Part 2, There's Some Places You Should NEVER Explore

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previously un abandoned and forgotten places and we have an unlocked door look at this we're open open for business oh look at this is cool what kind of a mineral we have here [Music] [Music] oh boy I'm trying to imagine what's this on the floor o fungus yeah we got fungus Among Us right there see it growing out of the rotten wood yep should I get a better shot let's do a closeup on that that's really cool look at that mhm okay we have up here uh-oh I see collapse I do yep old rotten Timbers let's get out from under that real quick okay there we go step over that and we definitely got to collapse up here we got more fungus yeah okay maybe somebody came up in up in here once with a athletes foot and now now it's taking over yeah this mine is really well visited I mean the clay type material on the floor right here is just all matted down from countless Footprints okay all right we got a big area of collapse here oh that is some really weird looking fungus type growth right there look at the hairs on it a't that neat huh that's cool okay can we get past this safely or is the whole darn thing going to fall on our heads let's try not to think about that huh ooo boy that came down to one big flump recently too heck yeah oh gosh it just keeps getting worse here let's get past it yeah that's an area of lots of groundw coming through there okay oh yeah this is a really bad area um you notice you can't hear my echo no more super soft beer bottle on the left people have been up in here yeah huh oh boy [Music] [Music] [Music] okay coming into an interesting area there's some RPM Motor Oil yeah we found a few of them over the years haven't we and we're at 29 what's down here 29 vent pipe a bucket anything in the bucket let's not kick the bucket today uh-uh what's over here oh is this some kind of a bulkhead for holding water at one time no don't think so but it is an or body I can tell that by the spray paint marks with the arrows that they were considering taking yeah now look at this guys you know we've got large we got all kinds of workings above our head here's a pipe coming straight from some of the workings high above us they drilled right straight through and came down here don't know what it was for could be an old compressor pipe could be for water drainage I'm not [Music] sure and it goes off that direction wow yeah we really got ourselves into a big one haven't we man look at this big collapse that whole thing come down yeah wow o and there's more that wants to come down too let's be real quiet through this section yikes boy that was dangerous yeah that was uh that was a bad bad bad section right there now up here this used to be all filled with water now the water's gone mhm another bad section [Music] yikes okay well I don't want to I want to get the lighting just right so you guys can appreciate this I'm going to try to get through here without touching anything okay and without stepping on any kind of a nail okay well at the same time looking at the floor for anything boy there's just everything this is just ugly this is just all around bad bad bad bad let's keep going yeah we're just going to tiptoe through here like a little church mouse we're coming to the end of the mine guys we sure are yep all right let's get all the way up in it then we can say that we did it okay here we are I'm talking quietly because you see right here look to the left we had a beam to the left a beam to the right and all that failed so this is indeed the one that went 8,167 ft and there's the collapse that pinched it off y turning around let's get out of this section yeah that's creepy really creepy looking I like it okay let's get past the mud there we go makes you wonder I better not talk loud let me get through this section first look at the mold wow there we go interesting how uh all that Timber was put in place roughly 20 25 years before I was born and now here I am all these years later exploring this old abandoned mind you got to kind of sit back every now and then and appr and appreciate that you know you know think back to your childhood you know remember the things you did as a little kid here's that bad section let's get through it real quick yeah remember the things you did when you were a child you know four 6 8 10 years old you know playing with your toys and during that entire time this mine was here rotting away and doing its thing and he get a little older and get a little older and then finally you get to be 50 years old like me and you crawl up into it it's just really cool that's why I like abandoned that's what I like about Abandoned minds they really are time capsules okay so turning to the right this is a drift that we found going off that direction all right let's see how far it goes pass the carbide tin and now we're look at this look at this cave formation yeah this is natural yeah see that see how the water carved all that out natural cave very cool lots of water running through this mountain isn't there yeah all right heading up in deeper as I was saying um we're running we were were running kind of parallel oh this is that other one that we saw see we we were just right over there see where that wood is right over there cuz I remember seeing that jug speaking of jug what is it that's a jug anif freeze yep anif freeze I'm going to set the camera down for a second Philip 66 antifreeze it has so much corrosion on it there's no way I'd ever get a date I can find a date on that uh-uh okay yeah look at the guys from Utah I've really been see how they Mark the vein look at that Isn't that cool [Music] mhm there's the vein right there about 2 feet going up in 2 feet wide in the vertical 2 feet wide in the horizontal we get it all marked off oo slippery all right what do we have here yeah we got an or body we certainly do look at this they got it all spray painted and designated they got it flagged over there 3948 test number very cool okay water bottles left behind from the people that did come up in up in here all right what do we have up here and goes up there and stops all collapsed sure is okay turning around what's up in here now the mine did a Big Bend to the left o we boy this is really ugly look at all the block and bracing here look at how much they braced to keep this from coming down wow holy cow I don't even want to look above my head guys it's just too frightening yeah man oh man look at that yeah I know my limits uh-uh too much fault gouge too much going on there m that is way way too dangerous I want to live long to explore a lot of mines and I'm not going to put forth that level of risk not in a mine like this that's not going to have much of any artifacts no way there is just a massive amount of block and Brace and uh um fault gouge groundwater penetration going on up there just layer after layer of danger you know they say ignorance is bliss well yes it is problem is I've got a pretty good knowledge of geology and I know what's over the top of my head right going through that section okay but and chances are here's what we're going to do the other reason I turned back I get the sneaking suspicion that when we come up to our next drift which goes off to the right okay it's just going to meet up with that see so what's happening here is if indeed it does they're running these drifts off to the off to the well right now it' be to our right but when we were coming in it would be to our left so they kind of go wide and then they come back and meet up with the holl at it then they go wide and then they come back and meet up with the Hol at it yeah let's look here see what' I tell you told you how bet if we step up in here just a little ways it's going to we'll be able to poke the flashlight right up into um oh I guess not see this is what I'm talking about look at the size of this collapse right here now this you can see the Timbers see that right there so indeed it did it curled right back and went right back to where we just came from but look at this all of this is slabbed off and come down yeah I got the layout of this mine figured out already I sure do in my head anyways I'll tell you what let's talk about collapse while we walk underneath collapse so how does a collapse work well it comes down in two ways it can come down really fast if there's any kind of a seismic event in the area then you'll get one big F like what you see right here you see that yeah there ain't no Footprints in it either so that is fallen down since the last person was here or it comes down and drips and drabs little piece here a little piece there over time yeah oh man boy let's get out of here that's a bad spot yikes I want to show you guys something look at this turn the light down look at the fungus looks like tree roots but it's not ain't that neat [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're just walking along in a pretty good clip here yeah yes for those of you asking I have perfected the art of talking to myself I am my own best friend okay another drift that we didn't explore with rail well now we get to see the size of the gauge of rail that they were using in here see that yeah 24 gauge sure was and we got air we got the compressor pipe going off this direction well that's cool okay oh ouch just about twisted my ankle there for a second all right what do we got up in here collapse mold lots of mold that is neat that is so cool look at that that is so awesome that's a heck of a patch isn't it neat I'll put my foot down there you get a size of how big that is let's see where's my foot there's my foot there you go two cool all right what's up here oh more soft spots okay I think we can get past it aha this was an or shoot let me show you yeah we got our workings above our head and this where I'm standing right now used to be an or shoot long long long ago mhm and or pass okay what do we have up in here is it going to come to a collapse let's look we got a ladder going up L used to go up into what in the world wow look at this raise oh my gosh see the hole right there over there a blasting going vertical you guys have asked me what are the most dangerous areas in in a mine well when you're in a m when you're working a mine the absolute most dangerous things were uh putting in raises and that's what that was right there because you're drilling vertical and uh during the drilling process the loading process of the dynamite you know you got to be really careful and you're constantly scaling Rock and it's wanting to fall down on you all the time it only takes a decent Siz one and you got yourself a Widowmaker yeah just a very dangerous process now look at this or shoot we got a big in here they sure do yeah all right what's up here that's it that is it that's as far as they went look at all the spiderweb patterns of the blast the dynamite went off see the spider web pattern there pow bang okay turning around I'm going to set this down here for a second give you some perspective look at this meaty this meor shoot right here yeah gives you an idea of the size of this place huh okay okay that's as far as that one went so now we know that the rest of these branches not branches but drifts are going to be leading up to uh or shoots and that makes sense CU in the early 50s they were going after the tungsten and it wasn't until the late 50s is when they decided to drive that big long 8,000 footer in so what we're seeing as we work our way back out of this mine is the initial workings yep you got to wonder what's up in them big stopes above our head huh yeah you know nobody's been up in there m so far the only place I've been able to see where we could get up there is that the waterfall ladder yeah I'm brave but I ain't that brave you know darn well that every single one of them rungs is going to snap on you mhm you got to have some kind of rope I don't know how you'd rig it how you going to rig your way going up a waterfall ladder all right continuing back towards the portal and looking for the next [Music] drift and here it is let's go up there yeah yeah we know it's just going to go holy mackerel well I wouldn't have this was a surprise look at this room wow very cool hey we got a big old room here neat huh I probably should uh yeah let's see here how can I here we go look at the size of this space Oh pull my pull pants up here look at this very cool yeah see how they have all the they put in the steel here I don't know wait what is that that ain't steel no I take that back those are wooden hangers that's what those are yeah wooden hangers okay well so we had a little something going off that way and it stops right there and then they quit but it does keep going on this way let's look over here all I see see Footprints going up there look at this see that up there yeah that might be a way to get into the Stope maybe H let's keep that on the menu let's go up here we know it's going to come to an or shoot that's this mine is becoming predictable okay what we got up there we'll find out in a second here's our or shoot that one had one two three again four four stoppers on it for controlling the flow here we've got a ladder going up held by plumber's tape and going up there into the Stope looking down over here bunch of ladders in a pile all rotting away and what do we got here oh I was hoping we'd have a an orc cart but we don't we got a day box that's what that's called that's the lid right there for the day box yeah now what is a day box a day box is used to hold uh blasting caps yep igniters things of that nature day box is used to hold the things that detonate the dynamite okay it's not used to hold Dynamite itself because you always want to keep your uh um Dynamite separate from your uh blasting caps so regulatory stated you had to have a day box and that's what we're looking at and of course a bunch of modern vent vent pipe okay now look at here look at there okay we got a beautiful quartz vein about 4 in wide look at that yeah mhm wonder if uh wonder if there's any Val values in in that probably [Music] not okay stop that's quick speed up oh doesn't go anywhere stops right there turn it around pointing back out okay let's speed up [Music] again and here we go all right now we're back to the sign that reads into construction or something along those lines 1998 is what's on the back of that sign okay did it go anywhere let's look real quick oh we've had a we had a raise here yeah it used to go up that direction probably had a ladder at one time but that's it all right turning around we can't have maybe what one or two more side drifts I tell you what let's speed up [Music] again and here we are okay turning to the [Music] right let's see where this one went aha I'm going little guy going that way a little something going that way by the size of it it's only like 4 and 1/2 ft tall uh-huh let's kind of peek over this way yeah I don't go anywhere no no they were probing into something though weren't they that's it it doesn't go nowhere okay turning around we should be coming up onto another one all right let's speed it [Music] up and here we go okay off to our right this is number three three I guess that means we've got two more right all right yeah okay again they just kind of poked into it didn't they yeah let's look up there a little bit better that's about 5T above my head so I'm just kind of raising the camera it goes a little ways doesn't it it does okay all right we're headed back to the primary here okay guys give me a minute I got a battery to change out I'll be right [Music] back all right there we go two fresh batteries okay we should have two more drifts right up here they not going to be too far away no just be right up here let's see here what was yeah here we go we had one off to the right I remember that one okay turning left this time what do we have up here oo there's some slabbing going on there yeah I'm just pausing for a second I'm looking at the geology before I walk underneath it okay what is that thing not quite sure what that thing ofama Jinger is m looks like a Whatchamacallit to me I can see why they put in this raise right here look at that they're following that vein right there that one's 6 in wide of uh quartz mhm okay looking back towards the face and indeed this one faced out right there sure did okay turning around oh it's damp in here but it's not hot so even though it's wet and really mildewy um it's not hot so I'm not really sweating like crazy but the humidity is probably 80 something per in here okay continuing on there's our daylight the light at the end of the tunnel yes I don't think I don't recall encountering any drifts through this wet section right here I'll just let the camera run as we work our way [Applause] out yeah when I was looking at this on Google Earth um I knew I could see water coming out of the portal oh yeah look at here indeed yeah we got one going off to this direction and it stopped right there okay turning around yeah I I could see water coming out so I knew we were going to have a wet foot today so I did wear the appropriate socks to keep my feet warm now all right here's one that we didn't get up into now look off to my left here that's not quartz nope that's that's got to be our tungsten ore again right there oh there's something nasty up in here there's something stink thinking Pew oh that water is just downright gross all right what's up here uhuh okay and over here I ain't walking through that oh my gosh look at that water that's just no that's what's stinking look at the mold in that water doesn't go anywhere just goes up to there ah I'm not going to walk through that moldy puted nasty water that's just gross I draw my line I already walked through it right here yuck yeah going to have to be going to have to hose my boots and pants off when I get back to base [Applause] camp all right back to the light and headed out of here tell you what guys I see you back outside all right guys there we are back outside safe and sound that was fun yeah look here I where's the Sun at I never didn't get too wet I didn't go get past my knee it's only right up to here that's as deep as it really got into that mine so uh all right what did we have here so we had a big long holl at it that we just walked I don't know somewhere between 2500 to 3,000 ft okay and then along the right side going in we had where it was coming in doing or shoot coming in doing or shoot coming in doing or shoot and then as we got deeper we had drifts going out then going away from it and then circling back in and then another one going out and away and coming back in again we found that both of those were collapsed so that tells me that the or body or the veins that they were chasing in this mine were all to mostly anyways to the left as we were going in that's where that's where they were running okay we had a little bit of workings on the right when we first went in but that was it um but you notice they didn't get into them very far it didn't get them very excited otherwise they had have holl at that area out even better so the one place we didn't go is try to get up into those stopes now there was that little passage going up on that wall there that might have brought us someplace and then of course there's the big waterfall ladder uh I'm pretty daring but I'm not that daring guys so but there is some areas in this m that are completely unexplored and that's up in those stopes how a person would ever get into those I have no idea and I thoroughly ran the Drone all through this area looking down in between the trees trying to find air shafts and there wasn't any and we know that there's no air shafts in this mine or no open stopes because if there was we'd had a whole lot of air blowing in in our faces either one direction or the other and we didn't have any of that so there's nothing coming out on this hill kind of interesting to think that we were way underneath this Giant mountain just just think of how much Rock was above my head isn't that incredible well guys thank you so much for coming along on another fun explore I hope you enjoyed this one I don't mind getting wet every now and then it's not all that bad we'll do it again someday all right guys thank you so much and I will see you again next weekend take care everybody [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 25,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 3tlWnVoKYwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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