Discover the Differences between North Louisiana and South Louisiana!

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if you are thinking about moving to louisiana  you will not want to miss this video hi i'm   sharon delaglio and i am a local realtor here in  baton rouge louisiana and i'm super excited today   to talk to you about the differences between  north louisiana and south louisiana because i   was actually born and raised in north louisiana  and i have been living in baton rouge for about 25   years so this is an exciting topic because there's  so many differences between uh north louisiana   and south louisiana it's like two completely  different countries almost so let's get to it   the first thing is the culture that we're going  to talk about uh north louisiana is primarily uh   baptist methodist presbyterian and south louisiana  is dominantly like catholic um that's a major   difference uh there a lot of people when they're  thinking about north louisiana the first thing   that comes to their mind is duck dynasty y'all  we are all not like the people on duck dynasty   i promise you another difference is our accents  i have a north louisiana accent i do not have a   south louisiana accent my accent is more uh we  would describe it more like drawn out some people   call it country whatever you want to call it but  we definitely uh do not have the cajun accent   and actually in louisiana in different areas in  south louisiana you get a mixture of accents that   are cajun acadiana creole so there's a totally  different uh according to what area you are from   different accents since oliver louisiana so  another thing is football we all love our football   in louisiana but in north louisiana they like the  saints lsu football but they also like a lot of   north louisiana lakes the dallas cowboys go figure  i don't understand that south louisiana is all   about those saints who that they love the saints  and the lsu they love it so that's the difference   between north and south typically in north  louisiana on sundays fact you cannot buy alcohol   on sundays in certain parts in north louisiana  however south louisiana everything's open   um you can go and buy alcohol or whatever  go have a beer on sundays in south louisiana   and when i first moved to south louisiana  i thought that was the strangest thing that   people would actually drink on a sunday and  no longer think that anymore but um so that's   a major difference uh totally was a culture  change shock for me whenever i moved here uh   but people in louisiana we'll just drive across  the bridge then that's not just mississippi bridge   if they really wanted something to drink and just  go in tonight just because you could buy beer   in mississippi on sunday so they would adapt if  they needed to also we have daiquiri drive through   docker places mostly in north louisiana there may  be some in south louisiana i have not seen them   i'm not saying they're not here but they do have  daiquiri a drive through dietary places that's   nice if it's raining you can just drive through  and get a drink and the way they get by with   that because a lot of people out of state say do  y'all really have drive-through dockery places yes   we do but what they do is they put the top on it  but you cannot put a straw in it so as long as   the tops on it and there's no straw inserted  in uh you're within your you do not have an   open container according to their laws so that's  how they do that so another thing is our weather   is completely different as well yes in the summer  it's just hot everywhere is hot in louisiana but   in the winter north louisiana can be 20 30  40 degrees higher than the temperature in   south louisiana north louisiana you get more  snow and sleet ice storms south louisiana yes   it snows from time to time rarely but it snows we  usually only get about two months of cold here in   south louisiana which they get a lot longer in  north louisiana as well so it definitely gets   in the teens in north louisiana for sure so let's  talk about hurricanes and tornadoes there is a   difference south louisiana wins that one hands  down for the being off of the coast right there   in new orleans area we get a lot more hurricanes  uh north louisiana typically doesn't not   get hurricanes but they do get a lot of tornadoes  and so uh i would say they probably win versus   south louisiana on the tornadoes over the years  north louisiana has had some major damage from the   tornadoes so that would be a difference uh is the  tornadoes also the seasons the changing of collars   the four seasons you get that more in north  louisiana seeing the leaves turn on the trees uh   but we don't see that here in south louisiana  it's just green or brown there is no season   where the leaves are changing colors so it's  typically uh we don't get the four seasons that   north louisiana gets let's talk about the food  uh north louisiana being from north louisiana both north and south you know come from big  hunters but uh i would say north louisiana   is known more for like the fried food  for like the catfish squirrels frog legs   deer meat potatoes sweet potatoes those  type of things because north louisiana is   a huge farming land as well you have a  lot of uh land in north louisiana so where   south louisiana is known as we all know the  good cajun food the gumbos cajun ancreo gumbos   etcha uh the sauce pecan the bisque beignet  so all that south louisiana food crawfish but   they do have that in north louisiana but typically  it's made a little differently everybody has their   own variation but it is typically made a little  different in north louisiana than south both are   still good but uh just made a different uh the  salsas and the rose made a little bit different   so let's talk about the terrain you have rolling  hills in the north swamp and bayou and the south   the terrain starts to shift in the middle  of the state and if you've ever taken a hike   through the casacci national forest you  will be surprised of how hilly that is   so you have a lot of hills in north louisiana  and just bayous and swamps in south louisiana   you also have north louisiana you have you know  the farms the big hunt lands and you also have   some fishing because we have some the mississippi  river the ouachita river that runs through north   louisiana the red river but in south louisiana you  have more saltwater fishing it's a big shrimpers   shrimp i don't want to say lobster but  more like crabs and things like that   in south louisiana south louisiana also is a big  import export area where you have the mississippi   river that feeds into the coast so you you have  a lot of the big barges that come and offload   and load in the ports as well out of new  orleans so let's talk about the fun stuff   our festivals here um north louisiana has their  share of festivals as well but i would say south   louisiana hands down wins as far as the festivals  go because you have them you have mardi gras you   have the jazz bass uh french quarter festival  which the french quarter festival is probably   one of my favorite because it's uh on a smaller  level um it's gotten really popular over the   years and it you know it's a lot of people still  come and go to the french quarter for us festival   but it's not crazy like jazz fest so if  you're looking for a festival to go to i   would highly suggest the french quarter  festival in new orleans when it comes   north louisiana has uh the festivals but it's  smaller scale they have all the parades the   christmas parades the mardi gras parades it's  quaint it's hometown feeling and it's just   good energy as well but just not the elaborate  floats and things like that in north louisiana   you also have your music so our music is going  to be different as well in north louisiana you're   gonna have a lot of country music you're gonna  have some swamp pop music some funk um and you   will hear a lot of blues in north louisiana too  but new orleans you're going to hear so much more   you know it's the cajuns it's the creoles it's  the zydeco music then you have the cajun and the   creole music which is the um the rhythm and blues  so it's a mixture of the cajun and creole it's   called the swamp pop uh music uh then you're gonna  have like you have frenchman straight new orleans   where you can go hear all the new orleans music  it's a great place to go if you're in new orleans   in north louisiana they have a lot of country  music festivals as well as well as central   louisiana too a lot of country music festivals  so that's the major difference between north   louisiana and south louisiana and then music also  in louisiana every region of the state has its   own unique traditions and these differences that  give louisiana the cultural diversity that it's   famous for so i hope you enjoyed this video  on north louisiana versus south louisiana   and if you're thinking about moving to the  louisiana area i would love to help you make your   move go as smoothly as possible we can jump on a  zoom call call text me i would love to talk to you   also if you're thinking about moving to the  baton rouge area or any other area you may   want to watch my next video on 10 things you  should know before moving to baton rouge you
Channel: Sharon Dallalio Realtor-Moving to Baton Rouge
Views: 38,400
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Keywords: North Louisiana versus South Louisiana discover the differences, noth louisiana verus south louisiana discover the differences!, north louisiana verus sourth louisiana discover the differences!, north louisiana verus south louisiana dicover the differences!, louisiana real estate, louisiana realtor, What is it like living in louisiana, new orleans louisiana, baton rouge louisiana, shreveport louisiana, louisiana, moving to louisiana
Id: L_bgpwnmK8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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