Raspberry Pi 4 + Intel's RealSense D435 Depth Camera Step-By-Step Installation

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using similar technology than the Microsoft Connect the intel realsense d4 35 camera gives us both color information as well as death this is especially important in applications such as robotics in particular and the one that I'm interested in is autonomous driving in this video I'm going to connect a d4 35 to a row straight pipe 4 and go over all the necessary steps that we need to get it working it's a straightforward but lengthy process so I've outlined all the steps in the demos for the Raspberry Pi wiki you're welcome to use it as you follow along this video alright let's do this [Music] for this video I'll be using a Raspberry Pi for a microSD card with enough capacity for storing all the libraries in this case 32 gigs and an intel realsense d4 35 camera I'll leave links to the parts in the description of the video I want to make sure that all the steps are included so I'm starting from scratch with a brand new image of the raspbian operating system I've gone over the process of getting ruffian running in another video with a new image flash I'll go ahead and put the SD card into the Raspberry Pi 4 connect the d4 35 over USB [Music] and plug-in power if I've done the setup correctly I should be able to remote login to raspbian using SSH I've covered this process in another video as well once i've ssh into raspbian the first things i'll do is update and upgrade all the existing packages the next thing I'll do is make sure that we have as much storage capacity as we possibly can for this I'll use a rasp I config menu so that I expand the file system to use as much of the capacity of the SD card as possible I'll need to reboot the system before the change is going to affect and once the reboot complete I'll move on to increasing the swap space available this will be necessary for compiling some of the libraries without running out of memory with the operating system configure it's time to start installing some software I'll use the aptitude package manager to install all of them [Music] with the dependencies in place I'll move on to making sure that the camera is recognized by the operating system this involves setting the permissions for the USB device to be listed by the operating system notice that by default the administration of the device manager can only be done as route however after completing the task make sure to go back as a default user the next thing I'll need to do is install protobuf this is shorthand for protocol buffers which is Google's method for serializing structured data this serialization is important for how the communication with the realsense camera works only to add a LD library path as an environment variable download the repository from github configure it and compile it the compiling of protobuf takes a little bit of time feel free to let it run and come back to it later [Music] as my goal is to use the D 435 camera in Pythian I'll also install the protocol wrappers for that language at the end of the installation I can do a sanity check and is a product command to test that it was installed correctly [Music] one last thing I'll need to install before the bleep realsense library is a TVB parallelization library [Music] now I'm finally ready to install the liberal sons library onto the raspbian operating system I'll go back to the directory we downloaded earlier make a build subdirectory and start the compiling process please note that this can take up to an hour so make sure that you have something else to do while you let the compiling run similar to what I did with protocol file installed there python wrappers for the liberal sense library this will allow me to use it with a Python programming language this compiling process will also take a little bit of time this is the last one however that we need to do before getting the deed for 35 running [Music] so with a Python wrappers in place I'll install the Python OpenGL library so that I can visualize the data [Music] [Music] I'll need to use the Rassvet config menu to enable the correct OpenGL settings and then as I don't have the Raspberry Pi connected to a monitor I'll go into the raspberry config menu and enable the VNC server that's installed by default in the raspbian operating system I'll also set for the operating system to log in automatically and change the screen resolution from default to whatever option as that introduces a bug in the VNC connection with those changes in place it's finally time to test things out let's go ahead and reboot install a VNC client on our computer in case we don't have one already open it and access the IP address of the Raspberry Pi and we should be able to log into the desktop environment then if we open up a terminal and type in the command realsense viewer we should be able to get the realsense utility running and help us visualize the data coming in from the camera the stereo module gives us access to the death information and the RGB camera helps us visualize that 1920 by 1080 color images streaming from it so there you have it it took a little while but we've been able to go from a vanilla image of the raspbian operating system all the way to getting the intel realsense t 435 camera running the next steps from this is to use Python and the open computer vision library to access the color information as well as a death data and build some cool applications make sure to stay tuned for future videos if you like my videos I invite you to my patreon page where you can chip in a buck or two that really helps me put in more time into the videos and release them quicker but whatever you do don't forget to Like subscribe or leave me a comment you can also interact with me on social media I'm on Instagram Twitter and Facebook and you can even use the community tab of the channel thank you for watching my videos and how we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: datasith
Views: 54,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, IDE, NodeMcu, Tutorials, Makers, Learn, Guide, IoT, Internet Of Things, Raspberry Pi, Wireless, Communication, Weather, Creative, Sensor, Python, Programming, C++, Beginner, Electronics, DIY, MicroPython, 3d Printing, CAD, Fusion 360, Education, Tutorial, Intro, Introduction, Web, Developer, HTML, Datalogger, Project, Sensors, Data, Visualization, Webserver, Server, Client, App, WebApp, Wemos, Robot, Robotics, Robots, Easy, Adafruit, Sparkfun, OS X, Windows, Linux, Embedded, Kickstarter, RC, Fun, Build, Engineering
Id: LBIBUntnxp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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