for the Titan rescue so I guess that's the next episode they're going to use the brand new um drill people in order to hopefully get back Titan Clock Tower who is their best unit by far I don't know what it is but in this like Multiverse it seems like honestly the skibbies get pooped on every single time the skib seriously suck butt oh what's up dude hey how's it going this guy is Swanky this guy's pretty cool huh uh-oh whoa whoa what's up what's up Squad who's that big guy guy huh uh-oh yo the skibbies have giant Rockets but we got that drill people yeah Titan drill wo boys let's go let's go yeah eat my metal oh you're scared you better be scared it reminds me honestly of the mole from The Incredibles suck on that skiy suck it skiy suck it skiy you're so trash oh they're trying to use the speakers to to shut them down but nah bro it's not going to work nope what that was so funny dude as soon as he got captured his face was so scared oh he's not getting away yep Titan speaker man came out to play and I guess they're all teaming up to go rescue Titan Clock Tower the skibbies don't know what's coming boys the skibbies do not know what is coming okay let's go ahead and we're going to check out so that that was drill band Titan right there I really like the design of the driller Titan keep it up that drill man Titan is so op I mean he is and these animations I'm telling you guys they are they are next level and in the description it says the clock is ticking friend we are coming which I'm guessing is what they were saying about them rescuing Titan Clock Tower which I mean that is the best way to end that ladies and gentlemen if you guys did enjoy and if you have any theories leave them in the comment section down below and while you're at it click this video to see more skibby right here
Channel: BeckBroPlays
Views: 136,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2xpWiHPfkG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 39sec (7299 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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