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[Music] [Music] well just be gentle [Music] [Music] hop on [Music] no one buddy I ran into this this guy that you know I hate use the word homeless cuz I don't know if he's almost not but he was outside on the fries which is the course start here in town kind of corner he had a sign that said hit-and-run the car are messed up his bike Tori it won't work because I guess he didn't have good insurance and and so he was asking for help and I told him he showed me pictures of his bike he showed me how bad it was and he didn't look like he was doing the best either I told him hey Friday if you're still here I'll show up and tell you a couple bucks because honestly I don't have a lot of money that's for damn sure and today with payday you know I have enough that I can help someone out and see if he is still there well there he is sitting at the bus stop what's that doing good how about you it's a little hot out here today isn't it trying trying well you've been up to today $10 that's good hmm win some you lose some right all right well are you gonna be here for a minute you trying to get on the bus what time's the bus come you know 15 minutes let's say I'll go over here and get you a couple bucks and something to drink if you want yeah all right oh all right I'll get you some drinking stuff I'll try to hurry all right man what is your name again Tony that's what I thought all right Tony I'll be back yeah nope no problem man how's it ride it is fun it's a Kawasaki z800 yeah it's you don't see too many of them but they're they're fun little bikes so I got your Gatorade and some water no problem I told you I come back no problem in I hope you get everything back to you know up and running and good to go man what's that yeah man I mean you know could always be worse man there's people in way worse situations than you are right now you know and it just that's all you got to keep in mind for sure what's that oh yeah I know I can only imagine man [Music] they got bad karma on there man all right my man no problem man we'll see you later today we're gonna pay people not to text and drive hi is this a bar oh I got a question for you do you do you have a car you don't or just curious I was gonna ask you I'm doing a questionnaire do you I was gonna ask you if you ever text and drive you don't drive perfect so you get some money right you get money for not texting and driving yeah do you need some money you don't hey you don't text and drive right okay here how much is a beer hey there you go you don't text and drive that's all I'm looking for cool I don't don't make your day okay adios yeah see ya do you work here yeah you got a question you want to take part in my motorcycle survey sure you do okay deal nice two questions for you do you text and drive [Music] sometimes you not do it for one week you win a prize for a week okay second question main character from the movie Fifth Element really the first ones the main question not texting and driving for a week and you have to watch Fifth Element [Music] okay deal all right so you win a prize let's see how much your burritos here no a Taco Bell dude I'm not gonna buy you Burger King here take some money there you go okay that's your prize dude Thanks cool thanks look up action Factory on Instagram Fifth Element who's driving you are what are you guys doing you guys look pretty happy you guys want to participate I'm gonna ask you a question and I'm gonna challenge you okay all right and you win a prize at the end all right so you're driving you have your license do you have your license do you have your license no okay do you text and drive yes you do you'll win the prize if you don't text and drive for one week because I'm trusting you one week can you do it not texting and driving that's easy okay you win the prize you're my fourth person so one week no texting and driving deal okay for all of you guys flip this up go get like Starbucks or something yeah there you go that's it cool so don't run over a motorcyclist thumbs up okay go get a coffee okay see you guys hello guys they're back lunatic here first of all for watching this video I hope you will like it as we do that's why we are recording this audio to make sure you go and subscribe to all of channel that gave us permission to use their video hit like and subscribe to my channel as well enjoy
Channel: DirtBike Lunatic
Views: 968,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FEEDING, STRAY, DOG, BIKERS ARE NICE, biker saved, REAL LIFE HEROES 2019, nice biker, random act of kindness, good deed, biker helps, faith in humanity, bikers helping people, dirtbike lunatic, bikers are awesome, random acts of kindness, bikers help, REAL LIFE HEROES, RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS, real life heroes, kids and bikes, make kids smile, family friendly, feeding homeless, bikers save, helping people
Id: U1Wsk0NrEpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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