How to get Almighty Amp and Magic Mastery! - Persona 3 Reload

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hey what's up guys this video is going to be a bit simpler one just going over how to get or at least increase your odds of getting the skill mutation moves of Almighty amp and Magic Mastery for those that are unaware Almighty amp is a plus 50% skill similar to other moves like ice amp or fire amp while magic Mastery is a 50% boost to all magic besides allmighty both of these passes are able to stack with other stuff like Almighty boost or magic ability respect L providing you with a lot more damage now obviously these passes aren't required for anything even Elizabeth you just go for them if you want to minmax your favorite personas the catch is both of these passives are only available randomly through skill mutation as we'll see for Almighty amp shortly getting that passive isn't too challenging relatively speaking and once you get it you can pass it on to whoever you like however magic Mastery for some Unthinkable reason is non-transferable so whoever you get it on it's stuck there and if you want to get magic Mastery on another Persona you'll have to go through the same RNG hell all over again it's a shame this passive is so rare and non-transferable because magic is already at a bit of a disadvantage compared to Fizz in this game so having its best passive locked behind an RNG system is pretty lame regardless in this vid I'll be going over how to increase the odds of the these passives appearing to start off we have to talk about the ranks that skills can have in Persona 3 reload every skill has a rank associated with them with the highest one being nine there are only four rank nine skills those being magic ability Victory cry null Fizz and Morning Star while there are a bunch of rank eight skills if you want to see this list for yourself check the fusion calc in the description the reason that knowing about ranks is important is that higher rank skills can have more odds of mutating into these two passives at least that holds true up until rank n just for my own testing when I was trying to get magic Mastery on Lucifer and orus none of the rank n skills ever mutated for me and it's not that they didn't mutate into the right thing they straight up never changed and I spent a good amount of time on this so just for my own testing when you're picking skills to use for mutation stick to rank eight skills not the rank nine ones with that out of the way we can move on to talking about the first passive Almighty end but before we do that I have to say if you guys end up finding this video helpful consider leaving a like And subscribe as it really helps out the channel before making this vid I put out a community post that included surveys on how people got the skill mutation moves and thank you everyone who answered those for Almighty amp we can quickly take a look at the results here we can see that most people when going for Almighty amp were able to get it the personas it appeared on are pretty varied as you'd expect but there was a lot of H sattin Messiah and orus Telos among other ones the next question was what did Almighty amp transform from and as we can see Almighty boost was the most common answer by a lot Almighty boost is only found on halel the max star Persona and sat Nile a DLC one otherwise I had a bunch of rank eight skills listed here and it seems like they were able to transform at a pretty similar rate and even at the end we had some extra responses saying it transformed from rank seven skills like Zine concentrate shift amp among others so those skills seem to work as well just perhaps at a lower rate from the results we can basically conclude that the best way to go about getting Almighty amp is to use a Persona that has Almighty boost and as many rank eight skills as you can include clude there is a little more that goes into this but I'll explain that further after the magic Mastery section once you have Almighty amp you can pass it on to anyone the best way to see how to do that is by using the fusion calculator the last two questions on the poll were a bit more out of Interest I was wondering if People's mutations happen closer to full moons as there's been some hearsay that mutations are more likely then for the people who remembered most did say that the mutation came close to a full moon or on a a full moon day and from some data mining this is actually supported by the code mutations are more likely closer to a Full Moon though interestingly Fusion accidents are the opposite with those being more likely closer than new moons the last question was just asking how long it took people to get Almighty amp we can see that a lot of people just randomly got it otherwise most were under an hour or between 1 to 3 but there were some people where it took longer even 3 to 6 6 at 12 and never getting it hopefully this video can help shrink these numbers down moving on I wanted to talk about magic Mastery and man this one passive is infinitely more complex than I thought it would be first I have to give some shout outs to some people TUV had a video on magic Mastery as well and zyro left a detailed comment on my community post definitely check out their channels but above all most of the info for this section comes from CN on Discord they have done a ton of data mining and research for Persona 3 reload already and they answered a ton of questions I had the info for this section is a bit complicated so you guys will have to stick with me here basically when it comes to skill mutations the moves you choose to transfer aren't the only thing that matters the fusion ingredients also matter a lot personas in the game are categorized in different packs based on their Arcana this matters because certain skills are only available in some packs since we're talking about magic Mastery here this skill is only available in packs 3 5 and six you can see what arcas are in which packs based on the image on screen this matters because to even have a chance of magic Mastery showing up at least one of the personas in the fusion needs to be from pack three five or six and ideally both of them are from these packs having only one will lower your odds by quite a bit to offer an example for my Elizabeth vids I was trying to get magic Mastery on orus the fusion I was doing with slime and Legion who are both full personas from Pack 3 so in terms of fusion ingredients I was fine here apart from Fusion ingredients the skills you choose to transfer matter as well CTN made a calculator for this which I'll leave in the description and the pin comment if you want to use the calculator for yourself make sure to make a copy first in the simple weight combiner tab we can see what skills are the highest weighted outcomes from skill mutations for my example from earlier I'm using two full personas so I put three and three in the first pack and second pack cells then I'll go to column I and sort from largest to smallest when you do this in the sheet the numbers will only appear here for a second because I think reordering this part kind of messes with the formulas so maybe screen shot before they disappear looking at the screenshot we can see a list of skills these skills represent the most likely outcomes of skill mutations what we want to do is remove the most likely outcomes thereby indirectly increasing the odds of magic Mastery showing up this is because the highest weighted outcomes will no longer be in the pool of what can appear I hope this isn't too confusing for you guys getting one passive in a video game shouldn't be this complex focus on only the rank eight skills here Soul link while it does appear a lot is a rank seven skill so the odds of it mutating into magic Mastery are far lower Heaven blade is normally an exclusive skill so it shouldn't be considered either the skills we want to include in this particular example are some combination of vpal Blade Inferno diamond dust megga Delon salvation bloody charge heat Riser Ali dance and spellmaster again these are the most likely outcomes of skill mutation so including them in the fusion removes them from the possible pool and boost the odds of magic Mastery showing up but that was just one example let's try it out for another Persona say we want magic Mastery on goyon for that Max King and ey damage what we first want to try and do is find good Fusion ingredients so we go to goon's page on the fusion Cal and try to find fusions where both personas are from either packs three five or six an example is Priestess and devil who are both from pack six any of these fusions would work since this is a 6 plus 6 Fusion we can enter this into the calculator and see the result J on Goan you want diamond dust and the other skills will be the higher weighted rank eight ones so maybe Almighty amp Brave blade and God's hand just as an example this would give the highest odds of magic Mastery appearing on goyon I say highest odds but even with all this done the chances of magic Mastery appearing are still low in this goon example it's roughly a 1 in 349 chance and since you want to keep diamond dust and not have it be the one to mutate it's even lower down to 1 in 485 uh yeah pretty rough okay hopefully that part made sense believe me it took a while for me to understand it now that we got two Persona fusions out of the way what about fusions that involve multiple components well from ctn's research and testing it seems for these fusions only material one and material two in the fusion list matter they did a lot of manual testing on Metatron whose Fusion materials consist of packs 6 2 5 and three in that order and they found that skills were only ever attributed to 6 and two while never any from five or three three this is just based on our current understanding of skill mutations so there could be more we found out in the future if things change I'll update the description and the pined comment but what that means is there are actually some personas that straight up can't learn magic Mastery because their first two materials aren't from packs 3 five or six one is orus Telos because their first material is death and the second is Sun another is Thanatos whose materials are only death and lastly though this isn't a comprehensive list is ouren whose materials are lovers and magician again this is based on our best current understanding so it could conceivably change but it does seem unfortunate that some of the coolest designs can't learn magic Mastery I guess at least Messiah can now that that's out of the way I'll talk a bit about my own experience trying to get magic Mastery the first TR tried to get it was on Lucifer just to see if it would appear back then I didn't know anything about this stuff I was only including a bunch of rank eight skills and resetting till it happened it took about 20ish minutes but eventually Inferno mutated and that was it the next time was on orus for the Elizabeth vids because I could only transfer four skills onto orus and one of them was diamond dust that I wanted to keep for the ice build this was an absolute nightmare it didn't help that I was still unaware of any of this stuff but there was also some unfortunate RNG the first time magic Mastery showed up it mutated off diamond dust the one skill I wanted to keep the second time you guessed it from diamond dust again at this point i' had been at this for multiple sessions across some days so I was ready to stop trying but I had Sun cost fallacy at this point so I kept going and luckily not too long after the last attempt magic Mastery appeared from megie Dolan and the build was ready to go knowing what I know now I could have definitely done some things to speed up this process but you live and you learn there were a couple of other interesting skill mutations I got Victory cry twice both times from Inferno which is normally only found on orus Telos another one was Heaven's blade which is usually exclusive to Uriel and Michael but can in fact peer in mutations it's the only exclusive skill available in this way now that we know more about how Fusion ingredients work for skill mutations we can also find one of the best ways to get Almighty M pack six is the one that has the highest weight for this skill so fusing together two pack six personas will be ideal again the fusion Cal is the best place to look for this stuff you want to definitely pass down Almighty boost and by looking at the list of most likely mutation outcomes we know to include Brave blade and any three of God's hand Divine judgment demonic decree megon salvation enduring Soul or unshaken will this gives one of the highest odds of Almighty amp appearing last thing to talk about and this video has ended up much longer than I expected is getting magic Mastery even worth it short answer is no long answer is it depends but likely still no the thing about Persona 3 reload is there's a Max 5x cap for damage boosting passives if you're familiar with Persona 5 Royal the cap was 2x in that game what that means is there are some cases where magic Mastery won't even provide much extra damage an example is the DLC magic personas these ones come with exclusive driver skills that increase their damage by 75% and because damage boosts are multiplicative they can reach a 4.7 times increase by themselves by adding magic Mastery on top of this you're only getting roughly a 6% increase in damage because of the cap is 6% more damage worth potentially hours of resetting that's up to you for non DLC personas magic Mastery is a lot more significant because without driver passives they can't come close to the 5x cap for them this passive is a straight 50% increase in damage but again you never need this much damage so unless you're trying a particular Strat or simply want to minmax one Persona it probably isn't worth your time to be honest all right I'm done for today thank you to anyone who stuck around to this point and huge thank you to cobn for data mining and researching all this info and sharing it with everyone if there are any updates I'll include the info in the description till then good luck on your fusions [Music] for
Channel: bainz
Views: 31,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlus, Sega, SMT, P5, Persona5, P5R, Steam, Persona3, Persona3Reload, Persona3FES, Persona3Portable, P3P, P3FES, P3R, Persona 3, Persona 3 Reload, Tips, Guide, Makoto Yuki, Elizabeth, Orpheus, Orpheus Telos, Thanatos, Messiah, Almighty, Almighty Amp, Magic Mastery, Magic Ability
Id: FhodnOWdTJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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