REACHER Episode 1 REACTION!! Season 1, Ep 1 Review | Jack Reacher TV Series | First Time Watching!

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what is happening there citizens of the reject  Nation we are going to start up the series eight   episode run season one of Reacher how do we  come here well we got some requests I've been   interested in this show because it's cultivated  quite a fan base and that surprised the heck out   of me so I was like you know what this has been on  my Q you might as well convert it to the channel   it follows our criteria of what we decide to  react to on the main page and our patreon as   well so ladies and gentlemen if you go ahead  smash that like button like this guy's biceps   who's ever playing Jack retronome who this guy  is I I don't think I've even seen the trailer for   this I just know he's tall and of an appropriate  build as compared to Tom Cruise it actually fits   the description of the book this is what I've  heard that's all I've heard and also be sure   to subscribe click the notification Bell because  we do want to make it through the rest of these   episodes as well full-length Reaction watch along  is where you sync up with your own copy of Reacher   available for our super sexy rejects over at our  patreon page but because this is the first episode   the first full-length Reaction watch  along is available for the public so   you'll find a link in the description box and  pin comment but also at our patreon we cover   a bunch of stuff over there exclusively  with reaction highlights and watch how   long is included let's see what all the hype's  about let's see if it lives up to oh the talk foreign good shot someone's mad die now who's gonna know that dude got shot wasn't it just pouring rain a second okay it  still is okay depending on what part of the   country you're in you know you can walk  10 feet and it'll be not raining anymore   or maybe it's symbolism that it's a brighter  day now that Jack Reacher has arrived sorry   40 how am I supposed to God  damn money I'm on his side the hell you won't [ __ ] he  wants to save the cat moment listen man I'm just having a bad day that was cool all I had to do is look at  it until he would change his expression   one bit that was cool black and peach pie  best you're gonna find in Georgia but they   all say that kind of looks like a super buff  Sam Worthington yeah sure let's get it done [Music]   oh my that's Jack Reacher's diet is always bye reach your water they get caught Andy left a 40  tip hands behind her head hands behind her head   interlock your fingers Flex  those biceps you're under arrest   for murder oh snap he was just on a bus if  you step over here I can process you I'm not   asking sir I'm telling but don't worry I won't  kick your ass unless you make me I like her all   right what is your name Sasquatch don't talk  Jack Reacher zip ties cuffs didn't fit them that's why you don't skip four arms 212.  this looks like some kind of foreign deal   World War II metal French I'm  Chief detective Oscar Finley I   was informed you were read you're right  so you know you don't have to answer confirmed victim was male 30s big guy  no idea yet problem getting prints off   the body's swollen fingertips I love how you  can see he's processing all this information maybe your court appointed  attorney will get you to open up   I don't need a lawyer so far run on his Prince  has been clean but something could still turn up   but there's no Facebook Snapchat Instagram him  he's not an influencer he's a teacher people   How to shed those pounds retired army what if  I'm thinking I'm sitting across from a man who   doesn't mind killing and who has the knowledge  and training to murder someone and cover it up   you'd be right where'd you get that conclusion  three men dropped this body shooter was someone   who knows Firearms well he also knew enough to  pick up his brass this wasn't a first timer this   was someone who knew how to conduct a quiet  effective kill nice nice you're also looking   for a psycho who'd beat up a body postmortem  someone completely unhinged something wrong no   your psycho isn't suddenly going to be rational  enough to know he has to hide the body in your   meticulous shooter isn't going to do a sloppy job  with roadside cardboard well the third guy is so   worried about getting out of there he grabs some  nearby debris and just lays it across the corpse   I got off the bus from Tampa and  walked to town I asked the driver   to do me a favor why on account of blind  blink Legend has it he died in margrave   long time ago I figured I'd learn a  bit about him I like music [Laughter]   medical examiner puts the victim's time of death  at around midnight last night this morning it's   last night until 11 59 and 59 seconds and  then it becomes this morning [Laughter] laughs running down a phone number found in the  dead guy's shoe means I'm gonna be here for a   while foreign companies are slow responding to  warrants like it they're kind of figuring out   the case together yeah unlikely Duo father and  I will unpack you too go and meet the base kids   this is home now hopefully for a while and go  make friends it's gonna be like Army Shazam   Soldier that's the way to the beach yeah that's  five bucks for the looks about your jacket yeah   I'm big for my age just like you're ugly  for your age oh you could be ugly anytime let's get some Stephen King bullies going you don't have to do this  it's my fight that's cool we're taking a ride got hit on the  phone number yeah the phone company   stepped it up you invited me over  to chat but never asked what crime   I just wanted to get you over here so we  could talk [Laughter] male shot to death   he was found with your number written  on a paper scrap in his shoe I did it however it doesn't believe  him he did what was his name   I don't know you killed a man  you don't know yeah that's right self-defense in the back of the head terrible  story I'm not about to rehash all the details   you are my second annoying interrogation today a double barrel shotgun blast right to the face  yes and then burnt the body smart yes I did smart I love this detective not sure  if I've seen this actor before   but yeah this lead detective is great [Music] come with me not until you let these  zip ties come off get the boss cutter   it's okay I got it of course you do that's good don't want to get ridden up for  littering in the police station you guys recycle   awesome I was just cleared one guy lied about  killing another guy that doesn't clear   you good town of murdering even when  he confessed nothing happens to you bars on bars this guy might still have information  to share I don't Stevenson does he and Hubble were   looking at each other they looked at each other  they held eye contact for a full two Mississippi   you're always so confident in your  theories as confident as I am that   you went to Harvard you recently  divorced and you quit smoking in   the last six months nice you're stubborn you  have a chip on your shoulder you don't care   if your co-workers like you a guy like  that doesn't go to BU he goes to Harvard yes you're also about 40 which means  you did your 20 at Boston PD to get   your pension so you can afford a proper  Southern soup but you still look like   black Sherlock [Laughter] holmese as for the  smoking when I broke down the three murderers   back there you started to think you had the  wrong guy the water in your class moved a bit   we're not on any major fall lines a major  Lane was bouncing onto the table you know you   know you need him he'll solve the case oh sure  it's Holmes Versus Holmes Stevenson my office try not to look so guilty right now  the show is pretty cool all I know   is that at midnight he was nowhere near that  Highway a couple in the trunks no he cheat on   his wife no he's a family don't answer  his questions he's not your boss right   do you have money problems I  don't know what to do [Laughter]   the only way you'll know why Hubble  confess is if he tells you yeah well   maybe a week in a lockup will motivate  him let me know what he says now Chief   Morrison wants you in custody till we know  for sure that all six foot four of you was   on that bus from Tampa six foot five we  keep extra large Cuffs in our lock box es tall inventory is watching ring   they'll stealing first five minutes  he's in there it was nice talking to you ship them this is really engaging yeah hasn't even  been any action scenes but it's a lot of deductive   action scenes but a Samoan fella come to here  last year met dealer and scrubs made up special   I would hate to take off my shirt next to that  guy yep drop them drawers bend over and spread   no the victim I'm suspected of murdering  was shot by a handgun that would measure   four inches by six that weapon's not  fitting inside me or any other human   being without sending them  to the hospital [Laughter]   so if you think you can perform the inspection  without getting seriously injured go for it   break those fingers with your butt cheeks  otherwise check the box on your clipboard you can inspect him I don't care  yeah in fact please inspect it let's get a room together yeah he can protect  him he'll be partners and I like the movie the   one time I saw it but this show makes me  go this must be a good book yeah all right   it does a good job of capturing the mystery of  who this guy is really well too what's going on   we're not with the guys awaiting  arraignment where were the lifers   what do you mean life first I mean  people sentenced for Life yep what wow oh you have to survive you got a  first visitor there she is no no   give him shoes baby you heard me get  my shoes a good little [ __ ] good girl like glasses too get my glasses that's messed  up yeah that's mean the shoes I can abide but   yeah there's just one more thing  I want from you oh my [Laughter]   God go see you're in my house  Fatso and you didn't ask permission   so you and your friends can leave now where  they can carry your fat ass out in a bucket   nice I take the bucket now I'll count to three  [ __ ] do you know what you're talking to one two that's brutal and efficient  you owe us a pair of glasses   those will supplement those lenses yep that's  cool I wanna I wanna Jack Reacher in my life   it's got the shades now the only thing keep  me alive in here in big trouble no [ __ ]   I'm not a criminal currency manager yeah  whose currency are you managing my boss   is Promised if I disrupt their operation in  any way they'd they'd nailed me to a wall hey   cut my books off and make me eat them it's a  veil threat I gotta take all that time and effort   it's with this specific group here  I'm gonna hit the head that guy's head sweet bathroom fight kill him with a bar soap I   love bathroom fights break someone's  head on a toilet on a sink anything oh what is going on we need protection if you boys  knew what's about to happen to you you'd leave now   so I'll give you to the count of three one wow oh my God yes oh wow that was violent kill or  be killed you don't shank Jack Reacher wait my report says you were placed upstairs why are  you and Jen popular that's where the guy put us it's much calmer here this guy just wants to chill I  think he just wanted a vacation divorce and quitting cigarettes it's me um I'm  just uh I'm just dealing with the tough case of   missing you got Reacher's military record from DC  West Point graduate Silver Star defense Superior   service medal Legion of Merit soldiers  medal Army Commendation Medal Bronze Star   and a Purple Heart for wounds sustained  in the bombing of a Marine's barracks in   Kandahar woof got the license plate too Jack  Reacher's the murderer return to active duty   32 hours later despite having shrapnel remains  of a jaw bone removed from his abdomen whoa what is this man what in God's name is a guy like   that doing in margrave it's  a guy like that doing in jail Jack Reacher solving the case for you  Jack Reacher did the murder because   nobody's good enough to outsmart him  now so he just has to outsmart himself [Laughter] give in to Temptation I would have just thrown   them out yeah having them at  all is kind of a guarantee I'm more curious why whoever you work for  wants me dead and gone from last night's baby   you set us up in genpop he played off like  it was some kind of innocent mistake but it   was intentional guys in the shower I  need me as a person to take out damn   something bad's going down in my grave and  I don't need to be a part of it famous last   words shitty sandwich did look good though my  wife should be here soon I don't give a [ __ ] any idea your car could use lip uh taking a shine to him he's been in prison  a long time thank you some love imagine love   reachers like Greyhound confirm that's their Tampa  station two nights ago that way you could've been   a more grave in time to kill anyone so you cleared  me but how does a guy who confessed walk away   but he knows that Hubble's line so Hubble's  probably dead huh Roscoe's actually my first name   cool so what's your last name chicken and Wok  that's a very unique name I'm on the next bus   out of here I feel bad about the margrave Welcome  Wagon running over understandable I was going to   apologize within a really dinner but if you're  not sticking around okay oh do it but I'm gonna   need some new clothes first um we got a moralsman  chop in town a proper shower too what about money   pensions wired to a Western Union each month  don't you miss your family they're all dead   except for my brother Joe he's a good guy  where's he an upcoming episode Joe's the   killer damn it I'm here because of blind Blake  read some article about Blake said he played his   last show in margrave and that's where he died so  you just go wherever you want whenever you want   everyone's always jealous so I'll check out the  town for a while see you in a bit sounds good   and don't go getting yourself  rested for murder again that truck everything's suspicious that truck   at Coca-Cola sign that pickup  it's not just a sponsor [Music] the truck the truck's back I'm trusted but  a Blues fan might be able to tell me a bit   about blind Blake's time in margrave most  surprise you know blind Blake Mr Richard Foundation takes care of Margaret that statue  out there his grandsons I met he gave Klein a   sweetheart pickup truck that does Klein a Junior  and his Bug House cousin Dawson I call him   trouble do you want to dance to Tom burrito with  me hell I'll dance I'm talking to your beauty   talking the guy in price of your boots better hair  cutting expensive truck he lets you sit shotgun in you want me to lead her I'm not much of  a dancer more of an academic and a reader   you found his mansion reading something  interesting just this morning about some   charges brought against a major Jack Reacher in  a small village outside of Baghdad a very serious   nature but charges that somehow disappeared  like grains of sand and unforgiving desert   ah you are a reader what's your back Mr Richard you threw him off his game yeah it's like  I'll be sticking around another body was   found the brush 40 yards from the first  one same caliber bullet can't say I'm not   disappointed I was looking forward to  spending time with you before leaving   huh well I don't know if we're going anywhere just  yet did Hubble talk when you two were locked up   no you're not going anywhere my alibi clear  maybe I need to bring in a forensic expert to   confirm it was you and maybe you need to cool  your heels back in Warburton and while we get   that done open next two or three weeks just say  you need his help this second guy he was shot   in the back of the head while running away but  his legs kept humming for a few more feet before   his brain told him hey buddy you're dead Gamo  killer just left him there no ID on him Killers   an investigation Details Matter he's my first  murder so please tell me you know who did this   his fingertips were compromised by dermatitis  reaction so swollen prints wouldn't come out clean   until I drink some of the fluid we're waiting for  the results what whoa um is he new on the force or first victim was allergic to latex his Dental  Works off because he had his teeth fixed wherever   he was living at the time broke his right  arm when he was eight had it set in Berlin   had his tonsils taken out of  10 in Soul travel the corpse oh [Music] he knows this man seems like it by his expression  we were wrestling I pinned them against the stove I didn't know my mother just turned it off is that   Joe is that Joe that's how  my brother got this score what so Joe is the killer so it's just a  coincidence you and he are passing through the   exact same photo town at the exact same moment in  time I don't know when's the last time you saw Joe   a minute ago in the morgue I'm being straight  with you well no wonder Sharon left you oh   okay my wife's name no enough that aged well  I know you're not the kind of guy to beat up   on somebody half your size without good reason  he's giving me a reason yeah well I know people   and you've got condos Joe did not look much better looking I did  not keep that reach or hairline just thinking   maybe my brother told me about blind Blake for  a reason thinking I'm supposed to do something   about it I guess I'll find everybody  responsible for you yeah Kill Them All   ah title card damn that's a great oh that's  a great first episode yeah man it's riveting   it's crazy when I believed the most I was the  one I believed the most was that Joe's bad guy   predictable for an unpredictable show sure sure  who could give me this run for my money is my own   brother yeah yeah that was good that was really  good yeah I didn't catch any of the cast name I will only know them by their archetypes and  uh certain personality traits and physical   descriptions sure and I only know Harvey Guillen  it's Harvey Guillen he was the coroner at the   end he's on what we do in the shadows and was  in Puss in Boots too that's who you know yeah   not you Guillermo well um yeah I mean oh wait  we've got seven more episodes to get through   so keep this relatively short yeah uh I was  really impressed with this I thought it had a   great Rhythm and a good energy about it I've  I often find myself the characters like Jack   Reacher going what is the threat here what  is a way to make someone like Jack Reacher   feel like he's an actual danger because it  just seems like he's like he's awesome like   he's awesome like he's so awesome and like I  don't I don't know if any guy like him truly   exists but he's sorry he's so incredibly Wally  he's perfect and you know like a physical threat   and an intellectual threat to mental game threat  you can't seem to get a a one-up on this guy ever   and so to have this mystery come come to his  doorstep here with his dead brother and to   be confronted with it where you can feel the  emotional toll I think that's what makes it   fascinating when you're with what they pose  as like the things that could hinder him is   being stunted a little bit by uh the triggers  of certain pains within which I find really   interesting I don't know if that's like the full  direction of where the show's gonna go I imagine   that there will be some actual physical threats or  he's going to whoop ass left and right for seven   more episodes uh but I like that situation where  the guy brought up the the clothes the buried case   in Baghdad and you could see that there was there  was a disturbance in the force in that moment and   then of course with his brother as well you  you can you can feel that pain and that kind   of pain that can like motivate him or it could or  maybe throw him off of his game and so I really I   really liked a lot I never plays him I don't know  his name and I'll I'll try to learn it by the end   of the series but I thought he was great you know  uh like I don't I wasn't interested in the show   when it first came out I only became interesting  because people kept asking about it and and I I   like the first Jack Reacher movie and I never  was in love with it I really hated the second   one that was awful not good that was an awful  film not a good movie um and I'll say you know   for what I while I like Tom Cruise a lot in  them in that first movie there's still like   a variation of Tom Cruise 100 and watching this  you can really see kind of how it was molded to   being Tom Cruise yeah yeah well a much bigger  teeth grinning sure Jack Reacher is not really   that here and I've heard the comparisons of why  book readers were upset with Tom Cruise's casting   like a lot of it came down first to the  physicality of him but I really love that they   did here was the reintroduction I I don't know  who this actor is maybe I've seen him in something   before and I'm just not recalling at this moment  uh I thought he brought a lot of weight to his   performance and you know both physically and  mysteriously because when he's first introduced   I do like the imposing figure the build that he  is when he first walks on the screen it's awesome   but then they don't lead with action and that  was the probably the first thing I noticed was   how they're not trying to sell you on who he  is by by level of action at all even though the   first thing you that strikes you is this guy's  massive it's like he's a massive dude and it's   cool to get a dude who is like that massive but  is superiorly intellectual totally and you don't   really get the hybrid of that I can't think  of too many characters like nothing I'm sure   exists uh I'm sure I've seen something that I  love with that kind of character but you don't   you don't really get that on screen it's usually  one or the other and to get a character like that   here where everything that well why whatever my  vague recollection is that I've heard of people   who complained about the Jack Reacher movie  who were fans of the book I see that that's   really been brought over here and as someone who  hasn't read the book I felt like that works much   better like I found this really engaging from  beginning to end yeah as compared to what I   remember in my experience of the first movie  which was like cool in the wash and whatever   um this was uh I could see I could see how people  like I would I would continue watching the show if   I just wanted to if I just stumbled on the pilot  yeah absolutely and I think yeah it strikes a   really nice balance both with the character and  just in the with the tone in general it's been a   little while I feel like since I've had something  like this in my viewing diet where yeah you have   the obvious action elements the obvious you know  badass stuff but it does feel like much more than   the Tom Cruise movie like you are in the world  of a novel of a crime novel and of that sort   of lyricality that space that air that kind of  permeates everything and yeah like setting the   stage here like there are a lot of tropes you know  like ah Drifter rolls into town just at the time   you know a murder happens and he's always cool and  collected but yeah I thought they played nicely on   his character where yeah you meet everybody else  because they're agitated by how calm he is and   then by the end of the episode you do get a couple  moments that rile him up one in a subtle way and   then one in a very overt emotional kind of way  and I can only imagine we'll see more flashbacks   of him and Joe growing up and things like that  but yeah just the way they displaced everything   the way that they introduced all the characters uh  Finley and Roscoe especially I thought were really   you know nice additions and and the things that  they are not editions but just like you know nice   um you know important yeah like main  supporting presences that are going   to help flesh this journey out that  much further and yeah having him have   this you know like timid Banker guy along with him  and expecting him to be the body of it like there   were just like a lot of nice twists and turns  that don't feel too much like uh like they're you   know look how clever we are you know like it does  just genuinely draw you in with a good amount of   it feels I don't know something about the way  that they've orchestrated it here feels lived   in because he does have all that mystique and  yes he is like a lot more smart and articulate   and well-read than you would expect but he  feels like a real guy in his portrayal of that   and even his silence in the first parts of the  episode where you're just watching him kind of   process everything and you're watching him speak  with his eyes and his thought process as really   nicely tailored I feel like across this and the  tone the mood the way they capture the town the   way they use the music and the thread of his you  know interest in blues and the reason he came to   uh margrave in the first place this is all yeah  just like really colorful and interesting that's   fun yeah it's a fun show sure it's like genuinely  fun yeah and this is one of those shows that I I   could see being a true worldwide appeal and like  what I mean by that is I I can imagine going to   like my in-laws house I would see like the older  folk watching this show yeah but I get all these   young karate he's gonna join too like yeah  it is it is one of those shows or you you can   definitely see like the people in the Midwest  and stuff just watching the show everyone yeah   yeah yeah anybody can get into it it seems like  yeah because yeah it's not particularly it's not   it's not commenting on that so on on like the  town it doesn't seem like it's looking down on   the people of the town or anything like that  you know and yeah it's like the kind of hero   yeah anybody could get behind and it is a fun  mystery to try to solve as well uh-huh they   they have a good mystery of float and yeah  like the performances Finley cop Maine cop   yeah Finley's good really really good and he the  psychological profile on him was a great way to   get some Exposition on the character that's I  think that's like smart Exposition because it   tells you who that character is and it also tells  you about Jack Reacher at the same time foreign like this was cool because yeah there is action  and the action is cool it is satisfying when it   happens but I think they did wisely to both draw  that out and and create tensions to the when the   action pops off it really hits but there's a lot  that does feel like just as intense but it's just   people sizing each other up and kind of examining  little Clues and you know sparring back and forth   mentally and I think that's another thing that's  impressive when you can really make that vital I   mean the show's cool and got swag and like um  even though for YouTube we got to remove As   Much from the music swag the the music the music  fits it well like the music doesn't tell me how   to feel like you just kind of that's sort of  just the vibe in the aura it just feels like   you're there yeah yeah it's cool and I like the  small towns a lot like in real life I really   love going to small towns so having this show  set in a small town I think is really neat and   unpacking uh murder mysteries are more fun when  they're in a small town setting it's more personal   oh yeah one small town murder that's that's that  you know everybody appeal that I feel like right   now it's just where's the small town is it in  Scandinavia it is in the heartland of America   you're like that's your flavor but yeah it's it's  like classic but also it's got enough of the fresh   unique elements too and it's shot cool and it's  R-rated yeah yeah they throw down man like that's   that was a a bloody fight in a way that's not  in your face but also where you do feel the   impact and and yeah yeah it's nicely Jack Russell  remember was PG-13 right yeah I'm pretty sure it   is yeah but I believe it's PG-13 we're yeah this  is this is all right it's not like super hard R   yet there were a couple of moments that were like  wow that is really R-rated well yeah and I could   I could imagine if there there will probably  be future murders and I can certainly imagine   them getting into the autopsy the the coronary  side of it too you know and and that you know   grossness that comes with that yeah and there's  a lot of respect to about the way it's shot you   know I thought it was actually really smart to  not even show Joe's face just to keep it more   about the presence of Joe's dead body and keep it  on Jack Reacher's expression I thought this was   really cool and that was really really cool yeah  it was pleasant I really enjoyed it yeah a lot   from beginning to end it was very very enjoyable  and very engaging didn't let me go suck me in   and didn't let me go all right guys well what did  you think about Reacher is it just called Reacher   I think so all right hey they wanted to really  distinct divide I was 100 not that short guy uh   yeah okay this is called reach room what did you  guys think about Reacher did you enjoy it leave   your thoughts down below be sure to subscribe  leave a like you can catch us on patreon and hey   let's send this with a patreon Chris wamoth I feel  like Chris Wham off is the perfect person to shout   out for Reacher because what we know about Chris  is the guy is this Samaritan yes the right word   he is he is a Samaritan finding people helping out  when he doesn't have to often in small towns yep   yeah actually yeah because he's really accurate  we don't need a it's apparently [ __ ] our way   through here this is actually really all true  yeah the only the only thing I'm not sure about   is if you're you know supremely buff you know but  I I feel like you probably take good care of your   body given what I know about your disposition so  you're probably at least fit he's been arrested   before for helping out dude that's the way to  get arrested all right here's a good reason to be   arrested just like could you could you stop making  the rest of us look bad we're gonna detain you now   yeah man yeah that's it you're at the Jack Reacher  of our patreon page we have found the character to   call you from now on oh yeah the Jack Reacher of  our patreon you're the peach pie of of our dessert   here at the at the super sexy reject Hub super  sexy p-jack tub and uh and hey I mean if you were   watching our backs I would never worry I would  never lose an ounce of sleep in my life because   I would feel so safe and secure just knowing  you're out there you know I hope you wander   through La sometime and get arrested for trying to  do too much good and then we can bail you out and   then finally feel good about ourselves and then  you can make that up to us by upping your pledge   because we don't have enough to bail you  out how much bail costs in Los Angeles I don't know Jack reach around yeah what's  that that is a film I'm working on right now   that's what I've heard of it yeah  I I waiting for your script notes gonna be a really rich and narrative  adult film all right [Music]
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 126,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reacher reaction, jack reacher, reacher season 1 reaction, reacher 1x1 reaction, reacher season 1 episode 1 reaction, reacher ending explained, reacher season 1 ending explained, tom cruise, reel rejects, reacher season 1 episode 8 reaction, reacher season 1 finale reaction, nikki & steven react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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