Ranking Every Programming Language Ever (OBJECTIVE, NOT BIASED)

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hello everybody I'm Nick and welcome to the official unbiased and objective ranking of every programming language ever as you can see over here I have every single programming language and what I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to do something very original I don't think I've seen this ever before but basically you grab the language and you rank it from s to f s means it's amazing it's the best thing ever and f means it's not worth your time I think I've seen some other obscure channels try to do this but the problem that those other channels have is they are full of opinions this video doesn't actually have any opinions this is the objective ranking of the languages and like if anyone disagrees they're wrong so tell them if you like of content and you want to see more make you subscribe for more training check out my courses on don't train.com so as you can see over here we have every single programming language in this list from java to HTML to Elephant all the way over here to now I'm going to start with what I think is the best programming language ever and I haven't really heard of anyone disputing this and that is HTML as you might have assumed now HTML some people say it's not that good of a programming language but the counter argument I have well if it's not that good why does every single website use it and I haven't really heard a good response to that question so if you have one leave a comment down below now the next language is actually very close and personal to my heart and that is Java because Java was the first programming language I taught myself how to use and I learned how to code using Java now back in the day I thought thought the Java is almost as good as programming gets so I can't possibly put it in the same bracket as HTML I'm going to put it on a now the next one is what you may assume is my favorite programming language and that is cop because this is a cop and net Channel at the end of the day but the truth is no I don't want this to be a bias list so I'm going to have to put it next to Java because basically cop is the same language as Java every Legal C code is legal Java code and every legal Java code is is Legal C code everybody knows that so it's going to have to compete for the A spot with Java the next one is actually cotlin and cotlin is effectively a better Java the only problem it has is that it was heavily inspired by cop which again clone of Java for Microsoft because money of course but I do think that the amalgamation of the two with the functional aspect does make it a better language so for that reason I'm going to have to put it as s now the next very famous programming language this one over here it's called MySQL and MySQL look I used to like it but then the guy who made it had another daughter and he made Maria DB and everyone knows that you love your second child more than your first one so it's going to have to go below Maria DB so it's going to have to go to see now the next language is actually JavaScript and it has a very similar element to HTML because you can say that every single application on the web is using it now I can have a counter argument and say that web assembly is also an option so is really every single site on the web using it which is how I judge languages and the answer is no almost every single site but not every single side is using it so it has to go to a of course and now that's about all the programming languages I know how to use so automatically every single other language is f so anyway that's the official programming language ranking of any programming language ever share it with your friends leave a comment down below letting me know why this is actually the most accurate list you've ever seen on YouTube and as always keep coding
Channel: Nick Chapsas
Views: 29,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elfocrash, elfo, coding, .netcore, dot net, core, C#, how to code, tutorial, development, software engineering, microsoft, microsoft mvp, .net core, nick chapsas, dotnet, .net, .net 9, chapsas, c#, ranking programming languages, programming language rank, ranking programming languages 2024, programming langauge tier list
Id: mkpR1OtUwP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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