React Native build automation & UI testing with Visual Studio App Center

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yes however I will not go in depth with native today but with automated with continuous integration and automated UI testing first of all Twitter if you have any questions about this topic I really like to talk about that how are you free to reach out who of you is developing mobile apps some who of you does continuous integration for those apps who else in your testing Oh [Music] we would use the I sisters have used are using so yeah so and so I said okay so why do we want to do that what we want to do a continuous integration and yeah I have a PowerPoint with seven slides my pictures so first of all I as a freelancer I have the problem that always are my clients like cruciate and we have to share the quality but usually the budget is very low so that's the first problem the other problem is that somehow the tools we use yet has to integrate and fit into the system and if there's the experiences thanks for everyone and the last thing and that's like the most important thing and I think one thing why a lot of people do not go for a CI are your high testing it takes a lot of time and the developer experience not always perfect so like it works in the end but the way is not nice so that's about why we want to do that and first things first and we talked a bit about Visual Studio Art Center formerly known as element Center this is a product by Microsoft so this might be a bummer for some people but I can that everything is fine so yeah let's jump right into the demo and so yeah I will directly go into allows you to do multiple things first of all I will focus today on continuous integration and UI testing as I said before but you can do a lot more stuff so in December I will just go ahead and create a new project from scratch so I will switch over to github and I will switch over to github create a new repository so that's the react I will create this repository so now I have my repository on github I switched to my git client we just get cracking awesome - super happy with that so I will clone this repository from github so it's the react lead up with meetup clone this repository open now initialize so next thing is I quickly add a git ignore file for react for that I should up and you will notice the studio code you find his content and I will navigate to the project we meet up and this is it Nora so far so good nothing special important comment messages so I know reg native so I will go into the terminal navigate to my suite up to my powder I just created and I will just initialized blank react native products or react native it's Reax needs up up so let's I think the fire for those of you who have not used it before with kit is extremely important because otherwise you'll get will die because it just there's just too many fire so that created on the fly while you while you get back so it's on packages okay while we're waiting let's go right into the mobile center and just see what we can do here and I have created a sample app or you know what we directly click create a new app so like we click add new add a new app and first of all we have to specify an app name so that's the react to me tap app I have to select the operate operating system so like in this case scenario first select Android and I have to select the platform the nice thing is that every mobile center is not like only typed marks of platforms the interesting thing and I found this a very nice statement for Microsoft is when they first started as a mobile Center which is still in active development iOS and Android have been first and two or three months later windows support was added so you really see where the focuses which is kind of nice so yeah we can select quick native or Java Roxanne Marin add a new app click and yeah we are right into the overview page and as I said before you cannot only do continuous integration your eye testing in mobile center but you can also for example at the mobile Center SDK into your app and then it can do for your analytics and track crashes and all this kind of stuff so like this really becomes a place where all of your yeah telemetry data can live you can also clean this up with etter and create like a crew way to use mobile databases I will show a bit about this later so let's see if yeah the project was created and I will just check it in niche and push submit and now I have the scenario that I yeah work on get from our native project and I want to every time I do a commit I want to automatically build the project and in the best case I also want to run some tests to see if the build I just created is good so here we can just go to build and we can select out of three different services github bitbucket or business to new team services I go for github since we have our repository there so I searched for the react to meet up repository and the source code is checked in so that's not a problem then we see okay there's only one branch master branch so like we select this and we click on setup branch know as a model center automatically detects that there's an wrecked android reg native project with android support living inside this repository so we can select this we can tell if you want to do a debug or a release build so yeah we just keep this on release and we can say we want to build automatically on every push or only when ice selected manually and the portal are over the sea lion interface what we can also do which is a very nice feature we can also run npm tests during the build so like if the tests fail the build fails so that's the first step we can also assign the builds if you want to upload the keystore file and distribute the bill to us test us but I will show this a bit later so what we can also do and that's a very cool feature we can test it on a real device so if we enable this this will take a bit longer but I will just save it now and you can see it in approximately 10 minutes is what did we do now every time and you directly see it's cute every time you push to your to your branch it will build your app in release configuration then it will deploy it on a real device that's hosted in a big device found well tens of thousands of Android devices live in Denmark and it will take a screenshot yet to delegate if the app launches or if it will crash when you launch the app so that's a cool service so you have some kind of yeah one one deeper level of testing without having to configure a lot so like it took us like ten minutes just to set up an automated build system for Android and we can do the same for iOS and that's super cool for all the developers first of all maybe who do not have constant access to a Mac or not a struggle to set up build systems utilizing iOS so we create a new app and your app and we select iOS we ignite it again so this is also the react to each new app same overview here only the yeah on the platform with iOS instead of Android so same here we go to back meetup then we went for the branch tool are you select the branch setup branch also here it says ok we can select the X Xcode version they didn't want to use for the build also here we can run unit tests also here we can sign the builds to the different on iOS of course we can only test on a real device when we sign the build which we will not do now so we click setup and now we also have continuous integration or like an automated build setup for iOS which was kind of fast so let's check back in the without Android app and see where the builders at so yeah we can yeah just just wait for this to finish but while this is building online we can continue and enhance our app and a little bit in the topic of your eye testing so yeah okay there were there well some people who did your eye testing before so do use this on production apps are you can't using it or have you used it once or you have to loosen okay what what what have to do okay okay yeah good point with calabash so originally today I wanted to sell calabash and cucumber which is a really really cool way to do automated UI testing sadly Microsoft announced a month ago or three weeks ago and that they will not continue to develop to actively develop calabash we just kind of said but of course there's another thing which is summer in your eye tests you can also use opium or espresso or xxe UI in a trauma center but yeah I'm I kind of really like the exam of your eye tests the only downside on summary on your test is they're written in C sharp so you need to install either like on Windows will just really community or on the Mac Visual Studio for Mac which are free tools but you need to install that in order to prepare and run the unit tests if you do not want to do that of course you can use use a p.m. but I really prefer that way but before we can do any testing we need something to test so I will open up a new window for Bill studio code and just open the folder in which we have just created our react native apps we meet up open rec meet up AB we go to the index and ojs and what I will just do is I will just just create three buttons and if you click the buttons the background color of the page will change so and what's important is when we want to UI test our apps in reg native with summary on your eye test we need to add accessibility label to the app because the framework will use the accessibility label to search for the elements so we give it a label and we also call it red I will also converge the terminal okay no that's work let's wait for this and just copy please take some time but since I'm too lazy to copy everything I of course have prepared something and I will just copy and paste this in because otherwise it would take some minute to just about necessary oops Allah and this not the prettiest Oscar anymore but that it works so what happens now nothing is particularly come on what's much what that means what do they copy and paste I think this happen I will just copy the entire method I don't know what I or oh I must depend on me too but what I have I what's wrong with that good question anybody see where we are yeah okay good will do thanks for the eternal okay okay so that's our app before we continue with your testing let's check back to our mobile center and we see it's still running here so yeah we have to wait for this so while this is building we go ahead and go on with your testing so this is a pretty pretty simple app but imagine you have like a big app with a lot of controls and on iOS we don't really have this problem that lot but on Android it's pretty huge how will your app look on different device sizes so currently they're like nineteen thousand different Android devices out there and they have different configurations different screen sizes different resolutions it's it's a nightmare for for UI and so like Android is the worst thing that can happen to you as a designer or or UI developer so the thing is now we have created and we made maybe test it on one or two devices so how can we get tested on multiple devices or maybe on one hundred or thousand devices to to assure that our app looks good on the biggest set of devices possible okay yes no no this is the normal Android emulator so like this this comes with studio select if you some people on YouTube react but already three okay so yeah what's going on here so yeah that's the Google emulator and the cool thing is you can neighbor on the on the emulator when you click a press command + M you can enable hot reloading and what happens there and that's super cool if you get started with react native is if you if you just read some source code here or like change something here it's a word and save then then it directly updates into the emulator so yeah but but the rest is I guess pretty pretty standard so that the emulator this is this Visual Studio code so I prefer this to your code since I also do a lot of c-sharp development and I really like to work in this new code and what we need to do now is in order to do automated UI testing we need to create an app package select we need to create the apk which is the file format of Android apps and to do this we go back to the terminal and I don't want to remember the line for creating the apk so back to the terminal so we paste it in and then magnetic will do its job and start to prepare the solution in order that the the Android build tools can create the apk also we have to create a folder if this error pops up while you try to build the app then you just need to create the specified folder so you react suite up and it wants to have the Android source main assets this again so that was the first step and the next step is we will use Gradle as the default build system to just create the apk package so this will take one or two minutes in the background and we'll set now creates the apk and if we if we would have iOS project we would just use Xcode to build our IPA fire for the iPhone and while we're waiting here let's see um this work so like our first verb that we check in 10 minutes ago has completed so now we can on the one side we can just download the build so if we click here we will get redirected to the okay it takes a bit we would get redirected to the ADK that has been created but what also happened is we created this launch test so we told the build system to deploy the app to real device and then launch the app so we can see this in the test results page and here you see the at launch tests and we see that the running on review device so we now up and what our goal is select this was we could simply do bad just setting a switch on and off and but what we want to do is we want to launch ten devices are on 15 devices and then tap all the buttons on those devices and create screen cells just receive all the epic behaves on different devices we can also check on the reaction for iOS and see the tests although the build this is still cute so oh no this is also a bit completed so we can also download the build the lots are the symbols and source map of the iOS app so this is also really really cool thing so the build of the our apk was successful so now we just navigate into the app build its outputs apk and we see there's a release unsigned top apk our Android apps need to be signed before they go to the App Store but for your testing you don't need to care about that so we can just take this this APK here and what we do next is we now we want to create our automated UI text and for that I will fire up the studio for Mac so this is the dream from ik and I will just go ahead and create a new project I select Android tests and I have a UI test app the language I have to write it as I said before is c-sharp I hit next I give it a name react I test create so the test is created and now what we just have to do is we have to tell the test project where our apk lives for that I will just copy the apk that we just generated into the folder where this test project listened to find out where lives I just right click and say reveal in finder so here's our testing project and I will take our unsigned apk and copy it in here it's the movies unsigned apk I'll just copy the file name and comment this line in and replace this here with the filename and yeah let's just run the test so like I go to unit tests run all you need succeeded also so now here on the right hand side I again have visual studio on the Left started nothing happens because anything but what we can know and that's a pretty cool feature about the examiner in your eye test we can just have in Epcot ripple and if we run the test again now the app will start up and we will directly and yeah just to show you how this looks we can do stuff like at dot and we have int any sense which is alike we have code completion console style which you can see on the bottom so so what we can do is we can do F dots tip and we want to tap the button red and the button red was attacked we can do F dot tab blue and the blue button is tapped so this simulates yeah yeah really actually it's not just like calling some internal functions it's really simulating inputs and stuff you cannot just tap buttons we can also input text into field you can move the device you can drag and drop you can pinch and zoom you can do all this kind of stuff it does it's a really great way just to try out so you just have so you don't have to build again and again to see if your test works so like we know that app top step red and blue will work I assume that green will also work so we were just yes Kripa script are your eye test so we can create as many test method methods as we like um press kinetically yes he found yes thank you yeah but the source code like the summer will be bright that you can use on all platforms so like this this is this is platform agnostic but you need to have separate projects and then you can basically yes Yeah right then it will should appear the iris UI font to be like yes you can just select if you if you then it will of course be the Xcode iPhone simulator for example yeah so like the hmm yes but on iOS I haven't really used it on react native project parent project but but it works the same on magnetics because the thing is that in the end no matter what underlying technology you use it will always select no matter if you you can also do this with Objective C R iOS apps if you want to so one important thing to note switch it's a lot lot a lot of things easier is that each of these test methods will restart application so you can have multiple tests in one test project so if you want you can have different scenarios for example you can simulate different kind of login flowers or you can you don't need to like manually navigate back to the home page you just create a new test method for each scenario you want to run so in this scenario I want to press all buttons so like a blue app dot tap and I want to tap the red button I then want to take a screenshot and I want to give the screen for the name which is red page then I want to tap the green button I also want to take a screenshot and I want to tap the blue button and I want to take a screenshot again and Shh okay let's say this and go to unit tests this is still running because we are in the river so let's stop this one oh come on stop it doesn't one - oh very good very good yeah awesome that's it okay so no we had our next test so the app comes up then we can also do stuff like wait for start search elements on the screen but for now it's nice that we can do this on the emulator but now we want to run those tests on real devices and to do that we just go back to the Shamal center go to our android meetup app and we click on tests and now we can create a new test run here in the top right and now we can browse through 236 different devices which we want to let let the apron on so like we can for example select the galaxy as aide or maybe some low-end nokia nokia XD bajas or made made maybe we can also select some tablets maybe this year I'll select you you find very exotic stuff in here and get some sometimes very interesting oh yeah this sounds crappy here so and now some other nice devices unfortunately they don't have like Galaxy Note sevens there because it would be cool if you could like remotely blow up marks off facilities but by deploying F epsilon the devices but they have not highest and the maze will select that bit that's enough so we select six devices we give it a name launch SC yeah but only tests create we can select the system language so like we can also select do we want to have English system installed on the device so that's also cool if you want to see how your app localizes in some of the most popular languages and Danish and then you can select the test from framework that you want to use so calabash is still supported and I really hope that there will be some kind of community that that continues to develop calibers together with cute cucumber you can also hear on androids like espresso which is the Google framework for your testing of Android apps if you have an iOS project you can select the Xcode your eye tests but we will select the examine UI test and we hit next and then we will get an instruction on how we have to submit the test and to do that I already of course installed the mobile Santa command-line interface what's awesome about the moral Center is this is it has a great API you can everything you can do here on your device you can do the on the website you can also do it from the command line you also have a very well documented API that you could use to integrate this in your custom build system or whatsoever and then what you just need to do is you would need to upload the copy this customized command I will just just paste it here and I have to look into the folder and then we have to see how we have to how we need to edit this one here so we have the build directory the path to come on path to your eye test boots directory that we have just to look okay we we will launch the command line in this middle of your eye test for us how we have to navigate to bin-debug and in here are the necessary files that run the UI test so we will just go into in debug and we need to specify the path to file dot a PK so we have it right here in okay we will we have it right here in the in the root so we will I think we have to just move it one one there down and then we just have the app released on science that apk I believe on standard epoch a so I copy this I go to the terminal and I will navigate into this folder which is CB projects react meet up your eye test the X okay and then we will just go ahead and execute this command what fields we have searched for directory packages Semmering your I test towards okay yet this sometimes happens and what its searching for is it's searching for this test cloud exe if this thing comes up just go to the packages folder copy the test card exe and put it right here because then you can just add the UI test tools directory oops tools - directory and then it's preparing the test so what it's doing utilizing the test card which will upload the tests and the apk to the Ezra Marvell Center this is the perfect process I mean it's pretty straightforward but it's still yeah you still have some problems so in the future the azure mobile center it's still under development so what hopefully will be will be very soon is that you can just upload your UI test may be in your github your git project and then you can automatically run the UI tests also after every bird because currently you need to manually run this from the command line so it's validating the tests and you can also go to the mobile center again and you see right here that currently our test is running on three devices there are no devices completed out of our four devices and one device is still pending this also might takes a minute since it's it has to wait for the availability of the devices what's really nice is that why as a moral center is in preview it's free to use all of mobile Center it's free to use the the automated build the UI testing everything while this building I can show you the sample of another app where we use crashing analytics oh no crash good that's good so if Alex like this is for example like super small at the usage looks like and this is analytics dashboard this also yeah you can filter here but yet this this also is still on a development you can have a have a there's a big document which which tells you which features will come what's nice for make native is that code push will be available as a mobile centers will so you can push your put your app updates through coppers aside from the app stores point to your clients devices another nice thing is you can use ever build an identity system for this you need to attach this to an azure subscription what's very cool is if you want to play around with this is there's something called that's the vision studio def essentials and this gives you you have free as a credit I think like $25 per month which which is pretty good because most like a lot of the azure services you can also selective free free plan which just limits you to development purposes but for development they work great and if you want to try something out you have $25 per month for a year or if you're a start-up and you have less than I think 1 million US dollars of annual revenue you can apply for this bag and then you will get five subscriptions and each subscription has 150 US dollars of monthly as a credit which is which is also super super cool yeah you can also use the table storage which is a nice nice service but that's a topic for a different talk so let's see how the react meetup app is doing so the test is still running one thing we can just do it because it's possible is we can just update or push our update that we just did to become and as soon as the update is done we can directly see here in the build system that it registered that there's a new comment in our github so it will wait until it's our turn to build the project so the same also happened of course for the for the iOS project so this is also so the iOS project is currently currently building I don't know why I not here so this is currently building so it's super cool because it works really well another cool thing that I haven't tried before because this is being you that only there since like like a few days or so is you can one thing that has been there before and that will show you before sorry is that you can set up your build - first of all sign the build so like we can just apply the Keystone fire and we can distribute the goods and then our testers will get an email notification they can download the apk on their phones so I can save this one which is which is really cool but I will cancel this build here and it will also cancel this build because I will just disable the launch test because this is the thing that takes most time so in order that we have a chance to see the automated distribution I just disable the launch test of the app so now we just configured it in a way that we can have this collaborators list then the distribution panel you can add email addresses here so we can add collaborators and everybody will get an email as soon as a new build is available and I can have different groups so like I can set up different branches and that will notify different testers then that updates available and in the meantime it's running to our complete perfect and another nice thing is that now you can connect it to the Google Play Store so from a genomic Center you can also directly publish your apk to the Google Play Store so you can really go from from command line to start with remote enter your continuous integration testing run unit tests run your eye tests distributed to testers collect feedback collect treasures see the analytics of the application and then for example to the Google Play Store that currently the problem since this is still under active development this is currently not possible you can do it yourself because we have access to the API for agile mobile center so you can just invoke your your you can yeah you can go to the app download the apk and you can also automate this so like you can give yourself a small good script and automate this and while the test is running we can just check if we can see something so we see the two different test methods are listed here so they already run on this Nokia device and the galaxy note 5 so we can also see loading so I just select one device so like you can see which screenshots have been taken so everything works found from here we also again see the memory footprint the test duration and all this kind of stuff and as more device did they were also here side by side so that's a really useful tool if you want to do your testing on a lot of any devices one last thing I would like to show be further also like for example in this project this case something broke I guess I have to check then I think this configuration that's delivered test of the app developers and then a couple of days and this goes out to a broader range of testers and you know what I want to show is this remember Center but there's also the big big big tool which is business to your team services and this is really for like highly professional yeah automation NCI it works very well together with edge a mobile Center go I always forget the login page these all come on I don't need to get started there are there any questions in between what I've showed so far oh yeah good good question select I think that we already can see how Microsoft plans to also at some point monetize it for some users and this is I guess the integration is this disappear so like if you want to you can connect this to your era subscription and then you can use Active Directory as an identity system for your app you can use social sign-in for your app you can use this table storage which is really cool if you have used with firebase before that's a bit like yeah what what fiber is obviously for for synchronized data storage and stuff so I guess this is a way where you can have like a premium tire where you can have like yeah big user bases but what's nice about what I've found nice about how marketer it's currently handling is it for other products is that always you can use it for free for smaller projects or like if you're if you if you're still in development or have a small app that does not generate revenue you usually never reach the limits that are set and so like there are very few animals on API called and build hours so currently you cannot build more than 30 minutes which I never reached even with like pretty big products so I think that it's pretty fair and what I guess is that the idea is also to pull you more on to address like this can be an entry portal into ever and and if you like this maybe we check out error and you connect your data table storage and then you should have cosmos to be or whatever and that will I guess generate the revenue but there's no clear statement about that yeah it's soon Developer Preview and in Developer Preview the limits are super Fiat so like yeah there's this there's yeah nothing I really miss yeah one one thing just to show here business to do online you can also host your source code so it has a pretty good good integration you can have your workflow tracked in scrum teams and you can also have build and release definitions and those are a bit more complicated but you can do whatever you want so this is to you mowett Center gives you the possibility to just it just works most of the times but what you can do here is here you can completely customize your build and and at whatever this is also completely platform agnostic so if you want to use end or if you if you're on Python or C make whatever if you want to use cocoapods like everything works there you can also integrate your own script so like if you're interested in this this is also definitely worth the work a look but otherwise yeah the mobile Center is the place to go and let's see how the test results are okay so like three devices are completed so I guess this will take some with some some other minutes and yeah we can also monitor the progress here in our terminal but that basically what I wanted to show today so if you have any questions feel free to ask I hope that some of some of you are interested and more bartender look yeah I use it for for some project so far I'm super happy with with mobile center and also automated UI testing because on Android sometimes it really gets you when you yeah see see how links on other devices sometimes yeah so thanks for now and if your question is you free to ask all of us okay yeah then you could then you could see you can get the locks so like you see the lock of what happened on the last device locks in the test blocks and if something would fail you would see the exception here so then you can try to try to try to figure out what what what reasoner's are if you if you miss like a compatibility library or something like that so what so when we when you enter here if you say EPCOT tap read then this so that that's why they are needed and you can also iterate through the app and you can do it with your Apple and you can directly select the ideas but this is the most straightforward way what's a bit not so cool is that because of this you break your accessibility of the application so that's something you have to think about and I mean of course you could also adjust is in here what the real accessibility text says so then your test doesn't look that cool but that's that's that's a problem I think that should should should be solved so again yes select on the your I test site you have this this rapid window that I shot before and there you can browse a bit through but for other stuff you I would propose to use the react native towards to debug your UI and this kind of stuff so like the the items is really limited to testing the app you can of course also navigate to pages enter text into text fields all this kind of stuff but it's not far it's not for debugging your UI it's but it's really for running a test watch watch the result and then take this result and see how you improve things so I think this oh you're a test is also now finally friendly you so like out as fast which is good I don't know why it's not showing all devices maybe maybe it needs some time to to refresh on my device here so we also see that it looks very good on the 8 which is important we can also click through here and what's also good in this overview you directly see if some something sticks out and this is for example the case and it's the last thing and I think I had a sample here somewhere and that's the case with some versions of Samsung's Android so like as you can see here because this is how Samson Samson once and which look like kind of stuff you see in your eye tests and I mean this like four four four button app so it gets it gets a bit more spectacular if you have we will yes then you really see you and spot the problems your users will run into and maybe they're not so I really liked halibut and cucumber but I did not really want to show it to today because it might be obsolete in one or two months it's not community if there's a lot of community drives to like push this forward and so I only like some on a test I mean I also usually do summer in summer and app development so I I have Visual Studio for make install anyways I do c-sharp anyways but the thing is I mean like you don't really need to learn a new language because I mean that lets the source codes kind of sauce for you you will write nothing nothing too complicated so I I use this for now and because Columbus is not supported appium this is also nice but has has a big big overhead so like this is more I find appealing ways more difficult to set up and this is the only other crispin cross-platform solution right so like sharing your eye test work with anyone in iOS espresso only works with Android and xxx code your eye test only one with iOS so if you prefer to do that that's totally fine but but I examine you I just anything else otherwise good question how do I compare we at native Samarin yes like as I said I mostly do an app development because I originally come from the Year from the network I currently for my commercial project prefer salmon because we usually have like a very big focus on UI and user experience so we also don't use think someone has two different technologies you have several forms which is more similar to react native because you really just bribe one code base and and you have summer in Ted farm then you have one iOS one any project you use the story about asana and and zip files and the the real native unobstructed iOS libraries and on android use a xml to build your UI and use the real Android style of doing stuff so there I have two flow controller and building the UI and I share all the business market logic and web communication and stuff so we are well I are we've for our project always draw the line as we that kind of want one line where it's as much work as optimizing your web native and on the UI side then that this becomes so expensive timewise that you could also have built natively and for us this is most of the times the case because when the designer says that's the way then that's the way and yeah so like that's yeah so currently i'm more on the feminine side but i really it depends a bit if Erin does not catch up with some of the arachnid features like being like hot-swap I mean that that's huge for development time that's like for several native I have to prom in terms of two minutes and here I have it in under a second so I mean that's that's a huge difference the other thing is for salmon I have to be better debugging tools so depends me I will have to have my eyes on both technologies and I think both have it's up and down sides but and if more examine work on you yeah oh yeah you can also do that and because you can use some your iPad's also on whoo WP but then you are you well you mean on this beautiful neck so here yeah here you can you would need to create in your app then you create create windows that's true so like I guess what become but this independent of the of the UI head because your eye test you can you can still okay but for but for windows also there is no test cloud select Microsoft does not provide thousands of Windows devices because you know because you have so many possibilities in Visual Studio to simulate different screen sizes and stuff and you don't have a windows fragmentation right so like you know Sten and the fragmentation you don't really have to need to test on different device types because it's been Austin and on iOS you have the fermentation between iPhone and iPad and there are fixed screen sizes and windows you also have another way to build apps because you're on your UI f is ways more flexible good question currently not currently it's limited for apps and so everything you can fit into a neck you can test and but it's currently not made for websites and like on the roadmap that public does not state that there's what in the world so I guess that there may be made in the future but in the first place they still need to innovate so many stuff for mobile apps so as I guess this would excellent question and I have never tried the scenario but but that that I also would need to try and depends so like as you as long as you can somehow make it work that the correct balance in your bed then this will work but that I guess this is actually a dog thing that the current can do this theoretically you could do it your own framework to do that that you integrate into the you that talks back and forth with native that that will be super also for the webview okay I've never used tried that before so yeah then then that okay but then I mean it's a keeper then study the box then it's not okay good to know that this our questions all of us I stick around if you want to if you have some questions about Cameron I would like to see seven further or some other questions about how to make this work feel free to ask I also like to talk about cloud computing so I do not have said it better I'm sorry may have any question on that and feel free to contact me and also write me on Twitter or email so yes thanks for listening [Applause]
Channel: Rafael Regh
Views: 4,021
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: app center, visual, studio, mobile, center, react, native, azure, automation, ci, cd, ci/cd, pipeline, build
Id: 7XjAVXkC4jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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