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salems "finally..." tweet after melee was removed from evo 2019

👍︎︎ 108 👤︎︎ u/SimonIsSoggy 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Where is Mew2King's where he said Hitler had pure intentions

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

holy shit the ultimate one comparing wifi players to black people is so bad

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

homie stocking makes me wanna homie stock irl -haxx

idk if best or worst

👍︎︎ 121 👤︎︎ u/Solasykthe 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

That maister tweet man

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Volleyballhero 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Luigigoshard fucking kills me lmao

Just everything about that guy is the peak of cringe comedy

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Hufff 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just recently rediscovered Hugs' content after a long time; he's really stepped it up. Great video.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/lunarelephant 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really have been enjoying Hugs’s content tbh. Barring Ludwig, imo the best smash personality creator when it comes to pure enjoyment.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/WWTFSD 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dang, I should be following Magi on twitter.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/sankakukankei 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
everybody welcome to the stream it's gonna be a good one today we're doing the worst smash tweets which i've been wanting to do for a while because you know as much as there is to love about the smash community there's also stuff to make fun of it for we had a subgoal we didn't really hit it but i'm going to do it anyway so uh if you like the stream if you want to support uh your subs are much appreciated especially the twitch primes which are free but uh i'm probably gonna need your guys help because finding the bad tweets are much harder than finding the good tweets uh we are not doing redacted tweets i don't i just don't wanna do that okay so in this case the tweet itself doesn't have to be about the game it could just be smash players making having really really really bad takes okay eventually after i get through the ones that i've kept track of i'm gonna need you guys to then hit me up with the ones that you know of okay let's take a look at the other any of hugs's tweets okay moving on now before i start what defines a bad tweet now that's kind of hard they're either just really really really terrible takes or they're trying to be funny but it's it's so bad spoiler alert um uh esfat is going to be both on the best tweets of all time list and the worst tweets of all time list right for that reason i can't actually start a list without a you know a list of the worst tweets without actually talking about my own uh i have written some stinkers in the past and i would not be okay with making this list without acknowledging my own [ __ ] ups on twitter my own terrible terrible tweets and i already have some people linking you so much well we'll see if we caught it we'll see if we caught mine so this is my uh this is my gambling advice tweet which was uh you don't lose in gambling unless you quit never give up that's not actually bad that's kind of funny i think unless you're taking it seriously right so that's not terrible all right so i uh i tried to i tried to do a little something for my partner voodoo ranger and you know promote their beer on a beautiful day and uh and then uh instead of people being like yo this is awesome uh everyone just kind of ripped into my pizza and uh poor voodoo ranger uh they had to be associated with this tweet but you know what it's okay the beer looked good you know they got their impressions oh god i don't even want to talk can i not talk about that look i thought i oh god i lost 603 chapsticks in my lifetime i made it seem like it was like a like i got a virus on my computer and it automatically posted it i thought it'd be so funny if i created a fake website i'm cringing hold on hashtag how many so this is really bad you're laughing at it now but that's the thing right i'm gonna show you guys a lot of tweets today that are going to be really bad but you're going to be laughing at them now that's why this list exists because they're so bad that in retrospect in reviewing them they're funny i think this one should count okay uh but the thing is i wasn't trying to be funny here i was just like really impressed with my ability to find any name that i so desired oh it counts okay yeah this this isn't going to make the list right i'm just i'm just showing you guys these tweets because hugo can sometimes be bad at tweeting that's fine but it's not going to make the list right guys that's it's not going to make the list right okay look can you guys stop making me cringe i i don't wanna this wasn't about me the stream was not about me all right is is this not terrible is it it's so bad you cannot com isn't this awful a surefire way to um to get on this list is to to relate something extremely serious to super smash brothers what is this tweet why how did you what is this deep cut back when hungrybox would only get 13 likes homework over having fun with girlfriend sad face in terms of priority of course lasai that's pretty bad that's pretty bad i don't know if that's making the list but pretty bad this is awful this one is absolutely legendary okay i had to screenshot it because i didn't know if he would delete it but uh look michael's a great guy nintendude is a great guy however this was one of the worst tweets that i've ever seen i see's players have absolutely been getting bullied out of the game if melee had its own hate speech wobbler would be it ah ryobi nailed it with his response saying yeah okay i won't say wobbler but can i say wobbler if it's in a diss track uh real hate speech is a lot worse than calling someone a wobbler okay are you goddamn wobbler they're not they're not gonna be like oh yeah like no it's just like yeah i am what the [ __ ] right no it's the it's the it's the bullying that makes it terrible right this one is one of the ones that is going to make both lists i referenced it before but it gets to be on twice it gets to be on both lists okay this one's a class okay like this is how you know you scroll down one of the best ways to know if it's a bad tweet is you scroll down and you try to see how many people are saying what the [ __ ] okay there's reno there's one there's there's two from vish there's envy with the delete there's the um what the me i laugh because i i i know it's gonna make it listed so i'm looking at content in the making right that's why i'm laughing no this isn't me responding to zach there was just a guy a person with an anime profile pic who would always call me uncle hugo all right let's start keeping track okay we'll see which ones have made the list so far any of hugs's tweets if i'm gonna get one in then i'll let you guys decide i'll let you guys straw pull it uh here's one that definitely makes it you guys have been shouting it out okay now here's the problem though here's the problem though the original has been deleted okay but i have a screenshot where he says trust me you know absolutely nothing about streaming ultimate if you think minimum why a little minimum wage jobs are harder that is a really bad tweet do you think anyone is ever sitting at mcdonald's saying [ __ ] i'm so glad i'm here instead of at home making the same money playing ultimate it's really bad i don't know about you guys but i think this makes the list i think this definitely 100 makes the list this classic you guys wanted me to include it on the greatest tweets ever and i didn't it's better reserved for a shittiest tweet compilation okay now here's another example of how laughing laughing at a tweet does not necessarily make it good his original post is already a contender for one of the worst tweets ever and he topped it that's crazy melee has never been legitimately part of the rest of the smash community already a very questionable tweet it's so obvious but nobody wants to accept that fact which is fine i'll do me lol so what he means let me let me translate for salem melee kind of does its own thing meanwhile the rest of the smash community gets a new game every year and they move on that's a i guess that's a terrible way to say it but i guess that's a that's a way to say that melee feels a little separated which is true we do do our own thing and here we go the classic i need to i need to pay one of those you know how you can pay those uh two uh model girls to just say whatever you want on youtube videos they did it for the alex 19 copy pasta you can keep your statistics i prefer the magic yeah i'm a smash player along with that i know many things that most don't know about these communities mainly isn't a part of the actual smash community and i'm not saying that because i don't like them i'm saying that based off years of research oh is this where he called like armada a one-trick pony or something hold on ah here we go hold on i want to see where it got set off this is a moment in history guys i got to find it all right let's keep going ah here we go never even owned a wii u and had maybe 10 hours of play time in that game when i got fourth at beast beat i studying twice and took a game from mr r chic before that too goat of melee was number one in pm for a while 17th and brawl at genesis was chic despite barely playing the game [ __ ] get him armada i said get him your greatest achievements are an apex and an evo trophy which are big events but guess what i have more titles in both apex and evo than this and apex does not even make my top five [Laughter] oh [ __ ] you know what maybe uh we need to add this onto the greatest smash sweets ever [Music] we doing this today mr one trick pony melee player because all you're saying is you can only do well in one game since you know pm and melee are basically the same thing uh we're just we just keep moving the goal post oh wait do i get the armada response it was the best one wait where's the armada response no that was on his stream the one trick the one trick i can is winning tournaments well salem is much more about the mix-ups getting 33rd 17th 25 occasionally at first place i i don't even want to play around with the list guys i think we i don't think anything is beating this nothing is beating this now what else do i have on my list before i take i take uh viewer submitted we got a couple from uh from a certain someone who i think has written a quite a few bad tweets uh so i don't think this one makes the list but it's just prepping for one that i think actually makes the list okay it's uh it's blur's tweet where he's comparing uh the election and the comeback from joe biden with uh saying this guy is johnny stalking this entire election right now and this is this is what makes it bad when he wrote this he really thought he was saying something okay this is a classic example of a tweet where you really thought you were saying something it's in smash bros please laugh this is what doing melee commentary does to a [ __ ] not even once man that's so funny here's what i think is the worst blair tweet bold move by ninja i have no idea but that deal's got to be over 40 million a year right that dude's net worth is hitting levels we never thought a gaming creator could reach okay so far you're fine so far this tweet is fine with even the most conservative of estimates and investing he should be a billionaire in five to ten years time uh to which atriac uh just summarized my feelings exactly when i read this and he says blur what in the hell are you talking about billionaire drake is not a billionaire lebron is not a billionaire mj is a billionaire at 55 after getting 100 million from nike every year [Laughter] ninja is not on that level even with the world's juiciest mixer deal [Laughter] i loved it you're thinking too small blur what did i say in my most conservative estimates i can see him becoming a gazillionaire in just under 12 years i forgot i said that i forgot i said that i don't know if magis are going to make it because she is a [ __ ] post expert so there is intention behind these and i think that's good enough she's making a reference to pornography not that i've ever seen that line of pornography but she's making a reference where is it what about this one does this one count this is a [ __ ] post too reverse cowgirl into knee this should actually make the best smash tweets list yeah yeah magi actually deserves multiple on this list this might when i update next time i might actually have to include this it's really good oh my god this is terrible [Laughter] except i don't know what you're i i don't get it magic i don't i don't understand what you're referring to all right look look this is still the worst smash tweets list i just wanted to uh you know refer to someone who just toes the line okay unlike this tweet which is lacking self-awareness which just allows it to be bad okay but it also makes the good list because it's so bad it's good now that we've we've kind of seen what tows the line between bad and good let me give you what i personally feel is the worst smash tweet of all time now look salem's tweet is going to win right it's just way too impactful it's way too big to not be number one okay but i personally think this is the worst tweet i've ever seen i've talked about it on stream before but i'm going to talk about it again now where i actually i actually said and that inspired this video where i read this and i'm like dude i actually need to make a worse tweet of all time video wait really quick sakurai was talking about labeling wi-fi players on smash ultimate online and then he said so all wi-fi players should suffer unfairly because of the possibility of being laggy it's like saying all black people should suffer unfairly because of the possibility of some of them being criminal should we all just segregate them too no hear this out hear me out hear me out he literally compared being discriminated against for your shitty internet connection to the discrimination that real humans feel for the color of their skin [Laughter] look at that ratio if salem's wasn't so impactful and so big i would want to make this one the worst tweet of all time i think i think factually it is one more that i uh didn't talk about yet i didn't get to do yet is uh hold on what is another crimson blur one tired of the cruelty you see in america hear me out what if we all as smashers move to the same location use our numbers to vote on our own to uh to vote in our own to political positions and slowly took over to create our own utopia we need somewhere cheap though i got it let's call it mrs slippy there's all right this is just bad similar to our great president donald trump's favorite luigi is going nowhere i what do you know well this this fails in so many levels it's really bad this is really bad but i still think the other the original is worse what the [ __ ] is this no i haven't seen this one why is it that dogs eat their own poop vomit and lick their genitals yet if you look at them while they're pooping they get embarrassed i think it's a good question it's a bad tweet but i think it's a good question yeah this was funny this was really funny yeah kyra's married yeah it's like in smash now he just [ __ ] up have y'all noticed how i can literally go from looking like the goofiest guy to entering the avatar state hello best thing is when i finish the set i actually go like what did i just do just like aang when he goes like what happened [Laughter] why am i like a walking car too this is pretty funny this is pretty bad this is really bad actually the more i think about it like i'm looking at the pictures like oh it's just me i'm a goofy guy and then uh oh i am serious i play smash all right all right so let me tell you about this tweet okay i'll show you in a second but basically none likes calling um uh kage the k word he just he has this joke about not saying his actual name so he refers to him as k word it's like a voldemort type thing you don't say his name he calls him k word and then at one point uh kage got upset he got so upset that he went on facebook or twitter no one knows where i forget where this was just a story told me where he got really upset and he said you know it's really [ __ ] up that you keep calling me the k word how would you feel if i called you the n-word how would you feel and everybody was like yo so yeah it's just such a except i don't think it was a tweet but what we do have what we do have is this tweet which uh jesus christ um all right any final submissions what you guys got in 2014 i will [ __ ] the people hard on the sink after that give us some drink this is great what do you mean this is this is fire i should bring it back you know what i am gonna bring it back because leffen retweeted my worst tweet did you guys know that leffen actually brought back my uh my porn my porn tweet hold up he definitely retweeted it was dead and he brought it back from the dead should i do it uh now here's the thing guys i have a rule i have a rule in my life that says that i will never [ __ ] with leffen like look you can see it here see people responding to leffen left and bringing this back so first i'm gonna like this so he knows why i'm doing it okay all right here we go all right laughing you're getting a taste of your own medicine i'm bringing this one back okay there we go all right guys i think i'm ready to start voting we got uh okay do any of mine make the list so if you forgot the one i had so i had a like a whole list go in here uh i had this one which was really all right this one was bad okay you know you know what i might do a straw poll i might do a straw poll so i'm gonna show you all my bad tweets you guys get to pick them so we got the pizza one and then uh oh god i hate this one this is so cringe do i have to show it it's the chapstick it makes no sense this is a this is a made-up website you made zayn reply to the left and tweet no [ __ ] i'm in trouble man i'm in so much trouble all right let's see what the results are i agree i think poor searching is the worst hugs porn tweet in contention i will put the chapstick tweet as an honorable mention okay oh god is he live son of a [ __ ] no okay so hbox lasai it's an old one your choice if you want to include the really old ones it's really bad it's really really bad but uh it's just old cringe nintendo uh wobbler does anyone have a link to that real quick because i only have a screenshot uh it's this one where he he compared uh ice climbers getting called wobblers to uh melee's version of hate speech no nintendo apologized and 10 dude realized he [ __ ] up when he said that it's just the the the comparison to hate speech that's where he [ __ ] up and he took it back he messed up it's okay okay this one i thought this one was really bad you guys are telling me it's just funny i think it's terrible it's just pikachu on slicks come on all right the left in minimum wage tweet [ __ ] is he [ __ ] live [ __ ] uh luffin took it back it's all good guys nothing nothing to see here but it's cool he was just kidding is he still alive is he still alive he apologized once again i'm gonna make sure echo includes the part where i say that they apologize they knew they [ __ ] up uh so we got two of blurs we got blur on this list twice i still love this one where he uh he's this is just him being stupid right it's not bad in the same way that some of the other ones are bad then we have the blur with the johnny stock one let me click that one dead ass this comeback is the thing of legends like look at that look at the quote tweets hold on blur is so weird i don't know why i like this one the most that is an awful tweet the more i'm reading blur's tweets the more i understand his performance at the roast of bobby's scar don't play it ah come on dude this is supposed to be a cringe stream can i play it um life doesn't have to end at 30 scar like even 40. look at hugo hey whoa so i was very lucky because i recently received a special vessel bobby sent to fetch me and uh as if i want to get to his room go to his room i get high and watch anime um but then a couple of years later you know i don't know how that night finished uh but all of a sudden scar has a kid his name donato apparently told really liked that name anyway scar i'm really happy to be here i hope your road goes well that was the joke that was the joke that was the punchline guys i i was dying this and i were dying by the way this is so funny it was just a bomb so do you guys understand now how all of these blurred tweets now make perfect sense to me see here's the problem though he wrote this after the after the roast before that i thought he was a funny man blur makes me laugh when i talk with him because he's just he's a character right everyone knows blur i love blur i think blur is great he gets to call himself prime blur i get to laugh at him being one of the worst players he's ever played i've ever played sorry so it works it works out right but then when it comes to him delivering straight comedy like making a joke we end up with mrs slippy and i think this tweet deserves to be on the list so we're going to include it we're going to include it at the bottom here all right this one uh does it deserve consideration uh now this isn't as funny until you realize he wrote it two hours ago on a date where he has already lost the election i think i think this one should be included it's either this one or the uh the uh the luigi hat one or this one which one guys we got two choices the part that sucks is he's a big eddie mexico fan that's got to be that's got to be weird because they used to get along really well i don't know how he would feel about that now the wi-fi tweet oh this was my personal submission that i think is actually number one worst ever and uh this guy said so all wi-fi warriors should suffer unfairly because of the possibility of being laggy it's like saying all black people should suffer unfairly because of the possibility of some of them being criminal should we all just segregate them too the worst all right kage's uh so background um none calls kage the k word it's this funny way of saying that he doesn't want to say his name kage one day decides to uh say uh okay you definitely deserve to be n-word after the status yeah basically uh none was going at him again he was making jokes about uh kage again and then calling him the k word he's like yeah well how would you feel if i called you the n-word and uh i wish we had that original post because then that would make the list but this is a good second place that's up there that's really high up there i think okay now we got hugs's porn tweet people are arguing whether it's good it's it's a it's a really bad tweet i shouldn't have written it also calling uh women females back in the day yeah i said it [ __ ] up oh we also got s fat's tweet sorry i didn't include in the list my bad s fat crt tv playing netplay is like touching yourself while watching porn but playing on the crt is like having that certain someone touching you okay this is it got deleted apparently okay yeah i could consider this one for the list do you guys think yeah this could this could count cause not all bad tweets have to be like political or or like racist uh they could just be really bad tweets it could just be really bad tweets so i'm down with it i'm actually done with it yeah so we got five so far you have to include five more let's just figure out what the other five are i think luigi's luigi go shards uh trump one is way out there now of blurs three tweets which ones do or do not make it the johnny stock won yeah dead ass this comeback is the thing of legends homie is holding by sub 1 lead in three states this guy is johnny stalking the entire election right now now i think this is cringe and i think it's a bad tweet but i don't think it makes the list i think nintendo's deserves to be on there blurs not so much it was just him saying something dumb can we not uh give blur like blur will actually take pride in this by the way i hope you guys know he's actually gonna take pride in having two on the list so let's not give him that and let's consider it for an honorable mention do any of mine make the list do you i'm gonna let you guys decide you don't think any of my tweets are on the level okay i think the porn one could it's pretty yeah and then females too it's it's pretty bad all your tweets are bad nah i got heat all right you relax i think meister's avatar tweet is really really fast we don't have enough funny bad on this list and that's pretty funny back [Laughter] why am i a walking cartoon this is so funny this is actually really bad you got to figure out intention with a tweet and uh this is the intention was exactly what we need to put this into one of the worst tweets this is very this is a very genuine treat is it worse than sfcrt tv than kage n word i think it i think it's worse than the kage n word one yeah left in versus minimum wage is it worse than all of those legends is bad because it's ignorant meister's is bad because it's completely devoid of any self-awareness which one makes you laugh more because it's so bad is the question i think that's how we should define the list here i think i think s5 belongs in the top five it's so bad the re it's so bad that it became so funny that it made the other list it has to be in the top five as fat really thought he made a good analogy but a humorous analogy and everyone was just gonna love it oh [ __ ] you're so right s fat that's the reaction he thought he was gonna get when he wrote that tweet and everyone was just like what the [ __ ] [Laughter] delete this right the kage one you know what actually uh no i'm not going to show it again because you guys could all just check out the youtube video when it drops youtube.com hugs86 subscribe turn on notifications and you'll get notified when the video drops in one to two days check it out [ __ ] this is tough guys this is really tough you know what i'm gonna leave it to a vote i actually legitimately can't decide this so i'm gonna create a new one pick the worst one chat go the ideal tweet for this is it's so so bad that it makes you crack up like the wi-fi tweet right okay let's see the results oh my god see i told you this was hard i told you this was hard hold up no hold on wait which one's this one if walt disney and adam hit and adolf hitler teamed in dubs they would rock sheet cloud that's pretty bad we got someone running we got someone in the race so pull how did it end up it looks like it's gonna be blurs i'm gonna let this rock in this order by the way because i i have such a hard time actually ranking these that i'm okay with blurs mrs slippy tweet and 10 dudes was it intended and then kage yeah and then luigi goshard what do you guys think i'll let you guys decide okay we'll do another poll all right let's see the results boo boo boo you guys you guys don't know what bad is it's looking like the johnny stock is gonna take the last one it's looking like it yeah and we're gonna have two honorable mentions i'm still including mine as an honorable mention it's really bad gg's blur you're on this twice on this twice my man honorable mentions go to uh raffi's hitler tweet and my hugs is chapstick sweet this chapstick tweet you know it's bad you know it's terrible youtube.com hugs86 hit subscribe hit that little ding ding ding ding ding ding ding on the right to get notifications and you'll see it when it goes live it'll go live pretty soon i'll get echo storm on it and it'll be fire you'll be there first you could comment you could be like i was first and then you could be the next guy who's like who the [ __ ] cares you could be that guy too that guy's pretty cool too so everyone say hi to youtube say bye to youtube uh and say bye to the stream because i'm dipping wait see i'm not rating luigi goshard all right later holy macaroni i work banjo and kazooie to bust the fattest nut in my ooey gooey like in my head okay no one share that all right
Channel: Hugs86
Views: 62,544
Rating: 4.9246764 out of 5
Keywords: hugs, hugs86, hugo, highlights, stream, hugs86 stream highlights, stream highlights, hugs86 highligths, stream highlights hugs86, hugs86 melee, hugs86 smash, worst tweets, worst smash tweets, smash twitter, best smash tweets, best tweets, hugs86 twitter, hugs86 tweets, years of research, salem twitter, leffen twitter, worst tweets of 2020, smash twitter drama, smash ultimate twitter, hugs86 ranking, ranking the worst tweets, ranking the best tweets, ranking, twitter rankings
Id: qPIpDVmTIes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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