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FNAF is very well known for its iconic and unqiue gameplay loops, which at the time completely changed the gaming scene, as the unique style of gameplay completely shook the gaming scene and more popular than the fnaf games themselves were the difficult max mode and custom night challenges that came with the game. There are alot of these challenges so in this video I will be ranking all of them from easiest to hardest in terms of difficulty. I was inspired to make this video from watching Ambiences video where he did the same thing although my list will be a bit different and structured differently but i thought I would give him the credit as he gives great guides on how to beat all the modes mentioned in this video.As for the guidelines, I will be including every single custom night and max mode from the main 7 games before help wanted as no max mode challenges have really come out since then. Any DLC or Patched Versions of these challenges will be included. So with out further ado lets get right into it 9.FNAF 6 Personally I dont find Saturday to be a custom night but it is the hardest mode in this game and is the closest we will get to one in this game so I might as well cover it. Having all 4 characters in the building with a variety of tasks to complete sounds super difficult but in reality, this night is pretty chill and its not that hard. Sure RNG might decide to kill you off the bat but to be honest it very rarely is an issue and even if it is you can just try again and most likely win on your next go. The flashlight is stupidly overpowered as is the audio lure and honestly the only way you will die is if you either get screwed over by RNG or intentionally make as much noise as possible to lure them in. While I dont count this as a max mode, it is the hardest challenge and I kind of need to put this on the list. 8.FNAF 3 Fnaf 3’s Aggressive Nightmare mode is indeed aggressive and indeed a nightmare mode. Springtrap moves at mach 5 to your office and considering every 2 audio lure uses you have to reboot your whole system. Not to mention your camera will be out for most of the night and phantoms will be waiting to attack at any moment. Now all of this together sounds like a super intense challenge and while yes it is indeed a great challenge, for me personally there are certain quirks in the way the night is designed that makes it the easiest out of the ‘Max mod ’ challenges for me. For starters, each one of the phantom animatronics can only attack once a night, so if you're good enough, you never have to worry about the phantoms and even if you do get jumpscared by one, that phantom will never show up again for the rest of the night. In fact, people have beaten this mode while triggering every phantom jumpscare and while never using an audio lure. Not to say it was easy to do, this night is still hard as nails, but springtrap sometimes gets himself into a habit of getting himself stuck in a loop of going in and out of vents which can make it easy to track him. Other times he moves straight to your office at the speed of a bullet train and kills you instantly but the way the ambience changes with how close he is makes it easy to tell where he is and even if he gets to your window, if you already got jumpscared by phantom freddy by the time he arrives, you can sit there the whole bloody night and do nothing and win. Personally I find this to be the easiest max mode challenge and I normally can beat it now in one or two attempts. In fact when I first played this mode, it only took me like 20 tries to beat it which is nothing compared to the top challenges on this list. Obviously this challenge requires a lot of luck because of the RNG factors, however if we are talking about RNG ruining your night, oh boy this next challenge has you covered. 7.FNAF 1 FNAF 1 is the game I both have the most experience with and understand the most. In fact its time I tell you a story. When I was around 13-14 years old, my friends and I were all grinding to be the first ones to beat 4/20 mode. We were using the original bigbugz strategy of closing the right door every time we flipped up the monitor and having no luck. However I had found a strat while playing through the original five nights and found that if my camera was on freddy, he wouldn't move, while foxy would eventually move which got me thinking if I watched freddy instead of foxy and only checked on him every now and them, would I have better luck. So I tested the theory on a max mode freddy and foxy without bonnie and chica and it worked. Then I added the others and with some new starts I was the first of my friends to beat it and I did so with 2% power to spare. Now my strategy was alot more sloppy and wasted more power than the actual strat used today but the idea was there. I dont wanna claim I came up with it because I’m confident I wasn't the only one to notice but its a funny story nonetheless. Anyways on to the actual night itself. Everyone moves every couple of seconds, foxy with kill you in 25 seconds if you dont lock him down and freddy will be hiding outside your office the whole night. The original Bigbuz strategy that was used made this mode out to be way harder than it actual it. The animatronics can be split up into two types, door animatornics and camera animatornics. Bonnie and Chica basically just appear at the door and will move on their next movement opportunity, which is every 4 to 5 seconds on this mode. Freddy and Foxy will be stalled on the camera if you view them every 3 or so seconds. Freddy is stalled by looking at him while foxy is stalled by any use of the camera. To be honest if you just adopt the strat of left door light, camera flip, right door light, camera flip and just check on pirate cove when the right door must be closed for chica, this night really isnt that bad. However our next night picks it up a notch with the difficulty. 6.FNAF 4 FNAF 4’s 4/20 mode is pretty hard, trying to balance everyone without letting anyone in is a tough challenge, however it gets harder than that. Fnaf 4 has an extras mode where you can add challenges, and 3 of these challenges can be combined with 4/20 to make arguably the hardest night in FNAF 4. Mad Freddy, Insta Foxy and Blind Mode 4/20. This takes the challenge to a whole new level of insane. Having to check on Freddy nearly twice as much as usual already completely changes the way you have to play this game, having foxy be in the closet right from the start and needing to manage him as well as bonnie and chica, and you cant see anything! Obviously sound is very important in this game and makes this challenge a bit easier, however with nightmare appearing at 4am, a character who yes, can be delt with using sound, still has alot of visual feedback given to the player to help. Overall this challenge is definitely way way harder than the previous two, however I would still say that it is not that bad once you get used to it. It will definitely take some trial and error to beat, but FNAF 4 is effectivaly quite a simple game and just praying for good RGN from bonnie and chica as well as just being overall skillful at the game is really all you need. In fact the blind mode doesnt even make this challenge that much harder, as most of the challenge has to do with managing freddy and foxy. This game is quite easy to get a rhythm down once you practice enough times although its still quite a difficult challenge and will put you to the test for sure. 5.FNAF 4 DLC Yeah I know its the same exact challenge as before and I dont even have that much more to add onto it so why is it even on the list? Well to be honest I felt if I added fnaf 6 to this list I have to include this. The only difference this challenge has from the last one is that nightmare mangles static plays throughout the entire night which makes it alot harder to hear and I struggle a bit more because I have a hearing issue, but even still I dont find this mode to take me too much longer, however these next 4 challenges are on a whole other level in terms of difficulty. 4.SL (post-patch) The post patch version of sister location’s custom night takes the number 4 spot on this list. This is easily the best designed and least RNG focused of the bunch. Its the easiest to master as there is little to no RNG and as a result if you are skilled enough you can beat this over and over and over again consistently. Now that doesnt mean this is an easy challenge at all. Its still quite a hard challenge. Like, a very hard challenge. You have Freddy who you gotta keep track of which side his on and know which voice line hes saying to prevent bon bon from getting in. you have ballora coming from both sides and you gotta time her getting to the door just right so you dont waste power, you have funtime foxy who you need to keep locked down on the camera so they dont get in or take power away by banging on the door, you have yendo who will kill you if you look at him too long. You gotta watch the bidibab in the top vent and make sure you shock the electrobabs and minirenas who will sabotage your power and oxygen which will make it impossible to see while making sure you click bonnets nose everytime they move across the screen, type LOL if lolbit appears and you have to do all of this while 70% of your screen is covered by minireenas. All this together makes an insanely hard challenge, however the reason its not any higher is because it is a challenge that you are able to learn and you are able to beat. Theres no RNG theres just skill so if you just work at it you will eventually win with enough practice. However the next challenge is very different and requires a lot more luck than this one. 3.FNAF 2 Out of every single challenge on this list, this one is easily the worst designed and the least fun and the fact its so unbelievably difficult makes this just a miserable experience. Its not secret I dont like this game and I’m working on a massive video where I go into extreme detail about every single tiny thing about this game I hate, but until then, a brief summary of why this custom night is so hard. For starters you have 11 characters although 9 of them are basically the same but with slight differences. The two other characters have different mechanics with foxy needing to have the flashlight shined on him and the puppet needing the music box wound up. Everyone else is delt with using the mask and while in concept this makes the game sound easy and it is on the earlier nights of this game, 10/20 mode takes this to a whole new level, because every behaves on 5 or 10 second intervals and ceratin characters, mainly toy bonnie can completely fuck up your night if RNG decides to screw you over. But how does toy bonnie screw you over? Well let me explain. The music box takes about 16 seconds to completely unwind, it takes about 5 seconds for a character to leave after entering the office and foxy can kill you on 10 second intervals. Toy bonnie however works a bit differently. Once he is in the vent and ready to kill you, he can come out immediatly or take like 10 seconds to come out and then once he does it takes another 5 seconds for him to come out of his blackout phase, meaning that if toy bonnie decides to chill out in the vent like a dick, either foxy will just kill you or worse yet, your music box will either be fucked or will just completely run out. That plus the constant attacks from characters and just how badly designed this game is makes this a stupidly hard challenge that just isnt fun. While yes this night does have a couple of tricks and exploits that make it alot easier, for the average player they won't be doing stuff like this and all that will end up happening is they will just die over and over and over again. While some advanced strats can help players win more consistently, they can still get fucked over if the RNG isnt in their favour. Theres still more to say but I’ll save that for my full analysis video on this game, and we shall move on to the extreme challenges of the fnaf series, these next two are so hard that its super impressive anyone was able to beat them, in fact these next 2 are the only custom nights I have never beated. 2.UCN I know what your thinking, how is 50/20 mode number 2 on this list? Would it easily be number 1? What could be harder than this? Well we will get to that but first lets talk about 50/20 mode. Ultimate custom nights hardest challenge has you dealing with all 50 characters on their max difficulty while you also have XOR spawning 6 secret characters that make you r life just that much more difficult. However the way that this night is designed allows for the player to both learn how to beat everyone and the game does a great job setting you up for this challenge. Only about 10 of these characters make this night as hard as it is but even still the overwhelming amont of crap you gotta remember and focus on can be stressful. You gotta watch your temperature to make sure the office isnt too hot, you gotta make sure your not making too much noise, you gotta watch your power, you have 4 doors to focus on and 3 separate camera systems, people in the ducts and the vent you gotta catch, people on the cams you gotta watch and sometimes do tasks for and thinkgs in the office you gotta watch out for, you gotta get money to buy plushies and items to save yourself and to pay rockstar freddy and you gotta do all of this while dealing with the secret characters and the RNG factors while keeping a music box wound up and not running out of power. Its a super super difficult challenge and beatin this requires a ton of practice and skill, however although i havent beaten it, I am aware it is a possible challenge that can be beaten.All the parts come together and while it is hard to pull off it is definitely possible and once beaten it can be taken to whole new levels with green runs getting more and more impressive as time went on. However if we are talking about green running, our final challenge will need to be discussed. So what could be harder than 50/20? 1.SL (Pre-patch) As I said before sister locations custom night is one of the best designed challenges in the series, however it used to be alot harder, giving you barely any power to work with, and surprisingly that made this challenge just stupidly difficult, in fact almost impossible, while it has been beaten before, less people for sure have beaten this than 50/20 and anyone who has beaten this mode has said it was harder than 50/20. Take the post patch version and put it on seriods and thats what this is. Its power management overload and it is just a stupidly hard and difficult challenge that you have to be a madman to attempt. I havent beaten 50/20 but at least I have made a dent in the night and can see that its possible. This night just makes me wanna bash my head against a wall with how impossible it seems. The fact that anyone has beaten this is just insane and is easily one of the most impressive things you can do as a fnaf gamer. And with that, the list ends here, if you wanna try beat any of these challenges for yourself and want some help I would recommend watching Ambience as he gives great tutorials on how to beat all of the game modes. A link will be in the description. Anyways thanks everyone for watching lemme know your thoughts in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing, it would mean so much and helps me out alot. Anyways thanks again and as always, stay happy and heathly and ill see you next time mate.
Channel: jerakaigamez
Views: 7,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf ranked by difficulty, fnaf ranking custom nights, fnaf ranking, fnaf ranking jumpscares, fnaf ranking characters, fnaf ranking games, fnaf ranked by horror, fnaf tier list, fnaf ultimate custom night ranking, fnaf ranking custom night, fnaf, fnaf custom night, 50/20 ultimate custom night, 50/20 mode, 4/20 mode fnaf 1, 10/20 mode fnaf 2, jerakaigamez, jerakaigamez fnaf, jerakaigamez ranking, fnaf plus, fnaf fan games, ranking, tier list, worst to best, fnaf worst to best
Id: cMmkwpKJsKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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