Why Sae vs Lorenzo isn't Close

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the Japanese emperor Sai itoshi versus the ace eater Don Lorenzo these two in addition to Michael Kaiser Mark the Pinnicle of u20 football with each reigning on the throne of the position they play for with Terror in fact it's not simply that they are the best in the respective positions no one actually comes even close to those two beasts so you already know it today's matchup is the best versus the best baby as usual we are going to look at their stats abilities and explore their best Feats to determine who is the the overall better player but we are going to take it further and answer the most important question can Lorenzo really look upside the way he did to Kaiser before we carry on however if you enjoy these type of videos please consider subscribing and joining my community Discord server for more amazing Blu lock theories and reviews and now without any further Ado on with the video Sai itoshi The Itachi of blue lock a cool-headed well-rounded player very professional but also very egotistical with a little of a brotherly complex having an innate talent for football ever since he was a kid to the point of getting scouted at a very young age by real the best club in the world of blue loock which is an insane of a feat and made s to be regarded as The Prodigy of Japan this genius boasts an amazing physicality similar to that of his brothers but also he presents a broken set of skills that enables him to dominate the Midfield in addition Sai is one of the most versatile players we've seen thus far but as usual we are going to start with his physical stats and as I just stated sa boasts a great well-rounded physicality which is very similar to rinse in the u20 game we clearly saw how they were evenly matched physically speaking but also from a narrative point of view the itoshi brothers mirror each other the same physicality but Sai is left-sided while Ren is right sided this means that much like Ren andreo Sai doesn't dominate any area however he has great R power and strength great speed and of course great jumping ability now we don't really know know about his endurance is he didn't go all out in the u20 game but I mean he's a new gen 11 obviously he has great endurance numbers you could say Sai is the complete package when it comes to physicality but with that ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to move to his abilities and weapons since Sai is a midfielder let's start with what's pretty much a prerequisite for that position the passing ability and well Sai has the best passing ability we have seen thus far in that one game he played that he wasn't even taken seriously s still performed passes on a level that we have never seen before saying he was on another level is an understatement in fact we are yet to see a player even close to that first it was the accuracy of the passes we have seen some players with insane shooting accuracy like Ken and Kaiser however the net is stationary and shooting is very different from matching the fast moving front line but still Sai was delivering diabolically accurate passes in one instance as chigi was covering Shido Sai was able to deliver a very power powerful pass that was about 2 cm outside of Chu's reach but still matched chido's gold image Not only was this pass Super accurate it also was at the right speed and power because Shido was not even fac inside and turned based on his instincts that were completely matched by sigh in fact this is another property of his passes Beyond his insane accuracy you see sigh delivers passes that match the Striker's ideal play and bring the best of them this is probably the thing that impressed me the most about him the way he completely understood the u20 strikers not just Shido even Sendo and the others we saw how his passes helped them do their jobs better I mean they still were but Sai brought the best out of them in a sense this resembles the egocentrism weapon that isi and later bar obtained however it seems that it is only limited to his allies Sai understands the motives and playing style of his teammates and morph his passes accordingly they change based on the receiving Striker but also he challenges them to further immers them into the play and get them closer to the Flow State and bring the best out of them honestly for a midfielder this is quite impressive and makes Sai a very dangerous player as if not dealt with Sai is that type of player that takes his whole team up a notch however dealing with Sai is not an easy task at all due to two of his abilities first he no interval plays if you thought dealing with his accuracy was the only hard thing about his passes you were wrong because sa can forward the ball to the strikers immediately after receiving it it with zero wasted time in the u20 game we clearly saw how the blue lockers were struggling just to actually keep up where even speedsters like chig and Yuki were not even close to catching up and we see them get taken by surprise multiple times the only player who kept up was Shiro due to his instincts now this ability works perfectly as long as side's options are free yet the second ability of his Works regardless and honestly makes Sai one of the most dangerous u20 players I am talking about his dribbling ability which which is probably the best we have seen thus far in the u20 category with maybe B post Levy training being the only player close in fact sa was the first u20 player to introduce the reactive dribbling that we have seen from Luna before which is a harder but far more effective type of dribbling where in contrast to using your own Rhythm to beat the opponent side dribbles in response to the defender in what we call the beautiful destruction he takes his opponent's playing style and meticulously design a dribbling pattern that fully counters it allowing to pass in an elegant way and to make matters worse due to his no interval plays Sai completely eliminates the weakness of dribblers which is them being cut off after performing their patterns but with sigh we saw how that was completely meaningless even players with insane positioning like Ken and isigi weren't able to stop him and well this and his no interval plays are possible due to his strongest weapon I'm talking about his ocular ability metav Vision now we never saw the metav vision pattern from him but the way he was playing and and the way he was in total control of the Midfield alluded to that but later in the manine city game isigi deducted that the reason siiz plays were on a different level was because of him having metav Vision which he uses to the fullest to place himself impeccably to receive and the forward passes to the strikers with no interval but also he was able to sneak up on many players take loose balls and be in the most optimal position for both attack and defense but more impressively through metav vision Sai is always monitoring the field and this enables him to move with no interval giving the Defenders no time to breathe at all and as I said we have seen how even speedsters get thrown off by this badly all right finally I want to state that there are still more to saigh in the same vein as his super accurate passes Sai boasts an insanely accurate shooting ability in fact him and kazer are the only u20 players we have seen able to shoot for the smallest of targets with insane accuracy with Ren being the only player that can rival them here but in the u20 game the writer made it clear saos and even better shooting ability than that of Rin with better overall control which was shown in his goal that Ren failed to copy granted Ren was using his Lefty leg and not his dominant one but with no other Feats to indicate otherwise SI still has better accuracy and another example of this insane accuracy was where if it weren't for aro's insane reach Sai would have completely destroyed gagamaru with an insanely accurate shot to the top corner but this also indicates that unlike Kaiser andaro size shooting is a bit lacking in terms of power as as well as in swinning speed but the fact of the matter remains Sai has one of the highest shooting accuracy ever it honestly makes me wonder what kind of Eagle ey the Sai has to have the best accuracy for both shooting and passing but also this adds to his versatility a lot if needs be Sai can become a very reliable Striker with his dribbling positioning and shooting resulting in one of the most dominant and versatile u20 plays we have seen thus far but can he beat the Italian Dawn before we carry on however I am happy to announce that this video is sponsored by anime Express if you are looking for the best quality shirts hoodies jewelry and LEDs featuring your favorite anime and manga like jiujitsu cazin and Demon Slayer head to anime express. store and use code A10 for a 10% discount on your purchases the link is in the description thank you and now back to our match up Don Lorenzo the ace eater and the main Center back of the New Gen 11 with what's probably the saddest backstory in blue Lorenzo is a very light-hearted and funny player takes nothing for granted and enjoys every aspect of life even challenges and strong opponents Lorenzo is also a very friendly person often sharing his thoughts with everyone from what he likes to even strategies to his opponents and the reason I am actually talking about his personality this much is in addition to him having a very sad and hard childhood which totally explained his joyful Persona Lorenzo is actually the first insane player we have seen that has no ego all he cares about about his money friends and his mentor Snuffy which is interesting to say the least the fact that he is the best u20 center back and such a dominant Defender all without having any ego is mindboggling especially at this high level he broke the only role of this show ego being a prerequisite to being the best the fact that he was able to pocket Kaiser probably the player with the biggest ego without showing any of his is an insane feat honestly but this also made me wonder what kind of a beast will he be if he awakens his eag but this is a discussion for another day and another video for now we are going to start with his physicality and much like the Dilemma of his ego here another one presents itself Lorenzo is a very weak player with probably one of the worst physicalities even weaker than isigi and bacho which makes him having the best dueling ability all the more puzzling and in the same vein his jumping ability is pretty laughable with no Feats whatsoever in fact Snuffy being the genius that he is completely accounted for this weakness and plays the two two best players at area confrontations Ario and Aiko next to Lorenzo which is a great indication that he has a very low jump in numbers next let's talk speed which is his first above average stats It Is by no means insane like the speed sters but it is not that bad either and finally it's time for his endurance which is another mind buggle instead of his even though Lorenzo is a skinny dude we saw how he was the heart of Ubers for both defense and offense scaling the pitch up and down repeatedly and being at the start of almost every attack all while having Kaiser man marked throughout the game which might actually be the best endurance feat we have seen thus far overall Lorenzo's physical stats aren't really great despite his overall High numbers which is where his special abilities and weapons come into play so let's get into that ladies and gentlemen first let's talk about his most impressive weapon that actually explains how despite the low physical stats his dueling ability is the best in the u20 category I'm talking about his insane agility and by consequence reach in his his introduction we saw how Lorenzo leaps forward towards ker who even with his speed got beaten to the ball but also throughout the game we saw the way he was throwing himself forward and being able to snatch almost every Ball but also with his long limbs his reach is insane add to that the fact that Lorenzo has an insane perception and cat-like reflexes that enable him to read situations really fast and react even faster and with his high reach he becomes a very tricky player to get past one-onone in fact we are yet to see a player do that to Lorenzo whether be it off the ball one-onone or dribble past him the only two players who managed to do anything were hiori and NES however both actually passed the ball immediately after getting the ball and neither even attempted to try and dribble past him which is a point that I will get back to later for now let's carry on explaining why this guy has 99 score and defense well the next ability is actually his best defense-wise which is in fact a compound weapon of his perception and reach I'm talking about his ability to completely negate a player if he marks him his ability to mandate the strictest of lockdowns we have seen this from him in the bastard game where he rendered Kaiser completely useless it was such a one-sided encounter to the point the only time Kaiser was able to do anything was when Lorenzo had to cover other dangerous situations mainly caused by isigi this honestly is such an insane feat as Kaiser is the hardest Striker to stop in the u20 category hands down and the way Lorenzo pocketed him for a full game is Just dirty man not only did he beat him one-on-one he also prevented him from receiving passes in critical positions which let me reiterate this is Kaiser we are talking about the man has the best of the ball movements in the u20 category and has the best ability to shake off the Defenders and the fact that Kaiser couldn't shake him off not even once on his own is a great Testament to the Italian Dawn even with his speed Kaiser couldn't escape his watch yet Kaiser still has an ace in a hole which is his shooting ability that can even rival the pros but impressively enough Lorenzo was the the only player we know of who was able to stop the Kaiser impact not even goalkeepers can boast about this yet he did it with such a smug on his face man he's super funny but in all seriousness there is still one ability of his that might explain how he was able to do so and how kazer couldn't do anything now I understand this wasn't straight up confirmed by any statement but much like kazer prer eyes were only confirmed by The Eye Design Lorenzo has shown the Assassin eyes design throughout the bastard game and for those who don't remember the assassin eyes are an ocular ability introduced by carasso in the third selection where they allow the player to focus on an opponent to completely counter set opponent and allow the wielder to dominate The Duel now Caro introduced it as the weaker link targeting C of an ocular ability but later he evolved it to Target the strongest link being insai in the u20 game which was the case also here for Lorenzo through these eyes it makes perfect sense how he was able to Zone in on Kaiser and completely assassinate him but also might explain why when he is focused on Kaiser it is a bit harder for him to use his otherwise very high perception but this actually complet his set of defensive skills which are the best in the u20 category of course but if we take a look at his stat chart we see that defense isn't the only thing Lorenzo excels at in fact the dawn is the beaten heart of Ubers in terms of defense and offense and so let's explore this side to him first let's talk about his dribbling which is a whopping 93 and tied with freaking chiger and his insane zigzags and while in his his first introduction after intercepting the ball from Kaiser Lorenzo proceeded to literally mop the floor with bastard in what we call the zombie steps Lorenzo throws his center of gravity way off to both sides making it near impossible for the opponent to read his movements it's not like he has insane rhythms or patterns or techniques all he does is makes it tricky to read him and thus extremely hard to stop him this is possible due to Lorenzo's weird body structure where his upper body moves completely freely compared to his legs and in case you are are still not convinced that this is super deadly you have to remember that the main thing that Lain taught B was the Jenga which resembles the zombie steps in that the upper body being detached from your footwork makes it near impossible to read your dribbling because for those who don't know usually your upper body is the part that rely to the opponent which direction your center of gravity and by consequence your dribble is going however with the Jenga and the zombie steps this weakness is completely nullified and if you have ever seen any matchup video of mine to me rivaling the Pros in any aspect is such a huge feat for the u20 players as for Lorenzo this makes him a menace of a midfielder especially when coupled with his great passing ability next I have to mention this ability again as he works differently on offense I'm talking about his high perception now while not even close to the level of players with metav vision Lorenzo actually has a very high field IQ that enables him to pick the best routes towards the goal whether through his dribbling or deciding among the passing options which works super well with Ubers as we've seen him being the anchor of the varing patterns Snuffy engraved in them and makes him the Beating Heart of Ubers in all honesty the fact that Lorenzo dominates two totally opposing areas is such a huge versatility feat being the best defender and at the same time a very oppressive forward midfielder makes Lorenzo a beast of a player but can he be Sai for how this matchup would go as I said we are going to first see if Lorenzo can actually stop sa oneon-one and put him in a lock down the way he to kazer then we will get to answering who is the overall better player so as we all know Lorenzo's best feat is taming kazer and so can he do the same to saigh so for star that lockdown worked so well due to two reasons first the Assassin's eyes or at least Lorenzo's ability to Target Kaiser's main selling point that is his off the- ball movements and actually this will be the best chance that Lorenzo might have at stoping s side as I said in their matchup kazer of the ball movements are far better than that of Sai and so I think Lauren L's lockdown might even work better and it might get even scarier for Sai all right what what about when Sai eventually gets the ball like we've seen with Kaiser after a throw or a kickoff well here where SII shines unlike Kaiser Si's dribbling is off the charts and even though we never seen a player dribble past Lorenzo I think if ever Sai is the man to do it now I want to say that it won't be easy at all and it might be extremely difficult since size signature reactive dribbling won't be effective against Lorenzo due to his unorthodox movements but but still sa has other oppressive dribbling techniques this will be a hard difficulty win if any at all and here I want to address something that I keep seeing over and over again there is hiori being able to get past Lorenzo which to that I would say when and where in their first face off he immediately passed the ball to isi he didn't even entertain the idea of keeping the ball on him or try to dribble unlike we usually see him with other players this was exactly what Nest did with Kaiser he passed the ball immediately after getting it this does not equate to them winning one-on-one against Lorenzo they actually pass to other players and in their second encounter Lorenzo was on Kaiser and saw that heor is about to shoot and he launched forward to stop the shot which was the exact same situation with eige moments before but it was a bait this was smart from both isigi and hiori and really such a great feat but again neither of them won not even once against Lorenzo one-onone and they wouldn't even dream of that at their current level however Sai is far more experienced and still has a very deadly weapon which is size no interval plays that actually can play on Lorenzo's weakness especially with him having no speed nor matter Vision to stop them and with this in mind I would say Lorenzo will actually have to mandate the strictest of lockdowns on Sai and not allow him any breather otherwise Lorenzo will have an uphill battle stop inside once he gets the ball which is really interesting but with that we reach the real assessment of who is better first on talking overall one might assume that Sai takes the win here easily and while this is true physically speaking as SI Stomps Lorenzo in every physical aspect however it's not as straightforward as one my think as always physical stats don't tell the full story for that let's take both to a real game and evaluate how would they F on the pitch usually for these matchups the ocular ability is the main point of comparison as basically they allow the player to dominate however the case with Lorenzo his ocular ability shines in one-on-one duels and even though he has an insane perent ction and spal awareness he can't compare to sii's metav Vision when it comes to field readability and game control in fact this is a territory where Sai shines more than anyone in addition to his metav vision his ability to completely understand his Strikers and further challenge them and bring the best of them is second to none and thus in terms of dominating the Midfield even though Lorenzo showed how insane of a midfielder and how much he can lead an attack it is not even close however it's even worse for Sai When comparing the two in terms of Defense size metav Vision enables him to take the shortest of rout to the most critical position but it is nowhere near the level of defend that the zombie man has shown us great positioning does not equal great defending as was the case with isigi and Kaiser even though Sai was able to corner isigi he didn't stop the attack and in fact blue lock ended up scoring to be honest this is unfair since Sai doesn't participate in defending the way Lorenzo does for creating opportunities however this does not mean sa is not versatile as I stated when needs b s can really feel the role of a striker it will be just how Lorenzo isn't the best midfielder but still oppressive Sai isn't kaer or Barrow by any means but still he got metav Vision positioning dribbling and his insanely accurate shooting ability however I'm going to say this the way Lorenzo was on offense was something else his deadly dribbling him beating a whole team and not u20 game level like Sai this was kunigami post Wild Card training raichi and bassard Defenders who all were training under Noah and so it it is much more impressive than how Sai was on defense and as a striker and to be honest Lorenzo stopping over kazer like that and then him adapting to eigan Ker's meta Vision on offense will always be much better of a feat than haai was in the u20 game don't get me wrong he was still insane and to be honest he wasn't going all out it's just that he doesn't have the feat that would be better than how the Dawn was in the bastard game narratively speaking Sai is better and has more potential especially with his backstory with rain however feat SW Lorenzo is better right now and yes you heard it right Lorenzo is overall better than Sai I really went into this thinking Sai is the best overall player we have seen in the u20 category but as of right now Lorenzo has far more impressive Feats and thus is the winner of our matchup well that's it for the video guys I hope you enjoyed and until next time thank you for watching
Channel: ACE lock
Views: 25,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lfGsDAMfgw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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