Ranking EVERY Pokemon Evil Team Leader Competitively

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real YouTube how can I fix this real YouTube is need these are letters oh my god that's so funny I can't breathe imagine you were like okay this guy's 200,000 subscribers little goose enjoy okay okay well that wasn't what I expected to happen I just take a breather okay oh okay do this juice I could do this okay huh that was a lot I wasn't really expecting that I don't know why I thought that was so funny okay so today they're gonna write evil villain team leaders evil no one's really evil right Giovanni is good man hey we're gonna be ranking the villains from Pokemon on how good they be at competitive Pokemon we just something like this for gym leaders people really enjoyed the video and so I'm doing one for Team a leader like evil team leader bosses as well we have rocket aka Giovanni we have aqua ek Archie magma aka Maxie then oh god Galactic which is Cyrus I think colorist is with whatever gets is with I forget their name plasma and then flare Oh flare is the worst so we have chorus gets this Lysander off Kuzma at you boy from the aether foundation that's the evil team right or is it does it know the either foundation isn't the team there's another evil team I don't remember skull oh yeah school was also really bad man they were really fell off the last few years oh we don't have the current one Oh cuz there there really isn't like a team flare one right our team yell one I don't know maybe there's some people we've added the comments but yeah this is what we ran with here I've gone through and so what I didn't do for the gym leader thing that a lot of people asked for was I didn't use the most recent version of everyone's teams because technically a lot of them showed up and the gym and the gym leaders was champions and the champions won a lot of them showed up in like black and white to I think and some kind of world tournament but yeah I didn't I didn't do that so for this one I am gonna do that up basically most of these appear in rainbow rocket in generation 7 so I'm going to use their teams from there yeah so we'll be ranking them this is you've on his team in ultramoon he's got Dugtrio tenido king you know Queen arrived here and mu2 a lot of these only a five Pokemon so yeah a couple of summons but also before we get into this really in-depth is that we're gonna be giving the benefit of the doubt so for Giovanni will only be treating with like gen one Pokemon and evolutions because he is rep earier I think we'll see that he's in some kind of the format where opponent can only use one legendary as well well we're also gonna ignore the moves and just say that like we'll give them the best possible moves you can think of Giovanni's team is okay I think um the real problem is that he's super weeks like water ground and grass and muses not the most bulky pokemon though it doesn't hold a mega stone which is interesting although it wouldn't be able to make up all the generation to eight anyway what Dynomax I think he could do some interesting things like you can do like bulldoze dug trio and the Dynomax weakness policy right here um you choose a pretty strong lon not gonna lie it just kind of compensate like for a lot of the weaknesses that he has yeah like not not explicitly because like it's not like Meucci resists ground or water or grass but just by virtue of being a fast offensive really offensive Pokemon I think I could do some interesting things muta those are interesting to me because it has the option to trick him if it wants trigger me to actually talk cut the World Championships and so that was a long time ago that was in 2010 so it's there's no guarantee to be good now basically like I feel like Giovanni has two really good Pokemon which might be able to carry him and then three Pokemon that are kind of mediocre Nidoking a new queen aren't in the game they're not bad pokemon but the problem is that they have the exact same typing and yeah Dugtrio isn't super great although actually I think the one thing about dog trio is that you can use it to arena trap like you can use Dugtrio and then like offensive Mewtwo and you get like dynamite from you too and then give it like a bunch of coverage moves I think would actually be kind of strong so um yeah I feel like Giovanni has a lot going for him like his type the typing kills him honestly like he has two really strong Pokemon but the typing of the other was like the overall board is just pretty terrible however the Pokemon that he has are good so for that reason I think he's a solid meteor like he could do okay I think compared to some of the other ones like he's not terrible but he's not great either he would have to work pretty hard I guess type themes are gonna be a pretty common theme here next we have Maxie who has grout on-camera opted to poison in a dark type so Maxie's interesting to me because he has different types which is nice he also his to poison types about ground weaknesses which is really nice even though Mightyena is a pretty trash pokemon in general it has intimidate which is like a good supporting move crobat actually is a pretty good support pokemon as well chroma Groudon can do some really interesting things because you're able to set talent immediately and then go for like eruption or precipice blade do you can also hazily like intimidates and stuff and superfine cup things health and half I actually this is a really strong team I'm not gonna lie to you I think this is probably an S to your team like keV rubs isn't amazing okay you know what this is an A to your team this is an a cheer team I think Cameron is actually kind of interesting because you can use it in trim to kind of be a trip room answer although it's not great camera really isn't adding a lot here I feel like you have a lot you can work with here though he's definitely better than Giovanni he's definitely better than Giovanni um yeah wheeze things not the best Pokemon if we assume he could use gallery' and we think that would be interesting although or is it Gloria Gloria no you think that would be interesting although I don't think it would help so much at the Groudon although it depends of your primal garden a regular garden are legal in the format assuming primal garden I think crow madness garden is enough that you could probably win the game on your own even with no good Pokemon in the back but yeah basically crow bunch is amazing support Pokemon which can use taunt to stop trickery I'm super Aylwin and haze and other can use brave bird as well garden is your gonna be your main sweeper on this team and then the other is mighty n it could be like intimidate I actually think you consider using like a check button just to get a free switch here we you think I don't really know what you do with maybe use wheezing and Mightyena is like physical like to be physical pokemon because if my DNA drops attack and we using us - defense and camera doesn't really add much so yeah for that reason though I like grunting crow but it's really strong yeah so for that reason I'm gonna put Maxie in a tier I don't think she's s here I'm not sure if we're gonna have a nest here I'm not sure of anyone better than that although we have Archie who also has Kyogre plus crobat excuse me Kyra gurbles crobat is really strong for the same reason to con grat on plastic robot is really strong Mightyena actually probably helps Kyogre more than it helps crowd on because Kyogre is more specially bulky and physically bulky however MUC I would argue is worse than wheezing but Sharpedo is definitely better than better than camerupt so if you can use okay let's assume you can use a lowland muck which i think is fair this is actually a really good team you have a lowland muck whose only weakness is ground you have a ground immune and you have intimidate you have two Pokemon that mess of ground types you have Kyogre plus crobat yeah this is actually a super strong team um Sharpedo is actually interesting you can do some interesting things with it there have been teams that used to Arpita before I actually almost lost one to like a destiny von Sharpedo originals I beat it but yeah it was it was scary for sure yeah sure Peter good speed-boosting like I don't know there's some interesting things you could do with it so he actually has really good speed control thank you for subscribing turn the sub discord mark is a great Pokemon if it's a lowland form a lowland muck is is a very very strong Pokemon with knock off in poison jab and protect and recycle and shadow sneak and all these different options it's just it's a super good pokemon that really makes use of this good typing offensively and defensively and so yeah for that reason I think I think muck is like actually really good as a pokemon and yeah only in a little inform base form he's kind of trash but yeah it's fine and yeah crow but close Kyogre super strongly he could destroy him to quebec Kyogre people have destroyed him his crew back over in the past so yeah for that reason we're gonna go ahead and put max the Exeter are she actually in the s tier because he's Maxie is almost s2 here in my opinion he's just like hit like he has the pieces for it kind of similar to Giovanni he has two really strong pieces and then three pieces that are not very strong and so for that reason his two pieces are super strong so we're putting about a tier but they're not strong enough to put him in s tier whereas with Archie he has two of the like broken pieces but the other pieces are actually not bad as well like they're not great don't get me wrong no one's ever like yes I got Sharpedo my DN a-- right but they're good enough that you can like that it doesn't hinder the rest of the team the muck honestly is the saving grace I think next up Cyrus so Cyrus is an interesting team lots of crobat actually crobat me Lyle dialga haunch grow and hound him so his type Sergey is pretty bad you can see his four rock weaknesses in Dialga meaning any kind of ground Pokemon with rockslides gonna do a lot of damage to him however there are some interesting things he can do how under Ben hunter were pretty bad but chrome at dialga and we lila aren't super terrible highly even how noobs not awful Bugsy Olga is pretty good against a lot of pokémon and dialga hound him actually has decent offensive synergy and you have crobat for speed control as well Dialga offers trickery I feel like I can trick him for himself even though not that many other Pokemon of the team want Tukaram but you could have like slow hunch go and Dialga and if trick him Dialga and then have haunch grow and then yeah like how fast mode achromat like have mid speed Dialga and we buy all those not rate isn't terrible either you can give it a focus ass to keep it around yeah I'm trying to because anything else you can do with it priority attack his nice fake out his nice I feel like Cyrus is okay like he doesn't have that much going for him but Dialga jilsuk could have punky as well if he had Palkia would that help or hurt probably about the same I think he's a PT or trainer um yeah let me take a look yeah an ultra moody is punky over to yoga yeah I think he's probably beat here like it kind of similar to Giovanni although he's honestly kind of better than Giovanni right he is better than Giovanni all of Giovanni is now he's probably pretty close actually so yeah I think Cyrus is fair there next we have get sis so guess this is a really cool team it's Jenna five exclusive I mean I'm a little biased because these are some of my favorite Pokemon um you got a Russia rep as well instead of in Zekrom that's the other thing so confer get sharp beau'ful on hi dragon Zekrom arrest um it's hard at five pokemon me honestly only a five poem it makes it difficult for me i just like this team a lot with like with khan fergus bow flaunt you actually have a really nice chick her mode you can go trick like cuz both want actually is really high attack and as head charge as you can see which yeah like and khan Fergus is very hard to stop trick I'm going up for so you could very easily do like be sharp and a dragon type up front or two dragon types up front do some damage and then try to win with both lock-on Fergus in the back I think that would actually be a legitimate strategy if you were trying to use this team and I think it would work pretty well as well if I had to guess so yeah that's actually a pretty nice combination it doesn't have the immediate authentic pressure of like Kyogre graudin or Kyogre or a guy over to chromite or chrome at ground or however it has better Pokemon across the board both along Bisharp hydreigon there's a real good pokemon this team makes the least use out of pretty much any team we've seen so far of the legendary Pokemon since both the decremented rusher or not amazing Pokemon however like yeah it still it's so fine I think you'd probably use rush for him over zekrom on this comp I actually think this is an a tier a cheer trainer personally yeah because the Pokemon are all like is we're all decent at the very least so I like it okay next up we have Lysander who okay Lysander is trash but he has Ernest ah man what are we gonna do with this because okay let's look nor is there any instance team is trash but then you have geomancy xerneas and you're like oh this dude is broken it's so stupid journeys is so broken you've intimidate Plus xerneas plus fake out I have to put him in the SDR there's no way like in a meta game with the rest like we on the tournament there's no way he would lose right Oh actually but the other gym the okay didn't you hear the other the other ones have counter picked him because they all have hates chrome at which is when talk crobat which is one of the best like robot to shut down this whole team which is really funny yeah like robot literally beats this whole team which I didn't expect to say but here we are so yeah but even still like we're not playing against each other we're just talking about them in general so he I think he's definitely SG Ernie this is too powerful even though a lot of these Pokemon aren't great oh the man chose arcade Gary this is good yeah like xerneas is broken interesting okay so core is this all steel type Pokemon an electric-type pokémon um and speaking this team is actually kind of cool I'm not gonna lie he doesn't have a legendary Pokemon which definitely hurts him a lot however Rotom Metagross and cling clang and Magnezone like they're all a good pokémon weird Metagross are especially good you can do some interesting things there and he's really actually kind of compensated for his weaknesses pretty well because did I guess it's not fair to think about that he doesn't have a legendary Pokemon because this is no longer from the rainbow rocket stuff this is like from his actual game so I think it's fair that he doesn't have a legendary you could use like you have to trick room setters on this team which is actually super nice and became and cling-clang the CEO is pretty slow I actually like this team a lot I think this is an A or an s2 your team we're not comparing it to like the like we're thinking about it in general and not with like not like in this case we're not comparing and that he doesn't have a legendary like I don't think I don't think it's fair dad now that I think about it more for that to hurt him because he's not from the same tournament as the rest of them so like yeah like we assume that he plays in a format without one legendary on his team so whereas we assume the others would play with you know one legendary on their team so yeah let's see um honestly I like this team a lot I think there's gonna be an A or an S to your team you've like magnet on a magnet owner there's foreground weakness isn't want immunity this is I think it tear team um it has a lot going for it like Metagross rotamer really strong you have to trim centers um but yeah the the the constant ground weaknesses are pretty painful actually you could argue bt or anything for this one so guzman has mana bug Calissa spot Jarritos Mascarene pincer and scissor and bug is the worst type in my opinion so he has scissor which is good the rest of these are trash there's not much to say this is gonna be the lowest tier for sure we might to leave the dt or if there's nobody in a CT and just make this up for tea or journalists however yeah Kuzma doesn't really have anything going for him I like Mascarene is his only option of speed control unless you want to use like sticky web I don't even know if massacring its talent anymore yeah gelila pods not a good pokémon at all scissor is good but like not good enough yeah I don't want to talk about this team it makes me sad it's your boy Guzman next up we have lucemon who's crazy by the way you guys played that I just remember the one game where she goes off the rails freaking me out ah she's lopunny she uses like all cute polka wand which i think is kind of weird why like why why is she doing this she's this clefable little gandhi LaFonte Milotic and b we are Milotic is good clefable gets follow me but where is offensive lil against is annoying it can you sleep better moppet he could use like mechs flare if he gets a fire moving this gen and set the sun for the ligand and then sleep better stuff there's not as often Sanh this team beside beware a lot but he can't make em anymore meeting it loses a lot of its offense so yeah that definitely hurts i think i don't think this is a terrible team it's objectively better than Kuzma but not that much better so we're gonna put her in CT r i think yeah business pretty trash yeah i'm just try to think there's anything you could do with this the thing is without speed control it becomes really difficult yeah I don't think this is very very strong and a lot but not least we have this guy so I don't know who this do it is but his team is heat okay so these from gen 2 is from stadium he's got para sector an ATAR which is super strong and then a wall with that which is cool octillery hypno and houndoom so there's a lot going on here Pera sect is actually pretty nice is like one of the only redirect yours in generation two and one wall of it school is well like you could new shadow take the trap thing is in he's got houndoom which is relatively faster yes not super fast octillery and hypno like you so basically you would do a solid sugar mode here where they have no parasite to lead said sure come up with rage powder and trick room and then you have like octillery with waterspout in Tyranitar with like in trick room as well and you could use while we've had is like an alternate mode as well because wobbuffet actually has some usage or like some use in my opinion like people kind of just always overlook it but you can do some cool things with Wobbuffet and yeah hound him as well honey I would say like the teams that have hound in which is a few of them would be a lot better if we still had mega evolution because mega houndoom is much more threatening than base hound him but yeah I still think coyote was like a good Pokemon to have here you can hit other steel types you could eat grass types which hurt Luke Scooby was threatened octillery and you have a nice fire what a grass court as well I like this team a lot I'm gonna be completely honest I wouldn't be a steer I'm sorry for the image is the only one I could find so yeah this is how I think I drank the evil team leaders and their teams is obviously difficult a lot of these pokémon aren't sword and shield we don't know I don't know if these legendary Pokemon could Dynomax like can you have dynamite Zekrom can you've died Amex Groudon oh god please no can you have died of eggs or yes I'm quitting did you see I'm quitting Pokemon so I don't know there's a lot of questions that need to be answered but this is just like theoretical and for fun anyway like I don't know I think it's fine so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed I think this is all I want to say about this video thank you so much for watching and yeah if you liked the video please make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 159,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, VGC 2020, team rocket, VGC 20, Team Magma, Team Aqua, Team Flare, Team Rainbow Rocket, Pokemon Evil Team, Pokemon Tier List, Tier List Pokemon, Evil Team, Evil Team Pokemon, Team Yell, Best villain, worst villain, pokemon team rocket
Id: ps0IpWokQ8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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