Rapture & Wrath: Ready or Not? Part 2B - A Scroll with 7 Seals

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welcome to part 2 be in the rapture and wrath ready or not video series in this episode I'll be discussing the breaking of the first six seals around the scroll in the book of Revelation and the prophetic events associated with each of these seals in part 2a of this series I explained that a proper understanding of the seven seals around the scroll helps to resolve the challenging issues related to the timing sequence and chronology of the last days I went on to say that the breaking of the seals has not yet occurred and that the events they depict will occur at a future time as each seal is broken in sequence during the 70th week which is the final seven-year period of human history I also shared with you a very important point which is this the six seals of revelation six precisely parallel the Lord's teaching when he was with his disciples on the Mount of Olives it was during this time of teaching known as the Olivet discourse that Jesus gave his disciples his fullest explanation about his second coming this is recorded in matthew chapter 24 verses three through thirty in describing events which would precede his coming jesus began by focusing on four issues first he said there would be false christs not men who would claim to be Jesus but men who would claim the office of Messiah and promote themselves as those who can solve all of society's problems second he said there would be wars and rumors of wars that nations would rise up against each other third he said there would be famines and forth he spoke of pestilence or disease which the Old Testament associates with death he also spoke of earthquakes which would occur in various places and as devastating as these things will be the Lord specifically calls this period of time the beginning of Sorrows the picture portrayed in the words beginning of Sorrows or literally birth pangs is a vivid one just as the labor pains of a pregnant woman indicate the nearness of the birth of a child these events the birth pangs indicate the soon-coming return of Christ but they are the beginning birth pangs the hard labor has not yet arrived the natural understanding of the Lord's statement that all these things of the beginning of Sorrows or birth pangs argue strongly against the view of some that these verses describe the general characteristics of his age beginning with the first century and continuing up to the present time to suggest the beginning birth pangs have already lasted almost two thousand years is totally inconsistent with the analogy of a woman beginning birth pangs who will soon give birth there can be no mistaking the fact that the first four seals taught by the Apostle John in Revelation six closely paralleled the Lord's teaching about the beginning birth pangs in Matthew 24 let's take a closer look at these clear parallels first the Apostle John's teaching remember we're at the first seal the first seal is the white horse and rider he represents false christs who lead men away from God and that's from revelation 6 1 and 2 now the parallel the Lord's teaching in matthew 24:5 for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many that's the first seal the second seal the Apostle John's teaching the second seal is the red horse and rider he has given a sword and has power to conquer through war again revelation six three and four parallel teaching of the Lord in Matthew 24 6 and 7 a and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom the third seal in sequence again were in the context of the beginning birth pangs the Apostle John's teaching in Revelation six five and six the third seal is the black horse and rider he has given a scale to measure the food supply and He will bring famine again the Lord's teaching Matthew 24:7 be and there shall be famines moving onto the fourth seal the Apostle John's teaching in Revelation six seven and eight fourth seal is the pale horse and rider he represents death and pestilence he kills with the sword hunger and beasts of the earth the parallel the Lord's teaching in Matthew 24:7 and pestilences and earthquakes and diverse places all these are the beginning of Sorrows now it's important to note there have been false Christ's wars famine and pestilence throughout recorded history but the beginning birth pangs of the last days will be unique in detail sequence scale and extent these events will occur during the first three and a half years of Daniels 70th week now let's turn our attention to the fifth seal around the scroll beginning in matthew 24:9 the Lord spoke to his disciples of the Great Tribulation in Greek the word is ellipsis during which time the birth pangs become harder and occur more rapidly leading up to his coming and the end of the age the word flips astiz translated into English by the words affliction and tribulation in a King James Version Bible and persecuted and distressed in the NIV in classical Greek ellipsis conveyed the idea of physical pressure it was used to describe a person who was bound by their hands and feet and laid prone on their back a heavy Boulder would then be placed on their chest unable to use their hands or feet to dislodge the boulder in time the pressure on their chest would make it difficult to breathe slowly the victim would die of suffocation the idea of flip SACEUR physical pressure came to speak of the pressures problems and des stresses of life the Old Testament has many descriptions which indicate a future time of intense tribulation connected to the coming of the Messiah Jesus in his Olivet discourse picks up on this Old Testament prophetic imagery when he speaks of coming great distress unequaled since the beginning of human history in describing Great Tribulation in his Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 the Lord foretold events which would impact his followers he said they will be afflicted slain and hated by all nations they will be an offence betrayed and hated by one another many false prophets will arise and deceive many because iniquity will flourish the love of man for God will grow cold those who stand firm or endure to the end of the age will be saved this is not referring to the salvation of the soul of the believer who endorsed persecution but to his deliverance at the Lord's return and finally the Lord said the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world and then the end of the age will come the disciples wanted to know the sign of their Lord's coming and the end of the age he told them that before the sign of his coming is revealed there must first come the beginning of birth pangs followed by the harder and more frequent birth pangs of the Great Tribulation as the first four seals of revelation six parallel the beginning birth pangs the fifth seal of revelation six parallels the Great Tribulation the Apostle John wrote of the fifth seal and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held in response to the disciples question in regard to the sign of the Lord's coming in the end of the age Jesus responded by using the analogy of a woman with child first will come the beginning birth pangs specific events of the last days which will indicate his return is near those birth pangs will be followed by the more severe birth pangs of the Great Tribulation a time of hardship and persecution initiated by the Antichrist with such severity if those days were not shortened all believers would perish but for the elects sake those days will be shortened again let's take a brief look at the parallel teaching of the Apostle John and Jesus in connection to the Great Tribulation ceil number five the Great Tribulation the Apostle John's teaching the fifth seal reveals a faithful remnant who are martyred for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held revelation 6 9 through 11 and the Lord's teaching in parallel then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake matthew 24:9 and what will be the event that god uses for shortening the Great Tribulation cosmic disturbance once more let's look at the parallel teaching of John and Jesus in connection to cosmic disturbance which is the sixth seal the Apostle John's teaching in Revelation six 12 and 13 the sixth seal reveals a cosmic disturbance and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and in parallel the Lord's teaching in Matthew 24:29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give its light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken the Sun and the moon will cease their normal and critical light and heat giving functions and the stars will fall from heaven not only will the cosmic disturbance cut short the Great Tribulation it will also serve to instantly and universally announce the coming of the Son of God believers will be raptured immediately prior to the outpouring of God's wrath during the day of the Lord listen again to the Lord's words recorded in Matthew 24 verses 29 through 31 immediately after the tribulation of those days the hard labor pangs shall the Sun be darkened the moon shall not give her light the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send His angels with this great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other contrary to the popular belief of many churches today Christians will not be exempted from the Great Tribulation which is coming upon the earth very soon they will however be exempted from God's wrath through rapture before the day of the Lord begins thanks for watching in the next episode of this series part three we'll explore the epic events which will occur during a brief but crucial interval between the breaking of the sixth and seven seals of the scroll before God's wrath and fury rains down upon a sinful and unrepentant earth during the day of the Lord 144,000 Jews will be sealed for protection and the faithful followers of Jesus Christ will be gloriously raptured [Music] you go deeper in your understanding of God his people and his plan for planet Earth Zions fire magazine is an exceptional resource with powerful insights from Scripture that provide a clear 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Channel: Zion's Hope
Views: 21,371
Rating: 4.7310925 out of 5
Keywords: Rapture, Wrath, Ready, God, Jesus, 2nd Coming, Scroll, Revelation, Prophecy, Prophetic, End Times, Return of Jesus, Pre-Wrath
Id: HRMwq6BpnCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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