Ranking EVERY Stage In A Tier List - Splatoon 3

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hello everyone and welcome to the final part of the tier list Series today we are going to be ranking every stage keep in mind that like with everything else this is zones only for a competitive environment if you like all modes then some of this will still apply obviously but I think it's a bit better to rank in this case so let's just dip right into it and take care of this last part all right so this tier list will be completely in order so I'm going to go from Stage 22 all the way to stage number one and I think the absolute worst map in the entire game is eel tail alley I think eel tail alley has a few factors that are some of the worst in the game the spawn region is pretty horrible the part all the way in your spawn doesn't seem too bad but you basically only have oneway drops to get to the area to contest bridge then you have to walk up and deal with the bridge the easiest lock out in the entire game then get through the bridge to paint the largest Splat Zone in the game that is the most annoying one to cap and then do that all over again it is a miserable flow of gameplay it is a hallway it is lockout heavy it is probably one of the more limited maps in terms of weapon viability everything about it feels awful right behind it is the bull map itself of scorch zones with the worse zones layout deal it's an incredibly difficult Zone to cap the top mid can be very annoying if you ever push past the bridge it's basically awful if you are retaking you are dropping in and you are never going back because it is basically impossible to walk backward and despite the size of the map every option you have feels incredibly predictable the bottom right side that you drop in is like the only redeeming quality and the tower on top mid is like okay so it's a little bit better than eel tail all right this map barely made it one tier up but Brian water Springs would be my pick for the third worst map in the game this one is the most annoying in terms of how it affects backline weapons it it is extremely favored toward Chargers as well as Chargers have some of the easiest position I've ever seen they basically just use a single spot the drops on the left and right are horrible in terms of your movement options The only positive and the only reason this is really a tier up is it is a bit more fight heavy since the map is smaller you do have to lock out by pushing ahead a little bit so you can't just sit and Zone the whole game and there is some decent retake options with the right side still horrible but definitely a tier above the other things we are dealing with next up is undertoe Spillway a map that's a lot better in pretty much all of the other modes but I think is the worst in zones once again we have a map that's very awkward because the left side Retreat route is an unable ramp and the other side is a sponge and the right side has nothing on top of that the two small zones mean that it can be really prone to stalling depending on the strategies you have the glass is very awkward and the main problem is The Hour Glass middle of the stage this is the most small and cramped mid out of any map in the game and you're basically forced to go through it it is horrible I do not enjoy it at all I think it's two teams that are either having a staring contest trying to get through mid one team finally gets full control and then they lock out pretty much the entire rest of the game which just isn't great next up would be Hammerhead bridge this map does have some of its fans but once again I'm not really a fan of it again this is another map I've said this a lot you have one way to retreat with the ramp the left side is a drop and the right side is literally non-accessible coming out of your base this map has some of the worst spawn locks in the game you are in such a condensed and Tiny area when you're trying to retake your own plat it's an absolute pain to just try to go anywhere when you're locked out but I guess on zones it's a little bit better and this map has one of the only positives out of any of the bad stages which is the middle area is actually pretty fun to fight in so this is the first time I've really had something positive to say the mid area is cool but everything else is horrible sturgeon Shipyard is in D tier this is again another map with a lot of the same patterns when you're trying to retreat out of your drop area there is only an unable ramp to go backward into at least there is a defensive sponge as well though it is very hard to use without death given the enemy team will be on snip a lot you do have a top right side to try to use to ret take that is actually pretty decent but you still have to drop off there left side is a horrible route to get into mid it's better that it's there but it's awful you have to pull people away basically the Spinners and snipe create very easy lockouts if the enemy team ever push up that far it's just a bit of a problem on all sides it's another map that's very lockout heavy that's very easy to just win very quickly it has an interesting gimmick with the Spinners but it definitely just does not really work in competitive play the last last stage in D tier a map that I have come to think slightly more positive of even if it's still bad is Wahoo World Wahoo world does still have the retreat problem but out of every map we've mentioned so far this one actually has the best one there are not one but two slightly inconvenient ways to get all the way back to your Bridge there is actually three routes to get into middle two of them are trash but at least they're there that's really all I can say about the map it's still very lockout heavy it still has the pole which is hilarious the underneath area is still very easy to patrol it's still a bad MAP but I wouldn't say it's one of the absolute worst which is probably more of a sad thing than a positive thing yes everyone to said it that this means mince meat is in C tier I have honestly grown to not hate mince meat as much I still don't think it's a good stage by any means but I think it's become kind of like the camp trigger fish of this game it's basically become the counterpick zones map to run really Niche and weird strategies like tabella stuff for instance just to name one very prominent example and I think it's a little bit better it still has horrible Retreat routes don't get me wrong it's still pretty damn bad in that regard but I think it does have some degree of interesting strategies I think the Zone actually flows pretty well I don't think it's that lockout heavy though it does still have a lot of the drops problem so yeah I expect this will be my second most controversial take of the tier list I still think mince me is a bad MAP but I don't think it's as bad as people say it is and I'll just say this way these Maps end with the team knocking out really early significantly more often than this one does up next is ink blot zones possibly the most overrated map mode in the entire game ink blot zones is one way drop hell whether it's getting out of your base getting on the flank getting into mid all of it feels awful it is exceptionally easy to lock out in there are some very annoying positions it is at least a little bit more open but that is probably the best thing I can say about it this map is much better on the other modes and this to me is just oneway drop simulator so I said that mince meat is the second most controversial take I know my blin review hasn't come out yet at the time of making this recording so chat's going to go a little insane but blin's actually here as well first off Bluefin is very awkward to move on in comparison to Splatoon one for two reasons one two of the walls were turned into elevators which Take 2 seconds to go up and you can see when they're coming up which means it's incredibly difficult to actually use them and two the walls on the sides of the map are now unpainted on the back of them so this means when you're climbing up the walls you can't climb the walls and not be seen anymore everyone's going to see you climbing the wall or going up the elevator so anytime you're trying to push up in a plat your push options are awful and you're probably going to die I I think that if the back of the walls were paintable and if the elevator were like twice as fast that alone would bump this up like two tiers the other issue is that they are still a bit of bad drops like if you are pushing and you're committing to dropping off your own plat you are still kind of stuck and can't back off like you can try to climb the wall or go up the 2 second long elevator but they're not very good Retreat options the good news is compared to a lot of these Maps you're not dropping into one Death Pit but there are two death death pits that are connected to each other so people are a little bit more spread out you're a bit more likely to get away with it and there's a bit more flow of gameplay on top of that this map has the moving Zone which due to how lockout favored this map is actually adds a bit more Defenders Advantage because now the zone is closer to the defending team than the attackers which works in this map's favor the only other negative I can say is that the spawn region being on one side means rotating and flanking is way slower than it was in Splatoon 1 and that's unfortunately a bit of a problem this map has gotten some improvements but for now this is where I think it stands really fun but a few small tweaks are needed to make it a good competitive stage the biggest difference in a casual versus competitive ranking like casually for me this map is like here if I were to say like my personal enjoyment of the map this is where it would go I have a lot of fun on this map if I roll it in Solo I enjoy it but competitive wise it's here and that's what this list is so it goes there that's also why mince meet is higher for instance mince me in a pure casual perspective is probably down here it's interesting when you build team comps around it and that bumps it up uh next up is the other fun map of the series flounder Heights a map that should have been way more but godamn taking off that entire right side of the map and spawn tunnel hurt like hell getting out of your base is still legitimately a problem and on top of that a lot of the best specials for retaking kind of suck here so it's a bit lockout heavy if we were to have it be as open as it was in Splatoon one this would EAS eily be the best stage in the entire game but unfortunately the entire right side is incredibly limited and on top of that the bottom right tunnel out of Spawn is gone bring them back and maybe take away the left side wall as well while we're at it and the last map in this tier is Manta Maria Splat zones this one still has a bit of a retreating problem in terms of the right side of the map but it's at least a little bit better I think the gimmick of the map in terms of its structure is pretty cool I think that the zones work pretty okay and as a whole the middle of the map functions fine but it does have the Splatoon 2 problem of guess what you are going through mid no matter what in order to do anything you have to fight through mid we are Splatoon 2 map design and then on top of that it is still a bit lockout heavy because the right side is terrible to retake on if you ever retake only from the right side in a competitive setting you're going to lose you basically have to get your own bunker which makes the maps gameplay very linear this map works a lot better when the right side is actually somewhere you can move between and zones is unfortunately the worst offender in this so yeah C tier has a lot of maps with redeemable qualities a lot of people like the structure of inklot there's a lot of interesting comps and things competitive wise for counter picking blin is very unique in terms of play style flounder has a lot of options in mid and manaria has a cool layout but unfortunately many of these stages still fall flat all right first up ship shaped cargo Co barely making it into the decent category this map's main issue is it is very lockout heavy and I'm going to feel like a broken record but there is still a good bit of oneway drops this isn't as bad the middle of the map has a tunnel you can walk through and then die to truka and the right side has a sponge you can pray to God that people don't shoot you from on top of that the map is actually decently wide except they forgot an entire left side of the map on retake so you do have a few more options there's some interesting stuff like ink jetting on the sign on the left side which is pretty cool so it isn't as lockout heavy as we initially thought and it does have some unique structure but for the most part it's still a little bit too lockout favored for my taste next up is crab leg crab leg is a lot better than chip shape when we're talking about all modes but when we're going for zones only unfortunately this is just not the layout that lets it shine it really needs a way to back up on the right side and middle and you can only go back on the left side over Gres it makes up for it a little bit by having an absolutely giant mid with many different locations that can favor a lot of range values an interesting gimmick in terms of the amount of grates you can use and zone is fairly decent so overall it's an okay map but my God you add a few more ways to go forward and back and this sky rockets up the list barnacle and dime Splat zones this is a map where its main problem is retaking to get all the way to the Zone even if you're doing it properly takes a really long time you need to get your top right side then you need to get your little plat area where the backline likes to set up and then you need to get your bunker and then you need to get Zone there are times where where I see a team is a few too many people down at like 30 to 35 points remaining and then I just know they're not going to retake because it's going to take them too long to make it to the zone that is really the main problem again this is a stage where like ship shape if there was simply a left side of the map present it would probably be significantly better but there just is no left side I will say the stacks on this are really nice to fight in though so whenever the stage does get to the area in mid it's pretty cool but whenever it gets outside of it you tend to feel the stage's problems finally in the B tier is humpback pump track another map that likes its oneway drops and so does barnacle I just didn't really talk about it cuz God I'm tired of it but in this case yeah humpback is entirely oneway drops the difference here is that humpback is very wide so there is a wide range of approach options and you can use the far right side to try and flank or even go far left so the map is a lot more open by Splatoon 3 standards and unlike Splatoon 2 it doesn't have vjet sitting back and getting 20 missiles a game painting The Zone so it's a lot more tolerable still not great all right and now we start to get to some of the pretty solid stages things that you start to see in tournament play quite a decent bit first up to me is haggle fish Splat zone so haggle fish is a officially the peak of the hallway design stage we have in this game where there are three routs most of them are a bit but you can still kind of use them there's the tents which are kind of unique gimmick wise it's not too lockout heavy specials feel pretty powerful here due to the amount of High Ground you can use it from and there's like a decent variety of places fights take place pushing up a bit is okay so yeah it's like at the bottom of my I can accept this being in tournament map list here Museum would go next and honestly I will compare this a lot with humpback in terms of yes it is still pretty much all oneway drops but in this case there is a huge variety this map especially benefits from the right route out of Spawn you can literally get behind the enemy team mid in like 3 seconds that is huge plat is a little bit lock out in attacker favored but it isn't too bad you can still retake it using the left side of your spawn so it's not too bad there is a lot of natural places to push in and you can still go from a variety of spaces on top of that museum has the Spinners which are an awesome gimmick that really enhance how the stage feels and adds a bit of variety and Stage gimmicks are always cool last on this tier is Umami ruins splot zones which is a map of come to like a little bit and really it's just because it is a fairly easy map to move in you can pretty much move forward and backward rather freely it is the only map where the double zones actually kind of work for the map because they're not super easy to contest but still allow teams to retake half of mid to be able to contest and draw out a fight top mid isn't too oppressive I think the bottom left area isn't too bad in terms of a drop there's still decent options there the rail is nice for really fast openings onto the left side it is still a bit lockout heavy in terms of if they push all the way over to where your little statue is but it's not too bad and honestly this one's only gone up over time all right and that brings us to our top three where we start to get to the maps that I would say are like comfortably good I like some of these but I feel confident saying like these are good stages for moo zones first I think that Mako Splat zones is pretty fun it is again one where drops are a little bit of a problem but not too bad you can still get out on the right side the left side is still pretty open to be able to move on the left side of your spawn is really good for retaking your stack there's a good amount of options on the stage the variety in terms of unique locations to fight on is interesting with the stacks and how that kind of allows the flow of the game to be a bit different it is still a little bit lockout heavy for my likes and I think that the right side of your map outside of Spawn still needs to be improved but it's pretty solid monkey zones is a little bit better though and I would say it's better before the rework but the rework definitely bumped it up a good bit though not enough to be a tear higher mainly because I do think the spawn region is still a bit of a problem I would have liked to see the right side be expanded a little bit more in terms of bringing back that old Splatoon one route under the snipe the mid is great now the mid is very open and has a lot of different options but in terms of getting out of your base well it's still way more variety than most of the stuff down here it still could be a lot better so I think it's okay as a whole it's a very solid stage I think the options in spawn are solid but could be better and I think the majority of the map does flow very well and yes that means the brand new Ramen stage we've gotten is easily the only X tier map in the game they absolutely cooked with Ramen it is in fact that good the tunnels are really cool the variety of roots the amount of paintable walls you can use the varied amount of defensive positions the spots for specials are all good there's a decent amount of variety in Your Spawn like the only thing I can critique is a lack of sponge on the bottom left side it just legitimately is a very very solid stage all around and I cannot wait to see this one in mapless we have needed a w like this and this is an amazing stage that I can definitely vouch for but with that being said that is the entire tier list series completed let me know your thoughts in the comments below again it's a competitive thing I totally understand for stuff like flounder or blin being better casually men meat being worse stuff like that but in terms of where I think the stages are competitively this is where it would stand in my eyes from best to worst thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all [Music] later
Channel: ProChara
Views: 47,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon Pro, Chara, ProChara, Nintendo, Splatoon 3, Rapid, Competitive Splatoon, Splatoon Top Team, Torpedo, Support, Splatoon Tournament, Brella, Splatoon Tier List, Splatoon 3 Prediction, Splatoon 3 Analysis, Chara Splatoon, NA Champion Splatoon, Splatoon Top Player, Splatuber, Top 500 Splatoon, Range Blaster, Blaster, Dynamo, Splatoon 3 Pro, Splatoon 3 discussion, Stamper, Splatana Stamper, Last Resort, S-Blast 92, Splatoon 3 stages, splatoon 3 maps, tier list
Id: lhA2LbR8Hi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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