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hello hello you know who I am it's PSM a long time ago I said I was going to make a video reviewing the Spider-Man classic suit designs and honestly I've wanted to get down and make a video like that but really it doesn't need to be all that complicated I can just sit down here with you and make a tier list video with the light with the light of God behind me Jesus is behind me okay everything I say from this point for forward is 100% true the Shattered Dimensions classic suit I'm not going to lie this is pretty standard Spider-Man action going on here you've got a nice classic design going on it's it's really not all that different from your your typical Spider-Man stuff the web pattern's really nice and even the way the costume is formatted it shapes his body in uh you know typical average Spider-Man f you know it Slims him out makes him look kind of big uh I don't know this is really just typical classic Spider-Man stuff right here like this this design isn't too unique honestly it's not bad like this isn't me saying it's bad like I'm saying this is pretty much like text book Spider-Man that's what I'm saying it's better than a lot of Classic Suits on this list though like this is a really good Spider-Man design it's just like good it's so good because it's so text book it's I want to I want to put it in Ultimate because I'm really struggling to think of like anything that I think is wrong with it if there's one thing if there's one thing I don't like the stock art Spider-Man logo on the chest because for some reason the the spider legs on it are like melded together that's I guess that's the one thing I'll hold against it I guess is having like a kind of weird logo I don't know but like other than that it's like a perfect thing I've spent 4 minutes talking about one suit Jesus Christ there's no way I'm talking about every suit on this list like I If you guys really like this thing I'm going to do a part two or something cuz I'm I do not I'm not trying to be here all day dude there are too many tears on this list there are so many tears I'm going to put it in spectacular I'm going to put it in spectacular if anything I don't know maybe the colors could be a little brighter or something but that's just the way the game makes it look when you look at the in-game textures they're pretty bright I don't know it's a good Spider-Man design really good all right I rarely ever get to talk about this guy the goat Spectacular Spider-Man now I know a lot of people have [ __ ] on the spectacular Spider-Man art style they think it looks like super blocky and like really like uncharming cartoony but in my opinion that's a bunch of [ __ ] horeshit like I really like the yellow tinted Spider-Man lenses and it makes sense really because red blue and yellow those are the three primary colors you know that's what Superman's cost costume is made of so you can't even make the argument that like yellow doesn't work on the Spider-Man suit because it does you slap it on the lenses it's nice it works the lens have a little bit of cream to them the web pattern is really sparse but you know that's okay because he's a cartoon character and they have to draw in multiple times so having a really complicated web pattern can be really difficult on animators so I'm willing to forgive that part of the design uh I don't like the stock back logo reuse but there are some Stills in the show that make it look very good uh I want to I don't know if it's better than the Shattered Dimensions design though that's the thing like it's it is a really cool Spider-Man design o oh this is tough for me let's I'm going to put it in Superior because the color the colors are a little washed out that's okay I think it fits the style of the show it's just not my thing personally the PS4 classic suit now I've done my fair share of complaining about this [ __ ] thing you guys are probably tired of hearing me complain about this [ __ ] thing all the time and I know I'm sorry all right I I was too harsh on this thing in pretty much every single time I've ever covered it I I even Spider-Man 2 even though I think some of the things I said about it were right were right when it appeared in Spider-Man 2 like the red is so dull on it it kills me it kills me like I'd much rather wear any version of the classic suit I would much rather wear any other classic suit in Spider-Man 2 than this [ __ ] thing like literally the only thing holding it back is that the red is [ __ ] toned down to [ __ ] this suit has potential to be good I really do think it does and I think it's not that bad okay I'm just being a Spider-Man fan and I'm [ __ ] on it too much I'd like to see the web pattern not be so flat because sometimes it does kind of look weird in certain places like I don't like how it fr Spider-Man's face and I don't like the way the lenses look on him it's not a bad classic suit it's got really good logos like it's got really good front and back logos but like a lot of the time we see it it looks so [ __ ] cooked like it it just does not look good in Spider-Man 2 unfortunately like it looked really good in the remaster and even then I still thought the the web pattern looked weird so I should on it I didn't realize how much I could lose that being the good colors on it I want to I'm going to I'm going to put it in okay I'm going to keep it at the top of okay because I think to put it any lower is just cruel all right The Amazing Spider-Man one this is probably the most redesign redesign that we've talked about so far in fact speaking of redesigns guess what PSM doesn't have a mask anymore [ __ ] okay so I really I really like the tasm suit okay I've said this every single time I've had a chance to talk about the tasm suit I'm like the number one tasm suit Glazer you already know this about me I think it's one of the most clever Spider-Man redesigns of all time combining sports wear with a grungier Spider-Man look I love it it's not perfect though I I don't like how dark the eyes can get sometimes like sometimes the lenses on the mask look like so dark that they look black and i' I'd much rather see those lenses like have a little bit of lightness to them all the time instead of like being able to go go like completely dark other than that I still really do appreciate it as a Spider-Man redesign and I think it's it's a prime example of the fact that you can redesign Spider-Man and sometimes Spider-Man fans like it if you do a good job and I yeah I know there are always going to be people who complain about the tasm suit but I think those people you know they just aren't me you feel me let me I'm understand all right tasm 2 now I made a video [ __ ] on the tasm 2 suit and I'm not going to lie it's one of my biggest sins it does have a long weird logo that kind of sags on the chest all right that's the one thing I will stand on about the tasm suit I think the logo is too low all right that's a little too low a little too saggy for my taste but anything else about the tasm suit is pretty much perfect is it better than the tasm 1 suit oh that's a hard one for me I'm not going to lie I'm really thinking about it while I really do like the tasm 1 suit the tasm 2 suit is such a good modernization of the classic Spider-Man suit right there's like so many things that it does like [ __ ] adding the [ __ ] light spider webs on the souls finally having like the big white Spider-Man eyes um the printed Fabrics on it are sick it's a good Spider-Man design I'm going to put it above tasm 1 I'm going to put it above the tasm one suit the Peter B Parker classic suit is above both of these [ __ ] that's the goat okay now I know some of you guys are probably [ __ ] setting my my [ __ ] house on fire as we speak cuz they're like dude PSM what's so special about this [ __ ] design well well it looks nice okay no but seriously though I do like how they approached the chest for formatting this this approach is actually really unique and you don't see it with a lot of Spider-Man suits most of the time you get a triangle that goes down the front of the Spider-Man suit to create the belt right you get like a chunky arrow that leads down through the ABS to point right creating the belt but on the spiderverse suit right it's a lot more boxy and it sort of makes Peter's Anatomy kind of look really boxy and funny in a way I don't know I've just always liked the look of Peter B Parker like I think his his his suit's definitely not a redesign by any means right it's a light redesign it's a very very light redesign okay but it looks so good like it's one of the best looks for Spider-Man that I think has ever come out like it looks so good in motion and I'd argue sometimes it even looks better than than some of the liveaction suits watching it move like I love the Peter B Parker suit it is an Amazing Spider-Man design and it doesn't even do anything all that different to be honest I love it it's good it's at the top of the list right now all right here we have the Spider-Man the Animated Series design I'm not going to lie I'm not the biggest fan of this design and and it's not because I'm saying I hate it but it's because I feel I feel like it's so inconsistent what what specifically does this costume look like because this show has drawn the costume in so many slightly varying ways if you if you compare Spider-Man to how he looks in maybe like I don't know episode of the episode one of the show and you like compare him to how he looks like later on in the series like he looks you know what I mean sometimes the logos look different some like the sometimes the eyes aren't the same size or shape and Peter's just really bulky throughout the whole thing I still think it looks good half the time like I think there's a certain way he has to look in a certain way he does look in the show that looks good and if I solely base it off of that I can put him up like pretty high because I don't know I just feel conflicted because I feel like he looks really inconsistent a lot I want to put him above Spectacular Spider-Man not going to lie I'm gonna I'm going to put him above Shattered Dimensions too because he does have some really nice Reds and blues on his suit and you know what big lenses big logo you're you're in you're in you're in oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ The Midnight Sun Spider-Man suit this is one of the most God awful classic designs I have ever seen recently and it's depressing really because the midnight Suns game has come out with so many good designs right like everyone in that game I'd say looks relatively cool except Spider-Man except for when he gets the black suit that looks [ __ ] awesome but his main suit [ __ ] horrible the back logo is [ __ ] pathetic it's tiny and small and [ __ ] gross like the the suits formatting is all Jagged and weird in random areas right like it barely even shapes his his [ __ ] like if you look at the back of his suit it looks like a complete afterthought I do do like the lenses on it to be fair all right the lenses do kind of carry it a little bit but everything else about this suit is just straight up awful so I'm going to put it in awful The Avengers Spider-Man classic suit first of all I love the Fabrics I love the seam lines I love the logos I love the lenses all right dude I want to put it even higher I'm not going to lie but I have two problems with this suit I don't like that the belt rounds out on the front all right it does kind of work because this Spider-Man's like a little chunky all right it does kind of make sense that maybe his belt wouldn't be too pointy because I don't know maybe maybe he's such a chunky guy that they wanted to round out the end of his belt a little bit I don't know but all right then you go on to the back okay and his back logo is a little stiff okay the legs on his back logo don't have a lot of Bend to them and that's fine but both of these things are just a little weird okay they're a little weird I don't like a little bit a little bit all right it's not enough to make me hate it I love this thing and I want to make it someday like a real suit I want to put it oh God oh God this is tough this is tough for me I'm not going to lie it does have a really good set of red and blue on it like the colors on the suit are so good and they're consistently really good a lot more consistently than I'd maybe say tasm one and two both are cuz even the tasm even the tasm 2 suit can look a little muddy and so can the tasm one regardless of like the the tasm one has colors on it when you look really close but it it is kind of a messy thing but that's okay but I like my Classic Suits a little brighter I'm not going to lie I'm going to put it above put it above Ultimate Spider-Man I'm going to assume that they're not talking about the video game and just the entirety of Mark Begley's art with Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Spider-Man yeah I'm sorry okay this look all right Mark Bagley all right sus allegations yes all right Mark Bley he is a sus guy okay I know has he fallen off recently yes I know but back in the day back in in the day when he was drawing Ultimate Spider-Man the art in that [ __ ] book was so good and Spider-Man in that book looked [ __ ] amazing I love the giant massive [ __ ] eyes and like even the small things like the little squigglies that run down into the whites of the eyes like Mark Bagley draws such a unique Spider-Man the logos the lenses right there's just a completely different approach to it that's so So Fresh So [ __ ] SAU filled right like Mark Bagley back in his Heyday just drew the [ __ ] out of Spider-Man and that Ultimate Spider-Man design that Ultimate Spider-Man video game Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak I've been replaying Ultimate Spider-Man recently one of the best pieces of Spider-Man media that you can get your hands on I got to make a video about hard I got to make a video about how hard it is to play older Spider-Man games cuz I know a lot of you guys can't get Ultimate Spider-Man because uh it's either $500 to get like a physical copy or you got to Pirate it off a sketchy side on the internet I know all right I'll make a video about it or something all right I'll put y'all on all right let's talk about the fake Ultimate Spider-Man I don't like how [ __ ] muddy this guy's suit looks sometimes but I I as much as I [ __ ] hate him all right as much as I [ __ ] hate Drake Bell all right I despise this version of Spider-Man man I have to admit he looks freshh all right I have to admit that he looks fresh I am not going to put him above Josh Keaton in any way shape or form all right he's not getting any higher than this all right and when I say this Ultimate Spider-Man design is good that's all I'm saying about Ultimate Spider-Man that's good I [ __ ] hate that show [ __ ] Ultimate Spider-Man I hate it all right how how how many more of these suits do I actually care about all right I care about you guys know I like Edge of Time I don't need to talk about edge of time if you guys really like this video okay and you really want me to talk about the rest of these suits I'll do a part two oh MCU classic suit man um now I'm not going to lie I've been watching people's opinions on this suit change as Marvel has only given us one scene and let us stew for years on end I've seen people like it I've seen people like it and then start to hate it I've seen people not like it from day one me it's classic Spider-Man okay the back logo isn't comic accurate and that's probably the only thing that I I think is is not good about it otherwise it's completely fine I like the the the Fabrics they used I like the web pattern on it for the most part it's a pretty solid Spider-Man suit and I can't wait to see how it actually looks in the film I do have to remake my [ __ ] video doing an analysis on it is it perfect no like it still has some of the weird tropes that a lot of the MCU suits have like the blue section having like millions of lines on it for some reason I like it okay I like the thing and I'm excited to see it but it's not the most Saucy classic suit in the world but you know it's got good colors it's got good logos it's just let me see this thing on film and then maybe I can you know praise it a little more but I'm going to I'm going to put it in spectacular okay it could probably go up when we see the liveaction version cuz we again we still have not seen it at this point I'll finish my liveaction suit series and make it myself before they do guys go back and like my black suit video that video has not reached the like goal which means I can't make the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man replica until you guys go back and like that video so if you guys go like my black suit video I will go make the the the Andrew Garfield suit and so on so you know what to do and if you haven't seen that video and you don't know what I'm talking about basically I make the Remy black suit I remake it all right this is all that's as much as I'm going to say [ __ ] you Tas Tas Tas Tas the new animated series I really like the Spider-Man design nice lenses really good web pattern even if it is kind of like messy and complicated even though it tries to go for the really clean format gets kind of weird around the neck area there and sometimes you know the low quality on the shows Spider-Man model it doesn't look good sometimes okay it doesn't look good sometimes sometimes it's age shows but it's still a really good Spider-Man design and the [ __ ] way they make the suit look in the show especially when they only like shade half of Spider-Man like they do the heavy shading on him this is some of the best looking Spider-Man material you could watch like if you want to watch a Spider-Man show that's [ __ ] beautiful and you can tolerate like lower quality Graphics watch the new animated series Spider-Man it's such a good show pirate I don't care just watch it go look up the episode order because a lot of the places you can find it on streaming services have it wrong Godzilla Mendoza made one in his video it just go find the episode order somewhere online you don't need me to tell you it's peak in fact do I dare yes I do boy I do dare the Stark suit you guys have seen me defend this thing like I'm so good I don't know where to put it because me I've always been able to admit that the Stark suit is an ugly duckling all right it's a weird looking thing it's got all the weird formatting issues that the Spider-Man MCU suits have that they'd manag to you know make look better as they would go on suit to suit all right the red section is a little too wide on Tom's body it does make him look a little thick just a tiny bit in the midsection it makes Tom look kind of boxy that being said I still love it for its bright colors textured Fabrics I love this thing all right even if it's bad I can admit it's bad like I really do not like the overdesign on the blue sections all right I know all right the double lined webbing sucks I know that being said I'll keep it below the PS4 classic suit because I know that suit has some genuine cool things about it but the Stark suit has some genuine flaws that I just dismiss cuz I love it okay so I'm going to I'm going to keep the MCU Stark suit below the classic suit the the PS4 classic suit where it belongs all right the Ry suit now this [ __ ] thing is a God all right I feel like I haven't done an appropriate enough job glazing the Ry suit because now that I've had all this time to like look at all these other Spider-Man suits it really made me realize that like when you compare the Ry suit to all Spider-Man suits that came after it like liveaction wise you really do realize that it really was super comic accurate even if it had the silver webbing like I really think the silver webbing just scares people away from thinking that the r suit is Comic accurate really what what what about it is really all that different from the classic Spider-Man suit the Spider-Man classic suit tends to have eyes the same size as the ones on the Ry suit even if the borders on the Ry suit are a little small the web pattern is mediumsized you know it's in a nice average range typical Spider-Man web pattern range it's not too Compact and not too you know wide he's got a smaller logo on the front and a big one on the back all right that's something not a lot of liveaction Spider-Man suits can say I think if you make the back logo big even if it's not accurate it makes up for the fact that it's not an accurate back logo honestly and the Ry logos on every suit are Peak it's just a really good design even even down to the way that sometimes the blue on the suit looks black right like they do the blue black Spider-Man thing and it's so awesome this is tough for me this is tough for me I'm not going to lie I think I'm going to put it above the tasm 2 suit because I think I I enjoy the formatting of the Ry suit more like I like the way the red is cut on him more than I like the way the red is cut on Andrew cuz the red makes Andrew look kind of skinny but the the the red on the red sections on Toby make him look really big and like superhero like and honestly I've grown I've grown to like that about Toby Maguire's Spider-Man design it's Peak I love it I'm sorry Andrew fans all right I'm sorry The Avengers Spider-Man design now the one good thing about this suit is that the colors on it are kind of decent all right everything about it is just straight up dog [ __ ] I Godzilla Mendoza does a a really good segment like [ __ ] [ __ ] on how the formatting of this Spider-Man suit makes Spider-Man's body look really unattractive and just not goodlooking it's not Spider-Man's body that's the problem all right Spider-Man's costume is supposed to shape his body and complement his body but like the way his midsection looks it's just not appealing like the red section doesn't go down deep enough and the belt is just pathetic of course there are a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] lines on the damn thing the the webs are brackets they look like [ __ ] command brackets it's so stupid overall it's a bad design it's it's a bad design straight up don't like it all right last guy last guy we're going to talk about meme Spider-Man I've had a vendetta against this guy for a minute okay look at his chest all right that is a ant on his [ __ ] chest okay that thing has six SP legs what the [ __ ] it's not even properly [ __ ] it's not even a spider what the hell the webbing doesn't even go all over his suit the back logo also doesn't have the proper amount of legs sometimes Spider-Man looks really funny and and if I'm being honest with you all right we really do only [ __ ] with 60s Spider-Man because the meme it's not that good of a Spider-Man design but I don't want to be cruel to it right like I don't want to be too cruel to it but but the webbing doesn't even cover the full suit all right okay okay because for me I'm really weighing how much of a sin it is to not have the you know what no it is a horrible sin to not have the correct amount of spider legs on your spider logo if you're [ __ ] Spider-Man if you're Spider-Man your Spider-Man costume should have a [ __ ] spider on your chest not an ant not a tick not any [ __ ] other than a spider all right and that is a great sin and nobody should ever repeat it it's in the dumpster it's done I'm done this video is done I've got other things to work on okay if you really like this face shell that I wore in the beginning of this video it was made by Zach AKA Sensational I'm going to be doing a video on that next so look out for that uh Chatters if you love me comment like And subscribe buy some merch I have a new hoodie out the Ben Ro Sensational spider hoodie what am I talking about uh you don't know what I'm talking about that's not uh um bye
Channel: Amazing PSM
Views: 49,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, spidey, spiderman, intothespiderverse, spidermanhomecoming, spidermanfarfromhome, spidermanmovie, spidermandiy, spidermansuit, spidermancostume, spiderman pc, spiderman ps4, insomniac spiderman, spiderman suit dissection, spiderman suit mod, spiderman suit, spiderman cosplay, spiderman diy, kai e knick, probably spiderman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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