Ray Stevens - "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival" (Music Video)
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Channel: raystevensmusic
Views: 17,345,668
Rating: 4.8577881 out of 5
Keywords: Mississippi, Revival, comedy, classic, vhs, parody, comic, hillbilly, redneck, humor, country, squirrel, ray stevens, funny
Id: K16fG1sDagU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2009
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Hugo, the Human Cannonball was always my favorite. “There was Hugo, there was Hugo, there was Hugo all over the place!”
OH! Also, “It’s Me Again, Margaret.” I still occasionally greet my sister with “ARE YA NEKKID,” when she answers the phone.
I had this, and several other, records of his growing up. Wish I still did. I pull this up from my history on YouTube about every three months.
"The Streak" got all the air time, but this one was the gem.
I used to watch this VHS when I would go to my grandparents
Or sittin up with the dead
I watched his VHS tape so many times at my grandparents house growing up.
It’s me again Margaret
I loved him as a kid. Absolutely loved him. So much so that my aunt, uncle, and mom took me to see him in concert at the "Little Nashville Opry" in Nashville, IN. My politics and his are essentially diametrically opposed these days, but this song and "It's Me Again, Margaret" are classics.
I saw Ray Stevens at the Dallas boat show once. That was...something.