Ranking the Most Powerful Versions of Spider-Man

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the spider verse is massive which means there are a ton of powerful versions of Spider-Man but which versions are the most powerful let's find out [Music] what's up my comic comrades if you've seen the across the spider verse movie you know there are crap ton of different versions of Spider-Man but do you know what separates them by powers and ability and which versions of the wall crawler are most powerful well that's what we're here to do specifically we're gonna give you a breakdown of the top 10 most powerful alternate versions of Spider-Man and we're gonna start at number 10 and work our way to the top however we will be leaving off the main 616 version of Spider-Man as he's the standard but if you're curious about where he would rank he lands somewhere in the top five also if you haven't already make sure to check out our variant Labs merch shop at variantcomics.com we've got something for everyone so grab yourself some variant swag with that said let's do this thing kicking off the list is Spider-Man of Earth 92 100 simply known as six armed Spider-Man this is a version of Spider-Man that we saw in the six armed Saga that spans from The Amazing Spider-Man 100 to 102 written by the great Stan Lee and drawn by Gil Kane in the story in an attempt to get rid of his powers Peter Parker accidentally gave him sell four additional arms later on however we found out that this version of Spider-Man also existed on an alternate Earth where he never cured himself and he just had six arms permanently in any case the six-armed version of Spider-Man is pretty dang strong as it gives him four extra arms of strength think of him like Goro but with an additional pair of arms because of his extra limbs he's also able to do more theoretically he could put web shooters on all six wrists and this dude would have Webb's Galore to do all kinds of damage and man imagine how many people he could take out with six web shooters all in all these additional limbs give him even more proportional strength than a spider making him one of the strongest versions of the character okay our next most powerful version is the Japanese Spider-Man at number nine this is one of the most fun versions of Spider-Man out there and quite honestly has become a cult classic you see in the 70s Marvel decided to license their wall crawler to a Japanese entertainment company and since the Japanese audience is very different from America's they did some very different interesting and even questionable things with their version of Spider-Man one of the most notable changes is the spider Spider-Man bracelet that he wears on his left wrist you see this is the source of this Spider-Man's Powers as it was given to him by a dying alien so he wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider he has alien Tech that gives him his powers such as immense strength Speed and Agility but what really makes this version of Spider-Man so powerful and sets him apart from every other version of Spider-Man is he controls a giant robot called Leo pardon this Megazord style robot is massive and has a ton of weapons essentially with Leo pardon by Japanese Spider-Man's side he can go up against some of the most dangerous threats in the Multiverse easily making him one of the most powerful versions of the character the only reason he isn't higher on the list is because his giant robot is what really gives him the upper hand and we kind of want to keep this list more towards the actual Spider-Man having the strength and not an external Ally that helps him next up we have silk she is incredibly powerful and probably the overall most powerful female spider character case in point we learned in the 2014 Amazing Spider-Man issue 4 when Peter Parker first meets her and has a confrontation with her just how skilled and advanced her powers really are he's fighting her and says to himself whoa she's everywhere her spider's feed has mine beat now he does go on to say I think I got The Edge on her in the spider strength apartment but damn her Spider Sense not even a contest that's Matrix bullet time good as she Dodges all of his web bullets so while he does admit that in raw strength he still has the upper hand he also flat out admits that she's way faster than him and her Spider Sense is way better than his on top of the fact that she has organic webbing that literally comes out of each of her fingertips as we see in this issue as well I say it all the time but being powerful doesn't necessarily mean you have the best raw strength Brilliance and other abilities like speed or a better Spider Sense allowing her to predict danger better and epic organic webbing that comes out of her fingertips definitely makes her one of the most powerful versions of a spider character in the spider-verse next in line we have good old Miles Morales Miles Morales is on the path to be the greatest Spider-Man of all time he's certainly rivaling Peter Parker in likability and fame alone but as far as the character's strength goes he's only now just really coming into his own on top of having all of Peter Parker's abilities miles has organic webbing as well as bioelectrokinesis and the ability to turn invisible or camouflage organic webbing and being able to camouflage are massive additions to Spider-Man's power set already but what really puts miles over the top is his bioelectrokinesis abilities this allows them to do things like the Venom strike which essentially enables miles to channel the electricity his body produces through his hands to shock his enemies and damage and Destroy things he even has something called the mega Venom blast which in Miles Morales Spider-Man 23 the king in Black tie-in we saw him use against a damn symbiote dragon now while he did take down the dragon it leaves miles completely drained or even more recently a Miles Morales Spider-Man 5 he was able to channel his electricity into a sword or lightsaber what I'm saying is the fact that Miles Morales is already able to take down a symbiote dragon by himself and form lightsabers out of his bioelectricity is insane considering he's still coming into his own and learning about his powers meaning one day he might very well be the most powerful Spider-Man but for now since he's still learning and developing he's not quite at the the top yet but the potential is certainly there here we have superior Spider-Man this is the combination of Auto octavius's mind inside the body of 616 Spider-Man and this showed us just how strong Peter Parker is you see an Amazing Spider-Man 700 you see Octavius now in Spider-Man's body take on Scorpion Octavius gets fed up fighting scorpion eventually sane enough of this do you hear me you brainless brute I said enough as he punches him in the face as people like Jameson look on they say dear Lord I always knew so brutal that poor man as we see scorpion laying on the ground bloody with Octavia saying his jaw the one place he wasn't armored I took it clean off never knew this body had so much power all these years Parker must have been holding back but I am not him am I so this right here tells us that the standard Spider-Man is way stronger than we all assume which is nuts considering all the Feats he's done over the years but apparently he's always holding back as to not you know punch the Jaws off his villains and Superior Spider-Man showed us just how powerful Spidey is as a ruthless no holds back Otto Octavius was in control of his lot essentially this version of Spider-Man accomplished things that the normal Spider-Man never did being a superior Spider-Man and though his methods weren't always morally sound he did prove to be a superior Spider-Man in almost every way coming into the top five we have Spider-Man 2099 this version of Spider-Man is basically an upgrade from the standard Spider-Man in every single way he has organic webbing retractable talents to slash and dig into surfaces with and fangs that produce paralyzing Venom Spider-Man 2099 could also move so fast that he leaves behind body doubles for his enemies to attack basically like after images he also has the ability to communicate with others using telepathic abilities and because of the amount of super strength he has he could leap great distances much like the normal Spider-Man but Spider-Man 2099 even more so all in all Miguel O'Hara AKA Spider-Man 2099 is almost the perfect version of Spidey again he has all the Spider-Man's normal abilities on top of everything I just mentioned all of this makes him extremely powerful as he's very experienced slowly inching closer to number one we have spider Hulk simply put this is a version of Spider-Man that is also the Hulk and any character out there that as a Hulk is automatically one of the most powerful characters out there because Hulk essentially spider Hulk has all of Peter Parker's fighter abilities on top of the strength and size of Hulk and what's really cool is that instead of saying Hulk smash he says spider smash this version of the character first appeared in web of Spider-Man issue 70 where we see Peter Parker get zapped with a dose of bile energy from the Hulk turning him into a Hulk it's pretty interesting and we did a whole episode on spider Hulk which you could find right here I really don't know what else I have to say about this again it's Spider-Man that is also the Hulk as we all know Hulk is the strongest there is automatically making this version of Spider-Man top tier in strength and power at number three we have Marvel zombie Spider-Man now I feel like this may be shocking to some of you that Marvel zombie Spider-Man is so high on this list don't worry I'm about to explain why he's so damn powerful in the very first Marvel zombie series from 2006 we see in issue 3 that several zombified Marvel heroes are able to capture and eat the Silver Surfer Spider-Man being one of those zombies because of this Spider-Man gains access to a Porsche version of the power Cosmic and as we all know the power Cosmic is one of the most powerful forces in all of the Marvel Universe some would argue the most powerful I mean the power Cosmic is straight up a limitless power that can be used to do basically anything such as teleport change your size travel through time and have immense strength the possibilities are almost endless and zombie Spider-Man has a portion of this power automatically making Marvel zombie Spider-Man one of the top three most powerful versions of the character with the power Cosmic he gained from eating Silver Surfer he was able to help take down freaking Galactus as we see an issue 4 of the same series what I'm saying is a zombie power cosmic Spider-Man is not to be messed with just missing number one we have ghost spider and no I'm not talking about spider Gwen who's also called ghost spider I'm talking about Earth 11638 ghost spider he first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man Annual 38. in this universe we learn Uncle Ben never died and he and Parker became famous Rich scientists Peter then built a machine that was able to transport Spider-Man from other universes to his absorbing their powers and abilities in the process stealing a bunch of Spider-Man's powers from across the spiderverse kept enhancing his abilities making him stronger and stronger he was like multiple Spider-Man in one now that alone justifies why he's so high on this list but it got crazier than that after being trapped in Hell while trying to defeat 616 Spider-Man he was eventually freed by strange and banner we then learned that this Spider-Man fused with the repentant damned becoming essentially a Ghost Rider Spider-Man aka ghost spider if you didn't know already Ghost Riders are some of the most powerful characters in all of comics taking out powerhouses like the Hulk with ease which is why ghost spider is so powerful as he has the power of the spirit of Vengeance flame skull and all and at number one is Cosmic Spider-Man which shouldn't be a shock to anyone because this version of Spider-Man is easily the most powerful version of the character to date as cosmic Spider-Man also dubbed Captain Universe is quite literally the physical manifestation of the unipower if you're unfamiliar with the unit power it chooses a host and then grants them immense power in order to protect Universal balance so Captain Universe or in this case cosmic Spider-Man is the protector in guard guardian of the universe now originally the title of cosmic Spider-Man Captain Universe was given to Peter Parker in the main continuity for a brief period of time however in later years we learned that cosmic Spider-Man also permanently exists in the spider-verse on Earth 13. in any case possessing the unipower and being protector of the universe gives this version of Spider-Man Limitless abilities cosmic Spider-Man can literally make men into Gods if he chooses he has powers such as reality manipulation time manipulation energy manipulation matter and molecular manipulation psychic and psionic abilities and superhuman everything again he is basically a god which is why cosmic Spider-Man is no doubt the most powerful version of the character to date but there you have it guys the 10 versions of Spider-Man we think are the most powerful but what do you think of this list and who would you add let us know in the comments and other than that we'll see you next time when I talk about all things comics [Music]
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 107,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Most Powerful Spider-Men, Power Rankings, Alternate Realities, Superhero, Comics, Marvel, Web-Slinger, Epic Battles, Strength, Speed, Abilities, Action, Excitement, Comic Book Knowledge, Adrenaline-Fueled, Mind-Blowing, Raw Power, Superpowers, variant comics, alternate versions of spider-man, strongest spider-man, marvel comics, marvel
Id: vQ1kmRj-Vhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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