Using Reverse-Reverse-Reverse Psychology to Ruin the Game For Everyone Else | Feat. Kurnass 2000

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now I understand that things might look pretty dicey right now but I'm actually going to turn this entire game around and win it from this much of a disadvantage hello I am a oil iipe and I like to hop into top tier matches in War Thunder and then personally kill the entire enemy team by myself welcome to my channel when my channel became big enough that gun started offering me test drives the Kronos 2000 was literally the very first plane I requested to the untrained eye this obscure Israeli f4e Phantom variant doesn't look very good it's an 11.3 F4 with no radar missiles and infrared missiles that are easy to flare but if that's what you're thinking then you're missing a piece of the puzzle in order to survive in the sheer Insanity that is top tier air arcade you not only need to know how the planes work but you also need to know how to with someone's head and the Kos 2000 is extremely good at with people's heads and as you can see people who don't understand this dimension of the game get really upset when you do it to them that poor guy really needs to go play realistic trust me past rank 6 it is the easier game mode so anyways I'm going to show you how to take this plane the Kos 2000 and use it to pull Mind Games to wipe out the entire enemy team by yourself now some mind games are offensive and help you kill other players but some are defensive and stop you from getting killed the big offensive mind game for this plane you want to understand is best demonstrated by this clip the Python 3 is easily flar but I'm still going to to quickly kill six planes that have flares the secret is that I'm shooting at all these players from their upper left or upper right you know I'm attacking from their 2 3 10 or 11:00 High position this is because when players are looking for missiles they tend to check behind them then to the side then below them then above them most players however forget to look above and to their side and if they do it's usually the last place they check that makes it very easy for me to take a fast missile like a Python 3 and angle it into their jet from outside of their field of view that means they don't see the missile now you can flare missiles that you don't see but most players don't know how to do that I will however show you how to do that later in this video another very useful tip for both this and also the cfir C7 I covered two weeks ago is to double tap people which I do to this su2 here so if you're doing a head-on with someone else who has all aspect INF Fred missiles you could fire your own all aspect INF Fred missile when you're still fairly far away it'll be very easy for your opponent to flare or Dodge this but that's beside the point if your opponent oent fires their infared missile and yours is still in the air then they will just lock onto each other and destroy each other but by firing your missile from a bit further away you have time to follow up with a second close range Sucker Punch shot that will almost certainly surprise your opponent so yes what I'm saying is that you can fire a missile to shoot down your opponent's missile before your opponent has actually fired the missile you're trying to shoot down but apparently arcade requires no Skiller or so I've been told now I think it's time to show a full match Rampage with this plane the central challenge in top tier air arcade is that every match is an extremely high threat environment because there are missiles everywhere now this is true from rank six onwards but it's actually very similar to what air realistic players start to experience themselves in rank eight when planes start to carry so many missiles that they can fill the sky with them without reloading the skill you need to deal with that is knowing how to make your plane An Inconvenient Target I if you at the very least look annoying to kill then most players won't bother attack you and that makes the sheer chaos much easier to manage understand you don't really need to worry that much about missiles that someone else is shooting at someone else the special power of the Kos 2000 is that most of the time it is genuinely annoying to kill but it always looks annoying to kill if you play it right this winds up essentially giving this plane social stealth you can sit in a furball or a group of players and dissuade almost anyone from attacking you this makes it the Undisputed king of flat maps in this battle rating because it can hide in plain sight when most other planes can't now the four most common ways to make yourself inconvenient to kill are speed counter measures terrain and positioning I've explored terrain and positioning extensively in many other videos so today I'll focus on just speed and countermeasures the Kos 2000 is pretty fast uh This Plane actually has so much engine power that it once scored an air aair kill with this After Burner in real life and it also has 290 countermeasures now if you go fast and out run people's turns and you can watch this guide if you don't know what that term means while blindly dumping countermeasures lots of people could kill you but no one can do it conveniently and this gives you a huge Advantage now the problem with this approach is which is best demonstrated here by this F15 player he was part of the quadruple kill I just got at the opening and he clearly wants revenge like he doesn't want to kill he wants to kill me simple dissuasion won't work against people who take this game personally the F15 doesn't have any flares but my missiles are also on reload and and since the f105 is one of the few planes that can chase me down he's too close for a good shot once they reload I do however kill this M 21 that also apparently wanted me dead I think he was one of the quadruple kill people too in case I haven't made it clear this plane tends to piss people off now the F1 105 uh turns around to come after me but it's really bad at turning which gives me a head start I could turn fight and kill the f105 pretty easily but that takes time and I'm concerned that some other angry person will third party me in the meantime counterintuitively the safest move I can make is to take my head start and plow straight through the enemy team and kill as many people as I can while dumping counter measures while the F15 is chasing me not only do the counter measures on dumping dissuade people from shooting in the first place but dumping countermeasures and making turns will defeat any incoming infrared missile at this battle rating and any incoming radar missile will set up my rwr and I can just defeat it by hitting the deck and and screwing it up with ground clutter besides my high rate of speed and the fact that I'm also out running their turns gives them a narrow window to kill me anyways in other words I'm really really annoying to kill right now and thanks to that I wind up getting another quadruple kill while being chased by someone who's angry about my previous quadruple kill you can see why this plane has the potential to drive people to the brink of Madness I'm basically in the walls on a flat map with there are no walls now to be perfectly honest I just kind of assumed that someone would have killed that f105 for me at some point during his vengeful Chase F 105s tend to die quickly and easily in furballs cuz they don't have any flares and they suck at turning f 105s are actually better at flipping than turning and you would know that if you watch my VOR video of all things but uh somehow he survived so now I do have to turn fight him but as you might have noticed by the time he finally managed to chase me down a force a turn fight I had a huge positioning Advantage so he dies and with counter measure pause this thing can carry a total of 290 counter measures which in arcade basically means you have Infinity counter measures because they reload and you have plenty of time to find a safe place to reload them now this av8 here has a lot of countermeasures and he's using them preemptively that's the right move this other av8 and the FC kill in a few seconds are not they're also at an angle where they' be unlikely to see the missile in time so that's the end of them people say that paying attention in top tier a arcade is is impossible but no it is very much a skill issue also an extremely subtle until you may miss is that the second aviate the one I shot down he had fired off a bunch of countermeasures and then stopped right before I launched my missile if you watch my cafir C7 video you know what that means it means that someone saw an incoming missile and flared that specific missile that they were looking at that means they weren't looking at you which in turn means they wouldn't see you until they made their checks and since I was to that av8 slight upper left I could angle my fast missile into them from the last angle people tended to check I actually specifically look for people who just stopped flaring but are still in a furball because that telegraphs to anyone who's paying attention that it is extremely easy to Ambush them right now look being able to get inside someone's head and mess with them in these sorts of ways is extremely powerful the better move is to preemptively pump out counter measures regardless of whether or not someone's actually shooting you and time it so that you run out of missile shortly before you run out of Counter measures then you use your last counter measures to cover your Escape as you head to a safe part of the map to reload your missiles and counter measur at the same time now of course the the problem with using all these dissuasion tactics is that they eventually stop working once you've killed an outrageous number of people one way another people will eventually realize that holy crap they need to stop you and you'll be charged by waves B players who are hellbent on killing you personally that's what happens to be here but the problem is this enemy team already missed their chance to kill me because remember this is arcade if someone gets shot down they just hop into a worse plane this is called snowballing so if I've already killed everyone a few times then my enemies are down to some pretty crappy planes crappy planes of the Kos 2,000 hard counters if you're slow or don't have flares or especially both the Python 3 will kill you there's nothing to stop it and the canos 2000 can spit out six them very fast this gives me the power to Simply mow down waves of people who are seeking My Demise and even if they manage to dodge the missile they're too slow to actually turn around and catch me now while I may have single-handedly trapped the entire enemy team in an endless spiral of death my own team is actually still losing this actually isn't all that unusual you compete with your your own team for kills to an extent so if you want to go on a truly outrageous Killing Spree having your own team suck is actually more important than having the enemy team suck so a as you can see a few moments ago I went ahead and told my teammates that they should go and cap the objectives and the coast would be clear because I had just taken out the entire enemy team for them and to their credit they did actually go and cap two objectives just in the nick of time this stopped the ticket bleed just at the absolute minimum amount so as long as I kill every single enemy player who tries to land at an Airfield before they land will win the game you know it's really nice when like people work together like this like personally I find it hard to Cap all of the players and cap all of the objectives like I can do one or the other and it's just a bit much to ask me to do both by myself in my experience I tend to find that things work out better if I instead just handle the fighter cover for the people actually try to land and cap the objective anyways uh this is a good spot to mention a fun historical fact about the Kos that I I just cannot end this video without mentioning which is how it scored an airto a kill with an afterburn so in 1973 on the the first day of the Y kapore War there was an incident where Egypt tried to sneak 18 mi8 helicopters full of Commandos past Israeli air defenses a flight of Israeli kosas found these unescorted transport helicopters and one of the Kos Crews managed to shoot down four helicopters with their air-to-air Cannon and then blasted a fifth helicopter into the ground with their After Burner which counted as a maneuvering kill and that meant they became uh flying a in a single Mission and another three Israeli Airmen managed to shoot down enough helicopters in this battle that they also got to eventually become Aces as well anyways back to this game though the the funniest part of the whole match was probably right here at the very end when one of my teammates Finally checked the scoreboard and realized I had effectively soloed the entire enemy team like I literally have more kills than every single other player on my team put together and I did it without dying people's reaction to that sort of thing just it it just never gets old as reminder if you uh subscribe and ring the bell you won't need to remember how to spell AOE next time you want to watch one of my videos anyways as you can see here I only have 18 kills but I probably put 26 kills somewhere in the title or thumbnail I had a 26 kill streak with this plane uh back before even the severe damage mechanic was added which is actually a personal record however the audio got messed up and I felt as though this 18 kill game was actually more interesting than any of the other 20 plus kill streaks I've gone on with this jet so I'll post the link in the description to a video that 26 kill game with busted audio and I'll also post a link to a video of a 21 kill streak with this jet that does not have busted audio
Channel: Aoeilaeiepae Hunts Teams
Views: 29,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BWodrEuWKD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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