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look at this frog yes it's frozen it's not moving anymore it's not breathing doesn't even seem to be alive this tiny creature balances life and death because it has a unique ability today you'll find out which animal uses real hypnosis who the real animal ninja is how spiders learn to fly and how this bird got eight legs let's go do you think a spider can breathe underwater well the diving bell spider can true it has no gills and other useful devices that fish have but it does have an amazing ability maybe it's even a little bit of a wizard have you seen the fourth harry potter movie we need that scene in the lake the second trial of tri-wizard tournament and cedric diggory then he used the bubble head charm to breathe underwater smart guy so it seems wait what's a spider have to do with all this oh yeah it can do the same thing and doesn't even need a magic wand the diving bell spider is considered the only species of spider that lives underwater almost all the time hunting resting mating feeding laying eggs wintering all this it can do without rising to the surface the only thing a spider can surface for is a supply of oxygen which sometimes has to be replenished otherwise something like that very head bubble comes in handy when the diving bell spider dives into the water the abdominal hairs covered with a special fatty substance don't get wet air is trapped between them which allows the spider to stay underwater for a long time using a primitive natural aqualung but this is not the only way to store oxygen the diving bell spider also creates a kind of underwater storage made of spider web and an unknown substance where it retains precious air it all depends on the size of the individual while some spiders have learned to hold their breath with their webs others have mastered flight welcome to the arachnophobes nightmare some of these creatures can actually fly or rather they sort of float in the wind using a web they can rise several kilometers into the air and what's more some of them are even able to float across the ocean at least that's what scientists think compared to the spider's web the air is similar to a thick liquid so the effect of gravity is easily neutralized by what can be called the stickiness of the air it's pretty hard to drown when you're floating jelly also only small and very light spiders can fly by the way this is a completely conscious action before flying spiders test the wind by lifting their front paw they test it they prefer a breeze of about 11 kilometers an hour only one question remains why in fact is all this happening well despite the fact that scientists still don't know everything about spider flight it seems that the reason is simple colonization the young ones go on flights to find suitable places for themselves and to give life to a new generation well and scare the crap out of someone well let's leave the horrors of flying spiders for a while and turn to the wonders of nature that don't give you premature gray hair imagine that you're walking through the park and suddenly you hear the sound of blasters seriously the storm troopers are missing again wait why would there be storm troopers near my house no you're not crazy there's just a liar bird lurking somewhere in the bushes lyrebirds are amazing creatures that can imitate natural and artificial sounds with amazing accuracy in general it absolutely doesn't matter for them whom or what they imitate other birds sure koalas yup dingos no problem a chainsaw giving someone a total immersion in a horror movie why not how about a sudden car alarm next to a liar bird making the car owner jump out into the street for a long time because of that false alarm that the liar bird made sorry buddy liarbirds like the sounds and yes i suggest photographing this bird in silent mode otherwise you'll start to feel like there's a whole battalion of paparazzi lurking around dogs barking babies crying cell phone ring tones fire sirens even the sound of a human voice nothing seems impossible for the liar bird they even know how to teach each other different sounds there was a known case where a man played the flute next to his domestic liar bird and the latter then sang the melody to his wild congeners in the park oh yeah i forgot to tell you where this bird lives you probably guessed it australia is home to some truly amazing creatures unlike lyrebirds unicorns or velvet worms are also found outside of australia if you run your finger over an anacorphra's body it feels like you're touching velvet but it's better perhaps not to touch them the cuter the caterpillar the more poisonous it usually is however the ability of velvet worms isn't in the venom at all but in the way they hunt spotting a potential dinner they just shoot a special slime at it like from cannons only instead of cannons they have glands near their mouths believe it or not they can shoot at a distance of up to one meter a single shot is usually enough to cover the victim completely while the mucus solidifies the insect can't get out of it and soon it finds itself eaten by the worm as soon as the anakophara digs into its prey saliva is injected into it which immediately starts the digestion process well isn't that classic i bet anacoparins would never be able to detect this creature even if they groped it completely because in front of you is a born master of camouflage the perfect ninja of the animal kingdom practically invisible you see take a closer look maybe this or this wait that's that's just a leaf okay okay i'll be honest i didn't find it right away myself because the giant leafy thing doesn't want to be discovered at all yep this slightly rotted leaf is an insect that lives in the tropics of malaysia and can reach 10 centimeters in length however even such large specimens have simply divine camouflage skills not only do they look like leaves but they also behave like leaves they don't produce oxygen they barely move during the day even if you poke them with your finger the leaf hoppers won't budge and only towards dusk will they go munch on some leaves when caught the adults make a peculiar noise it resembles a bee's buzzing sound and scares away a lot of predators you think it's a way to protect yourself but who needs to grow teeth or any poisonous hairs when you look like a leaf and behave like a leaf think like a leaf be like a leaf actually you know what i think i finally found living confirmation of the expression you are what you eat by the way if that expression really works then honestly i won't even speculate on what this lizard ate but it can walk on water or rather run very fast it looks insanely funny yeah i don't know why but i can't watch quietly as it runs away and here's another fact for you this lizard is called the common basilisk just imagine that it's not a giant snake crawling through the pipes inside hogwarts but something's running and it's that it seems that such a choice of monster would slightly undermine slytherin's credibility but back to the basilisk's unique ability for a long time scientists couldn't figure out how it managed to stay on the surface since the lizard weighs so much more than all sorts of water snakes in the end it turned out that the basilisk paddles with huge claws rather than actually running on the water by the way it can run up to 500 meters on the water surface at a speed of 12 kilometers an hour on land it moves a little slower and can easily do without oxygen for up to half an hour and if humans are clearly superior to basilisks and two points we somehow don't get along with running on water someone's already invented special shoes and liquid mountaineering but let's be honest we're not going to get into the slytherin beasties yet so you better take a look at this picture a bird with lots of legs sometimes nature makes very strange creatures i guess this creature must run fast or jump high i don't know why would anyone even need so many legs sorry no offense millipedes okay actually a jakana like all other birds only has two legs the rest belong to the chicks who hide under the father's wings actually even the two legs of jacanas are quite unusual because of their elongated toes and claws the bird's weight is distributed over a larger area allowing them to walk on leaves floating in the water and they do it rather quickly as soon as a predator appears on the horizon the caring parent hurries to the chicks to hide them under the wings it's believed that sometimes the chicks fall from the leaves and then the father fishes them out dries them and warms them cute and if that seems like it's not a real ability to you let me remind you we're talking about the animal world here a world where you can be eaten the minute you're born if your parents don't take care to protect you and who else would be so cool to save their kids cuttlefish don't really care about their offspring but they have another ability it's hypnosis yeah i agree you don't think of a perfect predator when you say cuttlefish but they're actually really cool when they hunt these creatures purposely create running stripes on their bodies with their chromatophores not only do they look like disco kings but they also hypnotize their victims you would think that crabs and shrimps have enough intelligence to realize that danger is approaching them but on the other hand it's really really so beautiful seems that the mud skippers looked at all this disco and decided they don't need all that underwater life never mind that the skippers live in a completely different region they became amphibians for a reason right you could say that they are fish that have made it to land and learn to survive everywhere in contrast to other tidal fish mudskippers don't hide under rocks when the water level changes but come out on land and actively crawl on it they move by jumping and leaning on their strong elongated front fence some of the mud skippers can climb up roots and trunks of trees holding onto them using their suckers modified pelvic fins what's more they even manage to put up a fight for territory then calmly return to the water and behave as a decent fish we'll see you later
Channel: WATOP
Views: 3,656,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WATOP, Wa Top, wild animals, superpowers, things, top
Id: 6-LB9WQo1zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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