Rand Paul: Social Security Database Lists Over 6.6 Million At Over 112 Years Of Age

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i have good news and bad news from washington the good news is we are no longer going to be sending stimulus checks to dead people [Applause] you may recall we sent 1.1 million checks to dead people last year over a billion dollars wasn't a small error a million checks you say how can this happen well one way it happens is there's something called the master death file and there's also the social security database in the social security database do you know how many people are listed as being over 112 6.6 million how many people do you really think are over 112 about five maybe 10 in the world so we have six million people still listed in fact there are two social security numbers still being used one fellow was born in 1869 and the other one 1874 and they're still being used we still have don't have the wherewithal to figure this out so the good news is we're no longer going to send dead people checks the bad news is it's going to take them three years to figure out how to do it this is this is the insanity of your government so when people say there's no place we could cut you know we've cut government to the bone and there's nothing left don't believe them i'll give you an example in the recent infrastructure package they're calling reparations infrastructure they're calling free high school free college free child care infrastructure they're calling free health care they're talking socialized medicine is infrastructure i thought roads and bridges i thought roads and bridges and locks and dams were things that republicans and democrats could come together to support i'm part of a bipartisan coalition to talk about real infrastructure but reparations isn't infrastructure defunding the police is not infrastructure free this free that is not infrastructure there's a hundred billion dollars in there for something called the national science foundation and you might say well you know the government can be involved a little science and research how bad can that be well in 1972 william proxmeier who was a conservative democrat came out with what was called the golden fleece award the first one he gave was for a study from the national science foundation fifty thousand dollars to study what makes people happy fast forward fifty sixty years we get to the present the national science foundation last year had a five hundred thousand dollar project to see if you take a selfie of yourself smiling whether or not that will make you happy if you look at it later in the day so this is the kind of craziness autism you say well you know i have a child or a granddaughter with autism maybe government could study autism well one of the autism grants which was given ostensibly to study autism was subcontracted and given to some scientific research who wanted to study what neil armstrong said when he set foot on the moon did he say one small step for man or did he say one small step for a man i'm not kidding you the researchers got seven hundred thousand dollars and they listened to the tape over and over and over again and they still couldn't decide seven hundred thousand dollars there's money like this throughout government but the recent infrastructure bill that you think will be about roads and bridges is adding a hundred billion dollars to the national science foundation one of the most wasteful areas of government i have a simple bill to try to fix it they won't accept the amendment i've tried a couple times my bill says that if you want research money we should comprise the committee of people you don't know and have never had interactions with and if you're doing crazy behavioral science science alleged science like studying whether or not japanese quail are more sexually promiscuous on cocaine i think we could pull the audience but if that's what you're going to study the people approving your studies should not be other people who study animals on cocaine because they're idiots also and they're going to approve your project so what i would do is i would have a committee comprised of people of the big sciences heart disease alzheimer's diabetes cancer things we could probably all agree are major problems and i would say hmm should we study the japanese quail on cocaine or heart disease i think we might figure things out i would also put a taxpayer advocate on the committee just to have some dose of common sense but they won't have any of this they'll say you just don't understand sir this is science you just can't understand the science and they're doing basic research well no this has been going on since 1970. and they're talking about doubling it gets eight billion dollars a year they're talking about adding another 10 billion dollars to it this is the kind of insanity we live with we borrow more than two million dollars a minute in the last two years we borrowed seven to eight trillion dollars it is out of control and you say well aren't there some good things government could do well i'll give you one thing government could do you know what andy beshear could do if he actually cared or wanted to help people in kentucky why don't he let all your family doctors have the vaccine to dispense to their patients some people are hesitant to get it for one reason or another but they've been to a family doctor for 20 years who do you think might have the best influence with them their family doctor you can't get the vaccine through your family doctor the clinic in bowling green's been trying to get it for a year they've written letter after letter to the governor and they can't get it it's a clinic of over 100 doctors i'm guessing they would convince some people that it was in their best interest to take the vaccine and yet they can't get it so really when they say we're going to obey the science they should tell us what the science is the thing is the burdens on the government if they're going to tell you to sit six feet apart they should show you the science well turns out mit looked at the six-foot rule and apparently probably has no basis in science at all in fact it's probably based on your amount of time how big the exposure is and you know at one point in time when no one was vaccinated how many people could possibly have it but there is some science but none of the things they told you were accurate about the science on the masks we could ask the doctor but i think this is the same rules it is in bowling green if you go in a room with somebody with covid you were an n95 mask you don't wear a piece of your cut up undershirt the cloth masks don't work when you blow virus-sized particles through a cloth mask 97 of them go through the n95 mass works so we shouldn't lie to people so fauci's first lie was mass don't work at all that was a lie he told you that because it's what plato called a noble lie he told you mass don't worry and honest and said you know we're gonna have to have some limits on the n95 to the public to get them to the hospitals but then the next lie told you was that all mass works now you see he's got mass peppered everywhere he's got three masks on and he's been vaccinated so you tell people get vaccinated and still wear a mask why they said well you might get a variant or you might spread it to people i said show me the evidence it's the burden of proof of your government to tell you why they're taking your freedoms they shouldn't just take away your freedom and just you got no freedom and you've got to prove to us no they should have to prove to us the science behind what they're telling us to do [Applause] one of the biggest problems we face now i think as a country is there is a mass organized movement to say that we're a terrible country to say that our origins are horrible we haven't gotten any better and that everybody hates everybody because of race i think nothing could be further than the truth i'm fine with revisionist history that shows the imperfections of our founding fathers particularly with regards to race i think it's been getting better every day my whole entire lifetime i think race relations have gotten better every decade it's not getting worse it's actually been getting better there's more inner marriage there's more integration of churches there's more voluntary association than there's ever been i i can't remember meeting somebody almost my entire lifetime who's consumed with racial hatred for any reason and yet we're now told that the whole country is crumbling and we have to teach about how white people are terrible how coca-cola says you need to bow down and say i am white and i am sorry why are we talking about race in the workplace we're supposed to not be talking about race now everything's about race i'm white and i'm sorry because i've been too opinionated and too arrogant and too certain of myself and we don't need math anymore because it's racial well that's the most racist thing i've ever heard you're implying that people can't do math because of race that is terrible you know but it all gets back to this sort of narrative that it's a bad place we're not a bad place i think we're a good people we're a prosperous people we're getting better and i think we have to make sure that we don't let people transform this narrative into that everybody hates everybody it's a horrible place and it's getting worse if we do bad things will come the greatness of our country came from the freedom of exchange of intellectual ideas the freedom of exchange of trade the division of labor capitalism you want to see what happens when you get bernie style socialism go to venezuela they're eating their pets in venezuela they have more oil and gas venezuela than saudi arabia socialism doesn't work but that's where we have this divide in our country where are we going to freedom in capitalism or to socialism and coercion i think the answer is clear i think america's a great place will continue to be i think it's worth fighting for and i hope you'll be there with me thank you very much
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 548,166
Rating: 4.9196062 out of 5
Keywords: Sen. Rand Paul, Social Security, government spending
Id: dosGBOskPo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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