Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart 100% Walkthrough - Part 1: Megalopolis

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hello there and welcome to ratchet and clank rift apart it has been so long since a brand new ratchet clank game and i am so excited this is gonna be an absolute masterpiece on ps5 built for ps5 utilizing the power of the ps5 and oh my finger in for something special thank you so much to playstation for providing me with a copy of the game let's go oh oh i love everything so i mean i could go to the uber hard difficulty let's just go middle of the range we'll be fine members of the resistance report to your nearest intake facility immediately we promise nothing nefariously we've promised resistance members report to the vip section of your nearest intake facility for compulsory behavioral modification it will be fun if your suit seems to be working nicely blending right in where is the infobot where are you going [Applause] hmm hey it's okay see just me gotta go here it'll help you get home i designed it to be one-size-fits-all so it should thank you [Music] yes don't you think it's weird to throw a celebration for us i mean we haven't done anything heroic in years what if everyone thinks we're washed up oh what if we are washed up luckily we will not need to perform any heroics unless you count smiling and waving right give a big welcome to the grand marshals of our parade [Music] oh my god it's so good i love it so much already oh wow it feels so good to play give me that wrench oh by the way you can expect a wrench slash hammer only play through after i've done this one so subscribe for that oh it's gonna be good this is so cool oh dear must he tell the entire galaxy wait a gift for what you will see it is awaiting us at the front of the parade route well we better get moving this is so cool the mystical floating box yay the mystical floating box is real it's not a myth even on the ps5 it cannot be escaped yay i love this so much already oh it's so good this game is amazing already i love it so much oh look at that that's so cool oh wow would it be embarrassing if you know i fell off here yeah kind of would let's know that stuff even as a joke maybe not oh man this is so cool oh yeah throw in the wrench that's what i'm talking about oh this is sharp cool skills oh absolutely gladly yeah but do i really need to use it you know like i've got my wrench knuckle i'll use the weapons in this play through fine you know uh right where the ammo there's the ammo but you know went past that was that was good wasn't it obliterated gorgeous oh man i love the haptic feedback it feels so good oh it's so cool oh we're not done just yet yeah that's why am i watching this i guess chewing these or oh no wait no we're not supposed to shoot those just accidentally shoot skids that would be bad wouldn't it i mean it's probably not ideal oh man this is cool this is so cool i love this so much it just feels good to play a brand new ratchet game yeah rang the boots are back awesome oh that's so good oh man like yeah what's what's great about this is like obviously the last one we had was um the remake uh in uh in 2016 i think but like it wasn't a new game um even though it didn't feel like a remake because it was so different from the original um and i don't mean that in a bad way but it certainly wasn't like like it had so many planets and worlds missing that it was just disappointing in various ways i suppose um man this is so cool i love this so much it's so cool there's quite a few of them on there yeah they're not gonna survive that long i could have shot the uh uh explosives but no what's the point what is there really a purpose to shooting the exploit of course not we can just shoot them with the weapon i don't know if i'm gonna get experience by shooting the explosives though i will break them all eventually because they yield bolts this is such a good tutorial like highlighting the past is just genius i absolutely don't know okay that was amazing if i do yeah i it fires so much quicker if you hold down the haptics fully yeah that's really cool um hello i mean maybe i should try and shoot down the the huge ship i mean i could try and do that oh there it is level our best pistol level two that's what i'm talking about lovely stuff i imagine throughout this my brain is gonna automatically think i wonder how difficult this is going to be differentially because i have done every game that is doable then certainly on my channel if you're interested in watching that and ratchet ps4 is no exception um but uh that was a challenge the final boss the winning attempt took six hours because it had over 2 000 hits to kill with the wrench um and that was partially because um i had to play in challenge mode um like there was a bit but you had to um like you had to shoot with a weapon but it was gone if uh if you were playing in challenge mode so it was like oh okay i guess i'm playing in challenge mode which uh you'll never guess what makes it uh way harder so yeah that's fun isn't it sure that's the world we use yeah fun yeah um man this is awesome i love that this is based around the great clock like this is such a great tutorial zone just featuring the best bits from all of the past games it's so cool [Music] just absolutely genius i had a speech prepared but considering that our event seems to be under assault i will cut to the chase ratchet i do not know where i would be without you you are my closest friend my teammate and you have given up a lot too i have repaired the dimension so you can travel through dimensions and find your family no pal i what a wonderful surprise i didn't expect to see you here considering my bones were meant to annihilate you eight minutes ago oh what do you want nefarious yes can't anyone print instruction manuals anymore good [Music] oh this is cool this is so be good cool is so much going on on screen like i feel like wherever i look there's just that's a lot happening let's go i like for them the uh the enemies the thugs for less so i think they're called kings blessed in this version they uh they properly react to use they are dodging and stuff which is awesome like very impressive that's awesome i should have known nefarious would try something like this don't beat yourself up this'll be just like old times come on it looks like nefarious landed somewhere near the train station go mrs zircon we should grab a weapon need a weapon oh yes please what do you have okay so shadowbomb and the enforcer i sadly can't get both um which one do i prefer the enforcer sounds cool i'm going to buy the enforcer or is it going to force me to watch preview the real question is how does it have a video of me using it i haven't bought it yet all right yeah i'll i'll i'll take this please thank [Music] thank you i know it will i'm very much looking forward to utilizing it oh this is good let's go so half battle first cool and oh double barrels at double barrel was a lot faster for us but i like a lot you there oh man you know it's got a lot more range than i thought he's going to have as well oh i love this so much okay and i'll try to switch weather i think that looks different from um from the preview they showed like a month ago so that's really cool even it's even different from them like that's pretty cool but man it feels good to use um i love all this uh how much money do we have we have just enough to get a weapon so obviously i'm going to um it would be silly not to yes i will purchase this thank you thank you i know it is um i am i'm very aware that i have amazing taste in weapons and i am going to enjoy using them all thoroughly and leveling them up to level five and doing a challenge my play through the mega weapon it's gonna be good time it's gonna be a good time uh so yeah if you're enjoying this so far i'd very much appreciate it if you leave a like and subscribe and share the video around yourself with twitch or twitter on our patreon if you'd like to support me in the channel but yeah that's enough of you know plugging myself let's uh let's use the enforcer oh wait nobody cutting can't seem first put down the dimensionator nefarious put down the dimensionator yeah right today you will see what losing feels like spoiler it's exhausting as soon as i figure out these stupid coordinates say goodbye hey what did you do what just happened we may have a slight problem the fringe is shot there has to be another way across hmm the riffs are reacting to the face quartz in your glove try pointing it at one of them oh my god yes oh it's so good yes it was yes it was oh it's so good oh right oh that's actually that's nice continuity like switching to uh to the burst pistol because he used it in the cutscene that's really clever i wonder how much nefarious is playing oh that's cool i'm i'm bad at using this foundation but it's very cool though isn't it uh no yes easy enforcing forces rad oh it's powerful ain't it ah switch over to not shadow bomb first pistol please we can get this the v3 i think why not seems like a good plan uh yeah i'm sorry citizens don't worry it's all gonna be okay um i'm gonna protect you let me phrase i'm going to try and protect you there's a you know it's it's not been a great day uh so far i wonder if there are secrets in this level if there's uh you know if this is just like tutorial zone there's you don't ever come back here kind of thing um as of right now even though i haven't played it yet hard to know now this looks fine wait are they people oh i probably shouldn't hit them that's probably not a very good thing to do hey guys i'm here it's gonna be okay don't worry just taking out some sand sharks you know oh this is so cool i really hope this game has just loads of references everywhere um we have actually seen what the rhino eight is gonna look like i don't think it's oh hello i don't think it's a spoiler to say but there is a rhino in this game because every game has a rhino um i'm not going to say what it does um but yeah and something have shown off and it is amazing so oh boy it's gonna be worth uh sticking around for that or at least a very large octopus they look like it yeah i'm sure it's fine don't worry about it i guess it's no big deal it's just you know the kraken or a very large opponent stop it it could attack us it's fine it's fine why are you panicking okay i thought it took out the uh the ground i'm glad it didn't the uh bones are a bit uh you know concerning again it's fine that's not fine oh that's cool we've gotta find a way up there the taxis leaving from that stand are driving right by him then we better not miss our ride okay so this is different from the preview they showed off a year ago obviously i'm destroying these hobbies and i know that finding the lombax's has always been important to you i thought perhaps we could go why don't we get it back from nefarious first anything up here i just i just don't want to miss any secrets you know i feel like i'm gonna oh it's going away no come back can i get it from here oh i totally can't sweet uh okay well that's right i see what we're doing can i get it from that that's too far away right yeah it's it's quite far away ah it's so cool though oh my god yes anything else i can look at just in case okay well i've made mistakes okay no we're good that was awesome i love this game so much so far oh you could sprint ah cool oh we've never had a sprint function so the sprint function i guess is to replace the helipack so far um or for helipack or foster pack because that's how you usually go faster yo you know what shadow bomb oh that is powerful oh you're not dead though wow i'm really bad at using the shadow bomb i don't know what it is about it but i'm just so bad at doing but there you go nice nice nice nice oh what's in here i do not know there's a there's a thing on here there's just just a bunch of things to destroy oh it's gonna be so satisfying when we get the items that can like destroy everything by smashing down because oh every everything better explode in front of me i will not be happy unless that happens no i'm that's not true i'm very very happy right now this is so cool okay so is there anything new i'm guessing no but hey you never know seems good so far yeah we need to have it all so no need to uh no need to utilize any of these which one should we use let's go enforcer it falls was cool yo oh man i love how fast the double shot is like it's so much faster than i thought it was gonna be like i you know i thought it was gonna be like powerful but it's just it's so speedy ow that now that was extremely rude i didn't i didn't like that i didn't care much for that [Music] oh it's close to leveling up oh hello that's uh that's my health well i guess we're gonna have to shout about these yeah i'm really bad at shatter bombing i don't know what it is uh there will also be raritanian so uh we'll be able to upgrade our weapons which is fantastic oh i love the clang noise it made when i hit it oh i'm out of ammo um that's so satisfying this game is just absolutely nailing it so far like it feels great to play um it's just there's so much going on it's satisfying to explore breathtakingly gorgeous like i'm sure there's already stuff i've missed like little references here and there that's just scattered around like it's incredible it really is absolutely phenomenal and like i'm sure the more i play the more i'm going to get used to using the rift ever as well because like right now it's not second nature to just utilize it um even though it's clearly a big part of this game but yeah just like so good all right yeah i'm aware i'm supposed to jump to avoid that this is going to be a very difficult part of wrenching the early honesty there we go i dodged at that time see it's not that hard [Music] didn't you think clank would be opposed to toads but fair enough if we rift into the mario universe clanking them for a horrible surprise like oh no totes what's wrong with me nothing might be too rude hello level three baby oh this is gonna be good yes i hope so oh you are going away i love sand sharks where did nefarious find these where are they boys oh they are hey cool very nice oh my god let's not get killed that would be nice wouldn't it uh yeah first pistol it is seems to be doing a good job it's a nice long-range weapon oh lord all right let's go oh you moved you're supposed to die oh i do have one shot bomb bye then it takes to stop me i mean yes we're going to a dimension where i always win so you can finally know how it feels [Music] but bye oh my god uh this is the preview section yes it is it's so cool the fact that it can load an entire level in a second it's amazing this technology is just unparalleled well it is certainly not good so cool it's so so cool [Applause] [Music] trickery did i do it oh what is this what's with all the neon this is the part where you lose ratchet the dimension ain't here ratchet oh dear my arm and no the dimensionator it what have i done what have you done who are you someone with a lot of questions let's go for a ride yeah wait i have to find my friend it's me it's me i am the winner emperor nefarious you have returned early from your conquest yes emperor [Laughter] [Music] oh clank clank humpbacks what is this place well that was epic now is a good time to end thank you very much for watching i hope you've enjoyed the first part of this playthrough if you have i'd very much appreciate it if you left like subscribe share the video around i also have a twitter twitter and a patreon if you'd like to support me in the channel but next time we are going to explore nefarious city i will see you then take care bye [Music] you
Channel: Tealgamemaster
Views: 8,125
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart RYNO 8, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Gameplay, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart Rivet, Ratchet & Clank PS5 Gameplay, Ratchet and Clank ps5 part 1, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart Part 1, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart RYNO, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart Game, Ratchet & Clank PS5 Review, Ratchet and Clank PS5 gameplay, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart Game, Ratchet and Clank PS5, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart 4K
Id: _50fIkVTDMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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