Rare Sperm Whale Encounter with ROV | Nautilus Live

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[Music] we're gonna take a super sample at all of those each one is five minutes long fantastic so if you're if you're watching yeah on channel one yes super sampler yes you can get back here zoom out look around I'm gonna turn the m3 off guys he's got a bump you zoom out oh yes it's recorded yeah camera can we I could that's as far as I go I think we beat the other watch he's just doing laps [Music] moving up and I love it right it's gonna be there she gonna be deep enough hello baby looks like he's been raked see that that could be a propeller scar do you think so yeah Oh maybe for my rockin [Music] like it's gonna look at you now there is the eye final test yeah look at that view I hope we're getting screen captures of this here get yourself some screen captures [Laughter] if you want to move the white trailer whirling cut me around yeah checking out the bottom coming so I'm gonna sniff the bottom here he come we come in peace yeah here it yep serious again and hurts damn it looks fake yeah that's gonna be a sure there's gonna be comments like that yeah he's really is really folks out there this is live wonderful oh you can see the mouth yeah the jaw the lower jaw other can we move another camera to channel three meters whatever we think is best odd any anything we've got yeah [Music] there's a way to zoom in get a zoom in yeah it's good idea I mean if you are listening from home please taga share us do some screenshots and say what were you doing when you saw this whale [Music] you
Channel: EVNautilus
Views: 5,228,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whale, sperm whale, Whale (Animal), nautilus, titanic, Robert Ballard (Military Person)
Id: SkBpummjR5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2015
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