RANKED: Top 5 Moments From Amy & Mazi’s Relationship | Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta

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- Mz Shyneka, could you do us the honors of introducing our guests in the building this morning? - Yes. (Mazi laughing) (laughing) Amy Luciana. (Mazi laughing) And Mazi, together. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Something different. - A little different. - Yes, it is. Now, this is something that we thought we would never see again at the same time. (dramatic music) ♪ This work to the ♪ ♪ This work to the beat ♪ - I came out here to support Mazi to pull up at this gas station convenience store parking lot and to see BLKLV, which was once in the store. (bike engine revving) If this is the hustling that he thought I was talking about doing, we gotta revisit this and have another conversation. What's going on? What made you come today to set up? - I ain't got no choice nothing. But it's like, I'm doing what I can, man. You see the stuff that I got ahead of me with my daughter coming and all. - I've been with this man for six years. There's gonna be more excuses, there's gonna be no real change. It's simple. Consistent bills, consistent partnership. I can't depend on him the way he can depend on me. It breaks my heart because this is, to me, my person. Mazi, we need to talk. I left you and broke up with you a year and a half ago. So why I came back? I watched you from afar and it looked like BLKLV was blossoming back up. You had your merch in the store. I drove past, I seen a billboard up, I'm like, (gasping) "It's working, God," because this is the person I'm in love with. You were the person that I always wanted. So then, of course, guess what? Unblocked you, we get back the (bleep) around. Now you're with me every day and now we're with each other. But in these few months of being with you, you're literally showing me again, "I'm not gonna take accountability." Only thing I'm asking for is, every month, can you just give me half of the rent? - I'm self-employed, I'm doing this shit. - I'm self-employed. - I'm doing (bleep), I don't have the resources. You got your whole family here, I'm here by myself. I've got none of that, I have to watch my steps. The reason we moved from the condo was 'cause of your success. The reason we moved from the townhouse was 'cause of your success. - Yeah. - I never was stable. - Why? But why though? - Hell is you talking about? Those bills adding up. Come on, man, let's not, come on. - But why weren't you stable? - What you mean? - Why? - I was new to this (bleep), I'm fresh out the street. - When you're 70-- - I don't give a (bleep), I was here at one. (dramatic music) How am I supposed to keep up with her financially and I don't have the same resources, family, support, none of that in Atlanta? Huh? I'm really doing the best that I can. You need to see that, and just accept me for who I am. - I don't really know where we go from here, but I'm definitely tired. I'm very tired. (forlorn music) For real. - We been making money, Lu, I know I mismanaged this, I'ma get that together. - You can't keep saying you gonna get it together and not doing it. - I am though. - But you keep-- - I'ma stay consistent. Please, watch me closely, and if I do fall short again, you got the right to do whatever you want. - I've heard it too many times. I will be a fool to believe it again. I'm really hoping that everything that you saying you was gonna do for me, I hope you start doing it for yourself, because you really are a good person and you really deserve so much better, but actually, I do, too. - Wait, wait, wait, is it done, we done? - It's just, it's done. I'm still going to support from afar, but I'm actually gonna start picking myself first. - To give my heart, all my heart to someone and seem they just holding it and just taking it away from me right now, it's devastating, it hurt, it hurt bad. - Uh-uh, I'm not doing that. (transition whooshing) ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ What am I supposed to do ♪ ♪ Baby, so in love with you ♪ - [Krystophe] When this butter get melted now, we just gonna go ahead and throw the seasonings in there. - He used to know how I like my food. - [Mazi] Well, I still know how you like your food. - You do? - Yeah. - So you remember? - I know how you like your meat. (laughing) - Mazi's ass better get all these childish jokes out right now because the only thing you need to be serving is apologies, I'm-sorry roses, and definitely not your meat. We can talk about that a little later. - [Jahzara] What is this? What's going on? - What's up? - Aw, hey. - You knock and come in. (laughing) Come on. - How you doing? - How you doing? You all right? - I'm all right. - Good to see you. - Good to see you, too. - Long time. - Me, my sisters and my mom, we are very close. We do everything together. So I'm really hoping that this dinner does not start a World War III, and let's get past this moment right here. - Y'all can come sit by me, just as long as y'all don't swing on me now. - Oh. - Don't swing. (Angie laughing) Don't swing. (laughing) - It's lovely night now. - I might have to look the other way if they do. - What's going on? - So, Mazi and I have been kind of seeing each other for the last few weeks. And this is a make-it-right date. - [Jahzara] A make-it-right date? - Make it right. - Make-it-right date. - You heard her, make it right. It's a new me. - I can see the flames coming out of my mom's eyeballs. I am nervous, I'm scared. Maybe this ambush was not the way to do it. - I just wanna say thank y'all for showing up. - Well, I didn't know what I was walking into. - I didn't either. - Well, you walked into a plate of mashed potatoes, spinach, salmon, with a little drizzle on the top. - Do you actually think that's gonna compensate? - Mm-mm, nah. - What you did with a dinner and a chef? - [Mazi] Not at all. - Because you publicly humiliated her. - I did not walk away from my engagement to never get back with Mazi. - I just remember a couple months ago, you said, "I'm free, I'm happy and I'm single." - And I was. - You had a sparkle in your eye. - Yes, and guess what? When I was outside-- - She had a sparkle in her eye with me. - Hold on, let me answer. - Hold on, now, see? - See. - That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about right there. - I'm just saying. - Listen, I'm talking to her. Two months ago, you had a sparkle in your eyes after her lights were dimmed for almost a year. - My mom and sisters, a lot of their anger is from hurt. I just see how I overshared. And yes, they should be opinionated, they love me, but at the same time, it's like, I am making a decision to give my relationship a second chance. And realistically, Mazi is the end game for me. Well, if you're asking am I happy, I am happy, very. I would be much happier if I knew that I had y'all's support. - I don't trust this whole situation. Y'all not gonna make me be fake. I've never been a fake bitch, and I'm not gonna start being fake now. - But, Mom, we're not asking you to be fake, but we're asking you to... - We finna move in together. - What? - Okay, now you see that right there? - Don't be a smart mouth. - But listen. - Well, I'm not being a smart mouth, but it's like, you not be telling them everything that's going on. - Wait, stop, stop. - Oh. - Is it your spot to tell me before she tells me? - Oh, well, that's why I brought y'all here. - And see, this is the (bleep) that I'm talking about. - 'Cause you were the same one that came to us when you was hurt, not him. - [Amy] We just want y'all blessing, we want y'all time, y'all can watch him like a hawk. - This right here is bull (bleep), he has some goddamn work to do. - [Mazi] Talk to my manager. Talk, let me talk. (Shawty Shawty laughing) - Hey. - Hey. - Hey. - Joc invited Mazi and I on his show because he heard through the streets we're back together. But I have to unfortunately put on the fake happy face right now, 'cause yesterday Mazi dropped some news on me and I'm not particularly happy about it. So right after this, and I mean literally right after this, we have to have a big conversation. - "Yung Joc & The Streetz Morning Takeover!" and Mz Shyneka's jacket this morning. (Joc, Shawty Shawty and Mazi laughing) It's going down, bro, we gotta get right into it. This morning, we have some special guests in the building. Mz Shyneka, could you do us the honors of introducing our guests in the building this morning? - Yes. (Mazi laughing) - (laughing) Amy Luciana. (Mazi laughing) And Mazi, together. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Something different. - A little different. - Yes, it is. Now, this is something that we thought we would never see again at the same time. - Why y'all broke up in the first place? - Yeah, exactly. - What was that? - I walked away from our almost six-year relationship because he had to grow up. - Last time you was here, you mentioned how bad of a money manager he was. - Yes. - I ain't gonna lie, man. Coming from where I come from, I was fresh out of the streets, just trying to get it together as a young Black man not having a father figure, you feel what I'm saying? - Man, y'all sitting here together, y'all sharing a microphone this morning, that's okay, but y'all are together, and I'm trying to figure out what happened? - How did it get back? - Where this come from? Yeah. - Coming back, even though I done made certain changes and stuff like that, but it's like, I'm really him. - Yes, Mazi is no longer spending money like it's going outta style, but there's this big bombshell that I'm definitely not talking about on this radio show, and I'm starting to see a lot of old Mazi traits that I'm definitely not liking. He's still on the couch smoking the weed. I guess a dog really doesn't learn new tricks. - You say, when you come back into something that you were so deep into, are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we re-fiancees? - Yeah, I am re-proposing again though. - Mazi has told me that he still has the original ring. But again, if you begin to slack and you begin to not pull your weight, you might get the ring back a second time. - We are happy that you guys are back together- - Mazi. - and figuring it out, Mazi. - Do y'all self a favor, man, make sure y'all keep it locked right here. More with "Yung Joc & The Streetz Morning Takeover!" - Yeah. - Wrapping up the interview with Joc, I don't feel like I was just as forthcoming because Mazi just dropped a big bombshell on me that could literally change the whole dynamic of our relationship. It actually went kind of good. I feel like my neck was on a swivel 'cause it was y'all guys. - It was a good interview. - To be honest, Joc, we have a lot on our plate as a couple. As far as the whole situation with your daughter. (dramatic music) - It was brought to my attention that I possibly had a daughter from a relationship in my past. Took a DNA test and she was mine. Me and Amy was going through the breakup situation so I didn't think it was a good thing to tell her at the time. But now I think so, I think it is. We can move past this. - Mazi vaguely mentioned this before, seemed like it was more so not his daughter versus it was. So we're coming back in from a breakup with a six or seven-year-old daughter, and Mazi wants to have a hand in raising her. So he told her mom that she can move in with us. - At the end of the day, I'm just happy y'all in a good space, man. - I really feel like they need to talk alone. Man, y'all holler at me, you know what I'm saying? Peace out. - This is so new to me. But this is something you got yourself into with this lady. I'm trying to have my baby, I'm trying to have my wedding. How are you gonna even be able to support our household? Because your business and rap career don't even cover the rent. Coming back into dealing with Mazi again, I felt so good, but now that I'm back here, I'm really squinting at him and I'm kind of hearing my mom's voice in the back of my head. What the absolute (bleep) is going on right now in our relationship? This whole thing has me uncomfortable right now. I'm not liking where it's going and I'm not liking how, in the name of love and supporting you, I have to kind of be on this mystery life kind of with you. I'm just not with that. - Where you going? Lu. (transition whooshing) (upbeat music) - We're looking for the Philosopher's Stone, the Holy Grail, the Holy Sword and the Sacred Dagger. Oh, okay, you know what we probably gotta do? Whatever numbers are on these plates, push 'em at the same time, like how you push my buttons at the same (bleep) time. - I think we push each other buttons. - I am here with Mazi. Yes, my ex-fiance, Mazi GA. We're just trying it again. Let's just say that we dated for six years, we lived together, worked together, had a very successful YouTube channel, had a very successful clothing line. We were very seriously in love. Man, it say, "Do not pull." "Please do not pull on lights above." Girl, I'm still gonna check in it. Mazi even proposed, but I just couldn't look past those red flags. I called the engagement off with Mazi because I wanted him to get his (bleep) together, be responsible, and step it up for me. Give us another clue. (dramatic music) (candles rattling) - In position B7. - Damn it, we lost. Honestly, I tried my best to move on from Mazi, but I just realized I definitely love Mazi. This was actually a fun date. - It was supposed to be. So what we gonna do? - I don't know, it's so weird with us being here 'cause it's been a year. And I felt like just how big the breakup was, just how public everything was, it's scary now, because I do feel like you did some unexpected things after we broke up. Putting it out there on social media. - It was how I felt. - You shouldn't have been doing that. - I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have. I can say that. - Okay. - I shouldn't have, I can say that. - 'Cause that pisses me off more than anything when I think about it. - That's fine, I take accountability for my actions and the things that I did lack in, but ain't nobody perfect. - After I broke up with Mazi, he began saying anything he could say on social media, saying things that were not true. Like, "Amy got rich and forgot about who was with her to begin with." And my mom and my sisters, they're like, "Don't forget how he could've went on YouTube and told the truth," which is, "I'm smoking weed all day, I'm blowing money on this." He didn't say that, he made me be the bad person. And they pretty much washed their hands from that point with him. So right now, I'm not confident enough with just being like, "Mazi back." So it's definitely a secret. - I just wanna say, I apologize. - You really need to apologize to my mom and sisters. They saw how everything played out, so they're definitely not team Amy and Mazi, 'cause of how we left off last year. It's been a lot, Mazi, it's a lot. - I feel it, I appreciate them being there, and I will make it up to 'em, at some point. You was amazing to me. I love you, forever gonna love you, you my soulmate, I know. I'm sorry, man. And if you willing to give it another try, make sure I stand on that. But whatever you and Khaotic got going on, the friend, the bae, besty bae, feet rubbers, tell him. ♪ Daddy's home ♪ - Mm. - Yeah. (laughing) - You come back in strong. (laughing) You come back in strong. (transition whooshing) ♪ And I nourish it ♪ ♪ Every night ♪ ♪ But every time you touch me ♪ ♪ I lose my mind ♪ ♪ I, I ♪ - Hey, help me out a little bit. Don't just sit there and look pretty. Them Js ain't number 1s for nothing. - I was just trying to look cute. I thought this was a little datey date. - You looking cute. It is a datey date, it's just a-- - It's a date where you could hit me in my face with balls. - (laughing) Hey, I like that date. I just got us a fun date for me and Amy today. But what she don't know is Khaotic and Erica is on the way. And I know Amy ain't on good terms 'cause of her and Erica, whatever they got going on. But I'm looking out for Khaotic right now. So hopefully Amy see that I'm trying to make an effort with her friends, being that me and the fam not seeing eye to eye right now. - If I win this dodgeball game, I'm obviously getting a championship ring back. I just feel like the girlfriend position, but then it's like, you call me wifey all day, and it's like, I'm your ringless girlfriend. - I just wanna make sure I'm putting it on your finger this time and it ain't gonna come off. - That's not a reason that works for me because what I think that he should be saying is, "You gave me the ring back the first time 'cause I wasn't on my (bleep), I'ma give you the ring back a second time because I'm so much on my (bleep) after coming back that I know I won't have to get this ring given back to me." - Go. (Mazi laughing) - Oh my God. - Look at slow and slower. (Khaotic and Erica laughing) - You out. - Why we playing dodgeball? 'Cause you definitely don't be dodging balls. (laughing) - I be catching 'em. (Khaotic and Erica laughing) - What it do? - What's up? - You all right? - What the (bleep)? Now, what in the hell is the happy couple doing here? 'Cause I thought this was a cute little date with Mazi. I didn't know the couple of the year was coming, Mazi. (Mazi laughing) - Yeah. - Oh yeah, we've arrived. - Yeah, we here. - What's up, E Banks? (Mazi and Khaotic laughing) - What's up, girl? - What's up, Exotic? - What's up? - I don't have no smoke with Khaotic, and I'm just trying to break the ice. - Okay. - We playing dodgeball? - Or what? - So yeah, let's do this, let's do this. - Or what? - Go. Oh, hey, y'all, man, you crazy as hell. (Khaotic laughing) (Erica laughing) That's one. (Erica laughing) - Come get the ball, sister. - Oh, goddamn, Lu. - Go play your ball. (laughing) (upbeat music) - Ah. (laughing) - We don't got cheating issues. Maybe y'all do, but we don't. Ooh. (Erica laughing) Watch out. - Yeah, get. (Erica screaming) - Yo, we even. - You did catch it. - Now we even. - So y'all wanna call a truce? - Oh, it's even? - I like that, I like that, I think we should. - Whoo - Whoo. - I actually realized, Mazi, all he's trying to do is show that he has no jealousy against Khaotic. Let him do his man thing. - [Khaotic] Listen, ladies, I know y'all got other things y'all might wanna discuss. So me and Mazi gonna chill over here and let y'all do y'all. - This was really about me and you, for real. You and Karlie Redd. (Amy laughing) Since me and Karlie are obviously both connected to 1501 these days, it was nothing for it to get back to me that I was replaced with Amy. I don't really have an issue with it since I chose to hop off the song. But I know Amy is not my biggest fan these days, ever since she got mad at me because I couldn't do a song with her. So I'm just trying to figure out if there's some pettiness behind this. You did the song, yes or no? - I did the song. I did the song. - Okay, you like the song? - I like the song. - I don't know if you know why I even decided to get off the song. - I didn't, I still don't to this day. - Erica was like, "I don't wanna do the record with you no more because of your man." - I wasn't completely honest with her because I'm not in the business of repeating what Karlie is telling me. It's a mess with her boyfriend and the label. To me, it's giving too personal, and I'm a professional. - I figured you didn't know, I figured it was just Karlie being Karlie, but. - I heard the record, and I was like, "It's dope," and I-- - I love the record. And I was like, "Karlie, I love the song, I would love to do the record, but with this being your man, I can't rock with you, because I don't rock with him." - So that's what happened. - We gots to meet him with some whole other (bleep) going on. - I know it's personal, it's real personal, but on my position, bitch, I'm just trying to do the song. - Do the song, have at it. I'ma just have a conversation with Karlie so that the air is all the way clear. - And I was gonna ask, are y'all good? She mentioned possibly signing with them. - Oh, well, that's dead. I mean, her man gone, he fired, he outta there, so she gonna have to find another route, that's dead, that's over with. - Oh my (bleep). - [Erica] Hate it for her, but it's over with. - Karlie Redd's man got fired? What? When? Is this gonna be mess? Because I was using this to maybe bump into a number one or a hit record. But if it's gonna involve mess and petty (bleep), I'm honestly second-guessing it. See, I didn't know all this. I didn't know this. So now that he's gone, would you be up for sit and talking to her? - I would be up for talking to her? - Yeah. - Doing business, I don't know. - No, okay. - [Erica] 'Cause you never know who people doing business with. - [Amy] Got it. Hey. - How you doing? - I'm good, how you doing? - I'm great. (Erica laughing) We just getting our girly understanding. - You know what I'm saying? We over here having a civilized conversation. Moving forward after the situation with Amy, I'm glad we were able to talk. And I honestly feel like we gonna be good here on out. - Keep being great. - Okay. - Mr. Macarena Man. - Aw.
Channel: Love & Hip Hop
Views: 136,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: love and hip hop, lhh, mtv, Flo, Marlon & Gaelle, best of love & hip hop, love & hip hop miami, love & hip hop hollywood, love & hip hop cast, love & hip hop reunion, love & hip hop full episode, full episode, full episodes, shay, jessica dime, A1, ray j, princess, jasmine, erica mena, safaree, love & hip hop baby, new love & hip hop, new LHH, Love & Hip Hop Miami new, miami, Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Shay LHH, raymond, trina, Suki, Momma Dee, Amy & Mazi’s Relationship, amy and mazi
Id: SeKDWi8uMVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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