BEST Smash Tweets Ranking Update

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today we have uh we have a special stream we are updating our best smash tweets which was one of our videos from way back oh it's our biggest video is it oh it is 121k oh i could do i got it like that i could do that and i i felt like six months is a good time to update in six months people be posting so without further ado let's start getting into it because it seems like we're gonna have to go through a lot right we gotta we gotta go through the ones on twitter then we gotta go through different ones on chat and then i gotta deliberate and prophesize and opinionize and uh to make a new list chat don't tell me who to follow okay i'll do it on my own i'll make my own decisions okay so right after hungrybox got relegated from division one at the at the smash championships league he tweets my heart is elsewhere and then this guy this hero of the people says uh yeah it's in d2 yeah it's a killer tweet uh does it make the list though to update on this classic that's tough right you gotta be better than like armada iran tweet or iran did what you gotta be better than kalindi's uh uh coffin tweet it's it's difficult to make this list where are we at what was i at okay this one you complete idiot you absolute simpleton my heart was actually in a different location rendering your victory over me hollow that's a funny tweet that's a reference to mew2king or two to hungrybox's tweet lame sick aggressive defensive we'll all be equal in the great it's true that's a fire tweet yeah that's and that's a fire response why does this exist i can't believe roy has side b how is that move even okay and then goblin says it's actually not that good gobble gobble oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh you can't read it i just read it for you yeah oh so you did you guys just think i just said that you guys just thought that that came out of my mouth [Laughter] was it funny to you guys at least were you cracking up at that yeah okay look dude i love this one press one if you've seen it this this one's gonna make it that worked out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is i wonder if this is actually the original i don't think it is what the hell am i don't scroll through the replies ever again all right moving on cut my foot earlier today trying to mimic sheik's up here off the diving board headed to the hospital at the moment because it won't stop that's just kind of funny uh that's i don't think that's a joke went one two and smash four shulk just changes colors and i have no idea what the [ __ ] is happening oh tell me about it this one okay ah the only problem is like this is a very great tweet but uh uh it's it's like the the makings of the tweet are not what's funny it's just the picture right this is a luigi goshard he is a midwest player who has who has been red pilled and like now he's just all the way trump like he's mr trump in the smash community i don't know if you guys knew that okay oh i love this one okay uh so spoiler when i end up making my worst smash tweets list which will happen soon i just gotta gather gather up enough one of them one of them is gonna be when uh when leffen said that it's harder to stream uh ultimate than it is to work in the fast food industry uh so basically it was a bunch of people tweeting [ __ ] like man i'm sure i'm glad i'm not streaming ultimate right now and same working at a fast food joint very good tweet i think this is a very good tweet i think it's solid yeah dude can you guys just give me thoughts on other really bad tweets anyway that's for another day i'll be making that list another day third out of 49 at big blue beat regalo and sen but wasn't a fan of when shane kept telling me to kill myself and die slow during our losers final set so you're just going to leave out the part where you had a picture of my mom on your phone and you'd slightly zoom in on her tits after every stuck not my fault she's got big honkers okay no this was all right this was fire okay no this one this was definitely making the list how did i not see this that's real wow okay um honkers gazungas i i do think it's funny how everyone's coming up with uh new creative ways to say uh bazongos or whatever they're just sakurai added a woman to smash with huge boobs booty shorts torn stockings and heels to smash and somehow made nerds mad about it outstanding achievement really uh which woman was it does she have huge bazongos i'm gonna do it i'm gonna push it i'm gonna push the button i'm gonna push the button on stream i'm gonna push it i'm gonna [ __ ] do it i'm gonna [ __ ] do it i'm gonna do it you exist you are the result of billions of years of extremely unlikely events unfolding into what is today and you are a part of this world for millions of years living creatures had offspring and you are at the end of this chain of life and then you main luigi i can't believe people are still playing melee can't believe people are still playing ultimate yeah i missed fiction's twitter fiction's twitter was good he made like three on the last list some boobs in my face would be wonderful right now but these ledge dashes aren't going to miss themselves that [Laughter] me in the hotel lobby with toph barbecue this morning me dude i think i'm sick yeah man no like i'm ill lol that's actually how toph would respond five back and forth later i was able to convey that a virus had infected the cells in my body [Laughter] that's a really good tweet i think it's so funny when bad players have super good di lmfao it's like damn dog how long have you been getting beat on that's a funny tweet that's a funny tweet why does this dog get noticed hacks and ssbm the knockdown state has several hidden rules and properties by knowing about them you can not only maximize your punishes against knock-down opponents but also take advantage of a never-before-seen advance technique girl at the bar i think i see my friends okay this is pretty good i i have a tweet about that hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up yes that's really fascinating and everything but let me take a second to tell you about the box this is actually hack's money at the bar talking to a girl why didn't i get any credit for this one every time i tweet i only get two or three likes on average while a top 50 player melee or anyone with presents gets 1k like per se or more for posting the dumbest random comments you can think of it's so dumb and disappointing but i guess that's how life kind of works i ate food three thousand what's up woogie are you why are you submitting a clip what's going on here i'm scared i gotta see this huh this isn't another clip of mango making fun of me right hugo was top 15 in 2018 no he wasn't no he wasn't hugo sucked ass no that's my case checkmate adam sick [ __ ] meta bro he goes top [ __ ] 15 sick [ __ ] meta bro you can't just say like what the [ __ ] what the hell no that was a good meta wait i've seen this and i forgot it completely what is this hold up there we go that's what it is hold on it was this hold up how strong it is i don't like that kirby goes have you seen kirby's first match because puts this whole it was so good [Laughter] people i'd be terrified to debate if i were a democrat leffen okay this is pretty funny this is kind of funny i don't know if i love it i i already know about this image so it doesn't surprise me that much this is from a real this is from a tournament video it's actually it's really cursed have you guys not seen it oh no here it is here it is i'm gonna have to mute it because i don't want to get dmca so there's armada there's ax larry back when he was deaf oh get bible thumps in the chat ah eddie mexico right tell me this hacks money one's not funny ah hopefully waffles all right let's not talk about this one moving on moving on okay this is me no beer no grooming and this is pre uh this is before the time that leffen made so much fun in my jeans that i had to start buying jeans that fit leffen literally at summit just took pictures of four people's uh jeans right and then and then he goes is it that [ __ ] hard to find jeans that fit when the whole squad gets sent to the principal's office and this is okay look at how sad they all look i don't know why but hug spelling fish just hits different fish five nine seven okay it just it's like a slow hitter it's just a slow hitter just got held at gunpoint while working the register blessed to be alive and above all blessed i'm not an ultimate streamer it could always have been worse okay he made this one about his friend i wonder if this is gonna be funny guys without reading don't read it yet press one if you think it's gonna be funny the the usually the independent ones the ones that didn't blow up they're not funny but i would love to find a gym junior scio bond is the type of person who gets sent home early not because he has head lice it's because he plays a lame this is the worst tweet i've ever all right going on the list we're getting there boys this is so so bad when dr h box gives bad circumcision could we get a shiver me tip pound you've been talking all day about your submissions pound and that's what you gave me you submitted this how dare you oh yeah this was the echo storm one does it make the list the heck is a ken combo wait it's all the mango always has been i did like this tweet i'm gonna i'm gonna put this on uh on a possibility cause he's my editor man he's gonna he's gonna make my video shitty if i don't put it on the list i have to put it on the list actually number one it's echo storms is number one number one it's decided yeah yeah any random wobbler versus the one versus one of the best players in the world is always hyped because you just never know for sure who played who this time and who won ibn w beat a random icy's called slug and it was last stock both games and slug says shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] this one was really good i don't you guys decide if you're gonna include it though i don't know this is just this is a reference to that luigi ghoshard tweet oh is that the last one oh okay all right you know what time it is it's time for chat to give you the ones that they think i missed tristan you linked me your own tweet i swear to god tristan if this isn't funny you're getting timed out i was playing against this annoying fox in a set and then we were in a last sox situation game three and i got a nice puff combo on him and dropped it so he goes how the [ __ ] did you drop that dumbass elevator so then i said how the [ __ ] did your mom drop her toddler on her head next should i get three houses or should i just play uh he is gonna get to go back there i could watch hentai ah okay always a tough decision that can't be real i mean i guess it is real but still that can't be real guys are afraid to moan i'm in my girl's ear like [ __ ] yes yes how did i not like or retweet this you guys know this one right it's a classic yo my movement kind of schnasty it's schwerbach that's it it's schwerbach this wall tastes like dirt this wall tastes like dirt all right this is like an elevated this is like an elevated uh you know eating glue meme oh here's the okay here's the salem's worst nightmare when he didn't shake armada's hand after he beat him shake your hand take your hand i'm gonna shake your hand i want to shake his hand i'm gonna shake his hand i want to shake his hand he pulled me off the [ __ ] plate i wanna shake his hand all i wanna do i wanna do you stupid this video is [ __ ] classic of course it does that guy is way better than this guy [Laughter] legacy wise look at that guy dude mean legacy that guy's sick people try to tell me armada is the guy should i tag him he also said i have the best melee stream ah okay i got i can't do it this was a fire tweet dude this has such bangers such bangers people keep asking me if i have a gf but the only gf i need is evo grand finals that's just a fire tweet right it's just like god damn [ __ ] get him right i think i'm ready to start ranking i think i'm ready to start ranking let's give a hand for these fire tweets in the last six months bringing us joy in these awful awful times now where does it end up on the list so remember echo storms is number one all time i don't even need to think about it he's my youtube editor he's gonna make a shitty video if i don't do it if i don't put him at number one he's gonna make it shitty on purpose this one might make the old timeless i think it's so funny when bad players have super good di it's like damn dog how long you've been getting beat on i don't know why that is so goddamn funny to me it's just such a smart tweet so far the only i can't the only one that has a chance of beating anything on the current list i don't i don't know if any of them do yet none of these do actually but it all makes sense this is just an update so you can't expect them all to make it in it's just an update so honestly considering it's only been six months out of the entire span of melee to have like two to three make the list for the update i think it's pretty good oh this one has to be in this one has to be it i cannot believe this one didn't make it last time when the whole squad gets sent to the principal's office ah this one okay just got held at gunpoint while working the register blessed to be alive and above all blessed i'm not an ultimate streamer it can always have been worse i love this one i like this one more than the other reference all right luigi goshard on his way to find the vaccine it's relevant it relates to luigi goshard wearing that stupid ass maga hat that says trump's favorite luigi it's good i don't know if it makes the list because it's a little too you need the the reference i think this one makes it i think this one makes it for sure guys are afraid to moan i'm in my girl's ear like [Applause] i think this one definitely makes it yo my schmoving kind of schnasty it's schwarbage it's schwarbage it's schwarbich brilliant it's schwarbich this wall tastes like dirt [Music] dude i think it's got to be the dk one dude i think i know you guys hate when it's just memes like you guys hated on me putting kalindi's at number one but that's only because you guys get into this [ __ ] this goth emo non-mainstream phase where you guys are like memes or old memes are easy this meme is not cool anymore i don't like it but it's a really [ __ ] good tweet am i putting israel into the final round you guys just really like middle east uh uh references in your funny tweets don't you now the rule is it's gotta be funnier than the least funny ones in the previous list for them to crack the list or or they could be less funny but they got to be they got to be funnier than the honorable mentions what was shannondorf's honorable mention no one summoned okay it's not this one's got to be on the list now if i'm expanding the list the honorable mentions could possibly make it as long as they're better than the other ones we're just going to do the ones that deserve to be on an all-time list which of these making okay i think falco eating dirt definitely makes it in all right so it's in it did it made it i think the dk1 makes it boys i think dk i know people hate it when i include meme ones the mew2king one is also great yeah i think i'm gonna do that i think i i i also really like it by the way actually i might have just let you guys convince me i think i could put i could put the falco one honestly right next to that and then i could put the the vish and hungrybox one i could put it below the rio beat one i think there's a little arbitrator okay so don't get mad don't get mad that i don't have all kinds of statistics to back this up okay maybe i got recency bias i don't know where does mew2king singing end up on this list though okay i'm gonna dock it points only because it's a meme a popular meme super well edited i thought it was great i'm going to say that it's just slightly above vicious uh crying baby tweet i think i could i could settle on that yeah this one when the whole squad gets sent to the principal's office i think this one belongs like in the top 25 or just uh maybe not top 25 but it's i think it belongs like below i think it belongs below the dark genetics probably below the this one probably above the atriox one i think i could justify that i think that's okay schwarbich dude honestly i think schweiberg is better than the i think it's better than the ultimate and the falco one thought i might be overrating the falco one to be honest yeah so it's it's the hacks money tweet the schwerbach tweet then fiction's boobs in my face tweet coney with the commentators one do you guys remember that one commentary lineup oh uh but thanks for watching guys i hope that was fun for y'all uh like i said this is going to be on youtube so go to hugs86 subscribe like dislike i don't care comment call me a boomer doesn't matter just engage it helps with my channel but definitely subscribe though definitely you better [ __ ] subscribe and i will see you all next time alright thanks for hanging out thanks for watching peace good night let's say you've been a bad girl let's say hypothetically been a naughty girl okay if you were a naughty girl would you also be my dirty little [ __ ] right then hypothetically speaking you'd be like okay can i stop reading this i i'm done really okay
Channel: Hugs86
Views: 59,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hugs, hugs86, highlights, hugs86 stream highlights, stream highlights, hugs86 highligths, stream highlights hugs86, hugs86 melee, hugs86 smash, best smash tweets, smash twitter, smash bros twitter, smash twitter drama, twitter smash bros, smash bros tweets, smash tweets ranking, mew2king twitter, mew2king tweets, hugs86 ranking, hugs86 tier list, tier list hugs86, ranking hugs86, twitter, best tweets, best twitter, hugs86 best tweets, best tweets hugs86, hugs86 smash twitter
Id: 97oMJCIDwaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.