Ranking the BEST & WORST Skin Care Brands

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- Hello, hi everyone, and welcome to Skincare With Hyram. If you don't know who I am, my name's Hyram and I'm passionate about teaching you how to perfect your skincare routine. So make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell. So you can see my videos every single week. You know what I'm realizing? I'm starting to become a morning person. Like I almost am always filming in the morning and I go to bed at like 11 o'clock at night. That is disgusting. What am I, 80 years old? The fact that I've seen the sunrise almost every day this week, homophobic. Who am I becoming? Where are my 4 AM work nights? Well, I'm super excited for this video and probably like two months late to this trend. Yeah, I feel like I'm pretty late to this trend, but that's okay because I'm late to every trend, and somehow you guys still want to watch. Maybe y'all should get that checked. (chuckles) I'm going to be rating skincare brands using TierMaker. Now this is a website that a bunch of YouTubers have been using to rate different things. I was inspired by two different people, James Charles, when he rated his scandalous moments in his career, and also LaurDIY, which I know now, to say that her name is Lauren, in my video about her I was just referring to her as LaurDIY, and you guys would not stop coming after me in the comments. So Lauren, it's Lauren. (chuckles) If you wanna watch their videos, I'll link them in the description box below, but they both di this, and I was like, oh, this would be pretty fun but I don't really know what to do with it. And then I remembered, that I'm a shady bitch who loves to drag skincare brands. Hi, nice to meet you. I have strong opinions about skincare brands. If you haven't watched my truth about videos, you know that I deep dive, and pick apart, and criticize. No, I'm kidding, I always do it with good intent to help the brands out, but I typically take a critical approach when it comes to reviewing products and brands, and so I thought, why not condense all of those truths about videos into this video and rate the brand using TierMaker? As I was going through this list and picking out all the brands, I was like, oh girl, this is gonna be really difficult. I can feel it. There's just so many I don't like. I'm gonna try to keep my words on a minimum and not go into a full review for every single brand that I mentioned, but you know, no promises. This is blabber mouth Hyram we're talking about. So yeah, let's just jump into it. Alright, so let's go through the categories because I categorize these into five categories. Why did I say that word so much? English Hyram, get it together. Five different categories that I will be listing each of these brands into. The first is Get On My Face Now. Get on my face now. I feel like that needs no explanation. The second is I'll Tolerate It, which means it's like, it's good, I enjoy some of the products, but I'm not necessarily like in love with the brand, but it's a good brand. The third is Meh, which is basically like, I mean, I won't throw it away, but I will groan when using it. The fourth is Finish and Recycle where I'm just like, yep, I am over this product, but I don't wanna waste it, or I'll give it to someone else because I'm just done with it. And the last one is For The Feet, which basically means that the only chance I would ever use the skincare product is if I used it on my feet. And then at the very end I'm going to choose my favorite brand and my least favorite brand, which is something I don't think I've ever done before. Like, it's so hard for me to choose a single favorite, but you know what? I wanna push myself in this video, I wanna see how divisive I can be. (chuckles) I'm just mostly doing it from my personal curiosity because I truly don't know what my favorite and my least favorite brands are. Although I have a hunch. Alright, let's go. So first on the list is Mario Badescu. Now Mario Badescu is one of those brands, like their, (exhales loudly) facial sprays, I cannot stand, and a lot of their products I don't like, but I took a deeper dive into Mario Badescu's website and found that they actually do have a lot of fragrance-free products, and a lot of formulas that are not bad, they're actually pretty good. I think the main thing for me is that the facial sprays are just so bad, that public opinion has written off the entire brand, but they actually do have some good products, like they're drying lotion, I think is great for anyone who struggles with severely oily acne. So I'm going to put that, (sighs) I don't know if I should do Finish and Recycle or Meh? Ah, see, this is already difficult, because it depends on what product it is. I can't think product specifically. I just have to think of the brand overall. I will say Finish and Recycle, but it may be Meh, because I am going to try out some of their newer products that are formulated without fragrance and irritants. So stay tuned. You know, I'm just gonna go out of order, I don't know why I selected this order specifically, I'm just gonna go with what my soul tells me to do. Alright, Origins. You know, Origins has good intent, you know, they're doing good things for the environment, but from a product standpoint, I would say For The Feet, because that's literally how bad I think the formulas are. But because of all the good things that they're doing for the environment and because they're wanting to help the earth, and because they're doing a lot of good things in that way, I will put them on Finish and Recycle, meaning I would donate those products, so fast. Next I'm going to do Krave Beauty, honestly instantaneously Get On My Face Now. I love Krave Beauty, I think the product formulas are just so top tier, superior, and just incredible, and literally speak to everything that I want in a skincare product. So, no hesitation there, absolutely love Krave Beauty. Let's go next with Clinique. You know what? Clinique is difficult, I think Clinique is the perfect representation of Meh. Like their products will work and you know, they'll do what they're supposed to, but some of their products are not that great, and I will never really find myself like loving a Clinique product. It's more so just, it'll work, you know? Meh. But I wouldn't say I'll tolerate it, because some of their products, their formulas are just, they're not good. And I feel like in a lot of ways Clinique is kind of stuck in the 80s. Like they need to innovate a little bit more or just have like a whole rebrand, and just jizz up their formulas a little bit. I don't know, I'll put them as Meh, I feel like they deserve to be there. Let's see, next I will do the Ordinary. You know what? I struggle a little bit with this, because I love the products from the Ordinary because of how simple, because of how effective they are, and because of how affordable they are. Now that being said, are they products where they blow my mind? I think they're so innovative? I think they're the best products in the world and I absolutely have to have them in my skincare routine? No, they're not, which is why I'm kind of like, I'll Tolerate It, but I also don't wanna be canceled. (chuckles) Because people know I love the Ordinary. Here's the thing, I love the ordinary because of their affordability and their accessibility, that's the reason I love it. But in terms of product formulation, I mean the Ordinary is all about simplicity. Like one active ingredient approach. Whereas my favorite brands are like Krave Beauty, that have a blend of so many different, amazing formulas. So should I be controversial? Ugh, this is difficult. I'm just gonna be controversial. I'll put it in I'll Tolerate It. I will put it there. I think Ordinary is great, but if you watch my recent "Truth About Ordinary" video, I talk about how while the Ordinary products are great, they are supplemental. And I wouldn't say that they necessarily fulfill the most fundamental, important steps of the skincare routine. And you'll hear a lot of chemists talk about this, how the Ordinary is great to be added into a skincare team that already has your basic cleanser, your moisturizer, your sunscreen, But the Ordinary on its own is not enough for that. So I will say I'll Tolerate It. Oh my God, the comments section is gonna be on fire. I promise guys, I still like the Ordinary. Let's go with Lush Cosmetics. (sighs) This is really difficult. (chuckles) I like a lot of what Lush stands for, and I love look at the causes they support, and the organizations that they partner with, but their formulas, I'm sorry, they're just terrible. Like they're literally some of the worst formulas I've ever seen, and I wanna put them in Finish and Recycle, but honestly, the last time I went into Lush, I asked them, I was like, please just like show me one product that does not have essential oils. Just one that doesn't have like a single essential oil or fragrant component, please show me. And they were lost. They couldn't give me anything. And not to mention their lack of preservatives, meaning that the products go bad really, really, really quickly, which brings about a ton of other issues. I'm sorry, Lush, I'm gonna have to put them in For The Feet. I feel really bad for that, but (sighs) it has to be done, I'm sorry Lush Cosmetics. By the way, is Lush doing okay? Because they closed all their locations in Hawaii. Even though I don't like their formulas, I hope they're doing okay, they do do a lot of good change. (sighs) I feel bad about that one. If you wanna learn more about like my reasoning for Lush Cosmetics, go watch my "Truth About Lush Cosmetics" video, actually to be honest, I think all of these products, all of these brands, I've done truth about videos on. So if you wanna learn more about that, just go search truth about, or I'll put them all in the description box below, if you do want to learn more about why I do like or dislike all these brands. But yeah, it's gonna have to be For The Feet, I'm sorry. So next up let's do, ooh, let's do Curology. So, you know, I would say initially, like I'll Tolerate It, because that was definitely my approach when I first was introduced to the brand. I think it was because their marketing campaigns early on were just like everywhere. So it kind of annoyed me, but honestly the more I learned about Curology, the more I like it. And I know some people have gotten a little bit more critical about Curology because the concentration of prescription grade ingredients is so, so, so low. But I personally don't see an issue with that because at the end of the day Curology, while they do match you with prescription grade ingredients, I think that the only people who should be prescribing strong high percentages of prescription grade skincare are dermatologists. Like you actually going to a dermatologist where they can see your skin up close, and know all of your issues. Curology will always provide you with non-sensitizing, non-irritating skincare at an affordable rates. And just the amount of transformations I've seen from Curology is just insane. So I'm gonna have to say Get On My Face Now, like I really, really liked Curology, and I think the final thing for Curology that does push it into Get On My Face Now is that it's making non-irritating skincare accessible to people who don't know about skincare, because inevitably not everyone is going to be as into skincare as we are. There's some people who, you know, they don't wanna do all the research. They just wanna find a good, simple skincare routine without having to do the work. And I think Curology is great for that. Oh, and to follow up with that one, I will do Proactiv not to be confused with Curology. You know what's so funny? I get so many comments of people who saw that Curology used in an advertisement and they're like, you change, you've always hated Curology how could you do this? You're bought out. I'm not supporting you anymore. And I'm like, girl, I've always liked urology. Like literally go back two years on my channel, I have always loved them. And then I realized it's because they thought it was Proactiv, and I'm like, oh, very, very, very different. Proactiv I am not a fan, although I have to save some of Proactiv products are not like horrific, so I'm gonna put them in Finish and Recycle. Definitely not a fan of their over-treating stance. Like they put way too many treatment ingredients in all their products and they're overpriced, but some of their products are not that bad. So I'm gonna have to say Finish and Recycle. Let's do Kiehl's. Oh, this one's hard because (gags) I wanna put it in Meh, because that's truly how I feel about a lot of the products, but to be honest, the majority of their products include like a lot of essential oils, and like Clinique, they're kind of stuck in like this older age of skincare. So I'm tempted to put them in Finish and Recycle, but you know what? I'm gonna be nice, I'm gonna put them in Meh. I went really hard on them in their truth about video. And actually some of their recent products have been formulated with less irritants. So I see that they're trying to improve, I'm just gonna put them in Meh, I think that's where they deserve to go. The majority of Kiehl's products, hmmm, not a fan of, but you know, they have some good ones. Okay, let's do First Aid Beauty next. You know what? Honestly, gut reaction, First Aid Beauty is Get On My Face Now. Every time they come out with new product, I'm just like, yes, yes, yes. And it's a brand that I can say if not all of their products, at least 99% of their products I stand behind because I think they're a great bridge between innovation and non-irritating sensitizing skincare. I think they're great. And I'm honestly shocked at how frequently I include First Aid Beauty products in my videos, like it's pretty intense. I go hard for First Aid Beauty, so they definitely Get On My Face Now. Okay, let see, let's do, ooh, Pixi. Let's do Pixi. You know what? I'm gonna put Pixi in Meh. Normally I would've put them in Finish and Recycle, but, as pictured here, their recent collection actually kind of took me by surprise. They have some new bomb formulas in their Clarity collection that when I was reading the ingredient list at the store I literally was like, (gasps) I gasped out loud, because those ingredient lists were so damn good. And I hope that's the direction Pixi is taking, because if they are, I may find some new favorite products, but the majority of their formulas I still don't agree with, they're still overly fragranced, and just not my favorite. So I think they go perfectly in the Meh category. Alright, let's do Versed, you know Versed has some of my favorite products. I've definitely included them in my best of 2020 skincare, but then some of their other products are just not it. Like they either have bomb formulas or they have formulas which just leave a big question mark in my head. And I'm just like, wait, why? (chuckles) Why did you do this? So I'll put them into I'll Tolerate It. Like definitely some really good products, and I love their philosophy overall, but they have some products that I'm just like, hmm, don't know about that one mate. And here we are, be honest, the brand that you clicked on this video for. St. fucking Ives, I wonder where I should put it? Oh my God, this is such a hard one. That was difficult. That definitely required a lot of thinking on my part. Oh my God, I feel so bad. (laughs) To be honest, St. Ives from a corporate standpoint, like people at a corporate level have been really nice. So shout out to you St. Ives, because I've dragged your name like crazy, and you guys could be really petty about it, but you've always been respectful. So props to you for that, but improve your down formulas. Jesus, I'm trying to help you. Let's do Tatcha. Tatcha, I'll put Tatcha into Meh, because they really do use some incredible ingredients, some ingredients that I truly love, but God damn, they have fragrance in nearly every single product. And I get it, you know, it's part of the luxury experience and Tatcha is definitely luxury. Oh, not to mention the price point is very, very, very high, so that's another reason they're in Meh. But they're not the worst, I would definitely use Tatcha over Origins any day, because of how high quality the formulas are. So I'd say they have a good Meh. Funny story, Tatcha was actually very responsive and very nice before I made the truth about video, and they even sent me their entire skincare collection. And I told them I was making a video about the brand and they were like, oh, let's send you the entire collection. And I was like, oh, that's nice, but you know, just letting you know, I'm gonna be honest in my thoughts and feelings about it. And then I made it my truth about video, where I, you know, kind of drag them. And I never heard back from them (laughs) not a single word, but that's okay. I'm not offended at all. It's just the way brands work. Let's do the Inkey List next, and it's an automatic Get On My Face Now. You know, I've talked about the difference between the Inkey List and the Ordinary, and why I personally like the Inkey List more, and it's because I feel like the Inkey List has more well-rounded formulas that do fill those categories of your moisturizer, your cleanser, your sunscreen, but still at nearly the same price point as the Ordinary. And honestly, I haven't found a single product from the brand that I don't like, which is so rare. Are they luxury skincare products? No, but that's not what I'm looking for. And I think from a formula standpoint, they're so good, and honestly, you would know that if you've watched my videos, I've included their products in my videos for so, so long. So love the Inkey List. Also to mention Inkey List is one of those brands that are so progressive that they teach me about skincare. Like most brands I'm just like, come on use more innovative ingredients, let's go, let's try something new. It's like pulling teeth. But Inkey List is like so far ahead of me to where I'm just trying to catch up. I'm like, whoa, what's this ingredient? What's this new ingredient? I've never heard of that one before. They teach me about skincare, and I like a brand that does that. Next, let's do Fenty Skin. The controversial one. Probably the most nervous I have ever been for a video on my channel. Fenty Skin, where do I put you? (chuckles) This is really difficult. I'm gonna have to say Finish and Recycle. I'm just gonna be honest. Like their products are not the worst I've ever seen. And I do like the cleanser, but you know, fragrance is just a big part of what Rihanna likes in her skincare products. That's something that's really important to her and something that's a turnoff for me. I'd say it's one of the better products in the Finish and Recycle category, but still, yeah. (laughs) If you wanna to know all my thoughts about that, go watch my Fenty Skin video. God, I was so scared for that video. The pressure was on, I felt like Rihanna herself was watching me film that video. Let's do Paula's Choice next, which honestly I'm gonna have to say Paula's Choice will be a, hmm. I was gonna say Get On My Face Now, but they do have some formulas that I'm not crazy about, but I'm gonna say, get on my face now, you know, Paula's Choice really does fall in line with my personal philosophy. And I know you guys are saying, wait, Hyram, why don't you ever include Paula's Choice in your videos? I know, bitch. I need to talk about and try more of their formula, like it is a dedication I have to myself for 2021. I think it's because I've tried a lot of products from their brand, are the products like my tried and true loves? Some of them yes, but not all of them, but they are a brand that I can completely stand behind when it comes to formulations. So I'm gonna say it's Get On My Face Now. Let's do Neutrogena next. You know, Neutrogena has been growing on me, I will say I have seen more and more of their products that they come out with have less irritating ingredients. And Neutrogena is one of those interesting brands where I feel like they're half and half, half of the brand is like dermatology focused products, very basic but straightforward ingredient lists without irritants, and then you have the side of their brands where I think they're trying to appeal to a Gen Z audience. I'm not sure why they have a ton of irritants. So I'm not in love with them, I'd say they're barely above Meh. I will put them at I'll Tolerate It. But I can't believe I'm putting Neutrogena at the same level as the Ordinary, that just does not feel right. I changed my mind, I'll put them at Meh. I think it's because there's nothing that really excites me about using their products. It's just kind of like, yeah, they'll work, you know, they'll be functional. You can find some non-irritating formulas, but am I gonna love it? No. And are they a little bit overpriced for what they're offering? Yes. Let's do Ole Henriksen, which I'm gonna to have to say Finish and Recycle. Like that was a disappointment making that video because I really truly thought that Ole Henriksen had some products that I really liked from an ingredient standpoint, and then when I was going through all the products I was like, oh, I don't like anything. There's nothing on here that I like. So yeah, they're gonna have to go in Finish and Recycle. They're not the worst thing ever, but yeah, they definitely, I feel like, deserve a spot there. Actually, should I put them in For The Feet? The only reason I say that is because they're kind of expensiv, oh, they're not expensive, but they're definitely like, they're not cheap. And from what I remember, they have a Walnut scrub and they have alcohol-based toners, and fragrance makeup wipes with alcohol. But I feel like For The Feet is so harsh. like that's so harsh. Oh, do I be shady today? Should I be shady? You know what? I'm just gonna be shady because For The Feet is getting a little bit lonely, it's a little neglected. So I'm gonna put it in For The Feet, and I'm not gonna apologize for it. Damn, I'm sorry Ole Henriksen, that's kind of harsh, but I'm waiting for new formulas from you. And then we have Glossier, which, you know, they have some skincare formulas that like aren't bad. I'll put them in Meh. You know what? 'Cause I do love their Balm Dotcom, and you know while they don't have products that necessarily like inspire me, they do have some non-irritating options, which is honestly what I asked for from a brand. So yeah, I'll put them in Meh. I feel like they deserve to be there. And then CeraVe, the question. I'll be 100% honest, I'm feeling a little bit torn. Now, here's the reason why, before y'all freak out, (laughs) I love CeraVe products because of how simple they are, and I personally believe that they are the best option at a drugstore price point, which is always why I'm encouraging people to get CeraVe. 'Cause I know the majority of you guys only shop from the drug store and don't have a lot of money to spend on skincare, or you aren't going to purchase skincare products online because some of you guys just don't like that, and I respect it, and I would so much rather you guys choose CeraVe over other drugstore brands that I typically find that are gonna be so irritating. But are they on the same level as Krave beauty, First Aid Beauty, or Paula's Choice? That's a tricky one. Where should I put? You know what? I'm just gonna put Get On My Face Now, because I will say like their products have been featured in my best of 2020 videos. They have really solid formulas, and honestly, I think they're a good brand. Okay, wow, I did not expect I'll Tolerate It to be the most neglected category, that honestly surprises me. But to be honest, I fully anticipated that the majority of these brands would fall in the Meh category, like I'm not surprised at all. Typically when it comes to reviewing skincare brands that's honestly the approach that I feel like I normally take. Like I'm not out to cancel brands, but the majority of brands I'm not gonna be in love with. I am surprised at how many are on Get On My Face Now, but I think that's because of my bias. I honestly think this was an excuse for me to put my favorite brands on the list. I expected more brands to be in For The Feet, but I'll be honest, like the majority of brands, I don't feel that badly about, like I'm picky, I know what I want for my skin, but as a brand overall, the majority of brands have at least some products that I really do like or agree with from a formulation standpoint. There's very few brands where I look at their entire list and think, there's nothing here. Oh, I should've put Clean and Clear on this list. What was I thinking? Oh my gosh, Clean and Clear is one that was so popular and was so requested by you guys. Without a doubt Clean and Clear would be on For The Feet. I don't even have to think about it. Clean and Clear was one of those brands, when I was going into my review video, I was like please just give me something to work with. And the one product I tolerated from their line, they discontinued. (laughs) So it's just a struggle. Yeah, they would definitely be in For The Feet. And now I have to decide what my favorite brand is and what my least favorite brand is. (groans) This is gonna be so difficult. Gut reactions, St. Ives is my least favorite. I mean, I feel like St. Ives had had so long to improve their formulas, they've had so many dermatologists and estheticians, and chemists call them out for their poor quality formulas. They haven't really listened, like they haven't changed, and I think it's because they know that they sell really well. And yeah, I just I can't support a brand that feels that way. So they're definitely my least favorite. For my favorite, it would be a tie between Krave Beauty and the Inkey List. This is so difficult. I'm going to say Krave Beauty, only because the Great Barrier Relief, literally saved my life. (laughs) I know it sounds so dramatic, but I have not found a product like the Great Barrier Relief, that is just blow your mind, transformative, and I'll be honest, I have a little bit of a bias because it is a YouTuber created brand. Like Liah Yoo, she was a YouTuber and created this skincare brand. And, you know, as a creator, you're already balancing so many different things, so building this successful of a brand by yourself, like Liah Yoo literally designed the packaging herself. I think she launched with like a $50,000 budget, which is pretty small in the cosmetics world. And the fact that she herself has grown it to this level, and this much popularity as a tiny, independent, indie based brand is incredible. That's really hard one because the Inkey List has so many good and innovative products that I feel confident recommending to everyone. But you know what? I'm gonna say Krave Beauty. I'm really proud of Liah Yoo, I think her products are incredible, and yeah, Great Barrier Relief is just the best, (gasps) oh my God, I just realized I did not put Youth To The People on this list. Who the hell am I? What is wrong with me? Oh my God, wow did I forget that one? Okay, you know what? Honest thoughts, I will put Youth To The People in I'll Tolerate It. They have some of my favorites, like that cleanser is my, ugh, my all time favorite. Love the brand, and love the morals, and what they stand for, and environmentalism, and everything. But some of their products do contain irritants that I'm not a fan of. Like I used to think that their fragrance was just the spinach and the kale extracts that they use, but come to find out they actually do use essential oils and fragrant components are all listed under the term fragrance. And I'm putting it in there because I'm salty, because their cleanser is sold out all the time. (laughs) I'm just being shady. But seriously, it's so hard to find a cleanser. I'm just like, God (laughs) like I struggled to find the cleanser, I've had to ration my cleansers, because every time I go to Sephora I can't find them because they're just always sold out, whether it be online or in store. So, because I'm feeling a little bit salty today, a little bit controversial, I will put them in I'll Tolerate It. But mostly because of those other formulas, that's just my honest thoughts. Wow, well this was so much fun. I did not know it was gonna be like as difficult for me to choose. But at the same time, I feel really comfortable with how this looks like. This definitely resembles my true opinions about these skincare brands. I hope it shows that my intent when reviewing brands is always from a place of caring, it's always from a place of wanting to help these brands out, but God damn it, some of these brands are stubborn. That's okay, we'll keep pushing, and hopefully we can find more irritant-free options in the future. What do you guys think of the way I rated all of these? I know the comment section is just gonna be mayhem. (laughs) It's gonna look like World War 3 down there because people are going to be freaking out about me putting Ordinary in I'll Tolerate It, but you know what? I stand by what I said. And if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to my channel, and hit the notification bell so that you can see my videos every single week. And I'll see you guys for the next one, mwah!
Channel: Hyram
Views: 3,094,977
Rating: 4.9425869 out of 5
Keywords: skin care, moisturize, tone, product, review, #SkinCareJunkie, #Honolulu, #Hawaii, ranking, rating, questionable, skin care brands, brands, the ordinary, inkey list, krave beauty, clean clear, st ives, mario badescu, youth to the people, clinique, versed, curology, lush, ole henricksen, pixi, kiehls, tatcha, glossier, neutrogena, first aid beauty, cerave, best, worst, best brand, worst brand
Id: LBdbWiq5NrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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