Ranking The Moral Alignment In Every God Of War Game

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and now we're on to the third and final in the series of moral alignment videos that I plan to do today I'm going through each and every game in the God of War series with the exception of betrayal with one single moral alignment chart that assigns character morality on a scale from lawful good to chaotic evil and and assigning each spot to whoever I believe best embodies that particular moral alignment in that game granted not every god of war game has a Hades of a lot of characters so some of these will require a bit of barrel scraping but with that said this is the moral alignment chart for every god of war game starting with of course we start with the very first game in the series about a lone Warrior traveling to find Pandora's Box and use its power to to destroy the Mad God Aries let's start out with choose your enemies wisely katos your brute strength alone will not be enough to destroy Aries the Oracle of Athens is basically entirely innocent and is caught in the crossfire of AR's Rampage and while she shows some disgust towards Kratos when she reads his mind she does help him with pretty much no questions asked she's a servant of Athena and has no moral drawbacks from what I can tell she's also not necessarily keeping the law in Athens but she does uphold everything that Athena stands for so to me that makes her lawful in this instance oh I've got a lot of digging to do indeed all will be revealed in good time now I ain't saying he's a Gravedigger but he ain't dealing with a dead anyways the gravedigger who was implied to be Zeus is about as morally virtuous as he's ever going to get in this game he's an ambiguous figure throughout the game sitting there in a single spot digging a grave only to reveal that the grave in question was a grave straight to the underworld in which he freely revives Kratos in order to give him a second chance to fight Aries it is pretty self-motivated but it's still a good deed that he does as the death of Kratos was an unfair moment of Fate the gods of Olympus have abandoned me what do you get when you give a man who is riddled with trauma and desperate to be free even the slightest possibility of redemption you get a man who's willing to do a lot of very not nice things Kratos is a force of nature in this game killing anybody that stands in his way and destroying anything that stands in his way in order to attain the peace from the remorse and the guilt of spilling his own family's blood so he has self-motivated intentions but the ends do justify the means because he does a lot of good complete this final task and the past that consumes you will be forgiven have faith katos no ladies and gentlemen I'm not putting Athena as a lawful neutral because of of my theory of her always having been evil but rather the fact that she's complicit with Zeus and the rest of the Gods in leading Kratos on for 10 years without ever planning on giving him what he actually wants so yes personality-wise she's one of the more lawful Gods but she can't claim moral righteousness you again don't the ship captain yep true neutral dude manages to show up and get screwed over by Kratos twice he's a running joke that has no critical agency of his own so that tells me he's true neutral so you think you can conquer the Temple of the gods do you the body burner whose real name is unknown is the man responsible for burning what remains of the bodies of people who die in the temple of Pandora he's just doing his job a job earned by being the first one to die in the temple but it's also established that the bodies that burn then become the enemies within the temple so while he may just be doing his job his job is making Our Lives harder so that's what makes him earn the distinction of being a bit chaotic is the fact that he's knowingly making the temple a pain in the ass to get through but he has no vested allegiances and is just doing this because it's what he's been cursed to do so in that regard he's morally neutral the mark of your terrible deed will be visible to all so on one hand The Village Oracle is only evil in a matter of perspective because on one hand Kratos is ransacking her Village but on the other hand knowing that he made a mistake in killing his wife and child and then cursing him with grafting their Ashes to his skin that is the most diabolical of punishments that you can ever think of only somebody with a Sinister streak could come up with that but also as the village Elder she also is inherently a lawful figure but for subjecting Kratos to what is arguably a fate worse than death and being proud to do so that's pretty evil from a certain perspective even if she's Justified and descended on the Spartans without Mercy the Barbarian King who laid Siege to kratos's Army was definitely evil that's no secret though this was the ancient world when this was very common still he and his army killed indiscriminately and were well on their way to laying Siege on Sparta who knows what could have happened had Kratos not made a desperation move to win the day I was trying to make you a great warrior I mean of course it's Aries the Mad God who laid Siege to Athens I don't even think I need to justify this he's the God of War for a start so is complicit in most human suffering but then decides one day to take matters into his own hands and Destroy his own sister's City for yucks to the point where even the notoriously egotistical Gods want him dead oh yeah and I almost forgot he also tricked Kratos into killing his own wife and kid and then bragged about it Aries is a bastard so he takes the chaotic evil distinct iction without [Music] [Applause] question now thankfully God of War 2 is when they started to present a more wide range of morality both in the main characters and the side characters so from this point forward it's slightly easier I knew you could not be killed I never lost faith the Last Spartan a noble Warrior who fought to his dying breath for the glory of Sparta and only dies because he and Kratos fought in a dark room but he's the noblest of Warriors and doesn't even hold resentment for dying at the hands of Kratos truly a model citizen with every city you destroy the wrath of Olympus grows soon I will no longer be able to protect you Athena is the one who theoretically kickstarts the entire conflict of the game by trying to appeal to Kratos only for him to blow her off not like that she follows Zeus's whims and is willing to die for him to preserve Olympus as we know it in fact she even takes that bullet without hesitation ultimately she wanted the conflict to stop and wanted to preserve the current Olympian rule in theory she just wanted everybody to get along and that's why I think she qualifies as good because she didn't want conflict to begin with though I think the Last Spartan was slightly more lawful but they do follow similar paths I am the Titan Gaia everpresent mother of Earth Gaia was the impetus for Kratos not only fighting his way out of Hades but also giving Kratos the idea to go after the fates she was screwed over by Zeus so she's ultimately justified in doing this but at the same time she wanted to uproot the entire status quo of Olympus through Kratos which you got to admit she knew that was going to cause a lot of disarray and Chaos among the Greek world so that says to me that she's is chaotic good am I the great percus to kill this Fallen God to receive an audience with you poor pereus man he's the one person in all of Greek mythology who had anything resembling a happy ending and then he gets jobbed out to Kratos ultimately he's just doing what the gods want him to do and just so happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and decides to try and fight Kratos but I don't think he's particularly good or evil in this instance furthermore poor Prometheus he thought humans deserved to have access to Fire and now he gets punished every day by having his liver devoured his only reprieve is being burnt alive what a sad existence but seeing as he exists as sort of a plot device and nothing else he's true neutral in my eyes and all my efforts the sisters shine their light upon me delivering the very object of my vengeance is it fair to say that morality is a subjective thing that changes from situation to situation if somebody was once good who's now turned bad and we were to have fought them both when they were good and bad there's a case to be made that you're more morally virtuous in the latter's case and that's why I think the Barbarian King here is not evil but neutral in his second appearance because he's been revived in order to take his revenge against Kratos who wants to tear down Olympus Brick by brick so I would say that based on the context he's been downgraded or upgraded from Evil to neutral and the chaotic part comes from his staunch desire to take revenge anybody who desires to kill somebody with that much animosity can only be chaotic yes I am forced to attend to this matter myself I mean there's absolutely no doubt that Zeus is evil in this game tricking Kratos into an untimely death destroying Sparta out of spite and basically screwing everyone over he's presented as the ultimate villain but he's still the god of gods it's still his domain and his rules no matter how unjust they may be he runs the place he makes the law and so he's inherently lawful despite being evil is this how you face me coward there's no doubt that being screwed over at the end of the last game was the final straw or one of the final straws that broke Kratos and now he's arguably as bad as Aries laying Siege to all he surveys alienating the other gods and blatantly favoring his own people despite his justification there's no doubt that he's evil by this point but he's still descending into that monster Hood the fates have not deed victory for you your soul will never find peace for what you have become the fates are the worst group of villains in this game if you ask me because they are more than willing to undo history just to prove a point based on the rule rules at play in this game time is a linear sequence and so they're willing to undo kratos's Victory against Aries who knows what that could have caused between Aries himself and him possessing Pandora's Box basically their willingness to kill Kratos in the present by killing him in the past is a short-sighted decision that could have very well ended the World As We Knew It All for the purpose of spite making the fates worse than anyone in the [Music] game now on to chains of Olympus the most inconsequential game in the entire series that includes Helios being kidnapped and a plan to eradicate all of existence out of petty revenge and it's hilarious how something of that scale can be simultaneously inconsequential first up we have father my child this is basically the only game where kipi plays a role larger than child who dies we meet her in the fields of elisium and she's about as pure-hearted and innocent as one could possibly get in fact she's probably the purest being in this entire brutal series of games she's happy to see her father and her father is happy to see her but Daddy must inevitably go to work so he must leave her behind never to be seen again a true lawful good is this all you would have me do is there nothing else Kratos and chains of Olympus is probably the most quote unquote good he is in the entire original Saga well except maybe Ascension I mean he's still brutal and he definitely complains a lot but despite the gods stringing him along he still saves them from the Eternal Slumber he willingly gives up everything to be with his daughter and then gives that up to save his daughter and the world in a way he even sacrifices himself in the end when he fell from the heavens after saving the sun Chariot would have died too if he wasn't saved you will earn your freedom in time but for now Olympus needs your unquestioning obedience by this point Athena is still ostensibly good demonstrated most favorably when she along with Helios do rescue Kratos from certain Doom at the end but also take the weapons that he rightfully earned of course they need to return things back to status quo but come on you're really going to forcefully take this guy's Spoils of War so that's a dick move and she's still putting Kratos into these thankless tasks so Athena is good spite herself the fire STS have driven the sunsh into the Earth Helios really isn't good or bad in this game he kind of just does his job that's been assigned to him until he gets abducted then he continues doing his job once the game is over nothing more to say on that front and unlike Athena taking the gauntlet of Zeus at least the sun shield is rightfully heliosis there is no one to keep Morpheus from seizing permanent power many of the gods have fallen into a deep Slumber now I'm not sure what the point of morphus is in this game because he's brought up by name and is the god of dreams that puts all the gods to sleep after the sun disappears but despite being named he never shows up which makes me wonder if he was ever punished off screen or if Morpheus is more of a concept than an actual God either way for failing to show up for the entire game despite being a key figure Morpheus gets true neutral you chose your path host of SP now Karen the fairy man of the Dead isn't necessarily bad he's just doing his job however his job is working counterintuitively to Olympus when he refuses to play ball with Kratos and even sends him straight to tardus it's like the entire world is at stake here but he doesn't care but still he ultimately is just doing his job so he's not good or evil evil at worst he's maliciously compliant making him a chaotic neutral fun fact by the way I heard it theorized that the reason why Souls fall into Hades in God of War I instead of being fed across the river sticks is because Karen was killed in this game and so now there's no particular method of people getting into the underworld cool stuff it will take more than a pathetic Spartan to stop the power of the Empire the Persian king is the guy leading a fullscale invasion of Attica of which Kratos is there to stop and despite definitely not being something that would earn him a place in the fields of elisium the Persian king is just doing what was expected of him as a king in the ancient world aggressive expansion was just part of the job description back then so he definitely qualifies as a lawful character given the time period but he's also laying a Siege to innocent people so on balance I'd say he's lawful evil perhaps you believe the Olympians will help you Atlas is probably one of the people Titans or Gods most deserving of his revenge both in actual Greek mythology and the Greek mythology that this game takes place in the dude was cursed for all eternity for the crime of choosing the wrong side when Zeus decided to take revenge on all the Titans still being complicit in destroying all of existence is pretty unjustifiable so he's not good but he's not as evil as he possibly could have been because in this case he at least has a paper thin excuse of having gotten a raw deal Gods on Olympus failed me too katos I was betrayed by Zeus and tricked by my husband Hades meanwhile pranie may have had the right to be angry but being so angry she wants to destroy all of existence for being in a Loveless marriage yeah I'd say she took it a little bit too far especially because mythologically she gets to spend half the year away from Hades though I'm not sure if that applies here either way being angry is understandable wanting to destroy all of existence I'd say that goes so far beyond rationality that she can't be anything but chaotic [Music] evil then we have God of War 3 the game where everyone is competing to be the biggest [ __ ] the very Titans that Kratos have freed have now betrayed him so Kratos has snapped and decided that's it everyone dies he sees is only revenge and anything that gets in the way of his revenge is acceptable collateral damage up to and including the world itself and thankfully we have enough of a wide range of characters to choose from starting with Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it is what we fight with when all else is lost Pandora is truly good she's not necessarily lawful in the traditional sense but she's basically good without flaw makes sense that that was what she was designed to be and being an automaton would also explain why she falls so far down The Uncanny Valley but she's the one thing that's able to bring Kratos back from the brink to finally break through to him to the point that despite being her purpose to sacrifice herself to open Pandora's Box he doesn't want her to do that because she's too good and pure she's a good soul in a world full of Madness you know katos I wasn't always like this a monster hephestus is genuinely one of the only good Gods he may have had a bit of that Pandora based corruption in him but it doesn't come across he is the one who's felt Zeus's wrath more than anyone being physically and emotionally tortured after the box was opened so him and Kratos form sort of an odd pass of aggressive kinship it's only once Kratos starts threatening to sacrifice H festus's animatronic daughter Pandora that he tries both passively and aggressively to kill Kratos something that is fully understandable so I think ultimately hephestus was done dirty but it only shows kratos's further descent katos it's been far too long oh wow the whole family is here well I'm going to have to be extremely careful with what kind of footage I choose for this one because aphrodite has her tits out the entire time but for being a God that we never have to kill and in fact is very good with hospitality so to speak Aphrodite can be considered one of the good ones but she's also openly cheating on her husband with everything that has a pulse and I know her husband is hephestus but come on give the dude a break while you being crowned the God of War I was sent to find an Apple I don't think Hercules is evil in this game I think he's just misguided teaming up with the gods presumably out of a sense of Duty towards his family and out of a sense of jealousy of Kratos for receiving a much better reward for his work for the gods and now he wants to kill to prove that he's worthy of the Throne of the God of War he's following the God's orders which is lawful to a point but he's also selfmotivated and wants to become the new god of war and his personal beef with Kratos is entirely built on a misunderstanding because of how different the gods treated them they have no actual beef with each other and merely Hercules with his infinite rage wants to prove himself that's not evil that's misguided in my opinion he's not good because he's knowingly siding with the Olympians but he's also not evil so neutral is My Sacrifice to save Zeus has brought me to a higher existence I consider Athena to be the true neutral of the story because she really doesn't do anything herself she's ascended to a higher form after her death and is mostly just stringing us along it's only once everything is said and done that she reveals what she wanted this whole time but because she can't physically do anything for herself it makes her somewhat of a non- entity in the overall story Beyond being somewhat of an unreliable viable narrator because she doesn't do anything and in the end isn't able to do anything so she's a true neutral to me a coward's words katos you don't try to catch me because you know you can't yes Hermes is working for Olympus but he's also too ineffectual and too much of a troll to be anything of actual consequence to the overall conflict and the way he's presented it makes it come across as though he's not actually fighting Kratos for the purposes of saving Olympus but more for the LOLs so I don't know he doesn't seem like an evil character akin to all those other Olympians he just seems like a neutral character who's joined in on the conflict just to have a little bit of self- serving fun well until he's no longer having fun anyway such chaos I will have much to do after I kill you okay well you probably saw this coming Zeus is more evil than ever and he's only gotten more insane after he's gotten more paranoid but with that said he's still Zeus the god of gods and the authority above everything else so he's still the most lawful man in the land given that he owns the thing so in spite of being potentially worse than Kratos himself he's still distinctly and definitely evil but also lawful the death of Zeus is within our reach climb to my hand oh man guia really turned on Kratos didn't she the entire conflict of this game is three people who once trusted the others and then got hor betrayed and now want revenge guo wants to tear down Olympus but makes the mistake of considering Kratos nothing more than a pawn so now her evil self- serving minations are in motion as well regardless of who gets killed in the crossfire for leading Kratos along so much and then simply throwing him away the moment he was no longer useful having the gall to think that he would Ally with her again and for trying to kill everyone herself combined makes her definitely evil but perhaps the lesser of three evils the hands of death could not defeat me the sisters of Fate could not hold me and you will not see the end of this day and now for the greater of all three evils Kratos himself I've made it no secret that in my interpretation the entire plot of God of War 3 is Kratos shedding whatever remnants of humanity he had left and turning into a complete and total monster a force of Nature and somebody who has no concept for the sanctity of life anymore he kills a man who's offering the very thing that he kills him for he has an innocent woman brutally crushed to death so he can use her as a door stop he causes Untold damage to the world as it kills God after God it's disturbing really and it's supposed to be you're not supposed to side with Kratos by like the midpoint in the game and that's why I think definitively speaking he's the true chaotic evil in this game and the one person to surpass even Zeus's propensity for [Music] evil now on to the second of the PSP games not necessarily a prequel but more of an in between Quil that takes place between God of War 1 and two as Kratos is gradually earning the IR of the Olympian Council the gods locked away kratos's younger brother out of fear and now Kratos is attempting to move Heaven and Earth to find his younger brother so let's start with your weapons my Lord I have looked after them as if they were my own now I had no idea that this random Spartan was actually The Last Spartan from God of War I but I guess that makes sense he already has a bit of a story going for him so they might as well expand upon it he's a loyal Soldier to Kratos and of Sparta he follows orders and goes above and beyond for Kratos especially in being the one to take care of kratos's old Spartan arms and even brings them to him as he's leaving which suggested that these two knew each other before but we'll never know either way for his staunch loyalty discipline and love for his homeland he earns the distinction of being lawfully good despite only being in the game for like 5 minutes the Temple of Aries in Sparta holds the secret that will lead to your brother poor Kalisto kratos's mother who did nothing wrong but give birth to a couple of demigods by all accounts she was a loving mother who Zeus screwed over by cursing her so that if she ever tried to tell Kratos who his father was she would turn into a giant monster and she did forcing Kratos to kill his own mother with his own hands a tragic end for a character who deserved better I will never forgive you brother damos is a chaotic good in this case mostly because he takes his anger out on Kratos whom he beat within an inch of his Immortal Life when they meet but he really didn't do anything wrong he held a level of resentment towards Kratos for not being able to protect him but he's quickly able to regain a kinship with his brother at which point they do tag team Thanatos not like that he had misplaced anger that he took out on Kratos but damos wasn't evil merely frustrated and his team up with Kratos was where he showed his true colors being a noble powerful Spartan warrior the destroyer of worlds the gravedigger in his previous ation saw him as somebody who helped Kratos come back from the underworld after being brutally killed now he's the one who shows up conveniently right as damos dies in order to bury him and then offers some forboding words now only one remains we all know he's Zeus but he's not actively doing anything bad yet he doesn't help he doesn't hinder he only exists so being Zeus makes him inherently lawful but his actions also make him neutral oh my daughter my beautiful little girl you know what's funny to this day I still get King Midas and King Minos mixed up but I have to keep remembering Midas had the Golden Touch Minos got boiled alive but anyways King Midas was ragged and starving by the time we found him and basically he has no personal agency in the story he exists more as a plot device we boil him alive in order to get past an obstacle in our way he's completely insane by this point but also doesn't do anything other than try to stop us from killing him so that's true neutral to me the vision still haunt me the Visions you promise to take away so I don't believe that Kratos is fully Evil by this point he's in the process of becoming evil but at this point he's entirely self-motivated and is fully Justified the gods lied to him once again and now they're actively withholding his family from him and refusing to even elaborate why if anything they practically asked for this he does leave a hell of a lot of Destruction in his wake which definitely puts him over the edge as being a true chaotic neutral but that still doesn't make him unjustified anybody who gets in the way of him seeing his family are the ones in the wrong here speaking of AR chose pooling that day being the god of death does not make you inherently evil being the overseer of a child who was stolen from his family and then locked away for decades that's pretty evil Thanatos is the one who stands as the last line of defense from damos getting away and he ends up killing damos which only resulted in his own death basically while thanas may not have been the instigator of this conflict he's still the god of death and is also the one who caused all this tragedy at the end of the story but he's also just following orders theoretically he's not doing anything wrong however he's on the wrong side of History making him to me lawful evil Aras really only exists in flashback form in this game but it still counts he's not nearly the Mad God that he would later become but he also stole damos away from Sparta without any sort of hesitation and was even going to kill Kratos before Athena talked him out of it kidnapping someone's brother and then threatening to kill him for retaliating yeah that's pretty evil and I suppose the irony is that by sparing Kratos here he also caused his own eventual death this is not a wise course of action craters it was a dream I mean come on Athena had the chance to do the right thing and she knew she was doing something wrong but in the end went along with everyone else for some reason she went along with kidnapping damos and doing everything to prevent Kratos from ever seeing his kin again a li througho mission is still a lie and she was complicit in helping hide away damos for decades coming between a man and his family and ultimately trying to cleanse Kratos when damos died in order to remove any vestiges of humanity left in him she knew she was doing the wrong thing the whole time theoretically but I think it's worth noting that if you're in the wrong and you know you're in the wrong going through with it anyway is arguably more evil than somebody doing evil unknowingly personally I think Athena in this case is chaotic evil because she caused everything and tried to act as though she was doing the right [Music] thing God of War ascension the final of the classic games said only 6 months after Kratos breaks his oath to Aries following the death of his wife and child oh Christ talk about a monkey wrench in the machine because God of War ascension barely has any characters let alone characters who could apply to the ends of the morality Spectrum I was tempted to skip this one but I'll try no mind conflicted Warrior I can feel it you seek the truth the Oracle of Deli althia is the prime example of goodness and righteousness in this game basically the Oracle can see the future and she saw that Aries and the Furies had a plan to overthrow Zeus so she and oros tried to warn them but she was caught and had her eyes ripped out to take away her powers so she tried to do the right thing she exists to serve and has no negative attributes from what I can tell truly the most morally virtuous person in this game but the question remains where the hell was Apollo during any of this break an oath with a [Music] God of all the minds in question mine is not the one to worry about Kratos in this game is not yet necessarily the best version of who he can be even though he's at his most vulnerable rather he's still being corrupted by the oath of Aries that's still very much alive and now his whole goal is to absolutely Ely destroy the furies in some cases figuratively and in some cases literally he moves Heaven and Earth to do this he is by far the victim in every way here and his Humanity shines through here more than possibly ever even saving people who he had no real reason to save so I would say he's a way off from being the best he can be but he's definitely very far from being the worst he can be you waver from sound mind to illusion in the beat of a heart is that any life for a great warrior oros is the physical embodiment of Oaths and he was loyal to his family the furies until they and Aries conspired to ruin Kratos to make him the perfect Warrior and now he's turned on them to help Kratos in his quest to break his oath to Aries he's the one person trying to help Kratos through this incredibly tough period in his life he may be breaking his own purpose but that still makes him a good person but the fact that he's breaking his purpose Against The Gods thereby causing a lot of conflict in the game and is the literal physical embodiment of the connection between Kratos and Aries does mean that his mere existence is chaotic which tips the scales into making him a chaotic good I know I was the first man to be put here by the furies see I've been keeping a record The Scribe of uh he hecaton is pretty much a non-factor in the game he was the original oath breaker and has been consistently punished ever since only maintaining sanity by keeping a record of everything he knows about the furies you can find several Pages written by him throughout the prison and he relays some of that information to you but otherwise he sits there keeping records and continually accepts his own punishment so I guess lawful neutral in the time before the Titans before the gods of Olympus a great battle was waged the primordials were a set of Godlike beings that predated even the Titans they waged War and the death of some of them laid the foundations for the ancient world the extent of their involvement in this plot is that their war was what brought about the existence of the furies and otherwise they existed and they ceased to exist while they may have technically caused the conflict in this game the primordials themselves have no involvement my quite persistent isn't he poock and Caster I guess I don't know they're overseeing the Oracle being locked up and demanding tribute but they're also not actively part of the main plot to torture Kratos plus these characters are also basically the only characters left by the end so they get this distinction partially out of a process of elimination and also partially out of not being anywhere near as evil as the furies confused katos having trouble remembering our special time together you know that this game is lacking characters when I have to split up the three main antagonists into individual segments since they all fill the same role each of their places on this list will be flimsy at best I put Mega era in lawful because despite personally torturing Kratos she does have the biggest axe to grind given that he ripped off her arm so I guess that makes her the lawful one of the bunch being slightly more Justified as well as being sort of a prison guard we only need to bring you home tiphany out of all three of the furies is the one that's just kind of there she has a pet that she uses during a boss fight but I can't really remember any particular thing that she does in the game and so I guess that puts her kind of in the middle as far as being evil alongside her sisters the hard part is over Spartan you have committed the ultimate sacrifice man electo is like the only Fury with a name that I can pronounce without having to look it up she's the one who ends up being the final boss and is the one who goes out of her way to try and manipulate Kratos with visions of his past life that is the most evil thing they could do quite frankly take the man who accidentally killed his wife and child and give him false visions of the life he lost I can't imagine how mentally torturous that would be it's like if you ever lost someone and then later had a dream about them that's a Surefire way to wake up upset and this is like that times infinity electo is truly the most evil character in the [Music] game Flash Forward several years both in real life and in the in-game universe and now we have God of War 2018 surrounding Kratos and his attempts to run from the shame of his past as he's forced to confront the Norse pantheon all while grieving his newly dead second wife and and attempting to be a role model for his young son a controversial game to say the least to some people it's the game that reinvigorated a stale franchise and to others it's the death of God of War but we're not talking about that we're talking about moral alignments so we start with Excuse me but um how did you come by that uh axe I can en answer for you right now if it so pleases you son of a [ __ ] I couldn't put just one of the HRA Brothers in this compilation because they kind of come as a package deal because they play the same role they are opposed personality-wise Brock being a foul mouth Fearless man who's not afraid to get his hands dirty and cnry who's a timid germaphobe who will reluctantly stand up for what he believes at best and despite their rivalry they're both good-hearted help you with your quest without hesitation and eventually come together to create a once more Unstoppable team they're the best and it's fitting that they're the First non-family characters that we've seen in a very long time that Kratos considers friends first you need to cut off my head wait what Odin made sure that no weapon not even Thor's hammer could free my body for these bonds mamir is basically if your favorite grandparent was a severed head a man who spent much of recorded history being brutally tortured by Odin and his goons gets beheaded and is revived and now he's a trusted Ally who offers wisdom and patience revealing whatever information he can give at any given time as well as being a trusted friend to Kratos when he badly needed one to help with his parenting advice and general wisdom when necessary mamir is exactly who Kratos needed as a sidekick do not be sorry be better meanwhile after many years Kratos is genuinely trying to turn a new Leaf were basically led to believe that Kratos relied upon his now dead wife to be the emotional heart of the relationship and now that she's gone he is forced to be the load bearer of his son's emotional development something he's absolutely notep prepared for as he's still traumatized by his past actions and is deathly afraid of allowing history to repeat itself and for his son to be harmed especially by his own hands only worsened now that he's been forced out in the open by the Norse gods he wants to be better but his emotionally repressed nature and fractured mindset causes a lot of conflict between him and all the people he most cares about his intentions in this mindset are relatively pure but he doesn't know how to express it and that's what makes him chaotic maybe I see more of myself in you than I'm willing to admit maybe maybe by helping you all make up for a lifetime of mistakes the thing that works against Freya is that her desire to keep Boulder alive drives a wedge between her and everyone else she's not a bad person she's just holding back a lot of information for the sake of everyone else and if you dare threaten balder then may the Alla have mercy on you but she's more than willing to help out at points she helps cir trus when he falls ill and is one of the few people to break through to Kratos otherwise she mostly just keeps to herself in the forest and doesn't really threaten anyone or anything especially as she's bound to midgard so she's definitely a trusted Ally but her actions towards her son and the information she doesn't reveal is what keeps her from being truly good I mean the world serpent is a giant snake doesn't really have much in the way of being able to have morality it just kind of sits there for most of the game not doing anything and then gets attacked by balder not an Oscar worthy performance all you ever talk about over and over do something about it or shut over it atraeus is like what 11 years old in this game so he's not old enough to have any set of morality he's still just a bundle of chaos he is quiet and obedient one moment and then becomes a complete sh stack the next moment he bounces back and forth because children are inherently malleable in their morality and his powers and his decisions makes him very chaotic despite the fact that he's capable of doing both good and evil you may say to me that picking Odin is a bit odd considering that he doesn't physically appear in this game but he kind of does considering that all his crows are sitting around spying on every inch of the world and to me he kind of plays a similar role to Zeus where he's lawful evil because he's the guy who runs the joint and therefore makes the laws but at the same time runs the land with an iron fist oh no brother the little freak's got a bow what are we going to do as for the generally evil characters I think that goes to Magny and Modi who much like Brock and cnry come as a package deal they are the sons of Thor and the general ground level soldiers antagonizing Kratos and atraeus both of them are summoned to Aid balder in the hunt for Kratos and the guardian who turns out to be kratos's late wife and I wouldn't say they have much personality between them as they're both disposable field grunts but their Relentless determination to hunt down the guardian and the guardian's family and the way they make both Kratos and atraeus suffer is pretty despicable so I think they are distinctly evil although it was a shame to see Modi suffer like he did he deserved better than that from his family here I thought your kind was supposed to be so enlightened so much better than us so much smarter I mean was chaotic evil ever going to be anybody but Boulder his Relentless pursuit of the guardian and Relentless antagonism towards Kratos takes Kratos to his absolute limit one of the most telling parts of balder as a character is his hope that katos will finally make him feel something because he's basically cursed with invincibility and can't feel a thing for that and several other reasons he chases Kratos to hell and back literally and brutally wounds him every time and even attacks atraeus his unfeeling Nature has caused him to lose all sense of humanity and become a complete senseless monster who has no perspective for pain or suffering he inflicts pain on seemingly everyone he comes across truly making him the chaotic evil in this game and finally we move on to as yet the final God of War Game unless you count Valhalla as a separate entity and personally I don't this time surrounding Kratos and his allies in the continued fight against Odin and in their hopes to try and prevent the inevitability that is Ragnarok I'll speak to the lady I never get to speak to the lake there are reasons for that the HRA Brothers remain as a lawful good good in fact they're even more so than last time although cry is a little bit more of a rule breaker being a Secret Mentor to a trus but the two of them are model citizens offering basically anything and everything to Kratos and his allies in their fight against Odin up to and including the life of Brock cnry may be disenfranchised by the end but he still helps during Ragnarok and Brock his contributions and friendship needs no explanation these two are the models of righteousness and God of War Ragnarok my son or you may meet the god I once was Kratos by this point has finally graduated to unambiguously good despite the fact that the entire world is determined to bring out the monster within him he struggles with this throughout the entire game and his animosity even drives a wedge between him and atraeus which only makes Kratos fall further into his old habits but in the end he decides to be better once and for all finally bringing him full circle you of more use to me alive while Freya eventually does become a trusted Ally she does spend a portion of the game trying to kill Kratos and atraeus for very understandable reasons her feelings are Justified but her actions may not have been with that said she's able to come to an understanding with Kratos and eventually become a key figure in the fight against Odin but it's that first portion of the game that makes her chaotic good instead of just regular good there he is [Music] there's the God of War Thor appears to be evil at first and he may be to a point but he comes across as more of a depressed traumatized drunk with family issues to spare he follows Odin's word to a te which is why he's considered lawful in my eyes as he's following the literal person who runs the joint and while he is antagonistic at first he does work with atraeus willingly despite killing Modi and then Kratos does eventually convince him to finally be better and setad of a better example for his one remaining kid right before he dies his capacity to be good along with his antagonism throughout the game balances him out to being neutral your friend yourself I had to look up this guy's name because he's such a non- entity in the God of War Ragnarok Story the first time I watched the heroic sacrifice scene I couldn't help but laugh because this is a character whose only dialogue was optional up to that point then he made a heroic sacrifice that meant nothing but apparently he's still alive in some optional side quest that I never did I don't care no personality means that better is the true neutral to me whatever Loki is supposed to be doing he's supposed to be doing it now my story doesn't end hiding in these Woods once again atraeus is not good nor is he bad he's just a force of adolescent chaos especially now that he's learning to exist independently of Kratos as Loki he's a big ball of energy and emotion who causes a lot of issues and a lot of this is due to his headstrong nature and his necessity to keep secrets from Kratos but none of that means he's bad it just means he's a slightly misguided kid fully capable of being good but screws up royally more often than not and that's okay how does peace strike the esteemed retired God of War how about we just don't kill each other there's no doubt in my mind that Odin is truly evil he's is the guy who makes the rules and wants to keep his domain in order but he's also a manipulator a schemer and has oppressed all nine realms for probably countless Generations he wants to keep things going the way they are and is willing to do anything to keep things in order and this includes posing as tier to get the drop on his enemies and I will never forgive him for what he did to Brock and no one will ever remember you not even Loki personally I think the Ironwood segment is pretty evil because it's one of the most boring gameplay segments in the history of the universe but In fairness graa the boss of this segment agot's grandmother is pretty evil ever since the death of her son many years prior she's become depressed and withdrawn but the way she copes with this is she captures innocent animals and consumes their souls with a special cauldron in order to I think experience their memories as sort of a reprieve from The Real World getting high off Souls so to speak here's what's up animal abuse is one of the worst things a person can do and stealing someone's soul is a fate worse than death you may be sad depressed and upset with the world but that's no excuse to be a bad person especially to this extent I think maybe I'll drop you no no no yes I'm going to drop you goodbye Heim doll to me is the most evil character in this entire game he's a slimy sniveling son of a b his unique gift allows him to read people like no one else and he loves to show it off he loves antagonizing people just for the the fun of it and fully intends on killing atraeus he's the one who comes the closest to unleashing the ghost of Sparta because Heimdall refuses to submit until Kratos is forced to choke him to death which inadvertently is the first step in causing Ragnarok Heimdall is the key to all of this and he's a massive dick just for the sake of being a dick and his personality demeanor intentions and actions all make him to me the true chaotic evil in God of War Ragnarok [Music] all right enough of that this will probably be my last moral alignment video ran the topic into the ground and now I'm running away I think the most interesting thing about this specific series when looking at all these different moral alignments is seeing the progress of kratos's character how during the prequel days he was a good person then he went from good to neutral to evil to really evil meanwhile the gods themselves were always somewhat evil usually they morality kind of depended on how their goals lined up with Kratos because ultimately the power dynamics of the series had it to where the gods were the aggressors for the majority of the time because Kratos really couldn't do much about his situation and then they screwed themselves over by giving him power then there's the lawful good entry which a lot of the time belongs to good-hearted women who maintained their goodness and Delight even in the darkest of times and some people call this series misogynistic it's interesting to look at the character's morality and relationships and whatnot see how they line up and correspond and how far we can push the idea of the inherent connection between the player and the protagonist before the protagonist's goals are considered too evil to support lots of interesting things to think about but not today as I'm officially done with this for the time being maybe I'll do this with further franchises in the future if I feel so inclined and do you agree with all my picks let me know in the comment section if I missed any particular details that would have recontextualized my picks and don't forget to like this video subscribe and hit the notification icon so you're always up to date on what I'm doing and if you want to support the channel in a financial manner you can pledge to my patreon for Unique perks and rewards such as Early Access Discord benefits and exclusive content along with these fine folks right [Music] here and an extra special thank you to Billy not Brooklyn dick kium G 004 my name is tank monia tader knob Varley patchworks raft TI trovy and weird Webster for going above and beyond elsewise than that I've been the king of snark style right here on Tactical Bacon Productions and I will see you next time stay crispy my friends
Channel: Tactical Bacon Productions
Views: 29,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war, god of war ragnarok, norse mythology, tactical bacon productions, tactical bacon productions god of war, top 10, video games, adventure games, god of war review, god of war ragnarok review, god of war 4, watch mojo, god of war 3, god of war 2, tactical bacon productions twisted metal, playstation 5, god of war 2018, gow ragnarok, moral alignment, god of war ranked, god of war kratos, chains of olympus, dungeons and dragons, tbp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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