Ranking Every Mario Speedrun Record | Speedrun Studies

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Hi all! This was my first attempt at making a video and I've been working really hard on it for the past month or so. Let me know what you think! Again, I'm brand new at this so any advice and/or constructive criticism is super welcome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skyehoppers_SR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very fun, and would love to see it with other series if possible! Only bone I wanted to pick was with the "Glitch" score. By your own metric, a 5 star was "Near-constant use of a variety of glitches that comprise nearly all of the gameplay" and yet you assign a 5 star rank to SMW and SML2. I get that the one glitch that is used in the run is ridiculous, but as far as a variety of glitches go, it's literally just one glitch. I wouldn't say it's more than others that you gave 2 stars to, like Odyssey or Sunshine. Yeah the glitch is amazing, but it's just one glitch. You already have the Sequence Break ranking to cover the game-breaking factor of these games' glitches, seems odd to exponentially boost these games scores by having essentially two factors for the same thing.

If you leaned heavier on the "variety" part rather than the "nearly all of the gameplay" part, it would make the end chart a lot closer and probably more interesting. Just a thought!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_ME_UR_ANKLES πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really enjoyed this! The editing is pretty good timing-wise, but it could probably be tightened up in a few places. I agree that different elements of the SSC calculation should be weighted differently, as it is heavily biased towards the NSR. Looking forward to your next videos! Maybe do one on source games next?

(also, you really should get an SVG of the thinking emoji so it doesn't have the weird white strips on the edges lol)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Artillect πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like the concept, I could definitely see this as a series. And I’d love to see some new factors and stuff added to the mix.

I’m new to this whole speedrunning thing, and I find the Mario 3, SMWorld and SM64 the most impressive ones. 3 and World because of the very technically impressive, complicated and long setup the big main glitch requires. SM64 is just fun to watch, the last platforming level looks pretty damn impressive to normies (like me) for example.

Then there’s SMB which is also fun to watch and follow because of how slim the margin of error is, how perfect you have to be to beat the WR.

Just wanted to say my take, and see how well this rating applies to me. I usually find the accuracy and difficulty of how to perform certain glitches the most exciting factor in these runs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FourFourSix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was quite enjoyable. Normie friendly but not basic and generic. An interesting approach I've never seen before. I unironically want Normie-Speedrunner Ratio (NSR) to become a frequently used term LEL.

I do think the formula is quite biased towards the NSR as compared to other components. Granted, it wasn't supposed to be all that serious/rigorous and you can argue that the bias is fair because NSR is a much bigger component of how impressive a run is. Still, might be something to keep in mind. Maybe you want to weight every component instead of just multiplying them? Since one usually gives much bigger numbers than the others.

Anyway, quality stuff. Subscribed. Looking foward to future videos. Cheers, mate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mayrink πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice first video, lots of effort!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/J_duude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

this video is great!! I'll be waiting for the next one since it looks like this will be a series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/logsbadogs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very funny. Interest in other series🐠?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MiT_Epona πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was really good. Looking forward to the next one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] how do you play Mario games in Super Mario 64 did you try to collect each and every star or did you challenge Bowser as soon as you could in New Super Mario Bros did you search high and low for star coins or only pick up what you stumbled upon in Super Mario Brothers 3 did you explore every corner or did you whistle your way to the end despite playing the same game the strategy or mentality one employs can drastically change how a game is enjoyed everyone has their own unique way of experiencing Mario this concept applies to all video games in fact take RPGs for example those who fulfill every side quest and search for every item may find the final boss easily overwhelmed while those who took a more direct approach may have no choice but to utilize every strategy option just to finish due to different mentalities new gameplay options arise which fundamentally alter the experience this is where speedrunners come in they play the same games as everyone but add in one Universal qualification do it as fast as possible this gameplay mentality is referred to as the go-fast principle gfp for short by me right now for the first time i just think it sounds nice gfp unlike more conventional styles is rarely accounted for by developers even games created with speedrunning in mind eventually take on a character unexpected by its makers the result is something entirely new every speedrun is comprised of a host of tricks and strategies and skills that exist only as a result of the GFP and they weren't designed by anyone discovered by talented runners yes but never intentionally created with the player in mind GFP uncovers a whole new dimension an accidental world born from the addition of game and fast and every games is entirely its own let's take a quick look at the speedrun worlds of the most famous video game franchise of all time [Music] now I'm probably gonna title this video something dumb like every mario speedrun ranked or something but this is more about exploration and value judgment I'm not ranking them from longest to shortest and certainly not from best to worst every one of these records required incredible skill and dedication so to say any one is better seems wrong rather I will be ranking them by SS see if you can't tell I have a soft spot for unnecessary acronyms this stands for shocking speedrun coefficient and it has four components first I take data from how long to beat comm and divide it by the length of the current world record this returns a rough approximation of how much faster speed runners go than casual players and will be referred to as the normies speed runner ratio and a sorry for shorten of course the next two metrics are glitch and sequence break each run will be assigned a rating from 1 to 5 in each based on how prevalent glitches are in the run and how much of the intended route is skipped respectively and finally we'll look at whether the run is the main category for its game flagship categories are more likely to be highly optimized so a yes equals a 1 and a no equals an 0.8 then we simply multiply each variable together to get the following equation NS are times G times s B times MC equals SS C simple right I think this rating illustrates about how impressed and or confused an average person would be after watching the record video if my methodology is confusing that's okay stick with me here anyway today we'll look at the main series mario games as defined by the only good website on the internet Mario wiki I'm excluding the Mario maker games for obvious reasons and Super Mario run because I totally forgot it exists I'm also adding in Yoshi's Island and new super Luigi u to make it around 20 games these ones will analyze each in chronological order to find the highest and lowest SSC's last but not least today we'll be looking at exclusively anypercent speedruns every game is multiple categories but the purest representation of the DFP is this one simply beat the game as fast as you can no other criteria without any further ado let's ago where it all began Super Mario Bros is consistently one of the most viewed and discussed speedruns on YouTube consequently it may be the one you already know the most about the record is four minutes and fifty five point seven four six seconds by Taven when set in august 2019 the cording to how long to be the average person takes only two hours to beat the game using warp zones I would assume giving us an NSR of 24 point for the player is intended to have to play at least these eight levels in order to beat the game and lo and behold so too does the speed runner it would appear then that no sequence break occurs at all but the use of wrong work glitches in 4-2 and 8-4 to skip portions of each level merits and SP of 1.5 the 1-2 pipe clip flagpole glitches bullet bill glitch and wall jump present a diverse and noticeable display of glitches normally this would result in a high G score but despite their high degree of importance to the run they only save 8 seconds over the glitchless category timewise the majority of the run is still just running and jumping so I'll award a G of 2 it is the most popular category so our very first SSC is 73 point - there's a not really any context for that yet so just pretend to be excited next on the list is Super Mario Bros - no not that one this one there's a cool story there known in the West as Super Mario Brothers The Lost Levels this game has nearly identical mechanics to its predecessor despite this the speedran diverges and strategy more than one might expect speedrunner and all-around cool guy Tecate achieved a time of seven minutes and fifty seven point five one four seconds in February of 2019 supposedly it takes only three hours to beat the game casually although given the dramatic increase in difficulty I doubt that regardless our NSR is 22.6 Miyamoto is a little less generous this time requiring 12 levels and none of those can be skipped from the super jump to the 1-2 wall clip to this snazzy-looking trick called devil spell a few glitches are used which skip small parts of levels but by far the dominant feature of this run is the platforming a G and s B of 1.5 each seems fair SSC of 50.9 the transition from SMB 1 to this game does not really require the player to learn anything new only to simply be better however speedrunners don't have it quite as easy while many skills do transfer many other tricks and techniques necessary to compete at a high level or totally new giving loss levels a unique Flair another Super Mario Bros 2 and this one you probably remember the anypercent record is 8 minutes and 19 seconds set by the Swedish runner cool kid leading to an NSR of 18 while the earlier two games were centered more or less entirely around precision platforming this game focused more on creative use of items and picking up enemies to explore levels more complex than seen before this spirit is carried into the speedrun as most levels begin with toad picking up an item or enemy for speed boost and trying to keep it throughout in addition to a few one-time use glitches much of the games movement is centered around double jumps and vine jumps pun intended techniques would speed things up significantly double jumps especially are useful in accessing areas of certain levels early the winding nonlinear level design along with the frequent use of sub areas is creatively exploited by runners to save large chunks of time G of 3 here however we still play all 10 required levels although not quite as intended so only an SB of to the final SSC is a 108 point to our highest yet largely due to the increase in complexity allowing for more complex solutions most would tell you this is where Mario hit his stride the potentials shown and his predecessors is realized in Super Mario Brothers 3 completely with every new world and power up and minigame smb3 brought the NES to its peak do we get to see all that in the speedrun well not in any percent the intended fastest route is to grab warp whistles in 1-3 and 1-4 use them both consecutively to reach world 8 and then wait what huh that doesn't make much sense where's he going with this world 7 oh right it turns out you don't always have to be Bowser to see the credits what French runner kirua is doing is setting up an elaborate arbitrary code execution glitch the technicals are beyond me but check out the video by retro game mechanics explained just know that every little weird thing he does in 7-1 is intentional all to set up the credits to roll when they probably weren't supposed to effectively beating the game in only three minutes and four seconds NS are a whopping ninety seven point eight the entire run is centered around this glitch the world one is still played pretty normally and while the AC e is spectacular the runners still must go through four of the twelve intended levels G and SB of four now whether or not this is the main category for the game is up for debate while the player numbers for any percent and any percent no wrong warp are similar I'll do the responsible thing and let Twitter decide after the legendary 4:55 occurred in SMB 1 then former world record holder mitchflowerpower tweeted this he wasn't talking about any percent but rather the category that excludes its signature glitch that's just enough for me to say it probably isn't seen as the flagship by the community at large so the final SSC is 1,250 - Super Mario Brothers 3 certainly sets a high bar for shocking speedruns Super Mario Land was simple as a result of being a launch title on an underpowered console this game doesn't have a whole lot going on despite its charm the speed run to the untrained eye would appear that way as well the game can be beaten in an hour casually and yet the record is the longest we've seen yet 12 minutes and 25 seconds by column ball the NSR is a miniscule 4.8 the only noticeable glitch is a screen wrap used for a quick kill in 2-3 and shown off but not required in 4-3 as well there's no sort of warp zone so all 12 levels are played and none of the game is really skipped at all with the G and SB of 1.5 and 1 its SSC is 7.25 nearly 200 times smaller than SMB threes however while the record may be less shocking that does not make it less impressive whatsoever take this jump for example looks pretty standard right wrong in order to clear the gap you have to hold a 4 only either 1 or 2 frames if it's held for two then Mario must have jumped from the final pixel of the platform and the whole run is full of situations like this the simplicity of the game simply does not lend itself to far-fetched looking strategies but there is still certainly more than meets the eye here Super Mario World is one of the most iconic games in the franchise and also one of the most studied to start off let's see how record-holder furious finishes off just the first level [Music] that's right he didn't even finish one before warping right to the end Bowser we hardly knew you a five-hour game destroyed in 41 seconds NSR of 439 the player is supposed to clear at least 12 levels including Bowser's Castle mostly consisting of the first world and the star world furious enters the first level but never even exits it a half level press if you will easily an SB of 5 as for glitches there isn't anything else from the second gameplay begins the glitch is already being set up G of 5 like smb3 s credits work before it any present 2 flies under the radar having far fewer owners than the 11 exit category this is likely due to the insane level of technical knowledge and skill required to even understand what's going on pi sure doll drumroll please for the shocking speedrun coefficient [Music] 8780 smb3 s hi mark has already been eclipsed is this record unbeatable well if I know one thing about speedrunning in Super Mario Land 2 6 golden coins you collect 6 golden coins surprisingly but what if you just I don't know don't I hope you're not tired of magically skipping to the credits because Mario speed runners have a couple more of those up their sleeves by taking damage or exiting a level at the exact time Mario travels down a pipe he will clip beneath the start of the next level that he enters in the opening level this is used to fall down immediately to the end in pumpkin Zone one this is used to fall down and down and down until Mario reaches the physical representation of the game's entire memory again I'll seed the explanation to retro game mechanics explained after exploring the entire blueprints of his own universe in the form of visual nonsense there lies a single block which Mario can destroy for the credits to play German runner oh dear has done this faster than anybody with the time of 2 minutes and 42 seconds none of the golden coins are collected and only one of the required 25 levels is beaten and it is done so in a not so straightforward way 5 and 5 back-to-back SS C of 889 a hundred times greater than Super Mario Land 1 Super Mario Land 2 was clearly more ambitious than the first Gameboy Mario introducing an overworld and more complex and creative levels particularly with regard to their verticality similar to SMB 2 this turned out to be ripe for exploitation once again complexity correlates with high SSC Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island is maybe not a main series mario game but maybe i don't care we're talking about it anyway because you oh she is my friend now this game was relatively long 6 worlds with 8 levels each and know sort of warp zone means it takes casual players eight hours to beat it it took a Casa Tana 2 minutes and 38 seconds he played the first level although with some odd strategies then starts up the second level and wins this warp is performed using the tongue glitch which and I quote causes yoshi's tongue to grow bigger and bigger eating up the games memory amazing SB of 5g of 4.5 since he does do some conventional stuff in 1-1 SSC of 3281 right in line for a silver medal it does seem fitting that in the game whose mechanics revolve around eating what it is probably unwise to eat Yoshi can simply eat the credits trigger the next game is Super Mario 64 you probably haven't heard of it bringing Mario into the third dimension also brought the series into a new frontier of death well before you could only run and jump and maybe flutter a bit now the player can ground pound and long jump and wall kick and triple jump and backflip and speed runners bring it all to the table it's the most popular speed game of all time and it deserves it with full control of Mario's movement potential it feels like there's nothing you can't do and they're hardly is the player is supposed to collect 70 stars and 2 keys from Bowser and it's supposed to take at least 13 hours or so with the special help of backwards long jump in at Eknath which allows Mario to build up backwards speed indefinitely due to developer oversight Japanese runner Cano has beat it with two keys but zero of the stars and it only took six minutes and 39 seconds however he didn't just need the blj's he also needed every long jump and wall kick and Bowser throw to be pitch perfect the route is only possible with glitches but the run is only possible in concert with beautiful yet still traditional gameplay G of three however any percent aka zero star is neither the most popular nor prestigious category this has a lot to do with the difficulty and inconsistency of the blj needed to get past both a 30 star door and the dire dire docks loading zone final SSE of 1461 by expanding Mario's arsenal of abilities sm64 allow players to reach a higher level of skill than previous games the GFP further allows players to bring that skill to its absolute peak all right we're about halfway done in this video is already as long as I expected the final cut to be let's have a three second intermission [Music] welcome back let's keep going with the controversial classic Super Mario Sunshine this game brought back nearly every movement option made available in 3d and introduced the fourth dimension water creative use of flood as well as spin jumps make speed runs of this game mesmerizing however we are at a bit of a crossroads here well every previous game has been beaten in under 14 minutes this one has only been beaten in an hour and 14 minutes and 37 seconds by Ouija it's NSR is 13.7 the lowest yet aside from the outlier of Super Mario Land now why is that there are a variety of glitches used cleverly throughout the run there are some sequence breaks like getting into Piazza village without the rocket nozzle or clipping past the annoying puzzles in the casino but for the most part everything is sectioned off you are supposed to collect a bare minimum of seven Shyam's from each of the games seven levels and besides skipping Bianca Hills Episode one there's not much you can do about that the two crown jewels of unintended nasaan the run are gelato Beach skip which skips the first six shines from that level and early o she go round which gives a single sign from pinna Park but that's it everything else is collected there is minimal player choice in route and the barriers to progress are not simply physical like an sm64 S Castle the developers really wanted everyone to experience almost everything SMS had to offer and despite their best efforts and any % we still do with the G and s B of 2 was left is something entirely new as far as any % Mario goes the pressure to be nearly perfect for over an hour straight this is the main category for SMS speedrunning SSC of only fifty four point seven after more than a decade the DS heralded the return of two-dimensional maar new super mario brothers introduced a slew of new power-ups and included new abilities from the 3d games such as wall jumps and ground-pound however it mostly maintained the simplicity of its spiritual predecessors you go from the start to the flag and from world 1 to world 8 if you know where the canons are you can skip every level except 3 in worlds 1 and 5 and all of world 8 speedrunners do exactly that SB of 1 though there is some clever use of checkpoints an 8 - tower - to speed it up one of the hallmarks of this run is the use of the blue shell powerup throughout its first half American runner glitch man 24 needs it to beat the game in 22 minutes and 52 seconds but he doesn't just need the shell he needs to maximize it with a variety of techniques including gaining hyper speed in 5-3 and gaining a mid-air jump by unmooring on the exact frame as the input these nuances are highly important at the level of optimization this game is at but don't fundamentally change how the game is run G of 1.5 it's worth noting that the runners use RNG manipulation to collect the shell as soon as possible which is a cool wrinkle but can't really count towards its SSC which turns out to be a low 27.6 an SMB 1 channeled the spirit of the original 2d games but did not carry over their exploitable technical flaws the result is an impressive straightforward speedrun if you thought sunshine was slow take a look at this the fastest super mario galaxy has ever been beaten is in 2 hours 32 minutes and 25 seconds by hardcore gaming you could beat SMB 1 over 30 times in the same amount of time it takes to beat this game once NS are of only 5.9 but why the wind condition doesn't seem too much more restrictive than sms's just collect 60 stars whoever you like with some galaxies locked at first of course and then beat Bowser it all has to do with the level design while previous 3d Mario games threw you into a stage with the singular goal of collecting the star or shine SMG further segments things you can't just go directly to the star you first have to clear planetoid after planetoid mini boss and mini before you can even see your finish line this produces some stunning visuals and fun casual gameplay but when the GFP is active it can feel restrictive that said whenever the game gives galaxy speedrunners an inch they take miles and have come up with some quite creative shortcuts on certain stars but really the whole run is somewhat summed up by this little skip clever and requiring precision but ultimately doesn't do that much the whole game is on Rails nothing of note can be skipped aside from a handful of little planets SB of 1.5 and when a game is so scripted the only way to go fast is often to break it all together but that hasn't happened either glitch uses minimal the most visible being some extra speed gained with the B suit which given the length of the run doesn't merit above a G of one galaxy's SSC is only 8.9 single digits this does not mean as a bad speedrun by any means it can be spectacular to watch at times but it is patently unlocking when considering a still design philosophy and importantly that Mario's movement abilities have been limited this does seem fitting to me at least one last thing to mention the run I looked at was the any percent Mario category it can actually be faster to play through the game as Luigi but given that you need to beat the game first to unlock the brother I see it as more of a New Game+ category rather than pure any percent New Super Mario Bros we brought 2d Mario back to home consoles but didn't really change much from its d/s predecessor the route through the game remains mostly the same world 1 to 5 to 8 to done this time 5 levels are required in world 5 and a balloon minigame this is completely unskipable the record here is 24 minutes and 29 seconds by fade vanity similar NSR to nsmb 1 as well however while the similarities between the new games are often a point of criticism what differences there are become defining of they're speedrunning worlds like the blue shell before it in this game the propeller suit is dependent on a variety of complex and difficult strategies are made possible with this powerup one which is unique to the game this includes the only real glitch and it's fairly uncertain whether it is one bomb las' with the propeller suit and extreme precision a quick kill as possible on Bowser jr. here given how optimized this game has become bomb las' is essential to the run beyond that using the propeller to fly by what was intended to be an auto-scroller as cool but not really a sequence break in my opinion G of one point five SB of one SSC of thirty three point one the game may not be broken but every single tool possible is used to its full extent and the margins of error are razor thin pretty damn impressive and here it is the longest mario speedrun of them all Super Mario Galaxy 2 the record is 3 hours and 23 seconds by nemi the reason for its length is similar to galaxy 1 in that most of its levels are linear in nature and this game further compartmentalizes by dividing everything into worlds just like a 2-d game furthermore you need 70 stars instead of 60 to access the final level player choice is fairly limited although the route implemented in the speedrun is quite clever nonetheless the result is an NSR of only 4.3 to the lowest in the whole series the whole we era came with a penchant for linearity from Nintendo and this is represented in the speedruns as well for example before it was recently broken the speed run for Skyward Sword was nearly 5 hours and the longest in the Zelda series even after thorough application of the GFP the choices developers make tend to remain relevant it's worth noting that with runs as long as this runners not only need skill and focus but also endurance to run even the shortest category of smg2 you need to be able to sit down play for three hours straight and hardly blink not easy but there is more to the story of this run quick what do you remember changed in galaxy 2 Rosalina was replaced by this thing you can be a cloud yoshi was there well Luva doesn't really interact with the speedrun much besides endlessly telling us what we already know but the cloud flower and yoshi is certainly do Yoshi has a glitchy quality of being able to flutter indefinitely if mario crouches on its back and cloud mario can get some crazy height on his jumps that looks very unintended these two things along with some other exploitation of the gravity and momentum produce some very cool shortcuts G of 2 SB of only 1.5 however because 71 stars are still collected in the end despite its lower NS our galaxy 2 has a higher SSC than Galaxy 113 just a bit more shock sprinkled in Super Mario 3d Land was the first 3d Mario game on handheld and it was structured more like a traditional 2d experience there are eight worlds each with six or so levels a few levels are optional and a few more can be skipped with warp pipes but for the most part your path is predetermined straight line from Peach's castle to Bowser's the future former world record is 54 minutes and 51 seconds by Zelda cubed and with the 7 our casual playthrough the NSR is 7.7 as low as you would expect given the game's linearity there is another dimension to speedrunning Super Mario 3d Land however and I don't just mean the 3rd you need 50 star medals to access the world 5 castle and a hundred to access the final level this means that instead of just going from the start to the flagpole the runner needs to zigzag across collecting as many metals as possible while sacrificing as little time this results in some cool looking movement thanks also in large part to the super leaf and its return for the first time since the NES Tanooki Mario is the default state in this run allowing for a level of speed tailless Mario could only dream of this continues a trend in modern Mario games where the speedrun becomes defined by its flagship and arguably gimmicky powerup as far as glitches go there's nothing really to speak out however there is one major quasi sequence break if you die 10 times in a level the game will gift you a p-wing which just skips the whole level for you it turns out to be faster to do this on the very last level than to play the whole thing through and it's actually faster and it's really lame but also very clever SB of 1.53 d lands SSC is 11.5 new super mario bros 2 didn't bring a whole lot new to the table it's stuck with what has made past Mario games successful and it did so quite well but when the biggest new addition is while there's a lot of coins the new gameplay potential isn't exactly revolutionary the result is a very straightforward some may say pure speedrun the record is 26 minutes and 8 seconds by Jay dude and it is almost flawless there are no immediately noticeable mistakes and he is only 2 seconds off his son of best segments unlike other new super mario speedruns this one doesn't utilize some shiny new item it uses the fire flower and the super leaf possibly the two most iconic power-ups in the whole franchise beyond that he just goes fast really fast in a way anyone can appreciate that said his speed is made possible due to a glitch called - flying if he pressed the - and jump buttons at the same time while flying with the leaf mario can maintain running speed in the air when it's normally impossible G of - no sequence breaks though SSC lands at 25 point three the general lack of brokenness and esoteric tricks in the run means you can really notice that this dude is good as hell at Mario unbeknownst to many Nintendo released a console between the Wii and the switch I can't remember what it's called but it did have its own 2d Mario new super mario brothers u it's world record is 37 minutes and 24 seconds by Dutch runner Mitch the quickest route through the game involves doing portions of four different worlds with no shortcut in world 8 and some long autoscrollers which is why it's longer than the other new games utilizing the fresh new acorn suit to its full potential allows for some cool skips within levels including some crazy stuff with the elevator in the penultimate level this seems kind of glitchy to me but I'm not really sure ultimately though this game is simply the next iteration of a formula a formula polished but very safe this safety this lack of risk and experimentation has resulted in speedrunners not really being able to crack it nsmbu remains played for the most part how it was supposed to be NSR an SSC equal at fifteen point two new super Luigi u is Mario - Mario the character himself is not present but the game still plays just like a Mario game so I think it's fair to count it as a follow-up to nsmbu it retains the same world map but the gameplay is surprisingly unique every level has a much shorter time limit and the level layout is changed to be much more challenging filled to the brim with enemies and pits it's been beaten in 26 minutes and 10 seconds by the Australian runner lasher's shaving over 10 minutes off the previous game however the spike in difficulty is somewhat offset by the ability to play as this weird little guy nabbit he can't use items aside from the star but he also does not take damage for most enemies therefore this run has an interesting layer of decision-making when to use Luigi for the utility of the acorn suit and when it's better to use an abbot for a safer path NSL you mixed up the new formula more than any other but because it was built within the boundaries of another game these changes have not really led to any unintended exploitation G and s B remain at 1 and the SS C is ten point three lower than n SMB use due to its shorter casual playthrough have you ever wondered what if mario was a cat well someone did because Super Mario 3d World exists and if you want to see the cat suit used to its full potential then the speedrun is the place to go through clever combination of jumps dives and cat attacks runners can exploit the momentum system to go far faster than intended this helped Spanish runner kingboo complete the game in an hour and 38 minutes and 43 seconds the run is still pretty long because Nintendo was a lot less generous with warfighters only allowing the player to skip parts of world 1 & 4 and once again the route from worlds world is so cleanly segmented that no big skips have been found but within the levels themselves it's a whole different story to say the cat suit lets you cut corners is an understatement the combination of the momentum and peaches floatability allows you to flutter across huge gaps without breaking a sweat and this isn't a rarity it's almost every level aside from a few where Louie Diaz higher jumps or toads faster top speed is more useful ironically Mario is left in the dust this run similar to 3d lands you need collectibles to unlock certain levels in this game it's a hundred and seventy green stars to be precise so you can't just cut corners straight to the end but rather you have to jump from corner to corner to corner picking up over one star per minute this need for green stars is also the impetus for a sequence break by jumping on top of the pipe in the final world you can fall down and down to a 10 star minigame that would normally be inaccessible finally do you remember that climactic fight with meowser the one that people constantly try to recreate in Mario maker - well most of that is skipped as well in the coolest example of all the movement exploits that this run has to offer all things said and done 3d world has a G of two and an SB of 1.5 the final SSE is nineteen point two for this wild ride of a speedrun well we've made it to the end the 20th and most recent main series Mario game Super Mario Odyssey speedrun is worth the wait the current record is 59 minutes and 14 seconds by Mitch the same guy who holds the nsmbu record before I go on I should mention that this is the one player record Cappy has much greater mobility in two-player mode where the record is 59 minutes and 6 seconds by aroma and parasite but most don't view it as the premier anypercent category in the less than 2 years since its release it has already become the second most popular speed game of all time it's NSR is 12.6 the highest we've seen in a 3d game since sunshine when looking at the level design it's no wonder why most of the kingdoms are wide open with moons hidden and every nook and cranny and the game only requires a certain number to progress which moons you collect is entirely up to you and the game gives you what feels like infinite options on top of this rediscovered freedom are the new movement abilities mario gamed rolling lends high horizontal speed and bouncing off of copy allows you to reach heights that don't seem possible and then there are the captures you're not just mario in this run you're a frog a t-rex a bullet bill a fish and onion a goombahs a giant slab of meat and even Bowser himself the depth to this speedrun is incredible and I've only mentioned the intended mechanics there's some difficult out of bound tricks and one of the most creative exploits I've ever seen by setting the consul's timer to right before daylight savings time a time-based event triggers early allowing the runner to grab this moon without waiting enough for a G of two as for sequence breaks the entirety of the lengthy moon cave sequence is skipped with some well timed wall jumps and many individual moons are collected before they were supposed to be accessible SB of to our final shocking speeder and coefficient is fifty point seven where does that stand exactly let's review so here is our final table Super Mario World ended up taking the prize as the most shocking mario speedrun of all time Super Mario Land is the least now the first thing to notice is how huge of a range this represents from eight thousand seven hundred and eighty two seven and I suppose this is inevitable when every part of the equation positively correlates with every other but I think it also demonstrates the high degree of variety speedrunning brings to the table even within a single franchise and even within a franchise often criticized for its games being too similar there is something for everyone if you enjoy runs that shatter the game beyond recognition there's Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island and Super Mario Land 2 if you enjoy runs that are more straightforward and faithful to the intentions of the developers there is Super Mario Land and Super Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros somewhere in the middle there's Odyssey and sunshine and the coolest part I think is that these different characters generally represent the feeling of playing the game for the first time the linear and simple games usually remain so while the complex and challenging only ramp it up each unique mechanic and item and world contributes to what makes each speedrun tick and this is just any % every one of these games has multiple categories which can be a different beast altogether there's a thousand world's waiting to be explored limited only by our creativity what I've shown here only scratches the surface to speed run Mario is not to devalue or disrespect it but rather to extend its capacity for challenge and fun beyond what anyone thought possible the GFP can turn a game into a universe but something's not quite sitting right with the numbers take a look at this graph of the SS CS there's some notable outliers one could say now SS C is a made-up metric that ultimately doesn't mean that much but there could still be something to learn here I mentioned that every variable is positively correlated with every other but that's not quite true whether or not any percent is the main category didn't come up to much but it was part of the equation and when you look at the highest numbers a pattern is obvious after a certain point the speedruns become too shocking and people prefer to other categories I mean when you play Mario World do you want a painstakingly set up a credits work or do you want to fly through the air this begs the question how glitched is too glitched that is the topic for my next video if you want to hear my take on it hit the big red button or you can leave a comment telling me how pointless this all is both are fine I've been sky hoppers see you next time hi again just want to take another moment to emphasize that every single speeder and I've shown off takes a huge amount of skill no one is inherently better they just have different characters I've linked the YouTube videos of all the runs in the description I highly recommend that you watch any that caught your eye and follow the runners on Twitch this was my first attempt making a video and I really enjoyed it I hope you did too feel free to follow me on Twitter or on Twitch if you want to see runs on the mediocre side I also set up a discord for anyone who wants to say I'm wrong about everything and I'm sure I was wrong about some things I'm by no means an expert on most of these games so if you think one or another deserves a higher or lower SSC or something like that I would really love to hear your opinion all right I think that's everything let's hope no one beats a record in the time it takes to upload peace
Channel: Skyehoppers
Views: 4,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrun, speedrunning, ranking, speedrun ranking, super mario bros, super mario bros speedrun, super mario bros 2, super mario bros 2 speedrun, super mario bros 3, super mario bros 3 speedrun, top 10, mario ranked, mario ranking, super mario world, super mario land, lost levels, speedrun science, speedrun studies, super mario land 2, super mario 64, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, super mario galaxy 2, super mario odyssey, new super mario bros
Id: ThnsDWSbjV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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