Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera Getting Started Guide - First Pictures and Videos

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hey gang tim here at crow electronics and today we're getting hands-on with the raspberry pi high quality camera module if you're raring to go with this 12.3 megapixel technology then this guide will get you taking pictures and videos asap it's also going to provide tools to unlock all the photography and video settings that are available within this technology and i'll even demonstrate how to record video in slow motion on the table before me is everything you need to get up and running with your raspberry pi high quality camera naturally you're going to want a raspberry pi high quality camera a ribbon cable a camera lens for this demonstration i'm using the six millimeter wide angle camera lens but you can use any lens which has a cs or c mount and for this i'm also going to use a camera mount off the top of a tripod the raspberry pi high quality camera has a screw hole that can be used to mount it directly to this for today i have a raspberry pi 4 model b 1 gigabyte and also a micro sd card with raspberry pi os flash to it you're also going to need a power supply a hdmi cord and peripheries like a mouse keyboard and monitor let's assemble it all together starting with the lens and camera module we're going to remove the protective caps and screw the lens into the high quality camera the part you're screwing it into is the back focus ring and you're going to screw it in until it's finger tight now tighten the locking screw in place this is going to prevent the back focus ring from rotating around when you're trying to pull focus with the actual focus ring on the lens note here you can loosen that back focus ring to extend it out a little bit if a closer minimum focus is desired to connect the ribbon cables lift up the edges of the csi connector gently slip the ribbon cable in till it bottoms out then push down the edges of that csi connector from there you can install the whole camera module on top of a tripod this will allow you to place it target it and focus it much more securely with the microsd card flashed you can then install it into your raspberry pi now simply connect all the peripheries and plug in the usbc to turn on the raspberry pi then open up the raspberry pi configuration menu found using the top left menu and scrolling over preferences and enable the camera found under the interfaces tab after enabling reset the raspberry pi to lock in those changes these lenses focus manually so the easiest way is to set up a preview window which runs continuously on your monitor and find the focus using that preview window as a guide now open up a terminal window using the black console button on the top left screen on the raspberry pi os and type the following and press enter raspy still dash t zero this is going to open up a new window on your monitor showing you exactly what the high quality camera is seeing we're going to use this window to give me feedback on the manual adjustments that you will need to do on the lens so that you can get good color and sharp focus come in close and let's take a look at the manual controls of this high quality camera and lens here in the middle we have the aperture ring with a locking screw when we rotate just this part it's going to determine the amount of light that goes into the camera if i hold it this way you can see the mechanism that determines this opening and closing so the extremes of this are going to be either over exposing the image making everything white as too much light is getting into the sensor or not allowing enough light in which will make everything completely dark once you find a good level you can then lock that into position using the locking screw here next is the focusing by rotating both the front parts like so you're going to be able to adjust the focus once you pull focus on your target you can then lock the position using the adjustment screw on the back of the lens so now we can close that we've focused the camera let's start taking some pictures we're going to type the following into the terminal opening it the same way as before raspy still dash o for output and then image dot jpg now once you press enter on your keyboard like so the camera is going to open up and after a few seconds it's going to take a photo this photo is going to be saved in the home pi directory providing it with the name image and formatting it as a jpeg file there are heaps of additions you can add to this terminal line to alter all kinds of settings like exposure time iso settings image rotation changing the directory location where it's going to end up isolating just a section of the image to be captured to name only a few if you want to see all the available options for these settings check out the official documentation i have a link down below as an example i'm going to add some custom settings to this right now for instance if you typed and entered this into the console it's going to take a jpeg image named image 2 after a 2 second wait so let's go and capture it at 640 by 480 resolution it's also going to flip the image both horizontally and vertically now we've done that let's take some video with this high quality camera we're going to type the following into the terminal opening it using the same method as before whereas the vid dash 5000 and we're going to type video dot h264 dash o for output then video so right now this is capturing a video video for five seconds so once we press that enter key as you saw that high quality camera is taking that five second video and saving it in a similar home pi directory providing it with the name video and turning it into a h.264 format this video is going to be recorded at the default settings which for this camera is 1080p 30. much like before there are heaps of additions you can add to this terminal line to get the exact result you desire out of your camera for instance if i type the following into the terminal we could take a video captured at 640 by 480 resolution at 90 frames per second for 10 seconds we then name the file as 90fps and save it as a dot h264 format as more frames per second are being captured than normal you can create slow motion footage using this method this high quality camera has a number of supported per second frame rates depending on the resolution you choose for example if you're recording at 2028 by 1520 a resolution which is exactly half the maximum resolution of this camera you can record at a frame rate of 50 per second another useful tip is an easy way to turn those h264 files into an mp4 format and this is a much more commonly used format type what we're going to do is enter the following into the terminal to install the gpac application what we're going to do is enter the following into the terminal sudo apt-get install gpac and press enter if prompted press y and enter to confirm the installation as you can see i've already installed it here having installed this feature to convert your video file type and enter the following into the terminal make sure to replace my file name that i write here with your file name that you want converted this will leave you with an mp4 file and the original h.264 file you will note that i've added a setting here to lock the fps to 90. by default mp4 box exports files at 24 frames per second by changing the default frames per second like so it's going to match the original videos fps so that's going to prevent you from losing any video data it's worth noting that raspberry pi by default exports video at 30 frames per second so if you want your raspberry pi camera to take an image of when it sees the movement of a potential thief or perhaps have your raspberry pi 4 be able to identify you based on your face we have tutorials for you to explore just check the description so that's all from me for today until next time stay cozy you
Channel: Core Electronics
Views: 71,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to take a photo with Raspberry Pi V3 camera, what do i do to capture photos with the high quality raspberry pi camera, Raspi camera HQ capturing video process, how to get started with the raspberry camera high quality v3, taking video, slow motion video with raspi camear, raspistill commands to make my photos look better, Raspivid, camera module, manually focus the lens, aperture, raspberry pi model 4 with High-Quality Camera, back focus ring vs focus ring on lens
Id: 6InCtgw0QVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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