GIANT AXE LOGGING CHALLENGE! - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday

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multiplayer Monday I'm here with Kahn and we are going to revisit the lumberjack challenge that we did the two of us a while back but we're gonna make it about 20 times more complicated instead of using saw blades we're gonna go completely manual with ax good mechanisms so we're gonna have to not only I actually not my axis the axis looks like looks like somebody had an accident edit hey welcome back I'm okay so thanks once you're back successfully cut through this then you have to proceed to cut the tree into three individual pieces through where a con cut and then you got this section right here as well yeah and with the same house yet there you go you got to use the same axe for both cuts or actually no there's there's three total cuts reader I cut from the ground that is gonna be horizontal and then you gotta cut the middle and then cut the top off as well yes so the catch is that then you you actually have to cut them before you bring them back so then you got to transport all three pieces back to your garage and how are we gonna build a single vehicle that can cut down a tree that is vertical and then we cut it into yeah with an axe and then cut it into three separate pieces and then pick up the three separate pieces and then drive them back and then drop off those three separate pieces and then go do it again until someone hate wins hey hey haven't shown you the 15 minute build timer oh yeah I think I think we can be a little bit more flexible for this challenge maybe we'll be fits isn't it maybe but like you can't you're defying multiplayer monday by ruining the 15 minute build I know I agree we'll see how far we get on 15 minutes and then I mean we'll go from there I'm ready alright pressure button I get filled [Music] who thought that that was I don't know how I feel about this Cod I had enough time I built two vehicles just in case my first one doesn't work out yeah so the accents don't work quite as good as I hoped they're not good at the old choppy choppy yeah they don't cut horizontally very well mine's called the log remover 5000 oh wow that looks pretty cool I've got I've got all the features that you would see at your normal dentist's office I've got including okay so hold on so we got step one that one let's say it they activate the tree alignment device of size that's kind of interesting why is the tree for me so I know where the height is right and then I can just you know I'm saying just chop away right just chop away and then you know sometimes you gotta just get it get that four piston going just to be the height for free on we're getting it oh I didn't swing that one fully oh I see you're moving it up and down on a controller yeah so it's super solo okay yeah I might have helped when the axis kind of jams like see like it's getting jammed here you just yeah you alternated it until you get it to come back out and I sometimes you know this doesn't work you're like yes okay we'll just this is ax cutting this takes like five times I don't I don't know if you're gonna have that much of room around some of the trees but good luck well we're gonna pretend like we do and we're just gonna you know come on in at this side now all right this is taking way too long are we doing how many trees are we doing one for baby yeah maybe the first person to get all three segments back to their garage I feel like that might be appropriate cuz like here let me help you I'm just gonna get one okay for it there you go there you go yessuh perfect so then you know you just slide all over the place for me and then we just you know we switched it to vertical mode okay and mode has the other alignment pin here right so we can oh okay comes down right yeah of course right and then if this one's lined up on the edge it should be oh I can't drive oh boy oh oh I didn't think about that yet my garage was holding it for me and I forgot that ya gonna be going every oh boy this one just goes this way right now I'm not even doing full swings here hold on there we go okay tonight oh boy this challenge is not gonna go well yeah I think we might have dude you first person to get a treat might be the yeah first person to get a tree right so then eventually I'll chop all the way through this if you just want it all right yeah I'm gonna be out here a little bit all right so that's I got this fancy lowering mechanism of science and it just kind of it Oh clever right and then just close and then just like oh no that's not button this button right okay oh you can fit all three back there huh well I fit two and then the third one kind of stacks on top and then I just leave the loading bar up to make sure it doesn't slide out okay and then you got a moat to drop them off oh I got I the latest in hammer technologies okay all right yeah so we did discuss during the building that we are allowed to use our hammers to move the logs but not to chop you could not use your hammer to chop well I you might be surprised to hear I think it's much better than mine oh oh it's pink all right yeah yeah yeah I think you'll win I know I I think I needed all the help I can get so that's what we're doing here so surprisingly Oh hold on let me just open up my axe a little bit and we put our alignment tool I was surprised we have the same alignment method pretty much yeah that we thought of this little thing I can back up a little bit here so that's your hole it'll hang out I can get you oh all right well then I can do this yeah it's on a button though so it's not quite as gradual losers now okay and now we're getting through okay oh you did all right I did it my my axe is kind of stuck all right and then we can just tip it over and now here's the part that I'm not quite sure how it's gonna go but we can put our axis of vertical mode I'm not quite sure about the whole thing but okay yeah I I really I forgot about the stabilizing aspect because it's just so you don't hold it you just cha I forgot I overlooked it I'd completely overlooked it so we're just gonna hope that if I go nice and gentle that you know it's nice is gonna work pretty well oh you know shimmy a little bit there we go all right hold on actually I got this hold on I love how we built these super complicated machine they're do stuff the old-fashioned way where do you see the loading where do you see the loading mechanism here maybe I want to just help you a little bit scrappy yeah just help me out there just a little bit there you go so yeah you got it disconnected perfect right so we got disconnected so now ready flashes ready for the whole point I just do a little bit of this and then uh-huh and then and then just you just give it a BAM look at that perfect look at that and then like I fit all three on there in there there we go yep so that I can transport it back and then you ready ready oh boo wait like that oh you got it on a slider that's yeah so then it just all gets pushed out that's gonna be the easiest part is just once I do all the difficult stuff I could just drop it off all right so first person to get three logs back at their garage yep oh my god it was gonna be so ridiculous pretty sure I can just sit here with my hammer and do it I know you can poke into it with your hammer wait this just said Oh like I'm already through the tree on the one side look at that amazing all right I'm not count us in and three two one go okay I know I thought I had a lender again words I'm not very fast you know I'm gonna go for the sunny tree just so I get nicer shots you can go for this okay okay it's the sunniest remar open - oh we're not even get be able to navigate around these things oh boy this country is not it's not more open is less all right all right well here goes nothing all right Marty into the log oh I pressed the wrong button already I'm up guitars and there we go can I can I chop please tonight no no no no come on get in the tree do it it's just not hitting anything oh I'm pressing wrong buttons I'm doing everything wrong this trees like either too high or too low I can't like get into that sweet spot yeah it's pretty it's it's like oh there we go oh I figured it out come on you stupid dream I'm in the same boat I need to adjust idea just okay yeah I'm doing a readjustment here doing a complete readjustment Oh oh boy my vehicles driving back okay there we go there we go all right all right this is normal everything's normal come on stupid you stupid axe you all right Oh stupid now you're stuck again please Oh Oh back up okay I are used to something almost I think I think I just need to go to the other side which I don't have room to go on I think I figured out a little way to get through to the other side moving top layers now so now I'm actually mashing but further ahead my axe is hitting the tree but then it's like not getting any damage yeah I know what you mean it's kind of where I'm okay all right I need to do one more adjustment but I don't know if I have written for this one I think I have literally a single block left oh I'm pretty sure I'm in the same boat come on you stupid thing yes I got it I got it I got it serious yeah just glad to do it I just got it too dad I got a rock I can push my dig up again hold on hold on open up do that okay I'm just gonna push the tree a little bit let's get it into a safe zone okay let's start five and down chop chop chop down dang it oh come on the chopping is I can't line up no I know I'm like half the time when I hit it seems like I'm hitting the crack and then it doesn't do any damage and it's like okay why is that come on stupid tree chopping I gotta back up a little bit chop there we go oh I was good one there we go okay okay we're getting through I would advise not loading any of the pieces until you're come on get all the way through hop let's do one I'm almost to honey come on it's getting stuck now no gasps I'm through fun I'm through one oh by the way my guidance system for helping what it doesn't do anything it's just I'm at the last layer all right I have like one more block left come on get in there well it's going oh there we go I got it I got it all right whoo if you cure just one I got through one I don't even do the other one my log is stuck oh oh that was weird it looked like my axe went through the log without actually cutting anything whoo one block left I think nothing the mall no no yes okay I just got a loan he's got a boats come are you good I'm good in this just don't that oh whoa I just lifted my log up with my axe all right why are you not going in to the thing all right I got one in come on I'm down to one block yeah the last block is the hardest okay all right okay here we go here we go okay come on okay I'm driving back there so slow go get the logs no that sucks open push my pushers broken no way my pushers broken push the load what are you doing no all right I gotta use my hammer all right time yes Dana time there we go my pusher stopped working for some reason all right I did it under Pelican Bay right here that sucks so much I was I was right there and then vices bed she's like all jumped and bounced all the logs out of my stupid thing that was a tough challenge I can't believe how close it was though for the most part I I'm glad I painted it pink I don't think I could have one otherwise yeah call it the pink privilege yeah I'm done with log cutting for now no more no more sharp stuff yeah I think we'll have more people well more people next week with Mother's Day Mother's Day weekend so scheduling was a little bit more difficult this week so it's just few of us but we'll be back with some multi multiplayer next Monday so give us some suggestions what do you guys want to see yeah not log cutting please yeah not long ago please please don't fuss done taxes there's no other often no hammers you're not doing a hammer log cutting we're not doing spud gun log cutting not doing mini gun foresting alright we'll see you next week 5 [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 286,219
Rating: 4.8949323 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic logging, scrap mechanic lumberjack, scrap mechanic sharp objects, scrap mechanic spikes, scrap mechanic axe, tree cutting machine
Id: zMa3bqOgV3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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