Ranking Fast Food Burgers | Bless Your Rank

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welcome to blush your rank my name is Matt buckle up because today we are ranking fast-food burgers actually don't drive and watch blush you're right Burger Time alright here are the criteria for today's blush you rank on fast-food burgers number one taste because it's a taste test ranking house do you judge these things crazy people number two messiness but in a good way like a good burger should be a little messy it's gonna get dirty number three juiciness I wanna I want a good juicy hamburger patty no dry patties here also to be clear some of you might be asking how did y'all pick these burgers which ones did you decide to use what we did is we picked the number one burger at each fast-food restaurant and by that I mean it's the burger that comes on their number one combo meal because that's probably they're number one burger right like that would make sense put your best number one maybe I don't know maybe then not really if it's like a baseball on it probably put your best hitter like in the in the four spot so one is your fastest so maybe this is the burger that will run the fastest through me we have seven competitors today seven burgers I have no idea who's gonna win this thing I've got some favorites in the mix but anything could happen today and that's the magic of you boys you're right let's get started contestant number one is Burger King or BK as the kids say right though the kids say kids probably aren't going to Burger King when I go to my local Burger King I don't see anyone else there I see one worker and they do not look happy whoa what's going on here why does it just do creeping on me we're back at the Burger King bag that's it's nothing it's just it's just a bun there's something in here right yeah there it is there it is alright first look at this burger mayonnaise yeah lots of it lettuce is trying it's like ketchup made an appearance at this burger and then left pretty thick cut pieces of pickle I'm not a fan of pickles but I am eating these burgers just as we order them I'm taking one for the team here I'm just gonna cry myself to sleep tonight that's all no big deal nothing y'all have to worry about yours watching YouTube video do you even care about me here we go that's a good burger I forget how good whoppers are the the meat itself tastes great suspiciously good overall this is a good burger it's gonna be messy unless that's a good thing if you try to eat one of these things in Drive you should pay for it with a stain on your shirt for the rest today right now in this moment I can say Burger King is in first place so don't get cocky creepy man staring at me through the blondes of my living room window this thing is going to murder me in my sleep tonight unbelievable if you're from Burger King corporate don't stop the video yet this won't last competitor number two is what a burger what a burger the orange my bag just makes me happy just fills me with happiness this is this was wrapped with love they wrap this better than I wrapped Christmas presents and the words of Sir mix-a-lot that's a boy I'm home floppy Oh lettuce let's take a look at the inside here this is gonna be a good burger also don't I know what I don't know I don't know what that is should I eat it too is this man probably call a health inspector but for the purposes of filming I'm just gonna keep going here we go I'm sure I didn't get the side of the booger snail touch and there's something about just the meat on this is just cook like just right this is something about Wahlburgers it's just so good I don't know if I'm just like wired differently cuz I've heard some people say they don't care for it and I don't remember those people's names does that shut them out of my life completely but it's so good they know how to make a good burger they don't go crazy we're really good at this we're gonna knock it out of the park every time that's what Whataburger does god bless him and I think this is without a doubt burger number one right now Whataburger has not paid me down unless they'd like to give me free what a burger in which case slide into those dm's what a burger I can't be bought move over Burger King this is yours competitor number three is butt up by parties thought I was aiming to you know classic fake-out Hardee's doesn't even have a slogan Hardys you cannot eat a burger out of a box and drive Hardee's is like yeah trunk door if you don't know what a heart exists it's a Carl's jr. this thing looks like me after walking up three flights of stairs it is glistening one sad piece of cheese maybe a dozen small pieces of onion giving off some serious onion stank how much y'all charging the paw Paw's that are coming to eat breakfast at y'all's place that made it bud the more I look at this the more it looks like a gas station microwavable cheeseburger here well the draws him as a patty I've had since like high school lunch in the cafeteria this is sad this sweaty bun is a really good hamburger bun so this burger is straight trash I don't know if it's hearty I don't know if it's Carl jr. but one of them should be in jail right now probably both all right this this was sad now I'm sad you were in absolute last place and I don't know if that's gonna change today it might but it's not looking good for you right now let's just jump right into it let's do burger number four is crystals this bag is Eddie there are fries here we've got the fries that's not part of it is it Jeff Ross [Music] sound effects about me uh-huh special effects by me burger by chrysalis I have a confession like I love these little things do I regret it after eating them oh absolutely that's the point these are little gut bombs you want to experience a cleanse for crystal burgers will clean you out but I do love these little things here we go something about it like this should not be good it's like a warm hug from a really sweaty friend long sweaty hug of a friend you don't like Christmas also don't trust anyone who doesn't with their empty Crystal boxes try to stack them or fat people Tetris how many crystal boxes can I fit into one crystal box that's my favorite game to play some of you will say Christmas is good but white castles better stop talking I've had white castle it's just the same as crystal this can only come out one way and that's okay crystal Berger where does it rank okay I'm gonna get so much hate for this those of you that have never had crystals or had it once or twice you won't get it and I and I don't expect you to and frankly I just feel sorry for you there are probably so many diseases now that we won't ever catch is we've been raised on crystal burgers and for that reason crystal is number two competitor number five is but up up that pie McDonald's I really did it this time no one's gonna think yeah and we're going with the Big Mac also in a box so the Big Mac is not usually my go-to burger as a kid I didn't like this cuz I didn't like a special sauce but then something happened I got older maybe my taste buds finally came in burger itself again with the shredded lettuce fast-food restaurants of the world stop with the shredder lettuce stop it no one likes it no one likes it give us lettuce sheets let us sheet LED sheets here we go looking for a spot to go in at this looks pretty good this looks saucy little soggy Oh soggy bun this is weird oh I mean it's a it's okay having it with everything else today I just don't feel like it's that great it's definitely not better than a lot of the things sitting up here except for that thing from Hardee's the mud burger whatever that is thought up by Bo yeah I'm not feeling it definitely not what a burger of Louisville good its adequate and that's what McDonald's thrives on adequacy yeah we got food you got you got some money also it's a special sauce Thousand Island dressing or not if you know what the McDonald special sauce is comment below but know that you may be giving out the secret recipe and that means that Ronald McDonald will hunt you down people find you where does it rank don't think it's better than Burger King I think the Big Mac is currently in fourth place all right competitor number six six is windy people say they have a good chicken sandwich for one person really good salads why why go to a fast food place to get salad this smells like a swimming pool that's weird this thing is ready to go who also shot this one this buns been sweating a single piece of lettuce unbelievable oh no that's a bad piece of tomato all right Wendy's do your worst I don't have I don't have high hopes for this there was a time of my life or I thought Wendy's had the best burgers I do like they put cheese on the bottom and top of the burger on the meat that is an interesting strategy all right that's all I can say about this just a shoulder shrug I don't mean right now I do appreciate that they do a single piece of lettuce but there's nothing on here that I think is like superior to any of the other burgers that we've had now I want to be very careful about what I say about Wendy's because Wendy here has got a very spicy Twitter account I'm terrified of Wendy I don't crave Wendy's anymore okay I take that back I love it frosty I love dipping Wendy fries into the frosty Wendy's Burger definitely not in the top three oh is very close with my dolls if I had to take another bite of these two which one would I want to take another bite of that's probably going to be McDonald's so Wendy's is currently in fifth place don't send this to the Twitter account contestant number seven seven seven contestant number 7 is oops sorry I probably is gosh this is the CVS of fast food restaurants unnecessarily long you only ordered one burger oh my gosh the cheese is everywhere you wait till I talked to Michelle the manager at Sonic about this this is like nacho cheese this is like ballpark cheese this is like oh no we're out of cheese I think they're playing a game that lolling Phil run over the concession stand and just like put it under this burger under the cheese dispenser underneath the lid here we've got pickles way too many chopped up onions smelling this it's not pretty oh this is this is onions everywhere lettuce everywhere burger patty suspiciously perfectly round here we go at a slam this burger tastes like a lamb this is like Greek fest left Greek fest the leftovers right here I mean I wouldn't mind the lamb burger please tell me ahead of time I mean it's not bad the the what does that soft was dripping off of that I feel like that is probably toxic I don't like this I don't like it happening to me I don't want it to happen to anybody else I don't know what happened here today this isn't this is sad well I think there's only one thing left for us to do this is Matt Mitchell eating a cheeseburger that I ordered at your restaurant earlier today I'm actually filming a video right now about ranking burgers it did not do very there was cheese the cheese melted and became a sauce and the burger tastes a little bit like lamb yeah lamb but the burger is probably gonna be ranked 6th out of 7th today behind Wendy's but ahead of Hardee's yeah it's not good we are all about integrity here at blush you're right I have to say that sonic is number six out of seven lessons learned today fast-food burgers when they're good they are a fantastic burger solid line up one through three really good burgers then here at the bottom terrible things happened I know that these restaurants are capable of better that's how things work on Busch rank I'm ranking out on what I get today and this is what I got today and that means that right now number one best fast-food burger in the game is what a burger congratulations you've earned it and if you're the Chicago firm that bought them out don't ruin this now I'm gonna eat Christopher Bob really good out together they should do that a whole skewer of crystal burgers
Channel: It's a Southern Thing
Views: 1,019,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, burger king, wendys, mcds, mcdonalds, whataburger, food, bless your rank, comedy, fast food, krystal, hardees, it's a southern thing, matt iast, matt southern thing, its a southern thing matt
Id: MrIt7qnl33I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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