Rapper Reacts To Hazbin Hotel Songs "Loser, Baby" "Hell's Greatest Dad" and "Respectless"

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how is it going ladies and gentlemen it is your boy Roar The One and Only In the Flesh and I'm going to bring to you my reaction to three haspen Hotel songs loser baby uh and a couple other ones uh we're just going to check this oh boy uh the least prepared I've ever been in an intro let's just jump into it we love haspen Hotel you know them you you you you you Fe over them and we get it let's just let's jump into this let's go so things look and your backs against the wall ooh nice nice voice whole existence seems [ __ ] hopeless okay he's like not really helpful as a dive bar bathroom nice the world sober and dop well I like how they pretty much just give you exactly what his dilemma was up to this point doesn't know how to handle life unless he's intoxicated you know they they made it the the the main Pinnacle of the joke in this dark comedy but at the end of the day as his character slowly develops he's like yeah there's a lot that I actually can't handle it's not all just me joking around like I can handle everything you know it's it's it's really cool that they're actually delving into that not just his own introspection but the other characters recognizing hey we we get it we get where you're coming from You' lost your way you think your life is wrecked well let me just say you're correct what you're a loser baby a loser goddamn baby you're a [ __ ] up little whiny [ __ ] you're a loser just like me thanks [ __ ] you're a screw lose loser an only onear reviews you're bottom rock bottom but you got company this supposed to make me feel better well I mean depending on who you talk to for some people you have to be uh you know a bit bluntly honest that like yeah this is how things are messed up right now and some for some acknowledging that you're not alone in that is enough to start out you know because otherwise it's just too easy to wallow in what you're in cuz if you're all by yourself then it's like oh no one understands me I'm just going to sit here but for some being able to be like Oh I'm not alone okay that is helpful for some at least I also like the little details of how he's got these signas um like on his back and everything but then that is used as the singal little bouncing ball you know did anyone ever grow up with those are those even things anymore the the the sort of bouncing ball with like singlong stuff I don't feel like it's a thing too much I love his [Music] faces Rel there you go that's what I was saying the damaged but letting walls down it can sometimes set you straight that is true damage damaged and sandwiched I love that um but I mean that's true that's that's exactly where a lot of people feel like they don't want to get help because they feel like what I've gone through is too much or it's something no one else can relate to which that's physically not true and I I you know if that wasn't abundantly clear that that's a message for you guys let me tell you that as well as much as we can tell ourselves no one understands what I'm going through that's not even true and when someone's like oh if I really told them what I what I think then this is going to then they're going to think I'm weird if they do then they're not worth your time anyone who is understanding of anyone's struggle is going to understand that uh we're all in the same boat you know and if someone's honestly going to be like well then they're not worth it find somebody else you know don't let that restrict you from pursuing healthy relationship and bettering yourself so I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak and you think that makes you uni we're both losers baby we're losers it's okay to Beed up dick sucking ho maybe that's fine by me I'm a loser honey I move surrender dumy but at least I know I'm not alone you're a loser just like me nice harmoning there that the H uh Angel being on the higher notes um worked really well with that that was very very cool um the only thing and I feel like this is you know kind of a little tie in here especially with someone like Angel is yeah okay recognizing that this is this is what you're in for this is who you are you know that kind of thing that doesn't mean that you shouldn't change it though and that's where you get some of the arguments back and forth about lifestyle choices like yeah you can you can literally do whatever you I mean it's it's your life you know you suffer the consequences for your actions but to better yourself it's like to acknowledge what you've gone through doesn't mean you have to stay there that's kind of the thing so he just seemed a little bit too happy to be like oh yeah this is what I am I'm like okay that whole part about recognizing you know that you want to better your life we kind of need to have that got anti for gambling got anti for every drug and I find go ahead baby sing that song come on I got no toow I my soul my power now I'm on that Demon's leash I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour you're a loser baby a loser but just maybe if we each it together things will end up differently Lose Yourself excuse yourself let Hope baby play your C who you are a loser just like there he is [ __ ] s again so so they were trying to run that just stops to have a little bit of a singing moment that's funny um yeah so I I think they really did a good job playing that out there that like yeah acknowledging who you are and not self-loathing that's the other side of the coin cuz you can be like oh yeah this is who I am I'm going to be proud of that when it's like okay well just we need to change here but then there's the other side where it's like well if you stay stay in the self-loathing then you're not going to change you know that's why I feel like a lot of these conversations about um healthy life styles and stuff like that is so arbitrary because most people look at it from their perspective it's kind of like when you talk about you know teaching a kid how the world works are you going to sign them up for sports so that they lose and you realize or you teach them hey you're not always going to get a participation trophy you're not always going to win you got to just keep going keep playing you know you got to do it for the love of the game but some people it's like maybe they can't handle that much uh disappointment in one go right but often times people will be like well it worked for me you know have them fail as much as possible so then they can learn well not everyone learns that way you know but I also personally think not everyone learns from getting participation trophies all day long just saying but let me know if that if that was your experience though this next one here is uh okay uh hell's Greatest Dad I'm very interested to see what we got going on here clearly no one is happy about what we just okay this fell from the ceiling okay okay how we going to do this all right then looks like you could use some help from the big boss of Hell himself Che out's going reviews on five really great usually but get family so I love his his flow first of all and the personality and the energy is great um great introduction here uh that's funny too they also bring in the whole I don't believe I mean unless my demonology class was not very conducive um or fleshed out I don't think think that they necessarily need a sacrificial lamb but in in Christianity especially the Old Testament a sacrificial lamb was a huge thing needed in order to purify yourself that kind of thing so the fact that they're like oh normally I charge a sacrificial lamb but you get the family right thanks it feels like when you have a a a you know a physician as a parent and you know you get all the the uh friends and other family members talking to them saying hey I you know I think I hurt my or hey I think I have this problem here and then they're able to look at it and they're like no no I think you're okay or oh maybe you do want to get that checked out and then you say like oh I think I broke my finger they're like well does this hurt no you're good you know just get the family right us L but you get family Bo youting men free I'll the game for you because I'm the [Music] okay so he's okay so he's he's basically offering his Services over the uh radio demon okay okay so he's trying to he's trying to be like hey this is why my services are better and you're going to enjoy that better um yeah I I'm really liking the energy here I I wish I uh knew who this voice actor was he sounds really really good Fountain Cavs that's just a start who's been here since day one who's been faithful as a none makes you old you're exective producer I'm your your day today your CH your hot remember when I fixed today thank you sir so I find that so interesting that Charlie's character up to this point is still so it's like you can see that point where she waivers from being realistic and being like yeah all these people here are just there for their their own amusement and their own uh you know their own accolades their own fulfillment they're not really here for me at all in this situation but then at the same time the instant one of them is like hey didn't I do this nice thing for you you're like you know what buddy that's true and you're you're you're the guy for the job it's like but I think that's an endearing part of her character to be honest remember when I fix that today I was thank you sir you I'm truly honored that we built such a bond you're like the child that I wish that I had uh what I care for you just like a daughter I SP hold on now it's a little funny you could almost call me dad [Music] oh where words won't fix it we're going to fight with instruments they say when you're looking for a it's to pick theth of least resistance say that in your needy F just happens to also be your blood huh sadly there are times a birth parent is a they say the family you choose is better what a bunch of losers can you B out of my song your song I started this I'm singing it I'll finish it it's me yes it's me okay before we get into this person I loved the back and forth that was really really cool um and I do think it's interesting again kind of like what I was saying you know with with how people's specific life uh experiences can sometimes taint what you teach other people right so if you never had a good family you could be like ah man you know my family was a dud the family you chooses better well that's not the case for everybody and also frankly I mean we all come from broken families none of us are perfect and realizing that and having compassion for that and being able to work with the people who are your blood can be a really important thing you know but not everybody wants to do that but also some people were not in good situation so all of that to say I I really like that back and forth because it does kind of present um you know a a truth that for Charlie they she definitely has to think about I also love this hat right here I like three this sort of looks like three people the tril the trilogy the trilogy of Jesus the Trinity and then there's the snake and the apple right there that's pretty cool I like that I started this I'm singing it I'll finish it you tack yes it's [Music] me okay yeah who are you oh [Music] who that is too funny uh so then the last one is respectless oh what's the matter fossil too scile to make a real power grab you better show some respect your wait wait wait wait wait who who is this related to her wait this isn't the serpent is it from um the first episode that was trying to blow blow up angel excuse me B there for a sec um no different color scheme but looks similar to a degree okay I have no idea who these characters are darn it I still haven't had time to watch the show do you do you think I have time to do anything I don't but I really like these designs I like the Pinstripe pants very cool okay oh what's the matter fossil too scile to make a real power you better show some respect change your behavior noest that way hey you expect us to sit back and take your insulin bra displ jeez basically saying hey um tone it down tone it do not talk to me like that I think I you know I think frankly a lot more people should be able to or should be able to they can I think a lot more people need to talk that way to to to others and be like hey tone it down you don't need to talk to me that way it's just everyone's so worried about you know standing up for yourself because maybe the person who insulted you would get offended it's just stupid [Applause] insent you got it Ted I'm not the one needs a new attitude I love her voicez # [ __ ] and I will do what I ooh and I will do nothing less than what I please so she ended that right in the middle of that line that was really [Music] cool oh I like the tamber right there let's di that back just a little bit here and I will do what I I'm the backbone of Thee mad that I acted respectless well it's no one could respect this group attending since when I over scar [Music] fight okay so so that's interesting bringing bringing the fact that they've been around for a long time into question of relevance and since that is something that is still apparent these days some people really do care about relevance but also relevance in general like if you're not being respected as a figurehead and you're Irrelevant in that regard then you got to put your foot down you got to show that you are still about that you're still a imposing figure that kind of thing so that's cool I I like that sort of double there but she clearly is all about what's trendy and and is aware of what you need in order to stay you know in everyone's mind that kind of thing to which I mean normally a lot of us don't really care about that but that's why I like that second point that hey they're supposed to be these big imposing overlords but nobody even knows them they don't know who they are they're irrelevant well that's not good also swiping right like on [Music] Tinder are and uninformed SM one of be who You' o I love the inner Rhymes there that was really cool there also was something here that I missed I'm so sorry what they saying about [Music] intelligence oh saying we can't we can't do anything before we know exactly what we're getting into which that's [Music] true so maybe it's worked out for her to be able to act before she has all the information okay I feel like that could tie into um being trendy and being on top of things it if you look at it from a social media standpoint sometimes you have to act with very little information you kind of have to get ahead of things you have to use some intuition and be like hey I might not have all the facts here but I'm going to go for it now does that mean that you're always going to do things correctly no I mean look at how many times people on social media jumped the gun on things and then it ended up not being true and that's all I'm G to say on this I love her voice though oop I ster Ang observe that your R face was turning red and why are youo in war that's what the guns you are for thanks to my being respectless one thing I'm starting to suspect is you know why this angel you have aure over Dude okay wait that was a productive meeting of course he would do that I really liked that back and forth right there I let's just let's just focus on that for a second here I like how it's tying a lot into the story um uh just with just the storytelling elements of it as they're singing it is really cool and also that gives us a whole uh bunch of info [Music] there's head couldn't help but observe that your rco face was turning red and why are you avoiding War that's what [Music] theun also I like how even though she has a thinner design the um what is it the the little cloak that she has on the back or whatever is swishing a lot further out like I like that it's yeah cool design [Music] choice so clearly there's some reason for why she's in League with the angels probably a a saving move of like oh I don't want to actually fight I just want to you know rub shoulders with whoever I have to rub shoulders with in order to keep my longevity going so really really cool I liked that that was a productive meeting okay well there you go all of that created by Vivian I mean amazing job to everyone involved with these these were really really cool I I thoroughly enjoyed these um going to have to make it a priority to watch the rest of the show so you guys let me know in the comments if you saw this show all the way through what did you think of it let me know did you which one of these three songs did you enjoy the most that also tell me how many you guys got to the end of this video so thank you very much for watching and until next time this Min boy Ro and peace
Views: 106,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, reaction, discuss, discussion, music, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, singing, singer, singalong, loser baby, loser, baby, hell's greatest dad, respectless, prime video, prime
Id: lsDJR4UMvG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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