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hey guys so as you can see by the title I am finally going to be ranking every season of American Horror Story now I was originally going to wait until season 10 aired but they just announced another why my neighbor so quarantined self quarantine right we're all social distancing right now everyone's home which by the way I hope you guys are doing that too and social distancing and staying at home I'm gonna be producing more content here so hopefully that gives you some good things to do while you are in quarantine anyway American Horror Story was renewed for at least three more seasons and I'm not gonna wait that long and I don't even think realistically I'm gonna be doing YouTube by the time the final season of American Horror Story airs so also for the record I changed this list rearranged some things probably 20 times before finally like sitting down and filming the finalized list so will it change in the future probably there are things that won't change like the worse and the best but the ones in the middle can kind of fluctuate for me so this video is also actually a collab with myself and my main channel so if you want to hear me break down every single serial killer portrayed in American Horror Story and let me tell you there are 20 of them then go watch my main Channel video also a lot of you guys always want to hear my general opinions about the seasons so of course I'll be doing many reviews for all of these I'm not just gonna sit here and list them just so we have a reference point going forward of all of my thoughts on every American Horror Story season thus far up to season 9 so we're gonna start with the worst and go all the way to the best so the worst season of American Horror Story in my opinion Colts so colt takes place in Michigan in the year 2017 after Trump has been elected president so of course the entire season is very politically charged and there is a modern-day Colt run by KY who is played by Evan Peters and a couple portrayals of him as past cult leaders as well with reenactments some very graphic reenactments which you want to know my thoughts on that watch the other video also I do want to point out I have done a couple full reviews episode by episode on like three of these seasons I believe and I will link them down below the playlists of them of my reviews for these down below I did review cult in its entirety so if you want to check that out usually if I dislike a season of American Horror Story I at least like the premise and the idea of it and my fear was that they were going to do an election theme given this political climate of the time and then it was called cult and I was actually very relieved although a little still paranoid that they were gonna do an election theme and then I was obviously letdown but it did actually become an election season and that's the first thing I didn't really like about the season was the political stuff I know what it can be a horrifying thing I guess but for me it's just not horror and I think that's why I didn't find a lot of this season that's scary because the horror elements were just very weak and exploited and like just kind of lame to me I do appreciate how they portrayed both sides in somewhat of a negative light I thought that was more fair which I liked that kind of social commentary and stuff and it was an original season but generally it wasn't scary I didn't really like the plot I didn't like the reenactments and the cult thing and it just wasn't for me next Worst season is apocalypse apocalypse has so much potential for me and when they came out with the marketing photos prior to the season and the name of the season being Apocalypse I was so excited again even if I don't like a season usually I like the theme I didn't with Colt but apocalypse that I can get behind there's so much you can do with it and apocalyptic and dystopian movies are generally some of my favorites to watch and then American Horse or did what it does best it let me down this honestly should not have been called apocalypse because the apocalypse happened in episode 1 and created a nuclear winter and then from there on out we didn't see any part of the apocalypse it was just in the outpost and then we also got to visit a couple past season I mean I wanted to see the dystopian nature of the apocalypse and like the people fighting to survive there was like one scene of the outside world then I was like so excited there were like these weird zombie people and that got me excited but then they never kind of went back to that and then we of course had the apocalypse portrayal in the end as well but it just wasn't good enough also too convoluted with too many characters too many species of characters my god and this whole season was a cup and sequel which I get it coven was probably their most successful season it is the most hyped season I want to say and at this point by 2018 when apocalypse was made I think people were getting a little bit bored and consistently disappointed with American Horror Story so they decided to bring back elements from their most popular and successful season and that's my assumption by the way not a fact this was also a Murder House crossover as well you know they tied up some loose ends as we return to Murder House but again they were just recycling old storylines and at this point it just felt so uncreated like it was named apocalypse come on you could do it better than that American Horror Story so next on the worst side of things hotel are you surprised I haven't mentioned 1984 yet so hotel takes place at the hotel Cortez which is loosely inspired by Hotel Cecil and Evan Peters plays James March who is loosely inspired by HH Holmes again watch my video for further explanation on the backstory those things hotel was the first season that we did not have Jessica Lange as part of the cast but we did get Lady Gaga at this point who then only stuck around for I think one more season and then pieced out probably smart on her part hotel was the first season I think was a little bit exploitative went a little too far with some of the horror elements it's almost like I said this before in my review of hotel that when we watched freak show there wasn't a lot of horror elements in it and so the creators were like oh you want horror let's give them some horror and it was just like so disturbing and just so much to take in American Horror Story has always kind of had this underlying sometimes overlying it's not a word it is now a sexual theme throughout their seasons and it wasn't it's never really bothered me as much as it did in hotel that was like the first time where it was sexual thing themes incorporated with bizarre thing and that's just not a good mixture for me so of course we get all the sex the drugs the serial killers portrayed and I'm not sure if this is just Ryan Murphy's idea of horror but he really does need to re-evaluate and get a little bit more creative but of course we know he doesn't actually really get more creative because the next one on this list is the most recent season 1984 now I'm sure you're probably surprised that it's not that it's ranked 6th out of nine on my list maybe you're not though because a lot of people did think that I would like the season given it's based on 80 slashers and camping and things like that and I didn't hate the second half of the show hated the first half it dragged on way too long the second half wasn't that terrible I have made shoes with it we'll get to it but I don't think it deserved like last place or second to last by any means so 1984 of course takes place in the 80s which they make that very clear they honestly push it they shove it way too far down your throat with the knee on the dance aerobics the music the big hair like I get it we're in the 80s like you don't have to shove it down our throats like that also this season hands down had the worst intro they have ever done they were just recycling almost stock footage instead of creating their own creative piece of art like asylum intro is a piece of art like I would play that in my house as an art installation and I usually look forward to the intros and watch them every time i watch the show because they are so good in 1984 was that's the worst one I've ever seen Ryan Murphy has said that this season is heavily based on movies such as Friday the 13th yeah think it was basically American horror stories take on Friday the 13th like if you told me this season was like Friday the 13th remade into a show I would believe you except wait they do what they've done and a lot of seasons including Murder House they make it so you can't leave the camp and any death in the show is not to be taken seriously because they can be revived or they just turn into a ghost I'm just I don't understand why he cannot let characters die like that takes away the horror element of dying right like the deaths in the show horrifying anymore because they're not dead they're just ghosts now or they get revived or something why can't he let it go I just feel like it's such an American Horror Story trope now that he keeps doing in so many seasons and it's like the deaths an American Horror Story never mean anything and I don't know if he does this on purpose so then when someone actually dies for real it's more jarring but it's definitely not scary obviously I'm sure you guys want me to talk about the portrayal of Richard Ramirez as a full-on character in 1984 and I talk more about that in serial killers portrayed in American Horror Story video so definitely go watch that I did think it was in poor taste I didn't like that they gave him a full storyline with a love story and stuff because he's already one of the most romanticized killers out there so to give him a love story a foot fetish loving Billy Idol which were all true like happened in real life just doesn't sit well with me I did feel like the second half it got better after bi episode 5 I was so bored and I don't know why we needed five hours worth of content to get through that one night because the second half of the season was so much more creative why couldn't they just spread that out more like the pacing the timing and the story just did not really make sense to me so obviously 1984 is definitely lower on the list but I don't think it's the worst season that they've ever done okay now we're moving on to top 5 and I know by now there are gonna be a lot of you disagreeing with me especially from here on out so stick with me feel free to leave your favorite seasons down below ranked your American Horror Story seasons down below so next up we have freakshow so freak show follows Elsa Mars's freaks as they struggle to establish a successful show I will say this was one of the most creative seasons that they did but definitely not a horror season right like I said I feel like this season it was right before Hotel and we were missing the horror element so they just decided to put so many horror elements in hotel that just we're a little over the top many of the freaks in freak show were actually based on real people although I don't think that they used their talents in the way that is portrayed in the show also of course we have a few real serial killers that kind of inspired the show so just eat the clown now of course I want to talk about Kathy Bates she is amazing in this probably what saved a freak show for me if not just collegues this was the last season that we got Jessica Lange and I felt like she could feel that it was just going downhill from here Kathy Bates though it's one of my favorite actors of all time so when she entered the show and coven I pretty much loved every role that she's played besides in Apocalypse not a fan I just felt like freakshow deserved the spot right in the middle because although it with the creative season it wasn't very horrifying to me and nothing really stood out to me next up we have Roanoke so this is a season that I think a lot of people hate and I actually really liked this season I don't know if it was just one of those that I had to sit on for a little while and reflect to like it maybe in the moment I wasn't as big of a fan I do think it had to do with the setting and why I liked it so much given that it's like a haunted house there like in the middle of nowhere it was in the woods with like this huge house I love that and although it was directly inspired by other things of course I feel like the way they put it all together and did the story was pretty original so Roanoke is of course based on the Lost Colony in North Carolina and follows a documentary crew as their haunted stopped by spirits inside and outside the house also this features a lot of found footage which is one of my favorite styles of horror clearly and they also I feel like kept this season way more simple they probably had one too many characters in here but I do feel like it was more on the simple side when it comes to American Horror Story it wasn't so over-the-top and fast-paced and didn't have a lot of overly sexualized scenes which I really appreciate it dare I say that this season is actually tied for third with the next one and I think that Roanoke did have some decent horror in it unlike this next one which takes the third spot coven the beloved coven I believe this is a lot of viewers favorite season which I understand I mean it's in my top 3 of course but it is missing a primary element of American Horror Story horror generally I did think it was much more entertaining than most of the other seasons which is why it's in my third spot but obviously it was missing a lot of horror elements but the storyline was good I thought it was very creative and original so this season takes place in New Orleans and follows a coven of witches and their rivalry with the voodoo queen I think this was probably my favorite role that Kathy Bates played in this show Jessica Lange was amazing I cry every time but her best role is yet to come on this list now I might be a little bit biased when it comes to certain elements of coven because I did grow up listening to Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac so I really liked those elements in the show had nothing to do with horror but I really enjoyed Lily Roth character also I want to point out that my top 3/4 on this list are the only ones that I have ever had a desire to rewatch and have rewatch actually I did rewatch freak show so I saw that more than once so next up on this list is their very first season Murder House I feel like this is the season that really defines their voice in horror TV and was completely original when it came out and although there are flaws in Murder House and probably a few exploited situations it is the classic season that started it all and again if you want to hear my specific issues with it go watch my other video Murder House follows a family that moves into a house that is haunted to say the least and when you die in the house you can't leave which originally this was a creative idea and it made sense in the season of Murder House why they continued that trope for way too long I don't know personally I really appreciated the twists in Murder House and the storytelling throughout I felt like it was so creative and really well paced and yeah the twists were amazing and definitely one of the best American Horror Story seasons I think objectively if so of course this brings us to the very last one on this list which is my favorite season no other season even comes close to this season and that of course is asylum it is my most rewatch season I love rewatching it in the fall in winter it just has those like rainy day vibes to me and I'm sure because I am so passionate about mental illness and exploitation of that a lot of people are gonna argue that this season does in fact do that however I don't think it's that exploitative they do show somewhat accurate depictions of what mental institutions were really like in the middle of the last century so I think that they necessarily exploited mental illness for horror purposes was it horrifying absolutely but the more horrifying elements in the show had nothing to do with mental illness I feel like the characters that they wrote in asylum are the most complex deep well-rounded characters that I have seen in probably any show and hands-down Jessica Lange's best role I don't know what it is about Jessica Lange but in coven and asylum I cry every single time with her towards the end of the season obviously it's sister Jude is by far my favorite character that has ever been portrayed in American Horror Story now this isn't a perfect season by any means maybe they had one too many storylines and many many people based in reality so was it all that creative I mean they did creative things with the original stories of who these people are based on of course and like the real situation a mental institution but regardless I do hope they bring back this specific type of horror that they did in this show because it is just missing and a lot of the seasons but it's been seven years so I'm not sure why I'm still holding out hope I think American Horror Story is best at creating hype around seasons and making things sound really cool and appealing and horrifying but then they failed to deliver in the execution and personally my patience is wearing quite thin I mean the last good season in my opinion that I would rewatch was Roanoke and even then we had freak show prior to that which wasn't great and the reason why I don't know why I do this every year every year I'm like this season will be so much better I'm so excited this is the one right every single time since Roanoke and I'm disappointed every time but I think I do this and make this assumption for two reasons one I know that they're capable of making a genuinely good scary horror show they've done it before I know they have it in them and two they're so good at building the hype with their promos and their ideas the ideas are always so creative but then they don't do as much with them as I want them to but the next season I do have a little bit of hope see this is me doing it again every every year I'm like this season will be better but this time it might be because they have Kathy Bates coming back for one and they have Macaulay Culkin added to the which honestly I love him and I'm very excited to see who he plays in this kind of season also it seems to be based around water which is really cool it could be like a loch ness monster situation or Cthulhu even would be really awesome I don't know if they have the budget for stuff like that but that would be creative it could be like deep-sea stuff they haven't done ocean stuff really yet I'm still waiting on a space season though I'm not sure how creative they're gonna make it regardless of what the theme actually is we shall see and I think what I'll do for this next season is I will review it at the end and just do a general overview of the show as a whole so that is my ranking from worst to best for American Horror Story seasons the 9 that we have thus far anyway please list your ranking of the seasons down below in the comments and make sure you check out my other video if you want a more breakdown of the seasons and the killers portrayed in them and I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll talk to you soon bye you
Channel: PossessedbyHorror
Views: 258,711
Rating: 4.744812 out of 5
Keywords: movie review, possessedbyhorror, horror movies, horror, horror movie reviews, top horror movies, horror movie, sarahhawkinson, sarah hawkinson, american horror story, ranking every ahs season, ahs, american horror story ranked, american horror story seasons ranked, 1984, ahs 1984, ahs review, ahs timeline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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