Randolph Park Elementary's Virtual Black History Program 2022

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[Music] hello i'm miss brown principal here at bradley park elementary i'm so excited that you decide to log in and join us today and view our black history program we've got a lot of great things in store for you during this program there's going to be some singing there's going to be some reciting there's going to be dancing as well as stepping so please sit back and enjoy it and once again thank you for logging into our energy as we celebrate the greatness of our [Music] he's directed to be god is [Music] [Music] [Music] keep me when i'm broken [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] awesome [Music] [Music] today i his grace is why i'm living praise his holy name my god is awesome awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] he's lying he's mine he's mine he's my [Music] [Music] awesome he's great he's great he's great he's great awesome he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's home [Music] hold on [Music] when i'm broken [Music] praise his holy name [Music] your celebration brought all our contributions to our national [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] thank you randolph park elementary school for asking me to participate in your black history month program i hope that you guys are learning a lot of good information about a lot of great topics and hopefully i can provide you with some clarity into some of the questions that you asked the first question was what is covet covet is a respiratory virus that spreads via body fluids whether that is you sneezing whether that is you wiping your nose and putting it on a handle and your brother your sister coming by after you that's what it's from the other thing with covid is how does it spread and again by respiratory fluids the main reason we want you to wear a mask is let's say you cough if you cough right now stuff comes out of my mouth and it spreads into the room if i have a mask it's caught in the mask that decreases the chance of the virus going through the mask and also remember it's not just a virus that's going through it the virus is trapped in some fluids that come out of your nose and your mouth so your mask is really protecting the fluids from going out into the air so if i'm wearing a mask and i sneeze or i have covet i am less likely to give it to someone else if someone else sneezes and they don't have a mask on but i have one on it decreases a chance of the virus going through my mask and getting me infected so that's why we wear masks for covid the reason we're trying to protect everybody from covida is it's a virus that is not normally seen in humans when you have a virus like this it can cause people to get sick it can cause people to get sick in ways that we don't normally anticipate so if someone gets the flu we know how to treat that we have good medicines to treat that we know what will happen if a five-year-old gets the flu if a 15 year old gets the flu if a 50 year old gets a flu versus covid we've only known about this specific virus for the last two and a half years so we don't know what happens over time if a five-year-old gets coveted you may be fine you may grow up and have respiratory problems long term so that's why as a physician and anyone in the healthcare field we are trying to make sure that we can decrease the spread of covet as much as possible because there is an unknown associated with it and we want to make sure that we give you the best chance of being able to grow up healthy and strong so that you can take my place and be the next physician in anniston alabama how do you wear a mask appropriately so a mask should be worn snug so that it covers your nose and your mouth this is how you wear a mask you see how it's falling around my ear it shouldn't do that it should be covering your ears the mask should not be doing like this because when you sneeze it comes out or if someone else sneezes you can suck it in it should not be worn like this because again if you sneeze it comes out or if you breathe in and someone else sneezes you can get cold the easiest way to think about it is if you can cover your nose in your mouth and blow on your hands and you can't feel it then you're wearing your mask appropriately if you can blow your nose and feel it on your hands you're not wearing it appropriately so just make sure that when you wear your mask covering your nose and your mouth snug around the nose if you have a rim and tight on the sides social distancing is understanding the oh sorry social distancing is understanding the practice of if you aren't wearing a mask or if you're an enclosed environment how far will a sneeze travel we know that a normal sneeze or a cough can travel up to six feet and then after that six feet the water falls off so that's why we always talk about making sure that you're not too close to someone or making sure that you social distance that is another added layer to protecting yourself from covid when you are not wearing a mask but if you are wearing a mask it also adds protection and again this is primarily for inside situations and that's when we talk about social distancing particularly when you're in with a family member when you're in your house when you're at school when you're in the doctor's office trying to stay six feet away if you can't make sure that you're wearing a mask outside social distancing is ideal because you don't have to wear a mask if you have a good if you have good air flow around that area but in situations when you don't know someone if you don't live with them or you don't have their cell number it's always a good idea to stay six feet apart social distancing and wearing masks to prevent yourself from getting coping we've pretty much covered everything that we talk about when we address social distancing when we talk about mask wearing wearing a mask appropriately those are all the things that you can do to help prevent the spread of cobit from a parent standpoint we need to talk to our children about getting them vaccinated we need to talk to our grandparents our husbands our wives our brothers our sisters we need to make sure that we have that conversation so that we can get everyone in the family vaccinated to not only protect our family from getting coveted but also to protect the community from spreading covet so social distance washing your hands wearing a mask taking necessary precautions in areas that you're not familiar with and getting vaccinated those are the things that you do to take care and prevent yourself or someone else from getting cold lastly just from an overall health standpoint there are a couple things that you need to do one make sure that you're eating appropriate meals so you're not just eating junk food all day that you're having fruits and vegetables you're eating the appropriate amount of meat you're not eating too many chicken wings you're not eating too many potato chips you're not eating snacks all the time you're also adding fruit into your diet the last thing is exercise make sure you get out and play as much as you can whether it's volleyball basketball soccer football you need to maintain an active lifestyle one of the things that prevents kids from being healthy adults is not exercising as a kid so we want you to get out there play run around do as much as you can and enjoy life if you enjoy it as a child you will also enjoy it as an adult again guys happy black history month thank you for letting me participate and good luck and continue to enjoy life take care [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the start of the 20th century a small number of black students came together for manly historical black colleges and universities to form their own sororities and fraternities these organizations are known collectively as the national palette council or the divine eye each of these organizations were established with unique core values would share the common goal to educate and uplift the black community [Music] [Music] there is [Music] there is power [Music] to break everything [Music] [Music] there it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we shall not we shall not we shall not be moodless [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's play [Music] fighting for freedom [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] black and white together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's play let's oh thanks we all should be great whenever you're here today without god there would be nothing here you think that he gave you brown and gave you a positive moment to life to be productive he gave you a family to love to cherish he gives you thanks he forgives you then he loves you one thing that you always need to know is you're never alone never feel great always always always love yourself so i promise you god will always love you sometimes when the times are tough you go always get on your knees or go somewhere quiet you always call on god and i promise you he will answer your prayers two things you need to do you need to have faith and you need to believe and just know on god's time not yours but god's times he will answer your calls [Music] salvation and glory [Applause] for the lord he is wonderful hallelujah salvation and glory [Applause] the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] is hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] me [Music] [Music] the mayor jack said and i present to you because i'm black written by me because i'm black i can't just beat the mother father son or daughter i was created to be because i'm black it's no guarantee i live to fulfill my destiny racism all over will it ever stop can i just be black and treated fairly instead of being black targeted by a cop tell me why is my color such a threat yet i'm not safe with the ones that are supposed to serve and protect brianna taylor at home asleep in her bed no knock is late at night who wouldn't be scared jacob blake caught seven shots in the back and in front of his kids did he really deserve that george floyd couldn't breathe knee on his neck face down in the street sandra bland a traffic stop another black human poorly treated by a cop because i'm black i'm getting shot for no reason and that this week just reminding my business walking down the street i mean really what did i do wrong oh nothing because i'm black and i got a hoodie on just because i got skittles and tea in my hand what did i do wrong oh nothing because i'm i'm a young black man will you ever see me as more than my color what about me being a loving father son daughter or mother living in this world i'll never be truly free still treated like a slave because of my black imagery we could come together and create peace with one another but they won't let us because of our color martin luther king had a dream maybe one day it will be peace love equality is what i good morning randolph park my name is varian may and i am the owner of taylor fitness here in birmingham alabama um i'm an entrepreneur but more specifically i'm a trainer a fitness trainer um i basically help people meet their goals as it pertains to their health and wellness and over the years i've worked with thousands of people from professional athletes from basketball football track nascar to the everyday worker like lawyers doctors um accountants people that work at honda you know i've worked with a lot of people over the years to help them meet their fitness goals i'm a graduate of jacksonville state university and i'm actually from uh right down the road from you all i'm from oxford um so i grew up probably playing against some of you all's parents whether it was in basketball football or running track but um those are some great days but today i wanted to talk to you all very briefly about two things i want to talk to you about the importance of having a healthy diet making sure you are eating the proper things in order to get the results that you want out of life i like to tell people that it's an 80 20 uh rule so you should be eating right 80 percent of the time and 20 because we all have to live right 20 of the time you set aside for your candies and your cookies and your pop-tarts and and things like that but 80 of the time you need to make sure that you're eating the proper diet okay um and also i want to talk to you about the importance of your fitness right now you all should be getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day okay so that means whether it's pe whether you play a sport and after school you're going to um to practice or if you just run around the house with your parents or your your brother or sister you should make sure that you're doing something where you're active for at least 30 minutes a day okay and making sure that you're drinking enough water which is half your body weight in ounces of water per day so let's just use the example of someone who may waste 50 pounds if you weigh 50 pounds that means you need at least 25 ounces because half of 50 is 25 right so that means you need at least 25 ounces of water so if you take a bottle of water you know the bottles of water that we get from walmart or the grocery store those are about 16 to 20 ounces of water per bottle so that means to make sure you're hitting your goals you need about a full bottle and about half of another so you might as well drink about two bottles of water per day and some of us don't like water so one of the um tricks to drinking a lot of water is i tell people using a little kool-aid packet you know the little crystal light package you can get from the store uh next time your parents go to the store ask them to get you some of those crystal light packets and you put them in your water and it tastes just like kool-aid so it makes it taste good but you're also getting that water in that you need per day right all right so we've touched very briefly about two things which is your um your diet we talked about the 80 20 rule and your exercise you need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day and the reason why i want you all to be healthy is because how many of y'all out there want to be successful maybe you want to be uh the next president maybe you want to be a professional athlete maybe you want to be a scientist a doctor no matter what it is that you want to be in life you need your health okay i was reading a magazine uh last week and and they interviewed 100 millionaires and do you know that 70 out of those 100 millionaires said that they work out for at least 30 minutes a day and they watch what they eat so that's the secret right there that's the secret to becoming a millionaire or just becoming because we we don't want to put a money value on it because money doesn't equate to happiness but at the same time if you want to be successful in anything in life you need your health and i want more than for more than anything for you all to maintain and keep your health throughout your entire life because it would be a shame for one of you all or all of you all to become millionaires one day like i know you're gonna become and then you have to spend all your money trying to get your health back because you weren't getting enough sleep or rest that night you weren't eating right um you weren't exercising so now all those millions of dollars that you all have had you're gonna have to spend it on doctor bills and trainers like me to try to regain your health so so start now and keep those good habits well on into adulthood and hey i can't wait to see all of you rich wealthy and healthy millionaires in the future i'm working on something and i hope you all too santa is [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he yes [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] the program oh yes that concludes our black history program thank you for logging on thank you for giving us your space of time and granola park elementary this is our mass choir hope you enjoyed our show thanks
Channel: Randolph Park Elementary
Views: 307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 73WTqiFH1ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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