Ramsey Taking care of a woman in need!

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I lost my husband four years ago and we've been surviving off the Social Security and insurance payments and um the insurance company filed an appeal and froze the payment the beginning of the year and it just threw my finances in a Whirlwind and I went back to work how old was your husband he was 36. what happened he was working for a roofing company in Hendersonville and he fell through a skylight working on a roof 30 feet oh my I'm so sorry and um he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and the insurance company that was what workers comp or liability insurance for the for the employer says they're not liable yeah they filed an appeal and you have an attorney I have one through workman's comp and they have denied the appeals and restarted my payments but that put me in a place where I got behind really behind and then by the time I got a job I was I was drowning yeah so do they have they set a date on your foreclosure um September the 17th okay so we got a little time we got a little action here we got 45 days to work on this that's good news what is your home worth 3.75. and what do you owe on it 64. 4 you are not getting foreclosed on breathe I know how to stop I mean I know this is my fault it's okay it's not your fault nope no it's not your fault life has happened to you you've had a tragedy honey and um the best discipline so to start with I Want You to Breathe this in 100 I've been doing this for 30 years you are not getting foreclosed on okay we're not going to allow you to lose that much equity we have our ways okay we're not gonna do this okay so you're you're good you're okay now do we have some problems that we need to address yes okay we do but you're not going to lose this house I'm a hundred percent sure of it okay Do You Believe Me Do You Believe Me I do okay it's my job to do this it's all I know how to do and I'm the best in the world at it okay you're not gonna lose this house now so you've been living for three or four years off of insurance payments you were not working before he passed is that right no that's correct so how old are you I'm 40. what is your new job I am a I work for um Lowe's corporate office it's a remote position okay and what do you make uh twenty dollars an hour okay okay good good and you're getting 40 or more hours yes correct so can you do a budget and eat on that and pay your house payment if you were current absolutely okay all right how much is your house payment 600 okay and how many house payments behind are you um five five okay so you need three thousand dollars to get current plus some fees right right okay that's correct okay all right do you own anything two cars you still got his own car no my car got repoed last month okay all right how are you uh do you have a car at all no okay all right and so you don't have anybody around you and family and things do you hello smart husband okay how many how many kids you got four okay how old are they eight and six okay good good okay all right um are you involved in a church locally okay all right so here's what we're gonna do okay we're gonna wrap our arms around you and make sure you're okay and we're gonna put a bunch of people in your life and um you're gonna follow the instructions of these people and we're gonna save your house and we're gonna get you back up on your feet and get you a car and get you going again okay we've got Ramsey counselors right here in your town we're we're in your town and we'll use one of our on staff people to take care of you okay her name is Lisa and Austin's going to hook you up with her and she's going to get in touch with the mortgage company and um this is taken care of we're going to take care of it okay and we're also going to get you connected to a local church and get you some help and get some people around you because you need some Community loving you well you've been doing all this by yourself and it's terrifying idiots yeah you're gonna be okay I just want to do it the right way and teach my kids the right way yeah well honey it's hard what's your I don't know if there's a right way to lose your husband when he's 36. I don't think there's a right way to do that it's just hurts and it's messy and then everything gets discombobulated can I tell you one of the greatest gifts you can give your kid right now yeah you can let them know that they're not crazy and that you miss their dad too oh I do every day when they get to see mom cry and they get to see Mom go get a job and they get to see Mom do the unthinkable which is reach out for help which is something that Sarah does not like to do when they get to see that they get to see what it looks like when a grown-up gets hit with everything and they get to see a community rally around and they begin to regain their faith and Humanity the light comes back on a little bit and they get to see that by watching their mom go through it and so you you feel like you're failing them you feel like you're failing everybody it's all coming down on you I want you to know you're changing your family tree because they're getting to see a strong mom say enough I can't do any more if we can somebody help me they get to see that in real time and you're gonna have to follow these steps the hard work is just beginning right but they're gonna get to watch their mom reach out they're gonna watch their mom walk back in the doors of a church and say I can't do this by myself anymore they're going to watch their mom um say hey kids I gotta go to work they're gonna get to watch their mom do all that and they're going to take those lessons into their families okay I just want to make them proud yeah oh you are trust me you are the fact that you're standing and breathing you're making them proud on top of what Dave just said I'm gonna throw in our friends at better help I'm gonna throw in three months or six months of free counseling for you okay thank you and hang on the line here uh Austin will get you connected with our friends at better help and they have been great great partners with me and the Ramsey Show here and they're going to take care of you for the next six months okay thank you you can do that from home I really appreciate it you can do that from your phone you can do it from your computer we got you what kind of mortgage is this FHA VA or conventional uh I know it's an arm but I think it's a conventional because who has the mortgage who's the mortgage company Ameris oh okay good good good good good okay that's wonderful you're just giving me a hard time about everything because I'm not on the mortgage but I'm authorized on it yeah they don't have it they don't have they don't have any choices here okay there are laws and regulations and things that are they they think they're in control of this they're not Sarah I wish you could watch this Dave just gave the smile when Dave gives the smile crap's about to get done hang on uh awesome to pick up we'll get you taken care of kiddo this is the Ramsey Show [Music]
Channel: ron smith
Views: 7,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P6JrgavGjWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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