Randall Cunningham A Football Life

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Buddy Ryan wasted this guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LindyNet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cunningham to Moss/Carter/Reed/Smith was one of the best offensive attacks ever.

Fight me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still the pride and joy of UNLV’s program.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJFunkyDiabetes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Play video, first thing I see is ticker at bottom of video: Jaguars 0 -8.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlcoholicZombie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Underrated. One of the greatest passer ever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShoutOutTo_Caboose πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of those players you had to watch live to truly appreciate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Quexana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best mobile QB ever

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bleeglotz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player who was more exciting to watch. I loved watching him play.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Timberwolf_530 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Might have had the strongest arm in NFL history too. I remember watch the QB challenge in 95 or 96, he tied for the win with Drew Bledsoe (no meme intended) with an 88 yar throw. The difference was that Bledsoe's throw was a high flying bomb, Cunningham's did not have a lot of air on it. If he throws it higher maybe it goes farther, maybe it doesn't. Oh and Favre was in the competition too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/johnnynumber5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
in the third of you babe all right on the lagoon if Randall Cunningham were to play in today's NFL he would in my opinion who make Robert Griffin and Michael big love second tier to him I would put him against those guys who would even be close because he was a bigger guy as fast as strong and he could do more with the football I would really love to see Randall Cunningham a23 come back to the NFL today with some of the offenses the teams are running now I mean I would love to see him in the pistol I would love to see him in the read option he take him from that era and you put him as a young man in this era and don't telling what he could do I think in today's game it would have been amazing I don't know if he could have stopped this guy I really don't think you could he could flag run [Music] if you get through a strawberry through a battleship I think he had a just an unbelievable there was at least 17 to 20 times where I had him dead to rights and he sluggard out of it I ran this new ones out of olive oil there's been a lot of good scramblers in this league but in my opinion Randall Cunningham is number one he'd make you look like a fool you know I saw footage of friend tarkington you know they talked about Roger to dodge and how he could dance around but those guys didn't do it the way Randall did Randa took it to a whole different level [Music] Randall probably did it more dramatic and more spectacularly [Music] than any other quarterback before or since though he's been retired since 2001 Randall Cunningham is still busy on Sundays he's the founder and pastor of remnant ministries in Las Vegas Nevada remnant ministries is a movement that God began because I wasn't trying to be a pastor no was she trying to be the wife of a pastor we start this Bible study next thing you know we've got 1,100 1,200 people in the church we become remnant ministries was about in 2003 and we love pastoring people through the nation's tests hopefully my life is relatable to people anybody do through the patient's tests I'm not a person who everything has been perfect in my life the man once called ramblin Randall has traveled a long and uncharted course to his life's work a journey filled with controversies and contradictions triumph and tragedy faith and football a journey that began by the shores of Southern California [Music] the youngest son of Samuel and Mabel Cunningham Randall was one of four boys the oldest of whom Sam was a college football star he had grown up out in Santa Barbara where his half-brother Sam BAM Cunningham who is playing for USC so Randall would go for the USC games and he got to know you know big-time college football players for Randall that was a very real world when Randall played in high school his brother Sam had made it to the NFL he saw himself as destined for that world himself cunningham starred for Santa Barbara High School and was recruited by many major college programs but not the one he wanted most I really wanted to go to USC all of my life because my brother Sam had gone there but people told me when I was younger you're not gonna go to USC because USC won't play a black quarterback it was just that way back then one school did offer Cunningham a chance to play quarterback the University of Nevada Las Vegas but before he played his first game he suffered two devastating losses lost my mom go to my mother's funeral it was very very hard I didn't know how to react to death I'm just a young 18 year old kid then the next year my father died when I looked back I realized that you know trials had come in my life to make me stronger lost both parents which would be devastating to most people did he say poor me did he come in and give me the poor me thing where I had to give him a t-shirt and my drawer would said poor me I didn't have to do that Randall he is able to overcome things that happen in his life Cunningham was a three year starter at UNLV and by his senior year was doing it all for the rebels offensive player of the year in our conference you want a bowl game with him Most Valuable Player an east-west Shrine game here's the guy - his all-american punter this versatile athlete who also quarterbacks the rebels not off to 73 yard kicks this season yeah took me a while to convinced the NFL that he was accorded back Randall Cunningham the second is currently a highly regarded high school quarterback prospect Randall's being recruited by major universities all over the country Arizona State Oregon Miami not only as a quarterback but they're recruiting him for track as well he's a number one high jumper in America he's gone seven four three and a quarter [Applause] LSU Syracuse Baylor young Randall has achieved more notoriety before leaving high school then his father had entering the 1985 NFL Draft strike up the bend we have our first quarterback selected and is it a surprise I think it is a lot of people project the Cunningham as a real project but a guy with great natural ability it takes a long time to get rid of the ball we were suspicious because he didn't come with a big-name school we heard he was a running quarterback and that makes you suspicious no one knew he had the arm that he had so there was a lot of doubt Philadelphia knew little about Cunningham and he knew even less about the city I had never been to Philadelphia before I was his West Coast kid with a jheri curl people couldn't figure me out I couldn't figure myself out I knew about Ron Jaworski and Mike quick and the players I didn't know anything about the city and then you know to find out it was 40% african-american and that even shocked me I'm just looking around I'm like wow Inner City it came from California go to the beach you know shoot the tubes boogie boardin and then be like cool dude see you tomorrow you know that's how I grew up to go to the fifth largest city in America I was overwhelmed it's like a dream come true to be able to play for the Philadelphia Eagles era Philadelphia's Grace place I wasn't ready for all of that the great thing about being an eagle is that you can be a part of something big a training camp at West Chester I can remember him pulling up in his Porsche 944 he didn't hide the spotlight didn't carry himself like your typical rookie he wore a t-shirt that said ask my agent early and Pam Cunningham irritated veterans by refusing to take part in a team tradition every players asked to sing their fights on it's no big deal get up on the chair sing for your food and sit down for whatever reason around decided he wasn't gonna sing for his food I wasn't rebellious I just didn't know my fight song I'm sorry I'm gonna sing something you don't know Cunningham's chance to make noise in the NFL came sooner than expected week one for Tron was getting the stuffing beaten out of him and then finally they pulled one and they threw in poor Randall I remember coach said kid warm up I'm like warm up ooh warm up he said warm up and I was nervous I went out there with like a deer in the headlights I mean I'm look at him like that Sloane's Taylor right there Harry Carson I'm gone and this is D NFL I did not know that it was gonna happen that quick I didn't think I was ready but they threw me in the fire it was more than a veteran quarterback to deal with certainly more than a rookie quarterback to deal I thought it was a bad move I knew it was gonna be a heck of a player but he was not ready after the game is they named his starting quarterback and I'm like oh my god I'm not ready for this I've got all the confidence in the world the teammates have confidence him Cunningham started the next four games he lost three of them and through his only touchdown pass of the season he returned to the bench the team finished seven and nine and a coaching change was made it's a great pleasure for me to introduce to you today the next coach of the Philadelphia Eagles Buddy Ryan it was well known that but it was not a rock Ron Jaworski fan at that time and he was trying to figure out a way where he could ease Randall into playing time and eventually the starting wrong bunny as far as I know invented the idea of the nickel quarterback third and seven or more Randall would come in and play quarterback goes third and six or less I stayed in and ran the offense people couldn't figure it out then he knew as a defensive coordinator that that would be tough buddy was a genius doing that it was probably one of the dumbest moves in history professional football fiasco it was bizarre everyone knew what Randall was gonna do but I remember buddy saying this move was gonna revolutionize the game well that didn't quite happen but even when Randall wouldn't make it which was more often than not people of the city would start to say look you know there's something there it became very apparent to us almost immediately the van was gonna be fun to watch it was jaw-dropping to watch him play [Music] I've dropped back I'd run around and just be an athlete [Music] being put in a situation where the odds are against me it was really part of my developmental process as a quarterback Philly's unique third down specialists began to draw the attention of the rest of the powerhouse NFC East yes he's a threat and then we had special calls when we saw it was him and you got you got to treat him differently he's always gonna be a problem anybody because he's excellent we're honor and you got big linemen Russian and they not as quick and agile as he is Cunningham gives them a little different dimension of course and he got him some impetus there made a couple plays for him you know playing Dan Fouts is completely different from playing a Randall Cunningham or or somebody like that he was a hard guy to game plan against because you couldn't replicate him you didn't really see anybody like him and all is he fast but he was hard to tackle Plastic Man the emphasis was for you to get deep and not let him throw the ball over your head GT FB get the back GTF be right now it was do or just never safe because if the receiver got behind you he could get him the ball I don't care how far was on the run to a day didn't have to be set he could be running no guys chasing him and still launched at 70 yards down the field by 1987 Cunningham had supplanted Ron Jaworski as the Eagles starting quarterback his athletic feats had earned him praise locally but he would soon become a national sensation veteran Stadium in Philadelphia it is rockin tonight the Giants are in town [Applause] [Applause] I remember that play very well I read the play fake knew he was gonna roll out he'll contain came up as soon as he made this move went through my whole tackling motion and the next thing you know the guy Rose the touchdown when I look back and saw that someone had caught the ball I think I fell back in disbelief no one had ever seen a guy do something like that nobody's body is able to take a hit like that and not go down nobody can bounce off people like he's made of elastic a Randall did it's a great play but on Monday Night Football on that stage with that audience and it becomes a phenomenon and that was when Randall crossed over from being just a really promising young player to being somebody that even the casual fan said hey I gotta watch this guy [Applause] Randall Cunningham starting with that play it almost seemed that there was almost no limit to what his physical gifts were it was almost like you said this guy isn't 100% human did he come from Krypton or where did he come from [Music] in 1989 Cunningham unleashed a key 91 yard punt to help beat the Giants it remains the fourth longest pump in NFL history in 1990 he was voted League MVP by the Pro Football Writers Association thanks to highlight real efforts like this 95 yard pass play into the wind at Buffalo [Music] he had exploded onto the national stage or some spectacular performances Sports Illustrated put him on the cover called him the ultimate weapon he was being compared to Michael Jordan of Wayne Gretzky I mean that's pretty heady stuff you know and ramble bought into all of it they say were celebrities and for celebrities were entertainers therefore entertainers were supposed to entertain people Michael Jordan entertains people that's why people watch the Chicago Bulls people love Magic Johnson I think he's magic the great one Wayne Gretzky maybe one is people Tony Randall was hyped to an extreme it would have taken a spectacularly self-possessed individual not to have gotten carried away on that wave of adulation and celebrity and Randle definitely was carried away with it this quarterbacks nowadays who won't run like I just did Pocket quarterbacks and you think I wouldn't do things like that nowadays but that's not me I'm daring I'm Randall Cunningham the John Wayne of the western days of our football team and he enjoyed the whole part of being a celebrity quarterback yes Randall Cunningham please Randy he became a celebrity right what's the pay nothing's wrong with that a celebrity quarterback there are a lot of those you know why not go to a big party why not hang out with a Hollywood set it's better than some old boring party hanging out with the offensive linemen after the game who wants to do that you go to Whitney Houston's crab Cunningham once left the preseason game at halftime to attend a party thrown by Whitney Houston and was later caught by the tabloids with the singer on a Caribbean getaway it was something that just happened you know we spent a day and a half together as friends and that to what it was got away from everybody then just happened to be someone in the bushes and shooting another aspect of my life I mean he was he was a superstar evening with some of the most famous people at that time people wanted to watch him on the football field and they wanted to get to know him off of it he was just that unique Randall I think always saw himself as a celebrity would identify more with someone like downtown Julie brown or Arsenio Hall this was his reality I was very influenced by Arsenio Hall back then I had gone on his show about three times we'd become friend because he was a big star one of the local TV stations wanted to do a weekly Randall Cunningham show every city kind of has those the quarterback has his own show if you tuned it in you wouldn't have known if it was a football show you played like a knock off Arsenio Hall Show that's kind of what he wanted it to be you know we joked about it incessantly in the locker room especially the outfits it's like dude just put on a regular seat man and call it a day it was the one time during the week that I can go there and be myself I can go in front of people who really cared about Randall kam the Randall Cunningham show it was a good time I gotta hit me from it as a matter of fact so it's pretty awesome on a team where you had guys like Jerome Brown and Seth joiner and Wes Hopkins and Andre waters who were football players to the core Randall's Arsenio Hall act didn't play very well Randall Randall and you have to expect something different from him few of us thought that he should be in a mindset of us winning as a team and knock his next photo shoot there was a period of time in his career that got tiny success probably got the best of it was about Randall are you amazed sometimes when you look at the film addiction and my amazed I'm amazed all the time and some stuff I do he was more wif T than he was selfish I always say why do you think you can fly I said I'm an eagle yeah when you're 20-something years old you don't know who you are you're trying to figure a mask where I was by 1988 Randall Cunningham had led the Eagles to their first playoff berth in seven years we had opportunities early you know we had a drop in the endzone for a touchdown I caught one for a touchdown it was called back toward the end of the first half a dense fog rolled into Soldier Field the Bears led at the time whoever was winning at that point was gonna win the game as good as the Chicago Bears were I believe we should have blown the team out at that time I don't blame the fog for that loss and Randall shouldn't blame the fog for that loss the other team out of play in the fog - I just never thought Randall was good enough to get the team to the Super Bowl I just didn't think he was a good enough quarterback a year after the fog Bowl the Eagles were upset by the Rams in the first round of the 1989 playoffs in 1990 they lost to the Redskins Eagles were favorites in both of those games both of those games are at home your defense played well enough in both of those games to win it and Randall through zero touchdowns in either of those two games now the boy does seem to get away from Randall [Applause] that was when we really learned the limitations of Randall Cunningham those two games I think they didn't get there because of Randall now I don't think that's all is full I think that's buddy Ryan's fault as well think buddy Ryan let him just do whatever he wanted to do I was free to do whatever I wanted to do but he said just go make five big plays and we're gonna win some game five big boys that usually was a game for ya everything was built around him following the 1990 season buddy Brian was fired and replaced by offensive coordinator rich cotidal Richie his philosophy was totally different and he told me you just sit in that pocket and complete seven out of ten in your passes that's how the system works and said okay no problem here's your offense on a dutour way [Music] now the first play of the second quarter Thranduil and maybe the Eagles home for the season we're crowded Cunningham had correctly predicted if he ever got hurt I got injured in the pocket and I was so upset about that with buddy I was always able to move around and do it everything to do now to me I was sitting like a lame duck and when I got injured I threw all the blame to him that darn punkin you know that's not my style you know a lot of people have criticized Randall Cunningham because he runs out of the pocket so much live ran out of the pocket I've been healthy he drew some plays in the dirt some of them worked but as a coach he is structured and I was becoming rebellious at that time I just didn't agree with his philosophy [Applause] there was an individual thing in his mind that he thought he could do it himself there comes a time when you have to just say no cunningham staged a heroic come back from his injury what couldn't help taking a swipe at Ko type with his latest marketing venture I'll be back scrambling all the questions were do you think he'll ever come back from that injury and that was my answer oh I'll be back family a marketing guru Terry bender said hey man we need to make a hat we could be very prosperous off this and I said yes let's let's market it that was typical Randall when he came in the locker room with these I'll be back scrambling t-shirts and hats nobody was shocked nobody was shot we would not have expected anything different though Titan Cunningham would win a playoff game together in 1992 [Applause] but it was a momentary thaw in their relationship in 1993 Cunningham broke his leg against the Jets he missed 12 games and launched another marketing campaign let me be me that was a slogan number 2 it was just way of me marketing it wasn't like coach height let me be me you know it was just like you know I need to do things the way I do and it was kind of a slogan of the players to to let me be me you know I think didn't work for a lot of people it didn't work for me I mean I can't run my router certain way in my head coach says I can't let you run it that way and I said woman I need to be me that's when he kind of you know shook a lot of guys by 1995 which code tight had been fired the new man in charge railroads brought with him a young strong-willed offensive coordinator probably a rare situation where the quarterback is actually older than the offensive coordinator has that translated into any uncomfortable situations don't be running out of control of the flanker standing out there be smart Jon Gruden who I love very much he's very high strong football football football why you gotta kill him like this today he's back everyone knew that to learn the West Coast system it took about three years before you became successful I knew that also so I was cramming and trying to memorize every single things to a east right F Shore to jet double cross eclipse let's go east right yes sure to jet double cross giving it again double arrow and I guess I got overwhelmed with it is that right it's got a deal here right angle hello john bruton really brought in a system and made me do things that I was not accustomed to doing Cunningham struggled with the quick timing throws of the West Coast offense and by the fifth game was benched in favor of journeyman Rodney Peete he was not happy and it was a very difficult situation just living in that city and it's okay everybody turned against him and we were expecting little Randall so it's such a bittersweet thing as Cunningham watched from the sidelines Pete led the Eagles into a playoff win after the game it stirred controversy by considering leaving the team to be with his pregnant wife my wife is more important football you know something happens wrong you'd never be able to live that down Cunningham returned home to Las Vegas he basically disappears for the better part of three days the week of a playoff game the Eagles wanted a fax Randall the game plan but there was a problem Cunningham never gave the Eagles his number in Las Vegas and early in the game in Dallas Rodney Peete gets hurt and now Randall has to go in and here's the Redemption and all is gonna be good but Randall's completely unprepared [Applause] the Eagles get crushed by Dallas the offense can't do anything at that point in time I don't believe the players believed in me so we weren't functioning on all cylinders and you know as that game is winding down that that's it that's the end another bizarre chapter in Cunningham's Bazaar career it ended about as badly as an earache an end for a player that and once had the popularity and stature that Randall had here I left hating the game of football I left with pride like getting on the multi-million eed this anymore I never ever wanted to play football after that and I kind of rode off in the sunset following his retirement from the Eagles Randall Cunningham returned home to Las Vegas we started the marble company he just submerged himself into the work of the company he totally learned how to do all of these edge details he was grinding he was bullnose and he learned how to cut the marble slabs he was working until 10:00 11:00 at night people were so surprised that Randall Cunningham was coming to tear out their carpet and put in a new floor you know when I looked at my son Randall's second and the responsibility that I had with him I think that I needed that year off to be able to learn how to be fun become a father and to really find myself so I did a lot of soul-searching at Superbowl 31 in New Orleans Cunningham appeared in an alumni flag football game going motion on my foot Randall I'm talking about it I come back does it start here I went down to the Super Bowl and I run into coach Danny Green he said you coming back to play ball I see I'm considering it he said he wanted to play again still felt he was young enough to play which I agreed with I always thought he retired too early we said hey if you're looking for the right team we give it a opportunity are you doing man it's out of your little football accident now you're on the comeback trail tonight you got to keep it going have yourself a good day out there that decision was basically made on Danny Green being upfront with me it wasn't like hey you might be the starter so I knew I'd be a backup so I went and I played for them and I'll give Randle credit when he came in he jumped into that role great I got a different Randall Cunningham than what had gone before his life was in a different place he wasn't worried about being a celebrity he wasn't the focal point of organization so he didn't necessarily have the pressure you know hard worker it was great to have around the locker room and he could still sure enough play in the 1997 playoffs Cunningham started for an injured Brad Johnson rallying the Vikings from a 16 point deficit let's say this goes down as one of the great comebacks in 1998 Cunningham's role as a backup came to an unexpected end in the second game of the season Brad Johnson got hurt and Randall basically won the game force against st. Louis one setback Cunningham the crow pressure fires to the end zone it is one forward I really didn't know how that was going to play out but he flicked a switch when Braddock got hurt we didn't miss a beat actually we felt like we might be more explosive because Randall was really the only person who could reach Randy down [Music] [Applause] it really came down him liking our system the way it was put together and then you had Chris Carter underneath then you had Randy Moss over the top the puzzle had been put together they just needed the right person to pull the trigger he now realized I don't have to make all the plays somewhere along the way the light went on and it wasn't about Randall it was about getting the ball to the other playmakers he became a really different kind of player had all the same kinds of skills but he applied them so much better it wasn't just the place that he made it was the mistakes that he didn't make I think they're made the difference the Vikings went 15 in one and score two then NFL record 556 points Minnesota's magical season thrust Cunningham back into the spotlight he was named NFL player of the year and once again graced the cover of Sports Illustrated it couldn't have been a better title for that cover I was being restored I was being redeemed it was all a part of a great team that didn't need me with Minnesota everyone all of his fans all of his ex teammates saw the capability you know of Randall Cunningham now can you imagine Randall Cunningham playing all of his years with that kind of office of talent around him the numbers that he would post [Applause] we've been a surefire first-ballot hall-of-famer varna in the 1998 NFC Championship game the Super Bowl was within reach leading by seven with just over two minutes to play Cunningham drove the Vikings into field goal range setting up kicker Gary Anderson I remember figuring we're going to a Super Bowl Gary had not missed all year long all year long the guy was perfect he makes this pretty much this game is over 39 yard attempt the spot the kick by Anderson Anderson has missed a field goal for the first time in two years and then I would have changed the whole view of Randall's career following Anderson's miss the Falcons tied the game and had a chance to win it in overtime I remember right before Morten Andersen kicked I got down in my face I said Lord you will be done the Fisher will give us one more chance [Music] he puts it through instantly I was content it wasn't meant to be for the Vikings and he got so quiet in that Stadium I just remember Chris Carter and he was bawling crying and I went up to him and I hugged him I said hey brother we did everything we could do it just wasn't God's will but if I had not had sat that one year out I would have lost it because football would have been my everything I didn't want to have bitterness in me and I still remember to this day I didn't drop a tear because I knew that we had given everything we had to win that game Randall Cunningham left Minnesota after the 1999 season in 2000 backed up Troy Aikman in Dallas in 2001 he joined the Ravens though at 38 years old his role was more mental than mainstay [Applause] you gotta kill the fiends a danger balls to the Cunningham retired following the 2001 season he had amassed 207 touchdown passes thrown for nearly 30,000 yards and rushed for 4928 the most ever by an NFL quarterback at the time from that time when he retired in Philadelphia to the time we retired with the Ravens absolutely different he was ready he was content with his career so as it came to an end it was normal yes yes yes perhaps the NFL's most lasting impact on Cunningham has been spiritual when I was in Minnesota I began a Bible study and so I was already in the form of a pastor in a small arena currently Cunningham's venue is substantially larger but he is content to once again and play a backup role though for one day in 2009 he was front and center in his old stomping ground when the Eagles inducted him into their Ring of Honor when I went out on the field with my little baby boy brand-new dad again with our elbow the philadelphia people just screamed and they're saying you're a person that we look at is one of our greatest players in the history of this team I've welcomed this great honor and I thank my church for letting me have a day off god bless all you guys that was one of the greatest days of my life just being back in Philadelphia knowing that people of Philadelphia love Randall Cunningham regardless through the turmoil and the times we've been through it was a beautiful beautiful thing for many Philadelphians the feeling is mutual most exciting time I've had as an Eagles fan is watching Randall it's like the first girlfriend you have and you move on and maybe the breakup is even ugly but then 20 years later you remember everything you did with that first girlfriend and how great it was for a lot of people Randall's that equivalent so while you know we may remember all those controversial things nobody will ever forget the play Monday night against the Giants nobody will ever forget the 440 yard outburst he had against the Redskins to win that game nobody will ever forget him cartwheeling into the end zone more than once [Music] time is always the great healer to receive something like this this is my Hall of Fame I'm satisfied now less than a year later on June 29 2010 two year old Christian Cunningham who Randall held tight throughout the ceremony tragically drowned in the family's pool he was a radiant beautiful child and that's truly what we are were God's children we're here today and gone tomorrow and that was God's will for him to go on back home and so we celebrated his death it was not a funeral it was a going home celebration we've been breathing since last Tuesday it's time to rejoice now and we celebrated the time that we had with him and the time that we'll be in paradise with him I was his earthly father but our fathers with him now hallelujah somebody come on hallelujah after Christian I would always be have my glasses on I didn't want the kids to see how I was crying in my heart I just didn't feel like I could love anybody again once new experience just absolute tearing a part of your heart I just couldn't imagine opening that wound you know that heart up again to love on March 5th 2012 Felicity Cunningham gave birth to a baby daughter Sophia Marie Ruth she has brought so much healing to our family so much joy just little things like noise it was a strange thing after Christian everything was very quiet and Sophia has totally changed that so there's noise there's laughter this joy and we have been tremendously healed just by her birth that's what's kept us going the whole family today pastor Cunningham performs baptisms in the pool where Christian lost his life and has resumed preaching on Sundays sometimes they get up from that trial God has taken that first view of maturation process there comes a time to understand that it's not about us and once again there is football on a recent autumn Saturday Bishop Gorman hide trailed by four points with just over a minute to play [Music] with the game on the line the eldest son of perhaps the greatest duel threat quarterback ever rallied his team to victory first with his legs then his on [Music] for the hands [Music] in his playing days no one seemed to know where Randall Cunningham was going not even himself [Music] today the man they called rambling Randall seems to have found not only peace but a direction yes we all have great times in a life that you know there are times when we're tested as well and I just want to let people know they get through those times [Applause] see that's what you put that two minutes all together no turnover you do a lot better than your daddy [Music] everyone faces challenges you know I can't bring my son back but I can hope that one day when life is over it that we'll all meet up in heaven and we'll be together
Channel: Zach Crutcher
Views: 838,228
Rating: 4.7977457 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, NFL Network, NFL Films, A Football Life, Randall Cunningham, Randy Moss, Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, UNLV Rebels, Plastic Man, Mobile Quarterback, Versatile Quarterback, Carl Banks, Preacher, Pastor, Baltimore Ravens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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