Rating Every Footballer I've Met (Tier List)

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today I'm making a tier list of all of the footballers I have ever filmed with in my time on YouTube I do just want to say anything I say in this video does not reflect my real views please do come and film with me again and you know I'm sorry so first of all I've come up with five categories so we have goat elite solid average and then a bin with all tearless I feel like as there someone has to go in every category or it's pointless also I have now just realizing that putting an average instead of right in the middle putting a second to last is offensive so the first of all bro I was ever lucky enough to film with was Bryan Bertrand and I played him in a game FIFA 16 I think hello guys is chris here and welcome to a very special tell I am absolutely brilliant he actually followed me on Twitter afterwards he was really nice to film with so we're gonna start off with solid the first thing you do when you get Bieber he sit to just what an experience that was filming with my first professional footballer and I walked away with a job as well next stop we had yo-yos for him so we turned up to the Manchester City training ground genuinely one of the most incredible places I've ever been to they've got like 50 football pitches they're amazing Yaya was so so nice I might revisit that but I think Yaya has to go and go Dyer scored the winning penalty in the League Cup final Liverpool's Manny's team yeah the whole video was about nominating him for African Player of the Year and I think he lost yes just stuff like here for example like he just offered to go and go you know a football that doesn't have to do that they could just stand there and literally do what they've been signed up to do you know also followed me after that filming and still does to this day so hopefully still er still enjoys the tweets after that we had Alex awoke me I think this was in about a week of each other and I was just this is the first time I properly film football challenges or for Perez and I was like like what is my life oh my god I've just okay so the chute got pushed to 3:30 I think at the school astroturf that is like a secondary school I don't know why I didn't point out them that might be a problem coming into this me money and Alex Viet stood there on this bull pitch the bell rings and literally I'd say probably like 600 kids empty out to the the outskirts of this football pitch and there's there's genuinely hoards of children just like pressing against the gates shouting I was like this is what I'm gonna see in hell we have to get the teachers to come out and like basically get these kids to just let go home okay so you think they're still with them good amount of kids watching like this was a decent audience and I just I just couldn't do this rainbow flake like my entire video revolved around we doing rainbow flakes and because we were wearing trainers on astroturf I just couldn't do it it was so bad because he was sort of our age he really understood I've been in front of cameras and youtuber stuff hi he followed me at the time but I think he's unfollowed Risa's I don't know which tweet was the final straw we're gonna go with Elite for Alex of OB because he was he was such a boy and put up with me attempting 10 rainbow flicks and row and failing next up we had the collab with Man City where we got taken to was just like it takes a little while for you to sometimes look back on stuff and be like and I don't fully hit you what the hell they took us to Abu Dhabi we stayed in the hotel they stayed in I'm lost for words for how countless anyway so we fill Missoni caballero de bruyne er and sterling let's start off with sunny didn't speak very good English at the time so I don't think he quite understood the video concept like a few of them wouldn't I explain to them that it's a few blank folks but he went in goal and you know like again they don't have to do that they can just that never refused and I'm delighted fair enough he had a couple of good one liners in there as well so we're gonna give him points for that team you only ever click on a tier list to see people get abused so like I don't want to be too nice to all of them but I've got to spread these out so Sanne can go and solid just just a very solid performance in the videos really oh yeah I forgot that this is what Warner had just finished like a meeting with him or something and as they're four players come over there like playing with the tennis ball really had a tennis racket and they're like whacking it I'm like he hits it and it comes so close to hitting me in Simon like this before his head a low or anything literally almost kill as one of us for the tennis ball and it's like wow that person all good spin on the hello so I think he's got going average for that you know lovely man lovely to film with but you know for almost taking my head off with a tennis shot Sorry mate you definitely would have taken Simon's head off before mine Raheem styling one of the nicest people I have ever filmed with it's just so nice when my players treat it like a kickabout because you feel like they're genuinely enjoying it Sterling's like celebrate it like he's so into the video which just absolutely makes it we finished filming and he just like just starts having a nutmeg war with me and it was just like if I accidentally kick this guy like I'm getting soon 60 million pounds so like that's just the kind of person the sterling was like when we filming just like very now and to do anything really nice what makes you so you know Raqib is also going and go he was an absolute hero to film with okay now Kevin de Bruyne up was a chance it like de bruyne a goes in gold to be nice once he uploaded this buzz before cyber replace what's a hero and he took it so well cuz if your vegetable blood you get hit in the face by some youtuber baby school does a rabona at you you could literally be like send him on the plane home that if the boy nurse has send him on the plane home now and just storms off like means I would have been sent home you know may he has to go in to go for that he asked her going to go for that then we move on to my first no my only experience at London Colney Arsenal's training ground officer ridiculous day that was so for this video I was told I was filming with my violin players but I didn't know which ones it was and so on the day I like she found out it was Sanchez and I was like I have an amazing so first up we had L many Mon any is going in solidly shafted me otherwise nothing higher next time I think was Rob holding he's gonna leave he was a hero like just it was so easy to just chat to him have you got another stumble get ready I saw him after the video like when we were at the back the reception aaron ramsey like job past me in the training ground in our fight I've got way cool I got I got yeah we're back in the reception and like we just bump into them again name so I'll have the rest the video again you're a footballer like me you don't have to ask me that Carl Jenkinson a bit of a hero as well obviously Arsenal Twitter revolved around him for a few years very hospitable so I think you can go and solid as well Gabrielle very scary man couldn't visit him seeing the funny side of my youtube channel but he was a hero as well you know what happy to get involved with everything so he can get solid and then we have Alexis such as obviously the biggest player of the video this was when Sanchez was like ridiculous as well alexis was probably the most competitive person in this video oh I think his English was the worst out of the people we film with but like again just so happy to be there so start the video right we do rock-paper-scissors right in the start of this I win he just takes the first kick like what am I supposed to say do you wanna just take the rest of mine as well I think he's the first one that goes had been even if there's a language barrier and they have a quest you hunch loser rock-paper-scissors and then decide to not accept the results not how it works oh my god any input is all around me this wasn't me instigating this as well off I don't make this weird Hector better'n oh I know people must be warning me to just throw something on the bus here but it's really difficult because I genuinely haven't met for Luz Benedict which is quite annoying for you know storytelling and I think those but a heck person goes he has to be one water man I just love how he goes against the the classic image of the pollens anyway but yeah meeting him he was just so lovely he was really easy to film with he just understood YouTube so like he was going onto the camera and just talking without me it's actually good that [ __ ] you know so I'm quite be a pressure in it well you said well nothing also to be fair like usually I only have like is usually like you know ten minutes to have now with Vogler's but with veteran on this day I had right bearing I spent the entire video pronouncing his name work we had about five hours and like for filming with a footballer for five out like that as an obscene amount of time this is probably the best I've ever performed in a video just my free kicks were seriously on point and you know all the year all he was on point of this goalkeeping as well followed me afterwards still follows me to this day Asian Lee gives me the older like on my tweak so if I could make a new TMI with Cristiano Ronaldo okay how am I going to clickbait this for me and sham were in Mykonos our big summer holiday colors short by three days I don't think I even asked her I just was like you know there's no like question of whether we're going or not a copyrighted by La Liga cuz I stupidly use some footage of her now they're playing football but you know it's only 18 million views later and I've heard nothing from it according to Shannon looks more attractive in person it's my guy what the hell I want the hell this is the one football video where I I have been sweating no I wasn't like sat in a corner doing for evening exercises but like I was I was just making trouble that oversaw for anything slowly before is because like I could feel my heart rate going but like once you get into it and you realized that oh hang on Ronaldo's actually really sound the second video of him the fact that you know they liked my first video and after to invite me back and film with ya essentially my biggest collab ever look at this color coordination this wasn't even planned oh I was such a fraud I was such a fraud at this table tennis I can't I didn't I really wanted to ask him the question about Messi like would they ever play in the same team obviously we're now know the media portrays him as this you know arrogant you know self-absorbed guy who shouts his teammates and like if you watch the actual games he plays it he shouts himself and it's just how competitive he is go for being one of the ghosts and each like stays around taking photos with people in life over these rages and chatting to people he doesn't have to like it's sick to see Ronaldo being so humble so he's got being go yes to me then after that I had Cesc fàbregas iPhone with Cesc fàbregas my absolute childhood hero I was so so excited to do this shoot is ridiculous someone says Patrick has agreed to playing three bulls to me so the first thing about fàbregas when we got there he walks around and shakes the hand I've said this in a video but he walks around and shakes the hand of every single person who's there he's down to do little sketches with me and stuff like that man I'll have a little review of this at the end and see if I've gots cuz I know more where I'm putting lots and go and that's just a bit boring for a fàbregas like oh my hero identified calendars at this video right one of the challenges that I was gonna before I died that's right with three frozen pieces because this was like a week after he'd announced on a league of their own he was the guy that threw pizza at Sonic's folks in the Battle of all traffic yeah I bought three frozen pizzas from what Morrison's I was like feel free to say no to this one but we could do a little crossbar challenge where we well we throw frozen pizzas at the crop spot and see how everything he was like you're crazy like people are gonna hate me he followed me afterwards happened a couple of times where I've tweeted not tagging him and he's just replied to one of my test fàbregas just replies to one of my tweets what I honestly wish I could just go to 16 year old me and just blow his mind Gareth Bale now this was on a shoot for Nissen I do believe we stood there for maybe two three hours the shoot with the shoot was like a decent shoot and me and Bale were filming like these reactions to Champions League goals we'd film one and then we're both stood up and like in between these goals can take them a little while to like get the the next goal ready and stuff so it's just a really nice chat really for like two hours so when I met him I was like I was sweating loads and I was like me I'd shake your hand but my hand is genuinely disgraceful so I'm not gonna shake and he was like I don't care just take my hand anyway it was like oh that's cool yeah it just had a really nice chat about golf he recommended me a place to eat in Madrid one of them is mine so so don't break it laughter you know all the right places he's definitely going Italy and then we have Kevin de Bruyne again I have already put me go I was gonna rate him twice because the second time around was when we did that video where and currently men playing against Kevin de Bruyne er he's a little bit late so I'm gonna play a little practice game against oli while he's here instead and kind of get a bit of practice in it actually do you mind if I go to the loo quickly yeah that's quick sound let's get into it putting up with this I've Jesus copes he has to be a goat for this the idea of Chris telling to broiler about this awliyas deployed gag is so funny sweet experience of being like a mate saw this channel we have dog going joke always looks like you so you're just gonna have to pretend to be my cousin for the first part of it yeah is that fine literally did that happen he was so down to do it though it was so down by no mention even as well oh what a hero honestly this is like simultaneously the most proud and the most embarrassed I've ever been by something with creative East a think oh he has to say go okay and then we have laughed Hannah Ibrahimovic this video as soon as I uploaded it I was like this is crap the video would have been so close but I can't show you any footage of this because I never had it approved is till now I'm teaming up with this guy you're not way I can tell you his last honeymoon [ __ ] was pink cloth is the word I'd say like just great breezy filled with him he was such a shame I never got to show it to you but it was such so class and the interviews I was doing with him he has to go in the league he was great and then my final football collab to date was even as on I'll actually both technically birds no I'm just gonna write hazard because it was amazing hearing yesterday they kick the ball a hairy you asked for your recording at one point which is just so funny I think that's gonna be let's let's just revise the tier list is there anyone whose undeservedly and go no sterling has to be the point it has to be Hector yes Ronaldo has to me and even if I didn't think he was in there I'd put him there anyway just to see if I could get another collab with him so I want to wait it more towards average and bin but like I just I would just have no reason to put them there could make quite decent first eleven out I think the best thing about it is being able like when people say so you know when I explain why these people they say so like you filming any footballers and I can now just really love Reynaldo lassen has odd Gareth Bale sterling de Bruyne de fàbregas like those are unreal names Sanchez that's ridiculous anyway that's gonna be my final tier list let me know if you guys think that you know what I've said or what you saw in the videos there's some big upsets in here and I need to change it and I can set up let me know if you'd like me to do any more videos like this because I'm gonna try and throw a few more together on my second channel but yeah thanks [Music]
Channel: Chris Dixon
Views: 2,989,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chrismd, cristiano ronaldo, football, soccer, tier list
Id: 2BrFcMpdIAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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