Raspberry Pi Pico - 10 Cool Project Ideas!

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hi everyone welcome back in this video we will discuss 10 new raspberry pi pico project ideas that you can try so let's get started if you regularly work on your computer you might know how some shortcuts can save your time various shortcut keypads are available on the internet but this one is simple and easy to follow this multifunctional control knob uses a rotary encoder that will help you to scroll horizontally while editing a video but wait that doesn't mean that you can't use it to control other features like brightness and volume by pressing the encoder you can switch between the modes and by modifying the code you can simulate the button in the way you like the hardware is enclosed inside a square 3d printed box while a knob is placed at the top the firmware uses circuit python which is the developed version of micropython an oscilloscope comes in handy whether you repair some electronics hardware or do some research but commercial oscilloscopes available in the market are not that economical so as a beginner you can follow this project that requires a pi pico and a smartphone this copy is an oscilloscope and logic analyzer powered by your android smartphone and raspberry pi pico the controls are similar to a standard oscilloscope and you can even read multiple signals in the dual channel mode to test the oscilloscope a signal generator is designed using arduino and a rotary encoder signals are measured by the pico and the waveforms are displayed on the android device using this app you can measure the frequency up to 250 kilohertz as this is the standard sampling frequency of pi pico different coffee brew methods require coffee which is ground to a different coarseness that means a cup of espresso and a cup of pore overneeds different grind sizes if you have a coffee grinder you may know the difficulty of adjusting the knob for the perfect grind size apart from the fact that it is a tedious job if you forget the knob's initial position then you've most likely ruined the next cup of espresso you'll be having a raspberry pi pico deals with those issues by offering a more detailed user interface than the stock grinder adc motor turns the adjustment knob while an oled display shows the last few grinds automatically which makes it easier to find the starting position of the knob and to obtain the perfect grind again do you want to level up your game of pcb design by working on high level pcb projects or need features like remote working advanced 3d viewing capability and amcad if yes then you must check out altium designer altium provides functions for users with all levels of experience and requirements and before subscribing to altium you can use its free trial version by clicking on the link given in the description below this tiny drone is designed with simplicity in mind it involves a custom pcb raspberry pi pico and an original android based app for controls the drone can be programmed by either the rp2040 sdk or the arduino ide it can support a 6-axis inertial measurement unit that is used to measure orientation and acceleration forces a barometer module measures air pressure it uses a 4-amp callus motor driver which is capable of supporting up to four servos it even has built-in wi-fi support moreover you can add your own components to the drone wire i2c or spi sensors but make sure to balance and watch the weight of the drone to ensure smooth flying have you ever tried to build an eeprom using a microcontroller if not then you can learn to build one from this project the keyboard of this old apple 2e computer is made of switches in a matrix apart from the complexity of the circuit it is a bit slow and bulky the pipe eco acts like a keyboard roam inside an apple 2e by using this the output signal reacts very quickly as visible in the logic analyzer it reduces the time taken by the original rom chip to respond to output enabled signal from 100 nanoseconds to 40 to 60 nanoseconds the pio code emulates the behavior of apple 2e the window in front is a serial connection for the pio and at the back is the composite capture of the apple 2e pressing any key on the keyboard will generate the code of the last character sent over serial in this project you will learn how to connect a raspberry pi pico to an original nintendo gamepad and translate its input and outputs to something that your computer can understand to do so cut the nintendo extension cord and connect the standard 5 pins of the controller to these gpios of the raspberry pi pico in the code the collection of button status is linked to the buttons on the nintendo you can even switch between keyboard and gamepad mode by selecting select start and up at the same time after running the code connect the controller to the retropie map your controls and you are ready to play your favorite games on the retropie setup pong is one of the classic games there are plenty of projects available to play this game and one of them is the pico pong project which includes gesture controls and a custom vga output a raspberry pi pico generates a 640 by 480 60hz monochrome vga signal which gives the proper retro look for pong the paddle on the left side of the screen is computer controlled the player paddle on the right side is controlled by two infrared led pairs the ir led shines upward onto a mirror held in place by a quad hands which reflects the ir light back onto the receiver when that signal is interrupted by a hand it triggers the pico via gpio to move the player paddle one receiver moves the paddle up on the screen and the other moves the paddle down this is pico hash a small version of the humanoid robot it uses 8mg 995 servos for arm and leg movement and one sg90 servo for head movement a 1.3 inches i2co lid display expresses all the emotions of the robot clearly the complete robot is powered by a 12 volts lithium-ion rechargeable battery using a buck converter and a potentiometer the 12 volts is reduced to 6 volts and supplied to a 16 channel servo drive this drive powers the pi pico as well as the servo motors both the servo drive and oled display are controlled by i2c communication despite its small size the robot has a great range of motion it can walk forward backward or sideways it can even entertain you with its spectacular dance moves this is a four digit passcode log that can be opened using a stepper motor the numbers are entered by rotating the gear on the stepper motor while an led is used to display the numbers rotating the gear in the clockwise direction changes the value of the selected digit while rotating the gear in the anticlockwise direction shifts the position of the selected digit the particular digit selected at a time is indicated by a decimal once you have typed the code move the decimal to the extreme left of the display at this point the pico matches the code with the one stored in its memory a green led glows to indicate if the typed code is correct otherwise not if you want to make a standalone crypto mining read then try this project it uses four raspberry pi pico boats to mine duino coins while a raspberry pi 4 acts as a host a 3.5 inch touchscreen displays the terminal window necessary for mining thus emitting the need to connect a laptop externally a wide 3d printed frame accommodates the electronics in a systematic way to initiate the mining open the terminal window and launch the python file enter the port names with which you want to mine we know coins on successful completion the mining gets started to view the mining status open the duino coin dashboard as visible in the dashboard the four pico miners give a combined hash rate of 11.65 kilo hashes per second at this rate you can mine around 10 to 20 duino coins in a day if you've made it till here then drop a like and subscribe to our channel for more such videos feel free to share your project ideas with us thanks for watching
Channel: ToP Projects Compilation
Views: 178,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Multifunctional control knob, Smartphone Oscilloscope, Coffee Grinder, Pico Drone, Emulating EPROM, Pico Keyboard and Gamepad, Pico Pong, PicoHash, Humanoid robot, Passcode Lock, Mining rig, cryptomining, cryptocurrency, cryptocoin, rig, humanoid, mini humanoid, drone, drone projects, EPROM, pico processor, coffee machine, top, top projects, oscilloscope, control knob, top projects compilation, rasp pi pico, pico project ideas, pi pico project, new pico projects, new projects, ideas
Id: mg0Lu_socvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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