React Redux Crud App using Material-UI | GET, PUT, POST, DELETE with JSON Server & Redux-thunk
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Channel: CodeWithVishal
Views: 7,259
Rating: 4.9390864 out of 5
Keywords: React CRUD App with JSON SERVER, json server react, React crud with json server, react crud rest api, json server fake api, json server rest api, React using json server, react json server, react tutorial using json server, React application json server, React Redux Crud App using JSON Server, crud app with redux-thunk, react redux-thunk crud using json server, redux-thunk with json server, react material ui, react material ui tutorial, react redux-thunk json server, json-server
Id: hXpYQqykORU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 54sec (5454 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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