RANDOM ROLES *2* in Among Us

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so we've played this mod before we're playing it again this is the random role mod there's probably like yeah 20 or 30 different roles and dudes stick around till the end we get one of the roles where we set everything on fire and as you know what else would be fire if you hit that like button down below the video let's get to 70 000 likes in one day hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy all right boys random rolls what are we getting what are we getting what are we getting what role are we getting oh this is so quiet quiet nobody learning you know quiet everybody quiet no everybody back to the game oh my gosh what is even happening i don't know you're winning the poop so dudes welcome back to among us this is the random roll edition so how this works oh i just got camouflaged there are like a billion different roles like i said in the intro i am the time dude i can click reverse as you saw reverses time but there's a catch if there's a dead body on the ground and it reverses past when that guy got killed they get revived and they can tell us who killed them did i get it did i get it oh yes yes oh yeah who was it who was it gary killed me wait once [Applause] dead body clicked the button as fast as i could and he came alive [Applause] you are 100 the imposter it's not me guys again if you're enjoying these among hey sizzles how do we get likes on this video look at my shield the shield if you hit the like button it'll turn the color of the shield [Music] okay so there's a swapper in the game they can swap two people during voting dudes this is so bad is somebody dead oh no like i said dudes hit the like button if you're still enjoying these among us this random role mod is a lot of fun it might be too late it might be too late no my shield is gone somebody tried to kill me the body there's a body oh it's way too late it's way too late okay let's go reporting get gary out where's the body where's the body somebody took away my why did you just do that again hey everybody hold on everybody everybody run away listen i'm not the killer okay what hey listen hold on i died to biffle he sacrificed himself to to revive me and then he was running around with me no no no no no no no no bye gary someone is literally throwing for me and i cannot thank you enough i don't know why are you doing this you psychopath what's happening oh no we have so many tasks to do i can't i only get one you only get one the entire game who killed you no somebody hit me with and i think whoever is fast i think they ran by really fast and hit me kate was fast so it's kate and gary but kate's dead she just got voted out yes i'll stay with you i'll stay with you hold me hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on get ready time are you ready to have one you really tell her okay i'm just keeping the talent loaded with that's all i gotta do all you have to keep the time keep it like trust me i'm gonna oh no i'm not gonna okay guys okay hey guys how you doing hey guys [Applause] we're hanging out you're not oh no i know who it is oh i can tell you exactly why it wait wait this was dead okay right it doesn't matter but it was definitely before and i'll tell you why i was the shifter and when i shifted with biffle i died but then ian time reversed so bring me back to life well then how is before dead today what was the imposter so how has biffle died wait how is he dead i have no idea what's going on wait are you actually dead i don't know okay okay okay well hold on i am the medic and i shielded ian and at one point where it was gray somebody tried to kill ian and he said they were fast kate was fast so i was right i was right because if ian's the time lord you're the uh sigils you're the medic i know zod is the shifter because i just shifted with him which means it's gary that's true i revived amber the first round and we already know it was gary disaster [Applause] gary was the glitch they have their own win condition which is to kill everyone and be the last player standing so there were three imposters pretty much all right let's see if we can get myself either a neutral roll or an impostor roll all right what we got no nevermind so i'm the shifter i can steal all right somebody's abilities yeah it can steal their abilities hey come here hey hey i gotta tell you something i gotta tell you something i gotta tell you something come over here i gotta tell you something how wait hold on did you just he just right how do you do something wait oh wait what okay well you see how hello i am kate is the camouflager that means she's an imposter if i am a shifter and i try to take the other person's abilities which i was trying to target her because she had the flash abilities it kills the shifter so can you hear me what just happened so you try so you're the ultras which means he can revive me and kill himself to bring me back but i did that they could have me i am the shifter so i tried yep they called the meeting so i'm still dead all right let's see if i get the imposter some sort of neutral role every show guys be quiet quiet everybody quiet everybody i have the best roles no you you be quiet you be quiet i have a pretty good one no i got the best roll ever i got the best role ever the best no my role is the best look how fast okay what's your role then huh what's your role then okay yeah you want to know my role yeah wait i trust no wait who's this okay what do you trust me nico trust me okay i trust you i trust you you love it we call henry and sigil and ian right yeah i mean can you see that yeah yeah yep yep what did you do nothing nothing what are you talking about hold on henry what are you doing i was just doing that okay that's a bat oh we didn't go hard together so we can clear each other okay well there's two killers loaf don't even the killers noob so oh yeah all right amber what's your information i went to the electrical uh the lights went off they wear camouflage um i didn't see other people works there camouflage but i saw zood come running out of there i'm like well there's dude because he's super fast and then he dies right in front of me but then i couldn't find him zooming by all right all right so i have information i know one person in this room is cleared but i can't say who and why it's me well i know who and i know i am clear i'm clear too because i use clear cell for my pimples i'm so clear of anything i'm clear nicole why did you vote yeah why'd you vote loaf wow oh yeah because he did that stupid yeah you can't be us because there's only one imposter when there's two loaf you're you're a foot you're a foot loaf you're a big foot you know that so i'm the arsonist what this means is i need to douse everyone and nico gave me a shield so i can't die can i trust you yeah yeah what were you doing down there i'm the ultra so that means if someone dies i can revive them okay i'm gonna go get lights so if i douse everybody you can see when i douse them their shield turns orange once i get everybody my ignite button uh button lights up i can kill everyone and end the game what why are the li who's not doing the lights hello okay i need my douse is up i need to have somebody dang it where is somebody we're dead oh no where did it happen okay what just happened okay that was that okay so i have i have so much information okay what's your information i have i have a disgusting amount of information you want to know why you're the ultimate salute wait wait don't don't give away what you are wait what are you getting oh well the one i mean this isn't the person who just killed but one of them is biffle what is bible for sure how do you know how do you know how do you know don't vote [Applause] is so the mayor voted three additional times that was one of the person that wasn't doused that's perfect oh boy oh this is not good how do you know how do you know how do you know kate how do you know don't worry about it don't make it don't make me call you by your real name maybe call you by your real name don't maybe call you by your real name i'll do it get it get it get it get it get it guys okay guys i killed people guys i killed biffle what he's the adjuster she'll assume he's the jester i am the sheriff all right look at me help me come here why are you a sheriff oh no i am the sheriff oh sunday oh what's going on oh no i think loaf [Applause] later they need to get the thingy nine seconds nobody's on it i'm about to win in five four three two save the city boys we're out here dude are you kidding me the imposters thought they were gonna win with the reactor not today not today boys was on one second and i just yep yep did you kill what happened i might i might have died by the sheriff air brew and then henry kills himself it brings me back or something and goes who killed you who killed you and i start laughing maniacally i get red i kill gary i kill gary and i run to go kill another person and of course hope you guys have enjoyed hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video and as always let us know uh other mod ideas you guys have down in the comments this is probably this is a fun mod i like this
Channel: SSundee
Views: 21,691,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Y8jqlW05TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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