Re-Air | Bellator 196 & Kickboxing 9

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you look at this table the tape man right here you're like there's a lot of things they're pretty even then you look at that record that record is everything the experience of you're in a box beaten a night that ends with a world title fight begins as always with Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to Budapest Hungary tonight ballot or kickboxing on paramount Network begins with three 5-minute partly three three-minute rounds in the featherweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue corner at five foot eight weighing in 144 and 1/2 pounds her professional record 10 wins 1 coming by knockout against 3 defeats fighting out of Athens Greece introducing Athena and across the ring her adversary fighting out of the red corner at 5 foot 11 weighing in 142 at 3/4 pounds as a professional she stands undefeated 44 victories to Nome defeats with 3 draws 14 in charge of the action your referee dr. Dave Smith but the rules clean fair fight start to finish work out of your clinches like clean listen to my commands protect yourself touch much step back good luck to both what is going through the mind of Athena at Wharf IATI she's seen the videos she's seen the pictures she's seen everything and now you're standing face to face with her you're standing face to face and you're saying man I took this because this is an opportunity and God please just let me do well now yareta bar she is tired of people talking about the Chris cyborg fight you know what tough deal with it because Chris cyborg has three losses in her life essentially the submission grappling lost had lost in the first MMA fight those were losses the only one woman has ever beaten her and it was an extraordinary performance for yurina Barcia in that fight they were going to start four years ago and knocked her down three times in the fight it just technically picked her apart that's the thing about yurina her technique is so good she fights so long she's got such a good team kick that comes out and she's just hard to deal with look at that movement just laterally she doesn't go just straight back moves laterally takes away your ability to come at her and at 5:11 uses the distance where she got cyber working where she's gotten so many just the front kick because of her height the height difference almost every time at her weight she's 511 facing fighters to her five five five six five seven exactly and she utilizes that very well I'm really liking what I'm seeing out of FMF yachty right now look at she's taking good shots but she's delivering shots back she's being competitive she's trying to open things up that's exactly what yeah that's how you can start to look towards winning the fight if Marty I took two years away from the sport and she likes to say get her head together decide if it was what she really wanted cuz you have to be all-in especially if you're gonna fight at this level there is no doubt if you're not a hundred percent in stop it's not worth it it's gonna damage your body and you're gonna end up losing there's no point being part way in you got to be full more yah he's doing a very good job of coming back trying to counter things that are occurring I like what I'm seeing out of it but this your one thing that you're seeing look at her feet she's standing still you don't want to do that with your ena there's a difference between fighting intimidated which she is not but fighting flat-footed which she certainly is she is fighting flat foot and she's accepting yeah instead of okay she's throwing the kicking here comes my counter she's just accepting right now that can never lead you to a point of all you're gonna do well in the fight you have got to start responding right now she's starting to cover up all those shots they're starting to have an effect she's feeling the power of yurina and it's causing her a problem you can't dictate anything from that stance no exactly right now yurina is the one she's saying this is where I want the fight she moves her back she goes in the lateral movement she's doing everything nice left hook right there everything you're looking forward to be effective in the fight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] get off the gala fighters where and now official Bellator MMA gloves at Bellator shop columns on sale now this bobbleheads are awesome just saw the actual orders where you see here everyone needs a bottle especially one with a torn of sweater easy that night just Jimmy talk about changing your legs Scott you're gonna go down as the greatest of all time and then suddenly everything takes a left turn when you come out with that sweater alright what are you telling at more Fiat II after round one because there were some good things in there considering who she's in with you know they're worried of what she needs to do is exactly what she's tried to do at the very end of the round is don't be flat-footed I need you to move your feet if you're not moving your feet you're gonna be a stationary target you're gonna end up getting hit look at exactly what you're into just did right there repositioning angling off and coming with a strike nice right hand by if more in Fiat II that was a good right hand and that's what I need you to start doing don't be a target be someone that is combative and coming back you're really European kickboxing champion Dutch kickboxing champion is key a welterweight champion I mean everywhere she has been she is dominated in lion fight as one of the first two fights in Bellator kickboxing as well is she's so hard to deal with base just upon her length Jean you look at how long she isn't she can keep somebody at the end of that length most of the time so she's very difficult for you to hit she moves well she's coming with offensive techniques that are long she'd that cheap kick she uses it's so hard to counter it based upon the way she throws it with her hip coming forward right there you can see that the Audis starting to move all senate's coming out and it separates her and allows her to decide I'm gonna just use it utilizes one technique or I'm gonna come after with a combination there is something far more intangible about you Rita and you could see when you watch her that a lot of the great ones have she loves being in there and it is clear when you watch her she is at home she is you know look as did your either she at home she's a bouncer she's head of the bats her night job at her night job and you look at she oh she just likes combat she likes being in there she likes being able to show that you know what I can take care of myself I know how to fight correctly I do all the right things man she's always look at that weed to me bad that just thought that she had right there right there it's all over big shot so you really started to pour in our reality is starting to settle in here around till she started to pick up more free audio apart there's not a whole lot coming back those shots coming out or not hard she's gonna end up getting knocked out here you go a clinic and that right there when you're looking at it it's just the experience level of there's so many things that she's making at morph yachty deal with that it just becomes this water that's falling down on the other point it's covering your head and you're drowning another one bites the dust you're in a bar SHhhh impressive as always we'll make it official when we return you know those nature shows that Wild Kingdom stuff where they watch the dominant animal pick the other apart yeah that's what we just saw oh yeah look at what she's doing here watch yurina Rosen's right hand left hand comes back everything's in a combination there's no singles and that's what hurts you goes to the body big the leather knee comes back with punches this is what you have to deal with when you're dealing with the best there is the world still undefeated still dominant Michael C Williams makes it official ladies and gentlemen inside the ring referee dr. Dave Smith waves off the contest due to unanswered strikes officially two minutes 28 seconds into round number two the winner by TKO [Applause] yurina I know you were not happy with your last performance you felt like you didn't perform the way that you normally do yeah how do you feel today about this one yeah this one was a good one I think yeah I enjoyed a fight and I take my rest during the fight so what's better than my last one as far as what we were seeing we were seeing all kinds of combinations and great lateral movement is what you were doing to offset what she's doing were you have you been working on that no but opponent change just two weeks before but I work a lot and I try to do more than my opponents and that works it does work congratulations on a great victory your winner URI NEBOSH look at that record 99 wins we're talking on a hundred thirty one fights right there that's the big thing experience goes to John Wayne part youth goes to editor Lopez he never forgets you first will his 100th be memorable and will it be tonight to Michael C Williams Bellator kickboxing on paramount Network tonight from voqal now goes to three three-minute rounds at 163 pounds introducing the blue-coated first at five foot eight Wang in 162 and 3/4 pounds his professional record 10 wins two losses two wins coming by way of knockout hailing from lisbon portugal presenting lopez at across the ring is atmospheric fighting out of the red corner at five foot ten weighing in 162 and 1/2 pounds tonight the veteran professional stands with ninety nine victories forty-six by way of knockout along with 32 defeats hailing from Gulf Coast Queensland Australia presenting the gunslinger John PAH and your rapper in charge of the action Brian my name Dan home Smith you know very much me at all times protect yourself at all times stocks closed if you want to know good luck yeah I got a John Wayne par fighters fighter man's man he just he's one of those sportsmen you enjoy being around he is such a great person he's so friendly he's so fun to be around and he is a killer in the rain because he comes after guys even at 41 years old almost 42 he still has speed and he's able to fight with the young guys said he just wanted 20 fights and then 20 became 50 and then a hundred fights and then all of a sudden a hundred wins came in sight and he joked when his wife Angela very accomplished eight time us boy Thai champion when she had to give it up for the kids take care of the kid she said well you know you need to keep working you need to go back to work yeah something's gotta happen there you look at what's happening right here at her Lopez being the young guy you cannot let John Wayne par start backing you down and just throwing shots you've got to respond if you don't respond he is just going to beat you down and a tear Lopez so respectful calls it a dream come true John Wayne par a living legend can you be too respectful absolutely can't be right you know you look good response by animal Pez he was a beautiful left high kick there comes John and looking just look at the volume that starts happened this is what John Wayne par does he just starts throwing he does not stop he has a huge gas tank when he fights he doesn't get tired that was not a good shot right there john wayne par relying more on his boxing as he gets older he does rely on his boxing but he throws a lot of kick see the thing that about John that's really smart he doesn't throw power with every shot he just starts to touch it even that kick right there he threw it he didn't throw it as hard as he can he wants to start touching you and making you think about things and then you're starting to think in the fight instead of actually react and do and that's why he's such a smart fighter it's been in the ring with legends he's seen it all he has done it all get Lopez aggressive Lopez and beans you know what he's he's starting to look you know feel it in the fight where hey I've got to respond I've got to do things hey I can be in here with this guy and that's what he's got to have his confidence he has got to start responding and countering or actually being the offensive guy in this fight though is that that magic moment on the graph about youth and experience when does inexperience versus inexperienced become a disadvantage as opposed to youth versus age it is dramatic to see a guy who was born in April of 1997 shortly before John Wayne Parr made his pro debut fighting you know there's always those rails and header Lopes Israelis definitely going up and John Wayne's it's got its it's plateaued I'm sure at the point but it's not really coming down because he's still really effective when he fights but there is the question of when does it start to come down you never know which fight it's going to be but and that's what happens with older fighters John Wayne par at age 41 in search of career win number 100 through round one John interesting round 1 how did you see that it is an interesting route but it's you there's no doubt John Wayne part wins that he wins it on volume neither fighter had any kind of damage that was really done to him but the volume the John Wayne part put out absolutely wins him that round and that's sort of interesting to think about the much older fighter winning around us volume and this is what we talked about with Etta Lopez he has got to get it in his head I cannot let this older fighter establish that he's gonna be the one dictating the pace of this fight I need to be offensive I need to go after him Heather Lopez started just three years ago when he saw an ad for a local fight gym on Facebook my spinning heel kick came up with the knee that actually off-balance John didn't hurt him but it off balanced him that's the kind of movement and activity you want to see how to vet her will make John weigh par at least think about it exactly it's giving him something he has to deal with if you're just gonna stand there and try to defend there's nothing coming towards you that's an easier fight for you to deal with things are coming towards you you have to deal with them that makes you think that makes you work how committed was John Wayne far as a young man to the sport he went where you go he moved to Bangkok and spent four years of his life from age 19 to age 23 you think about the time the John Wayne par has put into the sport of kickboxing Muay Thai kickboxing it's incredible how many fights he's had and how much time that he has been perfecting his craft and the fact that he is now fighting it at the age of 41 and he's doing it as well as he's ever done it now starting to open up a little bit again more volume here in round two and when you're looking at you know the judging for Bellator kickboxing damage knockdowns are gonna be your biggest thing damage that doesn't knock it down let's be second then volume and this is where right now you're looking at the shots better Lopez is starting to respond and he's starting to become a little bit higher volume and try to counter but he's still not putting out the volume of what John Wayne partes if you're new to the sport you just saw John Wayne pour go down and that's one of the things that can get confusing to fans John the slip versus the knockdown yeah when you look at in kickboxing on how many times are you on one leg you're kicking and so you can bring your leg up and you're off balance and you get hit with something that off balance use you and put you down that is not a knockdown in kickboxing that is what we call a slip each year to knock down the Flamingo you know what when you're the Flamingo out there sometimes you can get knocked out pretty easy and that's what happens but again look at the volume that John Wayne's starting to put out there nice left hand good shot for the two Lopez nice kick to the body better Lopez is starting to open up the ties but then he starts to close it off strong finish to round two for Lopez not shirley's enough to get it we'll go to Round three this is a great example of the first two rounds in terms of the weight Lopes has approached it by the volume coming back with John Wayne bar yeah what you're looking at Eddie Lopez is landing good technique hard kick that's a good landing blow because it goes past the glove but you look at John Wayne par what he's doing he's landing and he's landing with volume that's the difference it's you've got to pick that out as a judge it's not always easy another round for John Wayne farm I'd give that round to John Wayne Park just based upon Atelopus still needs to just be a little more offensive he's getting out volumed in this fight nice return kick by hitter Lopez good kick to the hip he definitely has the speed advantage that he should be utilizing that more in offsetting what John Parr is doing if he has not moved backwards but there hasn't been a lot of movement from Lopez no he's a little bit flat-footed and if he would start to move his feet a little bit and cut an angle it's gonna open things up for canards make you more flat-footed absolutely being nervous about what my opponents gonna do starts to make me sit still and wait I don't want to wait right now this is what Editors doing today right now in this this round this is what he should have been doing the entire fight he's getting the feeling I can compete with this guy and that's a good feeling and it's making him become offensive good return right there that was one of the better kicks that that John Wayne par thought about that for a second good that low kit when that kick hits to the calf it hurts you know people look at it they think the other the kick upstairs the kick to the head that's the great one many times that's blocked that low kick that hits off of the calf it is a devastating kick you can see the effect of it moving you can see that that left leg is stiff and heavy for John Wayne part right now let's see if federal Lopez has the experience enough to take advantage good combination by John Wayne and that's the big difference in this fight right now one guy throwing combinations and one guy throwing one sometimes one tubes Lopez let you know the shot at that left leg we're getting some good exchanges in here throw it back they're both throwing and they're both throwing hard next round of the fight Lopez has John Wayne par hurt there's that legged look look what he's doing with that leg that lower leg kick is absolutely like a baseball bat hitting off of your calf it hurts and it will make your leg feel like it doesn't respond you can't even almost feel your foot when it's touching the ground after a lifetime of training and it being ingrained to not show injury to not show paint and not show whatever think about what it takes how badly must you be what kind of shape are you in that you are starting to show it yeah and and right now the you can see that those shots have put John Wayne far in a position where he's not being as effective offensively just took another good Nick to the leg is a little higher than the other one but those kicks have had an effect on John great third round for enter Lopez is it enough going to steal the fight that's what we're gonna find out John Wayne par a career of two decades chasing his 100th win Danny get it we're gonna find out next a good start for John Wayne par in this one was it a better finish though for enter Lopez Michael C Williams makes it official ladies and gentlemen having gone the distance inside the ring we'll go to your three judges your first judge Ramazan Dorsey's the fight 30-27 while judges eric alone and even levine both see the same 29 to 28 all have it for the winner by unanimous decision not surprising the decision may be the margin was a little bit surprising as we thought John Wade par certainly in won the first round but eddore Lopez puts a big name on his resume scoring the upset of the veteran John Wayne Bobby let's check out the tale the table you can see that everything is as they say a hole virtually identical till you get a little bit to the reach which Renata needs to utilize that reach and keep sovereign to the outside nothing says big stage quite like Michael C Williams budapest belabor kickboxing hon paramount Network now goes to three three-minute rounds in the flyweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue corner at five foot six playing in 125 pounds even her professional record 17 wins four losses fighting out of Budapest Hungary presenting rock rock would see across the ring her adversary fighting out of the red corner at five foot six weighing in 127 and 3/4 pounds her professional record 12 victories 3 by way of knockout just one defeat probably hailing from the turkey introducing Sabra a Turkish fighter Changu in charge of the action your referee Yves Lavigne ladies come over here please patek herself at all time will be Michael min and all time if you want to touch it up do it now go back to your corner good thank you get one judge here judge you know what happened job because he said please yeah you could have taken a lesson from that that way we have a French English piece of referee talking to a Hungarian and a Turkish from the Tower of Babel into round one and Shengo immediately comes out aggressive she is an aggressive fighter you know I watch the title of her fights and you used a word in describing her I've wrote it down and said that's perfect ornery she is she's a ticket land is off balance Sabri learned in her one loss she lost to a good Dutch fighter who Matt go beat her up with aggression and forced her into bad situations and just aggressively made her fight a fight she didn't want to fight but she learned from it she doesn't see things out throw there and that's the type of thing got that watery side to her fight you can see two distinct styles here Renata likes to utilize those kicks fight at length and summary wants to get inside and punch up on the foot like talking about bingo that's why she went down and when we talk about American fans trying to learn the rules back the other thing that often creates issues in kickboxing is fighters coming from different backgrounds with different rules and all of a sudden things they could do they can't and again last thing you want to do in there I start to think about what I can do what I can it is if there's one problem in the kickboxing world is that we have too many different styles of kickboxing too many different formats to many different rule sets we need to narrow things down to where everyone's doing the same because that's the same way you play soccer across the same way you play football United States hockey in Canada and why 25 years ago they brought together some of the greatest minds in the business to create the unified some of the greatest minds and you well some of the great elements where a lot of this comes in is that when I'm kind of referring to it as in the clinch where Thai boxing is something completely different and fighters who instinctively want to do something in the clinch yeah you've seen Shingo immediately grab my cue for those judo throws and things like that instead of just immediately instinctively great yeah in the world of Muay Thai the clinch is part of your offensive progression and you're gonna utilize these and you can throw your opponent even though it doesn't score you can throw them and it's legal here in Bellator kickboxing that throw is not legal you cannot knock your opponent down in any other fashion than threw a strike aggressive from the start fight still trying to solve the puzzle a little bit as we reach the end of round one definitely have the matador versus the bowl on this one in your living room it does not get this all right how did you see round one you know what it is a question on the judges minds of do I go with the power of Sabri or do I go with the technical kicks then Renata was doing I will always go with power and I would give that round to submarine Shango and those right in those red gloves said she wasn't really impressed with one out of our cozy said ah she's got some decent kicks I want to close the distances she's tried to do that well you can see look at look at where her hands are at she's more concerned about those kicks coming to the body and she can see him bring that hand up she's looking to throw her hands hard and make it not I have to deal with what she's gonna do with her aggression [Music] Shengo she wants to be in that clinch you can tell she wants to do damage in that clinch if she does and you can see what she did she said she looks for the kick she sees her throwing it takes a little step back and is immediately going into the counter that's where you start to hurt your opponent you can see that Renato with her kicks she's really good with him but they're all starting to be lower and lower and lower because she doesn't want to bring that leg up because she is getting countered even there the uncertainty is it's evident yes and she done you can see that she actually feels the power of Center when she comes inside and she throws she's got power in her hands and we're not as having to deal with that and that's slowing down that offensive output look at how Sabri is controlling where the fight is she's controlling that distance if you're Renata you have got to be the fighter controlling the distance for you to be affected with your kids right she's been content or not it has to be hunted here in round two it's not moving as much yep yeah yeah she's she's starting to feel the power now and it's all in that counter she's just waiting she's waiting for her lady to come up and waits to let kick to go and steps it and throws that right hand which he likes to land and she's doing a good job of it your only backup so for her and they keep on giving that right there and but that right there that again that comes back to that ornery disposition that Sabri has doesn't help me on the scorecard but it's really laughing it hurts yes it does from the opening second to this fight John you called attention to the counter-attack of shingle it's played out that way yeah it has and right now if we're not on wants to get into this fight she's got to establish that distance control she keeps on getting pushed back into the ropes she can go no farther and so we look go comes right out after so how does Rico Z sort of change the game here a little bit she has got to realize if you're going to go after you take steps that are angling off that when you throw that kick you don't have Sabri coming in a straight line Tori you can see looking at Sabri comes right now straight line torn you're waiting for the kick and then coming up with her key I know she's trying to show different things now she's trying to show a little nice kick win but it's everything is straight forward you're right being linear is great when you're the one control yes the distance and what is occurring when you're not it's bad for you she's done some damage at least again waiting for the counter top go back fight so pretty keeps on trying to set up that leg right hand it's like don't give away the one thing you want to do utilize all the tools if you utilize all the tools that are available to you you can be much more success she's no longer afraid of that first shot that's first she basically started to stop that's a mistake there was almost a physical surrender to what she did there a second ago yeah there was something that she looked up and she got whacked she left her cell phone for that over the last couple of minutes and she was gaining in confidence and that should gain some confidence was Renata she should feel good about that and start to go out for more don't let her back in this top she's starting to look up at the clock oh trying to see how much time is left that's telling you that that runner bailed that hurt her because she's going backwards all of a sudden the fight has changed [Applause] she's still coming forward but it's a lot it's a lot wilder than it was really gonna fight ago yep go fight we ran out of our cozy again sort of moving backwards almost if she didn't believe that she had hurt her as much as it appeared she did yeah and you're looking to go why are you changing what made you successful there don't stop doing then and she stopped doing it she's going backwards she's going right back into what it lost through the other rounds good good laughing Renata drew cozies definitely got to work on starting to bring some power with her punches she's not coming forward with him she's not turning their hips and so there's not a lot of power on that punch since making some Google give her respect you know she lands in inviting ways the biggest shot in the fight here in this third round but could not take a package ah that was close that was close comes up tries to do the spinning heel kick just goes a little bit high oh this will be an interesting one now as it goes into the hands of the judges the more technical fighter or the more aggressive fighter we'll find out next an entertaining fight from two fighters stepping onto this big stage here in Bellator kickboxing for the first time Michael C Williams will tell us who comes out with the win ladies and gentlemen for the decision we'll go to your three judges at ringside your first judge Eric Cologne scores the fight 29-28 scoring the fight for raccoon see your second judge Bryan Minor scores the fight 29-28 scoring the fight for chang-geun your third and final judge it ringside David Smith scores the fight 29-28 for the winner by split decision sopra a Turkish fighter than we thought but you see the emotion which he expresses in so many different ways coming out for Sabri as shengo's she comes up with her 13th win and her first in Bellator II take a look at those records that's a lot of fights between these guys the big difference is the height of Alexi egg the shop she's got big lengths prepared to Javad so Michael C Williams now presents tonight's co-main event three three-minute rounds in the heavyweight division and now on paramount Network we introduced the blue corner first at six foot one weighing in 236 and 1/2 pounds his professional record 53 wins 30 losses with 3 draws 31 victories coming by way of knockout hailing from Sarajevo Bosnia jihad pH machine porter aah and across the ring his adversary out of the red corner at 6 foot 5 weighing in 252 pounds even the veteran brings a professional record with 85 victories 21 defeats 41 of his wins coming by way of knockout by way of Moscow he fights out of Minsk Belarus presenting Alexi the Red Scorpion uh Sean in charge of the action your referee dr. Dave Smith step back let's do this touch him up judge back ready let's go you know the fans in Budapest the recognition of the careers of these two guys such familiar faces both of these guys have power in their hands the one thing you'll see when Ignis shop in your shop used to be a guy that really liked to clinch a k1 style and utilize knee strikes we'll see if he's still that same guy what is the hardest thing about coming back from a long layoff you know it's just the timing and the feel of everything that timing is everything when you are in there you want to be the guy controlling what offense is being brought forward and when it is and that timing of just countering what your opponent does sometimes when you've been gone for a while it just doesn't come back as quick as you think it would right now you can see your body you know standing in the corner and he's waiting you can't wait you've got to be offensive when he was asked about English often fighting him again he said sometimes he sleeps and sometimes he's a tiger you don't know which one you're gonna get and he's trying to figure it out here in round one you know that's very true it's a perfect statement we all went to you we they fought before he lost in an overtime round as worried where he lost and that should have told him in you know what I can be with this guy I can actually compete with him he just needs to be offensive Alexi Ignis shop back home and the kickboxing ring next week Michael Chandler returns home to st. Louis this is going to be a great main event in the Bellator cage he takes on Brandon Gertz millets or MMA presented by Miller Lite Friday April 13th at 9:00 on paramount Network forget AJ McKee I don't know undefeated against Justin Lawrence the American kid return of baby slice that's gonna be an exciting show there's some good fights on that cannot wait to watch the Gertz vs. chandler fight and you don't have to worry about converting your currency and trying to figure out how much the cab ride costs well it is st. Louis may be windy I thought we were gonna be late today but John's trying to do the math on how well this is 5,000 and that's 1,800 like you mean so many big numbers for me six fights is a big number and you can see there comes that knee strike inside that Alexei is known for and he brings it really fast really hard but just take a look at his body position look where his head's at look at that chin he makes himself a very hard person for you to go after because he defends very well his hands are exactly where they're supposed to be keeps that front leg light Javad is going after him with kicks to the leg and that's good he needs to continue to do that a feeling out kind of round one with two fighters that don't need to feel each other out they went overtime in the first meeting time to round two next on the round to take the shop in the red gloves on the left side of your screen meanwhile what track didn't take its tool after the first round what does that tell you when you see it what it tells you both the time when your kickboxing and your getting kicked to the legs you do not want to sit down on that still because as you stand back up everything feels like it's starting to be tight and tear you want to keep your legs moving that's why you see guys not taking the stool in kickboxing see if you could have converted the currency as fast as you answered that question we would have been here a lot yeah we're soon I'm I understand we were discussing the left turn for Ignis off into those MMA fight it's almost as if you didn't really buy completely that those fights against the pro wrestlers were I just I sense some skepticism no skepticism at all those were all real in Japan come on that's a real fish because Nakamura is headline lasts more about him he's headlining WrestleMania this weekend and almost if you didn't completely it could not be that the Japanese would ever take a real fighter and get them to do a pro wrestling title fight wouldn't happen they'll show up and they'll show up in a Gracie gym knock on the door yeah that that's always a bad idea especially when that's Nixon Gracie bad idea jeans right there you realize the names that these two have been in there and we're talking about Peter arts and you're talking about Mata Hari Rico Verhoeven oh my god Alistair Overeem I mean listen Remy Bonjasky Semmy Schilt I mean look at these guys have been in against the cream of the crop when it comes to high-level kickboxing fights but what you're seeing right now is there a pulse standing there and they're both you know exchanging but neither one is is putting themselves in a position to make a mistake and they're both being safe right now nice little shot but they're both being very calm they're not taking big chances because neither one wants to give the opening to the other Mushaf two times k1 World Grand Prix Champion I asked EA World Heavyweight Champion two years in a row nice look nice little jab right there snaps his head back hard kick by bigness shove him go this is normally where yourself likes to utilize those knees and he's not doing it now you know one of the things when you have a fight like this you as the referee you almost want to tell hey guys give the judges something to judge because you know what you're throwing stuff but you're not doing a whole lot not a lot landing in legal areas so keep working has a lot of sub Texas where she does have some subjects look now you can see the damage you can see the welts down there the results of those strong right kick spike the show getting stronger round soon goes on well since we can take activity off the off the chart here judging these first two around how do you how do you judge these first two rounds you know it's tough what you're looking at is the many times the judges are going to go well Dignan office is a guy come in for oranges landing some decent shots he's landing shots to the body especially kicks while futur ik is he landing a lot of kicks to the legs but he's not being affected to the head or the body so most the time the judge is gonna end up going with Ignis off in those rounds you'll be able to see the welts on the left side of the body of Coach rocket the judges be affected by that yeah they can look at visual is a lot man and when they see that they know well it landed in it landed he did some damage it's leaving that mark the dark now open it up a little bit more and this is what he needs to do it if he wants to take this fight he's got a really good left leg high kick that he brings up he snaps it up fast he needs to do that more almost as if he knew he didn't have three rounds at that pace in a minute let me get here to the third and now I can start to open up a little bit and you can see the difference especially in Alexi Ignace shop after the first round you know he wasn't breathing hard after one more round big difference in his breathing pattern some very familiar heavyweights to kick boxing fans around the world the Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix speaking of familiar heavyweights continues on April 28th the last emperor phaidor Emelianenko back in the Bellator cage and the Bellator debut of the former world champion Frank Mir as the Grand Prix moves on we'll see who moves on to round number two I have wanted to see for so long when one was Pride champion one was UFC champion we should have seen it before that got Bellator brought that together Matt Mitrione and Chael Sonnen have already advanced around to Sigma shop opening up opening up with kicks a little bit more torque needs to start throwing those hands dull weight on him I sidekick the height at the height advantage he can land that easier said than done example it bring those up and no matter even when the glove blocks that you're still feeling it it's still rattling your brain there's that knee inside he shops opening up he's feeling he's knows he's only got a little bit left he's feeling all right he's opening up the torque starting to take more shots here that's it left side of his body is not looking good job at this stage of their career he said well these shots aren't coming as fast but two reaction time to get out of the way and to defend the shots it is lower as well you know you're looking for guys that were 40 years of age bigness shock especially he still got some quickness in it he's got some snap brings over leg kick fast he's got fast hands that's a nice setup with that he's got speed that when someone's got speed it's hard to deal with maybe the shot needed overtime to win the first fight then he get it done in regulation this time around the two veterans age 40 go the distance ladies gentlemen for the decision but go to your three judges at ringside your first judge Doug Crosby scores the fight 29-28 he sees the fight for both will rock your second judge even Levine scores the fight 29-28 he scores the fight for eating the show of your third and final judge Eric cologne scores to fight 29 to 28 he sees it for the winner by split decision Aleksey the red scorpion initial tailor tape tells you one thing everything is very close look at the reach distance that Jabril has on Raymond he needs to utilize that to push him back main event time world title time Michael C Williams time ladies and gentlemen tonight on paramount Network from Budapest Hungary the time has come for the main event of the evening five three-minute rounds for the Bellator kickboxing welterweight World Championship sanctioned by the is ka at ringside supervising president Corey Shaffer and now first introducing the blue corner at 6-foot playing in 168 and 1/2 pounds his professional record 66 wins including 17 by way of knockout along with five losses in one draw fighting out of Paris France introducing the Challenger Jabril grizzly at across the ring a champion tonight fights out of the red corner at 6:42 weighing in 170 pounds even to none in his first defense of the title he stands with 33 professional victories just three defeats with 22 wins coming by way of knockout from city of Orange California USA presenting the defending Bellator kick-boxing welterweight world champion the human highlight reel [Music] [Applause] gentleman for the title winner all the rules in the back protect yourselves at all times obey my commands one touch gloves do it now good luck to both you now there be some butterflies in the stomach - really wolf his dream can come true tonight so many of you know the story of Raymond Daniels and immediately he begins the way nobody else begins he begins the way that Ray Denny bites and that's power that he hit him with it knocked him down off of weight hitting his arm it didn't land in an effective area but put him on his butt that's the speed that ray Daniels ends up here that right there that was not a good shot it's Raymond spins with such speed that he generates power and he generated power on that shot right there and that's not something that feels good and we talked about how just in the course of the fight it's impossible to defend because you can't see it coming and this is an unfortunate example of that it is the way it's the way that Raymond spins when you when you're teaching someone how to spin to do a kick one of the things that we do is we teach them as far as utilizing our arms to start to generate that spin Raymond doesn't even do that he has footwork that allows him to spin in a fast fashion that he's able to generate power and you don't see the setup coming you've had banning fibers in the exact spot that the Braille rule is in right now do you see them sometimes try to rush their way back in you would see that a lot where it seemed like they just wanted to get back in the fight as opposed to maybe taking the 5 minutes that you have to spend there's an efficient many of them do that and it's almost that sign you know I don't want to show that I'm hurt here I want to get back and get through this and many times I would tell the fighter how much digging to the breath I'm gonna I'm gonna give you another minute and it's not the fact that you know I'm trying to do in an advantage I'm trying to get them back to a norm I want this to be an even fight and I don't want them going out when they are not prepared to actually fight to their level of ability take a look at what happens here when Raymond spins yeah he spends the little movement that you see your bill moving off to his left that creates where that shot lands in the groin area instead of landing where Raymond was targeting which was that liver and the uncomfortably familiar half second pause between the contact of the geno us there is always kind of that moment of both oh no oh yes it did this Bhaskar would say that was right to the pills so many of you know the story of Rama Daniels a police officer Long Beach California that was his dream but life changed when the mother of his son was killed in an automobile accident when his son was 4 years old and you know John singled that and those autos ours as a police that did not mix it was a no-go no it's not he had to change his life not an easy you know situation to be in but I'll tell you what Raymond has he was so good with his his son and what he put his son you know did with his son and brought it to and made him part of sons now in the marine Queens doing great Raymond's got everything to be proud of the way he conducted himself the way his son pretty well the second starts and this fight works out well that's you know just you know what you're seeing as far as the difference now Joe bill coming back look at him he's now starting to push forward and make Raymond go back that's a good sign of being offensive that's a way for you to possibly get past what Raymond does and really the only way anyone's beating him yeah there's you cannot let Raymond Daniels push you back and think that you're gonna counter him and win the fight it just doesn't happen Nikki Hall skin was a guy that had the most success against Raymond and his big thing was just to walk him down quickly forcing him into the ropes forcing him in the corners and then try to beat him up from there one of the most disconcerting things about sports he went for that spinning heel kick is how do you prepare for a fight against a fighter when there is nobody like him to spar against how do you simulate what Raymond Daniel's does when nobody else does you know and there's there are few guys who do it one of the things that you'll see a lot of MMA fighters bring Raymond in yeah when they're gonna fight Stephen Thompson Raymond has fought Stephen Thompson he beats Stephen Thompson but they'll bring him in George st. Pierre Rory MacDonald brought Raymond in to see his style because they knew that it's something that they're gonna have to deal with he's worked with sage Northcutt as well and Raymond Daniels has had his eye on the Bellator cage for a while it almost seems every time you check back in with Raymond Daniels he's talking about that inevitable MMA debut Raven has fought MMA he fought a long time ago in Strikeforce and you know look at he didn't have a ground game and that's what got him and that's the difference between MMA Raymond cannot do all the things that he does in the same fashion if you're able to take him down because he's gonna be become more cautious that's why kickboxing he's so dynamic because you can't take him down and he can spin as fast as any fighter out there and he then generates power with that spin he puts more guys down with spinning heel kicks to the liver than any fighter I've ever seen 22 of his not kills 22 of them have come from that spinning heel he calls it as my Grand Slam [Music] around 1 e 2 ax because of the low blow we had a long delay in between but Raymond Daniels still dictated the action he did dictate the pace the action of the fight he landed with more volume but there was times that your bill grizzly he went and did what he needs to do to be effective here he is marching him down pushing him towards the ropes that's a good effective way of being competitive with Ray Daniels you get a pretty good indication of what you were told in the corner of these first few seconds and you have to bully him you have to force him backwards because the extraordinary way where Evan Daniels closes distance he's standing a certain distance for me well there's no way he can hit me and what just happened and it's the one thing about Raymond Raymond can do that spin when he is one foot away from you or he can do it where you think there's no way he can touch you and he closes distance so fast and you're getting hit with something you go how did he close that distance in that fashion the one thing that you get out of all these spins that Raymond does though it does take a lot of energy out of you got to be in great shape and you've got to conserve sometimes you can't just continually do this or else you just diminish your gas tank and you know throat you're throwing in the southpaw thing too and there's a great job so right here what you just saw just with all the little sequins you saw a couple will your own left's rights you saw the kick yourself come back with another right jab look at what Jabril is doing nothing he's being nothing but a punching bag no counters nothing coming back how do you how do you expect to win a fight if that's what you're doing you've got to be offensive a wise man taught me in combat sports you don't score points son defense no you don't man they own the whole thing of a ring generalship oh there was some of that one around and didn't throw a punch well that was a bunch of really bad judges you're gonna be losing general when it's over it's the Washington Generals exactly look at that kick right yeah look at what he did how he did that is so cool and so hard to do I don't know how he does it in a fight Jabril grizzly is doing is become what the rest of us are right now spectators to this performance by Raymond Angeles that's a perfect analogy of what you're seeing he's just not being an offensive fighter you got to throw things at Ray so Ray has to deal with it he's got something to think about right now just a bad step that was not a knockdown now it's real grizzly trying to take advantage of it had a good idea of trying to do a spinning heel kick himself just bad timing big round for Raymond Daniels [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] to brood grizzly call Raymond Daniels the very best he got an up-close personal look and why yeah look at this beautiful ride hook right there it's not a knockout because to brillz on one leg it did hit it hit him good beautiful spinning you see that thrust kick come out man that hurts right to the body beautiful but it beautiful took me what Raymond Daniels is so impressive with the amount of technical skill that he displays beutiful right there beautiful right jab it's not just volume with Raymond Daniels it's variety it is and that's what makes you delay your offenses you're worried because he's hitting you from so many different angles and in so many different technical fashions that you don't know what's coming next the what drill is doing right here that's not a bad idea I want to chop at ramas legs cuz that's gonna slow him down I don't want Raymond Daniels to have that ability to just feel good where he's at I want to put some some definite damage down on those legs so it slows him down leg kicks are finding a home it's been better the first two minutes of round two gibreel Breslin was just standing around watching yep Pierre he's trying and again this is much better than what he did that second that was a you took the spit oh he did miss that by lunch no that would just shave him you see he will throw that twice like that because again who else is doing that who's going the one thing that I would love to see from Ray at times he starts when he's throwing his hands he starts to roll with a lot of things coming in circles instead of straight lines straight lines gonna get there faster and they're gonna be more effective most of the time the big circles they look good to have a little bit more speed in power tool but those straight lines are gonna drop someone off just like you see right there there he goes again Raymond Daniels is an absolute animal when it comes to the spins and that fast he doesn't when he is at his best it looks like pinball no it is it's so hard to deal with people have no idea think oh he's and all of sudden something's coming and hitting you it's crazy he's an amazing athlete impeccable as far as the technical aspect of his game you can't have a conversation with Raymond Daniel's in which he does not talk about his idol Muhammad Ali he wants to be that not trying to be better than Muhammad Allah but he wants to be someone that represents his sport someone that people want to watch it they remember the fights man you got to have a sleet's that what they want to be the guy and Raymond Daniels wants to be the guy there's nothing wrong with that there's got to be that guy that steps up and you know he's saying I'm that person you're gonna see when you're looking at the billiard that's a guy with 71 fights 71 fights 66 wins and he's systematically just being dismantled by ray Daniels you've got to figure out a game plan to get after him look at what ray does here look at that spin look at where it lands now that glove came up but that heel hit and that affects you man you feel that you feel this sting this little buzz going down your spine it is not a good feeling but it only takes one remember how Raymond Daniels became the world champion with one shot that caused a cut [Applause] a couple of times we've seen gibreel grizzly come straight ahead Raymond Daniel's been able to escape to the right bro trying to come forward I like what Rays doing Ray's doing it you know you had won two straight punches he's not getting all on a bicycle and moving he's standing his ground giving some space so he can try to come in with a kick when he wants drills doing exactly what he needs doing Raymond is countering it in a very smart and effective fashion what boy you can make it look bad oh that's and that's the hardest part man you're you're doing what you do and you're good at it and this guy is just so different than everybody else at you apart look out look at that head movement that was a fast kick by durability he brought that up well and Ray gets his head just back to where it just grazes instead of lands with power speed kills if you're gonna ask anyone that has ever fought man what is it that scares you I'm telling you right it's speed strength and size that's not a big deal it's when a guy hits you with something that you don't see and you go what just hit me and you don't know there's a problem the margin for error at this level is so thin and it works both ways for Raymond angels because the head movement you're talking about gives him advised him that extras put second on the other side yeah and the technique like you just saw he brings up the knee but he doesn't just bring the knee he follows it up with a warm - off of it that's the difference between a winning fighter and a guy and you saw Raina Daniels earlier with he was not gonna moth balanced with the kicks and the kicks have kind of gone away here ESU's to real Grizzlies trying to defend those that Howard's yep brings up you know he he changed exactly the way he was fighting from round three to round four which again starts to throw you off and now coming with straight shots with his hands there's a nice spinning heel kick one to the body tell you what Jabril is a tough dude because he is standing in there taking some big shots and still try to come forward you see how fast he backed those arms came out and that's the difference ray right there he wasn't even trying to kick and that's the difference you see how he set up right that kick right there it's the same kick but one he's kind of dictating and showing I'm gonna throw him by moving his hands up and when he wants to really land it doesn't move his hands out to spin it off this is the showman part of Raymond Daniel's - he is way ahead in this fight but he's still if the opportunity is there for that highlight finish he's going for it that's what winners do that's what champions do you I need to finish I'm not here just to let you stay with me he's done a great job of being tough and staying with a guy that he just has a problem with the speed and the technique that his bring brought to me he's more of a traditional Muay Thai fighter and he's used to guys doing kicks roundhouse kicks things like that that are coming at him in almost straight times fashions linear fashions he's not used to this guy that is taking angles and creating problems off of those angles and then bringing offense that's hurting him and they tell little kids when you first give him a coloring book and stay within the line Raymond Angeles doesn't stay within the lights you know that's it's that whole thing of you know think outside the box Raymond daniels dances outside of the bottle everything he lives he fights outside the box dips you look at that see that's not normal guy catches your leg most guys are thinking about balance and don't let me get thinking of I'm gonna attack you see how he rolls with the punch there that you that punch lands but he's rolling with it so it doesn't have that there's no giving that man he is a tough dude and he's trying no he belongs on this stage there's no doubt if not big straight left hand landed with power yes you said Raymond Dana's not running away he's not going on this horse he's not trying to protect a four-round leaf stand in the middle of the ring just saying come on let's throw then he does as so well from distances that we normally do not see guys doing a really effective spinning heel kick see a fighter that wants to carry his sport who wants to transcend his sport and fights in a way that makes you want to watch because you can't blink when he's in there you can't blink as you don't you don't want to miss it man it's a highlight reel all the time the guy is non-stop in a position where he's attempting things that are dangerous to his opponent and can end the fight in any moment so many of his fights become shows and this was a great example of that so you look at what's happening right there just look at him when he's waiting for Jabril to come forward so he can counter and he throws the counter that's just a slip down to his gret at the fifth round was probably to bring grizzlies best it was he fought hard he tried he came in with the attitude I'm never gonna quit never going to stop man he was going forward after into that fifth round the moment to remember for gibreel grizzly as he goes the distance with the world champ you are seeing something special when you watch ready Daniels its there's certain people just the way they do it whether it's their picture and baseball in the way they throw the ball you know Tom Brady in football Raymond Daniels in kickboxing is something special to watch official this season we called your three judges at ringside your first judge duck Crosby scores the fight 52-43 well judges dr. Dave Smith and Eric Cologne both see the fight the same 5244 I'll have it for the winner by unanimous decision and still [Applause] Daniel 7 and Oh inside the Bellator kickboxing ring and another display that transcended the game raymond Daniels the welterweight world champion with this opponent gibreel Christian now you can just started Big John I tell you what congratulations on defense of that title you did some techniques in there that we just don't see guys doing it kickboxing how is it that you spin so fast and so hard first and foremost as always I'd like to give glory to God because through him all things are possible and he's the one that blessed me with these skills and ability to come out here and perform well John I'm a martial artist it's about a lifelong journey and continuously practicing those techniques not until you get them right well then I can never get them wrong so I'm able to throw it off of whether I'm on balance with our mob balance they would come from any direction on my opponent that's what keeps them guessing that's you second defense of your Bellator title who is it that you want next you know what John I'm a sport karate martial artist let's focus on the last word and artists this range is my canvas and anybody in the world that wants to come and test me in this Bellator kickboxing ring I will paint you as my next masterpiece and broadcast you all over paramount Network let's hear it for the snap World Champion Raven Daniels both guys young as far as competitive systems but the age difference is your big factor here till Michael C Williams ladies Delma tonight Bellator MMA here on paramount Network presents three five-minute rounds in the middleweight division introducing the blue corner first at 5 foot 11 wagon 184 and 3/4 pounds his professional record stands at 2 & 3 by way of Turkey he fights out of Hamburg Germany McMahon yuxin and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner at 6 foot weighing in 185 at 3/4 pounds as a professional early on he stands undefeated and 1 and OH fighting out of London England he hails from [Music] [Applause] let me in charge of the action your referee even let me he's got the Drakh look man like a young girl Kowski it's like looking in the mirror hasn't that time i wish has that good looking you ready you ready fight eighteen years old of any and the red clothes and this is as the sport grows older is the generation changes younger and younger fighters who have had their eyes on this from a much younger age are making their way into the cage not only their eyes they've been training not in one specific form of martial arts they've been training MMA and there's so much better now but what we're seeing is the fluidity of the techniques that they're bringing to the cage is just incredible you realize what a pioneer Rory MacDonald was that way he was right hand by no venue there he hit him solid doing a good job and just relaxing controlling that look at what he's doing with his left hand that left hand controlling that and pushing it down and creating an opening for him to come down look at this for you and he knew that's an experience move down I don't have it so I'm gonna move on then this is what we're talking about young fighter but doing really mature actions in the cage the patients the patients after the knockdown and then changing stepping out of the choke but it wasn't they're not making any big movements all small elbows he's throwing it creates damage that it's gonna carry him through the fight it's not all the way deep he's gonna get out of that I'll put the fight where I think it is a marvel to me to see these younger fives to see James Gallaher aren't affected by the stage in fact thriving that's what they're doing see no I don't hear Eddie's utilize though one thing I don't like don't be too cocky as you're walking away take your you don't take your eyes off of your opponent you want to turn but still look I am past you we're gonna see coming up later on that he want to fight exactly that way on the ground two fighters were separated the fighter who took his time getting up basket just dove in and that was it yeah you know that you look there's no timeouts here you know you don't get to detent and say oh I wasn't ready very don't get too high she bring his hips back there you go that hip ride right there that's gonna keep the position for [Music] still in the sand you see you get the movement but if your hips are right you're just gonna ride through that movement and stay exactly where you're at being able to do damage no vendian right here he wants to take that he should be taking that left leg bring that knee up towards the armpit it's gonna help control the position for him make him more solid and allow him to slow down in his ability to control the fight and decide what shots he wants to pick now you see you Scout the ground yeah a chance it's funny because there's times when Oh Benny he's bouncing in a way that you go that's not under control there's times he looks like Dominick Cruz in there yeah utilizing Footwear you go man in for a big kid he's moving really well this time he uses the jump knee to try to set up the takedowns beautiful [ __ ] he's doing some really cool things for a 18 year old kid lot of just a lot of mature actions doesn't want to get too high here you're gonna come off the front he's try to get the hips he's got the hooks in still is a little bit high he wants to suck his hips back towards his opponent lower back in a seatbelt position with his arm yep but he had the ability to bring that arm across he just didn't do it [Applause] rarely impressive first round in our first look at Norwood no vanitas very president is ace he's got the dealer in that [Applause] fighter that was an experienced fight [ __ ] by a young inexperienced fighter yeah it was that was and this is what we're seeing Chuck we're getting these guys that are come in they've been doing MMA you know they're the group that oh they were born during MMA they were here for the beginning and now those actions they took his kids are coming into the cage and putting our fights like that being veteran in this sport don't look over your shoulder because these guys are coming and that's why you retire you start seeing that stuff yeah that's when it's the Larry Bird saw Chris Webber and Shaquille O'Neal come hey it's time for me to go yep you know looking good only hang so long when they have speed they have strength they have technique now bad the only thing you can hope is they don't train look at that cloud the pot with the choke it's much more pressure based upon that instead of the guy reaching up and grabbing that block hand that palm to palm grip that's a lot of strength that's what you see fader affiliate go do when he gets what we call the fader or short choke it's painful and it's powerful Michael C Williams makes it official ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the tab comes by way of a rear naked choke officially four minutes 42 seconds into round number one the winner by submission still [Applause] [Music] [Applause] iein plus ku is a good planet anyway it has had a couple of different opponents fall out and he got the hardest guy that he has had in his career in high school he's got a lot of a lot of experience and he fights out of SVG in Ireland he's got good training this is a big test a night that ends with Henderson where Tom begins as always with Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome as Miller Lite presents Bellator MMA tonight on paramount Network the action begins with three five-minute rounds at 175 pounds introducing the blue corner at five foot nine weighing in 173 point or 3/4 pounds his professional record 17 wins 7 losses fighting out of Dublin and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner at 5 foot 10 weighing in 174 and 1/2 pounds as a professional he's undefeated at 4 and O fighting out of Fresno California USA presenting easy referee Kevin Macdonald [Music] ready fight ready fight let's go and Ruth fights generally have not lasted that long no he has absolutely dominated all of his fights he got put down at his sacrifice kind of changing him up a little bit but the best part of what he's doing is he's learning with every when he's actually getting better and he's doing better things as far as MMA he's not just the wrestler he is an MMA fighter now here is something else he's had to learn to deal with not just a weight cut this is a contracted fight at 175 but he wants to fight at 170 so he was dealing with that and now multiple Apple it changes he takes a big shot good left kick from past me delivers that right back with the right hand he is you know ed is he wrestles 184 and he was fighting at 185 and because of the training he's just losing weight and he can't keep the weight on he said there's no point in me fighting that 185 when I'm not even walking around at that I need to go down that's a smart move for this was an easy two pounds talked about the fight where he got touched really for the first time and telling if I on passcode touches him he's gonna know about that's why they come up Bob Rd root he is a heavy-handed fighter talking to John Kavanagh he says man he's got power in both hands when he hits you on him know it I'm sure John Kavanagh is form is probably harder to reach today just a little bit now keep an eye on pastor he's had a bad habit of dropping his hands trust me ed Ruth felt that that was a solid shin kick didn't do the damage to the liver like we'd want but I'll tell you what he will feel that and it will make him you see which way he's going he's stepping off away from that power the power of ions that big left kick he just threw in a truth earlier fights against less experienced fighters it almost seemed he was being stubborn about taking the fight to the ground where he has such a huge advantage almost as if to say I can do this too you know Edie is as good a wrestler this is a three-time national champion as an individual four-time national champions of a member of the Penn State wrestling team he is as good a wrestler as Penn State has ever put out 136 and three in his career but he wants him like he is an MMA artist now he's not just a wrestler he thinks wrestling is a martial art but he's going after the jujitsu he's going to competitions there and he's trying to show people look at man I will stand with anybody and right now he's standing with iron the one thing he does do he does keep his hands lower times in me know all it takes his one especially with those little gloves one hard shot where the guy's got the power that all right Scott see right there even this position instinctively to the single a good job of him I'm down here you came in to me I'm gonna utilize technique this is smart and good heavy shots look at the balance and the base that Edie Roode have that comes from years of his wrestling and it's just natural to him it almost seems in the last couple years you reference the Pan Am BJJ Championships that he competed in it's almost as if MMA to him is like this candy store there's just there's guys out there you just hit him with a beautiful right hand that rattled it and but there's guys out there men they're just warriors they're competitive guys that they love that competition and they can't live without it so Ruth is one of those guys mask you in a bad spot here wait for a good switch it just you know that switch would've worked on most guys it's just when you're going to get loose exactly you know it's you watch the guy do a technique he you go that's that's right that's good and his opponent just shuts it down you go that's just not fair inside by high school bomber man as you can tell by looking at him very powerful nine knockouts he has gotten better as he has gotten more experience and obviously when you mentioned John Kavanagh you see the training and that takes you to a different place it does man that was too beautiful uppercuts dirty box way that he's doing that cut a truth is looking good because I infest ku is a tough tough fighter you can see it it affected him look what he's doing looking at though every every step sense has been backwards [Applause] now he just sends it a message when you're doing that like something else to think about but can't tell you how frustrating it is when you do a great technique and it doesn't work [Music] best part is you know who's coming up and what fights are gonna happen do you watch your fights over again you always always just to see how good you look boy I knew that wasn't gonna happen so but yeah the thing is what you want to look and say I always want to improve I always want to see is there something I could do better and going back you'll see those things that's where Ed roots is right now because there's so many things he can do better and yet he has still been dominating man I cannot tell you how impressed I am with Edie Ruth and what he's doing he's calm he's not pressing but he's creating a pressure that is so hard to deal with my school's doing him he's fighting a good fight he's just fighting a guy that's just a next level athlete that understands the different aspects of how to apply them in the sport of MMA he's starting to carry himself like he's the guy yeah still does carry his hands low at time and that always scares me now school has done some good things here he's done some great fighting man he is the things he's doing would work against most guys it's just a truth is a different level athlete I know that's hard for people to understand but you watch him and how easily he's transitioning now in the different forms that he's utilizing the way he's using his kicks the way he's setting his hands up and then when he wants to change the level and pick get the takedown the pressure he creates everything he's doing man he's so good I'm so impressed by people in Europe watching pass q here are probably not even recognizing him because he spent more time going backwards in the first six or seven minutes of this fight that he's probably done in the last two years yeah he's the guy have you watched him on tape he goes forward and you see what he's doing because again he's dealing with someone he's going ding it I can't stop this and it's a feeling one that when you're the guy inside it's it's overwhelming and it feels like this will this wave that you can't get you above water that's that breath of air it feels like n roots pulse is not going up it's not changing the way he is carrying himself you know when you're the guy who control that pace and that position and you can say I can work at this level for a day and that's the way Ed Ruth was fighting right now and he could keep going for 10 rounds doing this the way he is high school you look exactly what you just saw not that you know he's hurt there but he's starting to work at a pace going backwards that he's not comfortable with and that's when you're gonna start to make mistakes you're probably thinking the same thing you heard John say when you watch that ruthless hands are just a little bit low they are you know these are things that you know until you get caught and it affects your ability to win the fight you think I've done it all the time and it's okay I I feel comfortable doing it good lake capacity we saw the effect we're still coming forward nice block by ad but that's it that's the type of thing Pascoe throwing that that kick that's a good thing for him because you can see ed roof be the wrestler he's not thinking about takedowns he's thinking about throwing hands and landed big kick right there that hurt him he's walking yeah did that kick it he just came right back with it although he did get his hand up that kick got through and did it rattled his cage he felt it and when that happens man you're feeling this buzz that goes and your legs feel all of a sudden little weird you think that you're okay but time in your head is running at a different pace than everyone else is saying we've tried to land it again expression does not change not a young fighter who's 27 now Aunt Ruth but think of the experience he has had so many different levels good Street fell bring you can see how he's blinking his eye he's smiling when you see that smile he helped that hurt he felt it and that's what happens when your hands are down yeah his you know pus Cruz coffee you telling him hey you know continue with that hard shots they had Lucas landfill tacky this type of ground a pound right here this any spikes and booth trying to step over Pasco just trying to make it to the end of the round scramble ends in half guard some good moments through two rounds for basket moment well he's in at a different level right now they're nice inside leg kick that's a super effective kick and trust me it hurts that's a good job by pasta ku but here is that end of the round sequence with Edie Ruth look at the big shots he gets that nice what we call a collar tie and he started everything to that punch to your heads going nowhere it hurts first two rounds two and Ruth yeah there's no doubt a truce has taken both those routes but this is the first time a truth is coming to the third round and again the level change from Pasco dangerous game to get on the ground with that Ruth left an opening for the head so a square pasta was trying to go head Ruth is out of this if accounts up there you go you look at that you're through high school he did such a beautiful take down he's gotta be changing in a different way [Applause] get that leg bring that like a little bit more right now with every pretty good pressure forward that gauge is not going to work even though pastas a strong guy again right with what he has right now a truth is not in trouble with that guillotine is not going to work his head's out because he stayed for with hu sentence a great wrestling champion wrestler Darien Caldwell got caught my baby Joe time England the same way didn't go forward well he allowed baby Joe to extend him backwards by the use of his legs and that's what edy Ruth didn't allow EMS crew to do he didn't allow him to push him back which is gonna create that pressure but they're a great example of Darren colwich an even better and even more dangerous because of a loss and a truth we talk about this all the time you don't know what you don't know when you're on beat till it happens exactly it a lot of times you know you get to that point I don't think anyone can beat me and trust me everyone can lose the sport of MMA it only takes one little mistake and you could it's gonna happen to everybody [Music] pass right there but good job see pass go getting that he's getting that beautiful butterfly hook trying to get him back he's back to a half guard but that was really impressive Pascal was not gonna settle for him passing on it if you're John Cavanaugh right now you got to be really pleased with this performance this is a step forward performers for Pascal you know he has improved so much from his time being in Ireland of what he's doing now he's not he's not accepting anything and that's what you have to you have to look at you have to be impressed with he's been putting bad spots he's been hit hard but he's not settling and saying I'll just hold on here he's always working to get out he's always working to improve his position that's what you want out of your fighters and a great example you know you can see this may very well go down in the record book is a 32:27 but there's a dead there are different variations of 30-27 there are white but this was a competitive fight that they're very easily end up 3027 you know you're exactly right shot in the end that that's where sometimes it's the spills you look beautiful the full mount right there but the scoring sometimes doesn't tell the story of the fight you just spit that bouncing out and he spit it out because he's having a hard time breathing start to work hard good decision here's the first warning from Ken McDonald the white routes almost gave up foam out there [Music] basket when he is in a lot of trouble here well he's definitely getting beat down right now but he's still working he's still trying you look at what he's doing this legs he's trying to keep edge hips up higher off of him he's not let him bring pressure down he's trying go guys you gotta give him credit what is Kevin MacDonald's responsibility with the mouthpiece now and a fighter loses a mouthpiece but he's in a bad position well he's in a bad position but there comes a point where Andrew slows his progression down we want that referee stop tell the fighters stop their actions put the mouthpiece back it doesn't have to be cleaned out just because it's one of the few pieces of safety equipment that fighter has again high school look at turning his hips rotation that's all great signs of a guy who's trying to be competitive and work as a fighter instead of just holding on he's looking for a triangle he's trying to bring that arm back in that leg up Hamill is not gonna be there for him that's what you throw when you're waiting obsolete know what that's what I'm so impressed with he's not giving in he's looking to do something that can win him the fight but a step forward performing for my in Pascoe is going to be another dominant win for Andrew and a different kind of dominant when you see the punishment he took in this fight a learning curve but likely a fifth straight win for Andrew ladies gentlemen having gone the distance we'll go to your three judges now at cage side your first judge Doug Crosby scores the fight 29-28 well judges Brian miner and Eric Cologne see the fight the same 3227 all have it for the winner by unanimous decision easy that one anything but easy but another step forward for and Ruth unbeaten at five and oh he's with Big John I am here with the winner easy and you don't make anything easy on anybody brother look at that was your first fight that did not go to a TKO key oh that's your first decision victory but you dominated that how did it feel I felt great you know I love matches like this I love just grinding away just showing everybody that I have more than more than just TKO I also have heart you know I saw you limping with your leg did you do something in there that hurt that leg no it's just like a momentary injury it just felt a little funny when I stood up you know it's fine now I injuries they're nothing to me you know if I get them hiked Norum because but in the end I'm a warrior I'm a fighter and I can fight through anything you are progressing so fast and so well and you're so common here who is it that you're looking at next that you want to prove yourself I'm looking at anybody you know I'm ready to start jumping up in the rankings anybody that's above me gonna make sure they're below me ladies and gentlemen your winner mr. Edie booth look at the difference here as far as records are not that much ages close everything the real difference is the experience level of the opponents that's where Bryan Pike Matt Moore has the advantage in this fight so Michael C Williams on paramount Network continues now with three five-minute rounds in the featherweight division introducing the blue corner first at five put a twang in 143 and 1/2 pounds his professional record stands at seven and six he hails from Tori look Nadia introducing George show dr. junker got a sign t head across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner and five put a twang in 145 and 1/2 pounds as a professional tonight he stands at 10 victories six defeats fighting out of Wexford Ireland something Brian like that in charge of the action your referee even let me go over here to one of these seats right here step back step back you ready you ready fight [Music] around one Dell Southie opens up quickly [Music] now Brian more before the sake walk right into that yeah he did he got hit with a stiff hand right there you look at what he's doing to hold on this is gonna give him some time this is smart fighting bill Southie even though his Bell has rung more hit him with a tremendous shot and a nightmare to get hit like that with that much time left in the round that's a long time to try to survive it is and you know he what he's doing right now is holding on a little bit he's giving some angle that start making more work to try to continue to keep his hips Square with him more right now if I was in exactly what I'm going to gain some space and bring some strikes down to keep that brain rattled Ryan Morris not a knockout fighter he's due to pressure fighter that has won most of his fights with chokes you know that's what he's thinking right now both guy you know at the beginning of this fight more got hit with a shot that he felt but he said his feet me that shot that he hit Bell softy with that would have put a lot of people out you could see that it's stung him and frozen for a short moment let's go guys were even Venus dropped the please and thank you by the way as we moved on yet now he's at MMA it's completely different it is you see Belle Sante has his wits about him again he's back he's released now he's working from an open guard that gives him the ability to swing at his submissions he's not closing up but that also gives more the ability to change that position from guard into half guard now and see that left knee coming way up under towards the RPF that's giving him a lot of base and pressure he's trying to bring that foot up so he can slide his other leg out and go right into a full mount those elbows are starting to do some damage they'll something needs to start to move those hips and not accept this position where he is starting to be kidding get damaged by effective blows that's a heavy elbow that hurts you can see them starting to when you when a fighter's starting to actually try to hold on the hands hold onto gloves it's telling you I'm not utilizing smart technique this is a big time chocolate is this is tight beautiful job I'm crying more as far as the guillotine and his hand placement and how he turned it up that's why that joke worked beautiful technique he started with that monster right hand that everything else was working towards a choke or a guillotine finish that was an excellent display of Brian Moore and the skills that he possesses he does have good pressure when he fights he's got good power and he's got great submissions and he just proved all rules Brian Moore was looking for that noteworthy win he's taking on some high-level fighters here in Bellator he takes one step back and takes two four will make an official next if there was a knock on brian board said he tends to swing wild nothing wild about that oh look at that straight right hand just froze him put him down there's the other angle boom that is a solid shot it's amazing that both laughing made it through that here's the difference in that choke look at where he turns that wrist up look at the pressure squeezing in beautiful guillotine beautiful technique war a finish it in between so much damage taken by Bell satay Michael C Williams makes it official ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the tap comes by way of a guillotine officially two minutes 46 seconds into round number one the winner by submission Brian [Applause] sixth submission win for Brian Mooar all six by choke which he certainly did not do on the big stage that was an absolutely beautiful performance that straight right hand that you hit him with did you think that he was gonna be out for that yeah here's a big tired hey fair played and we took that shot 'edit honey was still in it I probably rushed the grappling exchanges if I would have just stood back let him up when he was wrapped it would have been over quicker but hey it's a nice feel a teen it was a nice kid let's talk about that because that is not the normal guillotine that people are seeing I know there's a guy standing over there in charge and he didn't happen to show you that guillotine before of course he did hey anything to do grappling that man is showing me I owe him everything everything I know you got your teammate James Gallagher they're watching you what is it like being a part of SPG I'm buddy but one of the best things that ever happened to me but SPG here take it over to show Bellator it's gonna be SPG baby 100% ladies and gentlemen your winner bright Mike bad more yeah let's check out the tale of the tape you look at this records are actually close tights a little bit different than big difference the age Denise even though with all that fight experience is still a young fighter till Michael C Williams on paramount Network Bellator MMA now moves to the flyweight division set for three five-minute rounds we'll introduce first the blue corner at five foot seven weighing in 125 there what corner pounds her professional record stands is three and two fighting on a Prague Czech Republic Viktor Josh : and across the cage for adversary out of the red corner at five foot two weighing in 125 and 1/2 pounds Bellator kickboxing sreaming flyweight world champion returns tonight to the cage her MMA record early on stands at 1 and 1 she fights out of Amsterdam Netherlands introducing Sydney's miss Tamar kilos and when the bell rings the referee in charge of the action Kevin McDonald back up can't believe we gave Kevin McDonald alive Mike that's a bad idea yeah great fight ready fine let's go the suddenness of the victory in the last performance was eye-opening some of the top fly weights had had trouble with Jessica Middleton well the one thing when you're looking at Denise is young in MMA but man she's so experienced in kickbox she's the Bellator flyweight champion in kickboxing her kickboxing is so technically sound in the way she goes about throwing various techniques in combinations makes her special she used the judo background despite the 47 and three kickboxing record she used the judo background to win that last fight which is just making everyone go oh god she's got some exact game to that's not good for me he's very comfortable won the clincher this is where the throw came last time and it's the same Darren it's a variation of a head an arm gets into position this is very similar which used to see Ronda Rousey doing it exactly using a cazuca Tommy with that judo technique getting to the top position right good job of saying you know what I'm not gonna sit there and try to get myself out over the top I'm gonna set back let go of what I have and now start to maintain position and do damage she might have been able to step over there if it wasn't for the fence yep the one thing that I always I saw it of all of petrus fight Petra will do everything she can to win she will bend the rules she will grab the fence she will do these things and right now if she's smart she's gonna take that right leg and hook it over the hip of to these keyholes which is gonna help get her position if you're not cheating you're not trying I guess now keep in mind when you hear her award about the fence you got to think of the fence even though we can see through it as if it's a wall you can't use your toes or your fingers to grab ahold of it you can push off it as if for a wall yeah Denise right now is try it as she's looking for the same type of submission she had in her fight first fight Bellator but she needs to think about the positioning of Petra she's not on her back she's on her side that means that she can have the ability to change his position quickly there you go don't you wish some of the fighters listen to the rules the way I listen to learn them from you but the fast and all that sure would be nice of course there are a lot of fighters that know the rules knowing the rules and following them are not the same thing as you said sometimes you're not cheating not trying you see how slow these shots from Jessica Martin to Phillip that one got through next week Bellator MMA back stateside Michael Chandler's back home in st. Louis will not get the fight for the world title but he will fight Brandon Gertz this is gonna be a great one to see Bellator MMA presented by Miller Lite Friday April 13th at 9:00 on paramount Network and AJ McKee tries to stay undefeated next week yes Justin Lawrence really it's a nice Renaissance a nice second stage of his career he caught John Sierra on the wrong night but gave him one incredible fight it was a very close very tough fight Justin Lawrence has just improved yeah he was the kid he was the guy that everyone who's saying this is gonna be special and he ran into some hard fights and he got into some trouble he has come back he is reestablished that he is a very difficult fighter to deal with and he is gonna be the hardest fight that Ajay McKee has ever had and you know the tendency you know fans would be oh he lost a couple of fights I'm gonna I'm gonna turn my attention somewhere else forgetting where the guys 23 24 years old and John there's good more of that now the guys are starting so young there is and you you cannot expect people everyone's going to develop at different times and sometimes it takes just more time more cooking in that oven of training that is gonna put that fight anything do these kiddos go she just sitting here trying to work on counters she's waiting for Petra and countering everything she has watch your fingers the head movement of kill hunts and the slow developing shots of chess Cova is a mismatched bad combination if you're if you're Petra you can see what the nice trying to do is she's trying to do it what we call a dip and rip she's dipping the head rolling it through and coming with her right hand and it's come closely a couple of times if Petra continues to leave her head in that center line one of those are going to connect this got her that one right there is very close to connecting and causing her a problem in the first five minutes the late opponent change [Music] look at right here what you're seeing this is normal for a judo player grabbing the head bringing that leg across bring under your opponent down and getting in what is he call a scarf fall during Japanese Kazakh autonomy position but she needs to be beautiful and have that back flat on the ground say that Japanese again kesa gatame impressive so I made reference to loose your Ryker before it if the name doesn't mean anything to you undefeated for a decade kickboxing Muay Thai but you probably remember her it still doesn't sound familiar she's the one who knocked out Hillary Swank a million-dollar base she was the villain but then she's such a sweetheart of a lady she was so good so dominant you know never lost in boxing never lost to a female in kickboxing her only loss was - he's gonna say why do you have to Astro step that's why and it wasn't just in anybody male it was a lumpini champion from thailand big risky moves right very risky you know what I like it man Petra's she's trying a couple of swinging spinning back fist right there she's trying to get after him go and gotta give her credit her background is largely boxing she has a very linear style she fights tall she with because she is really tall for the division you see her putting her arms out there which creates some problems for opponent getting into her Denise is continually trying to counter strike when really she should just start opening up creating movement with her hands and then landing the kick just like that it's almost like you've seen this before such an enthusiasm about Denise kill holes and this next part of her career well everything about these key emotions is good she can fight like the devil she has nothing but upside everything she's doing and she's such a great person it's someone fans are gonna fall in love with once they get to see her personality she's the Bellator kickboxing champion later on tonight we're gonna see another guy who has some MMA aspirations but right now he is on top of the American kickboxing scene and on top of the welterweight seen as a welterweight world champion raymond Daniels will defend that welterweight world title that is next here on paramount Network talking about this human highlight reel who ray Daniels when it comes to kickboxing don't you you think something's wrong with the vertical hold on your TV because he's just constantly spinning nice front push kick there by Denise count counter yeah that's exactly what it is she's just countering the whole time you know moving or Petra's moving against the fence because she can't control the position denise is slowly keeping her backing her towards the fence more and more I expect a nice to start opening up with a couple of combinations which we have driver in the fencing from that point you can decide let's continue with the stand-up or a grabber and start to take her down and put her into another position on the ground we saw this with Aunt Ruth earlier and yeah you see a difference in skill woes but that last minute opponent change and lo Linda of Chiba Cola is a very specific fighter with very different skills yep Jasmine in very different styles and that's really did when you're when you're working out and you're you're scouting someone and you look at the style of what Lena does her stand-up is very polished and the way she enters in is a Paul's right Petra doesn't have that polish on her she's is more of a a stiff and almost awkward fighter at times and sometimes that can throw you off takedown good job by Petro to continue on get that throw she got into her body nice job by Denise to get herself right back up and actually control the position now landing knee strikes giving away four inches in height and again take that with you little left hook coming off that you know those are the things that those are the differences in fights at times you've got to always look if you have the opportunity to be offensive do it don't wait great example of that we're gonna see Benson Henderson coming up in the main event he's only been knocked out once you were there oh well those on Joe's did it and he was in the scramble it was and look at if there's if you talk about a guy that's resilient and durable in a fight Benson Henderson you could see the damage now the left eye out to be skilled yeah she's got a little bit of swelling but she's absolutely the one delivering the bigger power in this round and she's going for broke a couple times that's spinning backfist but she has another right distance what I'm spinning back this is exactly what put that mark on her eye [Music] that's your Cheska was still standing after to a lot of times in MMA you'll see fighters earlier in their career and they have short fights and a lot of wins you can learn more from the longer fights and Denise Gill host has been able to swing a lot of different clarifies you know you're absolutely correct and short fights are nice but you need time inside the cage the more time that you have inside the cage where you're effectively working against someone in the fashion that's happening right now with Denise this is only good for her progression as a mixed martial artist just talk to two different guys Michael Van of pages one is it is it better sometimes you want to be in a longer fight of no danger you getting hurt and losing that fight so if you can end it we end it but sometimes the fact that we're in there for a long time and exchanging and seeing things and improving on what we're doing that's gonna help us in the future we're gonna be great to see MVP back in there against Dave prickles that's a fun fight is that not a good one you just I don't know if they're in London if they're gonna let Rickles bring his dinosaurs club it would be us and I'd like to see that customs I'm sorry sir why are you here again certainly it's not going to fit the over Chaska was trying to use using array using the reach try to keep her at bay and she's done some damage I've really been impressed with Caspian what she's done in this fight especially coming in on look one weeks notice she's doing an outstanding job against a very talented stand up fighter Denise is the Bellator flyweight kickboxing champion it's for a reason she's 47 and 3 in her career in kickboxing she can kick box Petra is there with her again the judo that won her the first fight that was really the first love birthdays kill host she was on the national team crazy young age is teenager tells you what kind of athlete she is where she can take and do multiple forms of martial arts and being top level in everything she does it just again going back to Lucia Riker makes you realize how ahead of her time machine Lucia Riker was so good so dominant so powerful for a woman because it's very difficult for lighter weight people to have power because it's just it's a weight factor it's physics and Lucia Riker had such power that she hurt you you look at her record compared to every other fighter out there she had ko t ko ko ko ko TKO very few decisions because she just could generate incredible power those are big gloves those pretty beams [Music] really nice counter there by Denise took the kick actually blocked it took it well control the leg and then came back biggest said I'd like to see his head movement as she comes in move her head so she gets inside a Petra do work and then bring yourself back out really regroup to have full marks here for Chaska vu still trying to come forward here in minute 14 yeah she I mean she's throwing and she's trying to throw hard these kilowatts is taking damage but she's been coming forward from the jump here she took that one spinning backfist at the first round that's what she got the mark from on her eye but Kash Cova has been actually touching that with that right hand jab she's been touching that eye up a little bit more and that's why you're seeing more damage on it the knees Kidston right now she's getting into this form of throwing 1 to s 1 1 2 s she needs to start thinking of opening up those by moving her feet inside and throwing her hands while her feet are moving she's going to be more successful nice right hand by Denise right there I caught her flush right on the chin over Hamlet's just so much faster so much faster big left hand bite is that she will not bounce stepping on the foot of cash going before threw more throwing and throwing hard really really impressed with what Petra has done here on short notice come here here fighting a stand up fight against a stand up fighter far more competitive fight than I think anybody had a right to expect what would you set it right you're going to catch these skills you want her now you won her third MMA fight absolutely [Music] she loves Kentucky I think she just wants to hear you say an impressive performance from petra chasse Cova she goes the distance with miss dynamite we'll get the decision next it took the nice kill off just 76 seconds in her Bellator debut to be Jessica Milton this one goes the distance how did it turn out Michael C Williams knows ladies and gentlemen having gone the distance well go to your three judges now at cage side all three judges Eric Cologne the Crosby Brian miner all three score it in the same 3427 all happen for the winner by unanimous decision the nice miss tamela kilos look at what's going on here eleven and one six and off but the reach that borscht has yes length and he needs to utilize that against the door to Michael C Williams from Budapest Bellator MMA on paramount Network now presents tonight's Khomeini event three five-minute rounds in the featherweight division introducing first the blue corner at five foot seven weighing in 146 pounds even his professional record 11 wins just one that defeat fighting honor the Sofia Bulgaria dear boy mr. Beslan nicola and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner at 5 foot 11 wagon 146 pounds even returning home tonight inside the cage [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] are you ready you ready fight we talk about fighters who sometimes put extra weight on their shoulders fighting at home and some are energized by clearly that's the case without abortion I think Adam borscht is so excited to be able to fight in front of his countrymen he wants to put on a performance and show them exactly how special he is one of our themes tonight evolution of these younger fighters Michael Chandler's been very active and he'll fight next week against Brandon Gertz very active on his social media saying don't miss out of borsch the real the real difference in this fight you're gonna see that's a little bit of a crazy try to take down good stop the thing that you're gonna see here is the stand-up of atom horse he can match the wrestling he can match the submission game of Teodor but that I don't think that Theora can match the stand-up game of an abortion so he does a lot of different techniques that he keeps you concealed as well mistakes and he takes advantage he's felt a couple of less items Vicki Cena there comes that moment you don't know until you're in there but it comes that moment when you realize okay this is the real deal I'm in here with this is a different animal than maybe I thought really good defensive technique you watch Nick I'm sorry Theodore necklace went in waited for the kick you saw the way that Adam stop it is he moved into it he checks it by coming in closing the distance and makes it where it's nothing to do that's going to slow down his profession there's level change again but now he's starting to shoot out of desperation and you don't want to do that you want to shoot out of taking someone and making them miss making them think that you're going to do something else and then dropping that level that's what's gonna make you successful you've already seen the knees of borsch if one of those takedowns comes in a little slow it's gonna be lights out just in the body language you can see one fighter that's very relaxed in Adam borscht and we got to adore nickel off he's a little bit anxious he's a little bit tight because he's not sure good uppercut coming in landed that clean with the right hand just beautiful footwork by an abortion every time nickel office tried to come in he has left with the receipt he has paid for that little bit of decision-making and said well I don't think that was the right time and then you have that moment where you go well that's what I do and that's gone you know it's it's so frustrating when it is what you do and it works against everyone all of a sudden you get that fight they've got the knees you know come up but you get in against that guy that everything that you've done in the passage that's been successful all of a sudden it doesn't work and that is frightening [Music] you can see the marks on theodora's leg look at that left leg low and high and now inside he systematically just started to diminish the ability of that leg here so those shots are going to get even swollen jump knee in the ribs and these are not strategic shots right now those are let me get out of harm's way these these are desperation that's a desperation shot and that's why it's not working but right now if smart work buyout he's not just diving in trying to cut the angle and to get himself down knocking on and a big guard ends up in a half guard [Applause] to be down when 49 seconds feels like 49 minutes when you're the guy on the bottom yeah you know people have no idea how time slows down you get work by someone and you just don't have the ability to stop what they're doing stranger in a strange land hostile crowd and a hostile talented young man on top of you and I know that this is where Nicola thought he was going to be a stronger fighter a more skilled fighter a better fighter on the ground but you can see he doesn't have the better schools right now and everything he was doing is leading him down a path and he's not gonna survive a dominant opening-round here at home four out of more Shrek doesn't matter how big the television said it is pretty clear one that rounded what a bit very clear lot love about my fan shop ready he is judging that fight and he gives me looked eagerly 1080 they go yep and why the damage that Adam force did in that round he dominated that round damaged him that's a 10-8 round I studied and learn from the best I don't know who that guy is Rob Hinds good well as we seen we you know we discussed this over the last couple years in the two years and I was heavily involved this we really saw the evolution the willingness of judges to say you know what that the 10-8 has to come into play when you have three five-minute rounds this disease to when you have a round like we just saw and it's not that nickel off is not fighting he's fighting and he's working hard he's just on the receiving end of all the damaging blows he cannot control the distance he can't control where the fights at he's getting hurt and you've got to give borsch that edge and showing that there was a significant difference of the output of the fighters in that round they had to me a lot of the criteria he didn't end the fight but there was a fight ending moment yep there you go man I say what the leg kick that he's throwing and you look at the angle that he's doing it from because he's moving his feet he's setting it up and coming in with that cut kick it is damaging and that is why nickel off is gonna be slower and slower and that takedown attempt which is only gonna make things worse one in his eyes if we get to see his eyes again there's a hopelessness they just oh you can read it in his face yeah you know when you're looking at a guy he's 11 in 1 so he's only tasted defeat once and that was a decision and sometimes when you have all that success and like I said before all of a sudden everything you've done doesn't work it's a lonely feeling out there and you're looking at a guy on tape and Adam horses last fight it didn't last that long and what the real scary thing is it's been a year away know what's better is endomorphs gotten from the stuff you're looking at what isn't it's one of the impressive things about Adam forces he's smart enough to say you know what I don't think I was progressing here where I'm living and hungry enough for me to be the world champion I want to be he took himself said I'm moving to the US I'm gonna go with the coaches and the athletes they're gonna make me the fighter that's gonna win a world title look at what he's doing coming up next after the main event all right good man Wow there man that hurts it the damage it's doing went down out he took a couple extra blows going because the quickness of what occurred the fittest buyout of boat that was a spectacular for unforgettable ending whoa look at that knee as soon as it connected he was out switches bones right behind the ear beautiful knockout by Adam borscht word explosion ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the flying knee ends in officially one minute 30 seconds into round number two the winner by knockout still undefeated the king flying the flag and he's here with Henry Hilton Florida pay off big dividends Adam flourishes with John McCarthy I tell you what that was a performance that puts you in a category of one of the toughest 145 years in Bellator how you feeling brother man I am so happy you know I can't I came back home last week and again I can't find at home this is absol well you can absolutely fight there's a guy standing outside of this cage now he was sitting for a while now he's standing James Gallagher's who you were supposed to fight tonight he got hurt is that the guy that you want to face next yeah I'm in a fight next time he's good I could not wait to see that fight that was an unbelievable performance ladies and gentlemen your hometown winner out of borscht [Applause] [Music] [Music] look at this man it's almost virtually identical as they say and if someone says and you look at everything the big difference is the quality of competition that Benson Henderson is [ __ ] compared to Roger over the years main event time Michael C Williams time ladies and gentlemen Miller Lite presents Bellator MMA on parama network from Budapest Hungary the time has come for the main event of the evening three five-minute rounds in the lightweight division sanctioned by the Mohegan Tribe department of athletic regulation chief is Lynn Miller ba chairman is Kevin Brown supervising at Capeside director Michael lazuli tonight's main event brought to you by Miller Lite great taste and only 96 calories and now first introducing at the blue corner at five foot nine weighing in 154 and 3/4 pounds tonight in his Bellator return he enters with 24 professional victories nine defeats with one draw fighting out of Los Angeles California USA introducing Roger and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner at five foot nine Wang in 153 and 3/4 pounds the two-time former world champion tonight brings 24 professional victories along with eight defeats fighting out of Glendale Arizona USA presenting smooth Henderson and when the bell rings the referee charge of the action Kevin McDonald come on up to the center guys please all right gentlemen three rounds under the Unified Rules of mixed martial arts who are Nova those rules in the back on a good clean fight any questions back any questions runt you want touch clothes now good luck somebody to keep in mind as we begin Ben Henry who has fought five round fights five round wars against the elite in the world for years almost brought a five-round mentality into many of these fights some of which have been three leg fights in the one group unthread Hillier slow starts yet first rounds in Bellator he's lost all four two of them were ten eight and that's the big thing I want to see Benson start to initiate from beginning big hard kick beautiful right hand don't sit there and just defend be offensive that's what you want to see out of Benson Henderson yeah the presence of mind when somebody else had your leg to go forward not backward yep that takes training I think Benson's done a little bit of that in his time and you see a damage immediately big hit he's hurt he's in trouble early that takedown is not going to work with where his hands are out fences stop that really what Rogers doing is buying time right now he took a big kick to the head you could tell that it's starting to freeze him a little bit he's getting hit with huge shots this is the Benson Henderson that everyone expected from the beginning coming in damaging right away we got a big cut on Roger also from that kick beautiful takedown by Benson nice position Rogers tried to bring his leg through to keep him away and spin out you wanted a fast start there's your fast start that's what you're looking for Bechet going for his he's making kneebar he's got so many different ways to go and you gotta love that he's going for that because it's saying man I'm attacking I don't want to be the guy that just sits there and and positions I want to be attacking and creating problems for my opponent good snap down with that position on the hips that knee hit again he's landing big heavy blows the one thing people will tell me is Benson he's got super heavy legs he had a knee injury wasn't kicking as much and now you can see he's opening up with those kicks and you can see the effect that they have but this is a sight for sore eyes for Ben Henderson fans right now vintage stuff here in the first two minutes beautiful transitional train chains right there when you see what he did he goes for the trip it doesn't work but it brings to a different position I'm gonna switch my takedown he does gets him to the ground Rogers doing a good job but get himself against fence for balance really technical fighting going on right now and you know we're talking about these losses for Ben Henderson the most amazing part is that he not only was standing but jumping around after them after these five round wars with Andre Corus golf which is one side of the five round fighters you're gonna see and then of course the fascinating Michael che on the fight which I thought was a clinic on so many levels the one thing when you're the trainer of the guy if your big thing is man I just want you to go out and perform to the best year ability to leave it all out there that's what you're gonna tell him and when a guy is bouncing around afterwards you say I don't think you left it all out there you held back and you have reserves which means you could have done more watch the Chandler fight again because it's a great fight to watch anyway but the very end of it if you just gauge it by who would you rather be at the end of the fight you're looking at Ben Henderson jumping around oh yeah it was interesting cuz you were in there and had a different view of that fight when you watched it again I did at the when I was there at that time when that fight because of what Benson did at the end I was thinking Benson I think Benson pulled this fight out and I went back and watched it if you go round by round no Michael Chandler won that because he controlled more the aspects of the fight he did great work in the first round again it was that Benson Henderson that's coming out slow and then building but not building the point where at the end he's left it all there you look at Benson what he's doing right now tonight this is the Benson Henderson you want to see it he's attacking he's going after things he's being methodical at times but he's being explosive to him he's doing damage in here tries to jump same thing as Adam Boris right there the lines for Ben Henderson so straight so disciplined here Benson is so complete and so good in every area that when you're tying up with him you think okay I want to time no you don't because he's strong inside he's got a great clinch game and he moves himself to a better position he takes little damage when you're throwing offensive techniques he blocks it he moves his body he angles he slips his head he does all the things to keep himself from being hurt he just has to go into that offensive realm that now puts him in an area where he's hurting his opponent instead of just fighting with him and that nearly got through from where to where he's been shot around yeah but it's more foreign investment hit so there wasn't the power that it looked like Benson getting inside there bringing the knee up beautiful right hand off of it really impressed with the performance of Benson enter that he was the first round in his Bellator career he is won and he wins it by a mile [Music] we were joking that maybe all you have to do is kill Ben Henderson this is round 3 not round 1 it look like guys kick Rodger hauls it you see what Benson does he doesn't just try to defend comes offensive big kick right there that's the one that opened Rodger up above the eye that's a solid kid to the head that's why it hurt Rodger that's why he starts backing up he felt that it stung him that a good example of a round then you can discuss ten eight but it probably falls back towards ten nine yeah that's right in the middle yeah he's stung Rodger he hurt him he was the one that was controlling the fight controlling the distance but Roger was in that fight the entire time he took damage but not enough to give that ten eight that's a ten nine round four Benson Henderson better start here in round two garage aware soon stripped up stepped on the foot the man had no suitable ax kid coming to the body a lot of people think that's a stock it's not a stop it's an axe kick that's why it's legal he had a chance at it Roger did the right thing to stop what he was going to do he's going for you now he's got his legs it's going to be tight that's it a brilliant performance bouncing back by Ben Henderson outstanding that's what everyone was wanting to see out of Benson Henderson a performance that he is a dominant fighter who can take on anybody and come out with a win like that that was beautiful he's back the face that says I told you this was me I told you this was me I was due for this performance and I delivered it's that kind of performance when you come out and you deliver in that fashion it gives you a confidence it tells you you know what maybe maybe I am as good as they say maybe I can compete with anyone instead of death then I'm not sure that I can do this anymore and beautiful beautiful performance by Benson Henderson you can you can't say there was anything bad what did he wear something I definitely defended in the first time what happened but then he allowed that dip when you see him dip that shoulder down if you see the body bend it allows him to get the legs up watch the tip he's gonna dip it down boom you see it gets a legs wrap now it's tight and that pressure of a straight forearm across the neck with the legs pressing on that you cannot blame Roger working for tapping there's nowhere for him to go ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the tap comes by way of a guillotine choke officially forty nine seconds into round number two the winner by submission smooth Benson win number 25 his second in theory inside the Bellator cage this statement winning lots of love for a very familiar face Big John he's all cleaned up but he's with Ben Henderson the performance like that you can get me dirty that's all right that was the Benson Henderson that everyone expects every time you come in the cage what was the difference in the way you approach this fight than you have in the past for me it's just I have to get finishes I know that I need to work on I need you better it's on my shoulders on me to do better you're not gonna give me a decision fine no problem don't give me a decision I'll earn the finishes I'll earn this topic that's okay you were doing things being offensive going after him you're known as a slow starter and now that's the type of performance no one thinks you're a slow starter off of what was it that you felt in there from the very beginning when he caught the kick and you hit him with the right hand you just progressed in a fashion that was doing damage yeah Budapest Budapest I want to say you guys it's been a great warm reception from you guys I love you guys I'm looking back on the people why these kids back out here thank you guys for the for the warm reception as everybody else out there I got to say go be great go try and be great whatever it is you do whether you're a line cook whether you're canning whether you're a camera guy doesn't matter just go do something go be great if we all just try and go be great at something I think you all be a much better spot I think you're absolutely right ladies and gentlemen your winner mr. Benson Henderson
Channel: BellatorMMA
Views: 115,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, Sports, Bellator, Bellator MMA, Fighting, Fight, Fighter, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Strikeforce, WWE, Punch, Grappling, MMA highlights, MMA KO, MMA Knockouts, MMA best moments, MMA fights, MMA moves, MMA best fights, Analysis, Breakdown, Boxing, Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Combat, Submission, Knock out, KO, Sports Highlights, Conor McGregor, Full Fight, Fight Highlights, Bellator 196, Benson Henderson, Raymond Daniels, Kickboxing
Id: DobXzFfLrdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 29sec (8849 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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