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so today I want to take a look at a hand from the PCA this year at the hundred K final table where I was doing quite well and chips as you can see I was sitting at about I don't know second position under the Gunn seven handed typically what you're gonna do in a situation like this because you know there is a thing called ICM which means that for every player that gets knocked out everyone like locks up a certain amount of money so a lot of the players in the middle stack sizes are gonna play a little more conservatively which means you should be opening up your range a little bit more especially when you do have a stack as big as mine was in this case so we're gonna look at right here a range that maybe is a little on the loosey-goosey side but it's at you know an approximate range of what I might open with and of course it's going to depend a lot of different variables like who's in the blind and all these types of things but in this situation let's just look at it and say there's about you know 20% opening range for me here obviously we've got you know all pairs we're gonna open with we've got suited connectors you've also got some Jack 9 suited Zin there broadway type hands so they're all in there and that represents like I said about 20 percent of the hands so in this spot here I feel like it's pretty standard open when there's only 7 left and I'm in a good chip position I probably could open even wider than this like hands like you know ace 9 offsuit ace 8 off suit especially if I'm not feeling a lot of pushback from the opponents at my table having said that you've got you know Yvonne Lucca you got Brendan Kenny you got Justin Bonham oh you can expect some pushback so I don't want to go to while I think 20 percent from under the gun it's pretty pretty pretty wide okay so my raise gets through all the way to carry cats in the big blind who's playing a relatively short stack is a little bit more on the conservative side but he's in the big blind so he's gonna defend pretty wise he's gonna have you know the entire range that I would open with of course plus some maybe some more you know offsuit ace type hands or some you know off suited connectors maybe like 7 8 8 9 offsuit hands that I wouldn't open with but he might defend with in this situation as I said carries a little bit on the more conservative side whereas some top pros are gonna defend even wider than that they're gonna defend a very very high percentage and you know they're not necessarily wrong to do that especially for the relatively small raise sizes that people are opening with these days so you know the blinds are 25 50 I made what's considered on the heftier side with 115 and you you'll hear it carry cats kind of mock my big bet sizing you know he's like I thought you're a small baller like 115 is big now so Kerry makes this call it's important to note okay we're not gonna get too deep into waiting ranges because obviously you know he could have aces or kings you know in his calling range as we can have an hour raising range less likely though but we're not gonna worry about that right now he he is gonna rear a some of the time with those hands as well as ace king alright so we see a flop here comes a Sten for and you know as I talked about in the video about familiars familiarizing yourself with ranges a little bit in a situation like this that's gonna give me a range advantage for the most part because I'm raising under the gun so an ace is a very big part of that range whereas the big blind defender is often going to have a lot of you know suited hands like you know Jack five of spades and you know nine eight off suit and things like that so this is a good flop for me it despite the fact that I don't have anything so as we can see I have king queen I don't actually have an ace but I still look at this flop and think overall it's a good flop for the entire range of hands that I could have as you can see my range doesn't change after I bet here because you know I can I can bet part I think that most of them well I'll probably be betting in this situation a high percentage of the time obviously there are some hands I want to check back here maybe a trap or maybe that I'm a little bit worried about so if I did have Kings mate or Queens maybe I'm checking back some of the time maybe I'm checking back with some ten Jack suited Zoar things like that but just for the for the sake of this example let's just assume that after my bet my entire range is intact now when Kerri calls this flop let's take a deeper look at now what happens to his reign so we see here his preflop range is it's pretty wide obviously we talked about a lot of different hands but now once he continues with a call after this flop we can start to eliminate a whole bunch of hands from his range and narrow him down to very specific hands so as I said we had like you know King three suited in there and the different types of hands like that but after the flop unless he's flopped the flush draw he's not continuing with King three suited in a situation let's take a look at some of the hands that you know he could continue with here so obviously when he calls here it's a small bed I'm betting quarter pot which is you know pretty standard I think most of the high rollers are doing that with most their CE bets on the flop so Kerri can still have you know pocket tens which is a set jacks Queens Kings he can have those he can also have a set of fours still potentially could have a set of aces I mean theoretically he could obviously have aces and fours he could have ace ten there's a lot of flush draws like basically any of the suited claw you know flush draws that he would had preflop he's gonna continue with once he's flopped the flush draw and then of course you throw in some combinations that contain a pair of tens so he's just got a ten in there so now you've seen that his range is narrowed quite significantly to a specific set of hands that he's gonna continue with after this flop so now the turn card is an interesting one because it also brings a straight draw so if he had something like you know a queen Jack of clubs or seven eight of clubs he's now got an open and straight flush draw or something along those lines so it could potentially or could also turn a gutshot maybe he just had queen Jack on the flop and now you know he's called and made an open and astrayed on the turn that's that's another possibility since I'm only been in quarter pot he's probably not folding Queen Jack on the flop so when he checks to me now I look at his stack size and I think to myself he a good a good percentage of his range is all aces right he's he's calling with most aces preflop so he probably has a lot of one pair hands or draws that he can call a sizeable bet with so in this case I decide a small bed here would probably be problematic for me I do block a couple calling hands that he may have had again we said that he could have ace king not all the time it's gonna be a mixed strategy with that because he's gonna raise a lot of time with ace king but he could we also block ace queen so we blocked ace queen is a much more reasonable hand that he could check call flop with and then check call a decent sized bet with on the turn now in this case I'm also gonna think exploitative ly a little bit carries played a lot with me he knows I don't typically Bluff a lot so I'm on the more conservative tighter side so I felt like this is situation where I don't have a big draw I mean sure I could check it back and take the free jack you know great and maybe make the inside straight and win some chips but felt like a much opportunity here to really get aggressive and I'm not really worried about getting cheque raised off the draw because I don't have a lot of outs you know maybe if I had king queen of clubs you could you know make a smaller bed or even check back because it's not a hand I want to get blown off but I'm fine with getting blown off of King Queen it's like if he's got it he's got it so in this case situation I felt like for Carrie to call a bed of that size considering his stack size what range of hands could he possibly do that so so let's take a look at the hands that I think that Carrie would need to have based on you know our history and all those things continue with in this situation at a final table with ICM implications so let's take a look at it so I think the in this case like the absolute worst hand that he's going to continue with is to pair 9s and 10s like if he happened to just flop you know the 10 maybe with a backdoor flush draw made two pair on the turn and that'll be at the bottom end of his you know value hands that he could call with the other hands that he could call with as I said or possibly seven eight of clubs Queen Jack of Clubs Jack eight of clubs but other than that considering the sizing that I thought I know that a bet it's not really correct for him to just continue with a flush draw alone he's got to have something else even a flush draw and a gut shot he's really on the borderline despite having you know a tremendous amount of outs he's still probably not priced in so I'm also putting pressure on all of his one pair ace hands you know as it turns out as you can see here carrie has you know pretty good part of his range here with ace Jack I mean there's a lot of we cases he's gonna continue with and a tan and drawers and things like that so in this case I feel like I needed to make a sizable bet to get him off a hand as strong as ace Jack I think if I would have bet something in the neighborhood of half pot or 60% of pot or anything like that that carries going to continue to the turn at least and then on the river I'd have to make another decision whether I wanted to triple barrel so instead of doing that where I made a quarter pot you know maybe half pot and then just jam the river I made a quarter pot bet on the flop and then a size up turn bet to really put a lot of heat and pressure on him in a situation where I can afford to do that because on the chip leader I'm not under ICM pressure I'm gonna you know even if I work if I were to get cheque raised it's fine I'm still sitting pretty so it's a situation especially in a tournament where you're using range advantage because I raised under the gun you're using exploitative play because I mean you know carry have a history using range advantage because that board is supposed to hit a lot of my under the gun raising range all to make a decision to make to get me to the decision where I realize like this is gonna require a sizable bet and one of the things that you'll see an evolution of since the 2004 era is bet sizing has changed and evolved immensely you know you didn't find a lot of people in 2004 over betting puck flops or or or turns or rivers that's pretty common these days and we'll get into some hands where that plays a role in in decisions later but it's all based on solid game theory that you know you saw the computer program liberate us when it beat all humans one of the things that it was doing and doing effectively was putting its opponents in really tough spots with some over bets oh wow this wasn't an over bet by me against Kerry in the situation it's essentially a bet sighs that was probably you know twice as big as I would have normally bet in the situation maybe like four or five years ago but the game's evolved we got to evolve with it we got to continue to learn and I hope this video helped you understand a little bit more about range advantage and all the things we discussed and how poker isn't simply game theory optimal or exploitative you want to combine both and you want to think from a baseline of game theory which we were doing in this hand but then you also want to use what you know exploitative Lee about your opponent's perception of you and any ways in which you can deviate based on their tendencies so that's what we did here it worked out not all the hands we're gonna share worked out from the PCA there's were going to be one coming up against Justin Bonomo that did not work out but I think it's very interesting so we're gonna share that one next week you
Channel: Daniel Negreanu
Views: 609,207
Rating: 4.9121904 out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Negreanu, Poker, Range, Pokerstars, PCA, Cary Katz, High Roller, Kidpoker
Id: riyI6kKBl4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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