Raz B on Leaving B2K Tour, Omarion, Lil Fizz & Apryl, Chris Stokes, R Kelly (Full Interview)

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foreign welcome back to Vlad TV feels good to be back man happy thank you for having me back on the platform I appreciate it of course I mean it's been over four years since we've been back oh yeah that's right when I just got back from China just got back yeah you were my very first interview yeah 2018. damn time fly bro where are we at now what year is it 2000 or what almost 2023 right around the corner time fly bro let's catch up well no absolutely absolutely and there's a lot that I want to get into but going back to your history I realized in our first interview we didn't really get into your childhood too much and I think that there's a lot of important things to talk about so I remember I watched the interview that you did with uh Jason Lee of Hollywood unlocked okay and you touched on a few things that you and I had never spoken about before right now you actually grew up in Crenshaw yeah I grew up I went to Hyde Park I went to uh 10th I went to Hyde Park Elementary uh 10th Avenue Crenshaw I believe Tyrese used to live in my building and of course quick and split was right there where Nipsey what Nipsey hussle's uh stories at so yeah yeah okay so did you know Tyrese growing up no I didn't no no I didn't no I didn't okay okay and what was Crenshaw like what was that whole area like during that time I mean wow I mean the riots I remember the riots I was pretty young uh I mean it was the hood it was a lot of shootings it was like it was really like for anyone out there that's seen boys in the hood that's the perfect way to explain what what it was around that time um that was uh but my mom you know even though we lived like you know in that area she would always take us outside to do like like to Disneyland tickets to nice parks to fly kites you know because even though we lived in a hood you know when you walked beside the crib it was plush and you know mentality wise mentally you know we you know we we knew there was more than just the hood so I thank my mom for that how old were you when the riots actually hit la oh [ __ ] that was 93 so was it right no no what was the right it's 90 90 92. 7 92 yeah so yeah I was about yeah I was about seven years old okay so you're still a kid it's not like you went out there and participated no hell no but I seen him like breaking into stuff man it was crazy I was like yo this is this is this is nuts but uh now my mom kept was pretty sheltered until she uh until she got married when she got married I think I was around like eight or nine um that's when we you know we would you know start to do what boys do get get in trouble okay and you said you got into some petty thefts and other like little things during that time yeah yeah I mean my brother he was a lot older than me so I would hang out with him and his friends and you know they they would be doing all kind of crazy little petty theft stuff so you know what I'm I'm glad that I didn't turn into like it didn't turn into a life of crime for me you know what I'm saying it was some petty stuff it was an experience but you know once again it ties into your influence you know what I'm saying your influence is what you're around and somebody being so close to you like your brother you know you pretty much gonna do what they say or follow I mean did you get arrested at all or is it just like a little slap on the wrist type thing I remember I remember I was probably around 10 I got arrested for uh selling marijuana I had like probably like five bags on me they were like nickel bags I think that was the time the sun and Looney song came out I got five on it so like uh yeah I was out of school during school hours you know I'm saying the police rode by you know they hit me up and I I went to McLaren off for like a day or two and then I I got out and I got house arrest so that was definitely something to scared me straight you know what I'm saying as a child that was that was the end of your criminal career right then and there I mean yeah right yeah exactly exactly okay and you talked about how there was domestic violence at home growing up yeah how bad did it get um domestic violence and and my home was really it was really bad I remember the first time I seen my mom get hit you know I was chewing up eating some McDonald's and the food just fell out of my mouth you know what I mean because uh you know that's my mom you know what I mean so that you know um and that that really hurt and uh and there was times I seen I started to see her beat on him so I was like it was pretty pretty interesting but then um shortly after I was I was took it out at home so I wanted to experience foster homes and group homes once once once again following my brother you know he's like yeah we get a living expense and you know being home with my mom it wasn't it wasn't bad at all because she really took good care of us but when she had a man in her life that you know really wasn't a man of God you know he's actually doing 25 years of life right now and you know uh uh you know that that wasn't the proper influence that we you know that we needed around us you know what I'm saying because he would also have us you know like still in the stuff you know what I'm saying so just yeah that wasn't that wasn't the best okay 25 to Life what did he do to put himself in that well I mean he lived a life of a crime right and uh I know he tried to kill my mom I think that was his last strike oh wow yeah like it was bad like you know thumbs in her throat type [ __ ] what's up man okay were you still living in the house when that happened or was that um no I think that happened years later after they got out of jail I think he went out of jail he jumped I think he yeah he jumped over the balcony and shattered his ankles he went to jail for like five or six years uh because they were fighting and uh of course I don't really like talk about my mom's business she wouldn't really approve it but yeah it was it was definitely a domestic violence uh uh home at one time okay and I've heard horror stories about people who go into foster care and group home especially I hear like people just end up getting you know moved around like foster home after fosterone I mean I've interviewed you know people that have been in like 20 30 foster homes like that type of thing now I wasn't that bad it wasn't that bad for me I remember a few homes but I remember the one I remember the uh I remember the culpeppers shout out to the culpeppers they really loved me and really gave me the love that I needed um they put me in a really nice school when I was living in Torrance called Carr and um then we moved to Carson I went to like you know I think it was Carson junior high or so I I forgot the name of that school I don't know but it's like it's by the go-kart place but that family was the family that really I would say helped me um have stability and they really care because you know you move around from one group home or you move to another you had to find the right one that was a good fit for you so I believe I don't recall the time how long I was there with them but you know in my very first uh album thank yous I thank them and my thank yous man so shout out to the culpeppers you know that's what a kid needs you know I'm saying we don't have the right and um influences around you you got to have somebody to come your life that pour some some good you know some good standards some good guidance you know and you know on top of what my mother still to me as a kid you know what I mean but being out at home that was that was really rough that was really rough for me but it was a blessing because finally when I did get with my mom she was still with the dude so stuff stuff it kept going on and by that time I was um I was going back and forth over to my film to my cousin's house okay and how old were you well originally B2K wasn't called B2K they were called Boys Next Door yeah we yeah we were playing around with names for around for a while but I think prior prior before uh before we got to to the four of us it was a group called melodic which consisted of the Five Guys uh Trey jahi which is Janae aoko and Mila J and miyoko's uh uh bro uh uh brother um Fizz um J bug drill Houston and of course I was the fifth member they got added to the group and uh but it was kind of cool because when I did get put in that group you know I came with it came with immature I came with Chris Stokes I had a I had a nice team of of people that had been in the business that had experience um behind it so you know that group didn't last either though okay well and then at one point it became B2K and Omarion was the last person to actually join yeah so after that after the five the five group we we disbanded um we were shopped around to multiple labels everybody passed on us but it was one label that really expressed a lot of interest um which was uh Epic Records Dave McPherson uh Max schools um shout out to tease Williams poly Anthony um [ __ ] even 30 W was very instrumental in helping B2K get our deal but um but at that time we were still going through name changes so that's kind of where B and D B and D didn't last too long though BND did not last long boy after it probably last two two shows okay well one of the things Omarion said was that by the time he joined B2K you guys already had a Synergy with each other and he was sort of like the last person to come in but there wasn't really the energy that included him already is that is that fair from your point of view I would I would definitely say you know the fact that three of us was already in in a group prior there was some chemistry that we had but we uh as soon as the Lamar got in the group we we immediately embraced him but I think just like any other brothers everybody's gonna have their their little frictions you know what I'm saying just because you're in a group doesn't doesn't necessarily mean you like each other too I don't think when you know kids when you're young you have a way of expressing you don't like each other by just the bickering and going back and forth and you know and being being being being young man young in your adolescent ages you know what I'm saying we had a lot to learn um so yeah I would definitely have to say that there was definitely some Synergy between the three of us you know prior to oh coming in the group but I know I always made oh feel very very welcome in the group the boys would tell me he's like man you used to clean up after that [ __ ] I said what I usually he's like yeah he's like oh it was messy I was like what I was like we was all messy as kids he's like nah oh it's messy I was like and you used to clean up on him I was like I was like so I always met you know I always always make sure that you know that oh feel comfortable because I felt like a lot of people maybe I'm wrong but maybe people felt that I had favoritism because you know my cousin was Chris Stokes you know what I mean and uh that wasn't the case you know what I mean I felt like I you know I I growing up watching immature and watching other groups I was so passionate about having my own group and most importantly about Brotherhood so I was always the one to um keep everything balanced well one thing you said was you know early in b2k's career before you guys broke up that Omarion Fizz there's always something between them and it was usually over a girl yeah no it seemed like there's always a bunch of friction amongst amongst all of us you know we me and Amari we had our little things we we almost got into a few fights you know what I mean um I've seen bug and Fizz you know you know go body let's go body yeah I'm saying but it was definitely some friction amongst the group you know what I'm saying I think as you get older you you start to develop your characteristics and who you become as a man and you know uh you start seeing some of those things that were there that maybe you didn't like about each other as it you know as as you know as kids I mean did you actually see them early on beefing over a girl or that type of thing I would definitely I would definitely say that it was a time I recall you know you got four you got four fly young young cats right so you you know we were typically just let the girl choose and if it was something like that would be like yo is it cool if you know if I date this one or if they're cool like we would just keep it out there you know what I mean but for some reason them too like you know like he liked one girl you know maybe I'm not gonna say her name but he you know come to find out he was already you know kind of dating her in a way you know what I'm saying so that kind of probably crushed though and then that but that happened a few times from what I know so I don't know and then you know there's a lot of people don't notice but Little Fizz got his solo record deal first before Marion you know what I'm saying so that's that's that's more friction that you know what I'm saying so I don't know this resentment or or you know what I mean but I I think at one time them guys were like they were like best friends you know I mean I was talking to fears not too long ago he's like man he's like in this thank you I think he you know shout out to his best friend so I don't know man we all have our have our times where we we're bigger and where we go back and forth uh but it's a little bit different now now that we're older but I don't have any grudges and I mean I just talked to Facebook the other day we don't have any grudges we really we really just me personally I really just want to put us all back into a Brotherhood especially when I look up and I see you know New Edition going back on tour again it's just like like I told you the last time I came here I told you I was gonna put the tour together you know what I'm saying and that's exactly what happened you know what I'm saying I worked really really hard for the past 16 years and you know that's why that very first interview was really important for me too because it was my it was it was also a message and for a way for me to talk to the guys you know just by bringing bringing love you know I'm saying I'm not here to talk about old business or this or that you know what I'm saying because you know when there's controversy and there's drama people don't want to be around any of that you know I'm saying people's kind of like roaches you know so you know just the older you get the more mature you get especially when you go if you want to continue to operating this business you got to have a more mature approach because you know you can go about things the wrong way B2K first broke up in 2004. yeah right yeah officially you know from from the 2022 you know mindset of being more mature I mean you guys were kids back then right you know now when you look at that you know knowing what you know about your other band mates and so forth what do you think was really the final straw that broke up B2K back then well I would always tell the boys I said be careful what you say around or say around Amari right I feel like he was our week our weak link right no it's not a shots fired but this is what I said because I think fish and bug you know they had a you know they was you know they was growing up and they was out there you know doing their thing right and um I don't know I think I remember a time where we all got close we all started talking amongst each other because we it's to the point where we were like well you know because if you have if your loyalty is not amongst the group then where's your loyalty at is it to one is it to one individual is it to one sort like where's your loyalty at my loyalty is always lighting light in the group so yeah from my point of view now I definitely on top of management and and the deals that we had and are starting to see and grow and success and be more successful we wanted to renegotiate that was that was a major straw you know what I'm saying and then on top of that you got the friction amongst us right so it's kind of like you know this dude gets a solo deal you know he would you know Mario be like well you got to talk to them not saying that he he told but I mean you know after talking to the guys these years like it sounded like they could they got some kind of information out of them because they knew what was going on with us on the road so when they decided to kick us out of our houses and put the furniture and the storages and not take the cars which the cars weren't in our name you know what I'm saying here it is that we work really really hard you know for for for everybody and it was a collective effort so just to get you know thrown away that was that was really hard on us and the sit back for all these years and and not say nothing about how we felt about how Amari handled the situation you know I mean I'm sure he had a lot to to deal with too you know what he what he had went through and what he had to experience and I and I sympathize and I empathize with that yet at the same time yo like here you are riding off in the sunset you know what I'm saying with something that we built I mean do you think in retrospect knowing what you know now things could have been fixed at that point and B2K would still be one of these groups like The Locks that are still like together and still doing shows and so forth all these years later I don't think so I don't I don't think so I don't think so I think of anything now that we're all mature I think you know we're we're healthy we're alive you know we still look young and vibrant I mean it would make sense to go do like a B2K residency in Vegas or do a world tour or do you know like a you guys served too you know what I'm saying why not you know what I mean um you know uh it's good for the culture it's good for our families you know I mean it really it you know love covers a multitude of sin you know what I'm saying so I just feel like just being mature is is where it's at now but nah I think we had to break up you know oh had to go down this path for I had to go down my path we had to really grow up you know I mean that's a lot of success you know at a young age that's a lot of success bro you know what I mean like we weren't one of those groups that you don't know like we actually we did our thing you know we put the work in so it's kind of like you know what I mean and then you know being famous it's a lot because you know now you you know it's a lot bro it's a lot well let's fast forward to 2018 because that's when you and I did our first interview but at the time there was a lot going on in B2K with all the different members that really no one you know that I didn't know which you may or may not have known but right around that same year that you and I did the interview Lil Fizz started dating April Jones who has two kids with Omarion and Fizz I think went on drink Champs and talked about the situation but I guess you couldn't get a hold of him Mario and didn't have a number on him and then one day Omarion came to April's house to drop off the kids and Fizz is on her couch that's crazy and Omarion just looked at him and turned around and walked out I mean I mean what would you do I probably would do the same thing too I mean I I don't man I don't know that's a that's a weird one right there I don't know I mean you know the Jacksons I mean I've heard so many story with so many different groups but that you know I think the best way to I don't know man I I've talked to Fizz you know behind closed doors about it and it it's it's natural for people to like people right but I think there's probably a little bit of vindictiveness in there because maybe a little maybe a little spitefulness because Fizz is the type of dude he always looked out for Omar rather people do that or not right so he kind of felt like cuz when Hollywood on them so you left me on red and man your people we hit it off so we conversating because we got stuff to talk about in common and then I guess you know they they decided to go get the bag and and run it up but you see how that end well yeah I mean listen you're attracted to who you're attracted to but you could also set a very clear line like in terms of my life I've never dated you know my homies you know ex-girls I've never dated employees I always figured listen there's billions of women out there in this world why why create all types of extra problems because this person just happens to be in my vicinity I have options and someone like a Fizz has more options than me you know what I mean like he's a he's a former B2 well he is a B2K member like he has girls that grew up with them screaming his name so why go to a person that you know is going to cause a problem that's that's pretty interesting I I don't know I wasn't around them during that time you know what I mean so I don't really know how they hit it off but I do I knew I do remember people be running around in the same circles and stuff like that so I really I I don't know man I just uh I'm glad that it's over with I'm glad that it's been addressed I'm glad people are mature enough to move on you know what I mean but like I saw Mary's a Vlad interview with you and his interview with you and you know he's just like just don't make me the narrative you know what I'm saying I don't think they should have made him the narrative but if if you're about to get a bag they're gonna drag that [ __ ] out they're gonna drag it out and it just so happened to be somewhere real but I see I see that at the end you know I mean so but but even you know even with her like That's like [ __ ] with fire why would you why would like I point her I'm gonna fought her more than him of course you gotta follow both of them but I would fought her more than them like come on you throwing that [ __ ] around you know a cute chick dope body I mean that's a lot of Temptation then you beefing with the dude too if I ah there's some reviews like who knows I don't know man I wasn't there I mean I I put it on both of them at the end of the day it ain't like anyone Force themselves on the other person they both decided to jump in the situation knowing the repercussions of it and I'm not gonna put it on the guy or the girl you know at the end of the day yes I'm a man and I know what temptation's like but I don't say no too right at the end of the day it's like you understand the bigger picture of it all okay so so that's going on kind of behind the scenes and as this is happening on December 31st of 2018 it was announced that after 15 years B2K was going to reunite for the Millennium tour in 2019 and you were actually heavily involved in that whole situation right yeah Everyone likes to take um take my credit in the lab but when I came back from China I had already had the offer me it started in 2016. I came home Gary Goods we saw he didn't like his name out there but you know Gary gave me a bag and I said listen you give me you advance me some bread I'ma come from China and I'm gonna get this [ __ ] done you know and all you know I've been willing this together for for a long time and also you know you want to show love you know I'm saying make people like yo Razz is cool like a lot of people thought they're like that there's I had problems it was it was I was going through a major fight with my family and it's now it's public and it's not my fault that it's public and you know what I'm saying now I'm growing up until an adult I mean that's a that's a lot to juggle you know I mean but we're better than being a peace officer you know I'm saying because like oh said we didn't break this up you know what I'm saying I feel like the group kind of got broke up by higher powers on top of our friction that was you know I mean that's a lot you know but if we should have stayed together we would be one of the you know we still are one of the top groups of this time but we would still have been you know working and life will be a lot different for all of us like how hard I mean because I'm sure that was the only time that B2K talked about getting back together there was 15 years that passed those conversations were always there yeah that's what I mean I don't know it would have to be timing but it would have been timing but also I feel it needed to come from it needed to come from a place of love right and like I said growing up I always want to you know uh you know that brother yearn for that Brotherhood and learned to have my own group to be able to you know to push the human race forward and bring joy to families around the world you know it was it had to come from a place of love and it came from me and it's something that's funny because Amari we showed up to the photo shoot he's like man you sure I've been talking about this love for a long time in the back of my mind like nah buddy like I've been I've been willing this together you know what I'm saying so I had to take a step back they even called me say Raz I know you you know you want to get your credit and stuff like this but I look up and I see everybody else's name but me but the promoter he know Raz was the one who was the first point of contact who structured the deal the way we did but you know I wanted this thing to happen so bad I just moved out the way because I needed God to get the glory it was so many people that that that that that was crying with tears of joy it was it was great it was therapeutic for me as well you know what I mean because when you have a an audience like that why would you want to alienate the people that actually really care about you there's people that genuinely care about my well-being that's never met me and I think that's that's phenomenal so it was it was it was a pleasure to be over the um had that experience with everybody well the tour was announced on December 31st 2018 the Millennium tour which on top of B2K being the headliners there's also Pretty Ricky Chingy Yin Yang Twins Mario Bobby Vee Lloyd am I forgetting anybody good question yeah I think that's pretty much everything we had a nice lineup of Mario oh Mario hey Mario okay yeah yeah Mario sorry I was lit that's an important one which we'll talk about later yeah okay so you got this really dope lineup and the Millennium tours announced and then on March 8th 2019 the first B2K show in Pittsburgh happened how did that feel to get on stage with these guys for the first time in 15 or maybe even 16 years it was crazy because we started vibing in rehearsals like you know we started you know joking around and you know what I mean but oh had the way he was moving you know in his mind he was like you know he was probably already planning on going in on the next tour I'm sure he had a lot of Demands you know what I'm saying you know uh so there was some there was still some some slight friction there about arguing what how many songs we're going to perform with B2K records and then this so it was business everybody came back for business you know what I'm saying me it was more about love but everybody else just came back for business um I remember that night I almost didn't perform that night because you know I wound up negotiating and getting more money that night you know what I'm saying I felt like right before I went on stage I feel like I got the short end of the stick and I put this thing together so to all you people out there make sure you take care of like Snoop said get your money off the top you know I'm saying of course you want to take care of fish 10 minutes all the time you said take care of yourself but you know as a bigger man I needed that tour to happen so I took a major sacrifice well as this tour is starting to happen what what the public doesn't know was there's the whole Fizz Omarion April Jones thing which happened before the tour started so in the very beginning was there like this tension where the two of them not really talking or it was interesting because I got the word I think I was still in China when I I actually knew before the world knew that they had actually had you know they had actually been hooking up and I was like damn I was like oh that's cool that's gonna that could be a monkey wrench you know what I'm saying but I mean always been through some stuff like I mean that boy got a that boy that's a strong that's a strong dude right there he's been through some stuff you know what I mean um um but back to your previous question it felt really good to be back on on the stage with the guys you know what I'm saying because we started to we started to Vibe out you know I mean we started to really Vibe out and I said it's just crazy because we're like like you know we like I'm like we lived 15 years go by so of course we ain't moving exactly like we like we was but you know I was still in China performing so I was still loose so I was able to come with a book killed it we all we all did our thing it was it was it was dope but going into all that like the white you said the world didn't know that there was so much friction going behind there like even during that time um you know I've been working on myself to grow mentally and get myself in a place of Peace of of love and forgiveness and you know I was during that time I was even trying to like um I I guess we were trying to uh put me and Chris together so we can have a conversation for closure but I didn't like how it was coming to me it was more like you know surprised on me versus me kind of knowing what's going on right it was it was it was more of here sign this code of conduct and make sure you don't say anything about Chris Stokes and this and that and I'm coming to find out I'm the only one that signed that right so there was some friction going on behind closed doors with me dealing with that because I feel that we all had our own roads back to B2K right whether it's bug Brothers fear we all had to roll back to B2K and whatever we had to jump over to get to the space okay so it was definitely some Eternal friction amongst the group uh prior to us getting on that stage it would have been nice if we I wanted us to go off to an island and the four of us go sit and chill Vibe you know what I'm saying maybe after that then we bring our families in and like really you know but that wasn't the case Amari didn't want to be in harmony like that but me and Amari still had a great relationship at that time so on that tour we actually we actually shared rooms uh most of the tour got it well like I said on March 8th was the first show but then on March 13th which is five days later you made a video saying you're leaving the tour and later on we find out what led up to it at least what we know right and was it over J Boog wearing that shirt um no it wasn't over J book rocking the shirt me and book we always you know I just talked a book a few days ago we don't hold any grudges right we like I used to like at one point in time I used to live at Jay books house like J Boog is like my bro you know what I'm saying I know he really loves me you know what I'm saying and uh that night it was crazy because I was going down to the bar Amari comes walked past me I was supposed to be going to the gym with a mark so he just gave me this look like like where you going you know what I'm saying so me and book we started talking we started to have some drinks and one thing another that conversation got kind of heated between us you know what I'm saying because at the time I believe he had some existing business working with my working with my cousin and I felt some type of way about that you know what I'm saying and that that almost led to us having a fight and for me I already felt like when I first got off the plane it was already cold shoulders like his security was like don't shake his hand whether he was playing or not you know what I'm saying I felt like my voice got silent in the negotiation everybody well don't do this to rise I feel like it was a bunch of chit chatter and people trying to buckle me down and for no reason you know what I'm saying you don't you know you don't you know like like I'm here for love so I'm feeling all this unnecessary energy um that I uh really I didn't like and it was a lot of pushback on me push back on my money you know I'd have the proper tour but like supposed to be my my mind this book my dream tour so like everything needs to be right the staging to be right I can't design a stage didn't like the stage didn't really like the show that wasn't a B2K show we never really performed with a band you know what I'm saying that I was a different adjustment for us you know what I'm saying we didn't have any dancers so I felt like it was a watered down rendition of B2K it was I feel like it was a Mario's version of B2K you know what I'm saying so I just wasn't I wasn't happy about a lot of things you know but at the end of the day is here let's go through with this but um I want to clarify I never physically saw Chris Stokes on the tour I said that I felt that Chris is around and I felt that he was around why because he was working with book so and I know you know um that my cousin got love for me and I know he wanted and he was probably just making sure he supported bug and whatever he needed you know because I don't know what what ties that you know Chris still may have to to certain things but I mean you know I just felt like uh pushing that whole energy off you know what I'm saying so it's like for me to say I it's almost like it was almost like me taking a hit at book and and and it hit that Chris you know what I'm saying and I was just fed up with everything else so yeah you know what I'm saying all of that energy was my pushback you know what I'm saying so I decided I decided like I don't want to be on the tour then like if I can't get treated properly if I'm not you know getting you know what I'm saying if I have to feel the way I feel no I don't need to be here then that means y'all don't appreciate me you're not grateful for the opportunity that I brought to the table to feed everybody's families and for the culture of anything that should be awarded and be praised and it should be taken care of properly and I felt like there was a way of that people were trying to embrace me and love on me but I you know there was still just a lot for me to deal with you know what I'm saying so I feel like you know I attacked bug and I and I attacked Chris but that just came from uh how I felt you know what I'm saying I you know I really didn't feel safe and that's how I felt you know what I'm saying so I I you know and I want to apologize to you know to book for you know because once again it's a private matter that should be that should stay private you know what I'm saying when you're intoxicated and then once again my brother's around like you know I should have just took my ass to sleep you know what I'm saying and slept that off and worked it out but really I should just one of my to go work out and that whole situation could have been avoid because maybe we maybe this all these relationships are new we don't really need to be around each other like this we don't need to be drinking around each other because old trauma gonna come up or or you know what I'm saying like come on we're here for business so you know looking back you got to make smarter decisions but all that energy was still overwhelming too because like once again here's this big massive energy hitting you with all this wave of energies and stuff like that so I learned a lot in that whole situation and I take accountability for that as well for my for my parts that I played you know what I mean okay well you made that video and you said don't feel safe because Chris Stokes is around no no disrespect to Marion because he's my brother Omarion if you want to come talk to me and if you want me to do the tour I'll do the tour but I'm officially off the tour oh guess what uh we're about to shoot the new surviving Chris Stokes movie right so call Lifetime I'm ready to talk um so that happened but then the next day on the 14th there's a video with all four y'all and you're announcing well all of you are announcing that rasby is still on the tour we apologize to the fans and the tour is still on I mean at that moment they still needed me you know I'm saying it affected the money so for all the buyers everyone is all four gonna be there you know what I mean so that's what that was about you know and then there was still constant things going on on tour where I had I had to depart you know what I'm saying even even through that um you know that drama I still should have been able to come back and get my money but they didn't want me to back on the tour and there was a time where they voted me off the tour and there was a time they wanted to get me back they wanted me to get back on the tour but you know amari's team and Amar they didn't let me back on a tour so for me I accept full accountability but you don't want me to get my money from my family I don't deserve I don't deserve to finish the tour and get my bread all right well I guess that's my consequence so I took it I took it like a g and I you know because at that time people like like what is Raz gonna do I just I just bowed out gracefully because I don't need anybody putting anything on me saying well this is this and this is this this and that if I would have had everything that I needed and I would have had the right team around me we wouldn't have none of those problems so you know just gotta accept accountability man it is what it is because it's like in this world you gotta take care of yourself you know what I'm saying well later on and I I touched on this a little bit ago there was the video footage that Omarion put out when Jay Brooks was wearing a shirt that said I don't feel safe and you had somewhat of a breakdown and I think like Omarion was trying to talk to you about it but you see Amari me and Mark got really really close back on on that tour because there's a lot of things that Mario didn't know he didn't really know my journey and what happened all of these years because we didn't we we've never talked so you know that was I felt like that was an emotional private moment I I don't recall maybe I don't really remember if the cameras being there or not but it was still a private moment really if a moment's like that's going on of course for whoever's filming they're like they're gonna keep it rolling for me this is me really consoling and my brother so I just kind of felt like uh I feel like Amari had his own way of like trying to support me but it also felt like kind of like I was being exploited in a way you know what I mean because I feel like Commander that documentary was coming out but Amari had his reasons why he didn't probably you know want to do the tour you know what I'm saying and maybe that he wanted to show people like yo this is this is I'm coming in I'm stepping to do this I'm gonna do me and I'ma step out like I've made my decision that I want to go on my path alone and I respect that you know what I'm saying who wants to deal with some BS or some drama when you've been solo for 16 years longer than the group has been together so I get that you know I'm saying I probably wouldn't want to be a part of that either but you know looking at Bobby Brown and New Edition back on tour I mean like yo you got to see the bigger picture I mean otherwise keep that same energy when you're 57. well on May 1st there's a situation that happened in Minneapolis right which ultimately ended up as nothing you know the police dropped the charges and you put out a statement right saying that I apologize to my fans I take full responsibility there's a turning turning point you know you apologize to your family and the group mates and everything else like that and you said I'll be a better man and grow uh beyond the pain uh you know of my worst I didn't write that press release they were um the PRS I was working at the time they were forced by you know quote unquote to save my job to put that message out right and um yeah I was um after that I was um I was removed from the tour oh so that was when you were done with the tour after that incident yeah in that incident I was removed from the tour because I you know I had to I had to when I when I walked through that that incident I had to um you know I I was I left the guys hanging you know what I'm saying they had to go out there and figure out the formations I didn't go perform with three guys you know what I'm saying so I'm sure they was mad at me too you know what I mean but that also stemmed from other situations too I was in a in an abusive relationship I'd never been in a relationship where a girl hit me you know what I'm saying and we we wind up getting into we used to kind of like you know like she was tough from she was Compton we used to kind of like tussle and stuff like that she like you know ain't no ain't no soft chick you know what I'm saying we've been only just like 20 years you know what I'm saying so I still got a lot of love for her and you know we wound up getting super intoxicated and then you know she decided to put her hands on me and I and I reacted which I'm you know I'm completely you know sorry that that happened you know what I'm saying because that caused a lot of situations to go bad for me I got kicked off of Loving Hip-Hop there was a lot of things you know what I mean and uh you know that's not in my character you know what I mean I just uh you know it was the lat especially when you're spending money and you're you're looking out for people and it's just like I I don't want anybody to put their hands on me you know what I'm saying it's like I don't think anybody boy or girl should put their hands on anybody and I don't condone I don't condone domestic violence at all you know at all well how many total shows did you do on that tour I lost count maybe 30 something maybe okay so you did 30 something shows yourself yeah I mean whatever whatever show I did all those shows up until that up until that got it right and when the Millennium Torah finally ended it was one of the most successful new tours of the year it grossed over 28 million dollars he had a tour was a hit baby two hours ahead shout out to everybody that made it even though you didn't get to finish it off do you feel like the tour was a success in terms of you know in your contribution to and how you helped put it together oh I mean for me it was a huge it was a huge success because I also had the power to take to tear the whole tour down I could have put an injunction on the whole tour I have one of the sharpest most strongest lawyers in the game and uh but I was like why would you want to tear something down that you built so I know believe gracefully if y'all don't want me I don't want to be here I'm a gracefully bow out but for me man my brothers all the stuff we've been through I've been like man shake that [ __ ] off man get back on stage dog don't let that [ __ ] happen again you know what I'm saying otherwise you know we're gonna have to we're gonna have to deal with this as brothers gonna have to deal with this you know what I'm saying well after the tour ended I did my first and only interview with amarion we talked about this it was dope yeah thank you it was a dope interview I thought it was a great interview and you know we we led up to what everyone want to talk about when I got to the whole Fizz in April situation Omarion was really like like his book said unbothered you know he was just like hey this is what couples do I'm not tripping it's all good you fast forward to 2019 and now you have Little Fizz in April are a thing on social media and and the Optics are just crazy from from the outside looking in when that whole situation became public how did you feel about it um I I don't feel no ways I don't feel I don't feel any way about it I think that um you know if if they're happy you know um then they should be happy you know what I'm saying I I think that they you know uh I think they should change the narrative though um because what they're doing well first of all let me just say you know she's still the mother of my children so you know um it doesn't matter you know um or I should say that when something affects her it affects my kids and that affects me that affects me my kids but what she does is you know live your life you know what I mean live your life I think I think people should do whatever makes them happy I think he really felt I think I think he really felt that maybe he probably was a little bothered because I mean this is that's a it got to be like a slight little Thorn like you know like you know what I'm saying then you dragging my name to so I would be a little I would be a I would personally be a little bothered by that you know what I'm saying but maybe he was just like listen y'all gonna do it because he he knows who he is and he knows who she is so I mean he probably really didn't give a [ __ ] but don't but don't drag my name and don't make me the narrative you know what I'm saying so well what it seemed like was right after that interview I mean I'm sure a little bit of time passed but then Omarion announced a new millennium tour which didn't have any B2K members in that tour time the time was great I'm pretty sure that tour was already negotiated before we even before Mark took the first deal a lot of questions that are you know marked by the stuff that Amari was saying on tour of like yeah I'm pretty sure he had his deal already and I don't think that I don't think that tour worked too well for him I didn't I you know I I got a lot of text messages from people on that tour a lot of people didn't like his show they didn't like his attitude and uh probably explains why he wasn't on the next one right Bow Wow I think was the co-headliner of that tour initially yeah and we used to open up about you know what I'm saying I'm in bounce I think too about you know about about I was smashing every night you know what I mean because about a lot of people forget this but Bow Wow shout out to Bow he is a touring artist he's a an amazing performer and Amari and they probably done shows together but they never really toured together you know what I'm saying so sometimes you get them egos on the road and you got people coming out well this is my tour it's like well whose tour really is it who put up the money that's what tour really is you know what I'm saying so but people will pacify you to get you to give you what you want well in 2020 uh Lil Fizz and April Jones break up uh I think she went on a date Dr Dre at one point she's currently dating uh Tay Diggs uh and you know when that when that happened was there still you know some degree attention because that next year in 2021 um Lil Fizz actually apologized to Omarion on stage in L.A I set that up you were were you right there also setting it up okay so tell me what led up to that apology well because I I had fears this is off Club you know behind you know this is you know off the Record like you know me and Facebook I was like bro um you may want to think about that one and at a time he hit me back he was he called me one day and he was like yo I was about to make the apology because it was known that Amari won an apology whether it came from him or if it came from uh you know and uh he came back to me he's like you know what yeah I think I can I think I can do it but then those dates dropped about the tour you know what I'm saying so that that just wasn't the time so but you know I feel like accepting accountability if you if you really feel deep down inside that you should say sorry or you should apologize um because you feel like you you dragged your boy you did something then that's that's a noble thing to do that's a that's a that's a that's a bro that's some that's some grown man [ __ ] right there that's some that's some growth right there you know what I'm saying well yeah I mean Fizz got on stage with Omarion and you right there and and J Boog I assume as well he wasn't there but yeah but I had him I had him on the phone okay cool he got there later yeah got it yeah cause I only saw three of y'all but I couldn't tell there was a bigger angle or not okay and Fizz to Omarion said I don't think he'll be right if I didn't take this moment bro to publicly apologize to you I did some [ __ ] up [ __ ] to my brother and I'm not proud of it man some snake [ __ ] so I want to say say here humbly and sincerely apologize to you for any type of dysfunction I caused between you and your family I think it was completely genuine completely it was completely from his heart you can hide around all the Huffy Puffy stuff at that moment that was that was genuinely I felt that I know that was real some people said question was that for real like I I sincerely believe that because deep down in their hearts there's love for each other I remember at night Amari is like I love you Raz you know what I'm saying but like when we got to the venue early like he didn't even come out and say hi or after the venue come out and say hi I was just like okay so you're gonna so you're gonna so you're gonna go on tour everybody thinks that B2K is probably gonna come out every night you I don't know if you're honoring us or you're disrespecting us because you got the four chairs out so now everybody's thinking that BTK is about to come out you perform the B2K songs now you start kicking the chairs out so at this time I'm talking to the guys I'm like yo this dude is just like come on bro like when do we like when do we say something all these years 16 years we never like we're not gonna say nothing nah we gotta say something gotta say something I mean after Fizz did that public apology how did Omarion Take it afterwards I don't know I I don't talk to Mars I don't really know okay but you're around them a little bit uh not not that was the problem yeah I mean that was the last time I seen Amari because we we talked a little bit after the tour but I think we had kind of we started talking about B2K and he didn't like that because mentally he just I think he just overbeach okay he's like I don't want to talk about none of that [ __ ] like and we just kind of like a mark just completely dissed himself well why I mean because he's doing a connection I'm sorry what no I was gonna say well he's doing the tour without B2K so why was B2K on stage that night well I'm already had a few people come out you know I was coming to the show originally you know what I'm saying because like I still had a relationship with his camp at the time and you know I still want to like still keep the peace you know I'm saying I know if you want to get Mario to move you know amari's not driven none of us are really driven by money it's more driven about you know the love and and the Integrity behind it so I felt like that was that was a stepped getting cooked getting us close to getting back on stage but then we had some more setbacks because you know I posted a funny video online the guy I thought the [ __ ] was hilarious so we just posted it we like we posted after verses you know what I'm saying I felt like his drunk as a pleasure p was on the show he still thinks he's still he still think Pretty Ricky I didn't see a bar I think B2K okay so let's talk about that for a second so 2022 uh on June 23rd it was Omarion versus Mario it originally and originally it wasn't that what was it originally well I made a I made a post you know um shade room picked it up Timberland Comet Pleasure P Comet so at this at this at this moment we're all on the phone about to do B2K and Pretty Ricky um host team gets on the phones and they want to talk to Timberland they're like what I mean you could talk to them on your own this is a B2K play that's what those that's what it could have been so now once again they control Instagram whatever opportunities that may come in for B2K we don't know about them he's going to take them and leverage them for himself I mean it's pretty I mean good for you right but you're a Marion so you know what I'm saying so you know originally it was supposed to be four on four or Marcus Houston was on the show so Amari you know he put the hope for I don't really he stood up for me or not or for or for whatever he believed in which is which is fine and I and I truly respect that but you also got to think business so you're telling Timberland and swiss beats that you're not going to do the show so you're gonna put all of their not not that they couldn't recover and slip somebody else up in there really quick but you're going to put the whole thing in jeopardy and he didn't want to do the 404 so they had to break it up to him and Mario so you changed the whole production so I mean sometimes you got to know when the band won the fold and when you know you know what I'm saying so but I um hey I mean he did what he wanted to do and I I uh I respect his decision but it's one of those kind of ooh do I want to piss off to be like you know what I mean like you you want to keep great you want to keep great relationships in this business you know what I'm saying there's there's there's people that I may not want to associate myself with but that doesn't mean I can't be professional in that space well the versus happens and you know if you look online and you look at what most people thought and this is no shot at Omarion because I interviewed Omarion as far as I'm concerned we're cool but most people felt that Mario won that hand down me personally why would you even I wouldn't even took that battle I wouldn't even took that battle people say even if he need B2K bro even bro B2K wouldn't even ever help you what are we talking about like you know what I'm saying like we like if you're talking about going vocalists or performance wise and Amar and Mario's a great vocalist and he's a great performer anybody that can can hold the crowd and take you on an emotional roller coaster he was performing songs I've never even heard before I was so in tune because I was happy to see him up there do his thing you know what I'm saying but of course he he took that l certain things you gotta you gotta just like now I ain't gonna do that nah nah I'm cool Neil said it best you know don't want to come to writing leave me alone when it comes to sing and leave Mario alone and I think that was really good for Mario it wasn't even about Omarion that was a Mario moment for him to solidify his legacy as a as a as a true r b crooner stamped and he's and he's been just going up ever since great dude Legend great great great spirit you know what I'm saying I mean he's a mother's boy you know what I mean um I know at one time uh my mother and his mother actually talked on the phone it's pretty cool you know rest in peace to his mother so that dude is well ground he deserves all the success and everything that he's that he's doing I'm so proud of him that's my guy well there was some back and forth afterwards uh at one point Omarion uh claimed that Mario's team sabotaged the sound and Mario responded and he said this guy man how can someone sabotage your vocal cords bro stop smoking bruh that's it fam some artists can't do that you not one of them I mean even that was nice for them to say stop smoking I mean there's a lot of people that smoke and drink and smoke cigarettes Amari is just not a vocalist like that Amari started the group and he used to be a rapper right we've we forced him pushed him into singing and he's he's he he developed his singing voice over the years and I think he he's he's done phenomenal but you know people like tones and textures and you know what I'm saying this like you want something that's really smooth on the ears Amari is not a vocalist he's a performer just that simple well yeah Mario said uh listen I don't have I didn't have the best vocal cords that night but I refused to blame anyone you had them watermelon seeds stuck in your windpipes they would just they would they would they was going at it you know what I'm saying they made it compete they made it competitive but I mean Mario was definitely bothered he felt Amari felt that he he felt that he from the culture they know what it was I mean the Amari this is my personal opinion amari's last few years they've I feel like people have been clowning them really from the verses to the watermelon to the to the challenges you know what I'm saying to I feel like they've been mocking you know I feel like people have been mocking them that's like saying you want to do a versus against Chris Brown Omarion and Chris Brown who won that one we talking about songs bro come on man that's why the internet started clowning them there's like what you gonna do this against Chris Brown and it went viral so I mean he's a good dude so God's always gonna look out the universe always going to look out for him and show him love and and take something you know and it can get spent around so that was a great exposure for him but like was that the kind of exposure that you wanted okay well at one point uh Omarion referred to the other B2K members as quote unquote backup dancers yeah I mean he quoted yeah I thought that was really really funny uh uh you know so that was a conversation me and the guys had about that too and then you know bug wrote a very lengthy message to him and where bugatt did his research and his homework and bull got a lot of that knowledge because a lot of that knowledge that we need to know about tomorrow what we knew about him then we can get that information and he put it all a compact they didn't talk to me that day they was going to put my name in it too but you know I still buy the message because that was the truth well Jay books it was the truth you know what I'm saying you know Marcus Houston sung a lot of backgrounds you know what I'm saying Dave McPherson that time would put you know we didn't know but they would put certain leads in in certain parts so Marianne was not a vocalist B2K was not a vocal group it is what it is you know what I'm saying but since you're already tearing down the brand even more then just keep doing what you're doing bro it's like we got to say something ain't nobody know back up how we how ain't nobody back up I mean we all back up background dancers you know what I'm saying because B2K is not singing We would sing over our tracks but we are not out there singing live and dancing um we're not aha I've seen some of the greatest groups do it in sync the Backstreet Boys you know what I'm saying B2K wasn't putting in that work but we put in that work in other ways and it is what it is just keep it a buck if you don't keep it a buck or you could have just left it right there in la la land and that's what being arrogant got got Mario to call him out but I know what Amari was saying he's like these are my vocals in other words he's saying I went back in the studio now and I re-recorded all these vocals but everybody was talking about the vocals that's on the track you know what I'm saying don't don't attack somebody and expect not to get attacked right because uh I think the other three members in the group put up a video of you got served basically that was my idea basically I post one of the videos uh from that movie I think it was The Temptations and then the guys they caught me laughing it was like bro you know what we should all post this at the same time and uh yeah I thought it was funny we're brother we should be over the joke it is what it is bro you got to take you gotta you gotta take that one on the chin bro well on September 12th of that year you had actually posted a situation involving police at your home yes and I guess it started when I guess you had lost your keys and you broke into your own apartment to get in yeah that's that that's what happened so that see once again you gotta learn I was tired I should have called the locksmith here it is I thought I could just push it a little bit but here it is I'm a bow so somebody probably you know called it and called called in for disturbance and you know I explained to him that you know this is my crib and blah blah blah blah and it was cool so the whole situation was dead and then it just got turned up so I went to the bathroom locked myself in the bathroom and I said you know I said I'm not coming out but they're not supposed to come in if you don't got a warrant you're supposed to come past that that threshold so for me you know I actually that night it was crazy because I actually called the police and I called the police on the police and said yo somebody's at my crib right now and they should not be in my house they're actually in my house you know what I'm saying and then they caught them and they removed them and that was that story but for me I don't play with them I don't play with the police bro with all the stuff that's happening and people rushing to people's houses and getting killed and all that crazy stuff you know what I'm saying like bro I respect the law I obey the laws of the land and you know but for me that wasn't right so I was terrified for that well yeah you put up a message and said the police are out my door they walked past my doorstep I need help I'm not safe the [ __ ] police call everyone you know the police just walking just walked into my crib I needed people to know where I was at yeah yeah yeah and afterwards you actually released another statements I'd like to personally thank all my fan supporters for helping me and being concerned for my well-being I was locked out of my apartment a neighbor alerted the police and they saw a rasby breaking into the unit I was able to talk to the police chief and explain the situation he was an angel yeah and all is well now you can only imagine how I felt being an African-American male in today's society you know the police randomly knock down your knock on your door in the middle of the night yeah it's it it's terrifying you know I'm saying and then I mean that could have went bad for the police department so I just I just shed light on it because at least they handled the situation they left and they knew that that officer was out of line you know what I'm saying I could I could have turned into a lawsuit and then if I'm living in this particular City I don't want to create any bad politics in the city whereas you have to suff accountability because guess what you're trying to break in your own [ __ ] um yeah so of course if I gonna look out so it's like those little things you know what I mean and of course I'm pretty sure I was out you know having a a party and probably came back after a few drinks you know what I'm saying tired want to get in the crib you gotta live and learn because you know for every action has a reaction I think that's some of the biggest things I've learned over the past few years just really just you know just I feel like uh this business can grow your fast but there's also some areas that have missed that that I feel like I've missed and they come from Life Experiences hopefully I got to continue to bump my head too much you know what I'm saying well on September 15th Omarion went on The Breakfast Club to talk about his new book unbothered and your name came up and he said I think Faraz it's interesting you know he's obviously is intelligent enough to see an opportunity to speak about things and use it to his Advantage I never heard him say he's been triggered on tour I'd offered him opportunities to better his processing he didn't take those opportunities the thing that is tough for me and a lot of people and a lot of people to understand is that I'm the type of brother that you have to hold your brother accountable so when he said he was triggered I think that is something that he could have felt but if people actually watched the documentary I was there supporting him all that small clip was out was out there me and my team were supporting him asking what he needed trying to figure out what are best for uh what our best thing to help him and those traumatic things that he's been through so I think that it's interesting that that was the part he chose to sign off on for the documentary I have signed off originally on on the documentary uh on on his documentary in good faith then when I try to get mine I have all I have all my documentations I can print receipts any day when I try to get mine back they called my one of my managers say why is your ass so urgently trying to get the signature back here it is your team's trying to strong arm well we're not going to give you yours back into the other guy signing the other guys are never going to sign it so now you once again you putting out you like what if these people want to come knock on your door [ __ ] [ __ ] a piece of paper cuz what if they want to come knock on your door because you disrespectful I don't put myself in situations like that so me being Noble once again I wanted to make sure that he had his footage and I had my footage but if we're not going to show any respect for the brand then we then then I'm just gonna make as much money and I ain't giving none of y'all [ __ ] but me I'm still no but I got a deal going on with B2K now they don't know but they got checks that's gonna come in the mail for them you know what I'm saying because that's just me or your brain gonna sit right here but I'ma always make money off the B2K brand you know what I'm saying like they control the YouTube channel they feel like they feel entitled that they can manage the brand because they've been managing the brand but no you like you hijacked the brand and you're using it for your benefit so yeah so and we're not in and we're not in like we're not even talking so yeah you may have your way that you want to support me in tomorrow and actually Amari and his team is really they really have supported me but is it half support or is it whole support what did you mean you offered me you offered me help you offered me Solutions bro you just took money out of my pocket what the [ __ ] you talking about you [ __ ] you oh you Michelle y'all I took money out of my pocket what are we talking about I'm still not over it the [ __ ] because I would never do it to you we're talking about life here guys we're talking about real life [ __ ] the guy who put money put money in food and y'all and y'all in your kid's pocket had that same energy in a few years well the little fish thing came up in the Omarion interview and he said some interesting things he said in one aspect through our journey we were put together to be brothers but I don't think in essence we were because there were a lot of people that made sure that we connected and then disconnected you know certain people on our journey you know like it's almost like we were made to be brothers to be secret enemies yeah I mean um yeah that's a good that's amari's that's a very well uh that's a very good way to say that he's basically saying that there was divide and conquer and everybody was loyal to Chris Stokes bad space he's basically what he's saying and they put us together but you got this guy that's reporting this guy and talking on this guy like what are we like what are we doing what is this well when he talked about the little Fair situation he said I've forgiven him it's like I can forgive you but you know but at the same point our relationship it doesn't serve where I need to be the energy that I must keep myself in in order to keep my own peace I respect that as well you know and he felt that fizz was basically doing that you know getting with April in order to hurt him he said yeah I know you know I heard and you know it really turned up my unbothered because I knew that he was going to do it on purpose but what about really prove anything let me just say she said you know it didn't really prove anything because the end of the day you have to recognize that people make their own choices that most of the time it doesn't have anything to do with you so he made that choice I don't think it was a very smart choice and when he talked about he said when he talked about Fizz doing it he said what did you get from this do you think you want some sort of contest or something what you did was Destroy something that you know one apology is not enough that's his truth I mean that's I mean that's that's his truth I get it that's that's fine hey you you can't fault a man for growing up but one thing I've never heard of Mario Amari never talks about the things that he's done I've never heard of Mario talk about the stuff that he's done I know people that only want to do shows with him anymore I have messages from people who had people on tours and telling me how how they didn't like working with Team oh this ain't even got nothing to do with us now everybody got a chance to see it wasn't B2K what was the problem you know what I'm saying so it's just like somebody called me and hey man it is what it is bro I'm not here to speak bad on anybody I just say you know everybody's whole should be accountable for their actions right and I think amari's in a good place he's going to continue to grow but don't live in denial buddy you know what I'm saying don't don't live in denial with the stuff that you've caused because you've caused her paying on people's lives as well you forgot about that mine for example you talking about get help get help of what cuz oh I'm gonna put this pressure lead out and I'm gonna see you guys off in a good light they wrote a press release that I didn't approve once again the second press release that was written on tour that I didn't write or I didn't approve we're gonna sing you off in a good life well R Kelly just sounds guilty this year you said what and you know when you go through R Kelly's catalog he actually made what I consider some of my favorite B2K songs for you guys oh hands down girlfriend for example is my favorite B2K song which was completely written by R Kelly yeah I love the Remake the remix is fire too but yeah yeah that was fire fire did you guys when you guys were working with R Kelly were you guys ever in the same room or was it okay here's the the track he go ahead and do it he would we were definitely in the room uh we we started recording I think some other song I think we recorded a girlfriend at the Chocolate Factory so he wasn't vocal producers but he would come in and check it out and you know what I'm saying and then we've been to his house a few times maybe like once I think maybe like once actually um Studio or we were the reviews playing basketball in Chicago we go pull up at Hoops or something like that but nah we yeah but R Kelly he would you know he would really get into it like when he sent over like What a Girl Wants record when I heard that [ __ ] I was like yo this guy's a genius because he was like this is Raz and I'm a and I'm a Gemini like he would got it he got into us so I feel like he wasn't really able to body and and write some records because he was like yo you know he was able to really write I mean the the dude's dope bro I guess speaking on a man's personal life because I I don't know anything I wasn't there right but what I can't say when it comes to him writing on that pin that boy that boy is definitely a beast what was it about R Kelly's musical genius that you think was different than other people that you worked with because you guys are working with some of the best writers producers period he was just R Kelly he was he that's what his gift was that that's what made him stand out because he was unique at um I really captivating an artist's uh uh uh captivating um who the artist is and being able to um Elevate them like the song I looked to you that he wrote for Whitney Houston let's just do that's a dope record it's a dope record but when you put Woody's voice on it it's it's a it's a it's a super incredible record you know what I mean his writing his writing ability um him staying him him being in tune with the culture young and old you know what I'm saying I feel like he was The Best of Both Worlds when it came into into that space because he he he he he he was still edgy to be over 40. you know what I'm saying oh yeah I mean he wrote You are not alone for Michael Jackson come on which became a huge hit for Michael Jackson I mean is that was that Michael's last big hit I mean it may have been yeah he might throw out a few records yeah that was probably no it does yeah like yeah that was like yeah that was Mike's last big hit yeah that's what I'm saying uh you know Boosie who's a regular on my show I like Bootsy he's he is adamant that there's no living human being that could beat R Kelly universes right now and by the way nobody can go into versus battle with R Kelly in the world living our day y'all look at he in trouble [ __ ] wait hold on nobody Who you gonna call Michael Jackson no Beyonce Beyonce no nobody got more hints than R Kelly nobody I'll wait oh [Music] okay I went to R Kelly concert he got too many records bro I mean you could you you know you know you you know you could probably put against him bro real talk Chris Brown yeah I mean people because you got people because this catalog is just crazy I I would say R Kelly has bigger hits than Chris Brown hits oh yeah oh yeah we just gonna hitch for hits for hits for hits for hits for hits for hits yeah I don't know nobody can go with him bro I mean you would have that's what I'm saying you would have to take him out of this hat out of this category like you have to put like maybe like a Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston like you know what I'm saying like well Whitney Whitney's no longer alive Mariah is uh but yeah I mean when you when you look at R Kelly okay let's just do a numbers game right so R Kelly's biggest hit on Spotify is the Ignition Remix which is that 550 million views jeez all right let's take a look at Chris Brown his biggest song is I remember when that record came out well uh okay well Chris Chris is no slouch either I mean you know no guidance featuring Drake is like 850 million oh that's heavy streams uh go crazy is that 570 and Under the Influence is 540. so it's it's I don't know I just feel like right now I don't think Chris has a a song that's bigger than Ignition Remix like just period like you played that at the end of the club yeah that's deep that's deep yeah I mean other than that I don't know I mean Neo nah you can't put Neo down oh I mean there's the I'm sure of course well Michael Jackson's dead yeah are you sure is still alive I mean Usher Usher has a lot of hits too but does he have bigger hits than R Kelly I don't know yeah I don't know I got I got a lot of I don't know man that's that's a good one I guess we'll I guess we'll never know right we'll never know because he's been convicted and given you know essentially what's looking like a life sentence at this point I mean when you heard about that happening were you surprised at all I mean you know you didn't know that part of his life of course but were you surprised no but I did I did see those tapes that was floating around yeah you know what I'm saying so I think you make your bed you you have to lie in it you know and the person who really just the woman under the bus with Charlemagne he was like why the [ __ ] are we still supporting this guy and it's like but the whole culture still messed with him even when those tapes came out rather it was him or it wasn't him you know what I'm saying so what does that say about everybody else I don't know man we're just this world is just it seems to me as a lot of things are just being revealed we're like in the Great Awakening State and it's like you know things do come to light and it's like the energy that you put out is gonna come back you know what I'm saying like I said I wasn't there I can't you know I'm not but uh looking at that looking at that video you know I don't know bro that's that's some heavy that's some heavy stuff bro it's heavy but at the end of the day it's life it's nothing like there's there's worse stories that we've heard in the history of time compared to you know like you know Elvis being married to you know or dating a young chick you know what I'm saying I mean I was reading laws on this there there's certain states where you can legally marry at a very young age yeah I wouldn't want my daughter getting married at no young age you know what I'm saying so I mean you know the mind is not even developed you know what I'm saying like you know what I'm saying so that's a that's a that's a that's a bigger Beast that has nothing to to to to to to to do with me I'm just I'm just I'm just out of the way well your group mate Lil Fizz was recently trending for the strangest reason yeah somebody yeah somebody sent me somebody sent me the photo I actually text him in our group chat and I was like yo what's going on and um he's like I can't speak nothing to that but I don't know what that meant I don't know what that I forgot what that message said but um that you know that that that picture wasn't real that somebody somebody made that up but that that's that that's hilarious that was uh I didn't want to see the picture though somebody like I actually I did not want to see that no I wish I could unsee it I wish it's trending I wonder why let me click this link yeah that was definitely that was definitely not my brother nah that was that that wasn't Fizz you know I mean um you know shout out to Fizz you just finished a hot new movie which is dope um we actually watched it I forgot the name of your movie bro I'm sorry but viz got a hot movie bro he's uh he's he's got that acting bug that bug so I'm happy to to see him um and he's you know I got a chance to hang out with him over at his house and stuff like that you know like he's a great father you know he takes care of his business and I'm just happy to see him grow into the man that he's becoming today you know what I'm saying because um we live and learn bro we live and learn but yeah that picture was funny though yeah I took shots at him too like it was it was a joke because I posted on my Instagram I was like I don't know about what other bgk members is doing but I know I just you know I'm at the Clippers game singing the National Anthem you know so we you know we that's what brothers do so I didn't really when blood wore the shirt just back to that really quick I didn't really it was he was poking back at me but he was like man we should you know because right because I got all these different sayings so he's like yeah man we should we should sell those like you know kind of making a joke you know what I'm saying so um I see how Amari probably could have they could have used that it wasn't just the shirt that triggered me it was just a whole bunch of stuff on that tour but you know just clearing the air man um I accept my accountabilities man I I lost you know my heart for my brothers is is Big you know what I'm saying I can't wait till we uh decide that we want to meet back up and um do something again I think that I think the culture would be happy to see that well recently Spotify wrapped you know posted the year and numbers for B2K 34 million streams for a group that has not put out an album in what 16 17 years at this point maybe from oh is it maybe 20 20 years actually this year officially yeah we celebrated 20 years this year yeah officially damn that's crazy sheesh yeah so 20 years later 34 million streams still came out of this old project you guys did two decades ago I mean you have to have some some level of Pride when it comes to that yeah I posted it when I seen it I thought that was like super cool but it's like it's a lot more that comes along with that so I just smile and just and let that be but I'd be like yo where the [ __ ] the money like yo let's go collect how can I buy the B2K catalog oops did I say that all out yeah I'm working on that okay okay well who well I guess what the record label obviously owns part of it I'm pretty sure Chris Stokes signed a really bad deal back then right so I'm pretty sure they own they show they own everything and my lawyers and my team we're looking at everything because I'm in talks with some people about doing the B2K movie right now and uh yeah I'm saying I'm standing there that would be great actually yeah we definitely need that so anybody out there if y'all want to make offer I'm in negotiations right now but if you got a crazy offer let me know you know what I'm saying I could I'll take it to the boys they may want to sign off on this one then maybe that'll lead to another tour and then another residency and then yeah hey well you guys reunited for the tour right but you haven't actually reunited to make new music what would it take for all four of y'all to get in the same room get in the studio put the [ __ ] aside and actually come out with a new project with hot producers you know dope cameos and really kind of bringing everyone's resources together to come out with a dope new product I don't know maybe the right maybe the right person to to sit us down and talk to us maybe a ditty maybe a Joe escrow maybe you know what I'm saying maybe a Clive Davis you know what I'm saying maybe like you know I mean for real for real because this is bigger is bigger than us you know what I mean and I think really we we have to want it I think deep down inside we all do want it right but you know it's like even me and the guys we talked about possibly like we thought about doing something just the three of us but we you know I just really you know dragged the guys out like yo man it's 20 years come outside you know what I'm saying but I realized when I'm around the guys I'm not drinking you know what I'm saying because I don't want to get into any conflict you know or confrontation with my guys you know what I'm saying even though we think we partying and stuff nine drinking around y'all nope we good because you know what I'm saying I don't wanna I don't want to put myself in a position to where I embarrass them or they embarrass me or we embarrass each other or you know what I'm saying because I really love those guys and I I would love to continue to to work with them if I could but you know there's nothing better than having our friendship but it bothers me knowing that we we left so much on the table and I just not just not just money but experiences and stuff like that so I just pray that one day we all get an epiphany and Amari bro you know how to bro listen you know how to find everybody bro you know what I'm saying I want to tell you I apologize if you feel like I've offended you or anything like that but bro we should really sit down and have a talk the forwards we should sit down and have a talk we should all set a spot up in La let the last shoot the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and we just we just go at it and have a talk or we get we can talk about on my new network called the final uh we we shot the final conversation on the Dodge Network so um the Dodge network is a new Ott platform started by myself and my brother Ray J and we just shot some amazing content you know I'm saying the RSVP show shout out to them money everywhere they got a hot single Sammy Bobby V Pleasure P my big bro Ray J um the final conversation shout out to Sydney Starr mangina bro we working bro like yo bro I'm a bro on my own network I'm Coming For You Zeus I'm Coming For You Zeus it's enough room for everybody it's enough room for everybody well yeah I mean look aside from J Boog I've interviewed all three other members of the group you and I have done two interviews uh I interviewed Fizz he came to my old house in Calabasas to actually do the interview and then of course there's no Marion interview that went super viral when he came out like like I said I don't know Jay Bug but the rest of you three I'm cool with you know and I would love to see I'm a textbook of them and say yo but I want to have a conversation with you I know right he's the last guy bro let's go exactly exactly to see you know all of y'all really get together because ultimately yes there's been problems along the way and so forth with various people but I don't see anything that's not insurmountable with conversation I would have to I would have to agree with you you know what I'm saying like for real for real or bro let's just um let's just do only celebrity boxing matches will came up with the name he called the B2K Royal Rumble you know what I'm saying we all get up in there we do get out you know what I'm saying did we get a people a concert it's like once again another Vlad TV Productions uh there we go call the sponsors baby let's go look at the end of the day no one there's no Bloodshed uh no one got killed right yep uh you know what I'm saying like yeah some people dated people they should have dated but there's no babies so like you know that's gonna remind everyone constantly of that situation because look didn't you talked about the Jacksons I mean didn't one of the Jacksons marry the ex-wife of the other Jackson and had kids with them like in other words we can get Pat we can get past it and I think I think the people are still here for us that I mean like you just said to for Spotify to wrap up those numbers and something that we did two decades ago that's still that should still let you know that you know that that that that there's a wanting to desire for us yeah I agree well outside of the dash Network would you uh mention shout out to Ray J2 yo uh I've interviewed him a few times you know someone I've always been cool with yeah right what else you got what else you got coming up um man that you know I I made that my primary focus which was to focus on the Dodge Network I mean music is always going to be right there um I also just got back from Boston because I'm shooting a reality show called Bachelor to king um it's it it involves dating but it's really more of um it it it's showing my transition from a bachelor to a King and and the different things that I may walk through right um learning you know what I'm saying it could be showing me in therapy it could be showing me you know interacting with a girl it can be showing me just you know just just really like documenting my life so I'm working on that show it's called Bachelor the king we just started shooting it I'm really excited because it'll be out next year and just you know just create my own platforms and still sitting back waiting for people to give me opportunities I go out and I create my own opportunities you know I mean so that's pretty much my primary focus and uh just just better myself eating cleaner working out you know what I'm saying just I want to live long you know what I mean but you know hands down the Dodge network is uh is definitely my primary focus right now so everybody we're about to launch pretty soon so you guys can go pre-subscribe now because we we got some really great content that's going to be really good for the culture no shots fired but I don't think we should be seeing people fight on TV all the time I think that's a little I think there's so much great content out there in the world to where we that we don't have to see people fighting you know what I'm saying but people like Jerry Springer so I see why it's going I just don't want to see nobody getting hurt you know what I'm saying and and I think we should Empower ourselves you know as a culture we should we should continue uplift and Empower ourselves and stop calling women [ __ ] and songs and stop talking about drugs and glorifying killing people you know what I'm saying I know gangster rappers out there but it's like man when do we evolve of Jay-Z that shows you even come from the street and evolve like that that should he that should be the perfect example a guy who made it out the streets from the mossy project like you know what I'm saying like that's that's where I need to go so shout out to Jay-Z for you know you know really still you know put the money phones down you know Spirit hit the game you know what I mean so I appreciate that man I appreciate that and we we owe that we owed ourselves we owe that to ourselves as a culture we built hip-hop right now let's protect it let's protect it so we all need to hold each other accountable and be better well yeah I mean outside of Jay-Z when you look at all the the hip-hop millionaires or 100 millionaires nobody grew up rich no one had a big inheritance you know uh Diddy did he grew up poor uh you know Swiss beats you know grew up relatively poor uh Kanye grew up poor uh everyone who's really doing it came from very very humble beginnings nobody in hip-hop was given the silver platter to run with and everyone became you know created multi-generational wealth and it's it's inspirational man it's just you know I mean I look at it and I'm inspired so yeah you know at the end of the day man like what you guys created really out of nothing just an idea a couple of young kids who created this Legacy that 20 years later people are still talking about it you got these shows that are generating tens of millions of dollars year after year off of this idea that you guys just came up with in these songs that you guys sang and performed and helped write and so forth like it's a big deal it's and and it's a sad story that we that that book hit me the other day and he's like bro Life's too short for us to be held any grudges and me and boo be going through stuff all the time right like behind closed doors like like people don't know this but like me and boo got into a fight recently an actual fist fight over what um probably I was just talking [ __ ] to each other baby you know what I'm saying like you know I probably you know what I'm saying you know what I mean so it's like but Brothers hug it out boom we back talking hey bro you need to go chill out matter of fact let me mute raspy right now you two turn you know what I'm saying but my brothers love me you know what I'm saying that's we're at that space and I I will I would welcome Amari in that space I mean we even have a I mean Fizz even wrote a nice group chat uh on Instagram with the four of us in it I'm already in reply that means he just doesn't want to engage you know what I'm saying so I um I don't really know man I hope it works out well look man you and I have always been good because since our first interview we've kept in touch yes over the years you know I'm glad we finally got to do this uh the second interview but you already know what it is you know I mean we've always supported each other both ways um and I I only wish the best for you as well as all the other members of the group uh I'm a B2K fan like I said girlfriend was my [ __ ] when I was DJing full-time I was playing the [ __ ] out of that song Putting on mixtapes you know remixing and hitting on my own yeah yeah I've got some of your remixes before that's how I first found out about you I was like yeah yeah I mean like when I say I [ __ ] with the song I was really [ __ ] with the song and um you know at the end of the day man I wish you all the best and uh you know I see a bright future in in everyone's you know and everyone's uh future at this point so yeah all the best to you man until next time hey man until next time it's been a pleasure is there anything that we didn't cover that you want to cover no man we covered we covered everything man you're you're transparent uh you know you you really are an open book when it comes to this type of thing and I think that the honesty is something that people have always respected about you you know I mean you don't Dodge questions you don't try to you know pretend like certain things didn't happen and listen man um we all go through our troubles but not everyone has their troubles on the front page of TMZ if all the [ __ ] up things that happened to me ended up on TMZ people would be looking at me a little bit differently than they do now but I I try to stay a little more private you didn't have that luxury unfortunately and that was and that was it was it was taken from me you know I'm saying a lot of people eventually I'll be able to talk more in depth in like a deeper documentary or whatever but like a lot of people don't really know I'm really like an innocent bystander bro it is one mate is one little piece that the world really doesn't know about and I feel like it needs to be revealed because this is like bro it's like I ain't had nothing to do with this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so but man much much love and peace and blessings to to my family to my friends to everybody out there let's just continue to moving operating love if I did something wrong forgive me once again every day is a new day so let's let's start fresh and let's keep it pushing but that is always a pleasure man I appreciate the opportunity sorry I was late last time because it's all good it's all good we made it right this time we made it right this time remember J Boog man we need you I'm gonna text him right now text him right now let's set it up until next time until next time peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 81,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: boAP0v2Kckk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 11sec (5231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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