React API Call to Get Pokemon JSON Data using Axios and useEffect in ReactJS in Hindi #55

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hello what's up guys my name is Vinod Babu Thapa and rude in this video we will see ex use and use effect API in react.js in Hindi totally guys suru got a mat anatomica is as mere a 50/50 video nazara on react this tutorial in Hindi in 2020 Cooper and his playlist car link miniature description and come in succeed me a corporate car adoonga all our guests asked about the boys are the important or no like cookie guys which will do some hooks Cooper Dukey bought these are the important to react me right and how many egg some data that is your use effect hooks the guys as on the hookah digging it up the acceptor came in a Pokemon API juice kopetski our and updates XO guys I have a select box I with a calmness select box need a categorize as up go bot which extra second email Allah which Nayak which interesting Jahan API keys are deal carrying it with pure react format man s any net will take it to the hip up the exactly we have a select box happy one and then 25 many 25 Q rajagaha popular szeliga but then three four and five so guys as America they came main motive care first two up in a ball three Axios you know job with a JPEG about that the guys mostly low gear to fetch API jockey I'm modern JavaScript already dig took a NATO year NPM installs your ex your suit is Caillou's car there to install a second excuse k ii nevada king and updates active with the help of exes in react.js i'm kiss 3kc job they accepted pikachu cannot pay up the exactly I'm not big achieve on the Pokemon cazzo API a COO honkettes car key may happy Jogi number select Ganga whose number may kiss Pokemon co-ed Caracas quick attend a move say go home pets Carnevale so there's a squirt of both each other awesome and what these are the interesting when you allow so are the exact to the hip I would be care guys the Omega phosphoric cars of boom we have a Bulbasaur number one pebble was sorry and then 78 moves so there's some buzz when make arts wickedly them happy to ID number one two guys swappable Vasari with us our ticket I will my 25 guys a blow vocally surprised up with a gasket or 25th number for Kwanzaa for c'mon ho sakta up bigger be obliged to Kevin Kinsey this remember up takes it to Venice wat basic loose car because he threw I hope we can see thick them say yeah you know oh come on and fourth day we have a Charmander puppet yeah basically a sketch of Kano the guinea tuna is Suki a Pokemon says Charmander who gets caught a yachtie then have a ballast or ye katha I think Java Charmander punch paper corner pathway with Charmeleon m'lip Charmander because see through and finally guess we have a 25 and boom we have a Pikachu and objects a to SK total 81 mob set and when is on which K colors Co highlight Crockett a Kiev Koopa touch LJ g honk I saw service P to me yeah he take Nova and up good both Mizanur Mutombo guys made delays awesome be discreet kata or betta Kagura primary channel hopper technical go subscribe Nikki so yes please subscribe called yoga or right side me Calaca bell like in a country the heidegger hit click is it a cap deal is awesome widow's commissioner curry all our guests of Beneke see there came up new code editor pitch all the tickets so guys up the exact term abs could I determine open Kalia and Hamas Akita rectums crests a mechanism and we need to import react form react profit and then Const update sector basically mera naam ke calm a basically made a component become courageous cumin and nom de Rekha component a ticket a push with this attitude and again when he guys him use carnival LaHaye hamara critera function a Misaki Tara and myopic return karna Chang got that is H one mate MH one anyway eh one you know pokemon league with the pokemon have benefits of the end simply lysine you to export default and then up coolican a bodega comp is three kisses simply comp a poverty and guess simply mini already squab big said to index dot JSP import Karaka and what - could render connect lyric their controller safe mayhap Altima june car the table logo cleo control sa perfectiy other mapping a pillock each other two guys up the exact image of pokemon the guy there a perfect egg so subsequently guys musica see the hum a chick is select box right the flawless square is it is it a tongue or a camper the spot areas of likely rise up oh yeah technically home kiss become correct i'm multiple JSX elements ke saath kaam carnival a be currently trigger so skill MacArthur Pelley react fragment of code Lilith ah hoo thank you ma'am multiple history BC ad cuts a coup elements could perfect ticket how lucky select me your option is sick is a perfect a being a pig Isaac well you did with the hoon 1 and D happen with Jake well is Dennehy padega and that is again one poverty where is cool single quote see a double quotes can drop licks a to disco Caleta who may copy total make me work on a guest pass bar ticket so guys how big 60-minute total pancha pancha co-ed perfect Joe valuate second many appear on kardia you know each other I got here a guy made a pass to history GCMs cook at the top once profit so that's above the exact measure total it in a value meal 13 we have a 5 for fact ticket to subscibe l America merica guys are many cons avail you could select Kia music is about that szeliga so we have a signature Hulkamania pick which value select kuru or in a paraplegic as a you select this number sub-sahara camera at Lisa reg that give many keys option to select caboose a pata chala right to you boss simple against in a provincial town selected subset whiskey value commands it is like the Tahu and this value kumea co-state variable then at somewhere numb and less humming sub Kamala my job yup input will form ke saath kaam Gergely on chin squawk all can nahi pata nahi user Cali cry a kick política humming his sermons are i right twit nominee Carter nd appearance in coconut song gorgeous cumin nom de Tahu on Omni Duma guys make up quick she's bethought of the who I'm directly inline function will exact it okay so whether who simply may as it is lecithin habitual thermo fat arrow function is Karim and his skin each image Authority or being happy McCutchen you'll acknowledge it is her drawing happy so up Amiga vertical Signum top which of the years you state variable manic read care busca Mucha actual me to create can operate on appellate use state for a second all I'd take a perfect looper of the exact terminal screen put Kalia like him is Surat automatic Johanna a lot abu-assad Giada better at the Harlequin Queenie so Const of silicon up at a cupcake or sake right equal to a happy or home naked Erica yep against straightway am numb nah so do to occupy Laguna or a convention is set and then camel casement um Khadijah biscotti perfect again control a save observe Java ski-e-o be value Reggie hamabo pata chala raga but Himiko update Kenickie user Nikki school select here to case yoga they go on change means Anna nice hammock object Pascal basically parameter that is your event now how many both word occur that is with the help of this event you know I'm caucus at the devil may is set Namjoo merrily a functioning updated value disco car Tahu copy parentheses K under you know the Hui even German a passkey at the event dot target escape property head dot agar Malik Tom who value this is it guys abou of actual makalah Apache user need just be Robson Coker agus lakna - Skyy Vodka annually change annually and the moment to ski value change with you can see values change week I must set number of debt card era and just say he said namkha value update hota hai is key value automatic update work you were he did to current value catalyze attack too simple I will feel like a little Jenny Lake in the momentum quickly select caring is setna update was a Goreski value of Delta Zi Rui happy evaluate the Heidegger is value co-op may have a topic shall found Jessica Mina polka ham and lick dengue are on youth sues Nam League because simply where he curly braces can the Republican America because GSX condom estimate liquor or values simplification legal authority control as safeguard thought perfect eager I've been my Africa rock would like each other if you are Puccini used to Z I needed a quick initial value Menindee anything I got my pants licked the thought amazing after punch Mills data and objects ethnic automatic franchise out that he came home with an hie quick immature on job you just select correct when he very much it decay the basic marijuana Fonda table a cuchini licking the moment May 25th and boom guy I stopped accepting happy with 25 and he happy be moocher 25 watch you got same three four and then five took I see a be a couple of acrylic challenge Rita Rita kiss three kisses select box with Jovi value lekawa whose concassé randomly dicus actor you know I mean dynamically dejes actor perfect with now and now finally guys suger diarga Jessica both enthusiastic young kasi Pokemon ka PA Co you scurry right lick in Pokemon creeper uske necessarily guys hemay acre of care sector Hamer PASOK package is disconnects your some a SKU install Kanawa the big secure cosmetics your coffee sell peach path to come and feel likely decline credit on take up the exact we epics your so basically other upper you know Google PBX your sin p.m. you go go thought directly speech by he jogging and guy sub fixative skew weekly downloads I don't know a kid naive 98 likes a echidna a ticket I hope 98 likes a licking up the exactly need Giada yeah her hocked it downloads Laura today Clubman the forty million per month my god take so apakah nageshwara sandy Shanahan and up was simply if you are using a npm talk was simply liqui npm install' Axios other birth to a year league DJ agar Jana to yell dig DJ else obsidian link we use curse actually can go fight on your net shall I get to Filch Allegheny it's better up installed card is a home Nick IKEA we're installing our Chris Kokoro up copy taking guys minnekopa table directly same Pacifica like to liquid leaking up this epic hamburger wimpy control and then backtick Prescott so two guys have the accepted directly terminological and my baton Otunga Manor already AHA guy subject setting up a NPM install excuse me already installed Carla 30 gives keypad feel - cool start here so this Cucina got a simple app Cusco conahey copy her like you already copy many icicle era take agar aapke already react actual at the control suppress guru take a map cooker Kiba thought the co guys - Coburn Karthi and by the way guys minnekopa 'then i made a custom PC building agora who's Cooper village it - Jeru button and up map power the cathode remain peaceable together happy eyes it easier ticket Aviv a pooka Ghana guys simply npm install Alexia slickness and enter hit cut then of cuchini gonna up Nagar Bacardi a toga SAP cow is three keys installed who's a a ticket and job up Constanza to squad apakah npm start and guess spell American singer make minute later Hoffman npm start lick tada but now guys have the Kogi egg though teen and boom 15 second my guys have the exact ameriie load okay guys spell a laptop this memory will restart get the series with me come system Charlie's second too late a little I was 15 second my guy said Lord oh yeah it's in a pod hula be able to get e perfecta get the focus of Koopa the shelter gamma X you install Kali a ticket he's copying eSATA DJ - Jessica net upcoming avatar a song of ones other up control who to Cahawba a queen a pagina guys package tour Jason firing up to Genoa and perfectly up they cookie Axios cojones 0.19 point to Joe version is control car laying atop the exact - clearly X your sticker perfect again his coveted eg is going as a flower cut Kesey a bouquet Hanukkah Signum top Rosanna model of OpCo other coos views cannot you have to import guys up who input Carnegie paella so import up to perfectly connects us from kaha say from up K X you're simply Casa guys from simply XE asleep denies resetting control s a perfect ticket Jessica Pamela from react Lika you know else agar qui our component Phi lota thumb dot and then /s I got that the lakenya package sneak under Joe already packages could simply from react from X us bad custom to Xu saamne Kalia had taken nice of the hookah Ghana may up with leakage of throwing up Idaho hammock a cheeky Japanese button picker Tom Oakley who skipped body mucukunda Hanina tow job be hung couch update yeah canopy page cook at the higher end of skip vada Kikuchi Icona ho how many big sugar that is your use effect up who use effect car use connect so yeah permits Alta who is a caper or and use affect history kiss and it always expect a function occupies function then opera gas from a fat arrow function again happy abuse carnage around simple a car demos a simple McCulloch our data and let's see a Haida kata hey and mahiti convalesce service cuts connect Edith Nia or Gary first time II hi I get to summer job a do kaboom hiya to can reach of Palika this Wahabis copy Connie o Mara filing Apache oka mayor value change guru no to big eyes means a high annual a MATLAB merrily used effect or a perfectly work Cara right up in Muji alert need Akana musica cetera kisi ki - Meera fetch API a I mean not fetch API mera Pokemon kawaii API is kimochi use connect so this is who use connect it both sides 30k you know up the accept the Pokemon forwards let's did two upgraded it took I basically me can I ate a turkey Nami just a Pokemon /p Kishida kuma the Moose's supports it Pikachu kg Tina be you know house key properties he of Skyrim is jo kuch aur Patthar sallim ala jami'a put the Kurata moves you know you have up the executive moves and that is 81 or Houska naam ke ke guys up the executive naam console ikx he can move schemata thumb and in yeah prop Dixit to name me a medic either a Pikachu simply is there guessing a paddock sector guess precocity so guys somewhat scarce at this cathartic so Abby filming occurred so top we like each other and yeaaaah logic part Decatur of Pokemon /one mutt lava bomb number of coop Oscar Ackerman number one pitch alto so we have a turbo guys number one - we have a Bulbasaur take you to this comic or piccola Tahu and up the acceptor couch who is Terry Casey dick novella so yeah hemara link is Kumiko Picard a town in a peach Arthur Skov MacArthur who copy of Camtasia Garriga ex-con with already installed sugar right token Smith simply asynchronous JavaScript case can Ajara and you both imported him in equality paliotta the other we have a async and then simply after function ganam likhna to get the top which will accept to take and my average of the simple guys my fat arrow function is simple you know do normal function who use current idea blow go victim simple rock Saku and yappin let's say malik d'etat who are responsive him with a response meal rack and up c'mon image a prep async to skirt the model of Java Omega data mainly Java guys via weight car Bora basically weight caraga Kiska Axios dot and you have to write to get up with X cos rod Kaitlyn impossible we are getting the data from leo Ali APSA and simply guys happy man again back to you scan is are on q QQ by default to me one day Rona Saba Koopa the salaah guys many QE a happy select box Bonita I and Q key guys who's your number one Johan you see there a woman with man each other by my chatot aqui user he happy Jovi number select correct whiskey well you could carry home fetch he happy miss cook or do a bit and Pokemon my war number pecans a Pokemon actual mayhem Oh Musa happy decided to simply may watch a Tatar take a tawba me a political sockeye salmon Leucippus already a number is comically Tahu copy figure America's solid number hey homina quit tension in your ski too many official Tao is slimming effect EQ skeptical now with the help of dollar X second dollar ki darga dollar profit curly braces minim this is it profit school metric come zoom called datura and I hope up to calculate the Cuyahoga be or conquer death or take a profit versus now line up will attend guys make a sangha happen with console circadian at sangha that ischium a response me camera console dot log Schalke who a year response a nice X is now kupatana Changa and that T is key yep omelette a nice trick is it so kinda kind of with the Heidegger fillol killer big eyes massive response regret of Salah tiga I make a daytime mirepoix my father Celica up MHL Tahu ticket inspect which Altima yes sub joke which behave console Familia Java Escamilla hitachi clear at the moment making a pitch suppose when I click here 25 pay and all right guys have the exact coming with dick mera basically controller safe cutter and let's see CUNY all right guys okay say are you kooky hum Nate function create care that is a gate data take a function comment define cardia ominous could declare cardioid to scope call to key Amy's uptick of function : Ikaruga d karakasa were so simply many in the apical kadai on earth focus control s a PC a paper check a reference card at the head of let's image select earth or 25 simply guys see now have the executive ho get me here at dickering I have Dixit to get get forget us at the object K under object actually get get all right guys cue kooky huh me Egbert curly braces she drew Barham quiche Lorraine happy and perfect this is 88 them perfectly country less safe kartha hoon and I real up from now it's perfect up may acquire Bella refresco so Halicki refresh connect a majority but the lake in the moment other may 3 Priscilla clutter and Bunga is up the exactly escameca by delete causes of fear semi select earth or 25th and profit I'm happy both clearly Dixit two guys muziek data milray subset of hierarchy P we have a data and a government data which also above the accepted data hey you happen Nietzsche shalt thou and boom guys up the exactly 25 P we have a Pikachu so agar Mooji is name who get connect ticket how many X cos cube mother said dot get liquor I do is sink well up with the Krannert guys Makarov Co bottom simply guys up cool Akina a sink and a weight is async/await guys up the exacto in Hindi simply in Hindi up by tapa directly League do get two guys happy happy their co-op going up Amelia do go guys a sink over T both these are the important try catch summoning the katana is synced key mother say V guys is familiar exclusive sneak a demeanor fetch a pea mother say bokura naka update car kitakata so I say Buddha could the kicker in sepka link miniature description and come in section map caprara doing a bad job importantly and a really of guys some nice joke which me a pop take 6 to menu very very important Billy can title page Ibaka pathos tell your guys hit my important cue ticket to the hoof Musa data page Anna hi and data taught named Kenneth Musa Pikachu Malaga so response dot data dot and then name simply Kelly connect Isis 3cm control as save up me a pitcher focus is core target of likely up 25% boom of depakote 2 mil took a bus up miss your question is either kogai-sama gathered on simply a pisco cart on who copies dig if it's alta pissed once again pissed nap is simply obliquity my name is jo bhi ho gaya premier let's say guys straight very well be longer be taking name namkha and I have eaten a morsel akuto i have eaten a mobster I have moves capital game moves like that the perfect ticket a bees your name are you septic idea and guys have cook this Cusco is Kokoro copy taking a pitcher Lu expand tagged look simply tacky I'm a easy-to-use cool guys chaotic is simply perfectly take against its nominee got Bob possibly spent a coup Carew exact select you know Saku musiah Pabst I'll use kanessa styled equal to Akuma luminous object kita of Cuzco mana higher cred color and then : and then space they kept quiz sim X second half way up cook color and then Colin there now a single quote double quote scanner up simply live easy read poverty Tanaka mucho caja a peacock our town is Camejo tahuna hacer para que de Tahu simple and say me happy be ye a guy see a Parag the town and its second Ihab America perfect again so this is it with a macho guy Abhijeet Nabil addict ran again Cisco heart our country less safe core perfecting used to Juba hey taking my name is guy see red colored Manama jaga and I have Athena moves perfect Eagle control except Carthago guys have the expect to happen name up and you move in Coptic Munira to case yoga the co so simply guys himself the constant MMS well lick the Tahu name up a egg second set and then namely the thumb who swap a spelling correct um hand easy capital 'thou shalt Tahu used straight way and this is it profit if now whoppers guys my using a pitch alna have and const Jakob Musa jhana pedagogy spray guys moves prettier and then comma then I again of course Jana has said moves pay and wapis equal to a lucky score guys have or SWAT Mikasa catholique image Athena's simple of secret Navajo takia blow go cuckoo problem hand guys spelling wrong anyway they gotta be me so to cue yay asada Heidi raha hai the FK is on Anita the convalesce a prophet guess of couch Oh chucka you sister co-op qaq virus can induce effect we are putting up input canal I think my baton am will get uppity Amara you come to perfectly who took a guys Ibaka kana equal a sin function good job of Cole Cardona whiskey vodka can I just set name him his cooker okapi a Pacific Adam and then up guy you said move Cisco kuru copy and then he a I've got the perfect again nappa Carnegie's usual a response dot data dot name copy growing a if Cardozo opposite shallow in a pizza cutter but instead of name up Queen happily Kanaga moves I think we move seat a ticket I'm a country less safe court I hopes up we check them perfect Oh chucka hi and I think mop a move nahi moves one achieve control as safe Carta and profit now everything's perfect the moment agar may appear selector to purchase and all right which added a guys and guys up they accepting a chemist set moves pick which problem dakara and actually mu J mu J the maluma Kia problem dakara leak in my blog Okuda haja thought IKEA blow Goku Pathak acids Elega key error care thickest so guys a comma Cucaracha hominid Kalika response dot data dot moves inna chilaquiles Camejo data who and let's see kuch hota again a pic second Mitchell Tom purchase and guys Mississippi cathodic idea philatelist set dem could be Maharaja Tahu orient name k but Lee take your Scooby hot Agatha my oppas back jar on sit up logo Kouhei the conical a key K AB dil curse active so that's happy happy both clearly the exactly her main name means a a ticket name how my pal a value maybe milk a silicon moves make problem errata and up both clearly the exactly happy or June Carter hepatic hey guys ke move says licking agar of the cookie named agar hung lichte - Pikachu perfectly meal rather because the name may pick Achutha but job moves keep re I didn't I suppose qlu kucik kuru buuck era head yeah a paprika - but whoa ake era head so there's a paracord directly linked call kar sakte I mean directly curse October to see a girl moves keep in a total 81 n gger total Eric it elements Keaton a hey other potala gana ho - cowering him you scoffs fearsome man come and cut the come field son current bus up Lobo Kuya botanically Kyogre as a problem at AHA - aqua likhna padega le n and GTS era is spelling me a drop of an oddball HT osha the ticket control as safe guys above the who are we supposed perfectly screen answer at athens click or the purchase peso three one and boom guys of the executive purchase wah value Pikachu ski our name a and then we have a total 81 mops and in Africa up camellia chalu so we have a purchase ID number pay we have a Pikachu and whoa of moves dot length Jessie Metallica and total we say 81 moves with Camila together so this is it guys I just vertically Athena he and I see up logo Kumiko challenge then a song lucky many Kelly Kelly 81 misled shaky auger 81 whoops k-palette zero number picasa we have a mega punch looser a number pick up a day jo bhi ho guys agar aapke 81 moves covered the mera zero value liquor music mega punch miljacka the a circus act a michi up comical music jo button up so this is it guys as is baroque latina he and where you do Paco both person there were Johana both kusum's omni modern JavaScript key concepts and a asynchronous programming the company X your son's Omni use effect actual MATLAB some Johnny API coke alchevsk a data of HCI display cara both couch guys as I'm a good omen so guys I'm about on a song I made alias or some be discrete Carter Otto I'll be together optimally channel hopper technical go subscribe Nikki so guys please subscribe Kelly Jo right side me cred Calaca be like an ignorant like Heidegger it reject leaky Jetta Kiev de leus awesome videos come is Nakuru and could speed out to the bay Figueroa cane each a command keys I'm a pitcher will have Cara so till then guys thank you so much take care
Channel: Thapa Technical
Views: 140,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reactjs api call in hindi, reactjs axios tutorial, react axios in hindi, react api call in hindi, useeffect api call, react api in hindi, react js api in hindi, react rest api call, react js axios, react js json data, react js axios in hindi, react js axios api, react js api fetch, react js async await, react js pokemon, useeffect api call example, react js in hindi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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